The Green Team

Get to know these useful ingredients & their properties

Vinegar: This humble liquid serves as the scratching (or chemical fumes), and even mightiest tool in your green-cleaning pan- tackles the toilet bowl. In the kitchen too, try. Use it as an e! ective disinfectant to kill borax freshens drains and garbage dispos- germs and bacteria, as a deodorizer to " ght als, and boosts the power of your dishwash- unpleasant odors, and to shine mirrors and ing detergent. 20 Mule Team brand, in the glass, streak-free. You’ll " nd jobs for vinegar green box, is the most commonly available. in every room of the house. Its acidity helps break through dirt and dissolve grease, mak- Lemons & lemon juice: You can’t get ing it a perfect mild cleaning agent and pol- much more natural than lemons, which isher. Buy it in the largest recyclable jugs you cut grease, provide a naturally fresh fra- can " nd, since it has so many uses. Choose grance, and act as a mild brightener. Buy distilled white vinegar, as cider or red vin- juice in recyclable glass or plastic bottles, egars may stain (and are more expensive). or forgo the packaging entirely by choosing whole fruit to squeeze as needed. Baking soda: Another ingredient already stocked in your kitchen, baking soda’s grit Soapnuts or soapnut liquid: and " zzing action make it a powerhouse The dried fruit of the Chinese for scrubbing and loosening grime, with- Soapberry tree, soapnuts con- out scratching delicate surfaces. It absorbs tain saponin, a natural low- odors everywhere from the refrigerator sudsing cleanser. Especially to the carpets, and even polishes metals popular for laundry applications like chrome, silver, and stainless steel. It’s thanks to its hypoallergenic sta- also great in the laundry as a fabric soft- tus, soapnuts leave even the ener. Again, buy the largest box—you’ll most delicate clothing clean be amazed at all the uses you discover. and soft without petroleum de- rivatives or chemical fabric softeners, and Borax: Homemakers have relied on the can combine safely with green al- cleaning and freshening power of borax ternatives. In liquid form, a concentrated for more than a century, and this naturally tea of soapnuts, water, and essential oil occurring mineral composed of sodium, fragrance can be used as the basis for oth- boron, and oxygen remains a useful mul- er cleaning formulas, all over the house. tipurpose cleaner around the house. Use it as a laundry booster to deodorize, " ght Castile soap: A plant-based alternative to stains as an alternative to colorsafe bleach, petroleum- based soaps (and suitable for and soften hard water. In the bathroom, bo- vegetarians), castile soap is traditionally rax scrubs porcelain and " berglass without made from olive oil, though other natural

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any format without prior permission. The Green Team

Get to know these useful ingredients & their properties (continued)

oils may also be used. In bar form, it can three recipes. Recycle old toothbrushes be grated and dissolved in hot water for for scrubbing. Repurpose worn tees to re- great suds. Liquid forms are also popular, place paper towels. Opt for reusable dust- in recyclable bottles. It’s great on wood ers over disposable products. And don’t # oors and furniture, dishes, and more. be surprised if your newly greened utility cabinet suddenly seems a lot less cluttered! Hydrogen peroxide/oxygen bleach powder: Two nontoxic alternatives to DIY Know-how: With knowledge comes chlorine bleach. In addition to its familiar con" dence. According to Women’s Voic- medicinal uses, hydrogen peroxide dis- es for the Earth (www.womenanden- infects around the house and bleaches, scienti" c studies have stains and laundry. Oxygen-active pow- proven these green cleaning ingredients ders brighten colors and surfaces with are as e! ective or nearly as e! ective as a gentler action than chlorine bleach. commercial products—eliminating 90- 98% of harmful bacteria, such as E. coli. Isopropyl (Rubbing) Alcohol: You’re al- ready familiar with this disinfectant, too. Once you’re familiar with Add a few capfuls to hot soapy water to add the ingredients and their disinfecting power. Try it on laundry stains properties, you may " nd as well. (Always use alcohol diluted with yourself tempted to ex- water; it can irritate skin at full strength.) periment, perhaps add- ing essential oils for a Tools: Replace the wasteful packaging personalized scent, trading recipes with you’re no longer buying with Olivine’s friends, or customizing formulas for certain reusable spray bottle, preprinted with jobs. Let your home inspire you.

DIY Caution: Do not mix commercial cleaners, and never mix anything with chlorine bleach or ammonia, because of the risk of dangerous fumes. Better still, avoid these altogether, now that you know how!

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any format without prior permission.