a. Z t t Year. * i.5 o ISSUED EOERY THURSDAY clje Copy,5cenrs J

Devoted to the interests of'C ^eLbv-th e-S ^bble^B each , Carmel Highlands, Carmel; Valley

V O L . IV , N U M . 24 J U L Y 18, 1918 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. CAL.

While You All Americans Are Regularly The Vou Lobeii Sels family aud N. O. Mor-eaud family departed Can Serve party, whose homes arc up uear for their Berkeley home on Sunday Employed Sacramento, are here for at least a morning. Phyllis Overstreet ac­ three months’ stay. They have companied them. She will return — and can save a in time for school opening. taken the Norwood houses. little money every Mr. aud Mrs. S. J. W y a t t and Rev. I.. E Learned, rector of Every man, woman and month, why not their four boys are away ou a fruit- All Saints Church at. Pasaden, is j prepare tor the in. child in this country, who picking campiug tour. They may here w ith his fa m ily . T h e y t.hor- ongnly eujov their annual Garmel wants to serve the coun­ not return until the Fall. j evitable ‘rainy day’ sojourns. Oil, lint the streets are try, can serve it and serve No wonder the political candi­ | by having ait ac- hard ou the machine. it in a very simple and ef­ dates advertise in the Pine Ouie. | count with the fective way, says Secre­ There are over four hundred voters Dr. F. O. Edwards, oestopathic tary McAdoo. iu C armelo Precinct. physician, of San Jose, who, with j FIRST NATIONAL his wife was here recently, will Mis. Alice V. Cotton aud her | B A N K ? spend this week-eud here. J his daughter, Miss Laura, came down That service is to lend time friends will accompany them j All funds so in from Sau Francisco on Sunday. your money to the gov­ on the trip. Tlie former has been ill for some vested now will be- ernment. Every 25 cents time, but is now on'the road to Robert Wniters formerly of the | c m e a safeguard loaned to the government health Carmel Valiev, lias rented a cot- against the uncer­ is a help at this time and Mr. Lewis B. Avery aud family 'lie fo/wt practically every man. tainty of the future are occupying a laige house over He ««* «*«PV placa alone for very long. woman and child, by on tlie Eighty Acre Tract. They making some trifling sac­ will be here about three weeks. Sunday is the sabbath day, no 4 P E R C E N T PAID rifice, some denial of a Mr. Avery is assistant superinten­ matter where people happen to be. On Interest accounts pleasure, or giving up dent of the Oakland schools. Tlie large number of vacationers now here, iiave attended in large some indulgence, can ren­ M rs. Stephen Rogers and John weeks r t t,.« der the government that E t > j lirst ! regular services at the historic support. Tom Reunion, drove down from, Sau Jose on Sunday lor a brief Cl,rmel Mtsstou. Ncitionnl Jean Jacques Pfister, a Swiss W e sell U. S. Thrift and visit . artist of San Francisco, is tile Dunk Miss Odessa Guichard is here W ar Savings Stamps guest of George J. Seideneck. He j trout Ben Lomond for a six weeks’ will lie here several weeks. "C ar­ j MONTEREY, CAL. i visit with her sister. mel is glorious,” says lie. Bank of Monterey Mr. aud Mrs. William G. Stein- U n d e r U . S. G o v e r n ­ A critic who lias read advance J Hietz,' with Mr. and Mrs. M cNally, ment Supervision M o n te re y S a v . B a n k sheets of Mari' Austin’s new book, are occupying the saxe cottage. •Same llld’g Saule Maungeiu’t " L’lie Young Woman Citizen,” Mr. Steinmetz is with the business sais of it: "It does for the pro­ department of tlie S. F. Examiner, spective woman voter what Liop- and Mr. McNally has been con­ innu’s "Preface to Politics has nected with the Oakland Traction T h e Woodland Dancers done for man.” Co. for many years. N o t a S la c k e r The annual praise service of the The new Rendtorff bungalow ou Carmel Missionary Society will be On Saturday evening, Jiih 20. Cartnelo Avenue is rapidly near­ held at 2 :30 next Wednesday after­ at 9 o'clock, Jeannette Hoaglaud To dispel the implication that ing completion. Carmel has at noon, at tlie I'resbi teriau Chapel, with