Brothers Under Christ 2020-2021 Mid-Year Review BYX Fraternity Year-At-A Glance.





240 OFFICERS BYX Fraternity Financial Update. BYX Foundation Year-At-A Glance.

487 DONORS 48 SCHOLARSHIPS $21,489 IN SCHOLARSHIPS 7,329 KNOWN ALUMNI 4.5% KNOWN ALUMNI GIVING BYX Foundation Financial Update. University of Alpha Chapter Update

The University of Texas was one of the few schools where we have a chapter to completely halt in person activities for student organizations. This caused the men of the Alpha chapter to become even more creative in how to continue to operate as a fraternity. They leaned heavily on cell groups, attending chapter meetings virtually as cell groups, serving their local philanthropy as a cell group, and competing in their frst annual cell group BYX Cup. The BYX Cup was a huge help in incentivizing guys to be more involved with their cell groups, consisted of winning prizes for perfect cell group attendance, completing tasks and challenging other cell groups. Texas BYX was innovative in fnding ways to serve their local philanthropy, B+ Foundation, and won our philanthropy award this year. Through the B+ Foundation, cell groups had weekly zoom hangouts with Steel, an 11 year old with Leukemia, while the pledge class raised over $4500 for B+. Despite the many restrictions, they were able to initiate 38 new members into the chapter.

As Texas BYX looks to continue to grow and fnd ways to improve, they ask for your prayer in the following ways:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in large groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet in person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart.

• Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging environment with COVID, especially considering all are non- incumbent offcers.

• Prayers for continued outreach into Greek and university life in spite of gathering limitations.

• Texas Christian University Beta Chapter Update

With tight restrictions on TCU’s campus for the majority of the semester, the Beta chapter still fought for ways to continue operations and watch the brotherhood grow. Chapter meetings over Zoom provided innovative and unique opportunities for men to remain connected and center on prayer, worship, and devotions. Despite the challenges of virtual recruitment, the members rallied and the chapter ended up initiating seven men into the fraternity. Several members participated in intramural sports this fall, as it provided a great avenue for brothers to spend time together and bond. With a bit more practice, the volleyball championship is there for the taking come springtime. The chapter stepped up once again this fall for the TCU Movember Foundation, raising $2735 for the challenge. The biggest highlight of the semester was chapter retreat. Being all together in the same space once again was a reminder of the incredible gift of brotherhood and unity that BYX provides. With two-term leaders (Jacob James and Jack Joyce) and the other offcers transitioning out, the chapter is excited to rally behind the new young group of men stepping into 2021 offcership.

The Beta Chapter asks for your prayers:

•Morein-personopportunitiesnextsemester for the chapter to engage in •Recruitmenteffortsandstrategiesbythe entire chapter for the spring •Wisdomanddirectionfortheyoungand upcoming offcer corps UniversityTexas A&M of University Texas AlphaGamma Chapter Chapter Update Update

The Gamma Chapter persevered in power through another semester of trial. Defying all the odds of what could have been a major setback, the chapter managed to successfully recruit over 100 men to rush this fall and fnished with 96 pledges initiated by the end of the semester. Not even a global pandemic could stop the momentum the Aggie brothers have built up. The chapter also saw a lot of life among Cell Groups and their Chapter Meetings. Cell Groups were a crucial piece of the chapter’s activities, so these men surely made the most of that time together. Cell Groups were even the avenue through which brothers would gather in small groups to attend chapter meetings virtually all together each Monday night. So although meeting in person was not feasible for the chapter, the brothers still managed to gather and engage with one another in safer, bite-sized ways. It was not until later in the semester that the whole chapter got together for important nights like their election, initiation, and a particularly unexpected night to honor their late brother, Bailey Gully. Upon hearing of Bailey’s passing, the chapter’s leadership was quick to care for those who were hurting, intentional in connecting with the Gully family, and confdent in fnding a way to honor Bailey’s life. A week later, the chapter hosted a celebration of life service at Grace Bible Church: Anderson Campus, a gathering which every single member of the chapter committed to attending. At this service, brothers (and dear sisters) were able to share stories, memories, laughs, and tears as they remembered all that Bailey meant to them. It was a beautiful service, and everyone in attendance left with a clear picture of who Bailey was, even in his absence. With this hardship, the semester ended tenderly, but the chapter is perhaps stronger and even more fercely devoted to seeing the mission of BYX fulflled.

The brothers kindly ask you to join them in praying over the following:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Healing,support,andpeacefortheGullyfamilyandlarge groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet inaffected person and brothers determination in the to grow midst in unity of their even if recent physically loss apart. •Clarityinthedaysaheadasthechapternavigates• Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging theenvironment new normal with COVID, of life especially in the considering middle of all the are non- pandemic incumbent offcers.

••ThatTAMUBYXwouldbealightoncampusandin Prayers for continued outreach into Greek and university life in spite ofGreek gathering Life limitations. for the gospel to reach people Texas State University Zeta Chapter Update

Things may have slowed down on campus this semester, but the Zeta chapter had plenty of encouraging moments and highlights to look back on. The pledgeship process continues to make strides, as it was of the strongest pledgeships for the chapter in recent history. With 100% retention this fall, eight quality men were initiated and showed a lot of dedication and perseverance. Both bid acceptance and initiation nights were conducted well by the leaders, and they were memorable for both brothers and pledges. Chapter retreat was held at Camp Tejas, and it didn’t disappoint. Brothers especially enjoyed reconnecting with alumni that showed up during the weekend. Senior involvement has been a huge encouragement for the Texas State chapter as a whole, as they are present at chapter, cell group, and brotherhood events. Greek life relations have taken big steps this fall, with momentum moving into next semester to have events and focus on philanthropic involvements. The chapter is excited to rally behind the fve new offcers stepping in with Nate Nichols, who will continue serving as President.

