

Brenda: Hey there. Welcome to Episode 26 of the Mind Revolution Podcast. I am your host, Brenda Terry. A big, warm thank you to you for tuning in today. And for you, as always, is that wherever you are and whatever you're doing, that you're feeling pretty abundant, that things are just flowing your way and in that flow, you're finding goodness and satisfaction and joy. Things here in Reno have been awesome. I love living here. The weather is warm, and it is nice and dry, and there's a beautiful breeze in the air most of the days. And so it's fantastic. And the nights are excellent — starry skies, and the moon literally lights up the sky. So it's wonderful.

Today we're going to have a great topic for you. We're going to talk all about money and that narrative of money and the things that we keep telling ourselves about money and how we can begin to mold what that is and how it is that we can begin to play with that energy so that we can create a money experience that is more palatable, one that allows us to enjoy all the good stuff in life.

As you know, if you've been listening for a while, then you will know that my story on money — I don't know if it's typical, but I've heard it often. And that is, I come from scarcity. I grew up in Mexico in poverty with a family that did the best they could with what they had in terms of resources at the time and just basically worked really hard. And with the support and the love and the effort of our combined family — a lot of people — I was able to immigrate into the US as a teenager and have now learned to work with money in a very different way.

But my story growing up was definitely of scarcity. It was definitely of a feeling of not having enough, feeling like there was never going to be enough. And that really shaped how I did the first, probably, 35 years of my life. And maybe even a little bit after.

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


I connected with the fact that, at some point in my life, there was a story that I began to tell myself. Growing up, I didn't know the difference between what my experience was and what my experience could be. I didn't see that. Because when I grew up in Mexico, that's pretty much what we had. Everybody was poor. It was very much a hand-to-mouth experience. We all were there to survive, not really thrive. And it wasn't until I can to the US where I began to notice that not everybody lived that way.

I knew that in my mind because I had images and television and magazines of what the promise was that was in America — living here and coming here and working here and how this is the land of opportunity.

So I didn't have a reference for that outside of what was presented to me in Mexico, which is — I'm going to say — kind of spun on. I feel that way today. I feel very strongly that we're in a place that allows us to take an idea and create something around it that we can monetize. I really believe that.

And yet back then, I had no idea that that existed. And then when I realized that it existed, I had no idea how I could get it, how I could make that happen. And I was still inspired, and it sparked this interest in me to go and learn how to create wealth.

My very first job was at a fast-food restaurant. I was there for two years, and I got promoted very quickly within the company, as much as I could be for someone who was under age. And then, from there, I went to college, and I didn't finish college, by the way. Ron always talks about my two semesters at XYZ community college. And I'm like, it was all the education I needed.

And so what happened was that as I was enrolled in college, I got a job as a server, and I became a server, and I quickly realized the difference between working hourly and then working hourly plus tips. I remember very clearly that my mom, who is college-educated, and me and how I brought home more cash than my mom did. And I was working about four hours a day, and I only worked about four days a week.

And so that lit this fire in me to find out more about how I can get more of that green stuff. All of my life, we just knew, my whole family, how we lived, it was almost like we thought about money, and we just kind of salivated. It just felt like if we could have enough of it, then everything would be okay.

And so I decided to then get into real estate. Eventually, after a couple of years of doing that, then I knew that what I wanted to do was to be in a career where I could really monetize my time.

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


And ever since then, I have been a 1099 employee, have owned my business. I have been on that 1099. My thinking was always "You can keep your W-2. I will take my 1099 every day of the year." Because I really felt that that provided a lot of freedom. So for me, freedom was really important.

And this began to shift my story around money.

In my work, I work a lot with people's beliefs around money and how those beliefs really hold them back sometimes from achieving the things that they want to achieve.

That story, that narrative that we're living in in terms of what money is... And I've got to tell that when I thought about creating this episode, the word, in my mind, was really that of prosperity. I have evolved in my thinking. And money now, to me, is something that's different than prosperity. I think that you can have money and not be prosperous. And I think that you can be prosperous and not have a lot of money. I have experienced both ends of that spectrum and can tell you that prosperity, to me, now it feels more whole, and it feels really congruent, and it feels like in it is money but prosperity is the umbrella.

And for the purpose of the episode, I really felt that the focus really should be on money because money is the thing that we're dealing with every day. We're constantly working with money, or we're making money, or we're having money, or we're spending money. And so money is just part of the fabric of our lives.

Years and years and years ago, people used to exchange things for other things. So you had people who exchanged livestock or grains or gold, and now we just have cash money, which sometimes is paper, other times it's plastic. Other times it's wire transfer or Venmo or PayPal or whatever those things are now.

