Guilsborough Academy NEWSLETTER Date: July 2020 Issue No. 835 Virtual Concert Dear Parents/Carers As I hand over the lead of the academy to Mr Frazer I have many emotions. I am so proud to have been the leader of such a fantastic school for the past six years. The staff are so dedicated, knowledgeable and caring. The students are so confident, passionate and thoughtful. It is a pleasure to work with them all. You will see from this newsletter that we are losing three long established and highly respected colleagues to well-deserved retirements. They have all been wonderful role models in our school community. We shall miss them greatly. I also have great pleasure in announcing that Mrs Woodbridge is a finalist for the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Education Awards 2020, a well deserved epitaph for such an experienced and successful Virtual Sports Day teacher. Not ones to stand still, we have continued to appoint staff for the new school year and I am pleased to say we are fully staffed with highly skilled subject specialist teachers ready for September. One of the priorities this term has been to focus on bringing as many staff and students as possible back into school in a safe environment. We are pleased to say we have achieved these two aims, with no health and safety issues and nearly 300 students attending school in line with government guidance. We are delighted to have received letters of thanks from Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education, the Department Virtual Science Fair and Northants County Council for all we have done during this difficult time to support the community. My new role, as Executive Principal, is an exciting one developing the future of the multi-academy trust whilst continuing to work with Mrs Thornton at Church of Primary School and welcoming Mr Frazer to Guilsborough Academy. As I write we have just made it onto the list of the top 10 schools in Northamptonshire, by the Real Schools Guide 2020, which shows the best- performing schools in the county using a unique rating system with 50 different measures, put together from the latest publicly-available data and broken into four categories - attainment, progress, Virtual Talent Show attendance, and outcomes. Finally, a big thank you to you, the parent/carer body, for all you have done over the past 17 weeks. It has not been an easy time and your ongoing support for our students has been really appreciate by all here at the academy. Have a safe and enjoyable break. Mrs J Swales Principal


Mrs Woodbridge Retires from Guilsborough Academy!

My initial appointment at Guilsborough was a rather relaxed affair. I knew a colleague of the Deputy Head at the time, Tony Hill. I had worked with his wife at Duston Upper School. I had no plans to return to teaching at this point as I was bringing up a young family and had just had some of my own writing published. I was approached by Mr Marsden, the Head Teacher, to help out with the teaching of English. I said I would do this and the rest is history! The school offered me flexible working so I would be able to continue to focus on my young family.

I soon became part of the English team and accepted a part time contract. In this time I taught English to all levels. Drama was part of Guilsborough curriculum and I worked alongside Mr Kirkham. I did take on the role of Head of English at Guilsborough as a temporary appointment to cover illness. I enjoyed the role but was also beginning to develop the Drama curriculum.

I took on the role of Head of Drama when Mr Kirkham moved on. I felt able to develop the subject through to A’level and the department became quite dynamic and successful. I feel this has been one of my main achievements at Guilsborough.

As part of developing the Performing Arts I embraced the idea of the school musical. The primary aim of this was to offer our very talented students the opportunity to explore performing outside of the curriculum. Of course this also allowed the school to showcase talent. I enjoyed the collegiate approach – where staff from all sorts of curriculum areas gave their time freely and enthusiastically. This is a further achievement I am proud of.

Becoming Director of Performing Arts was part of the mechanism for protecting the creativity of Performing for Performing Arts but also ensuring the right for every student to develop socially and creatively within the curriculum. This is a key achievement and was the catalyst for everything I have done at Guilsborough.

The achievement I am most proud of throughout my teaching career, including my time at Guilsborough, is the fact that students have always been at the heart of what I do. I feel I have facilitated students to find the potential they sometimes didn’t even know they had. This makes me proud of them and is the keystone to why I became a teacher in the first place.

Valda Woodbridge Director of Performing Arts


Mrs Plowman Retires from Guilsborough Academy!

My time at Guilsborough Academy!

I have been at Guilsborough School/Academy for nearly 16 years now and I have so enjoyed my time here. Within those 16 years my role has changed dramatically, from initially my straight forward librarian role to a full on teaching role, with many variants in between and subsequently.

I must say though my favourite element of the job has always been working with the children. Helping them with their reading and books and then experiencing pleasure in the whole book world. Also from the teaching point of view helping some in the start of their reading experience in phonics work to the high flyers who need to expand their reading knowledge with classics, new genres and beyond. The Accelerated Reading programme has undoubtedly helped in many of those aspects and I was in the beginning reticent about this programme but once it was set up and working it has been marvellous, providing important statistics and supporting all levels of reading ability to get the best out of the readers.

