.. UNION COUNTY 2017 Directory STAY CONNECTED WEB @ ucnj.org a APP •• FACE BOOK f facebook.com/count ofunion TWITTER twitter.com/coun ofunionn· INSTAGRAM ~ insta ram.com/unioncoun You VOUTUBE iB PHONE 1-877-424-1234 "- E-MAIL ~
[email protected] UNION COUNTY We're Connected to You! Greetings.... from the Freeholder Chairman Welcome to the 2017 Union County Directory... As Chairman of the Freeholder Board, I announced a series of initiatives for 2017, entitled “Connecting our Community” that includes new announcements for youth, seniors, veterans, social services, parks, the environment and the arts. Our first initiative, UC LEAP—Learning, Employment and Arts Programs—is a comprehensive program for youth. It includes the creation of an alternative high school at Jersey Gardens; an employment program for special needs youth at Overlook Hospital; a Hackathon and a new mini-academy at the Union County Vo-Tech; a theatrical competition at the Union County Performing Arts Center for teens. The second initiative—UC MEANS GREEN II—expands and builds upon last year’s “Community Gardens Grant” program which proved to be a great success. It also includes a public works program to recycle grass cuttings and leaves collected countywide into compost that will be resold to private companies, bringing in new revenues. The third initiative—UC HERO II—is a continuation of last year’s veterans program. The Board will partner with local veterans groups in outreach efforts; work to establish the County’s first “Veterans Success Center” to assist with job placement and health referrals; and restore a memorial grove in Rahway Park.