What we do

DISCO Downs Industry Schools Co-Operation Inc

DISCO is a not-for-profit community-based organisation focussed on assisting youth between 14-24 years of age. We provide young people with services and programs that assist them in making appropriate education, employment and career-related decisions. With a history of professionalism, high-standards and a genuine passion for our work, DISCO team members make a difference in the lives and career prospects for our local youth.

“Partnering Schools, Linking with Business, Supporting Youth”


Letter from the CEO…………………………………………………………………………………..…………….Page 4 Our Objective, Vision & Mission…………………………………………………………………………….…...... Page 5 Presidents Report……………………………………………………………………………………………...... Page 6 The Management Committee …………………………………………………………..…………………………Page 7 Our Regional Footprint……………………………………………… …………………………………………...Page 8 The Year in Review…………………………………………………………………………………………….……Page 9 2016/17 Highlights …………………………………………………….……………………………………….….Page 10 Our Programs & Services…………………………………………………….………………………….…...Page 11-15 Client Highlight………………………………………………………………………………………….….……...Page 16 Marketing & Promotional Tools……………………………….……………………………………..….……Page 17-18 Communication………………………...…………………………………………………………....…….…..Page 19-21 Our Partner Schools………………………………………………………………………………..……………..Page 22 Our Team…………………………………………………………………...…………………………………..Page 23-24 Funding & Finances……………………………………………………………………………………..…….Page 25-26 Our Partners………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 27 Contact Details……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 28 Financial Statement Summary…………………………………………..……………………………….………Page 29 Financial Statements 2016/17 Period……………………………………………………………………………Page 30

“Partnering Schools, Linking with Business, Supporting Youth”

From the CEO I’m delighted to present the eighth formal Annual Report on the operations of the Downs Industry Schools Co-operation Inc (DISCO) for the 2016/17 period. Time has certainly flown by this year as I reflect on the last 12 months and consider my involvement with DISCO as I approach the end of my 20th year managing the organisation. Although this report will in general terms reflect our activities for the 2016/17 period, I can’t help but consider some highlights for me during the time I have managed the business. It is pleasing for me to be able to talk positively about our successes in the 2016/17 period as we have moved forward with new opportunities, continued funding and a positive vision for the future. This year has had a consolidation focus as we delivered support services for young people that have been focussed primarily on employment through our two major contracts. These include Transition to Work (TtW) with funding through the Federal Government’s Department of Employment and the Get Set for Work Program with funding through the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative that is made possible through the Government’s Department of Education & Training. During the year the organisation (in partnership with its consortium partner Gateway To Training) completed its first year delivering the new Transition to Work service assisting 15-21 year old’s to find work. This new contract has been a challenge, but the two organisations respective teams have seized the opportunity with over 300 young people assisted over the 12 months. The renewed Get Set for Work contract has now been operating for over 12 months as well and, although more challenging than in previous years, my team, in partnership with other external partners, provided assistance to more than 70 young people across the communities of Gatton, Dalby and . Our commitment to school leavers who are transitioning into the next part of their lives has continued and we celebrate 10 years of assisting them. I acknowledge all our sponsors but specifically our major sponsors the University of Southern Queensland which funds the booklet we distribute to more than 3,500 school leavers and BUSY At Work who fund our www.schoolleaver.org.au website which is where young people go for resources and information. The Strategic Plan, confirmed by the Management Committee in 2016 (and operating through until 2020), has represented a focus as part of the organisation’s rebuilding strategy with objectives achieved to progress DISCO’s goals and plans. The return of funding has contributed to staff growth with now more than 30 team members working in contractual, full and part-time roles across 5 sites. I want to extend my appreciation to the DISCO Management Committee executive and ordinary members who have remain loyal and committed over the past 12 months. Neil and his executive team including Andrew and Suzanne have provided strong, consistent support throughout the year. Yours sincerely

Mike Paton

Mike Paton CEO


Our Objective, Vision and Mission


Established in 1997, DISCO has developed a reputation as a leader in the provision of youth services and has a strong reputation built on quality and professionalism. Our Objective

DISCO offers support to young people who reach out to us. Our organisation listens, supports and builds confidence to assist a young person to determine a future that maximises their true potential. Our Vision

DISCO aims to help young people grow and develop irrespective of their circumstances when they link with our organisation. We stand behind our clients, so they can stand up with confidence.

Our Mission

Partnering Schools, Linking with Business, Supporting Youth.


From the President

Another year and I find myself armed with my pen as I write what I think is my 10th report as the organisations President. When Mike asked me if I would undertake this role for a year I thought I can juggle this with my business and other community responsibilities and hobbies. 12 months will be fine….. But somehow 12 months has continued for 10 years! I write in the full knowledge that my Management Committee and the Executive that I lead have and continue to make a significant difference in the lives of many young people even though in general we operate '‘behind a curtain’ the role played by us is important in helping the business to ‘strategically focus for the future’. I support Mike to run a business first and a youth agency second. This is not to say that our singular focus is the not the welfare and support of youth but as a business we need to be able to know we can operate today AND tomorrow. During the time I have helped lead DISCO there have been many occasions where we have had to consider the financial capacity of the business and make sure we can be around for tomorrow. My goal has been to find that balance with my Executive whilst always trying to keep the organisation moving in an upward direction and doing as much as possible to support young people. Over the last 12 months the business has consolidated and grown after a period of uncertainty and this has allowed us to think a bit like ‘smart farmers’. Smart farmers are those that realise that every year cannot be a good year, so you need to put a bit away for tomorrow. This does not mean being greedy but good times are often followed by bad and by having something behind us we provide the organisation with the opportunity to continue into the future irrespective of whether we are in a good or bad year. So, it is wonderful to reflect over a positive and progressive 12 months that has seen us utilise innovation and opportunity to grow the DISCO business. One of the innovations I’m very proud of has been the introduction of the Digital Presentation Folder (pictured) which has enabled team members to visit employers and promote young people electronically. This tool has enabled young people to be introduced innovatively to potential employers creating a whole new way of connecting with businesses and stakeholders. It was exciting to have feedback from the Federal Department of Employment who acknowledged DISCO’s innovation with Federal Employment Minister Michaelia Cash actually providing direct positive feedback about this initiative and highlighting it in the departments 2017 Annual Report. It’s always nice when we get the feedback, but the most important thing is that the resource works and we achieve our goal of supporting young people. I want to specifically thank my fellow Executive Members Andrew Spradbrow and Suzanne Browning and all of the individual committee members who have been there when we needed them. I would like to thank each member of the committee sincerely for their support, ideas and commitment during another difficult year. I hope you enjoy your break at the end of the year and in whatever way you support DISCO can I say thank you for helping us to help the young people of today who will be become the adults of tomorrow. Yours sincerely Neil Davy

Neil Davy President 6

The Management Committee

DISCO is very grateful for the volunteer leadership and assistance provided by Management Committee and Ordinary Members who are listed below.