So we're doing things differently and the story remains. The story is the same. And story is really about how we experience all things money.

Our story is the one that we write every day about money and what it means to us. It's what we say about it. It's what we think about it. It's what we believe about it, what we believe about other people having it or not having it. And all of that, based on all the work that I do, based on my own life experience, I know that those beliefs about money have everything to do with our beliefs about ourselves, our beliefs about the world and how it operates.

I am working with a lot of people — I'm working with some young ones too, which is so cool. I'm working with a few 20-year olds and 21-year olds. And I am so proud of them. I'm so proud of them and so happy for them that they're doing this work now.

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


And what I'm noticing is that even my people who are young and my people who for more in their 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s, the general beliefs around money seem to stay constant. It's almost like we got the story of how we do money. We have that narrative, and that narrative came about as a result of what our parents' believe, what their parents believe. It could be something that was generational. And I can tell that in my family, it is definitely a generational belief. I can track and trace the generations all the way back and what it means to have money and not have money all the way to now.

And with my clients, it is exactly the same.

Those beliefs that we believe are not even our beliefs. They're our parents' beliefs or our grandparents' beliefs or society's beliefs. It's not even our own. It's just what we here over and over again. And isn't that how the unconscious mind works? The unconscious mind being the part of you that's running things automatically, the part of you that's doing everything in the background.

If you think about the energy that it takes to create a thought, a deliberate thought... If you ever sat there and started thinking things that you don't normally think, you know that it takes a lot of energy. It takes a lot of energy to do that. And the unconscious part of yourself, the part that's running things automatically, is really just... It's like rinse-repeat, rinse-repeat, rinse-repeat. It's doing the same thing over and over again. It's doing things automatically.

When we ask that part of ourselves to stop and think something different, then you're bringing in conscious mind, and then you're bringing in a little bit of unconscious mind. And you have to do that over and over and over again until the unconscious mind can then integrate the information, it generalizes it, and then it begins to believe it, and then you begin to live it.

So consciously, you can want to think something different or believe something different, and yet unconsciously, you're living what is the constant. You're living the repeat effort of that part of you that runs things automatically because that thinking process is typically automatic as well.

So you're thinking the thought consciously, but inside, chances are that you have a thought or a belief that is not aligned with that conscious processing. So that's how we come up with the story, and it is like rinse-repeat over and over again. So you're telling it to yourself. You're telling it to yourself. And it's just happening automatically in the background. It's running the show in the background. And sometimes we're not aware.

And we may want those things that we want. And we may want to have that money in our hands. And we want to have the bank account with a number that really pleases us. And we want to have the job or the career that is bringing all that abundance our way. And yet inside, we're running a story that isn't even our story to begin with.

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


And so over the last few weeks and few months, a lot of the client work that I'm doing is with people who are in business or starting a business, whether that's a service-based business like coaching or a product-based business, money is the topic and how to create enough of it so that people can feel the freedom on the other side of it, so they can have the things that they want and do the things that they can do, have the time for them to do it, because as a result of making this money, they think they're going to have all these things.

And it is really the story, the beliefs. I can tell that some of the things I've cleaned up with people over the last few weeks are things like, in the context of money — knowing, understanding that this is all belief work around the context of money, and as I say these, please reject-delete. But just check in to see if any of them sound familiar or ring true to you.

The one that I found the most interesting was "Life sucks." I helped someone release the belief that life sucks.

"Things don't work out for me."

"Money is hard to come by."

"I have to work really hard to make money."

"I'm going broke."

"My family's never had money."

"Wanting money is really greedy."

"Money is evil."

"People with money are evil."

"People with money are snobs."

"People are always going to take advantage of me."

"I don't deserve happiness."

"I'm not smart enough. I'm not educated enough. I don't know enough."

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


"I am not enough."

These are the kind of things that people have inside, deeply unconscious for the most part, and all around the topic of money and in the context of money and having it, creating it, saving it, and spending it — you name it.

So this is the work that we've been doing. And it all comes down to that story and that belief system.

And we know that the unconscious mind learns by repetition, and we know that the unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what's real, imagined, or remembered. It only takes in the information that's repeated over and over and over again in the form of words that we say, thoughts we think, beliefs that we believe, and all the things that we value, all the things that are important to us — all those values that are usually, most of the time, unconscious.

