Promoting The Cultural Exchange Between And America Through Analysis Of American TV Series’ Influences

Name: Junhong Liu (刘浚洪) School: Xi’an International University E-mail: [email protected] Phone Number: 181-9185-3086

Table of Contents



A. American TV series influence the English learning of Chinese students…………4 1. Learning English through American TV series is more efficient……………...4 2. How can students improve their English by watching American TV series...... 4

3. The huge impact on English learning………………..…………………...……6

B. American TV series influence the way that Chinese produce TV series………….6

1. Lots of Chinese TV series imitate American TV series. ………..…………….6

2. How do Chinese imitate them…………………………………………………6

3. Promote the cultural fusion……………………………………………………7

C. The approaches of solving the problem that some American TV series were

banned by Chinese authorities...... …...8

1. There are some divergences about how to treat the parts that are not

appropriate for minors in China, causing some American TV series to be

banned by Chinese authorities……………………...……………………….....8

2. What can Americans and Chinese do to change this situation……..……….....8

3. China and America can have a better relationship and attitude of TV

series …………………………………………………………………...….…..9





Being hugely influenced by globalization, the American TV series has widely and rapidly spread around the whole world, including China. Thousands of people in China are greatly impacted by American TV series in diverse ways, containing English learning and the way that Chinese produce TV series. However, there still are some divergences of how to treat certain inappropriate parts in

American TV series in China. Immediate measures should be taken to solve this problem. Therefore, it’s of vital importance to analyze the influences of American TV series.


American TV Series. Influence. English Learners. Imitate. Divergences. Banned TV




Being hugely influenced by globalization, the American TV series has widely and rapidly spread around the whole world. The establishment of Sino-US diplomatic relations in 1979 made the first American TV series imported into China --

The Man From Atlantis, which was unexpectedly widespread throughout China. Later in 1982, My Favorite Martian also be brought in, which gave a great first impression of to Chinese. This made the practitioners of TV industry realize that the TV series’ entertainment function was extremely important. In the early 90’s,

Television imported Growing Pains, which led to the first Chinese -- I Love

My Family being produced. In this period, the mass culture, the way Chinese produce

TV series and the general ethos of society were enormously influenced by the trend of

American TV series. But in this period when the Internet was still in development in

China, Chinese people just could watch American TV series through television.

Influenced by the traditional Chinese culture, they couldn’t totally resonate with the plot of American TV series. So the audiences weren’t very mature at that time. Later in 2005, another upsurge of American TV series appeared in China. Prison Break was disseminated on the Internet, attracting lots of young people, most of whom were college students. They enraptured the actor, the plot and the spirit. Then more and more American TV series were on show on the Internet. As English learning became important, in order to study English well and have a better knowledge of the United

3 States, a large amount of college students became American TV series trackers.

However, recently, there has been some divergences about how to treat the parts that are not appropriate for minors in China. This caused some American TV series to be banned by Chinese authorities. In my study, I would like to give a detailed introduction of how the American TV series influence the English learning of Chinese college students and the way that Chinese TV series produce. Moreover, I’d love to propose some suggestions to solve the problems of those banned TV series.


A. American TV series influence the English learning of Chinese students

1. Nowadays, hundreds of people in China are fond of American TV series, most

of whom are college students. As English learning became increasingly

important, a number of college students believe it’s more efficient to learn it

through American TV series. For many students, the most difficult part of

language learning is not the grammar and vocabulary, but the listening and

speaking, which the American TV series can provide correctly. The visual

culture represented by the American TV series is a new educational modality in

modern society. And it’s a new way to explore western world. According to

Nicholas Mirzoeff, visual culture refers to the culture that is separated from the

language of rationalism, increasingly turning into image centered form.

2. How can students improve their English by watching American TV series

a. American TV series create an actual language environment for students. The

talking speed in every American TV series is in intermediate or fast speed,

4 which not only entertaining the learners, but also practicing their listening.

What’s more, the authentic pronunciation of American English can correct

the learner’s pronunciation so as to enhance their oral English. As there are

subtitles of Chinese under the American TV series, students can unceasingly

get in touch with lots of new words and idioms. For instance, many medical

terminology in House M.D. are constantly repeated, making the students bear

them in mind. Besides, TV series are more comprehensible than textbooks.

This improves the learner’s language intuition so that they can boost their

writing skills. The authentic pronunciation and the phraseology would make

the students completely be immersed in it, so that they can experience the

image and language through visualization and hearing. In this way, learner’s

enthusiasm will be stimulated.

b. The recessive impacts are crucial to learners. Culture is one of the most

significant recessive impacts. More importantly, language is the carrier of

culture. The hinge of learning a language is to know the cultural background.

American TV series is a real reflection of American normal life. The social

custom in westward, like daily communication etiquette, table manners,

festival etiquette, the taboo culture can be reflected in American TV series.

Students can totally be in the atmosphere of English culture throughout the

whole English learning process. Not only can this cultivate the students’

awareness of English culture, but also this can make students not be impacted

by traditional Chinese culture in English learning.

5 c. For those learners whose mother tongue isn’t English, during initial stage,

they don’t have the courage to communicate with others in English because

they are weak in listening and speaking. Whereas, the circumstance is totally

different when they watch American TV series. Students can make playback

and ineffable can be repeated over and over again. This helps learners release

the tension of English learning. Because they can attentively listen to it and

figure out what is said.