The Zeta Chapter asks for your prayers for the following points:

•Continuedseniorinvolvementastheyfnishouttheirlast semester •Anothersizablepledgeclassofqualitymen,andthe recruitment strategies to be implemented for the Spring •RevitalizationofspiritualcultureinBYXandgrowthin spiritual maturity UniversityTexas Tech of University Texas AlphaEta Chapter Chapter Update Update

The fall semester for the Eta Chapter was one full of change and successful adjustment to continue the life of BYX at Texas Tech University. The offcers, actives, and PNMs have all responded to COVID faithfully and wisely, winning the NLS 35 COVID Response Award. Through their prayerful partnership with Turning Point Community Church, the brothers were able to meet in person for chapter weekly. They also saw a higher value for Cell Groups as they focused their money and resources to those groups experiencing more fun, deeper brotherhood, and continued accountability in the midst of increased isolation. Aligning with its vision statement of being a biblically rooted social fraternity designed to build disciples, the men of this chapter have not ceased to encourage one another, love each other, and represent the kingdom of God in all that they do. This was particularly demonstrated through the work of the pledge team. These men recognized that mentoring pledge members and building relationships through this season would not be an easy task. However with a mentality of “we must decrease so He can increase,” and pure dependence on the Lord, the brothers successfully developed the next class of brothers faithfully and lovingly. Without a doubt, this chapter is heading in a great direction of identity, empowerment, and growth.

Pursuing the mission and vision of BYX, the brothers would appreciate prayer for the following:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •ThattherestofGreekLifewouldexperiencedeepercommunity large groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet and the hope of Jesus rather than being plagued with isolation, in person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart. suicide, and relentless discouragement. • Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging •MayBYXcontinuetobesaltandlightinthistryingseasonoflifeenvironment with COVID, especially considering all are non- •Thatthebrotherswouldnotfallintothetemptationofincumbent offcers. • Prayerscomplacency for continued but rather outreach cling intoto Jesus, Greek reach and university the lost and life sick, in spite ofdefend gathering the innocent, limitations. and protect the weak University of North Texas Theta Chapter Update

The fall semester for the UNT Chapter was a time of perseverance and determination. Beginning the semester in the midst of a pandemic and great uncertainty was challenging, but the brothers showed up. Under the direction of President Drew Orlich and the Offcer Corps, the chapter was successfully able to continue its operations even through social distancing. Chapter Meetings continued via zoom, Pledgeship persisted despite the odds, and the semester still ran its course. On a particularly exceptional note, the chapter celebrates their philanthropic efforts this November as they were able to raise $2500 for our national philanthropy, Living Water International, during the LWI 10 Days campaign.Wecelebratealongsidethem,andlook forward to seeing how those funds change lives around the world. The chapter is thankful for another completed term with their offcer corps, and they look ahead with excitement as the new corps steps in. These men are fred up with vision, and the next several months could be a big time for their work to drive the chapter along and even more positive trajectory.

The brothers would love to invite you to join them in praying over the following:

•Continuedprayersthroughthetroublesof planning around COVID •Prayersforpositivenumberscomingoutofnext semester as we’re graduating at least 6 more guys •Prayerstheballkeepsrollingwithalumni association progress UniversityBaylor University of Texas AlphaIota Chapter Chapter Update Update

Momentum is the word of the season for Baylor BYX as the chapter triumphed over one of the most challenging semesters to date. Even in the midst of many questions, uncertainty, and constant waiting for a verdict from the university about Greek Life operations, the men of the Iota Chapter remained patient and made their own fun. They began their very own 4v4 fag football league that captured the attention and engagement of the majority of the chapter. They committed to having backyard bonfres and house hangouts to still see each other in small group settings outside of virtual chapter meetings. They even began an Offce-based mini docu-series simply to buy some time and get a good laugh. The bottom line is that the fall semester could not be stopped for these men! By the time they were all able to meet together for their frst in-person chapter meeting, the excitement could not be contained. Months and months of prayers were fnally answered, and the men could pick up where they left off in the previous Spring semester. The culture is healthier than it has been in years, the level of commitment is high, and the chapter’s standing on campus is steadily improving with each and every semester. All of these factors combined were some of the very reasons this chapter walked away with the NLS 35 Momentum Award. Needless to say, these men are well on their way to even brighter days of successful and healthy brotherhood and unity.

The brothers kindly ask that you join them in praying for the following:

•Improvedvulnerabilityinthechapter• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in large groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet •Beingbetteratreachingouttodifferentpartofthein person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart. • PrayersBaylor for community the offcer team to as spread they’ll be the inheriting light of a challenging Christ environment with COVID, especially considering all are non- •Improvedpledgeclasssizeandthenumberofguysincumbent offcers.

• Prayerswilling for to continued completely outreach buy into into Greek the and new university Baylor life BYX in spite cultureof gathering limitations. University of Oklahoma Kappa Chapter Update

Against all odds, OU BYX saw growth on every level this semester. They had the best recruitment season they’ve had in years and initiated just under 50 new members who are fully committed to one another and to Christ. This pledge class dealt with numerous challenges and changes throughout the semester and they, along with the pledge team, took the many changes in strides and made the most of every opportunity. OU has continued the momentum built from the spring to strengthen and empower cell groups, and cell groups played a large part in keeping the chapter healthy when COVID restrictions came into play. Through the stronger emphasis on cell groups, many of the men in the chapter have actually grown closer throughout the pandemic. In a year where in-person community service was severely limited, OU BYX still wanted to fnd ways to positively impact Norman. They came up with the idea of a canned good drive and were able to collect and donate over 900 canned goods to the local food pantry, OU Food Pantry.