The problem is that the more you reinforce the beliefs you currently have about money — having money or making money or saving money — the more that you live them. And I can tell you that based on the work that I do with clients as we go through that break-through process, there's one thing that stands out every time. And that is that most people don't even know where their beliefs came from. They don't even know where they came from. They have built a life around beliefs that aren't even theirs. It's usually the beliefs of parents or loved ones or caregivers.

And the problem is that they've taken these beliefs and these values, these thoughts that come up as a result of having the beliefs and the values, and this is the foundation of their lives. So essentially building a life on a faulty foundation.

And it isn't until we get in there and start cleaning out whatever that stuff is and really clearing the way that they begin to even find out who they really are and what they really want. Until then, most of them have no idea. Because what they think they want is not really what they want.

A lot of the times people come in there with goals set — and sometimes really big financial goals — and they really think that if they have the financial goal in hand and they achieve it, that they're going to have all the things that they want.

In my work, I teach them that in reality, we need to get them to have the things that they want now, and that's going to help them achieve the financial freedom they want. It's like somebody wanting to make half a million dollars doing whatever they job they know how to do so well. But in reality, inside their heart, they have a passion and a love for something else. And yet they feel like they can't do it because the money is not there.

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


I find over and over again that when people do what they love to do is when they typically end up making the money they want.

So at the end of the day, these are beliefs that we believe that aren't ours. So here we're going to talk about how to make that shift and how to make that change so that you can begin creating your own money story in a way that feels good to you and that is aligned with the beliefs that you want to have.

This is not about pretending to believe something else. This is simply about creating a narrative that's going to allow you to begin shifting momentum in the direction of the beliefs that you want to have.

So it's about practice. It's about patience. It's about taking time. It's about doing things slowly and very deliberately and with a lot of purpose. Because ultimately, what this work is about is it's going to be about conscious mind and unconscious mind integration.

And we do this always by beginning to work on our internal representations and changing the quality of those internal representations. So changing how we interpret the word and creating representations inside that really feel good to us, that are more aligned with the money that we want to have in our lives. And it doesn't have to be a big change. It really doesn't. And really, the key is that it isn't a big change.

Now, to the brain, any type of change, any type of change, is going to create some sort of stress response. The bigger the change, the bigger the response.

This is all about the comfort zone. And yes, we want to stretch the limits of that comfort zone for you in the context of what you believe around money, for sure. And we want to do it in a way that's really going to help you to begin to shift the momentum.

And yes, we've all heard about affirmations. And affirmations, they do work to a certain extent, absolutely. And I'm going to say that they work up until we can believe them. When we believe them, they work. When we believe them and repeat them, they work. When we say them and we don't believe them and we repeat them, it doesn't work.

So this is about creating a shift that's going to be gentle and creating a story that's going to be more towards what you want, and it's going to create that momentum towards what you want. And we're going to call this Phase 1.

It's really important to begin to make the shift.

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


If your beliefs around money are interwoven in everything that you do, then it's going to be really important to make that shift gently. And this requires patience. It isn't about believing that you have the million dollars in the bank today. But maybe today is about you having 10 or 15 or 20% more in the bank account than you did last month and beginning to tell that story.

Maybe today is not even about the money. Maybe today is about rewriting those beliefs. Maybe today is about believing a new story and then allowing that to begin to shift the momentum and then, at some point, it's going to be about the money and how much you actually have in your hands.

Like I said, these changes can be really small, and that's what makes them powerful.

The key is to practice and repeat, repeat, and repeat. And it's also important to write a money story and create a narrative that feels good and is believable, that the story of what you want right now is something that you can achieve, that you know in your heart you can achieve, and that this is something that you know can happen for you.

And so it's going to be a slow build to getting there.

When I work with my clients and we talk about achieving goals, we always start with something small in the beginning. And we always build on that after that. And then, before you know it, in a year's time or six-month's time or three-month's time — depending on where they're at — everything comes together. And now they know what it's like to set and achieve a goal in the context of money and what it feels like.

And ultimately, rewriting the story and practicing it allows us to create and fully integrate that new story inside so that we can believe it inside. Because remember, if the unconscious mind believes it, then the only thing it can do is go out and get it. And there's a way to do this in a way that's going to be powerful, and it's going to be fun, and it's going to feel good, and it's something that you can practice.

Rewriting a brand new and powerful, toward-motivated money story, the things that you have to know is that, first, emotion wins, meaning that you have to write a story that feels really good to you as you're writing it and as you're saying it. And in that moment, you're actually feeling the words inside, and that those words feel good. This is what we're looking to — toward motivations. We're looking to create something that will feel so good when you're reading it, so much so as you do so over and over again, that your focus will begin to shift.

