
Geochemical Mapping of Iron Quadrangle region by active stream sediments, State of ,

João Henrique Larizzatti1* 2 RESUMO Eduardo Duarte Marques O mapeamento geoquímico do Quadrilátero Ferrífero foi realizado pela Francisco Valdir Silveira3 CPRM – Serviço Geológico do Brasil com dados geoquímicos de uma 2 o o 1 CPRM - Geological Survey of Brazil área de 45.000 km entre os meridianos 42 30´W e 45 W e paralelos Rio de Janeiro Office* 19o30´S e21oS. Sedimento ativo de corrente na fração < 80# (ou 0.175

2 CPRM - Geological Survey of Brazil mm), foi pulverizado a < 150# (~0,100 mm), digerido com água régia Regional Office quente e analisado para 53 elementos (ICPMS). Foram elaborados mapas

3 CPRM - Geological Survey of Brazil uni- e multi- elementares. Sedimento de corrente é um meio efetivo no Natal Regional Office mapeamento geoquímico regional. Estruturas geoquímicas, unidades

litológicas e processos de mineralização foram reconhecidos com a *Corresponding author densidade de amostragem de 1 amostra por 12 km2. A densidade de Avenida Pasteur, 404 Urca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil amostragem é um fator chave na qualidade dos mapas geoquímicos CEP 22.290-240 Phones: +55 21 2542 0586 produzidos. Deve-se tomar cuidado na interpretação dos resultados +55 21 973167820 devido à sua natureza; estes dados não identificam anomalias [email protected] geoquímicas específicas ou depósitos minerais individuais. A interpretação dos sedimentos de correntes não é direta e os processos

secundários envolvidos na evolução deste material devem ser considerados. Estes dados podem ser usados na exploração mineral para se delinear alvos favoráveis para estudos mais detalhados. Depósitos minerais muitas vezes ocorrem em provinciais geoquímicas caracterizadas por elevadas concentrações de elementos de interesse econômico e farejadores. Depósitos minerais tendem a se localizar ao longo de unidades estratigráficas específicas e/ou trends estruturais por grandes áreas. Estes dados geoquímicos podem ser utilizados em estudos ambientais, apoiar tomadores de decisão na definição de políticas públicas e no manuseio sustentável do solo. Palavras-Chave: mapeamento geoquímico, sedimento de corrente, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, exploração mineral, mapeamento geológico

ABSTRACT The geochemical survey of Iron Quadrangle was performed by the Geological Survey of Brazil - CPRM involving geochemical data from the area between 42o30´W and 45oW and 19o30´S and 21oS, totalling 45.000 km2. Active stream sediment was analyzed. Fine fractions (< 80# or 0.175 mm) were pulverized to –150# fraction (~ 0.100 mm), digested by hot acqua regia and analyzed for 53 elements by ICPMS. Maps of raw and manipulated data (element concentrations and multi-elemental scores) were made. Stream sediment (< 80# fraction) is an effective sampling medium for regional geochemical surveys. Geochemical structures, lithological units and mineralization processes were recognized with the sample density of 1 sample per 12 km2. Sample density has a key role in the quality of the geochemical maps produced. Caution must be taken when interpreting the results because of its nature; these data do not necessarily pinpoint specific geochemical anomalies or single ore deposits. The interpretation of stream sediment samples is not straightforward and must take into account secondary processes involved in the evolution of sampling media. These data may be used in mineral exploration to delineate favorable targets for more detailed studies. Mineral deposits often occur in geochemical provinces characterized by elevated concentration of elements of economic interest and pathfinder 268 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 elements. Ore deposits tend to cluster along specific stratigraphic units and/or structural trends over large areas. These geochemical data can be used in environmental studies, support decision makers in the definition of public policies and in the management of sustainable land use. Keywords: geochemical mapping, stream sediment, Iron Quadrangle, mineral exploration, geological mapping.


Geochemical mapping surveys give specific goals should be, namely: 1) establish, 1 50 information about the behavior of chemical through systematic chemical analyses, the 2 51 elements and their distribution in various geochemical fingerprint correlated to the 3 52 geological environments and can be used in different rock types present in the study area, 4 53 several applications, such as ore prospecting that is reflected in the sampled matrix, 5 54 and in soil and water resource contamination identifying the nature of bedrocks under the 6 55 assessment. The distribution and concentration thick regolith cover; 2) describe the 7 56 of those chemical elements show significant geochemical signature in stream sediments 8 57 variation, which is controlled by geological under the influence of the world wide known 9 58 factors, biological (biogeochemical) processes mineral deposits of IQ and search for those 10 59 and other kind of variables, such as signatures in stream sediments in the same 11 60 anthropogenic activities (Darnley et al. 1995). region. The IQ presents significant Fe and Au 12 61 Regional scale geochemical mapping using deposits (some of them classified as world 13 62 soils and stream sediments samples have been class deposits), besides Mn and Cr ones and, in 14 63 carried out in several parts of world, mainly in its surroundings, gemstone mineralization are 15 64 Europe, Canada, Australia, USA and China. also found (emerald and aquamarine). Such 16 65 They aimed mineral exploration, natural deposits display specific geochemical 17 66 resources evaluation and land management as signatures in the regolith, which should be 18 67 well. Such subjects are used to the used when prospecting for new mineralized 19 68 development of environmental policies and areas; 3) to identify some changes in the 20 69 health and welfare studies of humans and geochemical fingerprint of the mineral deposits 21 70 biota. due to surficial processes like weathering, 22 71 The main interest of this project is to fill a erosion, transport and deposition, and 23 72 gap in the geochemical knowledge of the Iron supergene enrichment. Such processes, acting 24 73 Quadrangle region, since it has great mineral since the Late Cretaceous, could present 25 74 potential as one of the most important mineral different behavior of the chemical elements 26 75 provinces of the world (Iron Quadrangle when compared to those in the primary 27 76 Mineral Province – IQMP); it is densely mineralization and regional non weathered 28 77 populated mainly at Belo Horizonte rocks. This fact is due to the extreme variety of 29 78 metropolitan area; and it presents different lithological types and their specific weathering 30 79 types of land use and occupation. The products, which display specific geochemical 31 80 geochemical mapping of Iron Quadrangle features, e.g., different background range for 32 81 region (IQ) intents to provide to the scientific diverse geological materials. The 33 82 and business communities geochemical data comprehension of the elemental behavior 34 83 that support geological mapping and mineral could yield an efficient tool for the 35 84 exploration. Those data are also important for identification of potential mineral exploration 36 85 the implantation of environmental public targets. 37 86 policies in this region. The results of this work show that 38 87 Therefore, the present geochemical geochemical mapping can provide crucial 39 88 mapping of IQ region by active stream information for the improvement of the 40 89 sediment samples intents to stimulate the geological knowledge, mineral exploration, 41 90 mineral exploration in this region, by environmental monitoring and studies for 42 91 characterizing the distribution and behavior of human health and development of public 43 92 53 chemical elements, with a consistent policies. Such subjects are of growing concern 44 93 geochemical data base. This study also aims in the Brazilian governmental organizations, 45 94 the improvement of protocols for the which care about the sustainable development 46 95 geochemical mapping surveys of Geological of the country. The generated database is one 47 96 Survey of Brazil around the country. In order of the most comprehensive of IQ. 48 97 to attend the main aim of this study, some 49