The men of OU BYX are constantly looking for ways to improve and are expecting good things under the leadership of the new offcers, and would appreciate your prayer for the following points:

•Forthefutureleadershipofthischapterastheypreparefortheupcoming semester.

•Forthemenabouttobeinitiated,thattheywillbecommittedtothe brotherhood and to Christ.

•AsachapterwewanttocontinueheadinginadirectionthatglorifestheLord and achieves the purpose of BYX. In a time where many traditional social events are not allowed, we want to continue fnding ways to foster brotherhood and community in Christ as well as reach the community this upcoming semester. UniversitySouthern Methodist of Texas University AlphaMu Chapter Chapter Update Update

The Mu chapter at SMU remained committed to the identity of BYX and found ways to thrive in this unusual semester. The chapter retained 100% of its members, which spoke to the commitment of members and the value of BYX in their lives. The offcer corps was hardworking, innovative, and well-respected by the chapter. Time, energy, and money were invested into the continued fostering of brotherhood and unity, specifcally cell groups and other brotherhood activities. Greater variety and creativity were focuses for chapter meetings, and the upcoming leaders are excited to continue this moving forward. Despite the restrictions, members were still highly engaged on campus and maintained strong relationships with university administration and other Greek organizations. With no pledgeship this fall, the SMU chapter put their focus on recruitment for next semester. They hosted fun and engaging bi-weekly events at the house for members to connect with PNMs. The house served as a huge blessing for the chapter all semester, as it provided space for men to connect often and regularly. Ahugehighlightwastheseniorretreat, providing a weekend for seniors to reconnect and discuss ways of how they want to remain connected and fnish strong during their time in BYX. The chapter is excited for the direction of the new leadership stepping in, and expectant for a strong Spring 2021 pledge class.

The brothers ask for prayer in the following ways:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Continuedcohesionandcommitmentfromthechapterlarge groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet inas person a whole and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart.

••ThatBYXmaybeablessingtomen,andthroughthis, Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging environmentmen would with pour COVID, back especially and be a considering blessing all to are the non- incumbentorganization offcers.

••Thattheupcomingoffcerswillleadwithstrengthand Prayers for continued outreach into Greek and university life in spite ofhumility, gathering as limitations. they keep the chapter on a solid trajectory Nu Chapter Update

BYX Nu Chapter continues to be a place for Vanderbilt men to fnd authentic fellowship and brotherhood with other Christian men on campus. This semester was extremely challenging due to strict COVID-19 guidelines set by the University. In person gatherings of 10 or less were the only permitted events on campus forcing the chapter to host all chapter meetings on zoom this semester. The offcers’ willingness to adapt and innovate allowed the chapter to thrive during diffcult circumstances. The Nu chapter saw recruitment efforts relatively unaffected and still managed to generate substantial interest from potentials for pledge this Spring. Although this semester was very different, they are proud of the way they still provided in- person cell group and virtual chapter meetings for the brotherhood.

“Thank you for all your prayers and support! Our chapter has been blessed tremendously by the prayers of faithful supporters, and our mission is wholly reliant on God to be a part of all we do.”

As the brothers look ahead to the Spring semester they ask that you pray for the following points:

•Spiritualandphysicalhealthforallbrothersasthe pandemic continues to surge and affect their lives in various ways. •WisdomintheirdecisionmakingandfortheLordto provide a path for the chapter to execute a successful and meaningful Pledge for men seeking the bonds of brotherhood and unity in Christ at Vanderbilt. University of TexasArkansas AlphaXi Chapter Chapter Update Update

Arkansas BYX had an incredible semester marked by leaders that adapted to change and owned their roles with purpose and conviction. In a semester unlike any other, Arkansas conducted a successful recruitment and pledgeship process while following all University Covid-19 guidelines. Pledge Captain Kyle Guthrie executed his vision of a pledgeship that was both challenging and flled with purpose and offcially initiated the Sigma class in early December. It was a pledge class that grew spiritually individually and collectively flled with men who are ready to make an impact in the chapter and on the University of Arkansas campus. With strict gathering guidelines, the ability to plan and have functions was nearly impossible, but leadership still managed to provide a Mini Golf date event and their annual Uncle BYX philanthropy event. They were also one of the few, if not the only Fraternity on campus to have in-person chapter in a socially distant and safe way. In a semester where it would have been easy to throw in the towel and do the bare minimum Arkansas leadership rose to the occasion and provided a meaningful BYX experience for each member of the fraternity.

Looking towards the Spring semester and all God has for them, the brothers would love prayer for:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in • Thelarge offcer groups core physically. to be united Please in pray decision for increased making and allowance to provide to meet inexactly person what and the determination members need to grow from in them. unity even if physically apart.

• PrayersThe ability for to the plan offcer and team execute as they’ll social events be inheriting in a safe a challenging way to bring environmentback excitement with and COVID, some especially more of the considering fun elements all are of the non- incumbentbrotherhood. offcers.

• PrayersContinued for buy continued in from outreach the brotherhood into Greek of the and identity university of BYX life in and spite offaithfulness gathering in limitations. their individual walks with Jesus.

• Mississippi State University Omicron Chapter Update

Mississippi State BYX capped off their outstanding year with another excellent semester. They were innovative in having events that were safe and met all COVID restrictions, and will continue to have some of these newly established events even after the restrictions are eventually lifted. They initiated 36 new members who went through a reinvigorated pledgeship process and have displayed a strong commitment to BYX. The offcers were critical in evaluating what events would and wouldn’t be safe to have, and were forced to make some hard decisions and either cancel or majorly adjust several of their events. Despite the cancellations and the many diffculties brought on by COVID, the chapter actually saw more guys return from inactivity than go inactive. This displays how valuable BYX is to the guys at Mississippi State. In a time where events were at an all time low and many other chapters and fraternities lost huge portions of their chapters, this chapter actually saw growth in their membership numbers, a rare feat even in more normal semesters. The buy in was further on display when 22 different men ran for offcer positions. The chapter excelled in all areas this semester and won the National 133 award, which goes to the chapter which best exemplifes and carries out the Purpose of our Fraternity. Additionally, Matt McClellan received the National Alumni Service Award, which acknowledges signifcant contributions of time and energy on behalf of BYX and the Alumni Association.