Management Committee Members Ordinary Committee Members Mr Neil Davy Mrs Heather Hagemann CGD Group Pty Ltd – Toowoomba St Joseph’s College – Toowoomba President - (Parent Rep) Mr Alan Gray Mr Andrew Spradbrow Gratitude Services – Toowoomba Toowoomba Regional Council – Toowoomba Vice President Mr Len Zupp Zupps Farms – Wyreema Ms Suzanne Browning USQ – Purchasing Officer Mr Ashley Vettiger Treasurer (Suzanne retired during the year) Herron Todd White – Toowoomba Mr Mark Dawson Hartleys Newsagency - Toowoomba Mr Lester Eiser (Secretary) Education Consultant – Toowoomba

Mr Alessandro (Alex) Tommei Youth Rep

The Management Committee meets monthly and the images above are from one of the committee meetings. At this particular meeting, the committee was fortunate to have a presentation from Mr Luke Terry who outlined the success of the Vanguard Laundry enterprise in Toowoomba which started as a social enterprise of the Toowoomba Clubhouse.


Our Regional Footprint

The Downs Industry Schools Co-operation Inc (DISCO) commenced operations in Toowoomba with a small office in 1997. Since then the organisation has continued to grow across Queensland and has operated offices in communities including Roma, Dalby, Gatton and Toowoomba.

Over the last 12 months the focus of the organisation has been in the communities of Toowoo mba, Gatton and Dalby.

As part of DISCO’s ongoing mission to support more young people, the organisation is continuing to review new locations to extend its range of services to support Queensland youth.

DISCO acknowledges the support of Gateway To Training (GTT) in as this organisation works in partnership with DISCO to support school leavers and deliver the Transition to Work (TtW) service in consortia across South West Queensland. DISCO recognises that to continue to be a leader in the delivery of youth services and to ensure that the programs and support offered by the organisation are accessible to as many young people as possible.

The organisation will continue to open new offices and commence new partnerships to ensure that young people from across Queensland and around Australia can have access to specific, individualised and professional youth services from highly qualified and passionate professionals. DISCO is proud to have delivered services across the bottom half of Queensland in the Lockyer Valley, and South West Queensland regions either on its own or in partnership with Gateway To Training (GTT).


The Year in Review

2016/17 has been a year of consolidation and progress and move back into delivery for both the Federal and State Governments.

The commencement of new federal funding in April 2016 through the Department of Employment to deliver employment services to local youth in conjunction with consortium partner Gateway To Training through the Transition to Work (TtW) service has continued and both organisations have consolidated their performance delivering employment services to a large number of young people. The contract has delivered services from offices based in Gatton, Toowoomba, Dalby, Roma, St George, Goondiwindi, Warwick and Stanthorpe.

State Government funding has also been maintained with support for 15 – 19-year-old young people through the Get Set for Work and Youth Support Coordinator programs. Services have been delivered to local youth from the Gatton, Toowoomba and Dalby sites during the 2016/17 period.

Additionally, the local and regional economic conditions across Queensland has been patchy and not always reflected positively for young people in a number of communities. As you can see from the chart below there has been a deterioration in the youth unemployment when measuring the youth unemployment rate against the same period in 2016. Source: Queensland Treasury – Government Statisticians office

End of Location 2016 2017 Queensland 12.9 13.6 Financial Darling Downs/Maranoa 7.5 8.3 Year Toowoomba 7.9 10.4

During the year the Management Committee did not choose to expand services further with new offices or contracts as it was considered important to focus the business on rebuilding the organisations workforce and concentrate on delivering high quality services for the new and renewed contracts that the organisation was delivering.

As in past years staff have undertaken various roles and contributed on various committees to represent local youth and advocate for them. Participation in groups like the headspace consortium ensures young people are considered and have a voice in what happens with issues and projects that impact on them.

The organisations long term commitment to the School Leaver program has continued this year. Our staff registered more than 3,500 graduating students in late 2016 and offered transitional support to support young people into the next stage of their lives. The organisation offers students a voluntary registration process and this enables DISCO to follow up the progress of young people in the New Year. The School Leaver Guides are funded with support from the University of Southern Queensland and website sponsorship continues from BUSY At Work. Young people can access the www.schoolleaver.org.au website to gain valuable information and access resources. We also acknowledge around eighteen minor sponsors on the back cover of the guide who contribute financially to the program and place information on their services on the website.

9 2016/17 Highlights

A summary of this year’s highlights include:

 Continuation of the Get Set for Work program to provide education and employment support to assist youth from the Toowoomba, Gatton and Dalby regions  Continuation and consolidation of the Transition to Work Service (in partnership with Gateway To Training – GTT) which supports young people for up to 12 months to access work or commence study in the Toowoomba, Dalby, Gatton, Goondiwindi, Stanthorpe, Warwick, Roma and St George communities  Continuation of the Youth Support Coordinator service to  Participation in various schools and career expo’s and other events to showcase the organisation and support youth  Continuation and expansion of the DISCO website  Continued coordination of the DISCO Facebook page with increased participation by the community  Continued delivery of the organisations newsletter DISCO Beat!  Development of innovative new marketing tools to promote our services  Participation at schools and in various community groups and agencies to showcase DISCO’s work and support youth

 Continued delivery of the School Leaver program  DISCO Trainee Tanielle Cartes wins Lockyer Valley Business Awards Trainee of the Year  Continuation of the ‘In School’ DISCO training awards to recognise vocational excellence  Continued marketing of DISCO at community events and in shopping centres to support young people  The continued development of team members to enhance performance and create succession planning opportunities  Continued delivery of goals and objectives linked to the organisation 2016-2020 Strategic Plan


Our Programs & Services

The organisation has continued to delivery services with the Get Set for Work program and the Transition to Work service which have a primary focus on employment. To achieve this team members are involved in extensive ‘lead up’ work which often entails extensive personal development support and accredited training.

Importantly, although DISCO is primarily focussed on employment, the organisation recognises the diverse and changing nature of the needs of young people and wherever possible we endeavour to provide assistance in many different ways as we assist young people through school or from school into further study or employment.

Much of our work is now focussed not just on supporting young people but families and parents as well. DISCO team members spend a lot of time focussed on helping young people to become more resilient, so they have the skills to cope when the encounter challenges.

During 2016/17 we have continued to offer the regions in which we operate a range of youth services. We have had a focus to assist young people referred from a range of partners including;

 Schools  Parents  Other agencies  Police  Justice  Churches

As a result of newly allocated or redirected funding our services have increased, and this has impacted on the range of options available through our agency to support youth this year.

Programs delivered have included:

Get Set for Work Program (State Government Funded) The Get Set for Work program (Get Set & Go!) continued under the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative through the Department of Education & Training (DET). The organisation received a contract in late 2016 for the delivery of support to 90 clients during 2017 from its Toowoomba, Gatton and Dalby sites.