her Wood laud Dancers will William Graham Murray is a mil­ Vintes this year been taxed to cap corner Eighth and Dolores streets. appear on t h c Forest 1 Ileal rt* itary -slacker,” it should be pub acit v to house visitors, so that the Interesting speakers from Asilomar Stage. A splendid program has lislied, in justice to the ruling erection of additional liottses is a will be present. The public is distinct gain to the community. been arranged. The dancers have man, that Sheriff Nesbitt lias re cordiallv invited. been rehearsing for many weeks, ceived legal papers from New Lord and Lady Barton are here No fooling! Mouterev will be a and the affair promises to even a York proving conclusively that. from Santa Barbara. They are drv, drv town from Saturday next greater artistic success than last Murray is 32 years old—over the registered at La Plava. until the end of tlie war, ^ e year’s charming event. American draft age. closing order will extend to Pebb e Don’t forget the Red Cross The dances for this season in­ Also, having made application Beach Cottage and Del Monte. dance at Arts and Crafts Hall clude an exquisite pastoral by a for and received first American A cruel war, mates; a cruel war. group of vouug girls, a stately citizenship papers, thereby fore­ tonight. gavotte, flower dances, aud several swearing his Britisii allegiance, he solo dances by Miss Hoaglaud, is not liab le to service in the B rit­ whose work uesds no introduction isii annv or navy. to G unnel. Climax Furniture Co. Reserved seats are ou sale at the Carmel Bakery. General admis­ Social Dance T h e Big Store in Monterey on Franklin Street sion. 50c.; reserved seats, $1. ARTS AND CRAFTS HALL $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 ‘=>“T O C K The affair will he repeated ou Moudav evening for the benefit of OF EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME. IT’S THE the Red Gross, T o n i g h t ONLY PLACE TO BUY HOME THINGS. COME B E N E F IT OF AND SEE US, ANYHOW. The production of “ The Carmel Red Cross Eco n o m y Satisfaction Tents of the Arabs, ” scheduled for the end of July, has been e v e r y b o d y c o m e GREEN TRADING STAMPS ______abandoned. Admission 25c. S3oooc=:~~~nonBu a u jOBiCE — i o e 3 o » = = = = i p c i o i . — C a rm e l jCalifornia Faces Sugar Famine S u m m e r School of Art FIFTH SEASON

Under auspices of Carmel Club I Individual Saving Will Avert It of Arts and Crafts U. S. Food Administration Urges Every JULY 9 TO AUGUST 31. 19181

Patriotic Person to Cut Down the Con- jj IVl. De Neale Morgan

sumption of Sugar That Serious INSTRUCTOR Condition May Be Avoided C lasses in Nothing short of rigid economy in the use of sugar in the OILS, WATER COLORS, PASTEL'] homes will prevent exhaustion of ’s supply before August 1. BLACK AND WHITE California's sugar ration for July for all purposes is approxi­ mately 12,000,000 pounds less than normal. Far furtherinform ation apply Housewives are warned that it ls highly unpatriotic as well bb a violation of the law punishable by fine and imprisonment to have M. De NEALE MORGAN on hand a supply of sugar in excess of three pounds for each mem- Studio Lincoln St. be of the household. For instance, if there are four in the family Near Ocean Ave. the maximum supply would be 12 pounds or the allowance for 30 days. This, however, does not Include sugar designed for canning. CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA F o r the latter purpose 25 pounds may be secured at a time by signing a certificate in which the purchaser agrees to use the sugar ■or canning purposes. Not mo;e than this amount should be in J. E. B i: c K. M. ,l any household at any one time except by special permission of the Office at Carm el-l>y - tbe-^ TAKE THIS OFF THE TABLE local administration. Pharmacy. Carmel. (>!• All y;~ar purchased for canning will be carefully checked and if it Is ! £nd purchased what a p p e a r s to be an excessive supply he will be called upon s o I O S t the street, J?1 10th, Black purse, containing coin. Fit” leave at Pine Cone; reward