The brothers ask for your prayer in the following ways:

•Forcontinuedbrotherhoodandunityamongguys through the winter months and into the next calendar year. •Forhealthacrossthechapterandtheirfamiliesduring the COVID-19 pandemic. •Forguidanceandsupportforthe2021OffcerCorpsas they begin their leadership in the chapter. University of TexasGeorgia AlphaPi Chapter Chapter Update Update

Each semester keeps getting wilder for Georgia BYX. This semester, the chapter broke the threshold of the XL category as Pledge Captain Trent Barron, initiated 27 new members and contributed to the whopping new total of 113 active members. This increase in numbers did not come without an improvement in chapter culture as well. The spiritual culture of the chapter was stretched after a long season of isolation and waiting. Brothers bonded together in deeper fellowship and accountability through Cell Groups, as well as vulnerable challenge and encouragement through life sharing in chapter meetings. The fact that they could even meet in person for chapter meetings was a blessing. Thanks to Athens Church, a generous partnership was formed and sustained throughout this semester for the purpose of safely meeting in a large space every week. This was one of many important decisions that leadership had to pray through as they pivoted around obstacles this semester. In everything the offcer corps did, they took time to consider what was most needed for their men and committed to serving selfessly until that need was met. This kind of work ethic and service led the UGA Chapter to win the NLS 35 Leadership Award, and thus securing its second consecutive award and third award overall. The chapter has been on a steady incline over the last few years, and it appears that the trajectory will only continue upward in power over time.

The brothers kindly ask that you join them in praying for the following:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Continuedgrowthinaccountabilityandfollow-large groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet throughin person and for determination brothers to across grow in theunity whole even if physically chapter apart. • Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging •Ignitingthefreofserviceandphilanthropyinenvironment with COVID, especially considering all are non- theincumbent community offcers. •Housingplansanddevelopment• Prayers for continued outreach into Greek and university life in spite of gathering limitations.

• Oklahoma State University Rho Chapter Update

The Rho chapter at Oklahoma State had a Fall semester marked by brotherhood and unity in its highest form. They experienced an increase in vulnerability and encouragement between brothers on a chapter-wide level. They created incentives to increase attendance at brotherhood events and had record-high levels of attendance. Despite the diffculties imposed by COVID, the chapter saw an increase in their level of involvement with Greek Life. The offcers also improved the purpose and vision of pledgeship and look forward to bring in more guys to experience their pledgeship and brotherhood through their newly created recruitment coordinator offcer position. They are growing on all fronts and look forward to continue to build on their strong foundation with a great group of incoming offcers. The brothers ask for your prayer for the following areas:

•Continuedspiritualgrowthamongmembers. •Growingreachinthegreekcommunity. •Successfulrecruitmentofnewguystohelpus succeed in our goals. University of TexasMississippi AlphaChi Chapter Chapter Update Update

Even in the world of COVID restrictions and confusion, Ole Miss BYX has continued to make improvements in the chapter this semester. Cell groups continue to be the backbone of the Chi Chapter, with accountability and vulnerability being key. The way that brothers care for, encourage, love on, and sharpen one another seems to be the mark of Ole Miss BYX. Spiritual culture remains healthy, and as each semester passes, more and more men are taking upon themselves to be discipled, disciple others, and be leaders within their local churches. As external events (an area we hoped to see growth in) were made diffcult or sometimes impossible this fall because of COVID guidelines, the brotherhood shifted back onto an internal focus. This has allowed the brothers to grow closer to members of their cell groups, as well as the chapter as a whole. The brothers of Ole Miss BYX are spiritually connected and drawn together in their walks with Jesus. Additionally, we are blessed that God has provided a solid pledge class to become a part of the continual positive culture shift. As this year comes to a close, we look expectantly toward the spring semester and the newly elected leadership.

The brothers ask for your prayer in the following points:

•Forastrongrecruitmentinthespring,togrowthechapterin• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in size,large andgroups to physically.provide men Please who pray will for keep increased building allowance the growing to meet culturein person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart. •Foropportunitiestoengagethecampusandbealighttothe• Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging universityenvironment while with COVID,staying especially safe considering all are non- incumbent offcers. •Toavoidcomplacencywiththegreatbrotherhoodthathas • Prayersbeen established for continued over outreach the past into couple Greek years, and university and to keep life in spite seekingof gathering more limitations.

• Louisiana State University Psi Chapter Update

The Psi Chapter of BYX had a fantastic semester. The chapter’s culture, according to the offcers, is at “an all time high” despite the restrictions and changes that came with COVID. Offcers and other members with leadership positions did a great job at handling the barrage of adversity thrown their way this semester. Brothers are more together than ever, not getting to focus as much on external events, but fully focusing inwardly on the brotherhood. A culture of vulnerability has increased amongst the brothers, and the growing amount of seniors/older members pouring back into younger men has marked this semester with more leadership development than ever. On the note of younger members, recruitment was wildly successful this fall. LSU BYX initiated 15 pledges, its largest pledge class EVER. And because of the hard work of the recruitment team (and the rest of the brothers as well), the Psi Chapter received the NLS 35 Recruitment Award! We are extremely proud of LSU BYX, and we look forward to an even better spring.

