Australian Psychological Type Review Published by the Australian Association for ISSN 1442-0716 Psychological Type Inc, Edited and designed by Philip L Kerr (INTP) Volume 11 Printed by Webbs Printing, Fortitude Valley QLD Number 2
[email protected] October 2009 About us Now for something completely different The Australian Psychological Type Review is the Ian L Ball + Huifang Yang + Shuming Zhao national periodical of the Australian Association New evidence about the four temperaments and Chinese and Australian managers .................. for Psychological Type Inc. 3 The Review is published twice a year, in April and Sally Campbell | Culture changes over time October, and distributed to AusAPT members, Effects on cultures across the world .......................................................................................... 11 international type bodies and selected libraries. Correspondence may be emailed to the Editor Peter Geyer + Philip L Kerr | Views from the Grassy Knoll … at
[email protected], or posted to Two perspectives on the Dallas APTi conference ..................................................................... 25 54 Koorong St, The Gap QLD 4061, Australia. Anne Marsden + Tim Marsden | Take it from here Using type in a different culture with people of widely different educational backgrounds ........ 44 Contributions This is the meaning of life We welcome articles on personality type and Philip L Kerr | Is this the right room for an argument? related topics. Word lengths are negotiable. Editorial ......................................................................................................................................................... If you’d like to contribute, contact the Editor, 2 Philip L Kerr, at
[email protected], | The new type community or after hours on 07 3300 3164. Vicky Jo Varner The online type experience is muddled with naiveté and ignorance ......................................... 39 We prefer articles in plain English, active voice and first person.