Our Programs & Services The long-term delivery of this program (excluding a break which occurred during 2013/14) has made it a favourite referral option for schools for 15 - 19 year old’s who are considering employment with the program providing a range of pre-employment skills and many young people self-refer to get into the program. Get Set for Work is not a general education program. It maintains a clear focus on the attainment of nationally recognised qualifications in demand by local employers. Get Set for Work has a project-based delivery model and funds the organisation to deliver customised training opportunities which include:

 Nationally recognised training to gain qualifications (including foundation skills) up to Certificate III level and delivered in a community-based setting  Integrated learner support including career advice, job preparation skills and case management to accompany the delivery of training  Get Set for Work provides the tailored support that must accompany the delivery of training and the student co-contribution fees. Training and assessment services under Get Set for Work are funded under the Certificate III Guarantee.

Total Number of Clients Assisted: 75 Number of Indigenous Clients: 12 Number of Humanitarian Refugees: 0 Number of Young People who have received outcomes (employment or training) as a result of our work: 34 (This work is still continuing)


Our Programs & Services

Youth Support Co-ordinator Program (State Government Funded) DISCO has continued to partner with Dalby State High School to deliver the Youth Support Co-ordinator Program. The YSC focuses on 14-17 year old young people who are at risk of not transitioning to further education, training or to work. This includes (but is not confined to) young people who:

 are newly disengaged from education or training  are at risk of disengagement from education or training  are at risk of not making a transition to further education, training or employment  are subject to a pattern of suspension  have been or are at risk of being excluded  have had enrolment in the compulsory participation phase cancelled  have a record of truancy

Total Number of Clients Assisted: 35 Number of Indigenous Clients: 0 Number of Humanitarian Refugees: 0 Outcomes: 12 (This work is still continuing)

Transition to Work (Commonwealth Government Funded)

Transition to Work commenced in April and provides young people aged 15-21 years with support in gaining work or enrolling into further education. DISCO (and Gateway To Training) support young people by providing intensive pre-employment assistance and work readiness skills that will enable the young person to successfully transition in to employment and/or further education and training. The following support is offered through the service:

 Career Advice & Planning – Utilising tools to assist with goal setting and planning for the future  Training – Support to access a selection of courses to help to update skills and gain a qualification  Job Preparation Support – Including preparing resumes, applications & letters; searching for vacancies, cold calling & preparing for job interviews  Work Experience – Including assistance to identify employers to undertake possible work trials  Job Placement & Follow-up Support – After commencing employment DISCO keeps in touch to ensure that things are working out & provide support as required  Personal Development – Working on barriers that have been identified as an area that the client would like to improve on

Total Number of Clients Assisted: 380 Number of Indigenous Clients: 50 Number of Humanitarian Refugees: 11 Outcomes: 72 (This work is still continuing)


Our Programs & Services

Jobs through Education & Training (JET) (Fee for Service)

The Jobs through Education & Training Program (JET) provides support for learners with diverse needs to support personal development and potentially undertake certificate qualifications. JET is a responsive program that supports partnerships between schools, registered training organisations and community-based organisations to develop innovative training projects that help disadvantaged learners in their local communities.

The program aims to provide education and training support to assist young people to undertake training and develop the necessary skills to access employment or continue their education.

Over the course of the program, JET equips young people with essential pre-employment and life skills, in addition to providing both accredited and non-accredited training to them for further learning or a professional workplace environment.

Participants undertake training related to practical experiences and are connected to ‘real world’ opportunities which enable them to test their areas of interest. This includes field trips to career expo’s, workplace visits, work experience and participation in projects in the community.

No school accessed the service in the 2016/17 period.


Our Programs & Services

Services delivered have included:

The organisation has continued to deliver a range of independent and sometimes self-funded projects to support young people in our community. A number of these have occurred during school and term time and some have been holiday workshops. A sample of these include:

 School Leaver Transition Program - Booklet / Follow Up program  DISCO ‘In School’ Training Awards

(DISCO acknowledges the Toowoomba Regional Council, Toowoomba Youth Service and other agencies as well and volunteer members of our community who provided support to allow many of these initiatives to be undertaken).

Clients Supported During the year DISCO supported a number of young people across a number of programs and with a range of resources. This support was offered in Toowoomba and across South West Queensland.

*Clients assisted with career, support and transition (Incl School Leaver Program)…….……………….…………………….….…...... 2978

Clients assisted with or into employment or further education…….………………….………………………………….…………....……..121

Clients assisted with re-engagement services …………………………………………………………………………………………..….…..79

Clients assisted with school retention goals ………………………………………….…………………………………………………..…...... 38 *Total clients supported in 2016/17 (Year to date)..………………………………………….…....3216 This is a decrease of 1.1% in direct client support over the previous year.

*This figure has been approximated for clients linked to school leaver support as not school leavers can be contacted


Client Highlight

Daniel Agostini

Daniel commenced in the Transition to Work (TtW) service through the DISCO Gatton office in late 2016. From the moment Daniel started with DISCO he understood that to reach his goal of obtaining employment he needed to make a serious commitment and use the opportunity created by TtW. Initially, Daniel was not 100% sure about what he wanted to do so with the help of DISCO TtW staff, Daniel commenced career discovery and exploration activities to narrow down what career might best suit him. It became clear through pre- employment testing that Daniel was suited to a practical career and he decided to undertake a Certificate 3 in Hospitality to help him prepare for potential employment. This proved to be a smart decision and after attending a number of interviews Daniel obtained employment as an Apprentice Baker at Woolworths in Toowoomba commencing work on the 1st of September 2016. Daniel’s potential was realised by Woolworths and he accepted a position in a store relocating to undertake his new role in early 2017. His employment has now exceeded 6 months with his new employer with his career well and truly underway. Daniel provided this feedback…. “I used a variety of strategies to complete my study such as having a clear headspace and making sure no one was around at home to interrupt me. I also utilised the facilities that DISCO had to offer such as, using the help of their team, having a schedule in place to study, making sure I was organised at times and great time management skills.” Daniel is very excited and grateful to the DISCO Gatton TtW team as he felt his life was going nowhere fast prior to DISCO. The whole DISCO team congratulates Daniel on his commitment and determination and wishes him continued success.

16 Marketing & Promotional Tools

To further promote the organisation and the various programs and services we offer to the community and young people we are delighted this year to have delivered or supported the following activities.

Shopping Centres

We have continued to participate in shopping centre presentations to promote our various programs and services. By bringing our organisation more into the public view we have promoted our services and directly received referrals from parents and community stakeholders which have enabled us to help young people.

Careers & School Expos

We continue to participate in careers expos around the region. Attended by a large number of agencies, as well as universities, group training companies and much more the events provide young people and parents with the opportunity to meet with a large range of organisations to discuss options for the future.

DISCO recognises the value of promoting its services within the community and uses these opportunities to develop its profile and highlight the services on offer.

DISCO (In School) Training Awards

For six years now DISCO in Toowoomba has coordinated sponsorship with local businesses and organisations to help schools recognise vocational excellence. With more than a dozen schools and sponsors involved with these awards, (which are handed out in conjunction with the school’s speech night), these awards are now embedded into the school communities and all sponsors are committed to supporting the program well into the future.