There has never been two days the same in the library as whoever comes through the doors always has something different to discuss, research, work on or simply spend some time in a relevantly quiet place. I have met so many great staff from many departments. across the school but I must thank my department staff who have helped me through good times, busy times and difficult times. Folk like Karen Burt, Margarita Underwood and Nadine Ward; also my wonderful voluntary staff including Avis Aldrich (who has been there longer than me and still going strong and without her help with book accessioning I would have been there most of the evenings too) Jane Rintoul, Gwenda Hughes and all the pupil Librarians through the years. Thank you all you’ve made a fantastic team.

One thing I will not miss in my job is the stocktaking and data updates during the summer, it’s back breaking and seemingly never ending! I shall, of course, be thinking of this task every July/August for a very long time …I hope!

Nonetheless I shall miss Guilsborough a heck of a lot but thank you for the brilliant 16 years I have had.

Pam Plowman Retiring Learning Resource Manager and Current Puppy Training Manager!

03 GUILSBOROUGH ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Mrs Holmes Retires from Guilsborough Academy!

After 38 years of teaching, Mrs Holmes is hanging up her satchel. When she left school she knew that she wanted to have a career using her mathematical skills and initially studied to become an accountant but soon discovered that office work, for her, lacked a certain charm. An advertisement in her university student magazine suggested doing a PGCE and she has never looked back. Her first teaching job was at Cherry Orchard Middle School in 1982 where she stayed happily for 22 years, rising to be both Head of Maths and Head of the intake year group. The closing of the middle schools in in 2004 was a tremendously sad time for Mrs Holmes, but her love of mathematics meant that secondary school was the direction that she chose; a decision she has never regretted. After several years teaching in Northampton Academy, William Parker School and Daventry University Technical College she joined Guilsborough Academy. Mrs Holmes has seen many innovations in teaching come and, in some cases, go. In her early days of teaching there was no National Curriculum as individual departments created their own syllabus, students studied for O Levels and CSEs rather than GCSEs, and OFSTED hadn’t been created. Teachers wrote with chalk on blackboards. There were no computers or interactive whiteboards in schools; teachers didn’t have laptops – indeed she bought her first laptop to do school work using the Laptops for Teachers scheme in 1999 at what would now be considered an exorbitant price. There was no internet and so no searching for appropriate, tried and tested worksheets. There was no photocopying machine. All worksheets were created manually by writing or typing on special copy paper called a Banda master and using this to print off each individual copy of duplicated purple script on the Banda machine. She still recalls the repetitive clunk as the handle was turned and the smell of spirit in the staff workroom! Lengthy student reports were handwritten annually in the form of essays, not a succinct “making progress” or “more effort required” as when she was a child or numbers to categorise a student’s performance. Tippex was forbidden and so any mistakes invalidated everything that was written before and it was necessary to start again, even if you had already written several hundred words. Students, the main reason why any teacher enters the profession, have not really changed. There were dedicated students, diligent students, diffident students and disinterested students. Work expectations have altered, but the time required to do the job properly is not dissimilar. However, the intensity, the scrutiny, the administration and the focus have definitely changed, in some cases for the better. Now Mrs Holmes will spend more time in her garden and aims to restyle her house into an ideal home by completing all of the little jobs that have been postponed over the past 38 years. She’ll miss her students and the support and companionship of her friends at Guilsborough Academy, but she is looking forward to a new era in her life. Mrs Holmes thanks everyone, current and past students, colleagues and friends for the happy times that she has had at Guilsborough Academy.

04 Frequently Asked Questions for September 2020 Start Please note there was an error on the answer to question 7 on the FAQs from the 14th July. Please find the correct answer below. 7. What happens if one of Staff and students must not come into the school if they have symptoms of Covid-19. the students/staff in the If a student or adult within the bubble shows symptoms of Covid 19 they will be sent to bubble shows signs of our separate first aid room, where a member of staff will contact their parents/carers to Covid 19? take them to be tested. If the test is positive all members of the bubble should then self- isolate for 14-days unless the test is negative.

Anyone self-isolating with symptoms will be asked to access testing and engage with the NHS Test and Trace process.

