Improvement area 1: Dedworth Road

Dedworth Road was identified as an area in need of attention. You said that:

• small businesses are closing in Dedworth Road and you are losing local trade • Dedworth is the “forgotten area” of Windsor. It is steadily going downhill, blighted

Semi-detached houses along Dedworth Road by lack of investment • the creation of a ‘heart’ for Dedworth would be a small step in the right direction

What is our objective?

Our overall objective is to improve the appearance vitality, viability and utility of Neighbourhood shopping parade Dedworth Road for shoppers, businesses, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Below are our ideas for improving Dedworth Road and we want your views on these. These ideas will act as a starting point for discussion with the borough.

Traffic along Dedworth Road

Clewer memorial recreation ground

St.Andrew’s Avenue junction

Landscaping feature Dedworth Road: Locational analysis The overall opportunities for the improvement include:

• creating a prominent local centre where people choose to visit and spend

Pedestrian crossing their time • creating a ‘gateway’ to improve the arrival experience on Dedworth Road • re-prioritising the road to favour pedestrians and cyclists - with less emphasis on cars and traffic • introducing traffic-calming interventions to reduce traffic speeds at the retail

Car parking taking footpath space hubs and around the Memorial Recreation Ground • improving the quality of the public realm through: • landscaping and street furniture (street trees, planters and seats); and • improving the look of building façades along the road, especially buildings that are a mixed commercial and residential

Car parking in front of St.Mark’s church Improvement area 1: Dedworth Road Dedworth Road has been divided into two main hubs: 1. St Andrew’s Avenue Junction Retail Hub 2. Manor Road Junction Retail Hub Current context: Current context: • space in front of shops is cluttered by car parking • abundance of retail, but there could be more cafés spaces and bollards and restaurants • petrol station divides the retail parade into two sections separating the local centre • no prominent space provided to dwell and meet with • limited pedestrian crossing opportunities at the friends, family and colleagues Manor Road junction retail hub • more pedestrian crossings between the park and • double-mini-roundabout at the Smiths Lane, Clewer the existing retail hub are needed Hill Road and Dedworth Road junctions create severance and hinder pedestrian movement

St Andrew’s Avenue Junction Retail Hub: Opportunities plan Manor Road Junction Retail Hub: Opportunities plan Opportunities include: Opportunities include: • become the focal point of the precinct and a more • reducing the width of the road in order to widen vibrant local centre by encouraging redevelopment the footpath opportunities • pedestrian-prioritised crossings in front of the retail • widening the footpath between the hub and clusters Clewer Memorial Recreation Ground by reducing • new ‘pocket’ space with landscape features for the width of the road people to sit and spend time • a pedestrian-prioritised crossing in front of the • ‘indoor-outdoor’ relationship in front of the shops. retail hub and the recreation ground • new ‘pocket’ space with landscape features for • re-arranging on-street car parking and increasing people to sit and spend time capacity where possible • wider variety of retail outlets that encourage social • improving pedestrian movement between the interaction retail hub and the cluster to the east of the petrol • rearranging on-street car parking and increasing station capacity where possible • more cycle parking along the retail hub • more cycle parking along the local centre • encourage redevelopment and increased density of plots

Increased ‘indoor-outdoor’ relationship

Parklet to increase public space Bicycle parking Reduction of carriageway width Improvement area 2: Police station and former Imperial House Location: The Police Station and the former Imperial House site are located on the edge of the town centre, within comfortable walking distance.

Peascod Street

Windsor Police Station

Former Imperial House: Locationan map The site has been identified as a development opportunity in our previous consultations. You said that: • no more glass offices as one proposed in Alma Road - we are not a Trading Estate • pedestrian lights on Clarence Road/Alma Road junction - it’s dangerous now • we need houses, use brownfield sites lying empty • Windsor has too many large offices any attempt to build further such development should be vigorously blocked Windsor Youth and Community Centre What is our objective? The Forum propose that these sites could be considered for potential development so that the Former Imperial House and the police station could benefit the community of Windsor and enhance an already vibrant economy.