269 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 2. STUDY AREA

This research covers an area about 45,000 portions of the São Francisco and of the 1 6 km2 and is located in south-center portion of Mantiqueira Province (Araçuaí Orogen), 2 7 Minas Gerais State (Figure 1). The boundaries yielding a polygon circumscribed by the 3 8 of the study area were defined in order to coordinates 19°30’S to 21°00’S and 42°30°W 4 9 embrace the IQMP, as well as some other to 45°00°W. 5 10

Figure 1 Location of the study area and sampling sites.

The IQ presents significant differences in formation of the lateritic crusts, mainly on the 1 19 its geomorphology, where the mountain ridges itabiritic rocks (Spier 2005). These lateritic 2 20 represent the weathering resistant rocks, like crusts have great importance in the relief 3 21 quartzite and , like Caraça Ridge, development, once its stability to weathering 4 22 which reach about 2,000 meters above sea processes protects some friable and erodible 5 23 level. The central portion of the study area, the geological unities. Conversely, the IQ 6 24 IQ itself, is limited by a set of 5 mountain mountain ranges influence directly the weather 7 25 ranges, namely, Curral Range at north, of the study region, acting as barrier to the air 8 26 Range at west, Ouro Branco at south and masses and locally generating areas with 9 27 Caraça and Gandarela Ranges at east. different morphoclimatic systems (Barbosa & 10 28 However, in its surroundings, the relief is more Rodrigues 1967). 11 29 flattened, with elevations ranging between 800 According to IBGE (2006a), the study 12 30 and 1,000 meters, locally reaching 1,500 region is inserted in the “Central Brazil 13 31 meters, at the eastern and southern portions, Tropical Climate” zone, presents different 14 32 and 300 to 800 meters in the western portion, climatic features, such as 1) mesothermic 15 33 corresponding to the drainage climate (semi-humid to humid; average 16 34 basin. It is worth to notice that climate of the temperature between 10oC and 15oC, 3 to 5 dry 17 35 study area in the last 70 My brought to the months/year); 2) sub-warm climate (semi- arid 18 36

270 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 to humid; average temperature between 15oC vey, it must be taken into account the land use 1 48 and 18oC, 1 to 6 dry months/year); 3) warm of the present days and also from the past of 2 49 climate (semi- humid; average temperature the study region, in order to characterize the 3 50 higher than 18oC, 4 to 5 dry months/year). The influence of the anthropogenic processes, 4 51 driest period is concentrated in the winter and which affect the geochemical distribution and 5 52 the wettest in the summer. behavior of chemical elements in the 6 53 The hydrography of IQ is composed by 6 environment (Darnley et al. 1995). The land 7 54 main catchment basins, namely, Doce, use and management of IQ started in the 8 55 Piracicaba, Velhas, , Pará and 1800’s, with the discovery of deposits, 9 56 Paraná rivers, with Doce and Paraopebas rivers which trigged the formation of several villages. 10 57 being the most expressive basins in the study Nevertheless, the economic development of 11 58 area. The Velhas River has its streams Minas Gerais State was unorganized and 12 59 distribution to north-northwestward of the discontinuous (De Paula 2002). Up to the 13 60 area, forming the more influent drainage basin middle of 1800’s, in IQ, the highlighted 14 61 in IQ and its springs rise in Ouro Branco and activities were the mercantile economy of 15 62 Caraça mountain ranges. Those ridges, primary necessities, coffee plantation and the 16 63 together with Gandarela mountain range, are start of informal steel industry. At this period, 17 64 the main interfluves to Doce River drainage the gold exploitation experienced ups and 18 65 basin, located at east, while the Moeda Ridge downs, with the depletion of alluvial deposits. 19 66 is the main interfluve at west, which separates It should be notice that all the industrial sectors 20 67 it from the Paraopebas drainage basin. presented above were developed by slave 21 68 Compared to the other basins in the IQ, the labor. The State of Minas Gerais industry had 22 69 Velhas drainage network markedly displays another expansion in the 1940-50’s, trigged by 23 70 greater structural control of its streams, which the State of São Paulo economy growth, with 24 71 are characterized by deep and narrow valleys. modern steel and cement industries. At the 25 72 The Doce basin, with its two main tributary postwar period, it was initiated in the State of 26 73 streams, Piranga and Carmo rivers, sets up an Minas Gerais the modern metallurgic industry, 27 74 arrangement from southwest to northeast, with highlighting the IQ, due to its natural resources 28 75 flow direction to northeast. The streams of (base metal deposits) allied to foreign 29 76 Doce River basin present more dissected and investment. 30 77 opened pattern, with lesser depth and structural According to IBGE (2010), the study region 31 78 control, as well as Paraopebas and Paraná river presents several land uses, highlighting 32 79 drainage basins. The Paraopebas River farming activities (mainly cattle breeding), 33 80 drainage basin shows its streams aligned from which occupies 70% of the area. The native 34 81 south-southeast to north-northwest, almost vegetation occupies the second place in land 35 82 parallel to Velhas drainage basin. The Pará use; it is composed by the transition between 36 83 River drainage basin, right river bank tributary Cerrado and Atlântica forests, whose 37 84 of São Francisco River, presents its streams distribution is discontinuous due to the urban 38 85 flowing northwestward, where the São João cores. This native vegetation makes up about 39 86 and Peixe rivers are the main tributaries. The 20% of the area, while the urban cores 40 87 Paraná River basin, which has the smallest correspond to 6%, highlighting Belo Horizonte 41 88 area in the study region (at southwest), shows Metropolitan Region. In spite of the 42 89 its streams flowing south-southeastward. Its environmental and visual impacts caused by 43 90 main tributaries in the study area are Jacaré activities, it corresponds to only 3% of 44 91 and Perapetinga rivers (Barbosa & Rodrigues the study region. It should be noticed that 45 92 1967). native vegetation is highly preserved when one 46 93 In a systematic geochemical mapping sur- considers the whole mining properties. 47 94


