
Into the Cie«nan woocb. Activity'-But Ask the Patrols!

\VtTlt TIU; N1'.\1'U U. $ AK\C\ Their job is f"alled with risk and danger 1latC" ··thett w .. no actt""''Y on thts front ~l'Jl)IA'.\l t Br Wtrf"ll'... ) , todAy ext-~J)l act.Ion by patn>b.. In f•tl, th .. ls ~u1t-t '9 the: .NARROW •'«II;~ or hAm wh•l~ and it begins only in the lull of battle. wh.-n front rd&Uvely tt«ht ... ICC'd lnto th~ aohd rnldnlJthl ttme lbe pe.trols M"·e most wotk l•t Oo A btAatrol wortc. ia mucb mOtt lml'Oitant flludd)" l'OAd ... the door ot • aman •toor than ••W'IJ>lll'N ttpOrts-or blck or tMm Miu# optnf'od and a man .att-ppcJ anto lh~ W<'Uld lndit!ate. ~itbout 1nto~tk>n nll(hL The llgllt daappoarcd oudd<·nly and atara again. SUdden!)• tM wbolt Qy ,.... ~n on bia h~ nor b.f.d ont ot th...­ K•lh•red aa a result of da.ngel"OU.» ""tk all at one.- u lhe ma.n qulrkly al&mme"d lit UP Wltb a bwnlcr whl~ llgJll that rear.d and bated Anltriean 1M-mm. blta don• by olrlcan tint• by an A.mc-11C'•n arn\\tti would nt*l eucked the coot. nlttht ftlr Into hls lunge and llltC"d • bl\"9 Wllrm M a matter Of tact. .aweat wu the hOpt' of gaining lnformaUon from f'Vf"n 1nort ..hlt and miss'"' than it l-. hcnd bR.ck to look at th~ •ky. Only 8 t~y.· J)OUring o(f him ....and be sttmed noilUn.f{ tht'tn f.tt'I tttdlu.-cl, too, th.at hlA tapt()rtt In .- hOt. blinding llghl. He r<>lled hi• uy<·• hhd nlreac:ty gont- through ht• J)(•r...ona1 ICl\lt~red ell\l'I W4're showing nnd thfly B ..~ .. 'ORkl every major act1on of ttlC)(lt•rn i.kywRrd to ~ What had happened, and, ('f(N.1t.a, tor- they kn~w his nan1e. nn(I rhnk. K•V• lho llli;h, dirty &ky thO «Pl>Qrt9nt and n\os·l dangerou" work. roon1 1-1 ~ roll&! hhJ eye.s tc> the lett u.nd hi• pockt"tM th.al might. bo v•1 uabl~ lo th(' ti.ynnd •loin• lhroul(h. An urn1y prcparlng an otroruilve!' want.a to ln8Unct,lv~Jy jerked his bead with a vlo-­ Amtrlc.&na. but hl3 ht&d ached too 111uoh Thr only MC)Und WU th(' IOW•pltch.xl know many thtnge that fl i. poMiblf'! to l('nct' that nearly split fl open whw ht' tor lhat 111" only thing hi• mtntl could boom or nrUUtry two or thrt"e n11tcs t\W"Y· ifllm only lhrough the efforts or pat~l• ""w altUng atx tee'l rrom bhn an Amt-rlcan tedtt I<-. 1tlU1>e<> .,..,_ th<' w)lat had happened. The lil

' DtcDOEll 10, Ito .

1C°"h1u11ftd froM P0tqc $) boo and pow., !!Jiff. ni.y learn gTOUnO unU• on lht> move:. but boU> •I*• or how to plant and gn>und patrols ar~ the f:Yt•. can rtmovt d~mo11Uon charges, mlnea and antenna or a-round forces and booby ti-AJHI. 'they Ulh .. and - tumble •.nemy h:AN u.nd«-r covt"r of dU'k.. hanci.to-hand f\D\Ung and the~ ne.-ts to 1.,3m thtt ua..poeiUOD or of all t1pea or w ..pono, lncludl~ enemy lroe>Pf' and a'\ln1 nnd their knlv.. and blAckJ•cks. which nev•r revtftl lhfl p.t-rolm«in's pre... :Jtrength. T'h~tt nr• thc».cc t.h&t enc:e to the tnen1y. "they learn ~k to c~\pturo ~1 nt.11ny tt'OOps so how to run, walk a·nd crawl they can be lntorroghlc\l by our through mud, 8Wftn\pJt. undu-­ tnteU.lgen~ offfcOlll· th• «""tl<'tl ~bit ope«! and UOn. "'hf're lh.-y v. tr. bet0tt fl;O" U...... 'l'My~-h•­ ' ln,g' into thf" hn•. wtt.t and '°'"-heft: t-. Ask the Patrols •tn>• Pa91 4'- 1 petrol "'"..,... a m1...Snn t•·o al«hts The~ abo att patroi. that Jt !a:ft't ~tra.ng~ that many o( tn• lft~M fff:k to draw tntmy fl~ ao lht.) br.1t pilltrolmotn lod•> wrr.. -~ One mt>mbt'r or tvl'r)' patrol can locate or chrck lhe poeitions W F.A.l'ONS "'"" by pauol­ dlf'rar who ln trflfntnr~1"11p dft)'• men art bu1c&ll.Y lht same as il' s medJ<" WhOilel Jnb h 1,. to look ot gun cmplaC'tmftnl• und deter~ In t.ht' St.att-:t Wl'n" Utkl'lffl u out tor lhfl WC'\nnd,1d l\nd. llkl' a.II th03e ltutU(td to othfr cotJ1bat men, mfnc- wheth4'.lr c(1rtnt11 1JttM are "troublcmake"'" ht"CK\11114'1 th~)' hli< herof<' kind '"HI th(' \ ..•ord with perhapa the exception or posted, &trongly hold or com­ ,..-rmt'd Invariably Rt lht• boltont "hel:'oic" hi: A f<"t1bl(' f'nnogh de· pletely uncovtt\•d Thcl"C are l W111 «o ·~ to ob­ routes. Othe-r p1 trot. atll~ • de-­ amurd Wht>n lh~y f•lt Ilk" mix.. M't""~ the wortt •nd ,.,,. If N\)"· t.&iled iftlld)' of tC"n"ain or Krt tun ma.Jc'" ~ MOd.1rk*Uon ot \bit lftjf IL n.- who 10.• lo fl,thl thing ts ~J'l.£ ml..-d or done- m wapono ....,.., lht. Cor nrbttnCs alct! and alwa~.. a war that ml~• "" lmprnvt'd - and r..ype or bottom at ~ r.mo•• -1&1 rt11gs and -- to bo lndul«\nr ,....,,_ Pat:rob ma)· bf" &.id by a Heu­ rtttns t0 bo ~- And. finally. butlctir-~ from tht>lr rtfle straps or •lYf'S d\lring tht- tR-Jnln~ prnod tmant or #l'Jtf'Ant or f'\.'tn by a there are 1>4trote to kHp contact tape lhtrn •ac•l,,1t Ute possibtltty no".- k--tm downright h•PPY In p~ prfvak. Patrolmtn IC•t no c-xtre with the enemy. '° he cannot of lh•lr otrlklnlJ AgAIMl the metal trol wol'k, Lteutf'nant Jtnoi ...• •Y• pa.y. Tiu•)' dnn't f"Yf'n Wft.nl It ap-­ withdraw ClUffitly nnd l\•t\Vt the ot lhto. acun ""d nuaklng a give­ J>Attntly, tor you nf!v,1r he-Ar them opPQatng army nltlhl¥ ~rorc "an away nol•t'. fi~or the sttme l'CR· "'{'H'Ji: be.st patrQhnan Ll~\lt<"n .. talking ttbout ll nr i\V~11 tlOmpJ.8.iJl" empty ttack." eon they Pl'tft•r • ltalher sheath ~1l H~ hll.8 CY('1 fl('(ln nr Int bccnu11t• Blrm(IH IC<'l t'Xlrt1 to a mttld on(' for lhe k.nive.s .nd " 'nrk<'d with la Pfc. Otwey JC"hn Clough. Tht>y 1'M""ni to havr " r~I· 60me t-Vf'n mo ra.r u to put ht.. P ATROLS ''ary in JdM· Aocord- ro IOn of Cra.ne'A Ntitt "'' Va Tht111 •n.g th.at thf')' arr An 611t~ ~up tJci rubbt-r bum.Pl'n M tbdr met.al 11>g to1bo )Ob li'or ex­ 23-)'Mr-old \'fff'nln of ~ ot aod mo"' lh•n p.atd by th.. won­ """'«""" dogtA,fo UnldU>g. ample:. pall'olJi to dC'Cir-rnu.rw tr lO prtvent patrols i.a an ex~Jl•ot ~. n<"'"f"1' rtnful fr~ta tttlf')' h•"''" Wltb tht" F!not Kraot.. the enemy atW holda lh(' Unc- may U.u~ Robort e~ ot •'""' lost and 8H'm9 mo,.,. al hntnf" Virgil. ~\ Y .. 21-)'f'•r.-old mtdlJ· constJl ol tlltttt M four mton. ln ~ W'O(IC:L. or und.-.r f'1M'm)" fl l'f' p- and .....,.....-,_ pla­ th-.n tn camp ~r NKn who while ~ that ~ to make: a RECE.... '"TI-\· lhl.o """"J'Oftd­ toon Jndttr on Lh• Wtttem Froa.t.. blftlt tllrou.ch an outpoot and w""k ...-1.th him bf'll•\'r t\t" tul.JI • •nl ...1chf'd • Ur-utttnant s»~k fight 118 way to an ob~llve and S&.Y* lh&t from hla experience- he '"horrtln" plif'OO mttha.n'-tn" In hlJl l111t"'""°ty-rour pattnlmrn tor a baa found U\tr~ •rt- cutain qua.I. back may bi!!' " whol~ platoon. hf'•d. StJ many ttmC'• hn• hi• JUdJl· nl~t·s "'t)rk A• th(\ lV.'("nt)'­ The me.n who mnko up pfllrol.3 In ltl.. a n•an n....i. to be a good M<"nl proved corrtel, wh1~n othtr fourth nl\mf' Wfl• 41ttll h"ngfn.g fn the United Sh\l.,.11 Ar1hy ttre l.l.I· t>"lrol worker. rnembora o( the p.Mrty wantNI to lh<' atr and lh,1 llf!uttnnnl ''-''-" \VB.)'8 voluntt\\\r#, Patrol work Is M;O In a.nothtr dl~U()n ft.1\4.I lhl' turning' to l(•f\vo. I\ boyl8h·look .. tedlou.. u wt·U aa d1tngtrous. H fil haa l~l\rnod, he aaya. that compus backed lhtn with• hJs helmet Qn lht<1 muddy ground ta.in amount vf tov.- of d&.n,rer. least a lm&ll·lOwn badcground. out quMtion-4'Vf'n If their rom· and UJrn<'d t~ • •trtnt ot fine Yor UU. __, II two bttn found mah U.. bftt pelz<>lmei>. 511'Cle pt.Uf"ll 1ndical:f'- that ~ t. cte.d Anny oethA Hl.o - pal hod tl la rnuch bt-ttc-r to ha'·• men Ulen. daa'l haYO .IO 11\.uch to v.~ony ...... ~ nanwd rt•r lhr mbliatnn and who v.-ant- In .-om• eaaiee lov~ about -or Ii°" !OT-&ad youth \l&8ei011Sforpetrob •rtPl•nnfr to take rt.aka. • lends d&nnc and .a love (or adven· b)· ~ Intdl;g.,,.,.. ..,,,..., or th. bad h~ Kol turn.wit Into t There is no h•tk or volunleers ture that oldfT mtn don't have. untt to v.·btch thr petrol i. •t• 'lbit lif'Ul,.n•nl turnf'd, took a tor such WOtk Indeed. It la m0tt Ueuten•nt >fOOl'lf' thJ.nk.s. wh.U~ t.ocbed. Patrolm•n •~ bn.r..i b) paper 9.1lh • lbt Of namff. wrote t\ matter ot maklnK a c:hoice of rnen ft01n tho fa.rm• or small lhl' lntf'-IHg.nef! otttC.-... and rtvc-n .omethtng nn It and uld. "Okay. rnany who .-ak ft1r 1mtrol Jobs. towns u11uaUy ha.ve more out­ " cban« to ~tudy tht> lflrrnln ftnd corporal C g-ucM WC"'ll mftkf' this Once ehc»>cn thl\y g,1t l.'l thorough dOQt cx.pettM{Uons t.h<' c-n~n\y 111 be· n.. twe.nly·tlv('> nu•n pntro1," COUl"$e' In f)l\lMI work lhat In· boy•. H• •d1nlt.o lhat there are ex­ llrvtd to occupy. They •r<• told chu:tes tn.g1nt'f't1n__., co1nmando. cepUon• lo lh<'H rtndlngs; point.. wh.at Information ta nc-C'dNI, tht and ordinary oomb4it training. Ing out thal now and again " boy bt:-•t ""&Y to get in •nd rt\'C'n U\l' t"nde-r tM ptd•n''" 13 city Will _.,rd fo;r get Un~ bark lhrouth th#t A.m.:e-nca.n hna '1.""e:lcrant who •r~ IM4-ra of make- an t"XttUmt pell'olma.n. La~ an ~ &ttc'moc>n lhr pa~ inte.llig:~ and fKOfth&iJIAllce Hooe. WU • f&nntr birn.sdt" bf'. (Ott the war aDd hi· Lbinka t.tua trolmm an taktn to fronUJM p~ a.ad """'"' ..... - rank ol tint Ut>llt•na.nt, ~ bu b..n a bt~ h!tJp to him ~r. postUona 80 th~y can 1•t • rood v-ohmr~ra: ~ afnt to tc:hool "°"all)' and ... ln..lnict«. look •l ~ ground 1.1>"4 ""'°"' They are t-1uilfht how to "nd mapis An\An~th a core of good com· darkn-. Onot It II dark they -.~mblf' -.nd start th'" nl.-ht'• ""d uae a comp.-N~ ho't\1 to aoc&te mon HMt And Judgmt.nt that Will b'"\l.n position• on nut.(>lt when thoy permll hhn to tt\ko calculat~ work. A patrol may bf' oul two hnurs C>r twelve, d~ptnUlnfr on lh~ st't' noth1ng mar~ thfln lho naah riaks, who t1 1>h.yelcaUy tough and ot the g'l.me \vheo flrad. They n.re Jovea to rtghl 11 tho b<:•t Cor pa­ 11ntur1• of tht- U.sk ftncl wh~lh~r oc.hooled lo et1tUng commun1ea· t.'fOI work ~ffn \vho 1tUI get a \hr mfn ,:ret s.cattflr("d Wh<'n t\ lh.dll out 0( cvwboy and Indian potrol retuma It '* lntt"rroaated gamu Al"ft Jdf'.t.I tor euch a Job. by lhf' lnt.elllge-n~ otfieitrt.. and ona· that 1$ o"·~r Ot• pat.rotmtn ha"·t- noth~ to dn but al«-p for lbc- ft4"XI t..-enty-four hna,.. J"'ti.r nnly on ~,. t1lt'f'St ott&florts b ll

" a

O 6 D ~ I ...... I ...... :-I NETMER.1-AND5""""""" 1! : .,;'..i , -s,, :7... ?<' I \ '"" .. OoblciN! lklj¢~ . I

• '


• \ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1915. ~ MEN IN CLEAR Ch~rr~h. in bombed-out to~n of Mutnchen Glodboch which •ot coph.ttC'd ~y U. ..S. ..tt..n.ilt-..Amlt. in Mo1ch offens.ive, stOJ'ldt YirtuoHy wnrovched in "'idst of ruu'IJ - - IN CHASE TO ·

Many Units Out of Touch With Command Posts-Germans Surrender by Hundreds

•111Mc...... rr..... WITH AAlEKICAN 1020 Dl\"I· SJOS C•rmany, F•b, 27-- 0ou~h· boy11 ot lht1 Ninth Amty are racinK lo\Vllrd tho Rhino tonight. through 1 towna whOH P"OPI• dtd not f"Vtnl ha\·r: Umf" to tak.., to oeoUarf.. putl \•Jlt.a:re that namt Uk1t tore.bu, pa1t contuMd poups of Gtnnllh prUontn,, d.ncJudlnc eome tn com•I pl.ttC' unit.a. Stnalni: Ille l'l'Oll'«t of • ,....at \'feto,,.. th• grlnntn" ...... "" "'"I eatJ.nc i.bt'lr K·rat!ons on I.ho matth, not C\~ •topping tor wattt tQ wa..tl them down. lt'a a real b,...kthroui;ll thla Um•. o.,·t'r the f'nll.re front banp tht Mavy. hot a\\'tttW\ tmtll ot death. Thf'rct (1 no tlm~ now to bury lhe THE NEW YORK Tl\IES, ._ Of'rm"n d"""'"· or our own. Urly •PIO\oon .. t+J> ...r•t Ulet murt. a~rmttn bh\Ok ,,voaUkA unlll today, dlsclo.'

N RIO ······· ...... , ......

,' •. • - - •rLMYllA 1 •?"" I • I II~ >O" 19° 104 . I 1' I! ~L--+-~ --4 T -1-~ I Ii • ~ y the ond of the Ural yoar after the Japanese raid on 20'" l__.:J_\ ~~-~·· .. -104!--'t---:-----f.~ B Pearl Harbor. Dec:ombet 7, 19'1. the se.-ies of I Jcrpaneso vic:IOrloa had come to a bait and our enemies, - • - . ... &..l. ....z"l..-- - ...-""'-'J;__ ... th~

EVENTS t 'IHS'I' \'EAR SECOND ' E AU Ttnnn \. EAtl I-Jape attack Poarl Harbor, Guam and the Pbijippinoa...... Dec:. 7 21-Roosovelt cind Churchill confer at Casablanca Jan. 16-26 41-MaeArthu:'a !\'oops land on New Britain Doc. 16 2-U. S. declares war. JCIJ>9 attac:k Walco, Midway and Manila.Doc:. 8 2Z-F"11SI All-American bomber air raid on GormOD.y . . . . Jan. 21 42-Gon. Ei&onhowor in aupromo commcmd Eu.ropeon thea1re Doc.24 3-U. S. doc:larH war on Gormany and Italy aftorthey join Jops.Doc.11 23-Guadaleanal conquoat complotod , ...... Fob. 10 43-Alli~ troopi land al Anslo, ltoly Jan. 22 4-Guam folla to tho Japan&Bo ...... Doc:. 12 24-Planes destroy 22 Jop ships In Biamarck S.a batUo .March 3 44-Maraholl lalands invadod ahor heavy air raids .. . Jan. 31 S-Walco Island fau.-Marinea take h•avy toll of Jap warships .Dec. 24 2S-Allioa talco Tunill and Bizorto; Ncai8 abandon Africa . .May 7 4S-U. S. troops land on Admlfcdty lalonde , . Feb. 29 6-Japs capture Monlla and naval base at Cavite. ·;: ...... Jan. 2 28-U. S. naval victory in Kula Gull-hip loaaea: Japu, 9: U.S.. l July 5 41>-MacArthu:'s troops land on Hollandlo and Altapo J\pril 22 7-Singaporo falls: ondangera all AWod Far East po<iODS • •••••Fob. 15 27-U. S. troope land at Munda on Now Goorgia . July 7 47-Alliod troops copturo Bomo Juno 4 8-Alliocl light Ooot c:tW1bod In Battlo of Java Sea ...... Fob. 23-27 28-Alliea land In Sidly, invaalon of Ncnl Europe bogina . July 9 ~D Day, Allied troopa land In Normandy , . June 6 9-MacArthur arrives in Australia from PhWppines...... • March 17 ~American bombora raid Romanian oil liolda . Aug. I 49-Saipan in Marianas lalande captured lune 14 10-Bataan falla after bittorlc atand ...... April 9 30-U. S. lorc:oa occupy Kl.aka after Jape abandon Alouticma Aug. 15 SO-Allied arrniH in Fronce broak llu'ou9h at St. Lo . July 18 11-U. S. air raid•ra bloat Tokyo, Yokohama and Kobe ...... April 17 31-ConquHt of Sicily complotod Aug. 17 SL-Guam reco;ptured from Jopt July 20 12-Corrogidor aurHodora after ai•9e of S months ...... May 6 32-rust Allied troo5>11 invade mainland of Italy Sept 3 52-Second invoaion of France be9im in South Aug. 15 13-Army and Navy lliora rout Jap lloet in Coral Sea battle. . . Mat 8-10 33-ltaly surrendora unconditionally Sept. 8 53-Axnorican troops entor Paris Auq. 2S 14-Jcrpi raid Dutch lfarbor . . . Tune 3 3'-177 Jap planes doa1royod in raid on Rabclul Oct. 12 54-Navy destroye 55 Jcrp ehipi. 396 planea at Formoea Oct. 12-14 IS-)'ap invasion llfft emcuhed In Battle ol Midway . . . June S-6 3&--{taly declares war on Oct. 13 55--Gen. MacA.rthu: returns to Philippines Oct. 20 16-Jap& land in Aleuticma at Kiel

