MALIK NEWMAN IS LEAVING MSU BASKETBALL Sports, See page 1B ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM 50 ¢ NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOME DELIVERY TUESDAY | MAY 31, 2016 25 students begin summer job program Program aims to teach participants basic ‘It’s more than just a summer job. It’s about work skills; students earn minimum wage helping them prepare for work later in life.’ Summer Job program director Travis Jones BY SLIM SMITH The program, now in its 23rd
[email protected] year, began at 7 a.m. today for many, it’s the first time they’ve much about learning what it the 25 students taking part. To really been exposed to the means to have a job as the work For most folks, today means be eligible, students must be working world.” itself,” Jones said. “It’s things its back to work after the long residents of the city who are Jones has supervised the kids like showing up on time, taking Jones Berry Memorial Day weekend. students between the ages of 16 in the program for 20 years. The directions, following instruc- But for many of the students and 24. Although there are a few “It’s really a mixture,” Tra- biggest challenges the students tions. But it goes farther than participating in the City of Co- college students in the program vis Jones, who oversees the face, he said, is the most basic: that. We have a week of instruc- lumbus Summer Job program, each year, most are high school program on a day-to-day basis, Getting to work on time and be- tion, where we bring in speak- today marks their introduction students.