Day 01 Kuala Lumpur ~ (Assemble at KLIA) 第一天 吉隆坡~北京 ( 集合于吉隆坡国际机场 ) Day 02 Beijing ( B / L / D ) 第二天 北京 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 )

第三天 北京 早 午 晚餐 Day 03 Beijing ( B / L / D ) ( / / ) Day 04 Beijing ( B / L / - ) 第四天 北京 ( 早 / 午 / - 餐 ) Day 05 Beijing ~ Kuala Lumpur ( B / L / D) 第五天 北京 ~ 吉隆坡 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) Day 06 Arrival Kua la Lumpur 第六天 抵达吉隆坡

Place of Beijing 北京 : Tian An Men Square 天安门广场, + YanXi Palace 故宫+ 延禧宫, Visit Qianmen Walking Street 前门仿古商业街,DashilanWalking Street 大栅栏步行街, Old Beijing Square: Beijing QuanYe Chang, Book Store, Starbucks Flag Ship Store… 景点 北京坊 :老北京劝业场, 图书馆,全球最大星巴克旗舰店 Page One … JuYongPass - Great Wall 居庸关长城, Gui Ji Food Street 簋街美食不夜街. Summer Palace 颐和园(Exclude Both Ride 不含游船), Street 王府井大街, View “Bird Nest” & “Water Cube” +Ling Long Tower 外观奥运主场馆 “鸟巢”与“水立 方”+玲珑塔, Wangfujing Department Store Underground City 百货大楼地下城 。。 Panda Hall+ Penguin Hall 熊猫馆+企鹅馆,ShaChaHai 什刹海, Yan Dai Xie Jie 烟袋斜街 Dreamy Galaxy Soho 梦幻银河 SOHO,, Wudaoying Hutong 漫步五道营胡同 Empress Dowager CIXI High Tea 御茶饮处休息品慈禧御赐福饼寿茶

全程不自费 . 不进店

Hote l 酒店 Beijing 北京 : Ji Hotel / SML ( Pretige Hotel ) 全季酒店 / 同级 (精品酒店)

: Orient MGM International Hotel / SML ( 5*) 东方美高美酒店/同级 ( 国际品牌 5 星)

Special Flavor Beijing Roasted Duck+ Taste Maotai Rice Wine 北京烤鸭+茅台酒品尝, Royal Flavor 秘制霸王肘, BBQ Flavor BBQ 自助烤肉 , Dumpling Banquet 饺子宴 , Old Beijing Flavor 老北京风味, 风味 ZhengYang Men Restaurant + Beijing Traditional Folk Art 正阳门饭庄+北京传统曲艺表演

Tour Fare 团费 : Departure 出发日期 :

 Tour Fare Included 团费含 : Hotel Accommodation , Meals , Coach Transfer In & Out , Return Air Ticket , Entrance Fees & Local Tourist Guide . 行程上之酒店 , 膳食 , 交通接送 , 国际机票 , 观光点入门票及导游 .  Tour Fare Excluded 团费不含 : Malaysia Airport Tax , Airport Tax , YQ Tax , YR Tax , Normal Visa Fees , Local Tour Guide & Driver Tipping . 吉隆坡出境机场税 , 中国出境机场税 , 航空保险税 , 燃油税 , 签证 , 导游与司机小费 .

* 最后确认的行程将以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排为准 / The Itinerary Are Subject To The Final Discretion Of The Local Land Operator * UPDATE ON : 01/01/2020

TOUR CODE : MH 5PEK-2020 全程不自费 . 不进店

第一天 吉隆坡~ 北京 (-) 住 : 全季酒店/同级 准时前往吉隆坡国际机场离境大厅指定航空公司柜台集合,办理登机手续后,乘坐傍晚班机飞往中国首都 - 北京。抵达后, 入住酒店。