• Pruc:n. No otlln OcrtnAn armoNd ul P1Ant• contlm>ed cholchi;: U>e RHINE FIGHT FLUID RHINE FIGHT FLUIDI dh'\J!Olu an bcllevtd to be avail• l'O&& ' over which tl>e Gatti&!a ablo to >en Rimdo:adt an tll• Rott ~;~~: :~~ =t;";: tranL _ forcta wwa~ ot the Rh.lne. 9TH RACES NORTH 1\t."O oLhtt ;.; ;ziQ Armr dl\11! JI eb.srJtd t.,...ard tlln Erft Rlnr '-* Ga1'< Americans Gain 9 Miles ~ Fn>m Pat• 1 lln•. behind wlt!cll von R<1ndlt

TrE:l) STATES rnlchl ha•• - e>tl'(Ct•d lo - THIRD AR>IY tnt<1'111g Bl~. '.Of lhe Hochwatd defr.lSInce the forest. ~ luelf wu oni.red Thlrtl•lh •dvanctd lhl'M inllu Tlllrd Army hit Normandy, Ger· by lhe All'.ed t.roo)>I In lo~ Into KO<'nlgllhovon, l""' w ..t o! mlUl •!Clc•ra aro aurN!nderini; tbelr aga!Nt light opPQGtlon. lho l!lrtt and raur mt N 11<>ulhwt•l .i.ri.ted unlta ofter m•n "token" Soutj> of caicar lho c»mpanton ol Gr•v•nbrolch. •how1 o! N!alaten... In !our do,yg. GLUT OF PRI SONERS ....,,d Junction or Uaclenl wu In Iha P'lut Army'• maJor M· O,C>OO m•n Md ortkor1 have bowed cleansed of GermllJll atwr .,, all· vane• of lh• day JJ.•ut. O•n. Court- cut oC th• w•r by 1utTe11derJng. night Mt tJcdtm r..,m Ounr•n lo ColnJn• and J111t tor tho f.rlaoner-oC-wor ~··• •Ur• Foe Crumbling West of through the ~ochwald lo Xllnthon w••t or th• Y.tll. which to nln• rond•"'•, 1aylng: "lt 11 bolter 10 Tho latter town morl ,...d to Colom• river north at Calcar loci~ BrtUah th•r• ,..... no rrorroN reported (OJ<:H lhrealened lhe Re.. Cl'OO&• h•M tontfltt be)"»ld "-l'fl•thAU ..D, Ing. w)\\('h ta •1•\·~n mll*9 tram lh& very 11~ n wro" LH:'\IF.t ., ._.t_.,. .. ft• K .. \"Db rnrn. Euetly ..,be,,. tb• Hocllwald d•· rfrol hot110 In Col•rn•. !«nae line.... cracked today i. not Bolw.. n tllla road &Ad Ilia J- l'AlllJJ, J'el>, 27-TI>• batUr !or d- t?'Oll> ln!onnatlcn here. but 11<1.. co1orn• hl«hwey tll• lOtth U... wul bank 01 the ttl11na dncl­ iu ttp0rt that huoclHc!AI ct tank.o Infantry DM•lon durod th,... OJ>l Into Ollee!IOl:n. dovallboya need nlr.o mlles or b a pie. Genera.I Crvar'a izoopa whll• athtr tnf0111.t7 adv1111CO'I more to tl>c .,.,rtll, ll" ,.._t aa Zutlplch. Tho IOU.. ~ a -1111 lllllJ to "111!1:1 Wrty - °' Iatre:-.gth ot !he •l<'ai German dl· II>• mare Import.ant pl- (of l)1a.. o! Ill< Ouwl!&n F'lnt Arm7 fo:<.>r~ -lb at Wene ""4 Uc· w. .,a_.,._ w ..t or D9nn. OQ Ult llhbit. dOJn wl\ll htltldtcdlt 0( UJ:ka, l'fllU. ~ the 1>og or Ille Amad· Bo\11 cnda at tho !Iott f ...t Ann)- bOOpl ...,., allo rCbd "'° p._.. t.be ~IAth ";J"'f• fi.nlc. and F\nt buJI. wl:lcb I> only fifteen mlla c!t•-toto:a - to ha'·• been In Annr-tl'iiO WlrTnr alOC>lf Ulo ' wcst of DuCOM!ldort aod t....,,ty tbet?' path. The Nlnlh Armw&l~t ftoer'• fUtf'fft "11.k for a mtlt Ind mlln Crom the pt•wa:r to tll~ _,,1"'1 l.l500 • liy- mrcrtt noon a half tac>k Thum and N1d_,.. lndwtr!AI Laaln at :outstmrg. With its mor4 limJted to~ th~ t-l&ht mUf!a tOUth ot l>u~Nn. Jn a" nuiu- Tblrd Anny ha& takm a compar· laolklod advance aUU larlhtr ~ulh Wllh Ila a.•telltta town 11! R~ydt. al>lt oumber .,: prtaan•n In the other ll'lnt Army troapa croaatd Mutnchrn-01-dbath had bfcom• Pruem Rlver fight!J>g'. th• Preth•r Rlv•r and advanctcl • nnr. during' th~ "'ar a rJty o! neu­ Tile ultimate etlect may be the mile throufh two vtll•i.. and Into liy aoo,ooo, by car Iha 1n11••L <1•r• crean.. up of a.11 ot \~on Rundatedt'• Grte.11rhtld, t~ve mlltt IOUth of l1nn.n city ytt •lllt-rcd on tho \VNt• dlvt•lorui not only an Ille Rott Bchlelden, whoro lh• tut zono al Cronl but all th• w~ alonr lh• th• Slogtrlod Lino ft yot to be trn flront. Rhfne down to the Mo.seUo where bro.kcin. Anu1dc1u1 1.ftnk• and tnick·bOroo It cut$ ncrthOMl to Cobio••· Tho 'l'h• thirty• milt l•P btlw.. n 'nfftn1 ry. 11ura1ni J'J'•l .P.tuenchm· GttinaM are ee.rtainly &howlnr no the Ninth •nd Canadian lrlrat ohlnd capacity at the moment lo bold on Armin 11.. bolwton Waldnlol and lhr u•t'h"fill Sl~gttlt'd l"1nc, brOko lo that terrltory. • polM l••l out ol Woo... Tho It wu rio£ oven an arinolled t.wo foroo• ar., now appro&ohlng OUl U1to lhct t•1fAC'· Ql1l)' tour (lft)'t , t)>e&rhoad t.b..t mada the grr.-t each olh•t ropldly onoufh to of. n.t\t'r i~hllrKll1JC acrostt tho Roor gain cl tlio day on tho Ninth Army feet a poOAlblo junoUon ~tote lh• fllv•r on ~·rlday. NoUtlng like It front but an lntantefColu.nin 01 ond or lho wc•M, but IL I• not hnd b<"N\ 1c-tn In Wralem Euro~ tho Elgllty-!ourlh l>lvlslon whfch known whotMr th• dtr•ollon or lho alne:o Uta ('Otntrr "''"' lurnftd In !ltor· rnolor!lf• S. l!lrk•l•nz OJ!d w.. IHl l'OportQut 600 Gennan• \Ytre cap. tlon W•• yjrlually all on the I t.ooo l'ri~n"H Cv11nt«1 tured tn. Erkcltn.z. a.nd Amt.rlctll ground today •• th• wtathtr held intant:rymen took a etrJng ot down the tactJcat aJr torcca txcept. Ahn°'t unop-d. Ibo ;>;lnlll small_,; towtu a.nd •1Jlag.. In thotr Car a Cow hundrt4 !llfltta &e&ln•t Arm>· •1nxe promlstd qWck M· l"'1tt otn1;hl D. &!&en· l&t.ed IK.Yme toriorn Germa.n troopi1 Amerftn front.a Amertean tactt· bowtr'•, lnttnUoG to d~atroy e\·ay holding the now ua• pillbox.. ~tmwt In 1U! path. Somt1.hi:tg of tl>e S.~ Un• •·ut o~ ldcenche:l-Oladbacll. ti~~ U.000 priaonen hSTe al~ A.nl:O!'ed (orae opaalblg to 11>• t>ttn eowttcd by UM> Pim and U5t o! tile rety-fOCU111 ~ lflnUl J.m:Jc&. and~,. &r• ol:Um· ~ put ~.,, toward ,. St n.1 Ill& I<> the ...., today tutu Ulan ~!a/Tbtch It ia lhil col· From the north the 01Dadin Flntt Army pniued tbe entmy lllo annln an PIT~ to bandla """' tllot -bly erullod Into back.. It entered Grteth and capumd Calcar (lJ and, to the w.ith, lhem. tbe Cl\)'. wh!cb.11 a m&JoT cent4'1' o! took Todtenhuegd and drove i'b:oulb UeCI, 'nit u.r.. r:urttnt ctrOfl t<>r linea leading -.st ITOCn UM F'tb I, Ftb. ' &Ad Feb. 21, have Rhineland. yo:id Waldniel. took Rbeindahlen and broke Into :llucnchon.Clad· ll---n • ach wu once bach ( • ). A tbrust DOrtheastward ovtlTIJI Ganwcllu and Mor­ •lttad,r •ccoun&td for at kul ken (5). Near ElJdorl (6) an enemy tank attaclc ...._. ~htd tt,000 Gttman pri9on~r•. acd \he llD&lle ..m JX'9•laHon than ~tn. the lint Germ&l\ city ...,..p1...s In uldt. Ano~r was crushed by First Army tl"OO(lS that pluni;•d rai. la rlalng npldly. the ...... but refug- !?Om Du.a· lnlo Sindorf and (7). To the ~ulhwm Veuwelss (3) t•ll. P'or the ""'' tbna enan7 , ...41. oeldorf ....~ lta popul1tUon. • l&DC~ \4"U dt&eribed ti.re tonight Rheydt bed 80.000 -pie before .., ..~rvmblln~."' 1'Ro German the war. American ~ •xpeet\lt any \Vete ruined. lJOLIC:f'lbl• dOl('tttnt ttfffl. and SomeWbe~ on lhe Ntntb Anny ~1•1d MAr&h•I O•n. Karl von Rund· front. the Eleventh Panur Divt .. 1l~l did not l\PJlur to have o..ny a.ion, which Ttcently arrt\·ed thtre Alter being bombed twl04 en rout• olheor hnml'dJato pro•pcct.a of rein· from the Trier •Tea, mu.at. have forc~mf!ntfl. boon Waiting for Lfcul. Gen. Wii­ I A 11111 hl•cko11t •• n•w• or iiam H. l\impoon'• br.,.ktllrough, •1~·r•Uon• or thr tJnltngth. Ita Infantry unlla •dvrrt•nl1¥ (Oln lnCormAlton II• bavo bc~n shtllt«I ott ono by Ol\C ooultJ not dl1CO\'tr t'>r bfml'elt. In th<> pu~ few cr Dtvlalcn, ,,\bout nln~ nUlea \\'e.l of whtcll rnoved into poslUon agafnet Colop~·• out.aklrt.t. hia aecond lhe United Statea Flnt Army CTOm main Jlnfll of di:J~o on the J;n.tt t.be Third Army area around Rh·er ~lorP Cologne Md Dueatl"' dorf I>&>'• altt{l'j ll>ak• OC! tbo ~... today, baL C~ JL I>. 0. Cra"ar'• Canadt•n• l.nd l!ritah alli> klll!e road lCOnnal111.anc.. pmtrol tntO Uso ,fST GAINS 5MILES to\\'n, The out.com"' ot U•• \ltn• t.w-e \\'.._ not rtorOrte-d hl'NJ tonght. but HrUe-1' 1t "'al ,..port4'1t that Oto IN COLOGNE DRIVE Germana ,.,·era prrparfd to rrlht 9th Army Also Captures tor Ct.Jnr, whtt'th prot'Jleia the ' GERMANS CRACKING Rhine croulns- at Rffa. Key Town Three Miles O<>nttnuod l'Nm Pap l Tiie Caz>adlano who loul(ht bto IN 9TH ARMY AREA aomo or Gen. U. D . G. CrP'&ld, tlu"ovl:h Into Captured Towns and kept rolllag beyond th.e a..r. I ft~ • ·-.v.1tch po.sillon.. Of ~ the On t o Captivity An &nnond colUm.D., put •ctoa S1~rled l.lna ll&a bcm bulll. Tbl1 CANADIANS HIT OUT a4TIIJICo alto wu lhl'Ull<'lllq tl>e ~ -.,. quJckly UW. IM u..s.m_ dlJo r:ut o! GO the C.rmans were buing W ~zc •nd A Wtd tt<>Ota llold po­ ,;uor.. similarly cto.ci on th4 ot.Mr \11olr dl'IGIM and then nJ~ for .sde ot \\."ttz~. Over the Pruem, Close the doU~~ya to and come up Tl\e rt.nt'W'fld Canadi...n Army of· rt..rnt wt the Jttrlet:. On• vtl· !cnliv• today acCCJUnled t\lt' more In Around Bitburg lq:e a.tU:r another was captured than 1.000 prL80nf'ra 'JP to late aft· In ll>ll rasllloo. f'rnoon. ma>clng a \otal o! ino,. Tb• ~- obvloualy wtre \.hl.n 13,000 c-&p\ur•d In Ctn4'r&l lly ("t tt"TOS DA,lt:L •ttrprlffd at th• ~lg.ht ot the at­ ettrar•a drtve 11lne• ~b 8. •t wttsh• ._ hl111'11rr TINll 'lbu'. tack. 1\l .omc places they wu. I C•nual PaltOt\'1 Thlrd Army PARJS, Ffb1 28 Amfrlcan ttarib caugbt tn tbe ..Udst of organ\%tng •lN> "-u nktng tn Oeml•n• •t the bNke out ahtA.d Of Ll•ut. GC'n. thf!lr defense.. rate of 1.000 or moro a day. Two divfstona !\lone h&vft C'&pt.ured l,6lM> Courtnoy N. ll•dlfH' Amorl.,.,, _..~ront TI'1dtned to SS Miles In \ho put two dty1. Tho Oormano ~irn Army Infantry b•yond tho Aa th~ punchtny forces ClrovAN.od '""' BIAtth,hnt throo aide• ~t Golkr31h, 1!etzn1ftm ltlvflr •lghl n1lloa boyond tho Ro.r a11CI Md J• way to FC<::htf'llmaol1, And olAd to lh•Y h•v• cr'OOl••d It Myond recall tho •U(li\1,slon, lt 't'... S ~ Thei Altru• atr h•d a ,... to clU't)' hi• own arm1ti1 th• oth•.r torct• porttd from the fTont. captured the 11t11ot.d 4-y, bul BrtU.h tnNl,nm 1 1'"a)". vUllg"e of TUL S"Jx mlles from JUe~ bombore blutod X&nth•n whteh (A lat• 41>palg the l>~osoeldorf railway u ln lhf> norlbttn an•. and !~ tar u A.meln. American &ncl l!Vlt bolnb ti hit logm and an A>aOcla~ Pnu A ~ down one main road lo Jt\•t:n road &nd: ran «~ lttl 11t!fvl.n$. rd WiU.ln lhtte miles of the Erft aro\lftd lt &:ad two p:atta ntar F.ulldtthm on lht aouthtm c-Ad of WlllWn II. Stmi-n·· Am' Colot:n• plain. !Bblt«n )h... A alllO _. capture :-.1nu. rMJ' tor«a lM roagll 1;anp f...,.d a t.roor tnm d~ "" ~ dcN-n a main road to I.he lbkl< ~t ot mutllc!pal toresta C.nn&ny near \\'unbtnl: and bad U.. Rb!M. hortng puMd l:tldorf. ltiq out of Juelldl. the beat hwlllng. •llllnl: a:> ..u. Tb.,, on tho ""'d to Co­ ma~ 2~ O.mwu, Th4 Unlt..S nine mlloa - Of the R- at mam !'.- pld.) Ju.Uct>. ~ from Dtl, whlch ...-... completoly cl"&Md - tod&,)1. :II• Ori\• ~ \t.eAd •f lkhM1w._le IOiLh Dlvillon lm&Sh th• tntrnti­ almoe~ cleared iL ot llMUn&' Ultlr way to th• ""1tltc GcmlAD.s &t5bt. C'ana.d1:aM or tho Jthll1* .... bt)th traveiu.11: Am~rlun tan.ks rolled ta.at to­ taatrr lhan tchedu1~. h"'-'• atr•AdJ' day but even tho Infantry .,.... only bov.1eJ ov.-r U\• mA.ln O•mu•n lln• two Jumpe bel>lnd. Tho Eighth to.eking' up tho RQf'r ""~' a.re btar• tntantry DlvUI,,. IVWOH.1 to ouplurc :Alli 388, the p'°mon· llJ WOH MO,I NIM lQry r~m \\•hJch German gun11 pl~i,"Ued tho American troop• I~ I . ,. t tucrt.gen Forest 8.11 wlnttr long. Sll010011U VM-S:lNt.LNIVd 110 Along Ute Rocr tront U\o ftt.rt.h~t. pofnb of advance wcr~ n'U:ll'l<~ by Erkelenz., "Eledort, P'9 1'n8 01 !NY&.. Ulatthc!m and Soll•'- reading trotn north to south, but in be· ''''ten numerous sm.a11 village111 ' " "' 1• 'JA ''J.S '119• J.S3h\ OZ'ilZ v.·<'ni- t.a.ktn \LD.dcr control today. D~l•UllAI j0 J.111 liil.l (Among lh~ were E!Chweilcr­ and Frauwu•t)esheim, oouth or 33SSV31H:I N3>1 31H3 8Jt.tzh~m. l.nd Dro~"t',, 80\lthW~ or Solien. press ..,,..,i..,.. said.) ONVdWOd HS3H:I By contTUt with their weakn.., on the &>er anUnr ror C•lcar. ti..y .,.., tr>in&' to pro­ lkt ll>e IUW:e cross.np at EDt­ mtrl~h. Ritea.. XL"lu.t"n and \V~l... thal gh.•fl ~ ~ fine tank eow>try 17lng nortll o! the Ruhr, wllleh II the prime oojtct1.-e ot lb• whole bsllle tot Gem>a.I>)•. l:>upit.e G

ITHE further the }ops aro pUbltud back jn tho Pacific, the closer the Allies come to the need for a eotu. lion ol lho Chinoso puit.le, Japan«:10 advances h .Alli.es important ait base:< thal wore built und"r American suporvision. Whilo in Allied hands. they were a llueat to tho illlands ol INippon and provontod lho fops lrom @labfuihing an overland supply lino to their lrooJ>l< in :iou\hG(lllt Asia and lh€1 Ea~t lndioa. Such a supply route is needed by Japan to replaco tho &pede the juncture on Chineso soil SHUiCHUAN • Nl\NYAW of Allied troops ltom lhl! oa:ll and lrom the wl\St. Tho areas shown on this mop in n withdrawn lo be sent against !lie fopancse. U tho dii!or­ ,~u~c·yli ences betwocn tho Kuomintang Government of Chunqlcing and the guerrillas, whose capital is Yenan. N6CHIJN& E_A§..'f Ican be tempo.rarlly forgollon, tha unltocl factions of China will be able lo offer more clfectivo rc::;:ll01lco T~ • to their common encmiy. tho Japanese i.nvadors. 1st:ws ma;o br ~ Art.- 5' bt'rrl ffJN A 1 --- ~~~ \5£/. , - \"20" "'" '"

