Students, Faculty Appear in Film on Delaware Campus
Students, Faculty Appear In 1952 • Film On Delaware Campus In past weeks numerous inqui iti e glance hav b n cast toward the mobile motion picture equipment that ha been working it way in and out of the num rou nook and corners of .the campu~ of the U~iversity of Delawar . In ac tuality, it IS a movie m the makm.g-a color film of the cam pus here at Newark and all of Its far-reaching a ociated units. If . b . The Undergraduate Weelcly of the University of Delaware The picture 1tse IS emg " hot" by Cinevi ion Inc. f Easton, Md .•. and is .under .the direction of Mr. Frank X. Gal lagher, pubhc relatwns _direc~or here at the univ r it . In Vol. 73 Newark, Del., May 16, 1952 o. 28 its entirety, the production w11l tell the story of the institu- tion its classes, its choral groups, its ROTC, its extension bb work, and many othe: ~ct~vities familiar· to tho e of u en- rolled here. In short It Is mtended to present the mis ion of Gru Announ·ces 8 Ul.,d,·ng for the University of Delaware- the people who tud here and the t,o~id~s~~~~~~·when the fini hed product i ,. ceived, Home Economics And Education; showings will be held at state clubs and organization high school. alumni gatherings. and to• - -------' ------------· Construction Reaches $4,093,131 Total visitor de 'ring to receive an im· pres ion of the school a a who! . The expan ion of the uni er ity' building program on- The film will be of primary int re t tinu s with the announ m nt of a new chool of Hom E o- to incoming freshmen, young men nomics-School f Education Building.
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