Third Year of the Feminist Fund Dears
Our roots are growing stronger! Third year of the Feminist Fund Dears, FemFund is 3 years old already! We feel that after three years we are standing firmly on two legs: the femi- After two intense and fairly crazy nist community that uses the Fund’s years, 2020 was a year of rooting and money keeps on growing regularly, building strong foundations for the and there are also more and more mature and stable organization that persons who support the Fund FemFund wants to be. We used the with monthly donations. We are time of the pandemic to care for rela- an organization that specializes in tions within the team, strengthen the providing grants and feminist philan- organization’s security, order our pro- thropy. We reach groups and organi- cedures and formalities, and to talk zations from all over Poland, from about our vision of FemFund and how cities, towns, and villages; within the We invite you to read the summary to strengthen the feminist movement feminist movement, we support the of the year 2020 in FemFund! in Poland strategically and in the long voices of minorities, the excluded, run. and the marginalized. The persons Magda, Justyna, Gosia, who co-create this movement daily Marta and Mona still decide whom to support. Bigger and wiser FemFund! We started 2020 as a stronger team, from Ulex Project. It was a much about our key values, about the cur- joined by Mona Szychowiak and needed conversation, thanks to which rent political context, about the needs Gosia Leszko . A while later, we we were able to critically look at our of our community and its internal started a regular cooperation with practices of overworking and (not) diversity.
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