A simplified geologic sketch of the area is greenstone belts) and by mafic/ultramafic 1 8 shown in Figure 2. Crystalline rocks range in intrusives. Intrusive rocks of granitic and basic 2 9 age from to Neoproterozoic. Archean affinities and metasedimentary sequences 3 10 terranes are composed mainly by characterize Paleoproterozoic and 4 11 granitoid/ rocks of different Mesoproterozoic units. Neoproterozoic units 5 12 composition, by (meta-)volcanic/sedimentary are composed of metamorphic rocks of various 6 13 sequences (Rio das Velhas and other origins and carbonate-rich sediments. 7 14

271 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 Cenozoic sedimentary and lateritic covers and low amphibolite facies. The supracrustal 1 25 overlain older rocks locally. rocks were deposited in a -type basin where 2 26 Archean supracrustal rocks were one can observe, at the studied area, quartzites 3 27 polydeformed and polymetamorphosed from and conglomerates, diamictites, turbidites, iron 4 28 Archean to Paleoproterozoic with a formations (Rapitan-type and oxide-type), 5 29 metamorphic peak at amphibolite facies and -mica schists, calc-silicate rocks, 6 30 retrograde metamorphism at green schist graphite schists and marbles (Heilbron et al. 7 31 facies. Baltazar & Zucchetti (2007) claim that 2004). Lateritic and alluvial covers occur in 8 32 the first-generation structures present at Rio restricted areas. 9 33 das Velhas are Late Archean in The Iron Quadrangle region is one of the 10 34 age; the last ones are of Neoproterozoic age. A major iron, manganese, gold and gemstone 11 35 study of P-T conditions in rocks of producers in Brazil. Figure 2 shows the 12 36 Group is indicative of low geothermic gradient location of some of the main deposits. Iron and 13 37 and suggest a plate tectonic environment with manganese deposits are associated with 14 38 a collision process followed by orogenic "" rocks ( - 15 39 collapse associated with a extensional zone at BIF) of Proterozoic age that form the "Iron 16 40 Transamazonian times (Coelho 2015). Quadrangle". Gemstone deposits are related to 17 41 The eastern portion of the studied region is located in the northeast of the study 18 42 formed by rocks of Araçuaí Belt area. Most of the gold is associated with 19 43 (Almeida 1977), later defined as orogenic belt Archean or Paleoproterozoic carbonate- or BIF 20 44 of Neoproterozoic age by Pedrosa-Soares & sequences. The Morro Velho mine (including 21 45 Wiedmann-Leonardos (2000). It is Mina Velha and Mina Grande) produced more 22 46 characterized by supracrustal rocks than 500 t of gold (Bierlein et al. 2006); other 23 47 metamorphosed and deformed at greenschist major deposits are Cuiabá and Raposos. 24 48

Figure 2 Simplified geological domains and active mines of the studied area. In gray, areas not sampled.


The sampling of stream sediment was charts, in a scale of 1:100,000, adjusted to 1 5 planned in catchment basins between 10 and GEOCOVER images. The sampling stations 2 6 30 km2 (Figure 1). The stream network of the were defined at the lowest altitude point of 3 7 study area was based in IBGE topographic each drainage basin (downstream), and taking 4 8

272 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 into account the influence of neighbor streams, temperature (to avoid the loss of some 1 48 roads, bridges and anthropogenic activities, in elements, like Hg and As), disaggregated in 2 49 order to avoid the contamination vectors to the porcelain mortar, sieved < 80#, and a portion 3 50 samples. Altogether 3,662 samples were of 50 g separated for chemical analysis. All the 4 51 collected, with an average sample density of 1 surplus material was preserved in order to 5 52 sample/12 km2. In some areas, like Belo assemble the project memory. The chemical 6 53 Horizonte Metropolitan Region (at the analyses were carried out by ACME Labs, 7 54 northern portion of the area) and other urban Vancouver, Canada. The sampled were 8 55 nuclei, the COPASA area (at south) and the pulverized to 150# (~ 0.1 mm), digested by hot 9 56 Rio Doce National Park (at northeast), there acqua regia (in the proportion of 2HNO3- 10 57 was no sample collection due to high 2HCl-2H2O) and analyzed by inductively 11 58 contaminated (sewage and industrial waste) or coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). 12 59 inaccessible areas. The analytical precision was calculated by 13 60 The grain size fraction chosen for analysis the variation coefficients of duplicate 14 61 was set at < 80# (0,175 mm, ranging from thin analytical samples, which demonstrated that 15 62 sand to clay) and the minimum amount of some elements, namely, Be, Ga, Ge, Hf, K, 16 63 sampled material was 1 kg of original material. Mg, P, Pt, Re, S, Sc, Se, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, U, V, 17 64 This grain fraction range was chosen because it W, Zr, had irregular results (> 15%) due to the 18 65 was established as a standard for the chemical digestion applied in this study. The 19 66 geochemical mapping surveys performed by analytical accuracy was determined with an 20 67 the Geological Survey of Brazil since the internal reference material of ACME Labs 21 68 1970’s and it is important in order to make (Standard DS7) and with the reference material 22 69 comparison to other areas in the country. São Joaquim 2709, provided by NIST, whose 23 70 Besides, this fraction has greater potential to results demonstrate a satisfactory recovery for 24 71 enhance the contrast of some elements the most analyzed elements, ranging from 80% 25 72 compared to other coarse fraction, mainly trace to 90%. 26 73 metals, due to highest adsorption specific area The data generated in this study were 27 74 (Levinson 1974, Rose et al. 1978, Licht 1998). incorporated to the GEOSGB database of the 28 75 During fieldwork, each sample was collect at 5 Geological Survey of Brazil. The spatial data 29 76 to 10 different spots at the same sampling site analysis was carried out using the geographic 30 77 along 50 meters of the stream channel, in order information system package ESRI ArcMap® 31 78 to give representativeness to the sampled (ESRI, 2011), the statistical treatment was 32 79 material. For the same purpose, a plastic sieve performed using Statistica V10 (StatSoft, Inc. 33 80 of about 1 mm was used to avoid significant 2011) and the design of geochemical maps 34 81 amount of coarse grains and plants fragments. with Geosoft Oasis Montaj V7.3 (Jy) SP2 35 82 Before and after sampling all sampling tools (Geosoft Inc. Copyright® 2011). The 36 83 (sieve, plastic spoon, etc.) were washed with procedure of the exploratory data analysis 37 84 the water of the sampling site. In cases of (EDA) adopted in this research was established 38 85 possible contamination by an anthropogenic by Grunsky (2007, 2010), Reimann et al. 39 86 source (as commented before) or even from the (2002, 2008) and Carranza (2009). The 40 87 river banks, the sampling stations were analytical results for every element lower than 41 88 relocated at least 25 m upstream or even the detection limit (


The Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) was distribution. Associations of chemical elements 1 7 carried out in 2 stages: 1) univariate and were assessed using correlation coefficients. In 2 8 bivariate statistics and 2) multivariate this analysis, the outliers were excluded using 3 9 statistics. In the first stage, the variables are Box-Whisker plots, with the purpose to avoid 4 10 singly examined and all log- transformed in false correlations. In the second stage, the log- 5 11 order to compensate the asymmetrical transformed data were assessed by Factor 6 12

273 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Table 1 - Descriptive statistics for the elements analyzed in the stream sediment samples. Variable Valid N Min 10 % 25 % Median Mean 75 % 90 % Max Std. Deviation Ag (ppb) 3662 2 10 15 21 28.62 30 42 2409 60.05 Al (%) 3662 0.12 0.88 1.41 2.13 2.37 3.07 4.19 9.85 1.36 As (ppm) 3662 0.05 0.4 0.8 1.5 7.08 3.9 14 1665 34.79 Au (ppb) 3662 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 50.56 1.6 3.6 56989.9 1311.96 B (ppm) 3662 10 10 10 10 10.28 10 10 49 2.88 Ba (ppm) 3662 3.7 32.7 51.1 76.5 92.65 112.3 160.6 4317.4 100.41 Be (ppm) 3662 0.05 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.61 0.8 1.1 5.3 0.39 Bi (ppm) 3662 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.15 0.24 0.29 0.51 10.09 0.36 Ca (ppm) 3662 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.12 9.54 0.22 Cd (ppm) 3662 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.08 4.1 0.08 Ce (ppm) 3662 1.5 24.7 39 63.2 83.02 99.2 148.8 1105 82.57 Co (ppm) 3662 0.2 3 5.4 10.3 15.33 18.4 31.1 894.6 23.51 Cr (ppm) 3662 0.9 12 27.2 54.5 84.27 96.3 167.9 7003.5 179.57 Cs (ppm) 3662 0.02 0.23 0.43 0.82 1.02 1.32 2.03 8.3 0.88 Cu (ppm) 3662 0.32 5.89 9.98 17.93 22.21 28.38 42.21 424 19.41 Fe (%) 3662 0.13 1.84 3.01 4.61 5.80 6.89 10.35 80 4.99 Ga (ppm) 3662 0.5 4.1 6.7 10.1 10.72 14.1 17.9 51.8 5.53 Ge (ppm) 3662 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.05 1.9 0.09 Hf (ppm) 3662 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.23 2.05 0.14 Hg (ppm) 3662 2 11 19 35 47.07 63 93 2136 57.65 In (ppm) 3662 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.52 0.03 K (%) 3662 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.14 0.2 1.13 0.08 La (ppm) 3662 0.6 6.7 11.6 20.7 30.63 36 59.6 673.8 39.12 Li (ppm) 3662 0.1 1.6 2.9 4.9 6.09 7.9 11.6 50.9 4.78 Mg (%) 3662 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.22 6.3 0.15 Mn (ppm) 3662 13 147 262 490 866.08 948 1869 20000 1267.30 Mo (ppm) 3662 0.03 0.19 0.29 0.45 0.75 0.71 1.24 16.08 1.15 Na (%) 3662 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.22 0.01 Nb (ppm) 3662 0.01 0.16 0.28 0.51 0.83 0.88 1.4 34.67 1.62 Ni (ppm) 3662 0.2 3.6 7.3 13.5 23.36 25.2 48.4 2238.3 50.39 P (%) 3662 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.5 0.03 Pb (ppm) 3662 1.23 8.43 12.14 17.455 18.99 23.43 30.97 114.91 10.04 Pd (ppb) 3662 1 10 10 10 14.70 10 27 383 18.76 Pt (ppb) 3662 1 1 2 2 2.40 2 4 34 1.79 Rb (ppm) 3662 0.1 3 6.3 12.4 15.70 20.8 32.3 132 13.63 Re (ppb) 3662 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.89 1 1 4 0.26 S (%) 3662 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 3.08 0.05 Sb (ppm) 3662 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.46 0.12 0.53 141.27 3.13 Sc (ppm) 3662 0.2 2.1 3.5 6.1 7.23 9.8 13.8 39 5.00 Se (ppm) 3662 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.35 0.5 0.6 20.4 0.40 Sn (ppm) 3662 0.1 0.6 1 1.6 2.08 2.5 3.8 26.3 2.00 Sr (ppm) 3662 0.5 2.4 3.8 6 8.24 9.4 14.7 506.1 12.59 Ta (ppm) 3662 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.03 0.025 0.025 0.17 0.00 Te (ppm) 3662 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.05 1.32 0.03 Th (ppm) 3662 0.2 4.2 6.9 12.3 17.86 21.4 35.7 339.3 21.48 Ti (%) 3662 0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.33 0.04 Tl (ppm) 3662 0.02 0.06 0.1 0.18 0.22 0.28 0.42 1.5 0.16 U (ppm) 3662 0.1 0.7 1.1 1.9 2.65 3.3 5.6 32.9 2.47 V (ppm) 3662 1 17 31 58 67.72 93 130 407 48.07 W (ppm) 3662 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.05 14.8 0.28 Y (ppm) 3662 0.38 2.86 4.86 8.45 10.62 13.65 20.21 110.3 8.80 Zn (ppm) 3662 1.3 15.2 22 31.3 36.59 43 57.4 1926.8 42.76 Zr (ppm) 3662 0.2 1.3 2 3.6 5.15 6.2 9.9 78.8 5.75

