piercy, timothy

From: Sent: 06 July 2021 21:42 To: representations, planning Subject: Gibraltar Farm MC/21/1296

Dear Medway Planning,

Objection: Gibraltar Farm MC/21/1296

I have been a resident in Parish for over 5 years and I am making my objections to the above referenced application.

The green open spaces near my home are a source of beauty for health and mental wellbeing and are also referred to as the green lung. I have learned that the area where I live is also referred to as the "The Medway Gap" which includes the Medway towns and those situated in both and Tonbridge & Malling Council areas. Any building in this area would result in urban sprawl and have a negative impact on the air quality, living conditions and quality of life for local residents which is contrary to:

Maidstone Borough Council's Local Plan Policy SP17 - The Countryside

Paragraph 4.113 v. Preventing the coalescence of settlements which would undermine their character and also contravenes Policy

SS1 - Maidstone Borough spatial strategy:

Paragraph 9. In other locations, protection will be given to the rural character of the borough avoiding coalescence between settlements, including Maidstone and surrounding villages, and

Maidstone and the Medway Gap/Medway Towns conurbation.

The proposal to improve the current traffic issues on Westfield Sole Road as part of the planning application does not go far enough to address the impact of increased traffic and as a consequence the additional pollution and degradation of air quality. There will no doubt be an increase in traffic and congestion that increases risk of accidents and crashes and the resulting injuries that are the consequence of such incidents. The local roads are not designed to accommodate the increased 2 way traffic.

As a driver and pedestrian I have serious concerns about how regular traffic let alone

1 HGV's are going to navigate the very narrow lanes to the site.

A Safety Audit of Westfield Sole Road needs to be done before this application is considered and any decision made.

I object to any development which will cause an increase in traffic along Woods. As a driver who has to commute via the motorway during rush hour Junction 3 of the M2 is already over capacity.

This road infrastructure is already not coping with the current volume of traffic and this application located in "The Medway Gap" will exacerbate this situation further.

It is of much concern to me that there is no provision for North South traffic, most of which will travel through Boxley Village which is a conservation area with listed buildings in close proximity to the narrow road. The development of 450 dwellings will also bring additional vehicles to the roads which would have a largely negative impact on myself and other residents of Boxley Village. The estimate of trip distribution percentages is 25% of traffic movements to the South.

The proposed work will create a fast route away from the development towards Maidstone and the M20 through Boxley Village.

The single road through Boxley village is narrow and unclassified, any additional traffic would have a severe impact on the local community. In November 2018 a traffic survey in Boxley village recorded an average 52,391 vehicular movements per week which is already too many. There will be a direct impact on the residential properties that line the road as it is a linear village. I have done research and found that Parish Council has received several reports from pedestrians who have been hit by car wing mirrors whilst using the very narrow pavements. Any increase in traffic through this village would clearly be dangerous to anyone who walks or cycles through the village including its residents, visitors or people passing through.

I am objecting specifically to the impact on the health and safety of other road users and the impact on the local highway infrastructure on Lidsing Road, Forge Lane, Westfield Sole Road, Yelstead Lane, Harp Farm Road, The Street (Boxley village), Walderslade Woods and Junction 3 of the M2.

The Traffic Plan prediction of traffic movements 223 in the morning rush hour and 221 in the pm evening rush hour must be an underestimation as at least one person in every household is likely to commute by car.

2 I have concerns over the proposed access via Ham Lane and proposed widening of Ham Lane. There are apparently no detailed plans to widen the road and it seems to be insufficient for the likely amount of traffic at peak times aswell as day to day.

This planning application for an urban development is on greenfield land that is designated agricultural and as such this development would be contrary to:

Medway Local Plan 2003 policies

S1, S2, BNE25, BNE34

This development would harm the character, function and appearance of the countryside and the Area of Local Landscape.

I live in Lordswood and the matter of the proposed ‘Access’ works are located on land designated as Ancient Woodland.

Ancient woodland takes hundreds of years to establish and the NPPF (inparagraph 175) requires wholly exceptional reasons for development.

This application cannot possibly meet the 'wholly exceptional reasons' to destroy what must be deemed an irreplaceable habitat and should be refused.

The reliance upon the existing urban area of Lordswood for the developments day to day amenities would have a hugely negative impact on already overstretched local services.

The local schools are oversubscribed, GP’s are already under pressure and getting an appointment is already extremely difficult. I recently had to obtain an appointment via EmDoc at Medway Hospital because I could not get an appointment at my GP surgery. As a social worker who works in a hospital this was not a decision I made lightly and was made out of necessity.

The proposal is contrary to:

Medway Local Plan 2003

Policies BNE1, BNE2, BNE5, BNE7, BNE8, T2, T3 and T4

It is my understanding that Boxley Parish Council has received no communication from the Developer or invitations to any consultation events. As a resident of a neighbouring parish directly affected by this development I would have expected Boxley Parish be consulted.

The area where I live and the proposed developments will negatively impact the vital 3 green lung that separates the dense urban areas of Walderslade and Lordswood and Hempstead.

The Developer has submitted plans for a total of 3,100 housing developments in this vital green lung which if all were to be granted would obliterate almost all of the countryside e.g.:

2,000 house development at Lidsing on Maidstone Borough Council's Call for Sites

650 houses between North Dane Way and Pear Tree Lane (East Hill).

It is imperative that this application is looked at in conjunction with the other applications that impact adjoining localities to ensure the protection of the green lung as well as provision of and access to local services such as schools and GP's for residents including safe roads, minimised air pollution and the relevant infrastructures required to maintain services to the local population.

Please kindly confirm receipt of this email.

Kind regards

Joanne Axford 10 Timber Tops Lordswood Chatham ME5 8XF