The Psi Chapter has asked that you pray with them for a few things:

•Continuedmomentuminallfraternityaspects •Growingpurposeforseniorsandalumni •Memberstakinginitiativeineverythingtheydo •Takingrecruitmentanotherstepforward UniversityAuburn University of Texas AlphaOmega Chapter Chapter Update Update

Even with the challenges stemming from COVID restrictions, Auburn BYX has just fnished a very strong year as a whole, and an especially great fall. The Omega Chapter, for the frst time ever, has moved into ahouse!The former Beta house has served BYX very well this semester, providing a very large and functional place for internal and external events. This includes semi formal, date nights, brotherhood events, and continuous hangouts throughout the semester. Even though social events were limited, the chapter used this as an opportunity to focus inwardly, working hard on brotherhood, traditions, and unity of the chapter. The leadership as a whole in the chapter was stellar, getting the Omega Chapter a nomination for the NLS 35 Leadership Award. The recently elected leaders are high caliber and ready to see a spring semester flled with growth for the chapter.

The brothers ask that you would pray with them:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Forstrongrecruitmenteffortsthatyieldalarge,qualitypledgelarge groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet inclass person in the and spring determination to grow in unity even if physically apart.

••Continuedprayersforthecultureandstewardshipofthenew Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging environmenthouse with COVID, especially considering all are non- •Fortheabilitytohavemoreeventsinthespring,allowingforaincumbent offcers. • Prayerssuccessful for continued social presence outreach on into campus Greek and and the university ability life to be in spite a oflight gathering to all of limitations. Auburn

• University of Central Arkansas Alpha Gamma Chapter Update

The Alpha Gamma chapter gained tremendous momentum this past year, showing no signs of slowing down. The 2020 offcers laid a healthy foundation for the chapter. UCA BYX truly feels like family and not just a group of men. From the get-go, huge efforts were put into the recruitment process which resulted in a pledge class of twelve solid men. This is the largest pledge class in recent chapter history. New life and energy were brought to chapter meetings, with each meeting containing a different devotion from the , other brothers, and even former alumni. Engagement on campus was once again a strength, with members involved in Student Orientation Staff, Ambassadors, and I.D.E.A.L. (Freshman Leadership Team). IFC relations continue to be a focus, as Danny Eddy (2020 President) will be representing BYX and serving as VP of Development for IFC. Senior involvement has been an integral part of the chapter’s growth, with 4 of 5 serving as offcers this past year. The new offcer team is excited to take the reins and continue building on the momentum that has been created this past year!

The brothers kindly ask for prayer in the following points:

•Continuedgrowthinspiritualmaturityformen •Fosteringhealthyrelationshipsandhealthy confict resolution •Wisdomandguidanceforayoungoffcerteam stepping into leadership for 2021 University of Central of Texas Oklahoma Alpha ChapterEpsilon Chapter Update Update

Fall 2020 was an extremely important semester for the Alpha Epsilon Chapter at UCO. With the chapter sitting at ten members entering the Fall, the offcers knew it would require a tremendous amount of effort to grow the chapter to the standard needed to remain recognized by nationals. Leadership responded, and conducted a well-organized recruitment plan that brought in 9 pledges. With an additional member returning to active status, the chapter went from 10 total members to 20 in a single semester. The brothers of the UCO chapter understand the identity of BYX. The momentum of the membership of UCO is unlike anything we have seen. The 2020 offcers laid a foundation for the future of the chapter and are excited to see the fruits of the labors in future years.

The brothers ask for you to join them in prayer over the following points:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Forstrongrecruitmenteffortsthatyieldalarge,qualitypledgelarge groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet inclass person in the and spring determination to grow in unity even if physically apart.

••Continuedprayersforthecultureandstewardshipofthenew Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging environmenthouse with COVID, especially considering all are non- •Fortheabilitytohavemoreeventsinthespring,allowingforaincumbent offcers. • Prayerssuccessful for continued social presence outreach on into campus Greek and and the university ability life to be in spite a oflight gathering to all of limitations. Auburn

Alpha Zeta Chapter Update

The COVID-related challenges have proven to be blessings in disguise for Tennessee BYX. With a stronger internal focus, the chapter was able to dedicate much of its time and resources to foster the strength of the brotherhood. As a result, there was record-high participation in BYX activities and events. ‘Quality over quantity’ became the motto, which paid dividends for the chapter. The pledgeship process found ways to get even stronger. Events were well-rounded, engaging, and challenging, and the pledge class pushed each other spiritually in ways that have never been done before. Members continued to step up spiritually and serve on evangelism, prayer, and church engagement teams. Chapter meetings contained a different level of appreciation compared to previous semesters, as men loved worshipping and fellowshipping together in the same space with their brothers once again. The Alpha Zeta chapter was the primary model within Greek life, being the only organization to put on safe events for others to get involved in. As a result, Island Party was a huge success. Senior involvement was also at an all-time high, as men were highly engaged during chapter meeting and present during I-week. This semester simply couldn’t have happened without the incredible leadership displayed by the offcers. They remained assertive and persistent all semester long amidst setbacks and restrictions, and have paved the way for another amazing semester for the 2021 offcers to step into.