Further questions relating to September 2020 We have had the following questions from parents/carers following the information we sent out on Tuesday 14th July.

Q Is there not a better solution than mixed year groups on the buses? A Unfortunately, we do not know what transport provision will look like until we are sent more information. At this stage we are planning as if the buses are running as they normally do, but we will amend our plans if the provision is different. In the meantime, we are being told that parents/carers are being encouraged to find an alternate form of transport.

Q Do you have a plan for re engagement of students and reconnection of relationships, both within and out of school? A Returning to school is vital for children’s education and well-being. We have seen the students that have returned to school enjoy engaging with their teachers and peers. In September we will be relaunching how we support our students through the tutor system and our Student Support team. These changes are designed to support all students to re-engage and re-connect with all aspects of school life and to enable us to be proactive through mentoring and small group work (within a year group) when needed.

Q Do you have a holistic plan for How you intend to teach the Covid principles? Is will it be delivered via PSHE and pastoral as well as cross curricula? How do plan to encourage a buy in? A Our students have chosen 3 words to shape our school expectations and rules for 2020-2021; Respect, Responsibility and Equality. We will be exploring these explicitly through tutor time and in assemblies to work with students and to communicate our expectations for all aspects of school life, with particular reference through the Responsibility theme related to health and safety and the Covid principles. Teachers will also be using these 3 words within lessons as a consistent message about our school expectations.

Q When you say keep 2 metres social distancing are you talking about staff? A The updated Behaviour annex for September, outlines the changes to how we are approaching social distancing from September. Students will be kept in year groups to reduce number of people they come into contact with but we will still continue to encourage students to maintain 2m social distancing wherever possible between themselves. We are making changes to our classroom layouts and ways students move around the site to enable 2m social distancing between staff and students as per Government guidance. Q Can students bring a kindle rather than a reading book? A Yes

Q PE days - do they actually come to school dressed in their PE kit? A Yes

Q Year group days - just to clarify that the first week, they only go in on their year group day, but after the following Monday - all year groups go in every day of the week? A Yes Q What will bubble sizes be? A Bubbles will be a whole year group, 230 students on average. They will be in normal class sizes within that bubble, but may move about between classes within their year group as they normally would. A Year 9 only – What is meant when you say you are narrowing the curriculum, but have access to some option subjects? Q We will continue to be able to deliver the national curriculum to all students, we have had to reduce the number of sessions using bespoke equipment for some of the younger year groups to preserve the ‘bubbles’ and zones within the school. Students are delaying starting the options process and so the beginning of year 9 will be primarily based upon content not covered at the end of year 8 and students will continue to access subjects they may have not chosen during the options process. While not ideal, we do believe this will give our students the best chance of being fully prepared for KS4 content. Q How much sport will they do? A 5 hours per fortnight


The last Business Project was to write an article about a famous Entrepreneur. The best one from Year 10 and Year 9 is the one below. Though we had a number of excellent entries this one won because of the originality of who was picked and how well it was written.

Mrs R Johnston Head of Business, Social Science and Quality Nominee

Year 11 Polo Shirts

Polo shirts for students entering Year 11 September 2020 can be purchased from Scallywagz, High Street, Daventry. The unisex polo shirts with a Guilsborough logo cost £10 for sizes XXS - S and £12 for sizes M—XXL Mr K. Woolridge Assistant Head of PE/Head of Year 10


Virtual House Talent Competition and Make a Difference Day (MAD) On Monday 13th July—Wednesday 15th July Guilsborough Academy hosted it’s first ever virtual talent competition. The Winners of the Talent Competition are . . . Overall Lower School Winner- Neirin Marshall-Cross Overall Upper School Winner- Melody Braithwaite

Rockingham Winners: Aimee Herschell, Mary Herbert and Lotti Dando

Whittlebury Winner: Poppy Hulme

Salcey Winner: Finley Mackintosh

Everdon Winners: Darcie Tanner & Maya Hall


On Friday 17th July Musical Talent: Harriet Barrow Guilsborough Academy hosted a Make a Creative Talent:: Millie Gearing Difference Day. Students were asked to be MAD! To make a


We will let you know how the students got on at a later dater!


Community Governor Vacancy OUR AIMS AND VALUES 2020-2021

We have recently carried out a skills audit and as a result of a long standing governor stepping down, we are now seeking a governor with a knowledge of mental health issues/counselling and well-being, which we believe will play an even bigger part in the lives of young people than it does at the moment and will become more apparent as a result of the Covid pandemic.