.• \ • PHONGSl\ly LEGEND • S<°lNt.A• DllNGl(NPHU \ON "T• - l'!'ll~U.. CAPITALS OF COUNTRIES ii CAPITALS OF PROVlNCES * lMPORTANT HIGHWAYS === .. Outline• of ~cu • IORl~HAN • r. PRINCIPAL RAILROADS i pied ar,oa or~ not .l nret:uoril)' up to AMERICl ..IUllT AIR llSES __O t h e m in u t e, 6 ~· coute of the tf111e SCAl.E OF MILES requirMYlc:•nnan• mado th• CAnoc!lan an4 RI\·~ ,,_,. .. t to._..., Ruhr#" tlt• Nlrd.b Us-IUlh troop• l'Wt&t for one.mile r .u :uu .....,e ' • advancC<• today. Th• ~rm.ans First Arm~ Spans Erft -AU' F'oroe aa14. ~ntot>rAttatkoct ff'Om neWb' coo- WhUo U>< Canadt"" ~d NillU. I"'vtd d•l•AA Ill• weot"'." JUUnelaDd I>) firing- ~ from among 1,000 IIlle Flrwt Anny, Li forceo ! c1a7, FOE CROSSING RHINE aoulll of that barr!er. '!'bey o.lcar ,, Switiidend dn«td the Ian Gamma ...t o! navm. 1a1r..,, .,.. pooltJona In tbe blaated Bitburg. DOrth o! T>iff, I • lloc!IWald th• da7 a.ad tell bad< a Eastward Step Is Hinted portJ Trftr ltsdf with lhnllta mllo and a b&lf lo the ...._ '!'bey """"4 14 tile aoutll ~ IL During poured la llb•Y)' n.. on Allied po­ -3d Closes on Trier­ tl:e day Goted Dtvlalo~ niov..S Rlv•r •n • a"11tured brldgo within nc~11 tho Prutm River to htg'h ••·ound •ov~n n\lle:a eouthwoat ot •oven no11u ot Color••· Th•y wo"' tho tow~. lnf~nlt'y foUoW!ng t.af\l­ Atlnt und<'r • ne"·• blAckout that hfd ltl movom,.nu. ('OnUnut'd \0 dtaclC around )IU•nchm·Oladlloth. lt w-111 not atatf'd hf'r. ~1'ert the Niath Anny for<"• ••t•. but Jl oould bo dom • Gladbacb. trlllcll U.UL O.n. William IL 31mP1C'"'• troopa mt.erect 7titlt­ day, &lid they Witt lv>mhfn.t &ad atratlnt poblta tttwocn n ...u and \\'~l nci.r th• Canadian Virat AftO)"'• (rant, and pllota "l'O•l«I poll\000 bridi., 1n ui. ..,..,._ or r<ll••· \lea. 11 ...... 1 •lated - -1 U.~ b6r~.a P4 ftntff •-.n bt'ad<'4. but It .. not l> Rond• etedt liU anythlnc to bftn$ """' 14 Ul< Wfft aide of Ul4I rtnr. (J-ph ~a. :-:w l'ropa· pada l41nllt<•"4-1ed to tho Gurnan -~ to ~llt IO tho lk:aUl. nthtt Ulan. awrcndcr. "°" conl!ng' IO U.. Gtnnan radio. A dla.l.1t.roua tum ot t\Ula lftr c.miany .,.... •nt front lho 01U1•· dl•n l'lreL Am>)' front. l-""1u·tht1r llC>uth n ...r UH' t.to•~ll• Am~rlean m'dlum nnd ll&ht bomb· cro ii! .. nt14cl.•nr u ..d •·to mo\'e troop• !rom th• Sur DAILY ' NEWS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, I9n ,.. ,. PEACE ... For Tomorrow and Many Tomorrows to Come BIG THREE LAY CARDS ON TABLE -That Was Their Problem

COMFAB President Roosevelt, ~rting a • t w1-td cap, cbnts wUh Prime ~ later Chul'l'hill alioard an unidciitified warship at ;\!all11 In tho Meditcmml'lln on Feb. 2, while the two were en route to the Big Three coo!erence at Yalta In Rus.1iun Crimea. •

ASSISTANT EMGIMEERS Harry HopkiM, Secretl\q• of State Edward R. Slettiniu.~ Jr. n111l Foreign Sec re. tary .Anthony Eden sque<-u in a pre-con(1·n:nce chat at Malt.a. Two repre.wn\lt· ti~es of the mili­ tary, Ct>n. Mar­ B ha 11 and Sir Henry lfaltland ~ITARIES o! the thrtt n~•llon! ~t F. D. ft:· as he atri<'es at Yalta Wihon [~1 DIG f"ll airport. In the group left of the Jeep (L tor.) Seeretar)' also get in a few Stettinlus (llaht coat), RuuJan Foreign SecretarY ll.olotov (ann upraised) and worcb at the little u~ 'ftl,docol Prime )linl•ter Churthlll (ll1ht uniform). Roosevelt flew to Yalta after con· Island In the ferring previously with Churchill. Elabt daya of roUDdtable taJb led to formula· TIME OUT In a rare Instance in photographie history, Marshal tion o! hard te11111 for surrender by ~rmanv. A new setup tor Poland was also lI e d rt tJTa11wi. • Stalin brtakl Into a broad grin a.s Chu.ichill turns agreed upon. aw~ from their con\·tlf8tlon to Jtt a new cl REICH CITY SPURNED FRIDAY, MAR

Muenchen-Gladbach Is Taken With 5 Casualties - People

Talk of End of War in Month ,/

WOENCBE!';-GLADBACR... ,...... _ Gu-I__ llWly, lof&rch 1-American :-"Intl> Army ~ .iro'-e-WO-u.e lieut REIGHC ITY SPURNED I«> ..,..- by .Waj. Jahn C. <"..t- up was• 11~ tntutry &lid• trw or I.bis great Getman lllduatnal It ' 0( Wastml!Utcr, Md. tanka &Dd sd!·-ll WTY ll.chL converging columna O&nldq It OD NAZI PLEAT OF IGHT lh• nJbbl•Hll•rod olftu1 ,..• jumped ol! a Wffk ai;o ...,. ...1 &Dd west bad ~ lh• nn.. al Ill• rtAdy ..... ?tpn a "They mopped ..,.... btg, loni:· gh Y mor• lll•n tw•nly mu.. wl\lloul av... tpl•f aro lhrougi> the Cits, lj""'P arullery flN on uo u we I armored iupport •ntorod th• out• mttUng only ocatttred lire froot came up pa.st WlclU•"¥n ought,....•. I,EAD~RS tJnlta or the Twon!}'·nlnth lnl•n, a toujlh job to olel\n out •••l"Y ona "We sent two tank doetroyer1 to ~l~l•lon, Wll'toll •11t•rhe•dod ol tho•" dumoged bulldln~." ll(lld knock them put," b• ..Id, "Our tho drive, tound only 15,000 to C~pl. Uonnet l'oll•rd ot :Saitlmore. tU-St tank bad muvelO>U hit ud knocked out our ..oon1I t~xtlle and motor n1anutaoturlnl arUilory aupport.." de*h:oyer during tho ba.U.lfc. Son'to-1 Th" Jt-ltutt of Mutonehcn-Olad .. of our bo~a sa.td U1oy ..w nine ot unter. Ito nonnal J>O•••·Umo l>••h-lta tCJk dO' port.mn~ aod th• t•e-t tbat tl l• thif' Futbrcr." A"mlndin,- the peo.. stroyer atood .Ofnt ln UM •LrNi (lfft4I OC' tb.f! ma~ ~lroad j\Ul.C.U<>nl pl~ lbat. Gtnnal\f a\oed tor -ooe &lld one-bouM i9t"t attn ~ ti. In lb• Rhlntlond LAr1:• -uons ptep~. °"" """""'" one Foth..,.. briel OU'Mt battlo btaud w!tla ot· wne belVrod bal!Jv by U.. nJd.> and lboU II• "F\J7 I.ban """""' or OU.r..,. ~ made eood" rau..s to im~ ~ o\"Orioodod "'1th ...... ,_ At S P. )I. t.ba o 1 wu a tllurupb of th• Ammean ~ and only calttted col- more t.b&n" --.ry g1..,.._ lloat Al'lllY'• moblhtY r&tber UW> a tut """" ot ·~ """a r-eunou. ot ti:• citlzoc• moroly ota7..S II!• of llatU. ..,.tU•. 'Tlw Clflm&N,dUzcna were abocad e!th•r to -i- doors pttlW tin ward• ,,.. 20,000. Word hu Ju.ti come up aD!I att•m.1'1 to mak• It "anc>lh•r would be nvor tn a rMnth. saying i l'n>m A.acll.. that }"Our am>y doc1I $WtnCHd """'11 would havo ID• ,..,,,... Wthnnachl tzoopa ohattdil><>t mlsb:ut clvtliano-thot II "'h:r vlteft th•tr vteow. lao m8J'.l'1 rem«tned htre... M•I· Oon. Obar!.. Hunlor a-.. Tiie ,•tctorlOUll douKhboyo ,.,t haTdt'• ttoop. ·h•rot• ot th• a1roc11 nublJtf' 8 10"._ l"~Jl""'t"" tbdli btggt•t Jaugh of Utt wu out or St. LO In Nomiond,y ·WOrk•d '"l'h• only thlnf lhat hu slowed o! a 11<.r!.. of huge Nu! •lipi• rrlm,.. \tlnl•lf'r ('hurthlll and. C:atral Ei.senhowtr meet soma. wearily tozwatd. through th• clt.y'I u11 muoh t111 thta rubble- -wP ean•t painted •very t.w tcON yard• on SO\lth.«'rn 1uburbl. Th• ttr111t to en• ta.k• t tib.an~• of gelUns;: am· Wftlbt and hoUIJf&. Th~J aahS~ front .. 1Bri.Ufobocno.J wh•rt nf•r 1h.- lln••· ?tit~ tork, .,..., ""'-«o) t(ir th• oil)' t.hrouR"h lh• >MlAk O""" bu•hfrt," ••let J.(,.jor Gt.'1A"1~l~ ''What hAvt YI?" don• ttW th• m•n r<•l•l•M• w•r • bAltollo• "All tho1 l•fl bthlnd to hold II• Cather?alld tod•~f" l.ONOON. MArOh 26 lllVl Primo borne Atmlu launched lh• on6· Mbllatar Wln1~n Oh\lrohlll ,.. lh~::~~~t'1\.".'iuµne twice him· turned &.o London todll)' fL(lfr • RctlC, onc.o ycet.erday and agatn thi• titat·hand p•rtltlp•tlon In ;Fl•ld inonunir with Mimhal i.Jontg<>m· Manh•I Hlr 1l .JI. Slml>l!!ID. ~r of _the Unl\at l!latta .N;nlb .AmU-: ~ ll D. Q. cnrar. camm•ndtt ct. t.ba CanadlaA Flrat Azv>r. &lid UeuL

Doom Nazis anti German Army; Fix Soviet-Poli II rontier ------Stories on Page 3

,...... _.._...._C.ldlali ·o> Th~~ 11~ the men who met nC2r \'alta In the Crimea to shape the world's de$liny. Seated, l. tu r .. Churchill. Rooscv~lt nnd Stnlio. Standing, I. tor., Field f.larshal Sir llarold Alexander, •'leld Mar~hal Sir Henry ~Wtland Wilson, i-"ield Marshal Sir Alan Brook~. Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham, Gen. Sir 118!ting• lsmny, Admiral Ernest J. King, Air Force Marshal Sir Charle$ Portal, Admiral Willbm D. Uthy, ~neral George Manball and urudentified l!ussillo delt.'gates. This is a British o!ticial ioto, {litlOAY, MARCH 2. 1945. ALLIES SPURTING ON 9TH CAPTUR~S MUENCHEN-GLADBA CH, 3D IN TRIER; WEST OF THE RHINE Too Slow for German Captiv.. (Jbn.tlnuf'4 'From .P•C• 1 WITH TIU: UNIT&D STATES t.'te ~atl«-.al BroadcuUnr Corn· :-.~TH A'lWV;:)l*'!_h 2ll Ufl­ M'ARTHUR INVADES PALA WAN; IWO DRIVE GAINS; pall.!'.) >ni~f;ill ot c;:.,,,.,,. P"'_.... e&P­ Tfo_. Canadians, Wl>o ...... put• tur..i by lb• ~lnlb Arln1 dHW t!:lg th• ..-.Jgbt of m&nJ' tanu ll>lo o,,..Ue comm'f.Dl today frOm an u..!r attadU, pined (r'OWld .,...... JAmUnr Capt. Albert a-Id ol oJlcrlc~y. L.,,.,. way tluW(h K•n~clm. Calif, "Tbt7 complain .... do not Uutt m.flta N.lt ot WHZA". and J10 lut -It 00 ll:t WV .,.m c:rn·tnr on Into lite Hocbwald.. md." ._.., Total at 15.Ml Cfll. R D. C. CttNr"I Bntlob and euad1u f- ..,.,t>t1>u1..t l~.llOO sm-. ..un>Y~ 12,&2i; l"lnt, ' nc.arly t•Y• mile. today thr:ou.gb 6,350, acd 'I'fllrd.-23,28.S. VtUweW. Mudl'r ro~•h•• of th• Roor gained and It may bO preaumod to bo '10• i.ooo Y"rdll "' the nrci-. norua ot menfil ot tho Pant~r Lehr. Oomurnd d••Plto of,J)ooftlon trom Nazis Battle Canadians / TM thr<• A\11~ ort.n•lvoa 1ro IPM•treopclr• and m nofl•ldi. tngag1ng three Oe:rn,an tu·mlo11, of Fiercely-Patton's Men \vhlcb the Fltl4"f'nth AJ'J'n)', und~r Third 1lnt•n Trlor command of C•noral of lnft.nlry I 'I'll, 1.lnlW Sl&tH Third Army. Gustav von Zan.gen, fonner ~m· which threw tho Otrman tore~• in Oldest Reich City mand«?r ln Fre.noo and lt•ty, I• op. t.10111' Utr whole Pn1em-Bllburg· J>OSfng tho United Statee Ninth and Tr1l'r tront Into contusion thiJ 'First Al'litff-. Tile 0.nn-.. Flt· \VMk. oonUnuNl to movo forward loenth wu etaUontd at Frtn~h 8y 01.Q'l'ON DAl."JEL Channel Ports and In th• Neth•,... today and m&dfl a. ·~tatular duhl ., ..,,..._ tit T-. "...,. TGA:; '%'Dea.. Into 1'11rr. 'nt• Otm>ane appo..­ landa Wort wilbdr&\\1ng behind enUy "J"&.lnfld thrir be.llJ.'loe PARIS, ~~ 1-Afll;!' .tome-­ !be Westwall. what, hOw•vt"r. becaUN lat~ yta• Ont ci.y ol &tt&ck Amffn Ul'd&J' and •rain toda)' thOJ' {IUllTyJnHJ loclay SWej)l disori;at>- ..v ....17 redu«d b)' -· Of 2(),. et<'d up lh4I awnbtr ()( tMir 000 men. &11d parta o1 ll are 1Ull oount.tr·•ttAdc• north ot the .Mo­ IUd tlllirtly - ot tQo ~!zed today. It la unabl• twlD °""'"'""dUe.a or lduatchf'JK;l•dbacb .ell•. Ont aute-• Of at.tack.I ftvt to oiler a coo:dlnaled 6ft- o1 mn.. nortb ot Bllburs ..- t.b>~ b;!' u.o 1 Du....,!clort, and .Al:led llpter --Gladb&cll Md Rhoydt. Vllltod 8tetH l"oW1ll Armored bombtn alroad7 ,..• ,. atrtldng at wblch ~thtr ..- h.o4 up.. ·atda D1vt11<>11 with tbo aid ot lit;hter (If 300,ooo populalloll dartn&" the lankl, - and ..~ patr.llear bamben...... Sino dlru!ona of Ibo Tllinl :-:....,,, w11lcb la juat a mile ...-est n..... Ir ft..- to bc1lett that I of tll4 Rlllne Oppooille D;iascldodo)'Oftd t.bo Pnltm Rhv for a lit· Whllo )llk'llclMn-01- a.'l1,:>JI, olbor :-"!nth Allied air lorctt, which m11ct.4.1&0 In Ibo "°"th. n..,. dOa\lnat. lllo fliirbts over °"'"'1"11)" today, tn· K~U Jtlvfr, the Mxt ri\·~t eut Anny llUlk Md lnrai>b; co:i.mu:s gagod Unlt.d Statee Tllund•rbolt.< atonr an 1<1ual1Y Ion# alntclt trom Wore flQhlnJ;' ~It C.rman de.­ I all" N eu.M, )fU4ftC'h• b'J. batuea cw•r net-m to But&wt>lltr. to-NJ.ta wUh such •peed that ncww en-OlaWach and Kttl•ld. north• ffutaweHier y.·u &m0ng tour tht'lr movem,.nts still with­ ea.st ol Duesaeldorl. Allied Tao­ plarro capw....i by th• S<>'"nty- ot wa.s llcal Air ll'oretc lhot d<>wn tw.nt)'· h•ld trorn 1110 bM tho )tHellfl trom One ol tlle l•.r·geu ol tho Air l W~. drOvo fi\to Kerv~nholm and battled on th, Uod••o·Xant.en l>A•hlng- "t•ln•t the Jilr!t River de­ UutXWttJ~r U\o "l'f'nth Armortd. Dt· Forte IOUthWNlt. ot N4!Ufl W•• vl11ton thruait. out rav.- •f>Ut'htad.a crol.lroad. MuenC!hen-Gladbach fell to our Ninth Army, t&nk 111111.8 l•n8'1 Uno only elx and a hall mll•s ,tour Ttger tank•. thr,.e which 'of which said by the enomy to luwe pll/lh<Y'• prlton~,. Y<1· Ct\Jtt, and "'''oth~r gQt around Jnto south of Nell!ls (3 ). In tho dh'Cotlon of Col111r110 tho Flnt Ai-my ooopurato •truggte to:da)I totaled 2.617, •• uomp•,.d the north(lll\•t. 1ldo or the t.owu ttnd overrun Bergholm, (chendorf l\l\d ROl'(Om (4) nnd n1opJl(ld up A th b ttt · with .._0~2 th ed._'y bofort, wh•n Moedra!h (5). lt drove Into Wl111turcd DorwollN· • 0 8 0 1or lbe Rhineland out the roM JHdlnir out or It aloi•r 0 the EJghty•fourlh Infantry Dlvl· tho rlRht b•nk of th• M•ll<'Ut. (6). '.!'tier wu entered by Third rmy tank unlta, which nlso 'l'P'°" h

• .. Takes Duesseldorf Subur·b, Splits Nazis tnr 1f1(l "'""<'iarod Preu. J• ARIS, Mardi 2.-Tlie Americw 9th Army won it ~tund on the Rhint> today aml cap· 1111°<"11 the wc8ter11 end of the Ruhr Basin with it- large citir~ of Krrfrld nnd Neu~s, tbe latter a •uhurh or Oue~~eldorI. (The United Pres~ pointed out that the li"htning hrc·nkthrou~h harl cut Gi-rn1an)'s west· nu Crout in two and ~ent tl1e ::\'azi 15th Army rel" ling hork 11troK• tlw Uh inc in di~orflcr.] Yeulo and Roermond, Dutch ha11tion citie11 on the ·"''"' (.\ll'u~<' ). frll "ith !'Cllrcely a •hot. (..\nnouncc>mrnt of Rocrmoud's fall ramc A ftl'r Grr1111111 bromlr:1•h tlt·clnr<"d the Briti~h 2nd \rmv had joinrd t11e big offeosive "'ith an attack in thr \"en lo ~t'C'lor.) Americans Smash ' • Tht ..ilb and Canadian Isl 11rm~s wtte within ten miltS of joinlni; hand• in a mo"~ which might trap Uwu­ •anrl< of G~rmany'$ best pararhut~ and tank troops. Canadhm armor and lufantn· had pu•h~ through Ger· To the Rhine man •11icldf' ;squad< for an ad•·•n« of more than fitt (Contin..H from Pote On.} mllrs tn the norlhttn Rhine. plain I-Oday. u• '""'Ped cares: 11'.e GLh Arlfl7 l'n-e C'~rman infantry division• ha'e ~n destroyed IOt&l ~nl&J r00< 30)2 to 1U7S by Utt 9th .\rm>"• drht to the Rhine ancJ thrtt armoftd ro: the campalin whleh 1iu:cc1 dhisfpns ha\t ~•n sn. 21. TRU R Fi\Ll.S TO P.\T'J'O:\'. The n:t. and IT~ Pin> ,.on coo.::ol of uie wlloie w\dlb of Far Ill the 'l<>Uth. ancirnL Trlrr fell to Lt. Gen. George tlle plain belwrm Ult Rhlnt ~nd S. rauon'• ,\n1trkun 3rd .\rmy ,which thu~ prilain b Lhe the gaU. of the Mowll., \'alley leadini: t-0 the -Uon of the Rnhr Balln yhltb ,p111> ...er n•I at ll1e Rh!nt. citlt• of Cnbltnx, Mainz and Frankfurt. T!le Ruhr, tar and away 0.-r• C'u~ht It•• than fh'e miles away 1942 wben train alt.tr 1ra1n ol Al· nn pl~ins u flat •• K:111AA•. Searly 1000 BriLi.0mnL now lh•I 'l'h~ ht Army al'l1 bc:tt within 1$ mil~ of Bonn and the Rus:Mite Amorlc&n cannon. Th'o Jihln•land on& north anrt Gcrm1rn nrmy wn~ routed In stctot'S; ireginents had been east ol Lb• fallen twin LtxtU• anrt lrnpllCd. Iron cltl•$ ot Mucnoh•n·OladbMh Counting thr 1000 plnne raicl on Cologne, close to and Rheydt was mvolopcd swlf1l7. 2500 hen\'y bomber• from Italy nnd Brita.in shattucd Between them. tMto two elUl'I had a pop11laUon awoll•n bY the IGerman Rnd Au•lrl1111 tu41ei. todny immediately ahead nr to 300,000. many ol lb'm O( lltt l\mtrlClln llnd ltUK"ln 11rmit'L bombed ouL rel\lltta tron1 Du~ 67 l'l\ZI l'l. \:\f'.S SHOT DOWX. aeldort. I A field otneer ol 1'1&1. Ob­ f't1r thr lir't time slntc Jan. 11 the German air force ert c. y...,,.,., 83rd OlV!ston. flnt canie up in •trrn.(th lo Ch<' violrnt battle on this 19th ,\mel'ICans to ,...ell Lhe Rhln•. Iund action the 11 Gtrman di•·i.-ions fighting the Canadi;mJ to tht- north and \\C..t or the fart-ll"a•eling " .uiny ~to<>d their &""llnd until noon tOOa\". \\hen tb-1' started ·~•mlc11ll} to eros.~ lite Rhine for refuge.~ 0 .\t Krt'ftlcf "lt·~~• ..w-n. ~.,..., "'-iUl.i.n ~ of u.iwi"''"' Dul~berg. lh~ ~eat Rhinc>land port ,..Ti&t- -'-ifie ~Ruhr einplie:o into the Rhine. Duesrldurt alread,-.,s Being • ...... - .... haltered b» artillery, a< \\ere other parts or lht' factory- Amu;cu 9!A.A.tm¥.haopt.tMch"" •b• Rbme. upt...ed Nous<, parkw lndunrfal region \\h~ ulue to Hitler's 'le non~. o,. !he marhinc alrl'.ady "llS largely l~t. lrrloih 2nd Army froJtt ihe Gotm11U lent RoertnOns 35th larsea~ clcy. C:un• Dutl AI<> onl.v la t))~ lw!n clllt$ of Mu•nohtn·Olodbacll ~d Rll•Ydl. whloh were captured )'Utt rd•)'. \\"Jth Uletr populAt!ons awo11tn by war reru.a:ces tbeY IOt>Md A """"'' O( 300,QM-\S thll! broad anc1 ~P Rblno lonlC!lt II 'Ira< &P!>UCU L'ia~ Duessel­ dorf, one ol the 'CroaL tndUirml Producna ot CkrmanT. ""' lln· bbed u a IOU."« ol ma!ietiel tor the Z:Ul &m1ler tl!• Amerk:&D.s cros,, the Rh!ne now' o: lai.r. •l'llllvT ~ m 1ht cm· lt hours a day Will lll1kt t&elmY lrn:1: tm-.Sllie and barv> :.~ r=tllll"ll: o! ~ "°""'1 PQll!U· L!m Of 639.000. Tank Dh.hloat oa l.Alo:R.. sumlu nee denflfl olhU l&D~ 1t¥1tloni were on tbe !OOH. Prl~ 'l'tm N l~W YOHK il\1£-:S, l'RIOAY. )\,IARCli 2, 1945. • Report of President Roosevelt tn Person to the Congress on the Cri1nea Conference

