The Daily Egyptian, April 01, 1985

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The Daily Egyptian, April 01, 1985 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1985 Daily Egyptian 1985 4-1-1985 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 01, 1985 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 70, Issue 125 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 01, 1985." (Apr 1985). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1985 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1985 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Student killed during Salvadoran election day' AN SALV ADO R. EI by pol ice or a U .. delegalion progra m . which has fa ced sliff presidency . said rebels ro~ bed ;;cople en a lvador I UPI , - Tens of in ~: I Sa lvador observing the opposition in Ihe righl isl· There will be no voling in al route to vole a nd threatened lh o~s an d s of Sa lvador aos elec tions. dominated assembly. least 25 10\\1115 under virtual others . voted in na tional elections Despile palrols by Ihousands VOling r""ulis were nol g u e rri lla coni rol or " [ believe the people are a Sunday. bul Ihe Ihrea t of of a r my Iroops on maximum expecled be~ore Wednesday. depopula led. li ttle a fra id," he said of the gu rr il 1 ~ violence k e tll a ler:. there was virtu ally no The Central Electoral [n La Pa lma, the northern lower·tha n-expected turnout. thousands of other s away . One highway tra ffic on Ihe fourlh Counci l said il expecled 1.6 mountain town that was host to " If people hear gunfi re. they student was shOI 10 dealh by day of a rebe l·declared million people 10 vOle for Ihe the first peace talks between ~e t ala rmed a nl! leaVE," leftisl rebels . nati ona l t r a ns portation nine poli lica I parties fielding leftist rebels and Duarte, local Only hour a ft er Ihe polls shuldow". candidales. bul polilical ob· officials said many residents But in the prvvincia l capital IipenCd. a spmina ry student At stake during the elections servers consider th e figure of outlying villdges were of Chalatenango, 47 miles riding in a ca r was shot to for a new 6().mclllber na tiona l optimistic. About 1.4 million afraid to lrave,) into town. north of San Sa lvador. dealh by guerrilla s with legisla live assembly and 262 participated in last year's Capt. Julio Hernandez thousa nds of voters cra mmed machine guns. But no other mayors is Ihe fulure of elections thai won Presidenl Monge. leader of the army polling stations in iront of the violence was reported unday Dlla rle's liberal reform Jose apoleon Duarte Ihe battalion stationed in the town. city's armv barrack~ . Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Monday, April 1, 1985, Vol. 70, No. 125 Searches Hospital OKs triggered abortion ban by killing By J f' rr Curl " The board is saying tha t Slar(Wl""ilf'r JERUSALEM ( P II - A they do nol see abortions as gunman shot a nd killed a n Elective a bortions will no part of the role of a hospital." [sraeli setUer in the West Ba nk longer be performed at Maroney said. " They are not town of EI Bireh Sunday. Memorial Hos;>ital of Ca r· making any statement on the triggering la rge·sca le sear· bondale. the hospita l's board rightness or wroneiless of ches a nd arrests and a curfew. of trustees decided Thursday abortions. ,. milita ry sources said . night. Therapeutic a bortions, done The council of J ewi sh sel· While one a nti -aborlionist when a mother's life is in tlers on the West Ba nk called the decision a " mora l danger. will not be a ffected by demanded imm e d iat e victory, " a spokeswoman for the new pol icy. retaliatory measures for the Southern [llinois ians For Sheffi eld Boa rdma n. the killing of Zalma n Obolnik. 