
The sleeve gastrectomy is the most commonly performed weight loss surgery in the US and worldwide. It predicts almost as much weight loss as a gastric bypass but with much less risk. During the procedure the is divided vertically reducing the size of the stomach by 80%. The remaining tube or “sleeve” shaped stomach then continues to function as a normal stomach that allows you to feel full more quickly.

Because the stomach continues to function normally no long-term issues with dumping or marginal ulcers are present. Because the intestines are not rerouted no long-term issues with internal or bowel obstruction are present.

The new stomach doesn’t just restrict the amount of food needed to help you feel full, it is hormonally active. The true power of the surgery comes from the hormonal changes! The portion of the stomach removed is the main source of a hormone called . In addition, food travels through you faster after a sleeve gastrectomy causing increases in GLP-1 (a hormone released by the in response to food traveling through you more quickly). These 2 hormones play a pivotal role in helping to control your metabolism. With the new hormonal changes, your body is able to lose weight more efficiently and easier! It even helps to prevent weight regain!

All surgery has associated risks, while the sleeve gastrectomy has the least amount of surgical risk, it is important to have a consultation where you will review your personal history to help you pick the best weight loss surgery for you! Call today to get started with your healthier life and accelerate your weight loss!