To reach out to young people and recognise their achievements, promote the organisation to community stakeholders and maximise our exposure DISCO uses a range of marketing tools to promote the work we do.

Highlighted on the following page are a collection of marketing items used throughout 2016/17.


Marketing & Promotional Tools



During the year we have continued to work hard to promote the activities of the organisation and the work undertaken at the various offices.

As the organisations budget for communication and marketing is limited, we have utilised the following mediums to help communicate our message and highlight the work we undertake. The tools we have used (as outlined below) have included:

 DISCO Website  DISCO Facebook page  DISCO Digital Presentation Folder  DISCO Newsletter – DISCO Beat!  Direct e-mails & e-mail signature promotion  Free TV advertising  Media Releases  Our Annual Report  Advertising & promotion on corporate vehicles  Career Expo’s & Trade Shows

DISCO Website

The DISCO website continues to be a very effective tool to communicate about all facets of the organisation and provides information on programs and services, resources, news, information of team members and much more.

It is clear from monitoring of the site that the site is accessed regularly, and current tracking identifies interest across pages on the site of more than 80,000 hits and over 300 downloads a week.

DISCO Beat Newsletter

The organisation continues to distribute three editions of a DISCO Beat! a year to schools, employers and community partners. We e-mail these to all stakeholders and also place this resource on our website and Facebook page.

These important newsletters help to market our current work and communicate key information to the partners and supporters of the organisation.


Communication DISCO Facebook Page

The Facebook page continues to provide instant information to many of the stakeholders we work with, particularly youth. This medium is an excellent vehicle for the placement of information and resources and is used and updated by DISCO team members.

DISCO Services Charts The organisation recognises the importance of making sure that information on our programs and services is simple to understand and easy to obtain by our stakeholders.

20 1

Communication Media Stories

We have issued numerous media releases and are grateful for the support received by the local media which have included radio and television interviews, newspaper stories and promotional inserts. All of this information has helped demonstrate to the community our commitment to young people and highlighted our professionalism and passion for the work we do.


Our Partner Schools

Schools we partner with or connect through to via our Gateway To Training partner in South West Queensland:

 Bell State School  Cecil Plains State School  Centenary Heights State High School  Christian Outreach College  Clifton State High School  Concordia College  Crow’s Nest State School  Dalby Christian College  Dalby State High School  Darling Downs Christian School  Downlands College  Fairholme College  Faith Lutheran College  Flexi School  Goondiwindi State High School  Harristown State High School  Highfields State Secondary College  State School  Laidley State High School  Lockyer District State High School  Millmerran State School  Oakey State High School  Pittsworth State High School  State School  Roma State College  Stanthorpe State High School  St George State High School  St John’s School – Roma  St Joseph’s College  St Mary’s College (Dalby)  St Mary’s College  St Saviour’s College  St Ursula’s College  The Glennie School  Toowoomba Christian College  Toowoomba Grammar School  Toowoomba State High School  Warwick State High School  Wilsonton State High School  Youth & Community Learning Centre


Our Team

DISCO is fortunate to have an amazing group of committed and passionate professionals who work tirelessly to support young people throughout South West Queensland. The following information outlines team members by office and those that have moved on over the last 12 months.

DISCO Team (Ruthven St Toowoomba) Michael Paton – CEO – Ruthven St – Full Time Michelle Carter – Finance Officer – Part Time Taleah Campbell – Youth Development Officer / Employment Engagement Officer / Office Assistant – Ruthven St – (operates one day per week at Ruthven St) – Full Time Chloe Appo – School Based Officer – (operates between Ruthven St and Snell St)

Snell St (Toowoomba) Kymberley Baills – Office Manager / Transition to Work Program Manager – Full Time Taleah Campbell – Youth Development Officer / Employment Engagement Officer / Office Assistant – Ruthven St – (operates one day per week at Ruthven St) – Full Time Chloe Cavanough – Business Trainee – Full Time Rebecca Dunster – Youth Development Officer – Full Time Andrew Taylor – Employment Support Officer – Part Time Tyla Roberts – Employment Engagement Officer – Full Time Gemma McLuckie – Youth Development Officer – Full Time Chloe Appo – School Based Officer – Part Time – (operates between Ruthven St and Snell St)

James St (Toowoomba) Annie White – Site Manager / Get Set for Work Program Manager – Full Time Bronte Jeffs – Get Set for Work Co-ordinator – Full Time Tessa Gavin – Youth Support Officer – Part Time Telisha Cruickshank – Business Trainee – Full Time

Contractors (Toowoomba & Dalby) Roger Klaassen – IT Support – Casual John Hewitt – Web support / Marketing – Casual Mark White – Youth Work Support Officer - Casual Tony Finch – Contract Training & Practical Project Support - Casual

DISCO Team (Dalby) Le-Anne Callaghan – Office Manager / Employment Engagement Officer – Full Time Leisa Finch – Youth Training Program Co-ordinator – Full Time Nicole Cooper – Youth Development Officer / Youth Support Co-ordinator – Full Time Josh Fountain – Youth Development Officer – Part Time Eben Edwards – Youth Development Officer – Part Time Molly McNab – Youth Worker Trainee – Full Time Shanelle Stewart – Youth Worker Trainee – Full Time

DISCO Team (Gatton) Johno Fitch – Site Manager – Employment Engagement Officer – Full Time Tanielle Cartes – Youth Worker Trainee – Full Time Luke Anderson – Trades Trainer (In Training) – Part Time Jessica Watson – Youth Worker Trainee – Full Time

Staff / Contractors who have departed through the Year Amy McCauley – Employment Engagement Officer – Full Time Jake Hurae – Youth Development Trainee – Full Time Stephen Hagan – Youth Development Officer – Full Time Kim Thomson – Youth Support Officer – Part Time Rachel Curd – Youth Worker Trainee – Full Time Kira-Lee Dyke – Youth Support Officer – Part Time Dane Vallely – Youth Development Officer – Full Time Nikita Bezuidenhout – Business Trainee – Full Time Allie Ould – Get Set for Work Coordinator – Part Time Sharon Fong – Get Set for Work Coordinator – Full Time Tatyana Brown – Youth Support Officer – Casual Hannah Dayet – Youth Support Officer – Full Time Hannah Lack – Youth Development Officer – Full Time Shane Lord – Youth Support Officer – Full Time Chloe Smith – Youth Worker Trainee – Full Time Tanya Stevens – Youth Support Officer – Full Time 23

Our Team


Funding & Finances

Funding & Finances

As a result of the success of the organisations tender program in late 2015/16, the organisations financial future and fiscal position has continued to improve.

The Management Committee is confident of being able to deliver services and increase offerings to support young people in 2018.

Labour costs remain the most significant expense. These costs have continued to grow, and planning is underway to determine the organisations staff requirements for the upcoming year.