At Guilsborough Academy, we strive to provide an engaging and supportive school culture based upon four key values and skills— Aspiration, Respect, Learning and Global Citizenship. Each of these contributes to our ethos of ‘Learning Without Limits’  We aspire to be our best and to do our best for others  We respect ourselves and others  Our learning knows no limits  We are global citizens ready for the 21st Century Effective Governance is based on six key features:  Strategic Leadership  Accountability  People  Structure  Compliance  Evaluation The role of the Governor considers stakeholders views, financial oversight, strategic leadership and holding the Senior Leadership Team to account. There is one board meeting each term, along with a need to be able to attend other events during term time when the academy is open. Availability to visit the Academy during the day is important. Support will be provided by other experienced governors and induction training is available. Being a governor can be enjoyable, stimulating and rewarding. We can offer:

 A chance to develop skills in strategic management  The opportunity to work with our team of governors and staff in improving our Academy  Training to develop an understanding of specific Academy management issues  A sense of achievement in making a difference to our Academy  The pleasure of helping students reach their potential

If you are interested in learning more please email [email protected]

08 GUILSBOROUGH ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Guilsborough Academy’s First Ever Virtual Summer Concert

It was with great excitement that we went 'live' with our first ever virtual concert on Friday July 10th. The Music Department were incredibly keen to provide an artistic outlet for students and a forum where they could share their fantastic skills and talents. We also wanted an opportunity to showcase some of Year 11 and 13 leavers who have given so much to the Music Department over the past 5-7 years. We were delighted to receive such a fantastic response and with the help of some nifty software, students (and a few staff members too!) we were easily able to record and share their performances. Chris Williams in our IT department did an outstanding job of editing the final video and it is something that we are extremely proud of. The arts have always held a prominent place in all our lives, in helping to define who we are as human beings, helping us to make sense of the world and in simply enriching our lives, and their presence in our lives is needed even more so in these unsettling times. Moments of joy can occur, even in difficult circumstances through the arts, and I hope that our students found as much joy in selecting, preparing and performing these pieces as I did in listening to their fantastic contributions. It just remains for me to say a massive thank you to all the students and their parents who have supported the Music Department over the past year and we look forward to seeing you all in September. To view the video please follow this link:

Mrs D. Holmes Head of Music

09 GUILSBOROUGH ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Guilsborough Academy’s First Ever Virtual Summer Concert


What our Students Have Been Doing During Lockdown . . .

Tegan has been continuing with her baking skills in lock down I've had some amazing work from 8SPR on the and has been baking a lot. She recently had a request from History topic 'Why USA lost the war in one of her neighbours to make her son a birthday cake for his Vietnam?'. It was a tricky topic but the following 8th birthday, Pokemon themed. She worked incredibly hard students deserve recognition: Maisie Green, on the cake and I think the photos show how well she did! Claudia Humprey, Isabella Hunt, Olivia Johnson Since making this cake, word has got around and the cake and Isla Owen did some really impressive work. orders are coming in!

Tegan Ponting’s amazing birthday cake – and she is going to Mrs N Shiels study Baking and Patisserie – she is so talented!

Right: David Tyrell has built a practice hockey pitch

Congratulations to the following Geography students from 10L who have all been working hard on Traffic Flow Investigations for Paper 3: Owen Bartlett, Philippa Moore, Elizabeth Northover, Jacob Shearing, Darcie Tanner and Kiera Tomkins. An example of the excellent work produced is below (Jacob’s): Ellie Starkey and her sister Jasmine along with Lois Hazle have been making hundreds of sets of scrubs and face masks by hand.

11 GUILSBOROUGH ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Congratulations to our following students who have achieved word-millionaire status (having read 1 million words and completed a quiz on the books that they read. Haywood, Eva Spittles, Thomas Johnston, Olivia Collins, Natalie Lambert, Lyall Bailey, Lennon Collins, Maya Johnson, Amy Hulme, Poppy Copping, Hazel Lowry, Harry Shiels, Eleanor Humphrey, Sebastian The following students are also multi-word-millionaires: Clarke, Thomas Townsend, Lily Forster, Daisy Joyce, Olivia  Oliver Green Towers, Mabel Mount, Bethan  Orla Hand Stewart, Daniel Paul, Imogen Cooksley, Noah Robertson, Constance Miss G Keenes Head of Years 7 and 8 This Girl Can!

