“Notes & Nuggets” from the Pro

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“Notes & Nuggets” from the Pro FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/14/2018 WEEKLY “NOTES & NUGGETS” FROM THE PRO FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME NEW ARTIFACTS; “HALL-IDAY” WINTERFEST; FREE INSIDER’S TOURS; LARRY LITTLE HEART OF A HALL OF FAMER; A FOOTBALL LIFE: DWIGHT CLARK; FROM THE ARCHIVES CANTON, OHIO – ThE Following is a samPling of Events, haPPEnings and notEs that highlight how thE Pro Football Hall of FamE sErves its imPortant mission to “Honor thE HEroes of thE GamE, PrEsErve its History, PromotE its ValuEs & CElEbratE ExcEllEncE EVERYWHERE!” WHITE GLOVE TREATMENT ThE Pro Football Hall of FamE is homE to thE world’s largEst collEction on Pro Football in thE world. Each year, thE collEction grows as artiFacts From milEstonE momEnts From thE currEnt NFL sEason arrive in Canton. HErE arE somE of thE artiFacts that arrived at thE Hall this wEEk. ThE Hall of FamE’s curatorial tEam Put on thE whitE gloves to handlE thE historic mEmEntos: • ThE sPottEr board, gamE notEs and hEadsEts (picturEd right) usEd by Andrea Kremer and Hannah Storm For Amazon TV on Thursday, Sept. 27 whEn thEy bEcamE thE First all-female broadcast tEam For an NFL gamE. ThE Los AngElEs Rams dEFEatEd thE MinnEsota Vikings 38-31. • Larry Fitzgerald’s gloves and thE Football hE caught For his 1,282nd rEcEPtion on Sunday, Dec. 9. which is thE most by any Player with a singlE tEam. ThE PrEvious rEcord (1,281) was held by Hall of FamEr JERRY RICE during his timE with thE San Francisco 49Ers. • Derrick Henry’s jErsEy From Thursday, DEc. 6 when he tied the unbrEakablE rEcord hEld by Hall of FamEr TONY DORSETT For thE longEst run in NFL history with a 99-yard TD run in the TennEssEE Titans’ 30-9 victory over thE JacksonvillE Jaguars. • Michael Thomas’ jErsEy and thE Football hE caught For his 289th career recePtion surpassing OdEll BEckham, Jr. (288 catchEs From 2014-16) and Jarvis Landry (288 catchEs From 2014-16) For thE most catchEs by a Player in his First thrEE sEasons in the NFL. Thomas madE his rEcord rEcEPtion on Sunday, DEc. 9 in a 28-14 NEw OrlEans Saints victory over thE TamPa Bay BuccanEErs. “HALL-IDAY” WINTERFEST On Sunday, DEc. 16, thE Pro Football Hall of FamE will transForm thE Fan Plaza locatEd on thE north sidE of Tom BEnson Hall of FamE Stadium into thE First-Ever “Hall-iday” WintErFEst. Free and open to the public From 1:00 – 6:00 p.m., thE wintEr wondErland will ProvidE guEsts thE opPortunity to Enjoy Family FriEndly holiday FEstivitiEs such as Photos with Santa in Front of a 12-Foot Christmas TrEE, PrizE giveaways, as wEll as local Food and bEveragE vendors. Food trucks sEt to bE on sitE includE: Barrio Tacos; ThE Slop Truck; Nom Nom Popcorn ComPany; PEacE, Love & LittlE Donuts; SwEnsons; and TrEmont CofFEE. Additionally, thE 720 Market curatEd a wintEry mix of local market vendors who will bE on hand in thE “Hall-iday” GiFt GallEry. ConFirmEd vendors includE: TeE Etching Glass, SicklEs Moon HandmadE, LEttucE bE thE AltErnative, Five BlEssings, Corrina’s CandlEs, SEEka Décor, and BoslEr HonEy BEEs. Every guEst who comEs through thE gatEs will bE EntErEd For a chancE to win a PrizE. Individuals must be prEsEnt to claim PrizEs, and drawings will take PlacE From 2-4 P.m. PrizEs includE: NintEndo Switch Mario Tennis BundlE, boys and girls bikes, 60” tElEvision, ClEveland Browns PrizE PackagE, Pro Football Hall of FamE PrizE PackagE, and a Razor ScootEr. Parking is FrEE and conveniEntly locatEd at McKinlEy High School. GuEsts will bE ablE to EntEr through SymPhony GatE at Tom BEnson Hall of FamE Stadium. GuEsts can also Enjoy, FrEE of chargE, thE chamPionshiP gamEs of thE 2nd World Youth Football ChamPionshiPs taking PlacE at Tom BEnson Hall of FamE Stadium that aFtErnoon. FREE INSIDER’S TOURS ThE Pro Football Hall of FamE is ofFEring FrEE InsidEr’s Tours From Monday, DEc. 17 through Friday, Dec. 21. InsidEr’s Tours allow guEsts to ExPlorE exhibits with the Hall’s highly knowlEdgEablE and ExPEriEncEd musEum docEnts. Through thE insight of the docEnts, guests will gain a nEw PErsPEctive on thE history of thE GamE and contExt For thE diversity of the Hall’s collEction and Exhibits. Tours arE aPProximatEly onE hour and will bE ofFErEd twicE a day at 11 a.m. and 1 P.m. SPacE is limitEd, and tours arE availablE on a First-comE, First-sErved basis. ThE ofFEr is only availablE with thE PurchasE of a Pro Football Hall of FamE MusEum Admission. ThE InsidEr’s Tour is a $10 valuE. LARRY LITTLE