'oUoW>l•g w l'ro.lllntl •v•n lhOUJh •• •r• dlfl.Atrmlned lay whfla •• listen to more 9rlma. !!Qo,.. THE SC.E!\1E IN CONGRESS AS TUE PRES J DI~NT MADE ms ADDRESS YESTERDA y ('OnUr.aou11ly to •trln towud that donn&O. t·tk'• "''"'• to C'1Na'ft~ ,.,tn­ ldt•L llut I &m nr• ~h.I& und.-r Q-3ic. natm:a.Uy-. tblli conft1rftlce d4¥ 4M •ffill'd-4 •"" ,,_,., la..1 Itho • .,..tmt11U ttac:hcd at Yal" ('OD«n)od ·~ only W1th \ht IDOf'I Eun>-.. and witb Ult po, b)r Tift Nnr YOU: ~: ttwtil "1U bt a 1ta.bl• poH\io­ wv lcal Europa &han C'\"t1' Utor1.. litlc&l problt.,,. ot Euro!><. au )tr. \...,_ Ptt•M•nt, Mr. pat wit.h th• Padtlc war. Of COW'M, CIMe t!MI• bu ))Ma :$pe•k•r aH mtmlMr• c.!' tb• a t.tu• n:ptt:u11>D oa.t ot tbt ~ In J.t&.1ta.. ~.,~r. our ('(JDl"' blo ~; pi.·, wt.ti la •IQ' t'01lntry, ov: ~ mu. t.bcir ~ to ilJCl"es.fll th• 1 - lh•I )'OOJ "111 ...... mfdi•t• tt•poDJtb".lit1 nid.a• .-lt.b ~ •XNJl(.lon i0D17 of rat"h at;t• a.U,aclt ap.JZl.9t .Ja;aao.. ,,,. ror t\• un\UuJ )IOft."1• •t as may be ~ ()II Ir)' 1h• L.ntcr• TM .J•- WU lord.e - 1.\tl•.c ·-· dwfa,r Ul• Pf81.. aattonal aecurtty orpnlaUcm •• that they an not Ml:fJ o".r• tata(m Of wh.s.t 1 wa.n.t to aar, ..na oct vp Jook..t. n:~ ha~ !~ tbt r°'rce b.t l bow 1tu.t ""' •111 H•lh• r.cen....i.., 11.rp :-.--..i o! O\lt S.!?t'' a:d cza- e.urfn" St .,,.._k•!ll n a Jot ~r t~r .,., p~ Tht;· ls.a~ !~Jt t.ti• n&\"ll The 'Unlttd :SaUOm mun al'° might o! \be tJ:Ut" $am. and la not IL•f"U\I' to 't4rQ" about ltll bo&U> to .,. p ,....., Ubu&t..t ._... , do .D'Ot. a.,peu Titl')• au..'ou IO -pou.ruh ot •t••l a.rouad on tM •4fl'tVAt•lY to ~t &t.tiJr oome oat -.Dd try ~:- ap.f-n.. boU- of my ltZO ••4 alH i.... ~nOCDJl-I det.n--i ....m tbem T1::li.e .lapa. lmo1r 9'tl•t. ~· mea.M ('AUM Of t.b• .fl.Ct t.hat J Q\.. Jdtl •tarvtni to de111h-.&0 tha; t.bcy to bf\U' that -The- Cruted. Sta~•~ f Cho 1t4Aln Ill not " ttt11r• m•Uor ()( r~· ft-tr buf-8 rlgbt iD tb&lr own b~ck ~..,rel, Ao1e1·l~-"l1! ConR•·••• .. wJlh lht u.r, ll l• to U\t natfonAI 1ntt"l'tlt aupport ot th• An,or1cur\ JJ1('1r1l• th~t hll ot Ult •«I~ I() It thf\t th~.. But.. J«1st 10m61X>dy ~tae lay ort llbttr•t"d l\ntti• ••• n~ln n11d~ Work In the: Untted Sr.&-t~JJ. 1 C•n. - ~fl!c:U.t lh• Jtf1flt«al Cl)rh~lu· Jn •~l(.. upl)01thul and J)l•Oduotlvo. ~ ropc•t wha,t :I h,Avo_111old, •vtl•e• f.'l'llitd Ch•t th01 do not nn(ld oontlnµ_ou.1J my wlefp, a stlort-"Scntonc~. "W" Yhlt.1, Anil «'"* lh~1~\ )'tJUr ·~ r•lhtf rro•n 11•· 1 can 1111.r, thn.l .,. ha.von't''\\'On th• wot'.• )'O-\," with th•• a.upro•t, lh• n'tittlng wOI not I'll AfK\IPll"Ol bAltd on 1> aln COhl• An ·'~'' on wt\l'S. hl\Vt pr-oduo~d l"1Untc .-.1ull11. n1e>n ,.nn11f, lt I• \ Jong tough '°"d to Af\'1 lh11\ t• Wily l h•Vfl ctHUI On~ ~utalAndlng •x•n1plt ot Tok)·o. t fs lol'lgtr t~ go co b4ttol'fl )'Oii •l th• ••tllfl11l boor l Juln\ i11l'tJOn hy thn thr"'f! tnnJor 'f•~Yo tJ\&n 11 Ill lo Bulin. In AIUc1t powt1ra w.u lhr .o1ullon c-.oulit •ft•r M)' r•1u1n I warn to "V"'l'Y p;~nt.e Of the \\'Ord, r enr-h•il un Pulftn1I Thf\ wbol• Thf' dd('at ot Gtrrnany wlU not IY\ak• a ~t•unal •"Pl'ul to y,111, 1•01i•h f~U•Atlon ••• " JlOIC'nllAl n'N.n the o.nd or the war aplni-~ tQ ~ •"lure• of 11oub!"" JKii-l·-.ar r-:1,1. and •l th• t'rr'" Lm• th• tr. Japan,. On. tbt c.r>nu ...-n·. \l, e mu11t 1•l• of Uu1 coun11y. lf•nr hlr1ht.b• ropto. •• ~t had bttn ..-.me um• ~ h,. p"'parect ror • Ion,. and ~oAl>' ot f'_.ln"'•t wtark •1• sl'i•ad or ut ~·· "nd •• (am• to Ui°' <"Ont•r .. •l~le In the Pad!1c. But I~• -ni;:t d•trrmtn'4 tn ttnd a corn-­ uncondlUoQ&.l 'urrtttd.a ot Japan •II. •!'\di l IA\Qu14 HJl.111 10 r••l tttal mon .trouod for 1ui.d tu .oiuuon, II U ~tial a.a th• d""l•t of "Wb•n ltt• lvt. •tont la 1•14 oa "-• dut. lb• llllruetnr• of lftl•rl\AUoeal Ct"nna.n)", l -say that Ad\-!Mdly. J.'f•«.. ll wt:U b.- &.D >ACbteYatntftL Our obJtttlv• w.u le> btJp nea1• wUh lbt ~ in m.md 1.bt.t _, ~ IM which all of U:• IA An\,rka ...... • ••rona'. tnd•P'nd,.nt •nd rr°"" lbaL b f'-Sptda}ly tru~ H Otu plat.• ~ a.11011 Thal• lb• tblDK tor •«Jd ~ ut to •oeeHd. b•Y• •orkM •t•Adfut.IT •ft4 111'• llr. Roow,•IL •ptJ:.. lnC 10 lhf. Joint ll"Pinn fro• 1~ ••U fJ't tht Hou~ cJu.mbc-r -. m\Pl ahra)-aTfmanbflr, UMin • ~'ltilhJ7-toe•' her. For h.Pa'MM intlit.a.rilm m.oll k I &::t tt:1Llf11.IAI' trom thlJ ltlp-. "°'1 R-1&. by Brtl&ln •ad bt th9 objtcU\-e '""""_..mill_ oat .. tho:Oo&l>l7 .. °"" wbl'ch took ... 90 far, r.f,.•ti.-4 Dvmbt.tton Oilb. Tiln-• wa~ O!l'9 rai•. Preu Photo Proposttl f'll maklc,r 1•'31.a.M a ttzoD..c. indf... •M to.•;tred. I •u w•U tM ,.,.. poln.l, ho'W'ft'tt. l"lft ...h!ch ~ 0a. t..bt ....,y ba.U tt0CD lt• p,'Dd4:Jt aZMI prot,pcrou.t nauon. ! aft'&A_c'e:IM:lla tq Un Um•. I .... not Ul r,,,, • 011~ WU D0t tncbld.. Jt.b'\"OtnA Crtmea. me4e ..ueond 1intD I •n1•...S ktk. ln As Modtl for Mona.mtnt •IU11 a Oonrnmmc uUltnat,.ly to !MOL pe-il; Klng F"""'1< t>I 0 Chai ~ 0: 't'Ob .. ,~ ti~ '\"Ol"AC' I .....i.n ... .,,. Ill• Polllh pooplo \\ uhtnaton. TtN:. I :ti•&t'd all ...,.;ao.c ,.,., Ec;pt. Halle S4luai.. !:mperor " eta Sttantr Counc:ll. l wa::.t t4 ., n.. llwmMhr~ • ot ~· ramon wh.kh occwred .tn WASllWGT0.'1, ).la"'b I tlH o! - - ny abul.ct. Ytt I ,...•:urn-4 tf7 ~ zz;;ake tt t1ar by~-: ~ To ach"'°" tip I ol>,Jfcth• 11 t. c>! Salild!Et~. Atalat.a.. Km~0Ur OOP'\"•ru"'"~ .. lroM t.h:• trtp "fn•b!d •'IMll tll­ ~tmplf' Jl .took. 11:1.- &ocn :L':lod Of • car p!ctur• uk.,. b)' on is~ t:o pral'Sd• tor tlM for .. uou Md to 6o wt1b ma.tt.4"re o~ AoQeUloW'I 14 er. th• I~ &tnl:~l la m.1uon o: a ntW irov•nuneut. C"Ornmon lnt41tta. Tbe7 •·1u ti.. )im m..s,y u .& ~l to-t e rnc:i!m1itnl v;u mlKb ll>Me r'l'~~:&H\-. tluQ o! a:tM-t rnt:tu.&J ad'-.nt~• ~ au.tpect. aY•fM to l.f9Y•1. 1n7 cni: n mind. At U.4 CrlmK ~ Jl!*!D lQ lhttv• Qn \l. P"'-4 In ~ l<>do:y ._di bHft PoQl,N,. wb11t Polaftd amit the)· n.v• 121 ... opport"°' Conf•nnc• lb• .Amerlc:ac:a made a RA!ptt><.ataUve HendrlrU!n~ o n( lb• tN ~i•lln.r prorialon.a1 rovcm­ in pe-noDal cocvena.Ucm. lnttearl •"1• wa1 11nnlmouoly adoplod by monunv·nt. Mrto •• a tribu• tn men\ U. P9lact2 o" a b~dtPC:t lo voUnr. 1 mad• ~rary all,·ernnu·nt ttf Pol ..nd. th.$ Jolli&h ptOblflU>. by talklJ\g known. l tblnk aud l !lope. that '"'!'\'t.•\~r hA\'"' l •t•n Ill mOtfl wj\b lbt1 &ud f'Or ll'\"e rnlnutt!'• 1trl~lni: photojll'nph. )'ott '~Ill find tl'lttm. & to.Ir $01.Utlon. )>oU-i h. Y.l1·rt1un t4rhrdulNS than 1 coUJd b.tt.vt ltUl!ittd In •it• ot: lhl• comrillu1f"d Ctnd -dlffic'U1t ..l ha.Vt provtdM In lh,.. bllt lft•W6\'tt, lh~ DflW rol111h 'Provl• chA.ngo of two or throe doun 111\.. thllt pfc&urfl btt • mod"'1 (fir J\rob1~nt. You rntxh.t lllmoal 1a1 tn .. t •lf'nal 10\'ruunen1 of naUOnfll ...... tht'I b«1'u~e tt 't a l1>J.:h1l•tlvo probfQ.tn.. Tbt}• monutnl"ot, I rtn not unit>- wlll ~ plt!'d•11d lo hold a On my ''OY&C'-. 1 had- lbt b,n.. "'111 founded .tn jutitk:e. a.nd \vl1l JO bf\ "l(!OUt'n 1111 •OOn ,.. f'ION:lb'1• ttl of "eing our- A1'n))' aod Navt th~ ru·U&t rnuld rq,uAl lhl• r•r ~ aMurc,1 lnte.rno.tfonlll ~P:' ot on th• l\l\•r• of t1f\lvt1•"I •Utlrage1 ~~ AJr Force M '<\'O.fk. l'!r1t.Uol\ fn Uio mointenanoe ot photogr•Pll In aotlon." and a •~rC'l NUol, All Am.€1rl«n•. l think would J'H"l\Cft. Tho phot.()SWP"· l4'kN1 by J~• Th1·ottahcn1t hlatc-iy P'>,And hu feel pr<:11,1d. u ptq\&d of our A.rmect RoRrntht1, 111nc1 dl1tlrlbut~d. Jlc11Mo. In S~n Yrtwtl.Co he11n tht' CQftldor throu#h which tor<:c• I a.m II they ~ou,14 .eti through lb• w•rtlm• •1111 pl•· u- 1 'th~•·• 11 golns co he !ldd-and .a.Hack• on Jlu••la. bavt been an4 he•r '\\'b-at. 1 dfd, luro pool, •how• a llTOl•P you know---i.ttv lnc to be held In San Flu· 'l'Wonly-tlghth H•Jllm.C. :>l•nt• 1h1ou1h tbCa ~trldor. To lMUl'fo rnon ot -11 hlllory, oor m.n •lood: r&.co fl mtcUn& o( all U-nlted .Na­ Jng thfl A.rotrtciau ~ atop JCuro1,tan •~urlt,v and world a.nd toug-ht a,nd $urtblchl on won. tion• of Lb• W01"1d, on tb~ 2-Slb c.t !iotO\wl J\\•G:t1ma. fl••c. • •ltt\ftK •nd lndtptndent l tbJ.nk that &his J• OUT chaaCO P1lltnd It nt«uary t'> 'J)rtvent. 4prll, l\&'t month. Tbott1 we a.11 to 9t6 to it Lba.t- Ut1 torus d.11 ho~. and conf1lft-ntlJ expect, to I.hat trom hAppenll\x opla. ~•auclllons of lb..., plla.n1 llgbt• exttulfl • 4*tiaU.. charter- ot or­ Pol.t!)d o~ '" YnscoalA.. 1• . and maybt rnortt. \\'orh thac. tha.t, Thf dte.IJllOft With ,_.lptt"t ((> th• fnJ" Mt.D do aot ha.Ve CO do Jt IJl pri.Ju.Uoo 11Jpoti \\·bt~:.rifl« bounr:ltu I•• of Poi.od ...... q\.Ut• • ovv again in "' few )'MtW. Cf lb• Wqr!d will 'ht p &A( tbt-n actually ~ to rrow '" cnrnprom:t.,1, l dftfn ·t an~ wu.1a Tbe coafett~ In thtt 01.m..­ il\.• fotc'Q of ap::realoa ~ eomt oC th.ul pl__ulu quHr 1'1~• •11 of ft b7 any l't'lun1, but ... 'WU • ta.nJ1n.g- point. I hoPt. In nenlb' OlUla•ad. ot ''Qbtrn ot lnftuerif'."e.. •hJcb t'OUM SOM tu u ntftala wantM ov lllst017. a.nd tbtft.fon: tn I.he Tbtt tim• ..,. .__,.. eoc. ma)Jnc In ~rl.tn So .u tar u .rth! ineompit!bl• W'ilh lt"' M•\e at.-.•. blalotT ol U.. -Id. It Will _.. UM G1irt&1u "t Wlll.:.it'i: mlu.J lll• RPAA nnttd h1 eerta.tn a.r•u be -ntod to ti.. S.oal.e &J>d ~nd o! lb• ..-.r to Mt up \M ma-­ priDdrl.. at lnl•rn•Uon.i ..,._ •n4 W• COUid 1tO 1U tu u I u.. ~ t"OPlo. a cna• ... dti:Mry of - Tl>lo tlm•... ;UJ>c..tloa.. ]f allowed IO ID Oft wa.ntftd t.n ttt1aln ""u· J& wu cielon •tuc:b will cSc.1erm.Joe lb• l4 Wl1ll ... t~ LOINUMr the wer acbtc.it(ld t.b... d"ekpm.eDl9 a comPf'Ct,m1h 11'Mt dficlidoa. wu t&t• or ~ Ua.ittd Sust-. •'Id l ftaJl;J• •• •ark topt.!)t~ to Jl.«p m:lPt ban bAd tT&,f'-..c Hadll, In • cromPf'OllJlM utNkr whkb UM think cben!or& o! tft world. tor It from ~ ap.m. Pol.. WSU rworlvt- fflllPtnAUoa .,_.uono to - u- In 1.ort1«7 tn Uio nort!I and ..,.,.. Tbn• ea:. be ero middI~ sTOUDd .u )'W -· • - aiw.J'• Il I> t...i.-.. to try lo :plaN UM bN:i • btli•TI'r in U.. doc t la. •• hall&"• for wbat they lc.t ~ Vie aJ::.alt bT'• r.o t:a.kc th• t•IJ44 lU COaat,brtloft ot tM Mam. fM tl'J;I dtuaUoo. cm on• by 11>• cu ..... llno In the ..... :.,a;ionm~ty Cor "'°"Id. eoDUo­ \:4ltod S...tn. I spell! .. coed ~l&r n.atioa 01' :t:IOl~tT, Jt '!be Umlto ot U>• ...,...,. borW ntkMl. or- ,...._ d&ll have ii) lbet-r ~ of I=- b ...-.n.g two .. lU :t.:i:.d &! deYf)C>PftMDl wMcb "111 bo ,.,_,,~ nx..i tn ~ ~· ~g;:illty tor •DiOtbtr- other utio::. oC lM 'W'Odd le ~be final Pf'&N ce:tten~ \\'e ltaow ;.COootllut!Qn c.t tbt Valtt4 Sa:.. C. al.mori. l.nevlUble 1lnltU tM ,.....cbf7 Lb&I It wW loclode ID tbo Th cb&rter hu to bt. .l.A4 .....,.,. _.,. o% the ~ o, n"Xt. month. ha.prtn. &hAl w,.. e•n't aot at 1hll LM.nsls Y.QUld he: a lcJl bttter If pl3nnlt>g-recla'IDl'lttona ot deNrt The ~nl\tt'!' ot the Unit~ ~1. 1r1001t1nt. mt1hl tu1.ppfn A1J.t1donty, tl w•r• Polllh...... _, devtlo)rnoot.I oC whole unexpecttid, nt-xt W('"k or nflXt river vanay•. pN>vla:lon. tor adt\o ttu·ouRh H• •PPropr~Ce NEe1en.. 0\1rJ1.0ft IJnft C.ll!"d l'•lr •~tlvt•. h.u been .kept ~oottnu- mf)nth. And J au~ h•PV.V to eon· qilfllt. hOu:&lng. 011tly •dvlaed ot the p~ ot tirm t.o tho Conar"" that w• rllfl lt UI w ..11 k"own that tho ~oplo The u:me wtu be truo In rtla... thJa Government In tho <:'rte.Uon ~rrivia tll a aoltlt-ml'lnt· ·ll1\1t lnrt· (IAat or lh• ('11rzol\ Line .,.. pro. Uous 6et\vech nations. F"or tht ot thfl Jn.tcmn.tto.nal Securlt.f o~ dt!l\tllUy~ a. unf'lilmou• 1H1tllt"fl'H~ht. dollllnft.nlly Whilo. J\oula.n end !t&COnd tl'l\O Jq, J.he Jlvea. of mq•t aanfr--atletn. rr°hl' U1rt!oc "'°'"l powortol n•· Vkt,.fnh,n. Thfty ftto not Polleh. ot \llf1 th-LI seoef.ft.,lon 18 l'e,~ to '11bt SenAto •nd tho ltc>u.ff '"tu UQ,nJ bRY• ~ll'~d th"' th~ pollU· to ~ 'Vfl•Y Hl"tij\~ "'"JorUy. And le.cc. wtt..h tl)o obJccOve or ptevont­ bQlh ~· tep1'ftcntqcl at. tb~ S:Jin t:b.l •nd oOOhOmltt ptohltllnl of "!;\>" OH" pooplfl w••t. ot lhC) Uno tu·6 Jng we.re. To tnect that obJectlvo. li"tftincl1tt('t Coritec~nee. Tho Con.. Ar.-a llbN,.tl!d hon' NAil eon· pa·rdbMlnanlly J'Po)lth f!.Xoat>L in th~ nations ot lhe wcr14 '"Ill g1·(1~-"lnnal do1ei;:etn \vlU QOnJJ~t Of q,ue&t, oi: (lnf to1·m11r Axt• 11nffl1· lhnt pa.rl or J+:""' 1'1·u1slB and Gllbcr btlVe e. p'IAn or tl)cy ,vnt an ~q\lnl num~r. ud (ho Sen.­ .IHt• ...._.• o. ,otnt r4tlflU>n11tblllty ot l•!nal O•tm11n.y whlt)h Wiii go to nol. Tho gro~dwork of a plaQ IJ)rhll wJIJ COPAU:t or ll,ll equll aH tbr.. Cov41·nn1,.nu. Thtiy wlll n•'-'. l,.olanl1 . A• t11r hAck 11• 1919 ha& n.o~.. been turnt1htd, t.o.d hA• J\Uftlh,•r of 1'•publtcan and Dtmb­ Join t.oaothC"r dur1nK th~ tflm~ th• r•P«Jtl"-ntnOv•• or tha Ailiff b~"n aubr:oltted to bumuJty tor crattc mombtllf. 'fho A.lnttSc.n rary J,Mrlod ot ln•t•bllllY .af&f'r illtt.td thal th~ C1.uwn J,ln• trre~ dl•ouulon ud doQl>lo-o. rh11~.Ji:AUt'n lf-tn •very St'D.!Se of hoalllllle1. tc ht11p thfli Jtt'OJ'll" of r•-11entt"d 11 fatt bt.lundary bo- No plan !a ~tftct, Wh... tove.r I• the Yord-blpartlan. a.n)" UMraltd ue11. 01· or ll41 tor- tw-•n th• two pMJ'llu. YO•J. niu1t sdoptod e.t sa..n Ft... nctaco will Ru\ l thlulc tha.t ""orld: ~ce la m•r -.tt111tt stato, 10 11otv• lh•lr .. tio r•rnfn,Mr lh•ro wu no Po- doubllttta ban to b6 amtnded not 1xaietlt • party qu.tatlon-I O"Pl2 probhrAUI tbrout:h firmly .... land. \h111r. h•d b•e.n tlme a,nd •~\n owr th1 Yt"•rt, not any jut"t Con.lltution. tblok that R• 'Vhen 4)Clr n•pcblJc ""'"threat· itllll!Tiat IO'--cmmtnl ktwttn f'C.ll!•lan('n, .. tbe most bOJ,W!t'Ul r...i1y ...... ,. opon tt. Md » ..-m. antd~ rt...:. by thl!I Naz.J dutch tor (:'U~n b1' Germa.ny •nd tnlt a&tffmtnt ~tbl• tor a worW OC>al!JU,..t ti.ck Ul tfjO. uid t,.., tna to "'W"k tor and a.atftca tn&ptQdr.nt-eM-OlA.l •ueh •n tu:t- tn4•pend.tnt AJHS pt'Ofparou9 J>o&.. tor ll. °"" b7 u.. ir.cl>ey in tlSt"fm ~to.meJlt ..m ti. M N'~ IJh stat•. IJll. partlMMblpJ•-- and pobuu &,--. Fail.,.. >ff'-&4..• ot... ~u 'h-ft bJd atid., l)r ftfl&l'ty ev•iy ne.tUAU'-e u poll~ of all d4m- Notr lb• Otm.e (W)ft(tttft<'• Amrrlc.&12 . al'ld fTU7 ruo;rc. ocnt~ •kmtnlA tn 1.hf' popalA-o ,..., • nwttl~ or the lhtte ma· T'wt-nt)---..f:,-e )'eAJ'I. •;to ~\.. wu df41eated to out co=:nmoa Uoa. and tb.t frtt el..cUon• •r• J« ml!ti.,,. JK'wt1'$ on whOM C1LO n;,bthtc' OMn 1oohd to tll4 M.a.t...mnl of. the world to fla'-h nltllo·. The fall)• ~a to beW u soon u Jl'(a:~ tbt1.. llboUllt•rt , t•t the cb~r rf4PQIU1· th• ca~ of ~ "tfill :bt et· a.~n-. brlit)" ud butdrl'l ot lM war.. •h• work of - toe wl!kh th.,. P'd a>Jff...... S. \\'• t.0..S ~m \Mn. We 1rtcUc- Am.fiean, by eYery h~ d...tiom thOuJ,.ae~ of mlln aw.7 utkan ••• not toe!~ c:sa:not C.U tbml IOU1 OW'fSU..f, too. et.!\ co 1ot1C'4".I' bit et'O!dtd. I lbtnk. ..-u cot • putkJp.nl In tM <~ -· -..n•t wut to lk"t to lff a& trom O>• JttOl'l).!Uon th.at wu ao­ 1 think the Ctimean ConftnDC"• The • ...,,.,.,.... ot ...,,.i.s ~ otbtr war. Ae l 'ban A.Jd, lbl 1t.ordf4 •!Mr• t.'> tl•r ro~ ln tb. WU & - ~fort b)' Ibo caAnOt be tbt worJt cf one man. world I• -=alltr....uialltr e"f•rt lutun of F,uro.P4 a.ri.d th• tutu-re thrtt ~ .nuloi>s "' llDd • or OCM perty. or ott• a.:Uoc. 1t 7"1"· Tbe l'"rJt(fd St•ln Dt a son.,. of t'Qtl:tftil In (".._,... •nd u:~lUS.:'\"e. alll&ACN and 1-n.. or • F'ttnieh or a CbinN.e ~n...SM11ty \ltl"t &- At'Wplt"d many. arut to p&l'Uclpa.te N ' 11phf"rn of infitzc:r:tot- and ba!AnCt"• Jl'U"""'" It f'an.ooc. tt. a puce ot \\bt ...... Pf'OP1'- 0\-·tr h•r• .._,.. fflUttft m•rnh4-r,...or tV Alli~ con- ~rs• nattcm..-or of stnall uatioQ.. Of powtr aftd. alt tbt ot..Mr ex· thlnldni and. &alklna •bout 1, in ll"C'I co11nC'U or '••rmany ...... " .., S,.\.ul<•l"'•l flttrt lt nn11t bti a l"'f&Cfl 1C'bich rut. on )litdi~nta lb.a! ha~ ~n Crf~ tor lhie t'OOptoMltlVO tUort o! Utt! th~ intftrtAt of ~·~· bf!t•UM It·a fUu~ h.t• bHn lnYlt~ to Join •• ttJ>lUdte. Uld b\.. &lwa}'• tailf.d. PfYIUtOfl.OI. lhlll •"11!2lh•r--rot0· wbolt world kno'fV'n aU O\"•r tttr 'W'>t,,t, Thfl a IJM')ftfOT ftf the lftU!tnational \\le propose to subrtllutt ror all ~U~bte•t ttmark In •llhrr houee oontArtnteo •l 81'n l"r'IU\tltcO n~;:t tt.ct rore. •bout or ntcy It can.not M what aomo people 1 t.bt.ee a un.i,oeraaJ organJzaUon ta. m1lu away th11tct '"''l'•Pin wu a think-a at.ructur• ot complete o! tho Coni:;res. le known "JI O\'f't n onth. which t\U peao.-Jo,1ng nation• act-n• ot uUtwtirt. ple WOI ..ccepl th• toaU)lt ot 11111 tn tht1i tl\ltr• clly, Qn tt)• concept ot lho dJgruty or Jly for keoptng tht\ J'lf'•c•. Jt And ..., tnally. wo hRvo ~kod confo~l')C4 ~ tho be,g1notn, ot • l had ttd f'f~A• ot JJ;11roJ>4). '\\•htch ,,.o cu try. ·hul i 11111.w ft.lvuatopol and dom or l'OUJ[\ou1 v.•orthlp. build, undC1' God. U1&l hotte1· Valta. ""d f know l'h&\ lhf'll'fl I• Aa t1'• AUJod Armlet: h.l\V..(I Frnhl 4-tolJl()na 111 thtiJtf\ ftMI\• l\lfl'l"td cu) Voto"ht-vlr. wor'd tn \vblcb our <1blldl'~n t..n.d not roon\ 11nou«" "ll rn,·th tor n11\rcb~ to mlltt.ry vlctory, they ft« going to bf' 1n11.d• JolnUY AN1Clt1Hent "'•"• roa.t:ht1d on gr4'.ndch0drtn. Yours and MiQf", both Gflno•n rnUUarlam And h"''O Ubaratt'd peopl~ whue Hb .. lh4retoro. and lbf!or<1fori• lh"Y wlll YuJtO&lavh•, ·•• 1nnounct'd ~" th• th" eht1drcn '"1d rrondabHdron or Chtl•tl"n d11unc;y. •ttl•• hAd ~n cru1b.lid by tht. often b~ • r('.tult of ,tv"·•nd·lAkf\ Cl'IQn\M\1nfquA, •nd w~ bflP'." th•l tl tho whole: v.•or!d.. mutt Uve •od Or equ•I 111\J:>Orl.Ant.• wllb lh11 Na.ti• tor four lt>ng 1eara. ,,.. ·h~ cornprornht. I• In pi-ncHJ o( tulflllmt1nt. But tt can live. rnlllt•tY •1 ai\nKrm•nr1 a.t tbe ttCOnOha)" l"ll\d bttio rt4uced to The \Tntlod Ri.tu wlll not 111.. 11 no\ "",Y that. but In 11~me ftthor And lliat, my !rl~nd., II tho CrJntean <'.4nfci""ntt •trt' the ruin• by Nt11.I d"•PGf1en. •&)"I ha.\'O II• .,. ..y ;100 Pf't <'ftU, phLcr.f ,,,,~ hAYt to ,,m41mbl1r lhfl'I onl)>• tne.a&a.ge I ca-n. ~v• }'OU, for I •4rtl'em;.nt• rt•rllrd wHh r••~'f't. 'J"h1>t'9 ha\'f'. bf+n iO.lb.OttJL Of nor \\ill Ruul1, nor Oru.& JlrJt arl! • al'r:at nurn~1 ot t'tlmia C~l \'~l'Y deeply, and I know lb.at 10 a a•r:rr•I Cnternaltr\n•I 01 ranJ· Millie&) ronflJai()n •tHf u.ntif'R: in ein. \\"• ah•JI nO( 111-A•Y• ha\'fl db"fJ~ ~l'I thfo w.ar*d, •ti who ._l•h all ot you a.no flf"fllnc- l~ today &atlon tor iuunc wor1d. pr~e• thetc llbe:.Tat""1 area-.- :bltt. t• not fd~"-1 •n..~tl•, ~lutkm.J to e-~m· tn N hf'&td, n.rort ac)·thtnc wtU :and an go!ng to t~ tl 1n th• Tt• found&Uon1 •tr• lald ll Wiitapt:cted-.u l;s Gt~ or JtJ plle'attd iftt•rn•Uona.I J'lf'Oblcme. bt doa~• .,, 111•1 u,., • 11u11 d•+ ttit\lre, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1945.


