Hindolveston - Bridge End, Foulsham Road - Change of use to C2 use (Ref no FUL/2020/0088)


We write in relation to the objections and concerns outlined from District Council to provide supplementary information and response. The intention is that the information contained should be considered in addition to all other information provided relating to the proposal.

Planning Policy / Principle of Development

Policy SS1 seeks to concentrate development in the towns and larger villages and in the countryside, development will be restricted to particular types of development, which including those that support the rural economy (as amplified in policy SS2). As this solo / dual placement care home requires a more rural location (in the countryside), it will also support the local economy. This new care home provision in the county will create new jobs in Norfolk to support children who are currently looked after out of county (so jobs associated with their care are currently provided outside Norfolk). Furthermore, experience with care home support staff is that those employed are drawn from the nearby area creating job opportunities for local residents.

We reiterate the comments made from North Norfolk District Council that Policy SS2 allows for “re-use and adaptation of buildings for appropriate purposes” of which we would advocate the proposal satisfies. The property will be used much like a family home for a maximum of two children or young people and we do not consider any renovation works on the property would impact its viability to be resold as a market dwelling in the future should this become appropriate. As detailed in our previous information, the stabilisation model is reliant on a rural location to remove external influences and allow us to reintegrate the children or young people back into the community in a managed way, making us consider this area an appropriate location to achieve success.

Policy SS2 includes a number of uses that are acceptable in the countryside, including the re-use and adaptation of buildings for appropriate purposes. It is noted that a similar change of use from dwelling to care home was permitted at Hill Farm House, Road, Roughton in November 2018. This was countryside location where permission was granted for the change of use of the dwelling (Class C3) to residential institution (Class C2) to provide four overnight care bedrooms with an additional staff bedroom, along with a day centre with activities (under reference 2018/1675). Within the Officer Report (link to web page below), the report states ‘Under Policy SS 2, the proposed change of use is acceptable in principle’. Therefore, an in-principle objection to the proposed countryside location or loss of dwelling house in this case is difficult to reconcile with this decision.

Hindolveston – Bridge End, Ashcroft Farm – Change of use from dwelling to children’s home Response to North Norfolk District Council objection and concerns March 2021 (v3) https://idoxpa.north-norfolk.gov.uk/online- applications/files/3F7A75272DF4C8DBEB2643B5AFDAEA57/pdf/PF_18_1675-OFFICER_REPORT- 396119.pdf

When searching for properties, we recognised the suitability of the area for a manner of different reasons, including less access to public transport and the associated risks of this for our children and young people, but also for the relative ease of travelling via car for staff and contact purposes. We’d like to reiterate that we see no difference in the way we will entertain children or young people than any other child or young person of their age who may move into the four bedded property should it remain a market dwelling.

We would advocate that the negative impact of not being able to provide in-house, in-county provision for vulnerable Norfolk children and young people would outweigh any negative impact of losing a single market dwelling. We currently have children and young people who are residents of Norfolk that we have had to place, against their wishes, in out of county provision due to the lack of appropriate resources for them in the county. This is something we are committed to resolving for our children and young people, who we believe have the right to access the appropriate provisions for their needs in their home county.

We would query North Norfolk District Council’s comment that “there are similar sized properties in Norfolk that could be more appropriate than the proposed property based on the information contained within the submission” and indicating specifically to which information they refer would be useful. We would advocate that the property meets all the necessary criteria for the stabilisation model to have maximum chance of success and feel there is insufficient evidence to suggest it would have a negative impact on the local community. We welcome the comments from Norfolk Constabulary “ASB and crime in Hindolveston is very low and the change of use of this building to a one-person residential children’s home with 24- hour care is not thought to impact on that. It is believed that any minor issues arising could be efficiently dealt with by local Officers, and hope this may lessen any perception that a children’s home may involve an increase/fear of crime at the location." which support this view. We also welcome the assurances County Councilor Steffan Aquarone provided to concerned local residents “I do not believe the proposed use puts you, or anyone connected with you, in any more danger than might be posed by any other purchaser - whether obvious, perceived, or hidden.”

Loss of a residential dwelling and alternative sites

We recognise “the Council is keen not to lose housing to other forms of development”, however, we note that Policy SS2 allows for “re-use and adaptation of buildings for appropriate purposes”. Furthermore, as detailed above, planning permission has been granted in rural locations for the change of use of residential dwelling C3 uses to C2 care home uses elsewhere in North Norfolk.

We would strongly advocate that this application relates to a single market dwelling and is being sought for the purposes of increasing our in-house residential provision which is an agreed priority strategy for Norfolk County Council Children’s Services,

Hindolveston – Bridge End, Ashcroft Farm – Change of use from dwelling to children’s home Response to North Norfolk District Council objection and concerns March 2021 (v3) to respond to meet the requirements for provision of Norfolk children and young people. The model aims to provide a stable home-like environment for local children and young people in Norfolk with the aim of improving their situation enough to allow them to either be reunited with their families or be able to able to stepped down into more mainstream care provisions. As an authority, we want our Norfolk children and young people to flourish and this provision aims to provide the best possible opportunities for this.