The Management Committee and the CEO have now moved to sure up the organisations reserves which were impacted over recent years due to restrictions in funding and the cost of maintaining the organisation which included both site and staff considerations.


Funding & Finances

As at the writing of this report DISCO has secured one new Skilling Queenslanders for Work contract for delivery of Get Set for Work from January 2018. This contract will service delivery for 70 clients in the Toowoomba, Dalby and Gatton communities.

In addition, DISCO has also been successful under the Skilling Queenslanders for Work project winning a Ready for Work (This will be delivered by DISCO as the Youth Employment Support or YES project) contract which will commence in January 2018 for 12 months. This project will assist 90 clients.

The Transition to Work Service (which is delivered in conjunction with Gateway To Training - GTT continues to 2020 and will be an important contract as the organisation looks to rebuild its service offerings to youth in South West Queensland.

With known income and existing cash reserves the organisation can confidently prepare an operating budget for 2018.


The DISCO Management Committee are CEO are confident that a range of known and pending opportunities will improve business for the organisation in the coming months.

These potential new projects and opportunities include:

 Currently proposed or lodged tenders  New and continuing funding opportunities with an NGO partner  New and continuing funding opportunities with multiple corporate partners  Sale of resources  Sale of intellectual property rights to government and corporate partners

Financial Support

 The organisation has responded aggressively to the challenges with funding during the year to seek out opportunities and has developed a number of submissions which have been directed at both the corporate and government sectors.  This focussed and determined approach has been necessary as the organisation has been challenged as a result of a reduction in income from government.  DISCO continues to seek out corporate support with significant success throughout the year being achieved.  DISCO continues to sell some resources which contributes a small amount of income. Government Support

 We are pleased to acknowledge both the State and Commonwealth governments for their funding assistance and support.  We send a sincere thank you to the Department of Employment (Federal) and the Department of Education & Training in Queensland for their financial assistance.


Our Partners Corporate and Government Partners


Contact Details

Toowoomba Office – Head Office

Suite 3 Level 1, 453 Ruthven Street, PO Box 1353 Toowoomba QLD 4350 Ph: 07 4638 3088

Fax: 07 4638 7602 Mike Paton Email: [email protected]

James Street Office 129 James Street, PO Box 1353 Toowoomba QLD 4350 Ph: 07 4632 9065 Fax: 07 4638 7602

Email: [email protected] Annie White

Snell Street Office 1 Snell Street, PO Box 1353

Toowoomba QLD 4350 Ph: 07 4638 3088 Fax: 07 4638 7602 Kym Baills Email: [email protected]

Dalby Office 169 Cunningham Street, PO Box 1247 Dalby QLD 4405 Ph: 07 4662 2147

Fax: 07 4638 7602 Le-Anne Email: [email protected] Callaghan

Gatton Office 119 Spencer Street, Gatton QLD 4343 Ph: 07 5462 1400 Fax: 07 4638 7602 Johno Fitch Email: [email protected]


Financial Statements & Independent Auditors Report Prepared by Hooper Accountants Pty Ltd Downs Industry Schools Co-operation Inc (DISCO) ABN: 39 841 878 209

The Executive of the Downs Industry Schools Co-operation Inc (DISCO) is pleased to present on behalf of the members the financial statements of the organisation for the 2016/17 financial year.

The Executive Members of the organisation for the 2016/17 financial year were:

President - Mr Neil Davy Vice President - Mr Andrew Spradbrow Treasurer - Ms Suzanne Browning

Principal Activities

The Executive Members supported by Ordinary Members are pleased to confirm below a summary of the activities of the organisation for the 2016/17 financial year.

The principal activity of the organisation for the period involved support for young people who are both in and out of the schooling system and to assist them to strive to reach their full potential.

The organisations short term objectives are:

- Continuing to seek out new funding to support youth - Growing the business to provide services to more young people across Queensland - Delivering services in line with our Our Objectives, Our Vision and our Our Mission Statement - Offering support consistently and to a high standard

The organisations long term objectives are:

- To expand our services across Australia - To maintain and be recognised as a consistently high performing youth agency by the community and government across the country - To be recognised by the community and government as an organisation capable of initiating ideas to improve outcomes for young people

Achievement of these objectives will be measured against the following outcomes:

- Open new offices and develop new partnerships to expand our reach - Honest, responsive and reliable relationships with our key stakeholders - The satisfaction ratings and feedback provided by our clients - A focus on continued improvement and quality control - Our values and the way we respond to feedback and change - Following our Strategic Plan and the goals we set for ourselves

29 Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 3984/878209

Findncial Stolemenfs For Ihe yeor ended 30 June 2017

Hooper Accountonfs PO Box 3252 I00 Neil Street Toowoomb0 4350

Phone: 0746379363 Fox: 074638761 7 Ernoil: hooper@hooperoccountonfs. coin. ou Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 39841 878209


Income Grid Expenditure Stolement

Deioiled Bolonce Sheet

Notes 10 the Finonciol Stolements

De reciotion Schedule

Stolemenf b Members of the Committee

Independent Auditor's Report to the Members Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 3984/878209 Income Grid Expendifure Sidlemenf For the yeor ended 30 June 2017

2017 2016 $ $


DEI GSFw 284,540.95 I48,750.00

School Leovers Progrom Sponsorship 4,71 1.82 10,409.09

Troinee Incentive I0,750.00 3,500.00

EQ - Dolby YSC 37,244.25 34,931.53

DISCO Awords Sponsorship 850.00 2,810.00 United Synergies/DET - Coinm Leorning 45,000.00 DEI - Reody for Work I90.78 60,800.00

YEP Progrom Dolby 1,650.00

Miscelloneous Income 5,521.70 7,504.85

Tronsition 10 Work 1,562,899.27 196,287.00

Troining Income 50,075.80 124,984.50

First SIGrl ICOmmunityj Frogrom 56,000.00

Interest Received 7,978.60 23,486.24

Membership Fees I0.00 I0.00 Profit on Sole of Property, PIOnt, Equip I1.50I. 001

Rent Received I 1,200.00 7,640.00

To101 Income 2,032,122.17 666.1 I 3.21


Advertising Grid Promotion 1,351.00 1,578.00 Audit/ Accounting Fees 6,246.36 5,180.92

Bod Debts I98.00

Bonk Fees And Chorges 281.37 669.25 Cleoning/Generol Mointenonce 6,468.02 3,696.66 Chonge in Morkei Volue - Bolmoin 151.33j I0,085.31

DEI Community Leorning Moleriols & Equip 7,000.00 Computer Expenses 18,425.07 5,246.93

Conference/Meeting Costs 12,757.87 4,867.40

DEEWR Youth Connections - Youth Consort 317.68

Depreciolion 15,861.00 15,933.00 Electricity 6,855.71 3,051.26

Fees & Licenses 342.94 1,233.34

DEI - GSFW - Generol I9,61 0.23 18,846.14

Functions - YSC I03. I3

Functions - GSFW 300.36

The occomponying notes form purl of these lingnciol stolemenls. Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 39841 878209 Income und Expenditure Sfolemenf For Ihe yeor ended 30 June 2017

