hile most people are During arthroscopy, your surgeon familiar with knee When it comes to bone and problems, inserts a small camera, called an and hip arthritis, the arthroscope, into the shoulder W The Orthopeadic Clinic has got you covered. shoulder is the 3rd most com- joint. During the procedure, your monly affected joint. Arthritis is Our doctors have specialized fellowship training surgeon can clean out the inside inflammation in a joint, usually in all of the major areas of orthopedic ; of the joint. Although the proce- caused by wear and tear. In a dis- hand and wrist, foot and ankle, sports medicine, dure provides pain relief, it will eased shoulder, inflammation back and neck and . They bring not eliminate the arthritis from the causes pain and stiffness. Al- joint. If the arthritis progresses, though there is no cure for arthri- their skill, expertise and experience from some further surgery may be needed. tis of the shoulder, there are many of the most prestigious institutions across the Advanced arthritis of the shoul- treatment options available. country to East Alabama to provide excellent der can be treated with shoulder There are many types of arthri- orthopedic care to our region. replacement surgery, in which the tis that can affect the shoulder. damaged parts of the shoulder are The most common type is os- removed and replaced with artifi- teoarthritis. is also cial components. Replacement known as “wear and tear” arthritis options include: and is a condition that destroys • Hemiarthroplasty. Just the the smooth outer covering of the ball is replaced joint. As the wears away, • Total shoulder . it becomes frayed and rough, and Both the ball and socket are the protective space between the replaced bones decreases. During move- ment, the bones of the joint rub • Reverse total shoulder against each other, causing pain. arthroplasty. The socket and Osteoarthritis usually affects peo- metal ball are replaced but are ple over 50 years of age. opposite a conventional total Arthritis can also develop after shoulder replacement. A re- pain. Night pain is common and As with other arthritic condi- verse total shoulder replace- a large, long-standing rotator cuff sleeping may be difficult. tions, initial treatment of arthritis tendon tear. The torn rotator cuff ment works better for people After discussing your symp- of the shoulder is nonsurgical. with rotator cuff tears because can no longer hold the ball in the toms and medical history, your Your doctor may recommend the socket. This can damage the sur- it relies on different muscles Orthopaedic Clinic doctor will following treatment options: — not the rotator cuff — to faces of the bones, causing arthri- examine your shoulder. During tis to develop. The combination of • Rest or change in activities move the arm. The shoulder the physical examination he will specialists at The Orthopae dic a large rotator cuff tear and ad- look for: • Physical therapy exercises vanced arthritis can lead to severe Clinic are the only surgeons in • Weakness in the muscles • Nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- the area offering this innova- pain and weakness, and the pa- tory medications (NSAIDs) tient may not be able to lift the • Tenderness to touch tive procedure. • Corticosteroid injections in arm away from the side. • Range of motion Surgical treatment of arthritis of the shoulder The most common symptom of • Signs of injury to the mus- the shoulder is generally very ef- • Moist heat arthritis of the shoulder is pain. cles, tendons, and ligaments fective in reducing pain and restor- Limited motion is another com- ing motion. Recovery time and X-rays can help distinguish • Ice mon symptom. It may become rehabilitation plans depend upon among various forms of arthritis. Your doctor may consider sur- more difficult to lift your arm to the type of surgery performed. X-rays of an arthritic shoulder gery if your pain causes disability comb your hair or reach up to a If you are experiencing shoulder will show a narrowing of the joint and is not relieved with nonsurgi- shelf. You may hear a grinding pain, come see us at The Or- space, changes in the bone, and cal options. Cases of mild arthritis sound as you move your shoulder. thopaedic Clinic for a consultation the formation of bone spurs. may be treated with arthroscopy. As the disease progresses, any and let us help get you back to the movement of the shoulder causes life you once knew.

Raymond D. Godsil, Jr., MD Ronald W. Hillyer, MD Todd Michael Sheils, MD James R. Whatley, MD

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Frazier K. Jones, MD Ryan C. Palmer, MD (334) 749-8303 James L. Thomas, DPM Trent Willson, MD