From: Reviews and Criticism of Vietnam War Theatrical and Television Dramas ( compiled by John K. McAskill, La Salle University ([email protected])

V6970 VIVRE POUR VIVRE (FRANCE/ITALY, 1967) (Other titles: )

Credits: director, ; writers, Pierre Uytterhoeven, Claude Lelouch. Cast: , Candice Bergen, Annie Girardot, Irene Tunc, Uta Taeger. Summary: Melodrama set in contemporary , Africa and South Vietnam. Robert (Montand) is a French television news reporter who often travels abroad. Catherine (Girardot), his wife, knows he has affairs with other women. Robert meets and falls in love with Candice (Bergen), a young American model, and takes her on a trip to Kenya. When they return to , Robert goes to Amsterdam to spend some time with Catherine, but Candice follows him there. Catherine discovers their affair and leaves Robert. Six months late a remorseful Robert breaks off his relationship with Candice. He is then sent to Vietnam where he is taken prisoner by the Viet Cong. After his release, he tries to reunite with Catherine.

Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 53) Alpert, Hollis. “SR goes to the movies: Mike Nichols strikes again” Saturday review 50 (Dec 23, 1967), p. 24. Beaupre, Lee (Beau). “Live for life (Vivre pour vivre)” Variety (Sep 27, 1967), p. 26. Biggs, Melissa E. French films, 1945-1993 : a critical filmography of the 400 most important releases Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 1996. (p. 288-9) “Cinema: New movies: ... Live for life” Time 90 (Dec 29, 1967), p. 54. Crowther, Bosley. “Screen: ‘Live for life’ at the Fine Arts” New York times (Dec 19, 1967), p. 59. Dauphin, Laurent. “Live for life” Vietnam war feature filmography (1992 draft) [GB] (p. 233-4) and Vietnam war films [GB] (Entry 341) Diaz, Rudolfo. [Vivre pour vivre] Films in review 19/1 (Jan 1968), p. 53-4. Durgnat, Raymond. [Vivre pour vivre] Films and filming 14/8 (Apr 1968), p. 25-6. Gill, Brendan. “The current cinema: Crime and punishment” New Yorker 43 (Dec 23, 1967), p. 47-8. Holzl, Gebhard and Peipp, Matthias. Fahr zur Holle, Charlie! [GB] (p. 172) Kagan, Norman. [Vivre pour vivre] Film quarterly 21/3 (spring 1968), p. 59. “Live for life” American Film Institute catalog [GB] (Entry F6.2803) “Live for life” Motion picture guide (edited by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1985. (v. 5, p. 1702) Peipp, Matthias (see under Holzl, Gebhard) Sarris, Andrew. [Vivre pour vivre] Village voice 13/15 (Jan 25, 1968), p. 38-9. [Vivre pour vivre] Cahiers du cinema n. 193 (Sep 1967), p. 75. [Vivre pour vivre] Daily cinema n. 9507 (Apr 8, 1968), p. 6. [Vivre pour vivre] Film daily (Dec 19, 1967), p. 6. [Vivre pour vivre] Film francais n. 1210 (Sep 22, 1967), p. 13. [Vivre pour vivre] Filmfacts 10 (1967), p. 382. [Vivre pour vivre] Hollywood reporter 198/25 (Nov 20, 1967), p. 3. [Vivre pour vivre] Image et son n. 210 (Nov 1967), p. 153. [Vivre pour vivre] Kine weekly n. 3156 (Apr 6, 1968), p. 11. [Vivre pour vivre] Monthly film bulletin 35 (Apr 1968), p. 56-7. [Vivre pour vivre] Positif n. 89 (Nov 1967), p. 56-9. Walsh, Moira. “Films: Live for life” America 118 (Feb 10, 1968), p. 202-3.