第二天 北京 ( 早/午/晚餐 ) 住 : 全季酒店/同级 天安门广场 - 位于明清故宫皇城的南门,于市区中心北京中轴线上。坐落在广场的北端,五星红旗在广场上空高高飘扬;人民英雄纪念碑屹 立在广场的中央;人民大会堂和中国国家博物馆在广场的东西两侧遥遥相对;毛主席纪念堂和正阳门城楼矗立在广场的南部 故宫 - 也称紫禁城,是中国古代皇帝执政居住的地方。位于北京市中心、天安门广场北面、景山南门对面,世界上规模最大的宫殿建筑群。 故宫可以分为两大部分,南为工作区,即外朝,北为生活区,即内廷。外朝内廷的所有建筑排列在中轴线上,东西对称,秩序井然。 慈禧御赐福饼寿茶 - 紫禁城内·皇家下午茶·紫禁城御茶饮处在清朝的时候是皇帝休息的地方。慈禧太后 17 岁入宫,就是在这个小院儿被封 为兰贵人,慈禧认为这个地方是她的福地,所以慈禧就经常来这个地方休息。特别是在她 50 大寿的时候在这个小院儿亲 笔题写福寿二字。今天我们就来当年慈禧太后的福地休息,并品尝茶点,并沾一沾福气。 延禧宫 - 明清中国宫殿建筑,属于紫禁城内廷东六宫之一。清代改名为延禧宫,延禧宫因电视剧《延禧攻略》而一炮而红,成为了现在去故 宫的必游打卡之地 王府井大街 - 自由购物或可到 小吃街品尝道地小吃。 百货大楼地下城 - 一座“老北京城”,还原了最朴实无华的老北京市井生活。仿佛穿越回了半个世纪前的北京城。

第三天 北京 ( 早/午/ 晚餐 ) 住 : 全季酒店/同级 居庸关长城 - 体会不登长城非好汉的感觉。长城全长 6000 多公里,是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。长城始建于秦始皇时期,经过历代的增补修 筑,现在我们能看到的长城几乎都是明代所建。 外观“鸟巢”、“水立方”- 国家体育场在奥运会期间设有 10 万个座位,承办该届奥运会的开、闭幕式,以及田径同足球等比赛项目, 由于造型独特又俗称“鸟巢”。国家游泳中心因表面看如一个装满水的立方体所以俗称“水立 方”,为奥 运主要的水上项目比赛场馆。 玲珑塔 - 奥林匹克多功能演播塔. 梦幻银河 SOHO - 因其独特的建筑造型形成了北京二环引人注目的地标性建筑景观。主体大楼设计的主题是借鉴中国院落的思想,创造一个 内在世界。

第四天 北京 ( 早 /午/- 餐) 住 : 东方美高美酒店/同级 颐和园 (不含游船)- 原名清漪园,始建于公元 1750 年,时值中国最后一个封建盛世“康乾盛世”时期;1860 年的第二次鸦片战争中,清漪园 被英法联军烧毁;1886 年,清政府挪用海军军费等款项重修,并于两年后改名颐和园,作为慈禧太后晚年的颐养之地。 漫步五道营胡同 - 明朝被叫做“武德卫营”, 因驻扎军队而得名, 历史悠久. 如今这里摇身成为了第二个南锣鼓巷, 是文艺小清新们的新宠. 什刹海 - 古典与现代相容,传统与前卫契合,自然景观与人文胜迹辉映的老北京景区 烟袋斜街 - 繁华老街的前世今生北京最古老的的一条商业街,在清朝时主要经营烟具,装裱字画和贩卖古玩玉器,是一条繁华的商业街。 簋街美食不夜街 - 这条街在夜色阑珊的城市之中永远闪烁着耀眼的光芒。这条街在今天也是京城美食集中展示的一个绝好场所

第五天 北京-吉隆坡 ( 早/午/晚餐 ) 熊猫馆 - 2008 年修建奥运熊猫馆,临时展出八只来自四川卧龙熊猫保护区的大熊猫,原熊猫馆现更名为亚运熊猫馆同时开放。 企鹅馆 - 原产秘鲁,属于濒危物种,企鹅馆为了让这些来自冰天雪地的“小客人”生活得舒服, 企鹅馆配备了四台空调,室温控制在 20℃左 右,水池温度不超过 18℃。 前门仿古商业街 - 整修后的前门大街两侧的商业建筑为清末民初的低层建筑风格。恢复被看做是复兴传统的另一表现 大栅栏步行街 - 建立于明朝,从清代开始繁盛至今。1900 年义和团曾一把火将整条街付之一炬,重建后依旧繁华,前门外一条著名的商业街 老北京劝业场 -结合了老北京近 50 栋新旧建筑组成的建筑集群。最大限度地保护和重塑本地块的历史原貌,展现京城古韵与时尚的碰撞。 Page One 图书馆 - 皇城根脚下的这间,规模之大品种之多,室内设计之精美,环境之卓越,地段之优良,都真真能让来的人逛上一整天。 全球最大星巴克旗舰店 - 星巴克打造第三空间的最新精湛之作,北京坊旗舰店集星巴克臻选、茶瓦纳™ 和特调学派三大整层独立空间于一体 送往机场

第六天 抵达吉隆坡 低达美丽的家园。

** 景点的先后顺序可根据具体情况有所调整 / 团费不含自费项目 **Update on: 01/01/2020




DAY 1 KUALA LUMPUR (-) Hotel : Ji Hotel / SML Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your flight to Beijing the capital of China. Upon arrival, transfer to hotel.