Analysis (R-mode) using Principal Component structure, trends and associations of the 1 6 Analysis for factor extraction (considering the analyzed elements, helping in the 2 7 total variance of the data system) and with a comprehension of geological, physical and 3 8 Varimax normalized rotation. The use of those anthropogenic processes that controls the 4 9 statistical tools allow to investigate the sampling environment (Manly 1986, Davis 5 10

274 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 1986, Tabachnick & Fidell 2001, Reimann et representing, respectively, lower to higher 1 28 al. 2002, Reimann et al. 2008, Filzmoser et al. element contents. 2 29 2009, Carranza 2009, Grunsky 2010, Lapworth Some elements mark the presence of IQ due 3 30 et al. 2012). to its intense contrast in relation to the 4 31 The results of geochemical data of 53 surrounding lithologies (e.g., higher values for 5 32 elements and some statistical parameters of the As, Au; and lower values for Ce, Cs, Rb, U 6 33 variables are presented in Table 1; Figures 3 and Y). The concentration contrasts of other 7 34 and 4 show histograms and probability plots elements, e.g., Ce and Zr, characterize the 8 35 for these data. boundary between the São Francisco craton 9 36 The analysis of the Histograms (Figure 3), and the mobile belt to the East. Evolved 10 37 Probability plots (Figure 4) shows the need to granitic rocks and pegmatites are evidenced by 11 38 remove some elements to elaborate the high concentrations of Al, Ce, Cs, La, Pb, Rb, 12 39 Principal Component Analysis (PCA); these Th, U and Y (e.g., Borrachudos Suite). High 13 40 are: B, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ge, Hf, In, K, Mg, Mo, values of Co, Cr, Cu and Ni are observed over 14 41 Na, Nb, P, Pd, Pt, Re, S, Sb, Se, Ta, Te, Ti, Tl mafic and ultramafic rocks (e.g., Nova Lima 15 42 and W. These elements show many results Group). These geochemical variations are 16 43 below Detection Limit (DL) and/or censored illustrated in Figure 5. 17 44 data. For this reason, those data were not Some elements show good correlation with 18 45 assessed in bivariate and PCA treatment the mineralization. For instance, the gold ore 19 46 stages. and well known pathfinder elements like Ag, 20 47 The distribution of the selected elements is As, Au, Fe, Mn and Sb. Zinc, a traditional gold 21 48 shown on individual maps (Figure 5), where pathfinder, on the other hand, show weak 22 49 the punctual results (sampling stations) are spatial correlation with known gold deposits 23 50 plotted over a background image which shows (Figure 6). Gemstones mineralization is also 24 51 the variation of concentration of each element correlated with some elements, like Bi and Sn 25 52 as a continuous interpolated surface; the color (Figure 7). Figure 8 shows the Correlation Plot 26 53 scale ranges from the dark blue to magenta, for selected elements considered for PC 27 54 analysis. 55

Figure 3 Histograms for the elements analyzed in the stream sediment samples.

275 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 4 Probability plots for the elements analyzed in the stream sediment samples.

The Correlation Plots for selected elements The geochemical associations of elements 1 26 (Figure 8) show: in the stream sediments, defined by Principal 2 27 1. Very strong correlation between (a) [Cr- Component Analysis (PCA, Geosoft V7.3 (Jy) 3 28 Ni-V] and [V-Sc], elements associated, in SP2 (Geosoft Inc. Copyright® 2011), were 4 29 general, with mafic and ultramafic rocks; used as reference to the multielementar 5 30 and (b) [Ce-La], elements associated, in association and geochemical maps, presented 6 31 general, with some acid and/or alkaline in the Figures 9 to 18, being considered only 7 32 rocks. elements with loadings higher than 0.40. An 8 33 2. Strong correlation between (a) [Cr-Co- exception was made for the association [Au- 9 34 Cu-Sc], [Ni-Co-Cu-V], [Sc-Cr-Cu] and Ag-As], traditionally used in gold exploration. 10 35 [V-Co-Cu-Ni], that are related, in general, The geological/geochemical behavior of the 11 36 to mafic and ultramafic rocks; and (b) elements was interpreted according to the 12 37 [La-Rb-Th-Y], [Th-Ce-La-Pb] and [Y-Ce- studies of Wedepohl (1976) and Amor (2011). 13 38 La], that, in general, are related to acid The number of the Components in PCA was 14 39 and/or alkaline rocks; and (c) [Zn-Co-Cu] obtained by the number of eigenvalues, using 15 40 that can be related to mafic rocks. the Kaiser criteria (considering only 16 41 3. Moderate correlation between (a) [Fe-Co- eigenvalues > 1). The five factors obtained by 17 42 Cr-Cu-Mn-Ni-Sc-V] that can be related to PCA, provide a better understanding of the 18 43 mafic and/or ultramafic rocks; (b) [Pb-La- elements behavior in relation to the geological 19 44 Rb-Sn-U-Y-Zn], [Li-Cs-Rb-Y-Zn] that processes present at the study region. Figures 20 45 can be related to acid/alkaline rocks. 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 show Factor Scores 21 46 4. Weak correlation was observed between distribution in the studied area. These five 22 47 [Au-Ag-As], that can indicate hydro- factors correspond to 70.4% of total system 23 48 thermal alteration and gold minerali- variance (Table 2). 24 49 zation. 25

276 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 5 Geochemical maps for Al, As, Au, Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu and Fe.

277 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 5 (cont.) Geochemical maps for Ga, Hg, La, Li, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sc, Sn and Sr.

278 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 5 (cont.) Geochemical maps for Th, U, V, Y and Zr.

Figure 6 Selected pathfinder elements and known gold deposits and mines.

279 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 6 (cont.) Selected pathfinder elements and known gold deposits and mines.

Figure 7 Gemstone deposits and mines and the Bi and Sn distribution.

Table 2 – Factors, Eigenvalues and cumulative percentage for PCA correlation matrix. Eigenvalues of correlation matix Factor Eigenvalue cum. % 1 9.068 32.4 2 5.258 51.2 3 2.253 59.2 4 1.873 65.9 5 1.246 70.4 6 0.994 73.9 7 0.928 77.2 8 0.872 80.3 9 0.65 82.6 10 0.544 84.6

280 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 8 Correlation plot for log-transformed selected elements.