Calls Prognss 'Eminently' Satisfactory-Enem y Shots Fall Near General

8Y ,JC;!.£'< B. GB.\.D ,._...,..~ew • ... r.111~~ .~rr... WITH nu: Sv"PftEllE COM­ )IA.,"'t>&R. Eu< at the Roa, )t&rcll Z -Gen. I>wigbt D. l!11enJ>oWer, Supreme Allied Com.m.and+r. an· nounced tonight: "A wt•k ago tod&Y tht ~ and First A.r:m~ jumped olt lo I partlcipalo In the of!tMh'• Initiat­ ed by lh• C$nadian Finl Army ln thn north on Feb. S. "ProgttM hu been cmlntnUy aausractory and cuun.tttcs RT•tl" Ifylngly light. ''l'ht...l'!J.l.1.1.h-~y b..,. ttorU~- an.. 1>e ~ th• tur­ •nd Cre!ratb (:?). Anothtr thl'Wlt WOO Ouelkcn. au..olld post tlllll tM G..,.ral roqrcC ult• rucbtd the ri••r near ~n:emp (0 gentral map o! lh• ,..~front u on Pai• 2.] ttaebed a few m.L~utn laltt. Sqmdl'ons of Thundubolt.s qule ~r and • hit Br! t1ih milltar; uo!st&nt. Cot. J~ F. Gual"' nan-owly .-pod -blc !nj.,,.Y ..._ the a!ntrlp rrocn on1Udl tht)" Jell !or their h.aclquarters ...... wl!M -di later. Dnrtng lhe grutliAI: inspt<'UOn. M ,·!Stied the .~<11~ and -.:tghty-lhllrd Infantry and S«ond Annortd DM.tona and l'-1nctcentll .corps. The most dt'8matlc moment came when he pJ1;nted ht.a teet nrn1Jy on a rubb!cd path atop the 300·ycor• old !ortffled cftadol or Ju•llch ond looked dQ,vn at th.e panonn1ei. or dcs\J'l•ctlon sprawled Cor ntll.. around. Thl8 W\\8 ~e German torlrt-11• thl\t the. ~TW1_nrv • ntnth n1Y111on. captured J¢.!>A nan a , ..· eek ago. "Juelich wlll b• "°mtlhlng for the Gr-rtrulns to thlnk about In the. tutuft"," General Eiseonh~'cr quiet.­ It told General Silnp,..n.


P~tt:. (ltft), wb • t-t• ...... bt lltit ~'a1lt. dorinr tli~ c-ampaip i11; Poland, face Gf:'f'CDU':!. no• fa turn pn.onf'n •r oar ~lath '"'1' ia Car1•.-il"r• Tht> Germau • rr• • o.117 ll9Mt: Cu.nb If-ft to dt:Ceed t.hP cow11. n.,._T.,..,._,, t: 1. ,.....~~.r;Oilt•• New York, Saturday, March S, 1945*

' Routs Nazi 15tll, ·Splits Rullr; Patton S 3tl Captures Trier ------Story on Page S

(OIM•I ~OW,. t• rt. A~..e "'-9 ....rttoeo• The Bonds Are Broken Poli;h soldiers, (left). taken by the Nazia in Poland. face their trahrhile captor.o., who ba\'e • just fallen into the hanor bi&i clvl)Jnn cl~lhcs. ·'J~n boll•~ tako • gooa look •t bl~ booµ, now," commontod Srt. Fr$nl< Jlay.. ot ~ Mgoloii, Canadians Only 10 Miles 001!., ' 'Be won't see it 01aJn for some t1m~"' From Junction With Americans in North

111 ~ c 1.irro :o> OA." n:r. ., ...... l. 'ft'l )I'.. ,... 'hlita. PARIS. )lato un.-o of .._ c1t1 ... eo1.,_ and Dutl:St'14uf, ••~ady IA being'­ Ultll•rt, and tl11• AMtrtcu. ti"i:rst and Nmth ArmJf'.t •ni dri~1ng .ha?'d ~ 'W•rd tWG nthtt1. Bonn and DuiJ",. burr. at \hf! c-ntn.11e,. to the Ruhr. ,.,1'9111.. r rue, •~r tt11a a 11 fn lh~ •rtaltll day lor Alli«! an11• tn \\'ti11lfn1 ltnropo since last Au'u"t, Vf'nlo, llured, ~u1d dh1a1lt:r befell l·~•ld M•rahlll Oon. l<• rl vo"n Rund· •tedt.'• Cot'Oe• on Ul.11. wcat.em Rhineland l'lllln lodoy. He I• wag• tnr a dt•PtrAlc 1truggle lO nacu' f'nouch troop, from lhci dtbt.m to dtte-11d \h,, llhlno 1.nd lhe Ruhr •J•lntl ln.-lllbl• AUll!d t Ann7 a#d flwlgl•~ D. El.. n· howor loured Ult l'llnUl A. .-my Iron• •lid ql•Ot1 fthlnt l>rldcut .] Oftly le:> tnlla -~t cf Da!l­ INrc. UM :Slntb Mmy .i.o cai>- 1um1 lM modlo"I city ot K:el

Germans Fight Hard to Keep Escape Route Over Rhine In Ouisburg Area Open


One Group of 1.000 Enemies Surrenders When Surprised • Lt --Attack at Night 61 !\\'OXY.I' mu :.ox ·~ '""'• ,. h• A-.. ~ TQau WITH TUl'lA)tJ;RlCAN NINTH ARM\"·, ltl Ot-rn1any1 ~l•tth '4-ln• tontrym•n ot lhn h•rd-nll!>Uni; F.lghty·tourth lnlanl<)' DM•lon ol tho .\merlcan Ninth Atmy tough\ lh('lr wa.y lnlo tho 11lrtHJ\.I 01 Hom~ berg and above /h"t town ttaohcd tho Rhino In tho O\Of\ IUOCt.. tul op•r•t10111 on lho Ninth Army fN)n\ tod&y, fltrcot tlKhllnir w•• goJnl{ on In Homb•tll t"l• thl• att-fltl\~n. 111~nnwh11L·, tt\t'I Job of rolling up lho Oernuu1 brtd.11he1"d Wt'3t. ot tho IU\lno trom w.. 01 to l\Mlnborg, lhrough whlrh tho llllllo pnrolrooP4 atlll tnclnit Ill• Canadlal\11 In tho north llrt'I f'Xpce~ to bt movtd ovtr tht Rhbu,, hft• h~sun. Tho WCCc:Ui,'I "' th~ JCll(hly·toorth 01· \1alon CA\llod a nl.ntt-mUo co.nat.rtc:• t:la~.!~ oouth•m 11114' or Ill• .'\,'n.?:.':;,t?(;!~::!, ~.i'l·::!:°G;: Wi'•~ Bjh )lot. ~·~ Ra)'111•nd ~. "•l•I• (l•fl)• ..,.,,..andrr or th• O•-··.,.._ 11 ..1,ca·- ,,._,..,.-natl•al .,_ . ,, .LID.&'lftQD.. r tt of:&.ht- · ~i.olh·· ·'left~..Wtil.Llll!"'IO.,..P...... ,i -1..rm.,,· • .&LJu~li<:"• ,.:i:~:.1~~ th;.~~· l:::J.ff;, 30,000 Germans Confm· ed troopo along a b-d front of lll• r,:i,i;;.t'lt:i.~ff~ ~ ~= To Homes in Captured D>AnOCtld to bo B> Jll~JID I. IL JOll'i,'TO:'< - In .mall dbt&Ded ...,,. -., ~ 1-TIU ~ 'ftl!2 ~ p&....:I 'Miii ti:. pae. .., - 9S'100r W8.J! OPf'r•tic« ftNly o,..., ).'Et'SS, Germany. ~ 4-Thl.o RhlM dly, which "'"*" - flat ~1>1 dur1D&' Ill< lul &:.red of ~~cn)· troops .)'<8Urday, bu been plaJlUlaUon 6C IS0,000 brtdgm· 1bose back 111 tile Ulllted Statet 1n11 from "'111t la 1..c1 or lht ranztt who have !l«n worr>'lnf O\W the Lehr l)J\·ltton and "'9omti •n*H pou!bl• ~coddlir.g" ot GemWl cl­ J>"rla... r- •illsno 1n oonqu..red urritod.. ..u1 Mr:wtng Into .1'.fotr• undtr lht C<>\'tlr ot dArknflH, hO'Uo·.-ver, lhfl have to ~d ~•lhlnir ti.. to El&hty.fourth tC)C')k a ~1umn ot worry ~bout. Otrnu1.n11 by au1'pt1H. Thf'I column Th• small group of ofticien •nd• •C.ltirrffi lnlo bUlldtnrw an1t coU11u·• •nllatad men tormlng the Military trom Wh"fe the af'rmana \\'tlro •Ut• Covf:trunent. t.eam that hu taken rondrln~ 10<1ay without • ll~hl. Al· lOjtC!thcr AbOU\ J,000 i1rlit0nt-t• \Vitt< over tht.s SndustrJa.l otty ta e&rJ'Y .. \ tak.(ln trnnl th"' CC11Un\l\, bt111ldt1; Ing' out IO t.l)o letter the ~rmJI laid which Ill• l'.IRhlY·fo11rU1 r~rort.ed down by tbo Allies for fO'Vemlng the <'Afilor'll o.- do•trucU<1n ot "ll'v«'n Qomuuty. .. nnt•my t•nka nnd tWe1vQ •nU•tl\nk srun• nn4 tho Cflpturit ot 11nvt'ln A1'- I The tlrst ord5·1nm. hO\VU1.C\l'I! team prohlblted \be cMllan• trom (l~nnnn l.oM""' A h~Ht •18,000 .-ppeoa.ring on the clty'• ..ttteta un· Y ..t•rdoy'a rtl1ontr h•ll' totalod W turUtt-r notfc&. Tho order fa be· 3,022 •nd tor th& t'11f'IV(ln day1 or lnir adhutd to dfldly. ~per1ttlon 28,80~ The Otrmana Art> It WU a. strange txperff'nCO to said to hovo loot anolh•r 20,0loO In walk through the attte,. bu. lhlt JdUtd an~t long·t•rm \\'Ollnded. attemoon. knowing at leut 30.000 .Ap.lr:tt thla n11r ('UUA1U~ ar• df.. acribt llae :-llnU.'1 rlfbt tlank ){l!ltary Gov-=ent. and reocbcd tho Rhine wttb !'"'troi> n • .- ,...,... sixty ~.... a11 IO •llmlnalAI lbe Ull''fOt of a coun­ fornau ir.embe:s ot-tM regW&r Po-­ to....tlack lro:n that !Wik. n..n had - IJN