Wanted N u r s e r y . ::: e rn ess f® two small boys. Reside^ M^Hford. Ore. Address.' tors have been assigned to the work checki g the food control bill. Their names will also F. Corning K enlv. Carnk to a fine of *5000 or two years’ imprisonment, or both, under the food com

L ( ) S t E.n v e lo p e contat 1,6 The" neeTfor strict conservation of sugar are as Imperative for the present V the «* wh«J , , . /.nAxotinn nt thn mihiir in cc«isorving wheat the food administration nims, on Ocean * Leave at Carmel News ; : T T athdat,bewcrtr6thoe Re a ai d. consumption to three pounds per p Fvery effort will be directed toward insur- will prevent hoarding any undue amounts of the commodity. Every errort wn ing equitable distribution of the limited supplies to all...... Adopt a W ar Orph*f in response to a widespread request of hotel and restaurant men f o r the abOliUon^o^the sugar ^ from the tables of public eating places, the food adm.mstration has airang eliminated T h e last qu arterly payme^ involved for consideration of the ad visibility of such a step. Many d.nmg places k ^ “ just been sent to San Fn the sugar bowl and are serving individual limited portions in envelopes, which has resulted In a big saving. completing the amount requ'l! Sale of sugar for home canning and preserving will be strictly supervised under the new regu a ons, provide for a Fredch child f but it is believed that sufficient sugar will be available to prevent any loss o ru o years, which amount is 573 XOESOl =TO*— < hand in treasury, $3 35; tob( ^ ■wj-— — ■ 19-iri ------l— o,n r t . o s------: T 3 Q S IO ! lected, 90 cents. Most of thes scribers desire i o go on child two years more. Th JIINIIIIIIIiailimilllMDIIIIHtHltiamiNINIIIlJHIIIMNIIiamilHIUIK La Playa Anivals iminmniaiiiiuiMticiimiiHiiuaiiiiimiiHiiiiimiiimcniMMNiK Carmel residents nine children " + been adopted. H San Francisco— Mrs I L Phillips For Information I General Pershing has sent.1 and child. E Burckhalter and wife, AUTO TRIPS Q request that this work of Miss McClure. orphans be stimulateds T c d < As to Property San M ateo— Mrs D A H e lb in g | for Sketching and day. or about $3 a month or I and t*o children a year, plus a sim ilar amount Berkeley — Mrs H B Hunter. a Picnic Parties In Lnd About by the French government, Btkersfield— Mr and Mrs A S Reasonable Rates a mother to keep her child, i® Crites and children CARMEL I Order at Pine Cone Office of placing it in an institution- New Orleans — Miss T Berkson. Anyone desiring to take a ( E Auburn— Miss Theodora Wiifs. A i m u i ' X i * may do so through Oakland— Miss Wilda Hershiser. (Mrs.) Mabel E Sie^l Carmel — Hszei Fifield, Mrs Z. T. SPENCER W C Starr, Mary A Kellv, Josephine Monterey, opp. Postoffice. Development Hodgkins, Edith M Hodgkins. Latest Rec irds. all make Pasadena— Alice B Collins. FURNITURE, BEDDING. Palace Drug Co., Monte Com pany Palo Alto —L M Lansdale. CARPETS. SH AD ES, Etc. Pianos for rent. ga Auburn— Mrs O J Lowell, Miss W e also make over mattresses iiMMiMtwomMiiutmiwiumiHiatmiuwHU lmintniHCiwwwimc Eleanor Lowell, Mr and Mrs T W and repair Furniture If you read it in the Pine Wilson, Chas A Seaman. ______Phone 638 ______Telephone It—! and Advertisement may be f C"iie you may safely repeat it. Patronize the home stores. Your duty: Buy Thrift Stamps the P in e Cone by phone. SOB ’ 3iiiiiiiiminiiiii.iiiiiiDHiNMiit:iniitiiiHiiiiaiiiiHiiiiiic:iimnmiic NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANZANITA THEATRE Carmel Pine Cone MO V I N G PICTURES PUBLISHED WEEKLY j Goin* Eishin’? j ui tile Superior Court of the State of California, in and for trie County I ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY, 1915 I HOOKS | I o f M onterey. Saturday. July 20 , Knterril as semmd class matter Feb- g In the matter of the estate of 1 rtiarv It*. 