It’s been great to see lots of our students staying active during lockdown and here are some of our girls helping to promote our ‘This Girl Can’ campaign. If you would like more information please visit https:// If you would like to make this collage bigger and better, please send your entries through to Miss Hartfield. [email protected] Miss A Hartfield Teacher of PE and Maths 12 GUILSBOROUGH ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Year 7 Achievements

Our Year 7 cohort students have Well done to the following been busy since school closed students for cracking the most and below is a list of their amount of weekly conundrums achievements.  Lyall Lambert

 Connie Robertson Catch Me If You Can Accelerated Reader  Kaitlyn Shirley Competition Results Competition Results 1st—BLD 1st—SHP Well done to the following 2nd—SMH 2nd—KGX students whose work was 3rd—CKE 3rd—DAW celebrated by Departments. 4th—RLS 4th—RLS 5th—DAW 5th—CKE 6th—KGX 6th—BRL 7th—BLD 7th—SHP 8th—BRL 8th—SMH Head of Year Weekly The year group’s total recorded Gethin Owen’s nightlight amount of time spent exercising Competition Overall Results was 319 hours (almost 13.5 1st—DAW days). Within this time, we could 2nd—SHP have walked from Guilsborough Academy to anywhere within 3rd—SMH this radius 4th—CKE 5th—BLD




Short-Story Writing Competition Results

Milly Longrigg’s vehicle 1st—Connie Robertson made of recycled materials 2nd—Poppy Hulme

3rd—Byron James


Poem by Isobel Moore

Geography work by James Hackett

Art Work

Painting commemorating VE Day by Finley Mackintosh

Miss G Keenes Head of Years 7 and 8


Our Year 8 cohort students have Well done to the following been busy since school closed and students for cracking the most below is a list of their amount of weekly conundrums achievements.  Benjamin Bailey

 Lennon Bailey Catch Me If You Can Accelerated Reader  Thomas Clarke Competition Results Competition Results 1st—AVL 1st—BLL Cookery Creations 2nd—SPR 2nd—HCH 3rd—Staff 3rd—ADW 4th—AYN 4th—AYN 5th—HCH 5th—SPR 6th—HTF 6th—AVL 7th—ADW 7th—HTF 8th—LGN 8th—LGN The year group’s total recorded amount of time spent exercising was 313 hours (13 days). Within this time, we could have walked Head of Year Weekly from Guilsborough Academy to Competition Overall Results anywhere within this radius Ebony Heap 1st—SPR 2nd—AVL 3rd—AYN

4th—HCH Katie Nicholls 5th—BLL and HTF 6th—ADW


Amelie Smith



Well done to the following students for their Well done to the following students whose work was personal accomplishments celebrated by departments. Lotti Dando, Aimee Herschell and Mary Herbert passed their Grade 7 Ballet Exam, having to perform Lois virtually for the examiners. Irvine’s Blossom Hill was praised by Northamptonshire Product School Games for her gymnastics routine. Designs Katie Nicholls climbed the equivalent of the Three Peaks in her house. She climbed up and down the stairs 1368 times in under 24 hours. She covered 22 Benji miles uphill. Westmoreland- Maisie Green set up a donations box in her local Alexander’s village shop and the supplies were sent to Coventry Textiles work Hospital for patients who were unable to have visitors.

She also created comfort clasps for NHS workers’ face masks using a 3D printer.

Bella Dowsett created a video for her Geography project where she ‘visited’ the Wonders of the World.

Arthur Tilt (SPR) ran a half-marathon in his back garden! He ran 104.5 laps of his garden in 1:51:55. Below is a map of his run:

Dylan Lloyd-Sherlock’s Sugar Science


During the lockdown the Year 9 students have been working hard on their studies. They have also been en- joying their hobbies and sports as well. Here are some of the highlights from the past few weeks.

Chloe McLaughlan sent in pictures of her Charlie Jolley has spent some of his spare time Taxidermy Project. creating fantastic models!

During the lockdown year 9 students got involved Year 9 Tutors have also been busy. Mrs Treharne has in celebrating VE Day. Sophia Hartley sang in the been busy on her farm lambing. She has also had to be street. I hear she has a wonderful voice. a rescue service and a vet! I understand all is well with Hermione now. “I’ve been keeping busy looking after a poorly calf, Hermione managed to get stuck down a drain and badly cut her knees. Luckily both her and her mum are very friendly and have been letting me treat and bandage her knees.” Mrs Treharne

Mollie Deacon did not let the lockdown stop her Mr L Jackson from completing her Karate Black Belt grading. She Head of Year 9 did it over Zoom!