The brothers ask that you join them in prayer over the following points:

•Passiontocarryoverforthefraternityenteringthe Spring semester •ThecontinuedimpactandtollofCOVIDon members and their families •GreaterunityfortheGreekcommunityasawhole, and specifc ways for BYX to play a role in this UniversityClemson University of Texas Alpha ChapterEta Chapter Update Update

Despite the presence of a pandemic, as well new regulations and restrictions from a university level, the Alpha Eta chapter of BYX at Clemson continued to grow this semester, adding 11 new pledges of surprisingly high caliber. Chapter meetings were virtual, focus on brotherhood was shifted to cell groups, with weekly meetings continuing as normal, and extra meetings encouraged. Big-Little families were also poured into this semester, allowing for men to meet up with older brothers in smaller groups that are in accordance with University guidelines. Probably the biggest highlight of the semester, though, came at the end of October with Alpha Eta’s Chartering Ceremony. All of the brothers welcomed alumni and national staff to celebrate with dinner at a beautiful venue just outside of Clemson. National staff put on the ritual, and brothers all celebrated together. Another highlight of the semester has been the uniting of alumni, which has produced a formal application to start an alumni chapter for Clemson BYX. We look forward to continued alumni connection. Lastly, the semester ended by launching the new offcers into the spring of 2021. The old and new offcers held a weekend retreat at Winshape Retreat in Rome, Georgia, which served to inspire and connect the future leaders of the chapter.

As we look forward to the spring, we ask that you would join with us in prayer:

•Thispastyearwasspentreactingandrespondingtothepandemic.We• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in hopelarge that groups this physically. next year will Please be spent pray for recovering increased and allowance allowing our to meet inchapter person to and get back determination to a sense of to normalcy. grow in unity even if physically apart.

••Thispastyearhasalsobeenatimeofvarioustrialsforourchapter, Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging environmentincluding a member’s with COVID, twin brother especially unexpectedly considering passing all are away. non- Our chapter rallied around him, and still is. We pray for this continued chapterincumbent unity offcers. during these diffcult times. •Forasolidsemesterintermsofrecruitment,retention,andalumni• Prayers for continued outreach into Greek and university life in spite ofactivation. gathering limitations.

• UniversityYale University of Texas Alpha ChapterTheta Chapter Update Update

This semester was one unlike any other in the history of the Alpha Theta chapter. Due to the majority of brothers living outside of New Haven, including different countries around the world, Yale BYX was fully virtual this semester. Despite many tough challenges, the offcers and brothers came together to still make the absolute most of their time.

Brothers were engaged and willing to Zoom into chapter and cell groups even in the busyness of their personal lives. Lastly, the Alpha Theta Chapter is thankful for alumni sharing their experiences at chapter meeting. Hosting multiple alumni speakers at virtual chapter meetings, the chapter now hopes to invite more alumni, and have alumni meetups with the current brothers in the future. The pandemic prevented many of the brothers from living on campus in the fall, making it impossible to keep the old BYX House. In the spring, it may be a similar situation, and some brothers already signed year-long contracts this past fall.

The brothers ask that you would join them in prayer over the following points:

•Theraisingupofleadersfromourpledges• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in large groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet •TheendofCOVID.BYXatYaleisnotthesamein person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart.

• Prayerswithout for in-person the offcer team brotherhood, as they’ll be inheriting events, a challenging traditions, environmentand fellowship, with COVID, so we especially need prayer considering that all at are some non- point incumbentin Yale’s offcers. spring semester, BYX is able to operate in a regular manner • Prayers for continued outreach into Greek and university life in spite •AnewBYXHousebyfallof2021of gathering limitations. • Alpha Iota Chapter Update

The fall semester for the Alpha Iota Chapter started with a great deal of painful waiting but fnished with more joyful anticipation than ever. As the university imposed a moratorium that initially began for fourteen days, and then extended much longer, the chapter had to postpone all recruitment efforts and social engagements. However, this did not stop the men. The chapter successfully recruited four underclassmen to begin pledgeship, and eventually to be initiated. The chapter also managed to retain 100% of its members,evenastheywaitedthroughthemajorityofthesemestertofnally meet in person again. And through the waiting, the brothers continued to get creative and organized two virtual events with sororities to continue its social engagement and connection across campus. Although it was not the semester they initially expected, these men persevered and even began planning for the spring semester under the direction of the new 2021 Offcer Corps. Hope is still alive, and the brothers are still having a great deal of fun as they navigate the unique challenges of the pandemic.

As the fall comes to a close, the brothers would like to ask to you join them in praying over the following:

•Forthenewoffcercorpstohaveclarityindecision-makinganda unifed vision for the future

•Forrecruitmentinthespring,astheycontinuetoimplementanew system to reach potential members

•Forthepandemic,specifcallyasitrelatestoBYX:Theuncertainty the future holds and for God’s hand guiding the chapter University of TexasMichigan Alpha ChapterKappa Chapter Update Update

This fall, the brothers of the Michigan chapter were challenged, but did not back down. In the midst of a global pandemic these men showed up to recruit and initiate a pledge class of nine, the largest class the chapter has seen in the last couple of years. Additionally, the chapter managed to successfully host a COVID- safe mixer with a Christian women’s ministry called Delight. Under the leadership of Adam Albert, the brothers would not settle for zero interaction across campus, even if it meant doing so virtually while they waited for the university to open up again. The waiting could have been long and frustrating, but the men of the chapter continued to press forward positively with new ways to engage with each other. Virtual chapter meetings, extra emphasis on Cell Groups, and even committing time to repainting and renovating rooms in the BYX House captured the attention of the brothers through the waiting season. It is evident that these men are truly passionate about what this brotherhood offers, as well as the fellowship and growth that happens within the house.

The brothers kindly ask that you join them in praying over the following:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Withresidencehallsessentiallyclosedforthisupcomingwinter large groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet semester, the recruitment process will need extra attention and creativityin person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart. •Thatthenextoffcercorpswillhavewisdom,humility,andenduranceto• Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging environmentserve BYX well with and COVID, ensure that especially the spiritual considering health all of our are chapternon- incumbentcontinues to offcers. be strengthened and vibrant •Thatguyswouldbecomemorevulnerableandopenwithoneanotheras • Prayersthey continue for continued learning/growing outreach spiritually.into Greek and university life in spite of gathering limitations.