1915, at tlie post office at = Helen .VI, Schweninger, deceased. Mary Pickford in | Carmel. California, under tlie Act of L IN E S | j NOTICE I> HEREBY gIVEN by. darcb 3, IS79. = ; the un.ivi-signeii, George W. Schwen- ‘The Romance ^ ' inger. ail i.inistrator of the estate of \Y. L. Q V K U S TR E E T, P O LE S | Helen M. Schweninger, deceased, to of the Redwoods” Editor and Publislier | ! ihe creditors of, and all pel sons hav- PHONE 002 \V I f S IN K E R S | J ing claims against, the said Deceased, J i to file them, with ihe. necessary Tuesday, July 23 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA, CAL. vouchers, in tile office of the Clers of the above-.mlitleii Court, or to JULY 18, 1918 1 at Ben Lei cl ill;'s*| Katharine Williams ■ xhinit them, with the necessary and in Official Paper of the City L IC E N SE S ALSO vouchers, to the sain George \\ . Schweninger, at Ih e Law Offices of “ Big Timber ” j Si I a i W. Mack, rooms 1, 2 and 3 WEEKLY GREETING First National Bank Building, 429 OTHER FEATURES 1 I 't&ould as soon be dead as liv e on Alvarado street," Monterey City (the this plar\et i f the Hun and his military i sum; being the place for the tr.m- snc ion of the business o f said estate), P ro p e rty Iran s u c t io n s government were on top.—J. Stitt Wtl- in the County of Vlonterey, Slate ol son. Socialist orator . Cdiforma, within four months after the first piiolication of this notice. Deed: Carmel Villas ( X to Red Cross Notes Dated June 24th, .*. 1). 1918. Ethel R. Birkmaier. Tract in GEORGE W. SCHWENINGER, Carmel Highlands. Administrator of the Estate of A Red Cross Dollar in providing j Helen M. Schweninger, deceased. Mortgage: Isabel A. Leidig relief supplies is worth a normal Date of first publication, June 27. to Mont’v Sav. Bank'. Lots 7 one dollar aud fifty-nine. cents. A. D. 1918. and 8. Block 76, Carmel-by- This iiftv-uine cent gain is made Date of last publication, Julv 18, A. 1). 1918. the-Sea. possible by the freely given labor of millious of Red Cross workers, Silas W. Mack, Attorney for A - ministrator. Deed: Carmel Villas Co. to by the ability of the Purchasing Thos. S. Parkhurst. Portion Department to purchase at less of Rancho San Jose y Sur Chi- than commercial market value NOTICE TO CREDITORS quito, except 15 feet right of through tlie cooperation oi our wav, Carmel H ig h la n d s . own anil our allies’ governmental In he Superior C ourt o f the S t d e institutions and the generosity of of California, in and for ihe Couny manufacturers and merchants, by of Monterey. shipping space donated, tie. In the matter o f the estate o f ii—^—ii F ritz S. Sehwening* r, th ceased. ! Schweninger’s | notice is hereby given By The general public lias been re G R 0 C E it Y the undersigned, Gemge YV. Sehw- i - quested to conserve musing skill inger, administrator of the estate o f ! oy not employing unnecessarily F ritz S. Schweninger, deceased, t < imi ivicinal nurses and by utilizing j ill creditors of anil all persons hav- Best Goods hospitals and visiting muses when- j j in g claims against, the said cereal eii, evei possible. Oven leu thousand] I io fFe them with the necessaiy American Red Cross nurses have j vouchers, in the office of the Ciei k Eresh Goods been assigned during ihe first year of the above-entitled 0 urt, or t" exh.bit them, wPh the necessary of the war to our Army and Navy. vouchers, to the said George W. Right Prices Fifteen thousand more are needed ! Schweninger, at the Law Offices of by next January. Sixty thousand I Silas W. Mack, rooms 1, 2 and 3 Free Auto Delivery nurses have not yet volunteered. E . A . r l A I E S i First National Bank Building, 429 (incumbent) Aivarado street, Monterey City (the ,, ,, , , , same h ing the place for the tran- The second Reii Cross Drive be­ ( am .idafc fovR ep tlb l cat] nom- j paciionof the businessof said estate , in g a th in g o f the past,, ch apters P I C T U R E S H O W S IN CAR­ ination for Congressman. in the County of Monterey, Slate of are urged to begin a campaign im­ Eisrhtii District j California, within- ten (norths att-r M E L T H IS MONTH. mediately to remove the emblem ; , , . I the first publication of this n dire. of the Red Cross from automoitiles, | S u b ject lo decision of voters I >ated *J line 24th, A. P . 