2017 2016 $ $ DEI - GSFW - Troining 6,183.68 I 1,837.45

Goondiwindi Silo Inc 407,135.00

Irisuronce 20,409.66 7.1 0I. 59

Interest Deductions 846.60 162.77

Internet 7,303.30 5,846.86

JET - Project Expenditure 5, I 18.32

Leose Poymenfs 695.73

Loss on Disposol of Assets 553.91

Motor Vehicle Expenses I0,048.42 9,923. I7

Petty Cosh Expenditure 26.82 7872

Post, Print, Slotionery & Signoge 23.01 0.64 22,361.19

Relocotion Expenses 1,290.92 872.76

Rent 49,807.58 23,027.45

Solories 951,628.46 556,267.84

Security 360.00

SIGff Amenities 3,599.9I I, I 64.93

SIGff Troining 27,244.22 5,573.37

Subscriptions & Dues 2, I 15.81 660.98

Sundry Expenses 60.97

Super Grinuotion 88,075.51 51,575.58

Telephone 19,448.09 12,499.43

DOE - Tronsifion 10 Work 42,800.09 6,850.29

Trove 11ing Expenses 3,676.79 2,254.87

Uniforms 2,523.32 I, 46 I. 50

Workcover 5.4 I 5.83 1,974.72

DEI - Reody for Work 1,428.09 502.40

DEI - YSC Dolby 4,367.28 793.47

Tobi Expenses ,767,358.72 807,063.19

Profit from objnory octivilies 264,763.45 (140,949.98) Net profi1 o11ribuloble 10 the OSsocidion 264,763.45 (140,949.98)

Toldl chonges in equity of the OSsociolion 264,763.45 (140,949.98)

Opening rejoined profits 379,466.26 520,416.24

Net profit off ributoble to the OSsociotion 264,763.45 1140,949.98j

Closing rejoined profils 644,229.71 379,466.26

The occomponying notes form purl of these finonciol sidlemenfs. Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 3984/878209 Deloiled Bolonce Sheef OS of 30 June 2017

Note 2017 2016 $ $

Current Assets

CdSh Assefs

DISCO - Bendigo Bonk 8518 1,982 34 18,688.1 I

Petty Cosh 500.00 500.00

Bendigo Sovings 1702 451.1 14.67 81,423.36 Bendigo TD One - 3673 151.510.30 107,331.56 Bendigo TD Two - 1408 I20,940.00 Bendigo TD Three - 7325 I54,565.28 I04,565.28

759,672.59 433,448.31


Trode Grid Other Receivobles I09.00 2,750.00

I09.00 2,750.00

10/01 Current Assets 759,781.59 436,198.31

Nori-Current Assets

Of her Findnciol Assefs

801moin Trilogy - PFM Fund 10n Collj 942.02 932.69 801moin Trilogy - PFM Fund 190 Doyj 4,24 I. 78 4,199.78

5,183.80 5,132.47

Properly, PIOnf and Equipmenf

Furniture & Fittings 13,248.18 I3,619. I8 Less: ACcumuloted Depreciotion 16,182.001 15,164.001

Motor Vehicles - of Cost 123,293.00 123,293.00

Less: ACcumuloted Deprecioiion 160,321.001 148,001.001

Computer Equipment 9,938.57 24,395.57 Less: ACcumuloled Depreciolion 13,866.001 114,670.001

76, I I 0.75 93,472.75

Total Nori-Current Assets 81,294.55 98,605.22

Toldl Assels 841,076.14 534,803.53

The occomponying notes form part of these findnciol sidlemenfs. Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 3984/878209 Detailed Bqlqnce Sheef us of 30 June 2017

Note 2017 2016 $

Current Lidbilifies

Findnciol Lidbilifies

Bendigo Viso Account 6628 2,097.35 449.53

2,097.35 449.53

Current Tox Lidbilifies

GST Cleoring 37,249.29 19,079.65

PAYG Withholding Poyoble 13,718.00 11,114.00

50,967.29 30,193.65


Provision for Holidoy Poy 50,497.92 31,921.76

Provision for Sick Poy 73,727.55 71,973.09

124,225.47 I03,894.85

Toful Current Lidbililies 177,290.11 134,538.03

Nori-Current Lidbilifies

Findnciol Lidbilifies

HP - Bendigo Bonk - Hyundoi Accent Hotch 9.50 I. 47 12,494.39

9,501.47 12,494.39


Employee Benefits - Provision for LSL I0,054.85 8,304.85

I0,054.85 8,304.85

Toml Nori-Current Lidbilities 19,556.00 20,799.24

Toful Lidbilifies 196,846.43 155,337.27

Net Assets 644,229.71 379,466.26

The accomponying notes form port of Ihese findnciol sidlemenls. Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 3984/878209 Defailed Baldnce Sheet OS of 30 June 2017

Note 2017 2016 $

Members' Funds ACcumuloted surplus Ideficitj 644,229.71 379,466.26

Toful Members' Funds 644,229.71 379,466.26

The occompanying notes form part of these finonciol stolemenfs. Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerolion Inc ABN 3984/878209 Notes 10 the Findnciol Slate merits For Ihe yeqr ended 30 June 2017

Nofe I : Summory of Significant Accounting Policies

This finonciol report is o speciol purpose finonciol report prepored in order to 50thfy the finonciol reporting requirements of the Associofions Incorporotions Act of Queenslond. The committee hos determined I hot the o550ciotion is not o reporting enf'Iy

The finonciol report hos been prepored on on occruols bosis Grid is bosed on historicol costs Grid does not toke into occouni chonging money volues or, except where specificolly stored, current voluotions of nori-current OSsets.

The following significont occounting policies, which ore consistent with the previous period unless otherwise sided, hove been odopted in the preporotion of this finonciol report

(0) Properly, PIOnl und Equipment (FFE)

Leosehold improvements Grid office equipment ore coined o1 cost less, where OPPlicoble, ony occumuloted depreciotion

The deprecioble Qinount of o11 PPE is deprecioted over the useful lives of the OSsets to the OSsociotion commencing from the time the OSset is held reody for use

Leosehold improvements ore Qinorfised over the shorter of either the unexpired period of the Ieose or the esfimofed useful lives of the improvements

(b) Impqirmenf of Assets

At the end of eoch reporting period, the entity reviews the conying volues of its longible Grid infongible o55efs to determine whether there is ony indicotion Ihot those OSsels hove been impoired. If such on indicotion exists, the recoveroble Qinounf of the OSsei, being the higher of the o55et"s foir volue less costs to sell Grid volue in use, is coinpored to the OSsef 's corrying volue. Any excess of the CSSet's conying volue over its recoverobje Qinounf is expensed to the income stolement

(c) Employee Benefits

Provision is mode for the o550ciofion's Iiobilify for employee benefits orising from services rendered by employees 10 the end of I he reporting period. Employee benefits hove been me OSured of I he Qinounts expected to be poid when the 110bility is settled

(d) Provisions

Provisions ore recognised when the OSsociotion hos o legol or constructive obligotion, OS o result of post events, for which if is proboble Ihof on outflow of economic benefits will result Grid Ihot outflow con be reosonobly me OSured. Provisions ore meOSured of the best estimofe of the Qinounts required to settle the obligofion of the end of the reporting period.