Now the second thing to know is to create the story from the cause side of the equation. And what that means is that first, you focus on what you want. And focusing on what you want — and I know

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


that we can go big, and if going really big feels really good, then go there. But if going really big inside feels like you don't believe yourself, then scale it down to where it can be so it's big enough, it's bigger than where you are right now, and it still feels good.

And simply ask yourself, what is it that you want to achieve? What is the financial situation ideally, knowing that we're going to build from wherever you start?

And then once you have that, start writing it down. And when you write it down, it is really important — this is the part that's hardest for my clients. This is the part where they have to actually learn to speak again. And so here it's about saying it the way you want it. This is about using positive, toward language. This is about when you're writing the story down, that you're only using words that are positive, that you're using words that are going to send a message to the unconscious mind of the things that you want to achieve, not the things that you want to avoid. This is a critical piece to the story.

And then the third thing is to begin to take action in the direction of your goal. And the only thing that you have to do in creating this new narrative is to practice your story until it is believable to you, and it feels completely and absolutely a part of who you are because, like we said before, the unconscious mind learns by repetition. And doing this gently and doing this consistently and doing this with intention and volition will then begin to rewrite that story. And all the parts of you inside and the brain that are telling you "No, no, no. This isn't you," all of those things will begin to quiet down.

And what's going to happen is that this new story is going to now be in the forefront. So very, very important.

And as you get in there, you're writing your story. Then the thing you want to say is, "What are you doing right now? Who are you doing it with? What are you feeling? What emotions are present? What beliefs are you creating as a result it this new story?" And then write down those beliefs and write them down exactly the way that you want to believe them, exactly the way that you want to believe them. And, of course, you're not going to believe them right away. It takes practice, practice, practice. Repetition here is king. Repeating this information over and over and over again is critically important.

And so maybe some of the beliefs are going to something along the lines of "Money is simply a means of exchanging energy."

"Money is energy."

Maybe the belief is going to be that "Money is abundant."

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


Maybe the belief is going to be that "Money is a resource that increases our ability to choose."

And maybe you're going to believe that "Prosperity is a birthright." Maybe this is the belief that you're going to really, really focus on.

And maybe the belief is going to be that "Being prosperous can be easy and effortless."

And maybe you're going to believe that "You can be wealthy as a result of doing what you love."

And maybe you're going to believe that you are prosperous and that you are abundant.

And maybe you're going to believe that you're always going to have enough for the things that you want to do and the things that you need to do.

And maybe the word "need" simply won't be part of the equation.

Maybe the words here are going to be "want." Maybe the words here are going to be about what's possible. Maybe the words here are going to be about what it is that you can achieve.

It's all about rewriting that narrative.

I think that the secret to success really is this type of work. I think that when we put our minds to it, we can accomplish great things. And what is the current story you have about money now anyway, if not a set of beliefs that have been imposed on you all of your life?

So now we know — and we know because this is so proven everywhere in the fields of neuroplasticity and epigenetics — there's so much information now about neuroscience and how we can actually change our brains and how we can actually switch things on and off and how genes can express and not express and how we have the power in our minds to achieve what we want.

The key is always belief and trust and that patience.

I think very few of us who are now adults have lived a life that came about as a result of having a lot of resourceful parenting. A lot of us didn't have that ideal life experience growing up. There were some limiting beliefs. There were some negative emotions. There was stuff going on. So now we know better, and we have the power to create that change. We do. It's just a matter of wanting it enough to do it. And this is just one component, one piece of that puzzle.

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story


Can you not write any narrative for health? Can you not write a new narrative for relationships? Can you not write a new narrative for business? Of course you can. This is just a little template that you use for all kinds of things.

So the worksheet is going to be in the show notes. Please go there to get it. It's also going to be in the free stuff section in our website. Just visit MindRevolutionPodcast.com and go and download that.

That is all I have for you today. I wish you happy rewriting of this money story. I know that you can do it, and you're worth it.

As I do every single week, I'm going to ask you to visit MindRevolutionPodcast.com to access the show notes and check out our free stuff there. I'm also going to ask you to please leave us your feedback. Your feedback is so important for the work that we do. Everything we're doing here, by the way, is based on your feedback. So the more that you share, the more that we can create content is tailored specifically for you.

I'm always going to ask you to rate and review our podcast because those ratings and those reviews really keep us going. So thank you so much for listening. I appreciate you tremendously. I wish you much abundant prosperity until next time.

© 2019 BRENDA TERRY | Mind Revolution Podcast | #026 Rewriting Your Money Story