General Index
Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 5 1863 333 GENERAL INDEX. W. signifies that the parly is witness to a deed. N.S. The full Indices to tJie "Pedes Knium" and " Inquisitiones Post Mor- tem " are deferred till the completion of tJie reigns of John and Henry III. re- Abel, John, a Kentish Baron of the Ex- Articles, the Forty-two, attributed to chequer, 26. Cranmer, 66 n., 72 and n. Abrincis, William de, a Kentish justice Armilla, silver, exhibited at the Bo- itinerant, 24. Chester congress, 42. Adelaide, Countess of Anji,W., 199,200. Armillw, golden, in the Society's Mu- Agelric, Bishop of Chichester, sent to seum, described by ,E. Pretty, Esq., the great trial oa Penenden Heath, to 41. expound the ancient laws and cus- ArmillEe, Boman or Saxon, 42. toms of the land, 22. Arundel, Thomas de, Archbishop of Aigh'ssa, no'wEccles, in Aylesford, 271 n. Canterbury and Chancellor, 25, Aiguemorte, 140,163. Ash [Bssa], advowson of the church of, Aileua [Ailena?], daughter of Wul- 267. norde orWuluorde (G-illingham),264. Ash, Thomas, customer at Sandwich, Alcock, John, Bishop of Eochester, and 124. Chancellor, 27. Ashfovd [Essetesford], 212. Aldeua [Aldena?], -widow of Arnulf Ashford, Sir John Eogge's monument (Gillingham), 264, 266. at, 117; portrait in the Vicarage, 118 j Algnicio for alneto, 326. incumbent not noticed by Hasted, Alyanore, Countess of Winchester, wi- 119 n. dow of Sir Eoger de Leyburn, 141; Aubervill, Hugh de, Stockbury, 277. question of her place of burial, 147 ; Auberville, William de, founds an ab- ascertained to be at Leeds, 192. bey at West Langdon, 24.
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