FBI Charges Southwick Man with Sending Packages to Federal Offices
TONIGHT Clear Skies. Low of 25. Search for The Westfield News The WestfieldNews Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comTODAY IN WESTFIELD HISTheTORY: WestfieldNews “THE ONLY PEOPLE 1700 VOTED: “That Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns WHO Att“TAINIME ISPOWER THE ONLY WEATHER there shall be a scool ARECRITIC T HOSEWITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” hous built eighteen WHO CRAVE IT.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. foots square” www.thewestfieldnews.com Search— Erich for The KastnerWestfield News Westfield350.comWestfield350.org The WestfieldNews Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER VOL. 86 NO. 151 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75 cents VOL.87 NO. 283 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2018 CRITIC75 CentsWITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com VOL. 86 NO. 151 TUESDAY,FBI JUNE 27, charges 2017 Southwick man with 75 cents sending packages to federal offices By GREG FITZpaTRICK FBI indicated that both the FBI Correspondent office in Springfield and the SOUTHWICK – The Boston Springfield Social Security FBI office announced in a Administration Office each press release on Friday that a received three packages that Southwick man has been involved either threats or the charged in federal court in suspicious white powder. The Springfield. press release also added that The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District held their annual budget Kevin Johnson, 47, of the Springfield office for the roundtable on Thursday night. (Photo by Greg Fitzpatrick) Southwick, has been arrested United States Attorney’s and charged for sending four Office received a letter from a packages to the F.B.I.
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