(e) CdSh ond Cosh Equivolenls

Cosh Grid cosh equivolents include cosh on hond, deposits held of coll with bonks, Grid other short-term highly liquid investments with originol ino1urities of three months or less

(1) Revenue and Of her Income

Revenue is me OSured of the foir volue of the considerof ion received or receivoble offer joking into occount ony trode discounts Grid volume rebotes o110wed. For I his purpose, deferred considerof ion is nof discounted to present volues when recognising revenue. Downs Indusfry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 3984/878209 Notes fo Ihe Findnciol Stolemenfs For the yeor ended 30 June 2017

Interest revenue is recognised using the effective interest rote method, which for flooting rote finonciol o55ets is the rote inherent in the instrument. Dividend revenue is recognised when the right to receive o dividend hos been estoblished

Gront Grid donotion income is recognised when the entity objoins control over the funds, which is generoliy of the time of receipt

All revenue is stoled net of the Qinounf of goods Grid services fox IGSTj

(g) Leoses

Leoses of PPE, where substontiolly o11 the risks Grid benefits incident01 10 the ownership of the CSSef, but riot the legol ownership, ore Ironsferred to the OSsociofion, ore CIOssified OS finonce Ieoses

Finonce Ieoses ore copitolised by recording on o55et Grid o Iiobilily o1 the lower of the Qinounts equol to the foir VCIue of the Ieosed property or the present volue of the minimum Ieose poyments, including ony guoronteed residuol volues. Leose PCymenfs ore o110coied between the reduction of the Ieose Iiobility Grid the Ieose interest expense for Ihof period

Leosed CSSefs ore deprecioted on o siroight line bosis over the shorter of their estimoled useful lives or the Ieose term. Leose poyments for operoting Ieoses, where subsionfiolly o11 the risks Grid benefits reinoin with Ihe lessor, ore choped OS expenses in the period in which they ore incurred

(h) Goods grid Services Tox (GST)

Revenues, expenses Grid o55ets ore recognised net of the Ginount of GST, except where the Qinount of GST incurred is not recoveroble from the Tox Office. In these circumsfonces, the GST is recognised OS port of the cost of ocquisition of the o55el or OS port of on item of the expense. Receivobles Grid poyobles in the CSSets Grid Iiobiliiies stolemeni ore shown inclusive of GST

(i) Invest menls

Investments held ore originolly recognised of cost, which includes ironsoction costs. They ore subsequently me OSured of foir VCIue which is equivolenf to their inorket bid price o1 the end of I he reporting period. Movements in foir VCIue ore recognised through on equity reserve Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 39841 878209 Depreciofion Schedule for fhe yeor ended 30 June, 2017


Tclol Priv OWDv Dole Consid Dole Cosl Volue I Role Deqec Priv C WDv Up 10 + Above TDIol - Priv Furnilure & Fittings

2 JI Alpine Aircondilioner 189200 corel12 1892 000 1401 o o 1,401 P 6.67 126 o 1,275 o o o o - Joines Sireel

3 J20111ce Furnilu, e - 2115.00 12/02/10 2115 0.00 co o o coD 2000 128 o 512 o o o o Joines Sireel

6 01 - 0111ce Furnilure - 227300 corellO 2273 000 943 o o 943 D 1667 157 o 786 o o o o Dolby

7 Shorp 60'TV + Woll 1359.09 03r06/14 1359 000 474 o o 474 D 40.00 190 o 284 o o o o MD unl

8 Corpel - Rulhven SIreel 1809 0926/03/15 1809 000 1267 o o 1267 D 25 00 317 o 950 o o o o

9 Fulllsu Reverse Cycle 3800.00 08r04/15 3. "O 000 3492 o o 3.492 D 6.67 233 o 3,259 o o o o Air Con

1057 - 20% 0111ce 371.00 16r05Ki6 0.00 238 30/06/17 o o 238 D 2000 48 o o o o 190 o Furnilure - Rulhven SI

13.24B 8455 o 8455 1199 o 7,066

Deducl PIivole Forlion o

Nel Depreciolion 1,199

Motor Vehicles

I55 - 201 I Toyolo Bus 46,539.00 06/12/11 4639 000 23,271 2327i p 1250 5817 17,454 567RYB - SIGiion

302 - Kio Ri0 063RZQ - 16.197.60 07/12/11 16,198 000 9,495 9,495 D 1250 1187 8308 Twinbo

4 03 - 2012Toyolo Bus 48,66470 DIM/13 48,665 0.00 30,927 30,927 D 12.50 38" 27,061 Oilsvv-Dolby

5 Hyundoi ACcenl AClive 000 I1891 0.00 I1599 I 1599 D 1250 1450 10.149 Holch Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc ABN 39841 878209 Depreciation Schedule for the year ended 30 June, 2017


To 101 Priv OWDv Dole Consid Dole C OSI Volue I Role Deqec Priv C WDV Up 10 + Above Tclol - Priv

123,293 75.292 o o 75.292 12.320 o 62,972

Deducl Privole Portion o

Nel Depreciolion 12320

Computer Equipment a SI2 - Dell Pro^Clor 4220 - 1180c0 19r03/13 o 0.00 79230Ai6/17 o o inP 1000 o o o o o 792 o SI

102x Delllnspi, on 15300o 10890819r07/14 1089 000 496 o o 496 D 33.33 165 o 331 o o o o Series I 15x Loplops 1759.0925/06/15 1759 000 1166 o o 1166 D 33.33 389 o 07 o o o o 12 513 - Dell Irispirolion 17544019r03/13 o 000 77930r06/17 o o 779 D 33.33 260 o o o o 519 o 17R loplop x2-SI 131nspiron 175000 Series 1090. co 25/11/15 I. 090 000 764 o o 764 D 5000 382 o 382 o o o o loplop - MP

14 0111ce IT & 3000.00 09r04/16 3,000 000 2864 o o 2864 D 2000 573 o 2291 o o o o Coinmunicolion selup - Gollon

15 0111ce IT & 300000 09r04/16 3000 0.00 2864 D 2000 Coinmunicolion seiup - Snell

9938 9725 o o 9,725 2342 o 6072

Deducl PIivole Portion o

Nel Depreciolion 2342 Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerolion Inc ABN 3984/878209 Slotemenf by Members of the Committee For the yeor ended 30 June 2017

Ihe Committee hos determined Ihot the o550ciotion is not o reporting entity ond Ihof this speciol purpose finonciol report should be prepored in occordonce with the occounting policies outlined in Note I to the finonciol stolemenfs