Factor 1 Factor 1 (Figure 9), which correspond to (Archean TTG). Factor 1 is also enriched in a 1 18 32.4% of total variance, presents significant north-south trend, east of the study area, where 2 19 positive loadings for [V-Cr-Cu-Sc-Co-Ni] and Mantiqueira Complex rocks (Paleoproterozoic 3 20 less significant negative loadings for [Cs-U- TTG) and alluvial sediments (Cenozoic) 4 21 Rb]. The element association probably reflects outcrop. 5 22 the influence of “mafic” or less evolved rock Negative loadings of Factor 1 appear in the 6 23 types. High values of this factor indicate north of the study area, where TTG 7 24 ultramafic and/or mafic rocks (Rio das Velhas Mesoarchean rocks of Belo Horizonte 8 25 greenstone belt), while negative values Complex outcrop. One can also observe 9 26 indicate granitic areas. Factor 1 (Figure 10) is negative values in the western portion of the 10 27 enriched over the northeast area of Iron area, where gneiss, Claudio gneiss 11 28 Quadrangle near the junction of Curral and and Bonfim outcrop. In the center of IQ 12 29 Gandarela ranges, where Rio das Velhas one can also observe Factor 1 negative values 13 30 Supergroup greenstone belt rocks outcrop over Bação and Santa Barbara Complexes. In 14 31 (Archean age); and just south of Ouro Branco the south of the area negative Factor 1 values 15 32 range, southernmost part of IQ, where Santo appear over Complex rocks. All 16 33 Antonio do Complex rocks outcrop these units are considered of Archean age. 17 34

281 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 9 Factor 1 components.

Figure 10 Distribution of Factor 1 values.

Factor 2 Factor 2 explains 18.8% of total variance, over Divinópolis and Bonfim complexes. As 1 9 (Table 2) has low positive loadings for [As- can be observed in Figure 12, positive loadings 2 10 Hg-Au], which can indicate the presence of of Factor 2 are reasonably well matched with 3 11 hydrothermal alteration and gold minerali- known gold deposits. But Factor 2 patterns 4 12 zation (and pollution). It also has significant should be interpreted with caution, as many of 5 13 negative loadings for [Ce-Th-La-Pb-Rb-Y-U] As, Hg and Au values are below or close to 6 14 (Figure 11) over Archean (and some detection limits. 7 15 Proterozoic) granitoids/, especially 8

282 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 11 Factor 2 components.

Figure 12 Distribution of Factor 2 values.

Factor 3 Factor 3 (8.0% of total variance, Table 2; the Minas Supergroup (Paleoproterozoic age) 1 7 Figure 13) displays significant negative rocks. The northwest sector of IQ also shows a 2 8 loadings for [Ba-Sr-Li], possibly indicating the NW-SE trend with negative values for Factor 3 3 9 presence of carbonate rocks. High negative where a deformation zone is observed. South 4 10 Factor 3 values (Figure 14) are arranged over of IQ also shows a restricted area where high 5 11 the Bambui Group (Neoproterozoic age) and negative values of Factor 3 occur. 6 12

283 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 13 Factor 3 components.

Figure 14 Distribution of Factor 3.

Factor 4 Factor 4 (6.7% of total variance, Table 2; enriched corridor for Factor 4 coinciding with 1 10 Figure 15) shows significant positive loadings the Curral ridge; and a much smaller 2 11 for [Zr-Au-As], which may indicate gold enrichment corridor southwest of IQ. The 3 12 mineralization, but the correlation of Zr with northwest portion of the study area also shows 4 13 As and Au, respectively, is weak and very enrichment in Factor 4 values. On the other 5 14 weak, and should be interpreted with caution. hand, the Araçuaí orogenic belt, east of IQ and 6 15 Figure 16 indicates that Factor 4 does not show of the São Francisco Craton shows negative 7 16 very good correlation with known gold values for Factor 4. 8 17 deposits as happens with Factor 2. There is an 9

284 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 15 Factor 4 components.

Figure 16 Distribution of Factor 4 values.

Factor 5 Factor 5 (4.5% of total variance, Table 2, pegmatites. Higher values of Factor 5 can be 1 5 Figure 17) presents significant positive found just about an area northeast of IQ, where 2 6 loadings for [Sn-Al-Ga-Hg-Pb-Cs-U-Sc] and known precious stone mineralization occur 3 7 can indicate evolved granite facies and/or (Figure 18). 4 8

285 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018

Figure 17 Factor 5 components.

Figure 18 Distribution of Factor 5 values.


One of the reasons for the achievement of alteration, Fe, Au, Mn and gemstone 1 12 geochemical mapping in IQ region is the mineralization occur are quite clearly 2 13 presence of important mineral occurrences. displayed in the geochemical maps. The ability 3 14 Despite of the importance of its mineral of geochemical mapping to identify 4 15 deposits, IQMP geochemical features in mineralized areas depends on the extent and 5 16 surface materials are not well established at continuity of outcrops, on the geochemical 6 17 regional scale, even after decades of studies. contrast between mineralized and barren areas 7 18 The geochemical maps displayed in this or rock units, and on sampling density, which 8 19 article show the effectiveness of these data to allow the collected samples effectively 9 20 point out geological features and processes: represent the geological features and 10 21 areas where specific rock units, hydrothermal processes. Nevertheless, care must be taken in 11 22 286 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 the data interpretation. Due to the regional Bölviken et al. (1990) proposed that 1 23 scale, these data do not point to specific metallogenic provinces coincide with 2 24 geochemical anomalies related to isolated geochemical provinces. For these authors, 3 25 mineral deposits. Moreover, stream sediment geochemical province is defined as an 4 26 samples generally do not have a abnormal spatial distribution and concentration 5 27 straightforward link to the rock basement, of an element (or a set of elements), in a 6 28 considering several factors that influence their certain kind of sample, measured by a certain 7 29 composition, like supergene and anthropogenic analytical technique. In some cases, the 8 30 processes. Some elements are admittedly location of anomalous areas in soil or stream 9 31 linked to a specific rock type. However, the sediment coincides with the mineral deposit 10 32 weathering process could modify partially or location. It should be noted that 1) anomalous 11 33 entirely the geochemical associations present areas present variable size; 2) some elements 12 34 in the fresh rocks. In other words, the more form similar anomalous areas when compared 13 35 intense the weathering acting on the rock, the to other elements; 3) some mineral deposits do 14 36 lower the evidence of its original geochemical not coincide with anomalies of those elements 15 37 association. Consequently, it generates weak directly linked to the mineralization (e.g., Au). 16 38 correlations among the chemical elements, In the following topics the relationship among 17 39 presenting diffuse geochemical dispersion IQMP mineral deposits and the stream 18 40 patterns. The correlation coefficients sediment geochemistry in the study area will 19 41 calculated for stream sediments data are shown be discussed. 20 42 in Figure 8, being highlighted and the most 21 significant correlations. 22