1918. store windows, wagons, etc., where at August 27 Primary GEORGE W. St H WEN I NGER, July 20 —‘‘Romance of th e1 it appears without campaign an­ Afiminist * ator of the Fprate of Redwoods. ” nouncements. Cards indicating CARMEL GAR \GE STAGES Fritz S. "chweiunjrer, oecefisrd. Date of first publication, June 27, July 23- Kathlyn Williams] war luud subscriptions may lie Watch for driver 'foearing Red Hat A . I>. 1918. and Wallace Reid in ‘‘Big displayed, also membership cards. Leave Carmel Leave Monterey Dare of last publication, Julv 18, I uniter. ” H II (Curtis’ or Service (near liott I A. I). 1918. Station) Monterey) July 27— ‘‘Wild and Woolly” The Pacific Division Bureau of Silas W. Mack, Attorney for Ad­ A .M . -7:30. 9:30. 10:31* „ A M -8:20, 12:00 July 80 — Louise Huff and Civilian Relief rendered aid to the ministrator, P.M.—2:30, 4:00 5:00 P.M.-1:40a. 3:20,5:40 women of the party of 250 Belgian Jack Pickford in “ Freckles.” a summer only soldiers who arrived in S h u F ra n ­ Meet any train by appointment. sale. Fi ve- cisco from Russia. Oil arrival it Organ B: Chase, was found that the women were Carmel Drug Store i g h t High tn d L in good condition. Inquire this sadly'iu ueed of clothing, which Dttv-l office. lias a fine line of was supplied. A woman havtug T i d e s a t ( L i t m e l _ an affliction of the eye was sent to L o w Ft.. H Kill Ft. 10:26 a 3 4 5:10 6 0 Tu tori ne* by an Ensi>sh the hospital. J 1 v 18 p *■* woman, a c- * 19 11 :28 a 3 6 5 :53 (5.2 R P j customed college preparatory, 11 a bv Ben 20 12:19 I' 3.6 6 :36 p $1.50 pays for the Pine Cone 21 1 :11 P 3.6 7 :22 p general history and English. CLOCKS for a year. Send it to a rela­ 22 2 :03 ]> 3 4 9:41 a 4.9! Experienced teacher of French tive or a friend who is inter­ 23 2 :54 1> 3 2 10: IS a ’> 1 j and German, acquired in Ger- Also Stationery, Toilet ested in Carmel and its doings. 24 3 :4(i P 3 0 10:54 a g , many and France. Helen M. Articles, a n cl Rubber j Baker. Apply, this office. S u n d rie s < loltiiiibia Gr-aphopiione and For Sale copper-lined Becords fior Sale electric hesper. Inquire at POINT LOBOS Pine Gone office. Eor S a le ^ TS6‘8'10- p t , r,^ haltofLotl2, ABAI-ONE Plain S E W IN G and mend- Block 1' F. Camino Real, 80 [• ing. Mrs. A. Delicious and Appetizing feet north of Ocean ave. Ap- | Comstock. Rox 30. Carmel., Ask Your Grocer for It nffice or address Helen Chandler, Gen. Del, Carmel. Patron ze tlie home stoi\ -. nusic. Drama and Lecture,. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT N e w s Notes

FOR COUNTY AUDITOR— Henry Cowell, young composer A. G. Winckler and pianist, well known here, who. (Incumbent) is in the Army, is now second con­ Candidate for re-election on ductor of the home orchestra at August 27 Allentown, Pa., where is located the training camp of the U. S. Medical Corps. He has also been For Justice of the Peace, selected as musical director of a Monterey Judicial Township plav to be given by the so'diers in N e w Y ork . C. E. Barber Miss Alice MacDongal is borne Candidacy submitted for con­ from New York. She’s a little sideration at Primary Election late for the Forest Theatre Society plays, but perhaps we shall have, For DISTRICT ATTORNEY- her for the “ 'Tents of the Arabs,” to he presented by the Western Walter E. Norris Drama Society the eud of this (Incumbent) m outh. Candidate for re-election at T he large Pepper residence and August Primary the two Fullager cottages will be K eep Yo u r ICh hen required to house the students and j assistant teachers of Warren D- FOR SHERIFF— A New Perfec­ tion Oil Cook Your kitchen is always cool and Allen, Dean of tlie Conservatory of Wm . J. Nesbitt Stove means kitch­ comfortable even in the hottest Music of the College of the Pacific. en com fort and (Incumbent) convenience. Ask weather if you use a N ew Perfec­ Mr. Allen will, as last year, teach your friend who tion Oil Cook Stove. for iwo months in Carmel. Miss Primary Election August 27 has one. Used in Jessie Moore will iustruct studeuts 3.000.000 h o m e s . Inexpensive, easy There is no smoke or odor, no who do not. study with M r Alien to operate. Sec dust or dirt, and none a the bota- personally, aud M isslrene Wilkins For Coroner and Public them at your deal­ er’! today. er of coal or wood. A ll the conve­ will give private lessons in har­ Administrator nience of gas. mony. Both young ladies are as J. A. Pell sociated with Mr. Allen at Pacific Better and more economical cook­ Candidate for nomination at Conservatory . The partv have ar­ ing all the year round. the August Primaries rived frrm San Jose and the Aliens In 1, 2. 