• University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Alpha Lambda Chapter Update

Rather than seeing this fall as a setback, the men of Chattanooga BYX viewed it as an opportunity to continue growing as a ‘Christ-honoring social fraternity’. The offcers rose above the challenges of COVID and put together a fantastic semester, supported by other strong leaders within the fraternity. Chapter meetings remained fun and engaging for brothers as they centered on prayer, worship, and fellowship. Pledgeship was once again a strong suit for the chapter, as twelve solid men were initiated and welcomed to the brotherhood. The Alpha Lambda chapter was the most involved fraternity on campus this semester, taking appropriate precautions and safety measures during their events. Simply put, they were the model for UTC Greek Life. Philanthropy was a huge focus, as they fnished in the Top 3 for every philanthropy week. Along with this, the chapter showed out for the new national philanthropy, raising over $7500 for Living Water International, our National Philanthropy. The brothers continued to remain extremely involved in the community as well, with many serving as Young Life leaders and in church ministries. There is even a strong SGA presence, as Lane Gutridge (future BYX President) currently serves as Student Body President. Lastly, ahugehighlightthisfallwasthealumnigolfouting,asbrothersenjoyed reconnecting with nearly 25 alumni in attendance.

The brothers ask that you join them in prayer over the following points:

•Continuedwisdomanddiscernmentforthechapter as a whole with COVID next semester •Strongleadershipandunityfor2021offcers •Spiritualgrowthformembers,withheartstoknow Jesus more fully UniversityLouisiana Tech of Texas University Alpha ChapterXi Chapter Update Update

The Brothers of the Alpha Xi chapter have seen a relatively successful quarter despite setbacks from COVID-19. The Offcer Corps, as well as actives, have worked to overcome these setbacks and look for a silver lining instead.

Though recruitment was diffcult, the rush processes yielded 9 great new pledges, now brothers,whoarefullycommittedtothe vision of BYX at La Tech. A very limited ability to undergo social efforts caused the chapter to focus inwardly, leading to an increase of brotherhood compared to past semesters. Lastly, seniors have remained a strong part of the DNA of the chapter, taking upon themselves leadership roles, as well as pouring back into the younger men of the chapter. We look forward to the future growth of the Alpha Xi chapter.

The brothers ask that you pray with them for a few things:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Foraboldnessofactivestobeabletoshareboththeirfaithlarge groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet in person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart. and BYX with friends and strangers alike • Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging •Fortheabilitytoimpactcampusinwhateverwaystheyenvironment with COVID, especially considering all are non- incumbentsafely and offcers. responsibly can concerning social restrictions

•Forasuccessfulrecruitmentcomespringquarter• Prayers for continued outreach into Greek and university life in spite of gathering limitations.

• University of North Carolina Alpha Rho Chapter Update

The Alpha Rho chapter was the frst BYX chapter to head back to school at the beginning of August. With heavy restrictions and the majority of UNC freshmen immediately kicked out of the dorms, things looked pretty bleak. However, the offcers and members chose to implement a 2020 mission statement: ‘lifelong commitment, eternal impact’. The chapter rallied in astounding ways, turning this semester into one of the most infuential experiences in chapter history. Despite recruitment restrictions, six men were able to experience both spiritual and social challenges during pledgeship that were impactful and life-giving. Charlie Robinette set an extremely high bar as Pledge Captain, and the men are pumped to continue following his lead as he steps into the President role. Hosted at the Battle House for the latter half of the semester, chapter meetings had great variation and creativity. CGs continued to strengthen, along with the development of big-little relationships. Campus ministry involvement is a strength for the chapter. Flag football within the brotherhood was hands down the biggest highlight for the fraternity. Competition was ferce but equally fun, and it provided incredible opportunities for members to interact with each other and with pledges. The upcoming offcers have learned so much from the stellar 2020 corps, and are set up for success as they step into leadership for next semester.

The brothers ask for your prayers over the following points:

•ContinuedgrowthinspiritualwalkswiththeLord •Continuedexcellenceinleadershipby2021offcers,and Charlie to maintain strong leadership abilities as he steps into Presidency •Astrongclassoffutureleaderstocomefrom2021Spring pledgeship University of TexasTulsa Alpha ChapterSigma Chapter Update Update

Fall 2020 was a successful semester for the Alpha Sigma Chapter at the . The chapter leadership had creative ideas and solutions to provide a positive BYX experience for their members during another semester flled with COVID-19 restrictions. From the beginning, the leadership's goal was for Jesus to be the central focus of the chapter. Five pledges underwent a purposeful and challenging pledgeship, and entered the brotherhood eager to fulfll their roles as active members. COVID-19 could have marked the end of the Tulsa BYX chapter, but leadership rose to the challenge of restricted recruitment and fraternity operations. Tulsa’s pledgeship was better than it has ever been. The pledges grew spiritually, were challenged, and were more unifed than past pledge classes. Lastly, a recruitment event at Flying Tee was the highlight of the semester for many brothers. The new offcer corps is excited to step in and build on the momentum from this past semester.

The brothers ask for your prayers over the following points:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Growthinchaptersize.Morepledgesthisspring!large groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet in person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart. •ContinuedremembranceofthevisionofBYXlaidoutby • Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging environmentour founders with COVID, especially considering all are non- incumbent offcers. •ForinvolvementofourmenoutsideofBYXinstudent • Prayersorganizations for continued and student outreach ministries. into Greek and university life in spite of gathering limitations.