  • &1 dlnc­ flnt lhr,."t ~na tho Otit'mR.na' ~muu1nloaUon lO tho floDlb

    l'ro>idonr floc,.evcll, !'rim• M!nl•tor Churchlll and 'lar•h•I Siolln around th• •Onftr•n<• t•til• whh thrlr •Id.. In \'•II• l'•lato. RHdioc cloc:kwf•fl fron• r_nan A( tX-Crtmt Ifft ere .Andrei ,.f11hin-1k)t. Jtu.-•lian Vft«.' ComrnlMAr or l•'orcilcn Artair.; \'1•chl'•f1ft .\tolotof(, Ru:t."-iln For~i-.n l'onunh11.1rJ \1ar11h1I Stalin: l't·an !\tai1lc'1t llti~i:.n Vice Cornml"""' of l·'or,ran Alfalra; Andrtl (:rom7ko. Hu11.~fan Amt>1.11JW1.dor to thti Uoittd Stal••: i\drnlr•I ll'llllam n. IA'•h1; Echranl .R. Sttltiniu1 Jr, St

    lf•rr> llo~~ln• (l•CI), •d•·lur to the Pr.. !dont; S...-ttory or Slot•\ Alorihal l'llolln find• ••m•thlntt let l •u~h aho•t In l.l••di• Pah

    9th Gains~p_proaches to 2 Spans as 1st Cuts Enemy Lines in South


    Resist Canadian Troops ~IERICAN AR~fOR ON 'l'HE ROAD TO THE RHTh"E Above Wesel to Keep Escape Gap Open

    117 CtJ1"1'0S 0 .\'' l l:I• ... wt-..... Tu ~- .... ""'~ PAnlll, Muell '-anmly .,,,.. poefd b7 Gtrtnt\J\ roar 1VArd.1, Ah1~rlc•11 anit AriUa,., trooP11 •IUfltd lh•lr WA¥ t~day toward tho l••t thff& Pfrm&nC1nt bMdff!t rtlJ\4lntn1 to lhft tt.clt• th• mouth (IC lh• Ruhr ftJv.,r, AMflM~•n lnt111ntcy Wf'to ,... porttd from lhe fr<>11t 1onl1ht to l\A.\'4 aluhtd atrou the approadu•• lb I.he Ad.mlr1.I 8t-.h8Pf lluctc. I<>~ Into llutabu!&' and to ha•• l'Odled t.h• khltci nur a railw•y brl4e north o[ Dul>tJllrr. (The Cl<=U ,..• ....,., • .,. :Sow• AJtJIC.)' repori.d ll>at AIMrloul fOKM had trl..S to enm Ill• Jth!:>o lr4t bad betil llrlno bedi. ,,.._ ..m ...... port1- te with• la two mUu ot Germant'1 third C!IJ'. "'1>ue 0.. nu#l•t Hoh•JUOI• Lem llrid&"• ltlll rsacbu •ctom Lbo .... rat of lo{.)o'" Into Llntl<'Tt. o'.s dorf. I Pna eome- Of.Id the 101111 Ila dmlctt§ Rhine. [Pren ..,... mn.. - Qt WlddfnUJI# In tho oulllklrta nf Fr>O•n ext... m•ly low. tle>n• 111,.d In th" rl~1·nu1.n11' Utt'rnl· ,df!ntod t.o M'Anh1\I von Rund1u.dl'1 ACIU&l tlgllTU bO.r Diil th• U• bfr drlV(' Int~ the Ardt'nnl'I ;md rctrtttthllt 1tm1,v1 l.ly atmn& Am~rl· '"rUon ltu\t. our tank JoUf'• w"ta •ubl~UOn\ rol~•t. 11h, Nlnth can tart".-.. 1\Andtni on th~lr •P• Ughl, but. they w..,..._ not rt1l"••fld Atmoit-4 wu nnly t1111 1nltfl1 weal proAt'hH, tor pubUeatton. ot l\nnn tod-.y. 'Oalnl' -.rmor •• • d1tf...nliY• erutt With lbl b,.•k tbrough to th<' AllhoUtrh uu~ Vtwn hA• Ctftltld lo to prot<'n oC thto Anttncan :tr11 •t ucnd •nd captured lkhltU11•n Miit ol lh• t~r cr&tl< parachute div!• Army •PlJt the .C~nnan tor«a t»• or MOMC'hau 1.;day, SIOl\A 11\ol wer. eng'osf'rucm Tllo ,.... (b_. ca:ne to th• OCJ'l!ILllO' ot lmd l~a \h.&a two mlln from Ult and btt~n T"nlem &Dd rutburc. racue and Ulkk c:IJ\idl. ratn atu:l lUllD9. ~ o:i Ille v. ..tern O:dt b)' '"' atA.rt~ t1u..W. out tt-.e W pnvented all !Kit about 1 Tll Kapel?~n In tJ'Je AOrth ar.d Stom­ mu. bttWNll th~ Nims •.nd K,.U Amtrksn mtldJ• oa the =!ta. \'\1'llo the taalt force wu opa,. Kyll Rl.. r ad m6vtd • tnlle br· llcadlnfc to the Rl;m., O".l>fr 8«:and )'OCld ll Into Koottn. 0-..... rroat la l!plll AnDoftd Dtvt.m tanlu "1th OU.tr unlta of u.. 84Ymly·ll!xlll. [O<"CU Gt the lOtth ""4 Elj;l:th ,.,. T Al'lnIY\alom, ,...,.. doolnc In lnla!!IJ7 [lh1.. .- ~ up Olld ~. - ran arotmd O>lcc»e to point. lfwe ar1ln pc>:kcta atow>d Tl'tfr and U.. """"4 bo a ~t t:loW to 0..-n Z:V.-..b..-.n of It. two ln11" fr<>a:I 111 Tentb Armand. opontlns -on p-~. the Omnan eoldlon co?""'Jlwer~ outaldr'tl,, and two !>OU\ •'0-. of tl>e >tOKU.. \O<>ll ar.d a bl!lt mlla ...i ot It .., tile rtclJIJn•IY.f=th beat oU aJly furlhOT fllbt for ll>at -•:>t.)'• c..in lllgh""l' trom 0oun. no onoth<1' Cl<'nrAn attt .~ to ..-.:0 n" ~ lltnt.ch cit UM Rhln• bf.• f-. wu UMlll. - !"-dr\>Te -'1 &IX rnllHen. 1111.11 701-.. Ute lrrld.C•~ad - !be l!aa1" t.....,, DcGD and J::mMrlch. Nortll '!>Y &Dd today to rucll \\ ldder9o ~ of ~tlo. rtpUlalac more oC "'1lere Abwrlreu t>: t UU'OUl:b lb• dd<- IJMa aJ>d --Ult rh·tt north ol ColoJM, no1hlq .,.... Wt of th• -um Rhlll•!Aad front but lhrH pc<.kN-1\ ,captured 11nce P'tb. 1 by th ft four A Ut11~ ar111lt• h\ U'fl\f' J'rorr•aa~vtty \vldenln~ 0Ctcrin1lv•. Liou\.. C1fln. Otor1te 8. l"t\llOl\'a .Anltrlran Thlrd Anny, wJ,toh b1u1 hftt1\ ititnakt"A: lho lon~"4t •l all, took 30,000 ol th.... The puHn\tnary bA.t.Ut1 <•r Lh• Ru.hr butn, whlC'h wu ~l\IJ\ at I- lbrH ""'""" ••o by U10 AJJIN' air tore.' campalan to &mputat. t he &ndtljtJ'lal buln from tho ,...l or COTr11"11¥. -tlnua.! to. on>bora cm Ult railway )'ardo at Wanne­ ti:lcl

    Unified Blows at Reich, Policing Spheres and Reparations Shaped


    Broader Polish, Yugoslav Regimes Guaranteed­ Curzon Line Adopted

    T,.., tat Of 1ri. ._rf °" t.\e Big 7'Ar'1C COftft:r~~, l'IJ1h L

    B\ L \."'\ ~l..'

    .,._._.na....,.....-~ WASKL'>GTO~. F.,,. U-Alh«l -ot~ul ---IlleOenrun.r &114 O.naan m!4tarmn, coordlna Uni mlll1.&17 piano for • ,,.....,, of Uu.dla hlattl lla!Wlc popal&r ~ta In ftir ae-T"'- or...·~ QIDdd ...... _.,. lfbe·rated aMmt.n.. Tero ligntld )'8tenlay by Presld"'1t ~ )lanlllalJll&llD .,,.i Primo wm.tu Cllurchlll cear r..ita In Ille cmn.. &C.· trtrr ~· ot former CU.r !-ilch· OllA JI on the Jllael< Scpt &.ha·t ho bad tert lh<' Crin1~.a. , 1,.1n Po1rU• ot 1\ «"'0.ld Major dchdoaa ot llle cont.r­ enc. lncludei: (I) riu. (or ..... blow• •t lb• ...,_rt of C.rman,y boom l.bor Mat.. ,....._..... DOrU:l and llOQtb.. '~' Airrttment r ... ocai~ by llll 1.brw All!•.. •ada ot a ..Pl. nt. :90ne. u G~-man)' ia t.D:'--.d· od, "1ld an brTllAliOI> to FrwJ>CI to take ottr a arme: .Nld putld­ poi. ... ,_ --ot tlM c.om.rw C.mtmJufm.. m n.puaueas u. kind to be pm.i b.r ~ roe 11ama,.., to be M1 b)• a.a. A!!lld commW= l'Fbe- nr-nuou comrrt•oa ..-Ill - In :w-, w!IOtt. lb A-t A a•nera.I dtclaraUon ot det41- mlnaUOn..,, to malnl.alJl AJl!od uolly TUESDAY.!. MARC ii 6, 1\145. The Handwriting on the Wall for the Nazis Is In• the Advances of the Allies

    ... War News Summarized

    Arnttkan ueo.,.. wne fight!Qg IWnd wore all boal. back. '" u.. atrffu ot Col<>gn•. tomtb Tllea wu lltUa chanJ• ID l&tll:.-t Cit)' b G...... ,,y, after groWld po!!Uam.. [l :4.J N•vr lhlff columm at the Fl~ Anny Secrba Into U;e histo<1c marir.U bad !>em ldlled ID II» '°""· Tiie .s1nu. .umr "' :1>e lwo Di;l>Uag. (lf:2.1 norUI r.,.cb..t oft.o~f- nuld Brltlolo armo«d fotta. aflu DOrth of HI.UC· down th• m•n>T• w ...1 lmdge­ tila g-roop Of <~l all'f141da ID bead. Cltttar.U et tile ~ oectnl Burma. 'nle \1ctory a... \\-.at bank WU tn sight. To the h1Dd- the Japanesi& ltnt• cull ott MXJlh.,....t the Unit..S Stat-. aome :lO.QOO -my lloope undtr Third .A.rm; apeared cleepu attack !n th.e Mandalay "ru. •!l on Lmoa, probably 90.000 __.._ will be ptt..,,IA!d al mta. b..w btt~ ~ Gez:­ S... P!uclaco. (8:1,) A fGrlDula ual lol.acArtlwr ttpot'Ud. Tll• to ~ Arg'entlna llaclc Into Uie l"Qt an bolDg apla up and cut ~ !am1J7 WU WllO• to pl-.. with u..tr - lively agned upon. ~ -id routn nit ott. [13:1 ) ha\·t t<> adhere to lb• A<:t o: Dttperate .J.apanetie cou:Dter. Cbapultapoo and the AtbnUe allOCQ and all~mp\a at ln1!1tza• Ctztrur and decl.lrt war oa th• UM et nwine poa'tl- °" I..., """"- u :8 ] TR E 1''BW YORK Tl ~~'F.SO . \\'. ~FE 1'RUARY 13, 1945. :\fEETING SCENES: THE PALACE AT YALTA AND THE PORT OF :\1ALTA


    Ht rf' In th C! Crlmf a lht- N>r'lftrenct s bet,.,·een the Allied Jat\df'rl' 11nd thr ir aldr• l1,ol< pll\<'f r I

    Prime ~liniftter Churehill crortscrot,ind) fl AlUlf " frnm Ill Brltl•h ntll1' •Ct t · •ll" •• hfl l \' t fl l• l'reA l<\t nl Jtoo11 ~v ell (arrow) on the. btidge of an Arnf'lrlcen wanihlp AA thtlr •hlri 111 P'"'" oaC"h othtr In lht" \leclitr r· rAn~ •n port. • ' ,.... t """'• 1u. 1111111•1 0o1~1 VALKTTA. ~U.1la, Feb. l Z liPJ- btadquM\.f'rA on board -. Brlll•h thin• unuauat \\·a• h•pJl'rnln~c"Mf't Pl•M tor alcpplng up the war w&rshtp ott J\fall.4 and Iron' ll Wh•n ll"'T9'•n• In Val~lta '"'w en Akftln11t J t.pAn u well u finishing eal1ed on PN>sldent. ROO•flVtlt dur· Amc.rll:'an e&nl«'fA unit. HtUnr Ital ott \he- conflfC!t. In £urope \\'e?:to Ing tht1.r 11tay tn >.fall•. apparalu•. dll'CuMed on thlJ! war.. tom ).fedi- MtrrtMTI ot the Prlntc MJnl1ltt'11i Amon&' lhOlt" 1Hn In th4' alrNUi lf'rrAnt'ln l'!and by Pre.$Sdent pa_rty \\rho werie- kUlod t11r tnju~ Y."t"r• Gt-n. (;•IUf'lf! C. :M''-lrthAU and }t(iOqtt\.'fll and Prlntt! ~Untater '\\"hie.n thflir plane cruhe!id WC're ,\dl'flltal >.!rnf'•l J, K1nr ot the Chutthnt. broug'bt aahoH- at Mtil~ b)' a Untt~ Btatu. Adrnlral fhr An· Thf")' and m~mbt'~ Of th~!r UJtlt.ed Stltea dMlrn)~r. drtW Otulntns;ba.m.. Hrlt1.ah f. Tbct Cha.rJ-..• PQrUl, Ylf.ld .)larahal S!r bJth·ranktn.-: .A.zn'".ncan officer &Ddl·P1ta!dtnt'a auto •toppt:d bttora • Jlenry 111.atlland \\'lbon. P'l•ld >f•r· ¥.'U lb,. only m-tn.Uo:t o! Japan tr: ma.r~le pl1quft on tho wall of Ulf! dui1 lllr Alan Drookf'.. Fttl4 M.ar­ connttUon •1th t h'"" Big Th:rtt!Cra.nd 3.tutu"a Palac•, •he-re I.bf' ebal 8.lt lf1&01di n. L. 0, Al~u.ndrr. mHlinltL ciUltlon -d• b)' blm \0 th• ~Ill· r.. n Sir Hutu«• X.m.ay, )faj. -- of )loll.a "" U.C. $, UU, I• In• 0.n l\obt<>nv 1Aotl1en, )llnlll•r Cl( War Tnnl· ?'rimt' ).1.n!J~c.r anuchill had bi.f The tint t~ocu Iba\ .om~ port. TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1945. 'AL LIES SWEEP ON

    Destruction of Last of Enemy West of Rhine Appears to Be Near


    9th andCanadianArmies Close In on Escape Bridge Near Wesel

    111 l>llt:W ~llDD LETOS _, W1r.a- 1• nu~ l'eu; Tmo. PARIS, :.tatth6-Thre•eohamnt ot AmfrtC•n• 1tn••h••t lnth th• •h•ll·tom 11.... i. or Coloan• tod•Y u three Alll•cl 1rmlt11 conUnutd tho •Y•t•matlc rtducllon ot tho German brldJrthMd we•\ ol th• IOAt gr11at. n1itur11 b•rrl"r betw~on Oen, Dwight D. Jllftcnhowor'• ~i·mltfl ttnd bini Ruhr lJAaln. Onft tonk column rtrovo a 11111• Into tho city. Tho flllmtnaUon ot •ll Oorman to...,.. on tho WNl bank o! tho Rhine II In rtirht l>ul I\ h., b<>Como appart1nt that lhfl momflntum Ctll· •rated by ­ •elop:nor.11 1n n ...... 1 •U1l&f!• for Ult; JtMffi•Nl tod:a,r. %tJieJ' ""'en: tram the north alld .,.,._ • mno put lhe <117 llmlU ~ ti>• burt OC Ille tcxnlh dty ot the Rdcll. (ll Amor1ca" :l'lnlh Army tor<,. ruchtd the Rhlnt at Ono1, tour mile. north nt llonl~I,. lSl A Mri .. o! llrtU1h, Conadl&n and America" ath\c.kl whllt.lf'd down t.h• main tn«"tuy po.ltt.nrt w•at ot tile Rhtn•, tho \\.'t•ol brldgthl'Ad, t<> a 1lrlp lwth·o11 mllt'I ton1 and 1tx to •ovon mttN d~op. I(~) Th• l'"lro\ 11nd Nlnlh Jl>fonlrY I n1v111on1, voter•" unllit ot u;. Amflrlea1i J•'h'Al A r my. J\tdMtloo or Not De~r Allied ArmiH Ut"ul Orn. Of'OfCt" a.. Pattoo'• • Amtnoan Third Army. tttfndMI Notln~that~ · ~ I tu brid&•h""d ovor lh• KyU Armx.Jw1 rea.checl I.be Rhlne. ~o M tOC1.al'4 Y'nP rt.al.. Rl\•tr. tour mllu •uL of Bllburr. SoYlet ne"-.paper Pt:>,·da doclarod Privatt Don•1d R1dtr of 1he United Su,tcJ _Ninth Army_ protccta t• an arllcle qllOted SUndaY olg1n lut ""'ural baniff botoro Col>• !timaflf from &br r-ain whilt -••iting ord~tl to ad,,·anct fur~htt klU. by th• :.roscow TO.Clio \hat "thero &n DO itl.IU.nDOOlttabto W&l.« b&roo Into Grrm•nt. 'Ryder'& homt la i1' K-alamu.oo. Midi. Today'• pl:o .,....,., nado 'IO!tb• nus.• im4 added \bat tbe RhlM out m&Xtrcwn oupport ,,_ tho "°\\1l1 not be an ~table ob­ air. All.l>oUP lhrte tocUcal air stacle ei:tht:r.• toreffl new more than 1,'700 90-rtJ.,., Declartog that German - ID the daQy fallm&' - ••d pilot...... =<1' lvlh«"'* and ...... ~:" btton the ad· ~-nil ... by low and Brttioh di· • !()Dc!l!JoDo. Tlalooa, Pravda. aecordinf IO ll>f \\Md llrtdce r -dmmla­ ., !!yen .. :t.ll~lh of Ibo Brlu.h llloo. Aid '"tl:e Nu! FatUrlalld ~ TacUc.1 Air r..rco .,...,.brldiro ovor lho river ll~ COlotno today. Amorlcau l.roopa In Ill• oily w..,.0 abak•n b)' " lttmt1:nd0t11 cxplo•ton around mdlday. and 1lrmfln r flp<>ttfld na •tt~ro.y traffic movlnK t.brou1h th~ city toward lhot brtdj:t, wltl<1, but not d'Otro)·td h)' AUl..S l>ornbtnJ[&. ftt rei U u yot no o\·ld<'ncia (If a German lnl.onllon to d.t.-nd CO. lope blocl< ..,, blcdc ""d bouoe bv _ TI{E NUW YOltK TlMtlS. WEDNHSl>A Y, FEBRUARY . 28, l94S. 7he Text of Churchill's Report to the House of Commons on the Allies' Decisions at Yalta WBDNESDAY, MARCH 7. 19~S CHURCHILi,: 'ONE GOOD STRONG HEAVE WILL WIN THE \VAR' CHURCHILL VISITS RHINE FRONT AREAS

