Old Schoolhouse Theater to Acquire Periwinkle Playhouse Study On
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The islands' newspaper *********** CAB-RT SORT **R003 of record 159<X»00:l 0034.94 THO OOOOOO 770 DUNLOP RD SAMI BEL FL 33957 • Ice Sculpture was just one of many attractions Week of May 20 - 26, 2004 SANIBEL & CAPTIVA, FLORIDA VOLUME 31, NUMBER 21 24 PAGES 75 CENTS Old Schoolhouse Theater to acquire Periwinkle Playhouse The Old Schoolhouse Theater Foundation (OSTF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to purchase the Periwinkle Playhouse from the Sanibei Community Association (SCA). The purchase is set to close on August 16, 2004. "We are incredibly excited to be able to continue providing excellent musical theater to our Island communities in this larger, more up-to-date facility," said Chuck Ketteman, OSTF Board President. "Our current Old Schoolhouse facility is an island trea- sure, and has been a large part of our success. But over the past few years the cost of maintaining the building has escalated significantly, and we were fac- ing major additional repairs if we con- tinued to use it. We were also concerned about the long-term use of the facility as a theater, given its age and condition. Photos bv Rennx Severance Now we will be able to move across the From here... .to there. street to a newer, larger venue, in time to ning a theater is not a primary part of the lent theater to our island residents and Ketteman believes that I he new the- open our fall season." Community Association's mission. Our visitors. The Old Schoolhouse Theater ater will provide the same kind of inti- The SCA has been running the Board concluded that our community Foundation certainly has the liack record mate audience experience as in the Old Periwinkle Playhouse for the past year. : would be bes! served if we could find a and vision to make this happen. Best of B>t, as Ann Arnoff. SCA Board theater group, which could take over the all, they are already a valued part of our See OSTF Rfifesident, indicated, "Owning and run- Periwinkle Playhouse and provide excel- Island communitv" City proclamation honors veterans | Council OKs study on causeway approach By Donna T. Schuman Causeway Boulevard in association with Staff Writer the new bridges. The firm also plans to review Lee County's plans for the road. In a continuous effort to alleviate traf- Earlier this year, Lee County fic on the island, the city of Sanibel plans Department of Transportation proposed to explore a number of alternatives for several alternatives for access to improvements to Causeway Boulevard. Causeway Boulevard from both the boat The Sanibel City Council approved a ramp and city park. $ 14.700 proposal Tuesday for a four-part "The outcome would be a recommen- evaluation of the road and its approach to dation ... as to what the ciiy's position span C of the Sanibel Causeway. In addi- should be regarding the county's improve- tion to evaluating the road, the study will ments," said Bruce Rogers. SanibeFs also propose methods to improve access planning director. lo it. Rogers has also discussed the issue As per the request of the city, Kittleson with Paui Wingard. deputy director of Lee and Associates, a transportation planning County DOT. The county agieed to par- firm, prepared the proposal to study vari- ous concepts to modify access to S«'f TRAFFIC; City and county to clean up Roadside City Park By Donna T. Schuman Lee County Mosquito Control agreed to Photo by Donna T. Schuman Staff Writer contribute $35,000 - more than hail" of the clcan-up cost -- to the project. The Vice-Mayor Dick Walsh, a World War II veteran, honored all veterans on Tuesday Lee County Mosquito Control vs ill entire project will cosi S69.000. with a proclamation from the City of Sanibel. The proclamation was made in antic- learn up with the City of Sanibei to help "in an effort to worK with i!it city of ipation of Memorial Day and the dedication of the National World War 11 Memorial clean up the land that once housed one of Sanibel and become a partner v\ ith the set for May 29, 2004. While reading the proclamation, Walsh was joined by other the agency's facilities. city of Sanibei. Mosquito Cuuiro! will Sanibel Veterans. !n an effort to rid the proposed help out wuh She project." said William Roadside City Park location of arsenic. Opp. director of Lee County Mosquito Control. The arsenic w.is discovered last year alver the city .'.pp'-icd fo< a gnaii •<> devel- op she property. As pan of me mp'iciiiioii p:'X/JK'-. the ;.rei! uiiderv.oui .i Ihrsi'id ! \! "cage 5 1 : Team Capfiva wins Voters sign Cividiiation is toon h',\ iKM!ii:e':'ni! Si:- \ '••cs'. L • iV'if. ''- 'i r'c" ' , L •:•'.