The Fe deposits are concentrated in the IQ region. The Fe mines located in the western 1 12 Minas Supergroup ( Group), where the portion of IQ overlap the NNW-SSE 2 13 Cauê Formation presents the banded iron anomalous trend which extends parallel to the 3 14 formation (BIF) of Superior Lake type and the Moeda mountain range. In the southeastern 4 15 Gandarela Formation displays dolomites, with portion, next to municipality, 5 16 a transitional limit between them. another anomalous trend overlaps known Fe 6 17 Metamorphic and weathering processes deposits, and the same pattern is presented in 7 18 provided the enrichment of iron that exceeds the Curral mountain range (south to the Belo 8 19 60% wt. Fe (Spier 2005, Rosiere et al. 2008). Horizonte Metropolitan Region) and the 9 20 The Figure 6 shows the Fe distribution in surroundings of Barão de Cocais and Socorro 10 21 stream sediments and the main Fe deposits in municipalities. 11 22


The Mn deposits are related to Fe deposits 1956). The Figure 6 shows the Mn distribution 1 8 and have an average content of 25 wt.% Mn, in stream sediments and the main Mn deposits 2 9 reaching a maximum of 40% w.t. Mn. These in IQ. A high overlap between anomalous 3 10 high concentrations are reached by the bands and the main Mn deposits is observed 4 11 weathering of Mn-marbles and Mn- of mainly in the Moeda mountain range and in 5 12 the Minas Supergroup, mainly in the Itabira, metasediments from Mineiro Belt, where the 6 13 Piracicaba and Caraça Groups (Dorr et al. largely known Mn deposits are located. 7 14


The Rio das Velhas Greenstone Belt also in metasedimentary clastic rocks (Lobato 1 9 (Archean age) hosts important orogenic gold et al. 2001). For the gold deposits hosted in 2 10 deposits in IQ. There are three types of gold itabirites, Rose et al. (1979) point out Au, As, 3 11 deposits: 1) structure-controlled, with sulfide S and Sb as pathfinders. Boyle (1979) presents 4 12 substitutions zones in BIFs; 2) disseminated the decrescent order of elements related to gold 5 13 sulfide and gold associated to shear zones in deposits: S, Se, Te, As, Sb, Bi, Cu, Ag, Zn, Cd, 6 14 hydrothermalized rocks; 3) quartz-carbonate- Hg, Sn, Pb, Mo, W, Fe, Pt, Pd, Co and Ni. 7 15 sulfide veins in mafic, ultramafic, felsic and 8

287 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 The primary gold deposits of IQ present overlapping gold deposits; 2) low Cu 1 58 great variety of sulfide minerals and can be concentration areas overlapping gold deposits. 2 59 enriched in one or more of the following This fact suggests that mineralizing fluids with 3 60 elements: Au, Ag, As, Cu, Pb, Pd, Sb, Se, Zn different compositions acted in the study 4 61 (Lobato et al. 2001, Olivo et al. 2001, Vial et region. 5 62 al. 2007a,b,c, Ribeiro-Rodrigues et al. 2007, Silver is also an element constantly related 6 63 Pereira et al. 2007, Junqueira et al. 2007, to primary gold deposits, but its concentration 7 64 Cabral & Lehmann 2007). The record of gold is largely variable. In the supergene 8 65 deposits in the GEOSBG database, sometimes, environment, the behavior of Ag and Au is 9 66 do not displays direct correlation to Au very different; Au tends to be relatively 10 67 anomalous areas presented in this study. The immobile next to the primary source, while Ag 11 68 reasons for this fact could be related to: 1) the tends to be solubilized in surface water and 12 69 sample density adopted; 2) the geological groundwater (Boyle 1979, Bowell 1992, Gray 13 70 matrix sampled; 3) lower sensibility of the et al. 1992, Thornber 1992). Silver, as a gold 14 71 analytical method for Au; 4) the techniques for deposit pathfinder, is not always efficient. 15 72 the elaboration of the geochemical maps; and Figure 6 shows that some gold deposits of the 16 73 5) the complexity of the geochemical study area, especially those outside IQ, are 17 74 associations of the Au mineral deposits. coincident to low Ag concentrations area. If 18 75 The geochemical distribution of As in one looks at IQ strictu sensu and to Ag 19 76 stream sediments displays an enrichment in concentration, it will be noted that there is a 20 77 almost all known gold deposits and there is a good correlation between high Ag values and 21 78 markedly relationship between As and Au in some Au mines. This will also indicate, as with 22 79 supergene and hypogene processes (Boyle copper, that gold deposits present at IQ are 23 80 1979), making As the main pathfinder of gold probably linked to more than one genetic 24 81 deposits. Figure 6 shows the As distribution in process. 25 82 stream sediments and the main gold deposits in Zinc, as the most trace elements above 26 83 IQ. Many authors observed the presence of mentioned, is present in many gold deposits 27 84 arsenopyrite in IQ gold deposits and the but shows great variability on its 28 85 geochemical data show strong correlation concentration. In the supergene environment, 29 86 between As and many gold deposits Zn tends to have different behavior from Au, 30 87 confirming the usefulness of As as gold becoming more mobile, mainly under 31 88 pathfinder. influence of meteoric water (hydromorphic 32 89 Still according to Boyle (1979), Sb is dispersion; Boyle 1979, Rose et al. 1979). In 33 90 enriched in most of the hypogene gold deposits Figure 6, it is noted that some gold deposits are 34 91 and in vein-type gold deposits, however, in the overlapped by Zn anomalous areas (northern 35 92 lode-type deposits, Sb presents its highest portion of the IQ), while several deposits 36 93 concentrations. The distribution and behavior located at western portion coincide with areas 37 94 of Sb in IQ area is similar to As and coincides of low Zn concentration. This fact could be 38 95 with many gold deposits, which confirms this linked to the Zn behavior in supergene 39 96 element as an efficient Au pathfinder. Figure 6 environment or different geochemical 40 97 shows the Sb distribution in stream sediments signatures of different primary Au deposits. 41 98 and the main gold deposits in IQ. It is The chalcophile trace elements behavior 42 99 notorious that high Sb concentrations highlight described in this study show some kind of 43 100 strongly the IQ itself, suggesting that the relationship to gold deposits. These elements 44 101 structures that characterize the Iron are associated with sulfides and hydrothermal 45 102 Quadrangle are important conducts to alteration in many gold deposits around the 46 103 mineralizing fluids. world. “Sulfur is an ubiquitous component of 47 104 Copper is an element constantly related to hydrothermal ore solutions…” (Seward 1993) 48 105 all kinds of gold deposits, nevertheless, in the and chalcophile elements are, many times, 49 106 most vein-type gold deposits (gold-quartz linked to mineral deposits. Not only the 50 107 deposits), Cu concentration is generally low transport, but also the mechanisms of Au 51 108 (Boyle 1979). Copper distribution in the study precipitation are important when one thinks 52 109 area (Figure 5) shows more restricted about geochemical signature of gold deposits. 53 110 anomalous and segmented areas when The extent and preferential sites of gold 54 111 compared to other trace elements. It is deposition will be dependent upon the 55 112 observed that there are two situations relationship between the hydrology and 56 113 involving Au and Cu: 1) Cu anomalous areas permeability of the hydrothermal system and 57 114

