POV Films Nominated for Six News & Documentary Emmy® Awards
Contacts: POV Communications: 212-989-7425. Emergency contact: 206-790-8697 Cathy Fisher, cfisher@pov.org; Amanda Nguyen, anguyen@pov.org POV online pressroom: www.pbs.org/pov/pressroom POV Films Nominated for Six News & Documentary Emmy® Awards Nominated Films: ‘56 Up,’ ‘Brooklyn Castle,’ ‘Herman’s House,’ ‘Reportero,’ ‘Special Flight’ and ‘The World Before Her’ Winners to Be Announced on Sept. 30, 2014, in New York Update – October 1, 2014: POV Wins 2014 News & Documentary Emmy® Award for 'Herman's House' New York, NY – July 15, 2014 – POV (Point of View), public television’s premier showcase for independent documentaries, has received six nominations for the 2014 News & Documentary Emmy® Awards, it was announced today by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. The nominated films are 56 Up, Brooklyn Castle, Herman’s House, Reportero, Special Flight and The World Before Her. PBS received a total of 43 nominations. The 35th Annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards, honoring programming distributed during the calendar year 2012, will be presented on Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014 at a ceremony at Frederick P. Rose Hall, Home of Jazz at Lincoln Center, located in the Time Warner Center in New York City. Emmy Awards will be presented in 43 categories, including the first-ever categories reserved for news and documentary programming in Spanish. “We’re thrilled to see such a wide range of subjects represented by these nominations,” said Simon Kilmurry, Executive Producer of POV. “For both established filmmakers and newcomers, POV is the destination for documentaries that explore contemporary social issues with extraordinary stories of people taking risks and effecting change.” POV has previously won 32 Emmy Awards, including a 2007 Special News & Documentary Emmy for Excellence in Television Documentary Filmmaking.
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