52. Choice called it " a palling." internist who started the a nti­ an EI Bireh municipa l em· The hospital's 12·year policy a bortion petition signed by ployee and a founde.r of the of performing a bortions was medica l staff members. said n ~ r by Jewish settlement of re-exa mined after the board the hospita l is a " mora l Givon. members were given a n anti­ leader" for deciding against Milita r v sources said abortion petition signe1 by 32 k illing young childr en. Obolnik. who Im migrated to of the hospi tal's e'/ staff Boardma n said he feels his Israel from the Soviet Union in physicians. said administra tor petition had some influence on 1973. was shOI in the head from Grorge Maroney. b<>a rd members a nd a dded close range by a ma n shortly The board a lso received a :.nat he hopes the decision will a fter shopping in EI Bireh's pro-choice petition signed by help olher hosp;!Als which produce ma rket. over 600 people, a nd other perform abortions to change Authorities clamped a petitons from I""RI churches policy. curfew on the town. Soldiers s ~pportin g the a nt,·abortion " We want to sprC2d the good c a rried out large-sca le stance. news across the counlry: ' he searches a nd detained dozens While the petitions were a said . of people. sources said. catalysl for re-exa mining the Mur iel Haywa rd . Obolnik's slaying followed a hosptial's a bortion policy. they spokeswoman for Southern s~n Pholo b)' Stf'pht"n tiennt'd} clash in the Dehaishe refu gee had nothing to do with the Ulinoisians For Choice which Spit and polish c a mp nea r Be lhl e h e m board's decision. Maroney started the pro-choice petition. Saturday in which Iwo said. He said the question the said Iha t she i " appalled and Phillip Reilly of Carbondate ..; axes a houseboat al P[ayporl Palestinians youths wer e board dealt with was whether angry " at the hos pital's Marina 9n Thur"Sday. The boat is a 4g..foot Carles Craft and wounded by [sraeli gunfire. pe rforming abortions fits decision. She said it fri ghtens is owned b)' Bob Coffel or Christopher. Colfel named his J ewish settlers dema nd ed under the proper role of a boat Ihe Sea lIorse [I. the a rrest of alleged P a lestine hospital. See ~AN . age:; Libera tion Organization ac· tivists in the region a nd the closing of Bir Zeit University. The settlers charged the Neo-Nazi murder suspect arrested Pa lestinia n college. near EI W[ NSTO -SA LEM. .C. PencP. agent in charge of the Agents who ha d staked out Lane is not fo rmally cha rged Bireh's Iwin city of Ra ma llah. I UPll - FB[ agents a rrested FB[ '" North Ca rolina . On the the parking lot grabbed ' in the slayi ng of Denver talk 9 miles north of J erusalem. neo- 'azi David Lane in a seat next to him was a .45- another man sitting in the show host Alan Berg. but was nourishing the ideology supenn a rket parking lot four caliber pistol a nd a la rge knife. truck and a ma n outside the Denver police believe he was a tha t prompted the attack on days a f!::: r Un; caplure of said P ence. supermarket, but lhey were member of a four-man hit Obolnik. another member of the white not identified beca use the) had squ. d that shot tQ death Berg T h e mil i tant Kac h supremacist group susj)<!Cted " We wai-2d unti l we had him not been cha rged. Pcnce said. in the driveway of his home on movemenl of U.S.·born Rabbi in the murder of a J ewish talk where we felt he wasn't a June 18. 1984. Meir Kahane. in a call to thp show host in Denver. the FB[ threat to anyone and felt he Lane was held in the Forsyth United Press [nternational said Sunday. wasn't armed," Pence said. County jail on a warrant Berg frequenUy argued with bureau in J erusa lem. urged An FB[ agent put a shotgun " There was a weapon just charging him with co un· npG- Nazi members on his call- the expUlsion of a ll Arab from 10 Lane's head as he got into a inside the truck. about a foot lerfeiting $10 bills in in sho ..... a nd Denver po[icesay Ramallah a nd EI Bireh. pickup truck Saturday a f· away from him. But he didn't Philadelphia. He is scheduled Lane fl'equenUy called the talk· " [f the [sraeli government is ternoon outside the Winn Di xie go for it. We didn' t give him to appear before a federal show to a ir his anti-Semitic nol prepared to ta ke action. supermarket. said Robert the opportunity." magistrate Monday. views . then Kach will: ' it said. This Moming Candidates debate issues in forum Hagar's show hot 8~' BobTHa to cast ballots for four trustee " [ want to start a new trend to Gus Bode SlarrWrilrr candidates as well as a get SlU-C studenL< in local and hard-rocking Republican candidates for township supervisor. assessor, government," said Capps, a - Page 6 Carbondale Township offices clerk a nd highway com· SlU·C radio-television major.
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