Health & Social Care School of Clinical & Applied Sciences Practice Learning Team


Placements form a vital part of a student’s education enabling them to develop their professional reasoning and learning. During placement students build their professional identity and awareness, and learn to work in conjunction with other professions and agencies. The experience gained also enables students to link theoretical knowledge, skills and values to practice.

Please find listed below the dates for the training events for physiotherapy and occupational therapy practice educators, teaching developed collaboratively between the Beckett University, university of and Huddersfield University.

• PEPC • PEPC Refresher

*** Please book courses direct with each University providers; ***

Practice Educator Preparation Course (PEPC) This workshop is for practitioners who are new to student placements; no previous experience is required. There is an expectation that those attending the course will go on to supervise a student on placement in the near future.

The course provides an introduction to practice education and the various models of supervision. It looks at the skills required to be an effective practice educator, as well as the roles and responsibilities of student and educator. It will explore a range of topics such as reflective practice, planning and assessment, how to support the underachieving and exceptional student and how to address challenges during the placement.

40 spaces available at each session

Date Venue Duration Wed 20th & Thur 21st Nov 2019 2 days

TBC….. University of Huddersfield 2 days

Thur 14th & Fri 15th Nov 2019 2 days

Practice Educator Preparation Refresher Course (PEPC Refresher) This workshop is aimed at experienced practice educators who have supervised students on placement, but would like to update and refresh their skills and knowledge in relation to supervision. The CSP suggests a refresher is done every 5 years; ideally we would like it to be reviewed and updated every 3 years. Attendees are required to have previously completed the Practice Educator Preparation Course.

The workshop will provide an update on a range of topics including: changes to practice education, completing assessment paperwork, writing learning outcomes, dealing with challenges on placement, supporting students with various learning styles and various levels of achievement. There will be some group work and discussion exploring various problem-based case studies. Time will also be given to addressing issues identified by participants; suggestions for areas to be covered are welcomed.

40 spaces available at each session

Date Venue Duration Physiotherapy Wednesday 26th February 2020 Leeds Beckett University 1 day

TBC…. University of Huddersfield 1 day

TBC…. University of Bradford 1 day


SLiP (Support for Learning in Practice) is for clinicians who are either relatively new to supporting students on placement or those who have experience but have not attended a course before. It aims to prepare registered professionals involved with the education of students to provide effective placement learning experiences. It consists of one day of ‘face to face’ contact and the equivalent of one day of e-learning independent study. The course provides skills in educating and facilitating a student to develop practice knowledge and skills in the workplace. It also prepares them to assess student competence.

Please book your place via the online store

Dates for Slip below:

Date Venue Duration CONTACT YSJ DIRECT St John 1 day


How to Book For more information and to book a place on one of these sessions please complete and return the booking form found in the ‘How to Book’ section of the following link: team/continuous-professional-development-practice-educators/

Leeds Beckett University

Please direct any queries and all booking forms to: Physiotherapy - [email protected] Occupational Therapy [email protected]

University of Bradford

Please direct any queries and all booking forms to: Dianne Williams Placements Administrator 01274 236442 [email protected]

York St John University

Please book your place via the online store

University of Huddersfield

Please direct any queries and all booking forms to [email protected]