CABINET 23/09/2009 at 18:00

PRESENT Councillor Stanton (Chair) Councillors Blyth, Knox, Lord, McCann, Thompson and Uddin. Apologies: Councillors Sykes, Blyth and Hibbert Item 2 URGENT BUSINESS The Chair accepted the following Item of Urgent Business at this meeting: EDRS ref: 9090200, The Extension of deadline for the conclusion of funding agreement for OASIS . A decision to extend the deadline needed to be made by Cabinet before September 30 th 2009. The report was considered at Item 9. Item 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest received. Item 4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There were no public questions received. Item 5 CABINET MINUTES 9 SEPTEMBER 2009 9090118 The Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on the 9 th September were approved. Item 6 JOINT MINERALS 9090103 DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Cabinet received a Report the Cabinet Member, Environment and Infrastructure, that sought approval of the production of a Joint Minerals Development Plan Document for Greater Manchester. All Minerals planning Authorities such as Oldham were obliged to keep their minerals policies under review and as up to date as possible. Oldham’s current polices on minerals were to be found in the Unitary Development Plan published in 2006. The polices required updating and the most cost effective and efficient means of updating them was considered to be by contributing to the production of a Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Development Plan Document. RESOLVED That- 1. The production of a Joint Minerals Plan Document for Greater Manchester be approved. 2. The responsibilities for all stages of the production of the Development plan, other than publication/submission and adoption be delegated to AGMA as the appropriate Joint Committee for the purpose. 3. Cabinet agreed in principle to the preparation of a Local Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding between the 10 AGMA Districts of Greater Manchester governing the establishment and operation of the AGMA Joint Committee and authorized the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Director Performance, Services and Capacity and the Borough Solicitor to enter into the agreement on behalf of the Council. 4. The approval of an amendment to Oldham’s Local Development Scheme, to include reference to the production of the Joint Minerals Development Plan Document for Greater Manchester be delegated to the Executive Director of Economy, Place and Skills and the Portfolio holder in accordance with the LDF scheme of delegation. Item 7 OLDHAM PARTNERSHIP PRIVATE SECTOR 9090096 HOUSING STRATEGY 2009-2012 Cabinet received a report of the Cabinet Member, Community Services and Housing that sought approval for the new Oldham Private Sector Housing Strategy 2009-2012. The document focused on the key private sector challenges in Oldham, describing the actions the Council would deliver to improve private sector housing in areas of greatest need for vulnerable people. Members were advised that there was no statutory requirement to develop a private sector housing strategy however it was a requirement to have a Regulatory Reform Order in place and was considered best practice to have an accompanying strategy. RESOLVED: That - 1. The content of the new strategy and Regulatory Reform Order be noted 2. Approval be given to distribute the new Oldham Private Sector Housing Strategy 2009-10. Item 8 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAMME 2009-10 9090109 MONTH 4 (31TH JULY 2009) Cabinet received a report of the Borough Treasurer advising Cabinet of the latest position and forecast outturn on the 2009-10 Capital Progarmme. The report outlined the most up to date capital spending proposals for 2009-2012 including the current forecast outturn position for 2009-10 of £83.221 million expenditure and £76.364 income that left an in year excess of spend of £6.857 million, compared to a budget of excess of spend of £3.485 million. The reason for the movement was the reprofiling of capital receipts, so that the programme was still in balance over the three year period 2009-2012. RESOLVED: That - 1. The approvals to the 2009-10 capital programme detailed at appendix A of the report amounting to an increase in expenditure of £2.309 million, funded from an increase in resources of £2.309 million previously agreed at Cabinet or by delegated authority be approved. 2. The variations to 2009-10 capital programme detailed in Appendix B of the report, amounting to a reduction in 2009-10 of £1.681 million, and an increase in resources of £1.681 million be approved. 3. That Chief Officers review the capital programme to bring expenditure in line with the original budgeted position or to a balance position. This would ensure that there is no risk of unforeseen revenue implications. Item 9 EXTENSION OF DEADLINE FOR CONCLUSION OF 9090200 FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR OASIS ACADEMY OLDHAM Cabinet received a report of the Cabinet Member, Children, Young People and Families, that sought to secure an extension of the deadline for the signing of the funding agreement for the Oasis Academy which, was a condition for the confirmation of the conditional approval given by Cabinet on the 23rd March 2009 to discontinue South and Kaskenmoor Schools. The deadline for signing off funding agreement for the Oasis Academy was 30 th September 2009. The funding approval was submitted to the DCSF officials several weeks ago and approval was expected prior to the expiry of the deadline agreed at Cabinet, however due to a delay in consideration and signing of the Funding Agreement by Ministers and extension to the deadline was required. RESOLVED: That the deadline for the signing of the Funding Agreement for the OASIS Academy Oldham be extended until December 31 st 2009 as a condition to be fulfilled prior to confirmation of the conditional approval by Cabinet on the 23 rd March 2009 to discontinue South Chadderton and Kaskenmoor Schools Item 10 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC 99100032 RESOLVED - In accordance with Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds they contain exempt information relating to Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. It would not, on balance, be in the public interest to disclose the information to the public because it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of various persons as follows and so the public interest in maintaining the exemptions outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Item 11 PUMP STREET C.P.O. 9090099 Cabinet received a report of the Cabinet Member, Regeneration, which sought approval of the review of a future scheme at Pump Street site. The Oldham Beyond Regeneration report identified Hollinwood as a key strategic employment site, capable of attracting significant inward investment, acting as a driver for Borough wide economic regeneration. The Pump Street site was recognised as a key to driving forward the Council's vision for the wider junction area. Due to relatively low end values and high site assembly costs the market would not bring forward development therefore the Council approved site assembly through use of Compulsory Purchase powers. A number of properties were purchased by agreement in advance of CPO whilst the formal process was progressed. Current unprecedented economic conditions have required the Council to review the future of this scheme. RESOLVED: That the recommendations as outlined in the report be approved. Item 12 DISPOSAL OF LAND AT SPENCER STREET, 9090098 WERNETH Cabinet received a report of the Cabinet Member, Regeneration that updated Members on the current position in respect of the disposal of land at Spencer Street Werneth and sought approval of disposal of part of the site. RESOLVED: That the disposal of part of the Spencer Street Site be approved. Item 13 MANCHESTER AIRPORT - LOAN CONVERSION 9090077 Cabinet considered a proposal from the Manchester Airport Group (MAG) relating to conversion of a loan to an equity related instrument. RESOLVED: That 1. The benefits and risks relating to the conversion of the loan under the Facility Agreement as set out in the report and the advice of KPMG be noted. 2. The conversion of the loan as set out in the report and delegation to the Borough Treasurer in consultation with the Chief Executive, Borough Solicitor, Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Finance & Resources authority to approve the final terms of the conversion be agreed. 3. Delegated authority to the Borough Solicitor to complete all necessary documentation to give effect to the conversion of the loan be approved. 4. Authorisation be given to the Borough Treasurer to determine the detailed accounting arrangements for loans, including the classification between revenue and capital and any charges to the revenue account which might flow in the latter situation and 5. Council approves the proposals for the conversion of the outstanding loans as set out in the report and the arrangements set out in resolutions 2, 3 and 4. Meeting Commenced at 6.00pm and closed at 6.40pm