Summer 2021



Name Declaration

Heather Barrett-Mold  Institution of Environmental Science – Vice President and Chartered Fellow OBE  Growing Point (Hort therapy charity) - President  Percy Picton Trust (Hort charity) - Director  Chiltern Woodland Project - Director  Currently provide paid work to a number of different agencies e.g. Ofsted, QAA and individual colleges.  Worshipful Company of Gardeners Master  HBGTP steering group member  Fellow Linnaean Society  Chartered Member RSB  Chartered Fellow CIH

Sheila Cunningham  Associate Professor at

Beryl De Souza  Member of British Medical Association - (BMA)  Medical Women's Federation - member  Enfield Racial and Equality Council Member - Trustee Community Care Committee (BMA)  Age UK Enfield – Trustee  Patron - British Association of Camouflage Specialists

Peter Doble  Part-time and intermittent paid consultancy work for colleges advising senior managers on financial strategy and mentoring senior finance staff. Currently as at September 2020, I am providing this service to Highbury College in Portsmouth  Providing financial advice and support to the Trustees of the St Giles Educational Trust - this is an ongoing commitment for which I receive modest remuneration. The Trust supports the training of English teachers in the UK and overseas.

David Domoney  CEO Domoney Ltd  David Domoney C Hort. FCI Hort.  Commercial Board Director / Shows Oversight Committee: Royal Horticultural Society  Member of the Court: The Worshipful Company of Gardeners  Member of the Garden Media Guild  Honouree Member of the HTA (Horticultural Trades association)  Organiser the Princes Foundation Young Gardener of the Year  Organiser the National Community Gardening Campaign Cultivation Street  Columnist for the Trinity Mirror group of Newspapers  Presenter Prime Time ITV 1 ITV 2  Presenter Day Time ITV1 This Morning Programme  Columnist Sunday Mirror  Feature Columnist Grow Own Magazine  Patron of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens  Patron of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society  Patron of Greenfingers  Ambassador for The Chartered Institute of Horticulture

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 Garden Champion for the charity ‘Sane’  Ambassador for: o Chartered Institute of Horticulture o The Woodland Trust o The RSPB o The Melanoma Fund o War Widows o Women’s Institute  Honouree Fellowship from Warwickshire College Group for my services to Horticulture  Associated projects with The Prince’s Foundation

Guy Jones-Owen  Director, Metro Bank  Governor of Enfield

Robert Howard  Worshipful Company of Gardeners – Liveryman & Court of Assistants/Flowers in the City Committee  Worshipful Company of Fletchers - Liveryman  Charles Stanley and Co Limited – Employer  Court of Aldermen City of Corporation  City Corporation Epping Forest Committee - member  Chair of Governors, City of London Academy, Shoreditch Park  Trustee, Central Foundation Schools of London  Trustee, United Westminster Greycoat Foundation

Joanne Laban  Councillor for Highlands Ward in the London Borough of Enfield  The Conservative Party  Epilepsy Action (British Epilepsy Association)  Fusion Lifestyle Enfield  Enfield North Conservative Association  Enfield Society  Trustee of the Nightingale Cancer Centre Charity  Council of Europe – Congress of local and regional authorities  European Committee of the Regions  Local Government Association - The Cities Regions Board member  Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Enfield North  College property held at 66 The Ridgeway, Enfield

Ralph Luck  None

Roger McClure  None Chair of Governors

Lady Milnes Coates  Past Master of Worshipful Company of Loriners

Stephen Way  Managing Director, Digital Governance Ltd  Foundation Governor, N9  Chair of Curriculum & Standards, Highlands School  Co-opted Chair of Governors, Prince Of Wales  Trustee, The Latymer Foundation at Edmonton  Trustee and Director, Enfield Learning Trust  Trustee, Highlands Charitable Trust  Co-opted Trustee, Buckinghamshire UTC  National Leader of Governance, DfE

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Tony Young  Retired Independent Member  Chair of Governors of a Primary School and Day Care  Churchwarden in the Anglican Church of England

Joanne Coffey  Company Secretary for Capel Manor Limited Clerk to the  Company Secretary for Community Vineyard Limited Corporation and  Company Secretary for Enfield Veg. Co Limited Company Secretary  Self Employed Psychotherapist/Writer

Sarah Seery,  None Staff Governor: Curriculum and Quality Manager

Carl Butler,  None Student Governor

Lauren O’Leary,  None Student Governor

Jarryd Russell,  None Student Governor


Name Declaration

Malcolm Goodwin  Director of Enfield Veg. Company Principal  Director of Capel Manor Limited  Director of Forty Hall Vineyard Company  Director of National Land Based College Ltd  Regional Non-Executive Director of Landex (South East Region)  Occupies a College property – rent reviewed by F&GP  Trustee of the Perennial Gardeners’ Royal Benevolent Society

Christine Bianchin  Vice Chair for Cambridge Access Validating Agency (CAVA) Vice Principal  Director of Enfield Veg. Company  Director of Capel Manor Limited

James Bryan  None Executive Director of Human Resources and Central Services

Damien Fallon  Director of Capel Manor Limited Executive Director of  Director of Forty Hall Community Vineyard Limited Finance and IT  Director of Enfield Veg. Co Limited

David Scott  None Executive Director of Estates and Facilities

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Marion Bertuzzo  Member of CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals)  Volunteer and committee member for the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) N E London Local Group

Alex Boud  BTEC National Examiner (level 3) BTEC Nationals Animal Breeding and Genetics

Julie Dowbiggin  Director of Dowbiggin Associates  Member of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture  Member of the Professional Gardeners Guild  Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners- I sit on 2 committees for them- Education and Craft  Associate Member of the Institute of Biomedical Scientists

Patrick Mason  Technical member of the Institute of Safety and Health (IOSH).

Glynis Maynard  Senior Examiner for the RHS Level 2 Theory Certificates  Professional Associate of the RHS (and get an annual fee and daily rate for days I work for them. I also get paid for marking examination papers twice a year. I do this is my own time. I take annual leave for the days that I work for the RHS.)  Member of the RHS  Chartered Fellow of the CIH (I do not receive any financial reward for these)

Nigel Thorne  Director/Sole-trader as NTCLA since 1992 – company mostly dormant due to full-time employment at Capel Manor  Trustee/Honorary Treasurer, The Architect’s Benevolent Society*  Director/Trustee, Highgate Cemetery Trust*  Chair/Trustee, Parks for London (formerly ‘London Parks & Greenspace Forum’) *  Committee Member, Historic England London Advisory Committee*  Fellow & Past-president, The Landscape Institute* (now a mentor, supervisor & professional practice examiner) *  Fellow, The Chartered Institute of Horticulture*  Fellow, Royal Society for the Arts*  (*All unpaid, no financial interest)

Meg Wilson  Shepherd at Seabrook Farms, Suffolk  Committee member of East Anglian Sheepdog Society  Management Committee Member Surrey Docks Farm

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