    OooUnu..i From P"'• 1 ond ll ..-..i t.b• combined II<"" JUulon of o~ntN.1 11.mpeon and two ot Ofd U..ro Tu- ClluJd1111.d&y. Aecomi-nJtd i.. llew from to Jle~UJD lut Friday= WU s-t..i at lbe lon4IAc ~14 by Illa dlllflltor llary. a mombtt ol I.ha ATS. lbe Brlllol:I •tniOft of lbe Wae.. J \\'Mn ~era! Sim- told him thal lbey could not atrord Ill• ehanc• ot U-.,. Prim• )ttnlat.tr bllrll' oo tar tonrard. lolr. Cllurchlll ot­ ftnd to r1dt: ACJ"ON the newly con­ qu.red Land In • tank and relur~ lOJ\Uy acctpttd Ille vtrdlct aplnlt him. A 1tlf'nl and lmpe.ulve tew ot Ille Ja.000 pel'llOna atlll IMns •n1on1 Aachen'• ruin.a watched the c&v•lcade ot elrhte~n motor can. headed by Mr. Churthlll"1 1tatr 01Lr, como Into what one• W•• tht • proud opUal ot Cltaflem1rn~1 • empire and now 11 an example of Thti 'rrhno ~llnlAttr fn,,,ptct1nK thf\ "Dr•Kon'• To-eth'' de(cnses of the SicgfTied Lin<' at ,\achrn. Aecom. tho dNtrucUon t.hat liltler la bring· ponylnll' him ort (loll co rl«hl) l'lold Mnrohnl Sir Bern•rd L. Montgo.mery. Field M•t8hal Sir Alan Brooke lnKJ to•l Ob•,rmany. hi A ., u o or. roac ng 4\0-1ltn ,nr. •nd l.l•ut. Gt11. Wllllam H. $1mp•on, comm•ndor o( th• United Statts Ninth Army. Ohur<>Mll 1topJ1

    ·c· RCHILL VISITS Monhol~,n~lltl~~·!::':~k:-~··tvi~ Monta:om•ry 1>nd tho ~\:f.igen· RHINE \1m ACHEO AT ANOTHER VITAL POINT HU •rat1, 110 c1an16-.ed down UJ• bank ot a dll

    I _._,.. l"llrther C10mpreuln' tho roe·1 \V.el poek•t. Amerlcan troop! captured OU.nborg (1). With the ..izure or Zom (2) the Rh!"' wu ciomplot.ely clured ~ Du-ldorf and CologDe. wbicl: waa belng mopped up (3). South of Cologae our troops -le l.!eschenkb (4) and In the direction or Boan tlley atormod Bn:ebl Alfter and proachoa to Abrwdltt (G), In the Tblzd Army's apectaadar clrm infantrymen fttcllod Polm (1), one armond divl910I> leap-frogge< lham to advance to Ko~rg (8). whUc anolhu armored .lc of tho Rhlu just north and west of Coble112 19). 011 the rldlt or thb drl...., Sch""1lfU!lbom,... e11tered (10). ~ ~~ TTlt:11.'


    - ~ "'-iDg toward Mul'Dchtn-GIAdbach, tbe Dlntb Army cap· f"ACh•·eller and Fttu\OUcllnhcim (3 1. S.yond J!lat1llcl111 our men tured Ho,·rn and Erltollcd by our ble Cllnt. Soullleut of Daettn F1rst Artlly troo119 I drives that enveloped TIU, .Amdn, ROhelm. abowlng the drives by foW' Allied •mil.., appeara on Pop 2. • Churchill Appeals to Common& To Affirm Decision& of Yalta

    OouUnued Flom Fago 1 tClcurlly counctl or lht\ A(l\V warld lcftgut, but ho •411flrttd It "'"' on~ Ho h•• Premier Stalin·• word tor that ..-.·ould avoid dlot.ftitor1hlP by, tbo big power•, but , ... ould not. lt. ho lo14 l.ho House of Common.1, tm••culate Uuilr aulhorl\.y tn the. "t. Rua•la ha.a no ulterior dt.Jigna tact or l.htlr huge reapon1lbJUU,.•. Jn thl• ngard, a.nd he avowed tha.t ThtNI waa not tlm• In hl• brltf 10· hl1 o.x~ritnce had taught hlm to joum In thf' )t.flddl" J'.aat to rtaoJve lak• M.•raha.l Stalin's y.-ord a.a ht. lht probluna or th• rel&Uon• bit· t Prlmt Minaiter aid: "li would~ 8ril8tn'• r.prutn· t comptttA •~t.nt that lb• t.nd taU\·t.1 at t.b'I S..n """ctxo con· l oC th• Ka.~.r and Adolf Rltlf'r ''""f''. i' Mvfr again ah&ll be ptrmltl


    F'trst Army Cuts Escape Cap to 17 Miles in t Dash Near Bonn. NEWS 81.ACKOIIT ON RHIHE Boon la l'l&'btinir Arr. Tbe Finl Army .,.._..i upon Eiu1•ower Sen Prepariiir ri Bonn in an arc la>t ttportt Ruhr eapltJll of Duesseldorr, th• Paris, l\filrch !l (A P.). <:anadian First Army launc!Md GERMANY -'l'k• Amrri~nn }'in1t Army two dawn attacks aaalnst the forty-square mile pocktt whore w11a r~Jlen miles of the Alps than did thu a~... , mans. The last of tho Rhineland tllC CMl\M halch Of )lerlH~\lR lwas as good as losL Tho 0~1·· 50,000 N1cmy troops caught lmans had the west bank only In. In the l<:ifcls br I.leut.-Gen. the Saar wedge between thoi Moselle a.nd th• French bordrr C:oorstr S. P11tlon'· nlung<> lo oortb of Strasbourg, plu• a 41• lhe 1·ivH no111' Cobl-:11 , appearing strip betwl't'n Bonn A brld11t ,..,_~ the- ~lnr al and Coblent, and the clghl mlle R•m•~"n· thlrt.,.n mile• "°ulh· Wesel poclcet. Gen. Eisenbow<-r•s armlH wtr• ...aat of Bonn. Thtt .Am('rioan 1 !l'INlt ond .Ninth DMsJons ,... lJJled up for a "'°""ng. aaulttd Ulat old unlvf1'Slty city Fol- tlle third SUCC<'ISlve day, rrom a al~s~ att two to l"­ the front was drenchtd. Clouda mlk's awa)' an lM north, ,.,,.t hung as low u 600 reet. and oouth. Tiit! Third Army bttalcthroush PrtdstlY how •• tho 'nlird lttt the Gennsn Sewftth Anny Army wu to Oo~m. a major­ anc1 the ta& end or the FU1tt11th tratnc C'l'llttt. ,.,,. not SJ>tC;f\od Anny shatt.ttd In OOf' Of the Both ~ Ji...t • nd Third annl~ most com~ def.. ts the ..-.emy .,.,.,.. doele West. Som<. German dlvtslom otlll Wttt tl>t boolltt to tho fl~ conr- or trying to fight It out along ll>e .oh Cf't'lllall dl\i>lc>M pocketfd ~l ...... •u.. Jib ct. _,., a·ff'ft tbl'm. Kyll RI....-. Ptthape llJne.,...... A1 • Pofttntoa. :nrtn bl.ac'koat wn drawn oftr movements on muc.b: tlOt yet &W&ft that tMir JRJJ>ply IA 1llur Ntt•oric broedca•l • llrl J'a.rt. Plrat Atm7 1l1httt1cd oa. Boen. Tbt Gtrma.n. in the Wne..­ thrte from &ld God~. pock1t (ou&bt liHccty to k11p tbt AmuiUll NU.th and Can1d u whttt N~l<' Ownbnbln nlt't Just nonh of the iroartll Ar· Hltltt Ju•t b<>fOC'e th<- )lunicll mered Di'Vl$!0n's corridor to the Pirat 1rmf11 from crv1htna th., pOC..ku. conf•ttntt. Oa$hed tho Cla'man f'Qnchut• Army fought a attlltald~ of ~ poclcet still wu try 1'\th Amrrl.. n• ntclnlf throuitll l~ and raced liaJtway from the rtarsuard 1cllon •hllo comr.adts Ing to get Into Ossen~. lh« town afl•1• town v1rtua1J7 un­ l(,yll to ~- lnfantry wa• ~ tho rlvrr by aeythlnr ml~ south ot WeseL Cttman op-cl.) pouring down both conidoni "' that WOUid noat. Tbo ottaClllng plants ond artillery Y.'U't actlw The G•rm•"3 ~•Id the F\nil fa.st as truclts touJd any th<'m Anl<'rlcan Ninth Arm)' aud the around Duesseldorf. The Arnn .Army hl\d c...... t tho Rlvtt, TM mop.up ~ swiftly. ':anadlaM •nd Arltono ,.,...l""1I1oans and Gennans both rut!el't'd Tanks and self propelled auns lut Willer bAnitr betw.. n them on 88-mm. •h•ll '""l'Y second. h••V¥ casualties. 1 and tlwt Third Anny, and tkat wero moving too fast to both~r "The G•rn,.n eommand appar- Caruadlans assaulting th• Wq Oen. Patton'• tMkl Wttt' 0 advan· With the thousands of uncounted prisoners or Ole booty. All\C>"lcan ent1¥ hu OrdPrtd all unlta In tho ""' pocket from the north wor~ clng through till' El!cla In th• lln• to fl14, W•·••I A•OO<:lated an4 11300 1:!<1ua.re 11111• Trnp, and smolderlng ruin.• of NMI Ptt•• Oorl't'epond•nl Rol><-rl lilun· drove the Germans l,000 yard.1 ion rcpot·l,rd from th• Ninth •Ml of U;. The Canadians ·~ Doth •rm I u had achieved armor and trucks. Down tho Army tront. tacked In their Kangaroo.•- ar road to the west, motley column• bN'•kthl'oUJ1h8 ond bOlh wet~ Army attROklng undc1· news blackouts, ot German soldlere and llb~rawd Tho Nllllh 011 tho 'l\'uth mol'<'d lropJ> oalTlors. but thore was re11110n to oxp<'cl foreign slave laborers ploddrd­ that the trop would cl~ within U.c solcll""8 to cagcs. ow lftbOI' a matter of houra, cutUnri- another ers to tree

    T•• oaly sig• ol lilo lo 17tttl Moi. Gon. C~rln Giorl:ort, comrooodir>g_ ~·•'.o/ ol tbe l!IA Oi•i•;Oll (lo!I}, OJJd o mine cloorrng porly oo Ibey ..tore

    -~~ :(. . 'J'huu...•nd~ llllln~ Tlmt• S~ui>r4 In •pontantou• ..Miralln11 >•~t•rdn)· · ~· ---- ~ ' . Silmce at Gra11t Recallt ROOltotlt V.E Day P114gt HYDE PARK. N. 'f. >l.ay 7 iiA'l-Tb.,. wu onl)' -1ltnce to­ day at U:e rra,.. . o( Jl'rankl1n D. ~vtlt. llle Piuldo uncondlUonal turttndfr he had. dtmandtd and conlldcn\ly p.... dletd.t lll• 11111 u


    r.tn ~ Ropotlt d a l nom• sdI• at lhi. he.dquart lho Rhine at lhe •-W.,• 0( 1Kripp. where ~•• Ahr now. Into Enemy Near Wesel • th1 Rhine t.,·o ....i a !Wt milu ~111..,tot~111.. 87 DRJ:W >IIDDLl:TON I Tbe forcing of tl:t RJ-Ja. Ollould •,~ .,..1"'ltw" 'Rlrc ':ma llJo a boavy blow to a--ral•. PARIS. ldudt 8-V•t.JUa ot Uund:redl ot • tbriM and ltgtndt tho \ID!tfd Statu First .A:tmy ot Ctrman tolltl<•tf are Mt in t.b• have ll!Wlhed acroa IU Rhln• be­ Rhlnti \•ell~y, and tho fl'U.t rt\'•T twe.n Colo1116 an« Cob!... ..,,4 - wu an tmpaa1abl11 .d~ttnliYft tNlr· rter In t.bo 1n1nd1 of the Corman.a. tablllhed 1. brfdgehta4 o.o. tho eut­ I ern bo.nk, tl>WI bm\chlnjf I.ho lut Not 11tnct1 1$05, whtn N'&J>Oleon anal natural ban1u betwe-en the •Wopt atraM !luropo trorn t.ht Eng· wutlirn Alll~d arml•• and tl)o Hali Ohannt"& co••t to rout the Aus.. hoarl ot Cormany. lrl•n• •t i:11m, M• lllo Rhine b ..fegutud apJn1t \nvUlo'n at.conger than any •i lhro\1111 Guml.n re..-gue.rdo. The dJOO.dtr ot tho eneniy !oruo lllndtnl>urir or Blertrl•d Lin•. W«•t ot th• r!vn- f.o _, a O•nnano ,u.. Ami.led rout. IUld tho wtnnl.Jlg" ot tho Tiie tht\1>1. to tbo Rllln• .,..opl lltne 1Ddi· throufh ll(att•rtd Col'llWl wuta catoa t hat co."ltm!on hQ opre&4 to AmJ11of'd t.o Mfl Amt.rlca.a torca .o U... Ibo~ the OD.· oaotom ..-i.- far btll!n4 ll>ttr '-'· ....,. l>l.d ...... OlOOi blllttt!:>g Ila way Into the city oC llM brldjttheod. Th< movun•nl Bonn.. ttltff PL and a half m.nu h&e now been iroinir on for lhlrty­ oouth ot ~t. A.ccordll>g to an OM houro. It 11 probable that the • •announ('tmtftt by the T'Neltth Am~t1C11\a h•\'e f'ttabli.thtd thtm. IArmy Croup lol.lsht. this tamou.s ••h·u OVt'r a. con1tdtrabli0 u-. dJvlalon 1uui c1.. re11 llal1 oC Bonn, ,1tnce Ul• •Pfcltl announctmtnt !a <11.1ot100.000 pt<>ple. from lhla headquart4<1. Jn mWt•ry •"'1nlnoloa a btldt•ll••d '""'.. lhat ouftlclmt "" :st I GERMANS CAPITULATE ON ALL FRON1S The War in Europe ls Ended; Nazis Sign Surrender Terms American, Russian-and French Generals the Flen.c:burg radio that Grand Admiral Karl Accept Surrender in Eisenhower Doenltz, new Chancellor of Germany, had or­ dered 'the unconditional surrender of all German • Headquarters, a Reims School anned forcet. [The official Allied announcement will be made at 9 o'clock Tuesday mo111ing when Presi­ REIGH GRIEFO FS TAFF ASKS FOR MRRGY dent Truman will b1·oadca.~t a statement and Prime Minister Churchill will i$SUe a V-E Day proclamation. Gen. ChArles de Gaulle also will Doenitz Ord~rs All Military Forces of Germany address the F1·ench at the i~'~ mA<1t1 l'rlec ve. pnbllca,tton, bul there we.a J· A1.1aclattd rft1" Corr~•p.ondent U\ll from P•~rf1 ttMtt. hN'dquar· t~xt\1tl1 snnouncoment.: tcr1p oc SHA~F, thoro wu I\ com· •'S.lrnltar word ,va,a rcetived b REIM$, France, May '7-Gei·many surxendere~ pteto ~11\.CkOUl. O( l\flW• 01\ tha AP Thro 1JnU.ed Prtu." \\'iro btt\YC(!n thfl rt'Cfltrt hl'lt'tJ C)( f unconditionally to tl1e Western Allies and th.e Soviet Mr. t And lNl.I c•rrled slmll Union at 2:41 A. M. Fi·ench time today. (This was bhlllorl In lll• oaplt•I. Slow hi atorln dM•llncd Parl.t, oaylng th tran•mlPlon. that 11tory, \Yhlch ~•tllfor ~n Mnounctmont hl\d be at8:41 P. M.. Easte111 Wartime Sunday.) w&1 !llNI trom l'•rlo •l n P. M. m•do lhftl Oio AF• llllng pri.v The surrender took place at a little red school house that i~ the headquarters of Gen. Dwigbt D.­ Eisenhower. The 11urrender. which brought the war in Europe to a formal end after fh•e years, eight months and !!ix days of bloodshed and destruction. was signed for Germany by Col. Gen. Gustav Jodi. General Jodl is the new Chief of Staff of the German Anny. The surrender "''as signed for the Su1lreme C At'sJfl.\1.1 \ Allied C'.ommand by Lieut. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, 'Oeda..... WU oa CA llChtlng In Chin'- from 1937. 8 Ooel•"'d war on Oorn1a11Y ll'A1.Y 'surrender tel'mS imposed upon Germany and if tbil! · t S<>pt. 10. lMO, 011 11.i&ly Juno 8, o.ct...... , war on France end J9t0, on Japan. H11ngary and BrlU.ln Jun• 11, 19<0. Rues!• would be carried out by Germany. \\ Rumanla, 0.0. 7, 1Ml. Juno 22, 190. V. S. De<:. Jl. They answered yes. s. ClllLI'; Ru .....ndt ... d $6pt. g, 18i3. tl ~..... d ..1.11ono ...1lll Axla BULGABlA • Germany, which began the war with a i"Uthlessl . . Jan. 20. 1~3; deI"' attack upon Poland, followed by successive aggres-~ s· "' "" rlutOO naval torce o tony-e1gnt ships bad sions and brutality in internment camps, sun-en­ been sighted at the entrance of Oslo Fjord and a landing was expected "at any moment." dert'd ,,;th an appeal to the victors for mercy toward the German people and armed forces. Se\•ez Says Negotiators Differed ,Alter ha\'in!t ~igned the full surrender, General By \\'\rel... ll Tllr " You T"v."" Odl .satd he wanted to speak and received lea>e to :PARIS, Mey 7-Tncre wall one official voice on the surrender heard in Pari11 tonight or rather it will 0 so. be heard when the Figaro appeart1 tomorrow morn­ ,4 ""'ith this eigl)ature,'' he ~id in soft.spoken in~. That wa" the ,·oice of General Se\'ez who, in Ger~ "the Gel'J'llan· people and armed forces are spite of the romplete lack of other official confirma­ lh?n of Germ!'n's capitulation, to!~ a reporter for the for better or worl'e delive1·ed into the victors' hands. Figaro that 1t was he who had signed the capitula- "In thil:I war, which has lasted more than five tion for France. yeari, both have achieved and suffered more than General Se\•ez !laid that the discussion went on perhaps any other people in the world." all aftei:noon and late into the night.. German Gen­ eral Fr1edeberg seemed cru~hed by the emotional effect of the 11urrcnder. General Sevez said. Surrender Brings Complete Victory "Sometimes we were sepatated from the Ger­ LONDON, May '1 (AP)-Complete victory in mans and di~cussed que11tions among the Allies." be decl!n·ed. "So.meti!l'cs the Germans took p~aoes facing Europe was won by the Allies today with the uncon us. ,~Mh !>Otnt d1scUS$ecl led to fu1·thel' discussion. ditional surrender of Germany. W r. we,re seated behind a narrow school table. [The first announcement that Germany had G~neral Smith had General [Lieut. Gen. Sir Fi·ecl· er1ck E. 1 Morgan and me itt his right while General capitulated came at 8:09 A. M., Eastern War­ Susloparoff was at hill left. When the Germans time when German Foreign Minister Count Lutz came in, we were ah·cady seated. All three Germans Schwerin von Krosigk stated in a broadcast over bowed before us withou't a word. "Repeatedly the Gc1·m11ns went to a telephone booth connected directly with Ooenitz. We did the s11me to talk with 0111' 11upel'iol"S. Onlv General Smith remained in direct contact with General Eisenhower whose residence was at Reims. ' "\\'hen the capitulation was signed General O::i,enhower recefrcd the three Germaru:. It was iinished al 2:40 o'clock Monday mo1'lling. I was • .MQBDAY, MARCH 12. 1946 Our Tactics Revamped Hard L essons of E xperience Evident In Virtual Absence of Aerial Support