3. With such huge impacts being showed, more attention should be paid in

American TV series. In order to improve the efficiency of English learning

around China, the effects of American TV series is no less significant.

B. American TV series influence the way that Chinese produce TV series

1. Since the first American TV series – The Man From Atlantis was imported in

1979, Chinese people have assimilated American TV series and taken them for

reference, including Chinese TV series. Some practitioners of TV industry

realized that the TV series’ entertainment function was extremely important.

This led to the imitation of American TV series.

2. How do Chinese TV series imitate them

a. Some Chinese TV series completely imitate American TV series, containing

characters, scenes, scripts, plot and stage sets. Most of them are sitcoms. A

Chinese TV series, called iPartment, is a remarkable example. Most parts of

iPartment simulates . It also imitates , Lost,

24 Hours and Big Bang Theory. Firstly, it revolves around a rentable

6 apartment called Love Apartment, telling a story of seven people’s daily life,

who are one-to-one corresponding with the character in Friends except one

person. Secondly, the plot also imitates them. For instance, a plot in the 7th

episode of iPartment is that Ziqiao makes an apology to Meijia through

ordering a song to her on the radio, which originates from the 8th episode ,

2nd season in Friends. Even the radio announcer’s dialogue are the same.

Thirdly, the stage set of the 13th episode 2nd season in iPartment, which is a

shabby cabin where Xiaoxian Zeng lives in when he runs away from his

apartment, is similar with Lily’s scruffy apartment in How I Met Your

Mother. Finally, the ways of film editing imitate American TV series. Some

flashbacks such as Lost, some split screens such as 24 Hours are all


b. Apart from those completely imitations, Chinese just imitate the type of

American TV series as well. With CSI and Elementary attracted many

Chinese audience, more Chinese suspense TV series were produced. As ER

and House M.D. gained attentions, more medical dramas were produced in

China, like The Young Doctor.

c. There is also another way of imitation, the airtime. Learning from American

TV series, a few Chinese TV series are now broadcasted one episode per

week. White collars are beneficial from this form of broadcast, because they

have to work on weekdays, not having time to watch TV series. Furthermore,

this form of broadcast also gives actors and directors more time to produce

7 more brilliant TV series.

3. Since there are so many Chinese TV series have imitated American TV series

in different ways, we all can see the huge impact of combination. To imitate

and absorb others is an essential way to make cross-cultural communication.

Great combinations have the power to promote the cultural fusion between

China and America.

C. The approaches of solving the problem that some American TV series were

banned by Chinese authorities.

1. Recently, some divergence about how to treat the parts that are not appropriate

for minors in China came out, causing some American TV series to be banned

by Chinese authorities, including , The Good Wife, NCIS

and The Practice. When Chinese open the video website, there just reads: “Can

not be played because of policy reasons.” Therefore, a hot topic concerning

whether some of the American TV series should be banned is widespread. A

majority college students have been protesting this on Weibo, QQ zone and

WeChat. The official explanation is that they will put those TV series into the

CBM Translation Organization to dub, which can make them become better for


2. What can Americans and Chinese do to change this situation

a. Chinese TV series producers should produce two versions of the imported

American TV series. One version is dubbed; another is in original sound.

The dubbed ones can provide a clear green environment for those who just

8 are longing to know the American culture. And they also can broaden the

age bracket, attracting more people to watch them. The ones in original

sound can provide an actual language environment for those who would

love to improve their English. But the subtitle must be more standard, not

containing vulgar words in Chinese.

b. Not only do Chinese think there are some inappropriate parts in American

TV series, but also some other countries do. So as to amplify the area of

export, Americans also could produce another specific version for other

countries, which focuses on the culture transmission.

c. Chinese authorities could introduce a policy that is limiting the age of

watching American TV series just like what Americans have done. As we

all know, there are several different TV channel in America. They are TV-G,

TV-PG, TV-14 and TV-MA. Were it to be realized, this might contribute to

more Chinese TV series to be produced in different types and make more


3. Since there are feasible solutions towards the divergences, immediate steps and

effective measures should be taken by Chinese and Americans to deal with

these problems. If the inconvenience of these differences can be solved, China

and America can have a better relationship and attitude of TV series than now.


Greatly influencing English learning, American TV series have much more advantages than textbooks, like providing an actual environment for students to

9 improve their listening, speaking, writing; helping students to know American cultural background and releasing the tension of English learning. Therefore, Chinese English learners should take sufficient advantages of American TV series, not only for entertaining, but also for studying. Teachers also can introduce some appropriate

American TV series to youngsters, who can be more easily and efficiently to remember and learn a language.

For Chinese TV producers, they could learn more from American TV series in various aspects like characters, scripts, scenes, types and airtime. But they don’t need to imitate them not missing even a word. They still should keep the original

Chinese culture in TV series and make combinations and breakthroughs, in order to make real cross-cultural communication, not just be hidebound.

In terms of the divergences, both Chinese and American authorities should take how to deal with the problems of some parts in American TV series into consideration. Chinese producing two versions, Americans exporting another version or Chinese limiting the age of audience all can be the solutions. Chinese and

Americans should work together to work out some doable plans for promoting the cultural exchange between China and America.



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