288 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 the gold complexes equilibria. Therefore, any According to these authors, these deposits 1 19 process that destabilize Au-ligant relationship show a characteristic association of Au with 2 20 in a hydrothermal solution will lead to gold As, W, Ag, Sb, Te and B, with a generally low 3 21 precipitation. Then, the presence of lithological base-metal and Mo content. Focusing the 4 22 changes, and/or structural discontinuities geochemical map for Factor 2 (As-Hg-(Au)), 5 23 and/or sulfide mineral precipitation can presented in Figure 12, one can note that these 6 24 precipitate gold. The same occurs when deep elements are coincident to almost all gold 7 25 fluids mix with oxygenated meteoric waters in occurrences in IQ. Antimony also shows good 8 26 the upper parts of hydrothermal systems. It is correlation with gold deposits (Figure 6). 9 27 important to note that different metal sulfides Unfortunately, due to the presence of many 10 28 precipitate in particular conditions (Seward results below the lower detection limit for 11 29 1993), this will help in explaining different these elements, they were not used in Principal 12 30 compositions of primary deposits present at Component Analysis. Nevertheless, the results 13 31 IQ. of the multivariate studies presented here show 14 32 Archean lode gold deposits are commonly that this tool presents great potential in 15 33 termed ‘gold-only’ deposits because of the geochemical exploration and geological 16 34 extreme enrichment of Au relative to other mapping. 17 35 metallic elements (Groves & Foster 1993). 18


The region, located in main gemstones are aquamarine, alexandrite, 1 16 the northeast portion of the study area, belongs amethyst and topaz. 2 17 to the Itabira- Field, which According to Pinto et al. (1997), the 3 18 composes the Oriental Pegmatitic Province mineralized pegmatites are complex and 4 19 (Netto & Araújo 1997, Correia-Neves et al. zoned. The mineralization occurs as irregular 5 20 1986). This area is characterized by a volcano- geodes, related to black tourmaline (schorlite) 6 21 sedimentary sequence and a Paleoproterozoic which, sometimes, occurs in metric crystals. 7 22 granitic event, correlated to the Borrachudos The best gemstones occur inside the geodes. 8 23 Suite. According to these authors, in this The Borrachudos Suite has granitoid rocks 9 24 region, several pegmatitic bodies outcrop and with alkaline composition and displays 10 25 the mineralized ones are located next to the anomalous concentrations of Bi and Sn (Figure 11 26 borders of granitoid rocks nearby the contact 7). The anomalous area for these elements 12 27 with ultramafic schists and gneisses. In this overlaps the mining areas. The multi- 13 28 region gemstone mines and 30 artisanal mining elementary map extracted from Factor 5 14 29 (‘garimpo’) spots are found nine, being the (Figure 18) also corroborates this outstanding 15 30 geochemical feature. 31


The geochemical mapping of IQ and its The costs and risks involved in mineral 1 17 surroundings demonstrated that regional exploration can be reduced if high quality 2 18 geochemical survey is a powerful tool to geological data is provided to the mineral 3 19 mineral exploration, geological mapping, sector. The mineral industry may focus its 4 20 environmental studies and sustainable investments in high mineral potential areas, 5 21 development. Despite the intensive mining, lowering costs, increasing the discovery of 6 22 agricultural and industrial activities in the new deposits and generating employment, 7 23 study region, the results obtained in this work income and sustainable development. 8 24 presented strong relationship to geology. This The demand for mineral inputs, energy, 9 25 feature should be considered by regulatory water and other kind of materials by the 10 26 authorities for the definition of “contaminated Brazilian population is increasing every day. 11 27 areas”. This work offers an important database, The efficient management of land use and 12 28 which defined a geochemical behavior and occupation by government authorities depends 13 29 distribution of chemical elements and provided on the knowledge of structure, composition 14 30 analytical results of stream sediments for and dynamics of crustal earth and its effects 15 31 future studies. upon people and ecosystems. Thus, it is neces- 16 32

289 Geochimica Brasiliensis 32(2): 268 - 292, 2018 sary that the geological information be project should be replicated in several parts of 1 4 available for the decision makers. For this the country. 2 5 purpose, we recommend that this kind of 3


We thank CPRM – Geological Survey of work. We thank Otavio A.B. Licht for the 1 7 Brazil for giving us permission to publish this invitation to submit our work to this special 2 8 work. We thank our colleagues, geologists issue and for technical discussions. We thank 3 9 Clayton P. Pinto; Orivaldo F. Baltazar, Valter an anonymous reviewer who improved our 4 10 S. Vieira and Márcio A. Silva for geological text. 5 11 input and discussions at various stages of this 6


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