DAY 2 BEIJING ( B/L/D ) Hotel : Ji Hotel / SML Tian’an Men Square - is located at the heart of Beijing, is the largest urban square in the world. Beside the square are Great Hall of the People and China National Museum. In the center stands The Monument Of the People’s Heroes and Chairman Mao memorial Hall. Forbidden City - Zijincheng (also known as The Imperial Palace, and The Palace Museum) is the largest and best preserved collection of ancient buildings in China. The complex is divided into two sections: the Inner Court or the living quarters, and the working area also known as Outer Court. Empress Dowager CIXI High Tea : In Forbidden City, Royal High Tea . The Venue is the rest place of the Emperor. By Having High Tea here, hopefully will bring good luck. YanXi Palace - China Palace Building in Ming and Qing Dynasty, part of the building in Imperial Palace. During the Qing Dynasty, the name changed to Yanxi Palace. Wangfujing Street - one of the biggest shopping area in Beijing and you can try the local delicacies. Department Store Underground City - an "Old Beijing City" which restored the most simple life in the old Beijing well. as if traveling back to the city of Beijing half a century ago.

DAY 3 BEIJING ( B/L/D ) Hotel : Ji Hotel / SML JuYongPass Great Wall - is a series of stone and earthen fortification in China and maintain between the 5th Century BC and 16th Century to protect the Northern border of the Chinese Empire from Xiongnu attacks. Bird Nest” and the Aquatics “Water Cube” - 2008 Olympic Games National Stadium .Due to unique structure, thus it was called “Bird Nest”.Aquatics “Water Cube”- National Swimming Center, outer structure looks like, water fill cube, thus named “Water Cube”. Ling Long Tower – The Olympic multifunctional broadcasting tower Gui Ji Food Street - This is a very popular Night market, with lots of stall selling the local delicacy. Dreamy Galaxy Soho - a very unique building, also one of the Landmark building in Beijing

DAY 4 BEIJING ( B /L/- ) Hotel : Orient MGM International Hotel / SML Summer Palace - Like most of the ancient sites in Beijing, it could not elude the rampages of the Anglo-French Allied forces and was destroyed by fire. In 1886, Empress Dowager Cixi. Embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it for her own interest, changing its name to Summer Palace (Yiheyuan). She spent most of the later years here Wudaoying Hutong - Was called "Wudewei Camp" in the Ming Dynasty. It was named after the army, and has a long history. Today, this place has changed and become the second . It is the new favorite of the young and artistic people. ShaChaHai – classic and modern, traditional and advance combined, it is the distinguish spot in old Beijing. Yan Dai Xie Jie – a very busy old street in Beijing. During Qing Dynasty, main business here selling tobacco instruments, jade and antiques

DAY 5 BEIJING-KUALA LUMPUR ( B/L/D ) Panda Hall - It was built in 2008 during the Beijing Olympic, exhibit 8 pandas from Xichuan provinces. Penguin Hall – Originated from Peru, the Hall was specially constructed to accommodate the Penguins. Qianmen Street – Beside the street are the old low level commercial buildings. Dashilan Walking Street - constructed in Ming Dunasty. The buildings were burnt down in 1900. It was reconstructed and still maintain a famous commercial street. Beijing QuanYe Chang – combined old Beijing 50 old and new buildings, it represents the preserved culture and new capital city atmosphere. Page One Book Store – with beautiful decoration and good locations, this is one of the largest Library. Starbucks Flag Ship Store - This Flag Ship Store is the World largest. SENT TO AIRPORT

DAY 6 ARRIVAL KUALA LUMPUR Arrival Kuala Lumpur. Home sweet home.

*** The Itinerary Are Subject To The Final Discretion Of The Local Land Operator ** Update on: 01/01/2020