• East Tennessee State University Alpha Tau Chapter Update

Resiliency was a theme for the men of ETSU BYX throughout the semester. The offcers rose to the challenge, and their relational focus paid dividends for the chapter. Even with the limitations of COVID, retention remained strong and members showed commitment through their active engagement in the chapter. This was well displayed in brotherhood events, which included bowling, kickball, Quantum Leap, and time at the Beauty Spot. Pledgeship was once again strongly executed by Cameron Francis (upcoming President), as four brothers were initiated into the fraternity. The two graduating seniors for the fall, Carter Wine and Daniel Delozier, exemplifed healthy senior leadership and participation as they fnished their time in BYX. Strides were made in the overall unity of the chapter, and the upcoming offcer corps is expectant to see this trend continue as they step into leadership. The brothers ask for your prayers over the following points:

•Forcontinuedgrowthintheidentityasa‘fraternity designed to glorify God’ •Growthinthespiritualmaturityofbrothersandastrong focus in their walks with Christ •Guidanceanddirectionfortheoverallleadershipfor2021 (offcers, CGLs, chair positions, upperclassmen leaders) UniversityKansas State of TexasUniversity Alpha ChapterUpsilon Chapter Update Update

The fall for the Alpha Upsilon Chapter at Kansas State was one of increased engagement and involvement, even in the face of challenges and restrictions. The brothers at K-State demonstrated a devotion to each other and to what this fraternity has to offer in a number of ways. As campus shutdown became reality, the brothers instilled a renewed focus on Cell Groups and deep, internal growth. The increased time spent in small groups was a gift to the members, as they refected positively on it often. Additionally, the chapter was able to successfully partner with a local church to secure a space for their weekly Sunday evening Chapter Meetings. This partnership helped battle what would have been inevitable isolation this semester, and offered an opportunity for the entire chapter to come together at least once a week. The sense of normalcy was invaluable. Looser restrictions later in the semester allowed for the chapter to safely and successfully host its annual Halloween Party, and to hold its fall Initiation Ceremony on campus as well. Needless to say, the semester ended much better than the way it started, and the brothers were deeply thankful for the turnaround they witnessed. The brothers kindly ask that you join them in praying for the following:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Growthinchaptersize.Morepledgesthisspring!large groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet in person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart. •ContinuedremembranceofthevisionofBYXlaidoutby • Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging environmentour founders with COVID, especially considering all are non- incumbent offcers. •ForinvolvementofourmenoutsideofBYXinstudent • Prayersorganizations for continued and student outreach ministries. into Greek and university life in spite of gathering limitations.

• Purdue University Alpha Chi Chapter Update

•Forwisdomanddiscernmentforthenewoffcersasthey face immediate Covid-related challenges •Asolidrecruitmentandpledgeclassdespiterestrictions on gathering •Newopportunitiesandideasforbrotherstogathersafely together in the spring UniversityIndiana University of Texas Alpha ChapterPsi Chapter Update Update

While this semester has been uniquely challenging for the Alpha Psi Chapter, God has sustained it. The pledgeship process has been reworked, adding emphasis on the identity of BYX as a social Christian fraternity. It is now more intentional, and the development of men during pledgeship is more consistent with the way the rest of chapter operates. Anew leadership development series was also rolled out this semester, called “Sharpen”. It is an optional program that involves older brothers teaching leadership and pouring into younger brothers. The trial semester has gone very well, and we are very proud of the precedent for leadership that this has set up in the chapter. And while this semester has brought forth many setbacks socially, the Lord has been with the leadership of the Alpha Psi chapter, and has guided the fraternity to effectively navigate social and internal growth. Internally, brothers have continued to engage with each other on a very high level. Externally, the chapter has effectively pivoted and still found creative ways to engage the campus and sororities within university guidelines. Indiana BYX is continuing to trend upwards, and we look forward to the spring semester. The brothers kindly ask that you join them in praying for the following:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Aspringrushthatwillbringinastrong,largepledgeclass.large groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet in person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart. •Formoreopportunitiestogrowinpresenceoncampus • Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging environmentthis upcoming with year. COVID, especially considering all are non- incumbent offcers. •ForanotheryearwhereGodstretchesandgrowsthe • Prayerschapter for spiritually continued outreach into Greek and university life in spite of gathering limitations.

• Ohio State University Alpha Omega Chapter Update

•Thatthecomingsemesterwouldbeflledwithenergyand excitement for BYX, permeating through the chapter in anticipation of what the next semester can bring •Forthenewoffcercorpsandtheirleadership.Thatthey would bring energy, excitement, fresh ideas, and vision to the chapter Southwestern Oklahoma State University of Texas ColonyAlpha Chapter Update Update

The second full semester of SWOSU BYX has come to a close. This was a very strong fall for the colony. The semester began with a solid recruitment, almost doubling the chapter! The trend is looking very good so far, starting the spring with 15 Founding Fathers, and adding 10 more new pledges. Now that they are initiated, we are 25 strong at SWOSU BYX. And the semester progressed well, with the school being hit by surprisingly few restrictions. The men were able to be in full-swing with mixers, date parties, a formal, cell groups, and chapter meetings. We were truly blessed to have such a normal semester during such a crucial time in the chapter’s history. Lastly, we are excited to share that BYX was one of 4 student groups to receive the maximum funding from the school to go toward member scholarships. This fall has fnished about as well as possible, and as we expectantly look towards the spring, we ask that you would pray with us in the following ways:

• COVID has made brotherhood diffcult with the inability to meet in •Ourcontinuedgrowthasweworktowardbecomingcharteredlarge groups physically. Please pray for increased allowance to meet in person and determination to grow in unity even if physically apart. •Forthesecond(incoming)offcercorpsastheycontinuetowork • Prayers for the offcer team as they’ll be inheriting a challenging towards setting a lasting culture within the fraternity environment with COVID, especially considering all are non- incumbent offcers. •Thatwewouldmakeanimpactonourcampusandwithinour • Prayerscommunity for continued for the Kingdom outreach in into the Greekyear to and come university life in spite of gathering limitations.