3 and 4 burner sizes, with are occupying the Friant cottage or without ovens or cabinets. Ask your dealer today. Cameron Johnson, a well-known For Justice of the Peace, lecturer has been booked for three Monterey Judicial Township STANDARD OIL COM PANY (California) illustrated lectures at the Carmel Ernest Micbaelis Church. On Sunday night the Subject to the decision of the subject wiH be “ Japan,” ou MoU of the Primary ' m j ’i , P,*’” Hn'l (>n Tuesday NEW PERFECTION Palestine.” Tickets for siiigl lecture 2oc., course ticket 60c. For Constable, CiL CCO jI .STOVE. It is satisfying to note h o w Monterey Township year is b rin g in g to C a r m e l many M. N o o n eminent musicictus. Just nt Carrr. e 1-by-the-Sea we have here Signor Antonia Ik Candidate at August Primary Ben Leidig lirassi, well-known violinist; Mr Election I?1"*!- B«ligninu, Russian pianist- Mr. Lawrence Strauss. H finished I For Recorder singer; Miss Therese Erniiu'V1! E. A. Abbott splendid accompanist and accom­ plished pianist ; ami M iss Blaucbf (Incumbent) POLITICAL NOTES CHURCH NOTICES Tolm e, concert, soprano Candidate at Aug. 27 Primary Christian Science Sen ces On [Saturday evening, Aug"*1 Election Registration for the county 3. a con cert iu w h ich tir e above- Sunday, 1 1 A .M . | and state election has been re­ named artists will take part, is to Sunday School, 9:45 A . Ml. given at Arts and Crafts Hall. For Constable, sumed here at the Pine Cone Wednesday, 8 P . M . Monterey Township and J. W. Hand offices. Re- Church Edifice—Monte Verde Street, T. W . Allen i gistration for the Primary I one block north of Ocean Avenue To be voted for at Primary i closes on July 27. j Reading-room at church open from 2 to C arm el Election Aug. 27 4 Tuesday and Friday j Five candidates for Sheriff will make a spirited contest at the pi! Saipts ^pisqopal The sunset dies, For COUNTY ASSESSOR- I August primary election. Three SERVICES AT 8 A. M» AND 4 P . M. And in its place wreathes low the aspirants will then he eliminated. G e o rg e S. G ould, Jr. EVERY SUNDAY EXCEPT SECOND purple mist! E. J. Dutton of Jolon, one of the ( Incumbent) SUNDAY IN MONTH. WHEN ONE A seagull flies candidates, was here last week SERVICE IS IIKI.D AT //A. M. Far to her rest on barren rocks August 27 Primary Election making a vigorous campaign. Sunday School 10 A.M. foam-kist. W A L T E R G . M O F F A T . Rector FOR SHERIFF— W. J. (Pete) Wallace of Salinas A star gleam s out is a hustling candidate for the. High in the soft blue, o’er the E. J. Dutton office of Comity Recorder. He School ¥or Yiolir? ocean’ s peace. Subject to decision of voters is voting, lias been a successful FOR TFRMS, CONSULT O. now the doubt August 27 business man, and possesses all M is s F r a n c e s c a B e n d e k e That so assailed the day shall the requirements to make a com­ Bolye House, Saiyta Lucia Boulevard petent public servauL ______surely cease. For COUNTY RECORDER- aiya Dolores Street, Carrqei ~~L B. C- W . J. (Pete) Wallace 1 MANICURING Subject to the decision of the Blanca Will i SHAMPOOING 1 voters at the Aug. 27 SCULPTOR S C A L P T R E A T M ’TS g CABMELREALTY CO. Instructor in Modeling— Children Mrs. A. Bickford For County Tax Collector— and Adults HOUSES RENTED 321 Van Buren st. | G enthe Studio. Camino R eal at J. E. Hunter PROPERTY SOLD 1 Monterey Phone 255 M | ______Eleventh Avenue ( Incumbent) jTHiiitiiiiiaiiiiMiiuicjiiiiiiMiuiaiiiiiiiHHOiitiiiiimniiituuiiw EXCHANGES MADE Candidate at Primary Election Lost something? Put an Ad INSURANCE August 27 Your duty: Buy Thrift Stamps in the Pine Cone.