RULES OF PROCEDURE WHAT ARE THE PROCEDURES AN INDIVIDUAL, GROUP OR ORGANIZATION MUST FOLLOW TO Section 3, §2-3-7 of the Charter provides that: INCLUDE AN ARTICLE ON THE WARRANT? A Citizen’s Guide In all procedural matters, the town meeting shall follow the latest revised edition of Town Meeting Time: A A Town Meeting Article petition form is available in the Town Handbook of Parliamentary Law, by Johnson, Trustman, Clerk’s Office, although no particular form is required, only To and Wadsworth, except as otherwise provided by the that the necessary signatures and addresses of registered voters General Laws, the Provincetown General petitioning for the article are affixed or attached to it. Of By-Laws, or this charter. course, the article must concern a subject which the Town Town Meeting Town Meeting Time is a handbook of parliamentary law Meeting can lawfully consider and vote upon. It is prepared under the auspices of the Massachusetts recommended that the petitioner of the article present the Moderators Association. The procedures detailed in this book motion at Town Meeting since the article may be dismissed if are simpler and easier to understand than those of the more nobody makes the motion to present said article. widely known Robert’s Rules of Order. WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THESE BOARDS WHAT ROLE DOES THE RELATIVE TO TOWN MEETINGS? TOWN MODERATOR PERFORM? : Prepares the warrant for the Town The Moderator is an elected official who serves as the Meeting and is available at the town Meeting to explain and presiding officer, deciding all questions of order and making answer questions concerning the various articles inserted by public declaration of all votes. The Moderator’s goal is to them in the warrant. conduct the Town Meeting in an impartial, yet expeditious, Finance Committee: Reports upon and makes Town of Provincetown, manner, allowing all points of view a fair hearing, while keeping recommendations on the proposed annual budget and all the process moving. The Moderator recognizes people from financial articles in the warrant. Massachusetts the floor and, while they are speaking, allows no interruptions, Planning Board: Makes recommendations upon those articles except when a point of order or privilege is raised. which are within their area of responsibility, such as zoning amendments and street acceptances, and are available to This Town Meeting guide includes answers to frequently WHAT IS A TOWN MEETING WARRANT? answer questions which might arise concerning their planning asked questions concerning the Town Meeting process. functions. The warrant is a list of budget items and/or articles proposed School Committee: Speaks upon, and is available to answer to be acted upon by voters at a Town Meeting. questions on school-related articles and other articles The answers are, of necessity, brief. More information concerning subjects which are under their jurisdiction and can be found by consulting the applicable provisions of WHAT IS AN ARTICLE? control. the Town of Provincetown Charter as well as the General Town Counsel: Answers questions concerning legal matters Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. An article is a proposal which is to be acted upon and voted which may arise during the course of the Town Meeting. by the Town Meeting, as set forth in the warrant. Additional copies may be obtained from the WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR AN ARTICLE TO Town Clerk’s Office WHAT IS THE QUORUM REQUIREMENT FOR BE INCLUDED IN THE WARRANT? 260 Commercial Street TOWN MEETING? Provincetown, Ma 02657 Articles are inserted by a vote of the Board of Selectmen. 508-487-7013 The quorum requirement for any Annual Town Meeting or Voters can petition to include an article: For an Annual Town E-mail: [email protected] of Provincetown Meeting, an article must be supported by Special Town Meeting is one hundred registered voters. the signatures of 10 registered voters, and, for a Special Town Meeting, by 100 signatures of registered voters. These are general points, proposals and motions, and have no order of precedence over another. You may introduce any of them at any time, except (a) when a motion to adjourn is pending, (b) when a motion to recess is pending or (c) when a point of TOWN MEETING privilege is pending. This information is only a guideline. Please refer to the Town of Provincetown By-Laws and Town Meeting Time for full definitions. The Town Moderator rules on all other questions regarding procedure. (NOTE: Motions GUIDE must be submitted in writing, and be signed and dated by the person making the motion). You want to: You say: May you Is the motion Can this motion What vote is WHAT IS A TOWN MEETING? interrupt the debatable? be amended? required? speaker to make The Town Meeting is the occasion when the voters of the Town this motion? assemble to vote and act upon various articles as contained in Introduce an “I move that…” No YesYes Voter approval the warrant. The Town Moderator conducts the Meeting. article depends on article. HOW OFTEN DOES PROVINCETOWN HAVE A TOWN MEETING? Amend a motion “I move this No Yes Yes Majority motion be The Annual Town Meeting is held on the first Monday in amended to April of every year, except when that date falls on a religious read…” holiday, and is called to order at 6:00 p.m. Special Town Meetings may be called as needed, either by the Board of Consider “I move we take No Yes No 2/3 vote Selectmen, or upon a petition of 200 registered voters of the something out of Article # out of Town. its scheduled order..” order WHO MAY ATTEND TOWN MEETING? Have a standing “I doubt the vote, Yes No No Hand count Any person may attend a Town Meeting, but only registered vote taken (to and I request a Mandatory upon voters of the Town of Provincetown may vote. Except by a verify a show of count.” request of 7 or motion to allow specific non-voters to speak at Town Meeting, hands count). more voters. non-voting attendees are not permitted on the floor of Town Request “Mr. /Mdm. If urgent and to No No No vote. Meeting but can observe the proceedings from the balcony Information Moderator, Point the point Moderator’s section, as determined by the Town Moderator. of Information.” Discretion. Object to an WHAT ARE THE VOTING PROCEDURES “Mr./Mdm. Yes No No Moderator error in AT TOWN MEETING? Moderator, Point Decides. procedure or to a of Order.” personal affront Ordinarily, votes are taken by a show of hands. If the Town Moderator deems the vote to be close, or if more than a Register a “Mr./Mdm. Yes N/A N/A Moderator majority vote is required, the Moderator may direct a hand Complaint Moderator, Point Decides. count be taken. If at least 7 voters challenge the Moderator’s of Privilege.” declaration of vote, a hand count will be taken. In rare instances, secret ballots may be cast in accordance with Reconsider an “ I move we No Yes, if original No Majority (Note: procedures specified in Town Meeting Time, although the article already reconsider our motion was Motion must be practice is discouraged due to the length of time needed to disposed of action relative to debatable made within 1 conduct ballot voting during Town Meeting. Article #.” hour after the origional vote.)