Minutes of a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held 29th April 2020, 7.00pm via Zoom

In attendance: Cllr Ben Berridge (Chairman), Cllr M Elder, Cllr S Tetley, Cllr H Loi, Cllr S ​ Last, Faye Howells-Palin (Bus Admin)

One member of the public was present.

19/100 Apologies It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Tarplee. ​ ​ ​

19/101 Declarations of Interests: Cllr Berridge declared in relation to Lilbourne Charities, ​ Lilbourne Open Space Committee. Cllr Tetley declared in relation to Lilbourne Open Space Committee.

19/102 Minutes of Last meeting (as circulated): The minutes of the meeting held on 26th ​ February 2020 were signed as a true copy of that meeting.

19/103 Public Participation –

No comments

19/104 Lilbourne Community Bus

The minibus should be considered in order to be replaced. ACTION : Clerk to add to ​ Agenda for next meeting.

It was RESOLVED to adopt the ‘terms and conditions’ provided by RoSPA for the volunteer ​ ​ drivers to confirm their responsibilities whilst driving the minibus. ACTION : Clerk to draft ​

19/105 Reports to Council (Reports to be received from District/County Councillors or Community Groups

None received

19/106 – Correspondence –

- Sponsored ANPR - An interest had been expressed but await further information on cost before making a decision. - Coronavirus bill - change to audit timetable and election of Chairman - The Clerk reported that an amendment had been made in respect of the timetable for submitting the Annual Return and the ability not to elect a Chairman until 2021 due to Corona virus. - Play Area inspection report - To be studied and any issues discussed at the next meeting. ACTION : Clerk to place on Agenda for next meeting ​ - Resignation of Cllr Hurley - Cllr Hurley had sent her resignation to the Clerk. Thanks was noted by all members for her hard work. ACTION : Clerk to notify DDC ​

19/107– Planning Applications :-

- Application No: DA/2020/0200

Description: Construction of a solar farm to generate up to 49.9 MW of energy, comprising of ground mounted solar panels, new vehicular entrance onto Crick Road with internal access tracks, and other associated infrastructure including substation with tower, control room, inverter/ transformers, containers, security fencing, CCTV, and landscaping works.

Location: Land Off Crick Road, ,

It was RESOLVED to OBJECT to the application on the basis that the route for construction goes ​ ​ ​ ​ through the village which would cause disruption.

- Application No: DA/2020/0221

Description: Change of use of agricultural building and extension to replace attached lean-to stable block, to create two dwellings with associated curtilage.

Location: Buildings At Lilbourne Fields Farm, Yelvertoft Road, Lilbourne, Northamptonshire, CV23 0SZ

Requirements No: DCO/2020/0001

Description: Discharge Of Requirements 3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 26 and 32 in relation to Works No.4 (A), (C), (D), (E), (G) & (H) and further site wide development (A), (C), (D), (F), (G), (J), (K), (L), (N) & (O) in the Order limits pursuant to the International Rail Freight Alteration Order 2014 in respect of detailed design for development on Zone B, Plot B3, for the construction of a B8 distribution and storage warehouse and ancillary offices, vehicle maintenance unit with ancillary office, decked car parking with ancillary office, HGV parking, rail infrastructure including rail sidings and canopy, along with associated earthworks, landscape treatment and other site wide development and infrastructure as required by the Order.

Location: DIRFT III DCO, Zone B, Plot 2 (DC5) Watling Street, Crick

It was RESOLVED to offer NO OBJECTION to the application. ​ ​ ​ ​ - 19/108– Village projects and maintenance

- Phone Box project - ACTION : Cllr Berridge and Cllr Tarplee to produce proposals for ​ ​ project to be sent to DDC once lockdown restrictions lifted. - Speed sign proposals - ACTION : Cllr Tetley to liaise with NCC ​ ​ - Bins for The Green - ACTION : Clerk to order a further bin for general and dog ​ waste. - Cost of additional bin on the Horsepool : It was RESOLVED to go ahead and ​ commit to the annual cost of £280 for the bin to be emptied. ACTION : Clerk to complete order form. - Play Area Equipment - ACTION : Quotes to be discussed after lockdown. Play ​ Area currently closed. - Steel rail at playing field - Quote received for material only in the sum of £2288.00 plus VAT. It was RESOLVED to accept the quote and for the Village handyman to ​ ​ carry out the work once lockdown is over. - Land adjacent to playing field - Await DDC to contact us regarding valuation. - Grass verges in village - A number of residents have complained about parking on the verges in the village. ACTION : Clerk to investigate by-laws and to obtain 100 ​ leaflets for circulation. - Allotments - ACTION : There are a number of spare plots. Cllr Tetley to advertise ​ in newsletter. - The Paddocks, Chapel Lane - A number of residents had been in contact to complain about this property. DDC to contact owner once lockdown is over. ​ - The defibrillator cabinet is in need of repair. ACTION : Clerk to order a ​ replacement.

19/109- Policies/Procedures/Training requirements–

- Updated Financial Regulations - ACTION : Clerk to circulate ​

19/110– Finance

- Internet banking - HSBC are not able to offer internet banking for parish councils. ​ ​ ACTION : Clerk to contact Barclays. Internal audit appointment - ACTION : Clerk to arrange socially distant audit with ​ District Councillor Chantler when this allows.

Payments were approved as follows:

BT (Broadband) SO - £39.48 Clerk March Salary - £305.17 Bus Admin March Salary - - £337.42 Bus Driver March Salary - - £469.44 Handyman March salary – - £68.48 Clerk (expenses) - £41.15 Bus Driver salary April - £469.44 Bus admin salary April - £337.42 Handyman April salary - £120.14 G Tarplee April salary - £62.50 HMRC April tax - £106.00 Clerk April salary - £305.17 HMRC March (Tax) - £93.40 G Tarplee March (salary) - £62.50 Lilbourne garage (bus repair) - £55.20 J Waddington (donation for Covid 19 response team) - £2000.00 The Play Inspection Company Limited - £120.00 Bollington Insurance Brokers Ltd (minibus insurance) -£1073.55 Northants CALC (subs for 2020-21) - £280.97 P Fielding (coronavirus support grant) - £500.00 Autela Payroll services - £61.20 4 Counties (March grass cutting) - £315.00 Woodside Motor Services (bus safety check) - £79.00 E-ON (power 1st Jan-31st March 2020) - £115.21 4 Counties (April grass cutting) - £315.00 E-ON (maintenance Jan-March 2020) - £7.80 F Ryan (replacement pads for defib) - £90.00

Bank balance as at 15.4.2020 = £54,814.83

19/111 AOB (No matters can become decisions)

Date of next meeting - 27th May 2020, 7pm via ZOOM.

Meeting closed 19.40pm