Whilst the Local Plan envisages employment for the site, the Forum would like to explore options that contribute towards meeting the Local Borough’s housing need and therefore propose the following options.

We would like to hear your views and your preferred option from the proposals presented below. Vansittart Recreation Ground Park The overall opportunities for the improvement include: • encouraging passive surveillance from neighbours to improve safety along pedestrian and cycle ways • creating pedestrian and cycling paths to enhance connectivity (particularly Alma Road and Vansittart Recreation Ground Park) • protecting and enhancing the green character of Alma Road • ensuring development suits the mass and scale of the existing buildings and the whole environment (3 to 4 storeys) • protecting nearby shopping areas by having minimal or no retail provision on site • introducing a ‘feature’ building at the location of the police Existing cycle and pedestrian route station to create a view from St Mark’s Road Improvement area 2: Police station and former Imperial House N Proposed option A - Apartments

• introducing a mix of housing typologies while increasing the residential density by having more apartment blocks • the existing underground parking is retained while additional parking is provided by means of a new undercroft • a podium garden is proposed on top of the undercroft car park to provide recreation and meeting space

N Proposed option B - Larger apartments

• same layout as in Option 1, with the same amount of semi detached houses but with fewer 1-bedroom apartments and more 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom apartments • more small homes to encourage families to keep Windsor “alive” • this option yields less total apartment units resulting in more open space per resident

N Proposed option C - Houses and apartments

• increased number of terraced houses and fewer apartment blocks, both making use of the existing underground car park • this option offers a more balanced ratio between family housing and apartment units while keeping in line with the surrounding housing density

N Proposed option D - Houses

• this layout comprises of terraced houses which can make use of the existing underground car park

What is your preferred option?

If you wish to see some employment uses on this site what would you prefer? Building Design

Key N Ward boundary

Apartment block in Albert Street

New housing in Alma Road We want to preserve and enhance areas of special local character and want to ensure that some of the more obvious examples of eyesores are not repeated.

In order to create a joint long term vision for Windsor’s overall appearance and architecture with other stakeholders, the Forum is suggesting that a ‘design manual’ is written to accompany the Neighbourhood Plan so we require your views.

Here are some images of varying design appeal. We would like to hear your views on what you think of as good or bad design.

Hard standing area bounded by hedges

Green hedge leading to the housing estate Blank wall fronting main road Colour scheme Mismatched blend of materials What would you like to see in the different areas of the town? Protected views and vistas

Key views play an important part in the character of the town. Windsor has panoramic views and also smaller glimpses of the Castle, the Great Park and which help to really add to the ‘sense of place’.

One of our draft vision statements, describes the importance of protecting our views:

‘The historic nature of the town and the overall setting and views of Windsor Castle and other landmarks have been maintained and enhanced through attractive new The castle from Royal Windsor Way bridge development that is sympathetic to its distinctive character and heritage.’

The Royal Borough of Windsor and (RBWM) Townscape assessment identifies three key views through parts of our Windsor Neighbourhood Plan area which should be taken into account in any new development, these are:

1. In to the Castle along the Maidenhead Road

2. In to the Castle along the Long Walk

The castle from the Royal Windsor Way viaduct 3. Out from the Castle along the Long Walk

We would like to add to this list and put together our own key views list. We need your help and invite you to suggest views and vistas and provide images (if possible) to include in our plan.

Please identify on the map and if you have images please send to: [email protected]

We propose that this list of views is annually monitored and reviewed.

Garrison Church from St. Leonard’s Road

St. Leonard’s Road The castle from Osborne Road LEGOLAND from the Great Park St. Georges Chapel from Knights Place Which key views and vistas would you like protected? Protected views and vistas


The castle and town from Snow Hill 2 2 3

The castle from Maidenhead Road



4 Windsor roofscape from the Castle Round Tower 4

Legoland from the Great Park Which key views and vistas would you like protected?