Norfolk Children’s Services are currently commissioning out of county residential placements for children and young people. It is the aspiration for us to be able to provide suitable accommodation within the county for all children and young people requiring our support as far as reasonably possible. It is a priority for us to increase our residential provision within the county to support this, whilst we simultaneously work to reduce the requirement for residential placements as far as is possible. There are currently 10 Norfolk children and young people assessed as requiring solo or dual placements, placed both in and outside of the county at present. We have specific children and young people who are expressing a strong desire to return to Norfolk but whom we are currently unable to accommodate due to lack of suitable accommodation to meet their needs. The number of children and young people requiring a solo or dual placement per year varies due to individual needs but can be estimated at around 10 – 15 annually.

Whilst the duration of stay in a solo or dual provision varies dependent on individual need and circumstance, we would typically aim for a step down of their situation within a 12-month period. It is common for us to set six month plans for the child or young person. The provision is more likely to be used as a solo placement than dual, but a maximum of two children could be in the property at any given time, making it likely that an average of 2 children or young people would utilise the property per year.

We would also highlight that the property, whilst changing usage would retain the purpose of providing a home environment for Norfolk’s own children and young people, to prevent them from being unable to access a suitable home environment in the county.

In searching for suitable accommodation for the proposal, we have viewed properties all over Norfolk, including Tibenham, Hingham, Syderstone, Scarning and Swanton Morely, however these have been discounted due to the close proximity to a town, the ease of access into a town via public transport, or general unsuitability of the house for our needs, ie. size/ layout.

Our Corporate Property team regularly searched the market extensively for suitable properties and have limited our viewings to only properties which closely met our search criteria. We have tried arranging viewings at several other locations across Norfolk, including but not limited to, Sporle, Ingham, , Edgefield, and North Elmham, but the properties have been sold prior to us being able to view.

Amenity impact

Hindolveston – Bridge End, Ashcroft Farm – Change of use from dwelling to children’s home Response to North Norfolk District Council objection and concerns March 2021 (v3)

We do not accept there is sufficient evidence for North Norfolk District Council to make the statement “Due to the proximity of the building to the residential properties, it is likely that neighbouring occupiers would experience unacceptable noise and disturbance caused by the emotional needs and/or behavioural difficulties faced by the proposed resident(s)…” and would query the basis on which they have judged it to be likely, particularly given the support from Norfolk Constabulary and that the experience of other residential establishments has been that they have not raised such concerns.

Whilst it is clearly not possible to guarantee that no noise would ever be generated from the property, we would advocate there is also a risk of such noise from another owner occupiers. We can, however, reiterate that our staff are trained to a high standard and would be on site at all times proactively managing any behaviours expected whilst living in the property. We would again reiterate that all of our in- house residential facilities are rated ‘good’ by OFSTED and we have not generally experienced complaints from members of the local communities residing in close proximity of our other residential facilities. Furthermore, we would query the objection from North Norfolk District Council on both amenity impact on the basis of noise disturbance, whilst also highlighting Policy SS2 being in favour of us considering towns or larger villages, where there would be a greater number of neighbours. The contradiction between the two points could make it challenging for a provision of this type being accepted anywhere in the county, thus leaving us unable to meet the needs of Norfolk’s own children and young people requiring such provision.

With regard to amenity considerations, it is noted that a similar change of use from dwelling to care home was permitted at 3 Tasman Drive, in January 2018. Here permission was granted for the change of use of the dwelling (Class C3) to residential institution (Class C2) for up to three residents and two member of staff at any one time (under reference 2017/1891). This had dwellings significantly closer to the C2 use in a quiet residential area. Within the Officer Report (link to web page below), in response to amenity objections received, it is explained ‘this is an existing building which already has an existing relationship to surrounding dwellings’ and furthermore then explains ‘noise from residents and anti-social behaviour are again not planning matters’. Based on the assessment of this more intense C2 use, an amenity objection to this proposal would be difficult to justify. https://idoxpa.north-norfolk.gov.uk/online- applications/files/6F8BF29959F10C836C198E040CD23B6A/pdf/PF_17_1891-Officer_Report- 345836.pdf

We would further reassure that an assessment would be made for each individual child or young person around the suitability of the placement before they were moved into the property. The assumption of likelihood of unacceptable noise disturbance due to emotional needs and/or behavioural difficulties could be considered discriminatory to children and young people in Norfolk who require this provision and may otherwise need to be placed out of county against their wishes, making contact with key family members challenging. The provision is required for Norfolk’s children and young people of whom we have a responsibility to provide appropriate accommodation to meet their specific needs.

Hindolveston – Bridge End, Ashcroft Farm – Change of use from dwelling to children’s home Response to North Norfolk District Council objection and concerns March 2021 (v3)

We would also again extend our reassurance and commitment to proactively working with the local community to listen to their views and take seriously any concerns they have relating to any resident and take action where this is considered appropriate. We are grateful for and proud of the many compliments we have received when we engaged with the community and hope this strengthens reassurance of the commitment we have to not only making this a successful provision to support our children and young people but also to ensure it does not negatively impact on the local community. We would note that whilst the provision is a Children’s Services proposal in response to meeting the needs of local children, young people and their families, we represent Norfolk County Council who are working on behalf of all residents and would therefore always take the comfort and wellbeing any resident of Norfolk seriously.

Hindolveston – Bridge End, Ashcroft Farm – Change of use from dwelling to children’s home Response to North Norfolk District Council objection and concerns March 2021 (v3)