In the opinion of the Committee the Income Grid Expenditure Stolement, Stolemenf of Finonciol Position, Grid Notes to the Finnneinl Richemenfs

I. Presents foirly the finonciol position of Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerolion Inc OS o1 30 June 2017 ond its performonce for the yeor ended on Ihot dote

2 At the dole of this stolement, there ore reosonoble grounds to believe Ihot the o550ciotion will be oble to poy its debts OS Grid when they foll due

This stolement is mode in occordonce with o resolution of the Committee Grid is signed for Grid on beholf of the Committee by:

.~/-/ , I I""' President


The occomponying notes form port of Ihese findncial sfafemenls. ^ hooper Hooper Accountants is a accountants CPA Business

Directors . Jim Rowlings BCom, CPA, DipFS IFP) Tony Bevellond BCom, CPA

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT Standards Legislation

To the members of Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerolion Inc


We hove oudited the finonciol report of Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc Ithe Entity), which comprises the deloiled bolonce sheet OS of 30 June 2017, the income Grid expenditure stolemenf for the yeor then ended, Grid notes to the finonciol stolemenfs, including o summory of significonf occounfing policies Grid the stolemenf by the members of the committee

In our opinion, the occomponying finonciol report presents fomy, in o11 motoriol respects, the finonciol position of the Entity OS of 30 June 2017, Grid its finonciol performonce for the yeor then ended in occordonce with AUSfrolion Accounting SIGndords Grid Associofions Incorporofion Act 1981.

BOSis for Opinion

We conducted our oudif in occordonce with AUSfrolion Auditing SIGndords. Our responsibilities under those sinndords ore further described in the Auditor's Responsidlifies for the Audf of the Finonciol Report section of our report. We ore independent of the Entity in occordonce with the ethicol requirements of I he Accounting Professionol grid Ethicol Sinndords Boord's APES I 10 Code of Ethics for Professionol Accountonfs Ithe Code) Ihof ore relevonf to our oudif of the finonciol report in AUSfrolio. We hove o150 fulfilled our other ethicol responsibilities in occordonce with the Code.

We believe Ihof I he oudif evidence we hove ohioined is sufficient Grid OPPropriofe to provide o bosis for our opinion

Emphosis of Mofler - Basis of Accounting

We drow oftenfion to Note I to the finonciol report, which describes the bosis of occounfing. The finonciol report hos been prepored to OSsisf Downs Industry Schools CO-OPerofion Inc to meet the requirements of the Associofions Incorporotion Act 1981. As o result, the finonciol report inoy not be suitoble for Gridher purpose. Our opinion is riot modified in respect of this mottor.

Responsibilities of Monogemenl Grid Those Chorged with Governonce for the ringnciol Report

Monogemenf is responsible for the preporofion Grid foir presentofion of the finonciol report in occordonce with the finonciol reporting requirements of the Associofions Incorporofion Act 1981 Grid for such infernol control OS monogemenf determines is necessory to enoble the preporofion ond foir presentofion of o finonciol report Ihof is free from moleriol missfofemenf, whether due to froud or error.

In preporing the finonciol report, monogemenf is responsible for o55essing the Entity's objlify to continue OS o going concern, disclosing, OS OPPlicoble, mottors relofing to going concern Grid using the going concern bosis of occounfing unless monogemenf either intends to liquidofe the Entity or to ceose operofions, or hos no reolisfic o1femofive but Io do so.

Those chorged with governonce ore responsible for overseeing the Entity's finonciol reporting process.

Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Findnciol Report

Our objectives ore to objoin reosonoble o55uronce obout whether the finonciol report OS o whole is free from motoriol missfofemenf, whether due to froud or error, Grid to issue on ouditor's report Ihot includes our opinion. Reosonoble OSsuronce is o high level of o55uronce, but is not o guoronfee Ihot on oudif conducted in occordonce with the AUSf rolion Auditing Sfondords will o1woys detect o motoriol missfotement when if exists. Missfofemenfs con onse from froud or error Grid ore considered motoriol if, individuolly or in the o99regofe, they could reosonobly be expected to influence the economic decisions of users token on the bosis of this finonciol report.

Toowoombo Office Pillsworlh Office

T: 0746379363 F: 0746387617 T: 074,933146 F: 0746387617 PC Box 3252. Toowooiiti, c: OLD 4350 PC Box 37 I . Pills*.\, o1/1\ OLD 4356 E: 1,001, ei u 1,001, CIOccouitio. is Coin c:u GIIfloid House. 120 RussellSi, 132 Ycii. 0111ci SI, WWW. hooperocc ounfonfs. c om. ou Too. .\,. o11.1, ci QLD 4350 '11/5\,., o1/11 OLD 4356 As port of on oudif in occordonce with AUSfrolion Auditing SIGndords, we exercise professionol judgment Grid in Qinfoin professionol scepticism throughout the oudif. We GISo

. Identify Grid OSsess the risks of motoriol missfofemenf of the finonciol report, whether due to froud or error, design Grid perform oudii procedures responsive to those risks, Grid ohioin oudif evidence Ihof is sufficient Grid OPPropriofe to provide o bosis for our opinion. The risk of not defecting o motoriol misstotemenf resulting from froud is higher Ihon for one resulting from error, OS froud inoy involve collusion, forgery, intention o1 omissions, misrepresentofions, or the override of infernol control. . Objoin on underSIGnding of infernol control relevonf to the oudif in order to design oudif procedures Ihof ore OPPropriote in the circumsfonces, but not for the purpose of expressing on opinion on the effectiveness of the Entity's infernol control. . Evoluote the OPPropriofeness of occounfing policies used Grid f he reosonobleness of occounting esfimofes Grid relofed disclosures mode by monogemenf . Conclude on the OPPropriofeness of monogemenf's use of the going concern bosis of occounfing Grid, bosed on the oudit evidence objoined, whether o motoriol uricerfoinfy exists relofed to events or conditions Ihof inoy cost significonf doubt on the Entity's objlify to continue OS o going concern. If we conclude Ihof o motoriol uricerfoinfy exists, we ore required to drow oftenfion in our ouditor's report to the relofed disclosures in the finonciol report or, if such disclosures ore in odequofe, 10 modify our opinion. Our conclusions ore bosed on the oudif evidence ohioined up to the dote of our oudifor's report. However, future events or conditions inoy couse f he Entity to ceose to continue OS o going concern. . Evoluofe the overo11 presentofion, structure Grid content of the finonciol report, including the disclosures, Grid whether the finonciol report represents the underlying ironsocfions Grid events in o monner Ihof ochieves foir presentotion.

We coinmunicofe with those chorged with governonce regording, Qinong other mottors, the PIOnned scope Grid timing of the oudit Grid significonf oudif findings, including ony significont deficiencies in infernol control Ihof we identify during our oudif

Dote: I7 October 2017 Hooper Accountonfs Jim Rowlings CPA Toowoombo, Qld 4350