17 GUILSBOROUGH ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Sporting News . . . Guilsborough Academy’s Virtual Sports Day . . . Thank you to every single student who took part in this year’s Virtual Sports Day. We had lots of entries from different year groups and some excellent scores from individual students. Congratulations to ROCKINGHAM on winning the sports day!! If you wish to see a montage of students please watch our video on the school’s Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Also, a massive well done to our individual winners for their efforts and top performances during sports day.

Year 7 Individual Awards for Top Performance Year 9 Individual Awards for Top Performance

GOLD – Lyall Lambert and Kaitlyn Shirley GOLD – Jemima Lambert SILVER – Ben Hession and Bella Banks SILVER – Elliot Foxon - Day BRONZE – Reuben Cullup and Elsie Dunkley BRONZE –Thomas Harrison

Year 8 Individual Awards for Top Performance Year 10 Individual Awards for Top Performance

GOLD – Frankie Sage and Annalise Foxon – Day GOLD – Rebecca Wilson SILVER – Ben Bailey and Poppy Williams SILVER – Grace Battisson Miss A Hartfield BRONZE – Jack Hobson and Katie Nicholls Teacher of PE and Maths

Guilsborough Academy’s Socially Distanced Sports“Relevant Afternoon . . . Thequote mixed year from bubbles had a socially distanced sports afternoon on Wednesdayarticle 15th placed July to finally decide which bubble is the best. Here’s bubblein callout B’s mascot to box cheer them on! A huge thank you to Miss Hartfield for her inventiveness of games and sportinghere. challenges” that are social distancing and hand-sanitiser friendly.

Miss L Ward Assistant Principal


The Daventry School Sports Awards, would have been a grand conclusion to the 2019-2020 academic year. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic changed the way we have celebrated the year! We would like to take the opportunity to say huge congratulations to all the award winners and nominees. The standard of nominations was extremely high, which meant selecting award winners was extremely difficult, so all should be extremely proud. We hope you have been able to see the awards presented on Twitter, but if you haven’t here is a link to the videos, so you can watch; .

Award Award Winners Runners up Endowed Church of England Primary School Participation School of the Year Primary School School Badby School Staverton CE Primary School Performance School of the Year Primary School

Weedon Bec Primary School Overstone Primary School, Active School of the Year The Bramptons Primary School Clipston Endowed Primary School Moulton School and Science College Year Primary School Year 3/4 Sportshall 7 Boys Football Team Athletics Team C of E Primary Year 5/6 Dodgeball Team School of the Year Team Badby School Year 6 Football Team The Bramptons Primary School KS1 Inclusive

Crick Primary School Overstone Primary School Sports Crew School of the Year Clipston Endowed Primary School Ellen Goodhart Tom Greenfield Secondary Sports Leader School Lyla Hepworth of the Year

Olivia McGhee Arthur Gibbs Primary Sports Star School of Dyllon Pallatt the Year

Secondary Sports Star School of Jodi Grewcock Sharon Osindi the Year Virtual School of the Year Badby School Crick Primary School Club Link School of the Year Daventry Dolphins Swimming Club Special Recognition Award Kilsby C of E Primary School David, Dorota and I would like to thank everyone for your efforts. It doesn’t go unnoticed. All the time and hard work that you put in to attend events and deliver the in-school curriculum. We couldn’t deliver the SND programme without you! We feel the year has still been a fantastic success, despite the change to the competition programme, especially that Team SND were Virtual School Games Champions! We are aware that some of you will be moving on from your current schools or passing the PE baton over to fresh legs! Thank you for all of your hard work and the impact you have made to the children in your schools – we hope the experiences you have had in the role and working alongside us will go with you as you seek out new challenges. We know this year has been particularly challenging and hope you have a well-deserved, relaxing summer break. We look forward to working with you in the next academic year. Toni Tull P.E. & School Sport Development Officer


Well Done to our Students Who Took Part in the Virtual Games!


Dates for your Diary:

Tuesday 1st September - Training Day Wednesday 2nd September - Years 7 and 12 only Thursday 3rd September - Years 9, 11 and 13 only Friday 4th September - Years 8 and 10 only Monday 7th September - All year groups return to school