-• ,-*•-, -loz V'w "nilooa 2 • Week of May 20 - 26, 2004 • ISLAND REPORTER CITY COUNTY • STATE In other business the Sanibel City Council... Council split on amendments to city charter • read a proclamation recognizing May 22 through May 28 safe boating week. By Donna T. Schuman both issues until all five council members were pre- Staff Writer sent. However, another split vote dismissed that • rejected a bid for the CasaYbel drainage project, as motion and left the issues open for discussion. per the recommendation of Public Works Director Two ordinances calling for voter approval on pro- The first ordinance proposed that ordinances to Gates Castle. posed changes to the Sanibel City Charter failed to increase the permitted maximum land area to be cov- pass on a tie vote by council Tuesday. ered with impermeable surfaces, cleared of vegetation • approved a budget amendment to fund the Sanibel- In the absence of Councilman Steve Brown, the or used as a developed area be brought before regis- captiva Road project. remaining four council members found themselves tered island voters in the next general election. split over two ordinances that would call for a referen- The second ordinance, also amending the Sanibel dum vote regarding city charter amendments dealing City Charter, proposed that any suggested increases in • approved a contract for the Sanibel-Captiva Road with development density and increased permitted residential development density should be adopted by improvements from Rabbit Road to west of the impermeable coverage. the city only after a majority of registered voters Sanibel School to Better Roads, Inc. in the amount of Prompted by "development pressures" in Lee approved the action. $532,531.25. County and on Sanibel, Councilman EMck Walsh pro- During the public comment portion of the discus- posed the two ordinances with the feeling that any sion, island residents seemed just as conflicted as the • approved a budget amendment to appropriate $14,000 changes to the city's Land Development Code should council on the ordinances. for renovating the interior of the packing house at the be left for the people to decide. Representing the Sanibel-Captiva Realtors Assoc- Historical Village from the $16,549 revenue raised by "We don't know who will be. on council years from iation, President Dave Schuldenfrei said the two ordi- the Vintage Fashion Show special docent project. now, and at that time any three council members can nances set a bad precedent for the city. change the land development code," Walsh said. "I "Until build-back is addressed this should not be don't understand why people are so concerned with voted on," Schuldenfrei said. "We love Sanibel the • approved a budget amendment for the Shell Harbor residents having the authority to make changes too." way it is, we are however, looking to preserve what is Canal dredging. Like Walsh, Councilwoman Judy Workman voted here." in favor of the ordinances. Concerned with thcresuhs Former mayor and council member Louise Johnson • approved an agreement with Crowder-Gulf for disas- of a hurricane or other devastation to the island, favored the ordinance despite her belief in representa- ter recovery services. Workman felt that approving this ordinance would tive government. also give residents the opportunity to vote on subse: "I am in favor of this ordinance because it takes to quent ordinances dealing with build-back. issues that have formed this island," Johnson said. • adopted a resolution approving an interlocal agree- However, the other half of the council shared a "The pressures are coming, but this is ensuring that the ment between the School Board of lee County and the slightly different view. residents will know when those changes are proposed. City of Sanibel for the operation, maintenance and use Councilman Jim Jennings, who cast one of the dis- We want to have a safeguard." of district owned lands and certain city constructed or senting votes, felt these decisions should be left up to The question of leaving these decisions to the coun- cost shared and constructed recreational facilities. council. cil also prompted debate on the issue. Sanibel is a "We are not a country that runs on referendums," developer's dream, said resident Jon Liljequist. • approved a request from Casa Ybel Sanibel Island Jennings said. "I like the way our government works "Sanibel is vulnerable, all we need is a few more pro- Resort for four additional Special Events permits for and we are representatives of the government." development members of council and it is all over." the remainder of 2004. Mayor Marty Harrity echoed his comments Following those comments, Mayor Harrity pointed "I think the people of Sanibel agree on one thing, out that the people elect the council and the people they want to keep the island the way it is," Harrity always have the ability to change the makeup of the • approved a request from the Sanibel Music Festival to said.