Workshop for Delivery of Legal Services Committee Members and Their Staff
Workshop for Delivery of Legal Services Committee Members and Their Staff HOW LEGAL SERVICES NONPROFITS CAN USE STATE-LEVEL ADVOCACY TO INFLUENCE POLICY WHILE ALSO STRENGTHENING THEIR ORGANIZATIONS 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m., Thursday, January 22 Philadelphia Bar Association, 1101 Market Street, 11th Floor Conference Center Presenters TONY CRISCI, Principal, Crisci Associates BARUCH KINTISCH, M.B.A., J.D., Principal, Pathway Strategies LARRY BEASER, Esq., Partner, Blank Rome LLP Workshop for Delivery of Legal Services Committee Members and Their Staff HOW LEGAL SERVICES NONPROFITS CAN USE STATE-LEVEL ADVOCACY TO INFLUENCE POLICY WHILE ALSO STRENGTHENING THEIR ORGANIZATIONS 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m., Thursday, January 22 Philadelphia Bar Association, 1101 Market Street, 11th Floor Conference Center © 2015 Pathway Strategies, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Baruch Kintisch, Principal, Pathway Strategies is the author of these materials. Baruch is grateful for the good counsel of Karen Buck, Larry Beaser, Tony Crisci, and Joe Sullivan. 1 Policy Advocacy and Strengthening Nonprofits Agenda and Takeaway Learning Objectives (1) Update on happenings/advocacy opportunities in PA legislative and executive branches The new legislative session and gubernatorial administration present legal services nonprofits with both major policy threats and valuable openings to make a positive difference. Threats include budget deficits, funding cuts, overlooked client needs, and competing political priorities for reform. Opportunities include relationships with new officials, media attention to policy issues, and interest in addressing major statewide challenges (education funding, health care reform, public sector pensions, tax reform). (2) Common frustrations experienced by legal aid nonprofits with policy advocacy activities Legal services nonprofits face difficult choices for balancing the time and resources devoted to direct assistance for clients versus influencing state policy.
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