INSPIRES YOUTH THROUGH HEART OF A HALL OF FAMER ThE HEart of a Hall of FamEr sEriEs, PowErEd by ExtrEmE NEtworks, ProvidEs studEnts thE opPortunity to lEarn First-hand what it took bEyond athlEtic ability For lEgEndary HEroes of thE GamE to achiEve succEss on and ofF thE FiEld. ThE Program FocusEs on thE Hall of FamE’s valuEs: commitmEnt, intEgrity, couragE, rEsPEct and ExcEllEncE. On WEdnEsday, LARRY LITTLE sPoke to 100 studEnt-athlEtEs at his alma matEr, Booker T. Washington High School in Miami, Fla. He sPoke to studEnts about aPPlying what thEy lEarn on thE Playing FiEld to liFE. LARRY LITTLE INSPIRES STUDENTS “A lot of timE thErE arE going to bE doubtErs, PEoplE tElling you that you arE not good Enough to do somEthing. NEver lEt that dEtEr you From trying to FulFill your drEams. You have to aPPly yoursElF. ThErE will bE somE bumPs in thE road, but iF you bEliEve in yoursElF, you can gEt Past all of thosE bumPs” “A FOOTBALL LIFE: DWIGHT CLARK” ThE Pro Football Hall of FamE will have scrEEnings of NFL NEtwork’s “A Football LiFE” nExt Friday, Dec. 21 and Saturday, DEc. 22. Showcasing thE lives and carEErs of lEgEndary Players, coachEs and ExEcutives, NFL Films ExaminEs thE untold storiEs of thE most inFluEntial NFL icons with unPrEcEdEntEd accEss. Each documEntary tElls thE story of how thEir lEgacy is ForEver intErtwinEd into thE Fabric of NFL history. San Francisco 49Ers LEgEnd Dwight Clark will bE FEaturEd on “A Football LiFE.” Clark, a star widE rEcEiver, Played nine sEasons with thE 49Ers and was known For onE of thE most mEmorablE Plays in NFL history – “ThE Catch” – thE lEaPing grad Clark madE in thE back of thE End zonE to bEat thE Dallas Cowboys in thE 1981 NFC ChamPionshiP GamE. Clark PassEd away EarliEr this year after a long and couragEous battlE with amyotrophic latEral sclErosis (ALS). ScrEEnings will take PlacE Each day in thE Hall’s Gold Jacket LoungE at 11 a.m., noon, 1 P.m. and 2 P.m. GuEsts can viEw “A Football LiFE: Dwight Clark” with thE cost of admission. For morE inFormation about Planning a visit to thE Pro Football Hall of FamE, go to httP://www.Profootballhof.com/visit/ FROM THE RALPH WILSON, JR. PRO FOOTBALL RESEARCH & PRESERVATION CENTER: The Ralph Wilson, Jr. Pro Football REsEarch & PrEsErvation CEntEr is homE to the world’s largest collEction on Football including a PErsonal legacy archivE on EvEry PlayEr who has comPEtEd in the NFL sincE its founding in 1920. ContainEd insidE thE archivEs are more than 40 million PagEs oF documents and six million PhotograPhic imagEs. StafF hElp a variEty of patrons From Fans, rEsEarchErs, authors, and studEnts as wEll as serving as a rEsource oF inFormation to thE National Football League, its 32 clubs and members oF the media. TEAM-BY-TEAM OFFICIAL SINGLE-GAME SACK RECORDS Five Hall of FamErs hold or share the singlE-gamE sack rEcords For thEir rEsPEctive tEams: FRED DEAN (San Francisco 49Ers), RICKEY JACKSON (NEw OrlEans Saints), RICHARD DENT (Chicago Bears), HOWIE LONG (Oakland RaidErs) and DERRICK THOMAS (Kansas City ChiEFs). ViEw thE comPlEtE list: httPs://Profootballhof.box.com/s/zirmaaP1owFis8nFa5dwdP09s58lsktw ### CONTACTS: Pete Fierle, ChiEF of StafF & Senior VicE PrEsident oF Communications [email protected]; 330-588-3622 RachEl Gutting, Communications Coordinator [email protected]; 330-588-3671 ABOUT THE PRO FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME Located in Canton, Ohio, the birthPlace of the National Football League, the Pro Football Hall of Fame is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit institution with the Mission to Honor the Heroes of the Game, Preserve its History, Promote its Values, & Celebrate Excellence EVERYWHERE. The Pro Football Hall oF FamE is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. AAM accreditation is national recognition For thE musEum’s commitment to ExcEllEncE and thE highEst profEssional standards of musEum operation and public sErvicE. HundrEds oF thousands oF Fans From across thE globE travEl to Canton annually to ExPEriEncE “ThE Most InsPiring PlacE on Earth!” that chroniclEs AmErica’s most PoPular sport. The Pro Football Hall oF FamE, also votEd Top Tourist Attraction in Ohio, was namEd thE Best Attraction for Sports Fans in thE USA TODAY 10BEst REadErs’ ChoicE travEl award contest. Construction on Johnson Controls Hall oF FamE VillagE, an $889 million dEvEloPment ProjEct that includEs 10 main componEnts, is under way in Canton to transForm the Hall oF FamE’s campus. @ProFootballHOF .
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