    87 11,\SSOX W. BALD\l lX The l>rilll&nt -P d AUJed •n acd medJurn bomb1 lo and auou th• RbJJ>e rrutn numbtra llWI the Germans Jut Wffk lhowrd tll&t ""r <>Om· and R-1o bomb acd strafe mana.n ban madt use ot U>o b&.nl any tnmt dHp Ill ~rmany. llve .,;th rroat w«us. i..a.i.... • Pt--1Uet Sho..,. OM big t&tr Umltod ae- Thad Amly got aO:"Ou the Ryll vtre!Y our abflllY lo u1111.. our tho •·ouru. Armored and. later. th; rr•t. &.Ir wptrtorlty. Bl.It th~ '41C- !Elevf'nth Armond .DavU.!ons wt'.M torid "''~""' won. an y, ~•Ul!C' flhR.k.-n looa"' and-wit.bout regard at Jong lut. the .Alr:r 1rm1e• ln lo their flMJu- -tort cro~owitry th• Well h•\'• a sr~t auperior1ty to the R?alnt'. In J>Art. Ute tactics in g:round .. troc U\'i•-111 over lht1 Cer· ot t.hf'1.o Jut t\\'O cliVl•lon1 Mflecl· mtLn arrnl qa rat'ln«i tht-m. ed lhn JH1rt0nallU~.& ot thelr com· How~vtr, wflnlher 11lone w111 not mandC!rs· ·parllcUla.rly that of ~fa.J. NEW INSIGNIA ISSUED reaponltbt• tor ono major chllnao Orn. Hugh J. Gatrey, formerly Ut> Atmtot In ll>o '""hnlqu• wo p... vlowtly Cltlot or Statr to Lteut. Gen. Gen. Dwight El 1tnhowtor (leott, U. S. Officers Now havo U8ed In IM omploymrnt of G«!rll'• II. l'atton Jr. front) ac-eompanfcid by Gtn. \Vil· Command nlr power ror mo aUP)>Ort ot G11Kh nnd tho bOld Md tho daring. Hla dM­ sp<-ctlo n. tour. GC'n. R•ynHHHl WITH I Q llNlrp;Q ST*'Ml?S tho Brlt.l•h oCt.,11111lve1 "t CAen Jn 'llOn· ·tht'l P'ourth Armorcd.-\vhich ~fcl.ai n 111 at theri rh~ht, NlN"frH A.JnrY In Gcmuuw. ?\{nNh Nornlandy, and •#ttln tn our ftrat \VAi tlr1t commanded la.st summer Ii G'PS::COmmand orttc~rtt Or Ute altncka •gatn•l A••h•n nnd lho 111 Normandy by a hard-riding, Unlttd Statos Army now arc weatw-.ll, we l>r«'tlrod the drive hllrd·~.w~arSng c.avalryman, Maj. authorized to wear & "narrow green by owtund LfOOt\• with lnttnae Oen. p \VC)Od, ha.a won an envi· band beneath their ahouldcr ln­ •· - r• Rblo roputatton. slgnla. botnb&rdm(lnt by ht-1~vy bomber•1 Theae drive• to the Rhtne by One of the !!rot lo atlnt.t!l nt­ ot cncm)' rront-ttno and arllllcry armor quickly were tollowed up by t•ntfon to the new Jnslgnla wu poetUorut. Wht1n the Canadian Infantry \vhlch corwoUdated and LltuL Gen. William B. Simpeon, Finl Army (whlrh la aoluaUy 27 moPP<'d up ll>e pound. lUld the commudtt of the United Sta.ta per etnt C&nadl•n and 13 por <'eonl armored wedges thus thrust into Nlnll> Army, who ...... ,u, .,... Brltioh lroopoi) 'tarted tho prt.. nt U>e enemy !Inca later w.,. joined I pbotographed "-itb the bud on hla oUenalva n... r Emmtr1Jng afttr the War News Summarized 111owc1er. G«h, Ila drlva aim ,.... lnlllatod tM/llon or lht "Wedp and ~" TIM! bend la autborlzod oom­ b)' aatur11Uon bomblnJ of U>e tacu .. U>ed b)' Iha Germans and tor a )IOSllA Y, \1.\llCH 12. IUl mloaiooed Oft!cers 0: au ra.nb Who •r.emy'a rtonl Unta by Allied 11•&"7 Ruaal&As. actually co- troopo, 1o d1a-> bomben. Wben Ult Ft... t A.rmTs spear- Two Geonnan oow:at•r·att&c:kl c.ountf'r-offenah'• ,.,..... mak'ln& un,tzlab them tram ottieers 1111o 118lltance :oiol rllmlnat..i btad rtaCl>ed to ~en on lbe a~t UM P'lnt Arm)... " Rtma· -""'" (1:7; f!l&P P. 6.] opera.te oaly in a.a. txecutlve ca ... • Rblll•, a lleutnwit ~ed &en bridge~ wen brokcia up In U>o 1- ct: th..., Allle ~WI> tbe <'OUl'lo ot hlalory by leading Ills >- by An:mcan artillcrJ' yqten!&J plna IUUer. In a a....,..- ~1 &Dd Pim Armle>I broke u..-·u., mm ama a btWg"o ~but Roer Rlttr ID U>o 1>pcntloN tll&t aWI paaal>'•, lhal 'the nln&t!ng wlllle Unl...S Sta... lullJ and op«. aald \JM>n would bt llO ba"• nsulttd. In r... than U.Z... nptUUon ot lt18 If tbt Gor­ weeb. In a ~ of lbt Rlll:>e, Tllo ~ ot Ille Rblne. witbout to a millf'.. captuttna HYm ~m. mam taupt W>atlcall;r. (4~-1 co prior &ll&to Rumanla'a MW ~--l Un.. by our heavy bomben wu po:twi~ optratlo:> aDd..,. p."'l>b­ BOIU:tl. Al laat rtporla l/'t .... lnalll'U?'Ated broad .qrto Amtrlcam ably not tonHD b,- U>o High Com· l>rid,ftb.-4 ..... 111n< m11ta loi>z lurel refomla and .... becun .... mattcU>· and ~ dttp. TIM Cnmana moving oppoo!Uoa •ltmtntl r,_ uw) bat ury Int.,,.. artillery ,.,.. a l"l'tlecllon ot policy. to kttp ttpor...S &JIOlllvlq. Tbt Alllta bold the RIWlt'• taclc..S Tollyo Wllh 2.300 Iona ol OIU pract.Jce may have been Ua" ,.... R~ttaa Plaa Followed bomt». Saturd•y dtU\·em a •lm· au.a. ot ""'.. lhu, or bombtn snay ..~eat bank trom the ~etb•rlande not have bffn 'uMd bee&ueo ot the We tollowfd the same ta.cu.cs the lo Coblenz and thtt ot U.. Mo­ Uar blow to tno alrcratt. center detire ot our coinma.ndtra to aet RUAJ&n.1 havt found so UMfUI in ae-Ue for twenty mllu nof"lhN6t ot Nf.&'070, l•avtnir ttvo 1quan acrou thfl Rotr at ntrhl. nut. 1n U1e eut~ \Yhen the RUU!an.a, roll· ot Trter and 11.xtecin aouthta.at ot mllta ln flamu. Both au.aw part. the new toehnlqu• rnay h&vt ln,c to~·•.rd tn a great o!tenslve, Coble= Tho Third Army plnod " .•,. mad• at low level. catchtns ~n th~ re1utl ot Ruatan and ttaeh a tormhlablo river line \\"hfch from three to tlx mHtt and oap... .Japanf"1!4) anu-aitt.ralt l'Unf ott Cf'nnan tXptrltnce and aon1e ot tbry know may take weW or rans.. [1 :3.) our own battle flXpctrSt'nc~. The m(lntba to brtach eompJeUJy1 they tunoro from Britain u.nka h•• bo•n blocked by daniase tho dlko botore th<> dike C$n be P•trn. Furthtr pin• W('lro ma.do nnd rubble. proporly aandbaggtd. Wh•n the dropped more th•n 8,GOO ton1 ot on Luzon. (I :G·e: in•P· p. S.J Netthor tho Ruutana nor the \vholo t.m\Y baa dr&\\'I\ up to the · upl04ive.s on Reich ciltea. )te>rt Germana-n~•lhrr ot 1.vhom h•• a rlvt"r, tho poc:kett of rest.stance Tho 'nllrcl and Jrourlh Mt.nne h ..\'Y bOml>ftrclm•nl force In the bohlnd have b<•n wiped out and than 1,000 RA~' lleaVI.. •m.. hod Dlvlalona broke throuch Japa­ Nnff that we havc-uu aalura.. suppl~• a.ro ready and organtta­ Essen, home or ll>e Krupp plant. ntM Un• on l~·o llland and Uon a1r alt.eek Al a J)rfhitlt to Uon ~rtKtod tor a brachlng ot which la under lll't or Jl!lll!d eaptured moat oc the e&al oout, break·lhrouah. although bOth uao Lil• rlvtr lino on• gttnd aca!c, Ille StaU.s :.;int.b Army "CM( rn•. •·hJlo the rttth Dl\·ttton corn. cl- aupport by t•ah••r-bomben. tndgtheada ••labllabod perhaps Nearly 2.000 Atntttcan plane• •~. Both uae mu.Md arullfry rlro "'f<'kt or monlha prev1ously are of prnNd th• rt.t ot 'lbt' tnetQ¥ ~rt bul lnl•-nd kfep the tund•mtntal value. Tiiis paU..rn Of hit oubmartne building rarcla •I prroon lnlO a omau ana at U>t tire aupport <0nUnuous u lb•)" acUoD hao btd nortbem d. U :4. I 114•-..nco 117 great numbtra ot apln. motl ....,..Uy at U>e Vistula. oil re~n.. In ll>e art&. 14 :2) Lat'll Loura )lounlb&U•D COD· tanks or ..1t·1nop<11'd auna and tllt Odt...... i now tilt RlllM. Russ>an troopo, ~ In on l•rttd tor thrto daya In Clluns· Mort&n and alnltln&" alta<~ Crom I.a olhtr wOOl>Strate - are learn­ u.. l'oull>out Aala oporatlo.. W>lb ,. • baYO lmprovtd upon It. lftl' combat 1-.. and. tn - · )I090QW made no ttport Of acU\'· lhmo In lbo Cblna lbe - 11211sbed ot>tn· bot be~ Laltt S&laum and • a dec:biYt baltl• ca Lbe matn· lhal wu - ott


    Garment District Goes Wiid as Women Kiss Service> Men, Treat Them to Drinks TllE NEW YORI< TIMES, TUESDAY, M \RCI I 13, 1945. ~ne Today: This Was Once the Beautiful Cathedral City of the Rhine

    Tll• a oln rallr91d atatloa. w.. r..!ottd lo a ,,..i.1..t mus of -1l>T lite ttpeoled ADl


    8-lnch Piece Pours Shells Into Essen-Crew Claims 100 Per Cent Results

    By RICBA'llO J. R. J OBNST():S­ '1 \\ u.:.__,_,, teo • ' ·- ~ tbttt "tUcu. Wfl'H Ttm UNITED §!ATES ~.ltan:b 12-Eeirly thte atternoon •n 8-tnch rtrJo, called by I.ta crew the "•81· tatol'.'' ra.lscd Jts muzzle 4t a htgh l'lng-lo rtom the pound. The com­ mander ()f the battery~ trirat Ltc.ut. Ii"ro.nk J. Dobran or 1800 Amt'lth)'•t Slr•tl. U•• St:0nx, sbouled ""Piro!"' Tb~t-e wu a ah.&t.tulng roar and tho ground lurched undtrloot. Amtrlcan troop• pteki.Jtg their -way through t'ht dtYJttattd clt1 Ov1.1r t..he Rhine, heeded tor the ~ t'ft Yon, "11to •llttUatr. Oftitl.ah Kzu~p Work.t a.od other mlllwy larg•ta In Essen, the bug• proje<>· lll• hurtlod. lt WU 111• 70&t 2'1>.U tho "tl!f· Lalor" had hurlect at the memy since ll Rrat wt-nt Ul10 •ction el SI- llalo lut Auguat 17. . "At IMt wo"•e get a ..,..ily juicy ,.- t.&.tg'et. .. •ht Lteuuma.a.t Dobru u Luftwoffc Att•ckl Cub Pi.•u bt8 C1'C'W a.. "abbed out lbe rtlle )yrMI mg v:;m:o B'J:4'Jl:s b&n'eL Liou-I Dobn.o'o bat• ~\;).,,, AP>JT •Ccrm•nY Mardi ury-A-ll one ot the S-i.Deb bat· 12 1"-mu! German tu1• Ullcnod here oa tho X1atb bu the ,\ra>y r-.t to &l>oll the aprow~ Air Foe« ~and war oa Cerma.n armammt tactortts that Cuba. th• tlD.Y Am•rlcaa plan.. •pa•--n German war matttiala.. U9<'d u artlll«Y opoU•r9. )"or lbo Allboup th<)' 11.o.ve bttn wl>­ f\nt u-, Luttwatfl rt111ttn are Jecttod to an itlteui~e air bom.bafd. beiAJ:' 8f1!t out ICli'"l)' c.o •Uu'k m.,t by both Bnl.lllh and Amert· Q.Q MayY bocn~ !t l' eAlm&Ud u: ... .mall - aan I.hat apo! tor Ulat tile bop plaaU are ..ru r=· - bl; - ohttn keeping up a c:ou;ta.nt h~ tbe. Lut U.rtt d- rrom poaU.... cut o: th• flhi.Dt.. T!te damage beh1g" llllllcted by 8at~ry A la described by tu. ett\\ · u • ..100 per crnt Xe\lt· York job. By one of the stra.ng• eoincl· denta ot the wt.r. all but one ot t..Jc>ui..nant Dobran"• tixtfoen men uo from uppu Ne"- York State. Pvl. \\t•lter H. staughter or l..Q\tl8vUlto, Ky., drl\'C3 a tractor whtn the guns ~ on the road. "Ho'• 6 rebel a,nd d0t-$n't count," rxplalned Pfc. Arthur Zall of Syra- 0-u1Jo. ln the laet lhroo d'!Y• lhts rUle 11nd Uic other n ve or the .unlt have hurled ollgbtlY mo"' than lour tons ot hf~h cxploah•o 1hdb into Essen. For the nrst tln'lo tn t.ht W3r Ger· many'• lergeR:t a.ra:namt.nt works t1 undor Vnlf•d S\Atu artllluy tire and the ht•V)· art111tt>• -co·mmllfld• .-ra are rnaktng the most or the Cr.rm~s· dh1unit,y to blast the Yi· taJ lnataUaUon.it. •·\\le n~vtr ue what we a.re 'hit• ting... A.Id Ueut6n.&l\l ..Dobran, "but~ !mow we are bitting what WI .&ro ahoOUa,g at." Sitt. Wiibur Kn!lltr of Buffalo. chlrt or °"' Kdian. spoke up and declared: ""\\'e"ve .Hen 9l)me ot oor work u •·~ fDO\·ed. up, and I cal\ lrll you thtt t1ii. u the i-t I:"" 111nd th~ bnt CttW in lbt. wbo!~ Ant1y.• NEW YORK, WJJDNI!Sl)A Y, J1 :iNh 20, 1945. ( ' WELCOME TO EISENHOWER IS CITY'S GREATEST; ' HE CALLS FOR STRONG U.S. TO MAINTAIN PEA CE; MARINES SLASH TO OKINAWA TIP, SPLITTING FOE ' AS CITY ROARED ITS WELCOI\m FOR G&'\'Ell.-'\L EISE1''110WER YE~TERDA yf4,000,000 SEE HERO ' Roar of Sound Greets Triumphal Procession in Jammed Streets


    But Drives General to Cover at Ball Game­ Dinner Ends Day· ~

    T'714 of EiA-o~okrl le •r<

    81 FR.'l."Alt<: A ~ Amfti<>Q tr= 11>• plaW or Kanu.& ._,.. b4Ck fn;;n lll• ..... y ..t~ lo .. tri;imph u Rome n.-Vt.r pn a cac· qutnl Of llle Army Dw!):bt Davfd i:llal­ .r •1.tppod from bla place at Gaa.r111& Fld; A. ll. tlJ be T.ttrcd latt last &!girt l:l 1111 11111.t IU U>e HoW Waldorf· A• l...U. N...- YOtlt City p»• l-Jni 1a rccepUoD ot ~ OVVJIO"t.r"'6 llul1c and .,.tllu!!aam u to nun ti» ~d.... F "'1r mtlll<>n mJOn. woo'"'" ace! t'bUW-.n ehttnd h.i:m A& ho l'O'd• lllrourh llllrty-a.vell mllea of Ill• C.... 0-.'libt porltrt a llttk •rtln, ,.hc.o • ~0. Ebenll<>,..r ,UltJday " cold C::.r>tnl EilmllOWft Hluraed to m..W u "111<1...i- O>mmandu the Waldorf 111 tho Jue ._...... _, Ill Clllot. «f .AUML 1: ,..,_.,... cl~,.tor 1!11 '"lil'u:w.t I~, th• ,..lc,~ &J\d &a ox~ lnmtf1ltlDcw.,. when M earri. l>oclt tnl:n • .at Qty HAil. I ~~ Bay, &I~ I ~ =17 Ia -1 aclu>oWl4dgm•nt. U>er.;;:r 11 u..n. r,..-.. - &11 int. mont•r to tho oaldal~ homeeomlllg of th -7 IJld lo tllo "'~· <4 !l!\}'-acYl)'­ chtedoC tbo- al! aloclr hll 04vcnt.ll DtYla- Gtllt?&l Persll­ roult from IA Guardia P'lllld, 4-- 1., Chari.. Uncll>erp-ADd tbla - dared tt wa• "'"" ~l~• ot • bMi...,.uaem all... If.Um•• lo - "• , ...t dQ' .-..j Re~ru"' ""°followed Genenl ~Jolclng" ~ "on• nuty Joli 11 Ell•nbo~ u h• m<>&otly ac­ J\nlll>od." eopled tho roar of tho crowdS on To gftOt Ula O.nrrol or the Army hll tour of tbo city were qult.e wtn- 260,000 .,.,_., =ootly womt"O, lnr lo ae<:opt :Mt. Valcntlru.-a ..,.,... pACllac.. tho crowd had surged •toolwno 1 Broodway and age.In $long- Seventh Av•nuo Ull'Ougb Harlem tile ._. tal<>ra w.... J)'rmltt.ed to -..PY h&1I ol Ult entl« roadway, and •••.,. tncll or apace ...,,,ed filled. r.....,. Wllldow litlled ICnonnOUf u WftO the c:row.i. ... tho ri-<1 i.v.i. tlley ,,...,.~ only • rrac11ca oe u.. w1>o1e. E~ery wm. doW, OVl17 tire - CVUJ baJ. _,., .,..ry rooflop &loGJ lbe '"&II: WU (IOMdtd. and _, 90!.tt tboM °" llde olntto for l>locb a,...y from Ille ~ GD wbJch Ibo -lg Uuonp moat IL&vo ru



    • KOLAU



    0 30

    ,,.,,... TJ-JB 1:'.'h\V YOl~K 'rl~ ms. '\ 1-.0Nl'.lilJA Y, .1 UNP. 20, 1945. It Was East Side, w;f Shle, . '.All A:fpu~ t~ Town for the General Yesterday :..l K~. 1

    'Today Is Ike's Day,' Wife Says, Taking Part in Celebration Quietly $he Slips Unnoticed Into the Audience at City Hall and Later ls the Guest of Mr1. La Guardia at Luncheon

    Tl\O wilo of tho eonquorlng R•n· •lrlng h••n •nd t.omnto ••l•d, rtl ha.d only ont ottlolot 001nth.. nt b\loklnbt-rry til.rl, Jf'reneh. putry. :.o Mllkfl Y"'•tcrda.y. ~!rt. Dwl•hl Jct\ cre"m ftnd loca, bi1b au rum El.,nbower d•clared· "'l'odoy la cofl«1 11nd t•" Chol or lctd), white • • ,. · • and red \11ln11 and ch•mf)l'gnt. She c • day. w•• loo b11ay mf"t1Ung pNJple who l t waa ''De•'• dfll'' without ~ 11ttl-Am"4 up to her t.&bJt to talk I' dou)>t, bUt It v.u Mr da)'. too, for to hor or I<> ..~ her to rtrn rn•nua• • lllartd lh• glory In a ~UICI At thr IAl>l4 With her ut Mrt. "'-I'• Sb• uw hor hu1~nd to LA Cu•l"dl•, Ml'I. Wblon, Mn. to him oruy once dur111r tho !'lowboM M•rrll•. Mrt. R•bttt T•tt Jr., dAvght!ue .,-... •~ u ~•Pl'• ..1t• ot i..r s:u,.t Sii< !.ru..d to &ntlt • 4ll'IU - tllo )la)'Oi-'1 w!U.Al4; wl:114 ~ "': "Don t qnoto "" '~ lr-t bu at I.~ °:'1>n't ~ .. lrft9 In ~ )ad<~ i:ti&rm"IU~".. >in..~.,. to:.! loll! '°''* "'pon.:. To Ai:li!Mr. lie: I~ "°"'~ U. .S. "f>O!og!&lllg tor tl!O'" !t•lnt•rl a.Id~ •Ta O!rr..I Ml. I at.I. to ..":. faT ~ ....~ , .. to l"crv• m:r otnn;;th.~ 1" U.• T .. l:.lo;cllal S• ~ u to • 9uuuotraloW\ lltt hu,. 'Ibo'< oxdtd wald•g'°"''' elldly ma.oner ~"td lhal h.. k· 'l'hroughout lho dl\Y ~h n woro tho tie.•. M"yor Lo. Gunrdl• •l flr•t Oon•••I thllt ho would h&ve t.o • r8" platto. rm, oceompnnlrd b~ Mn. two·PIMo oJiort·•loovod blook or~ REAL FAN AT GAME oat on ono •ldo ol bin> and B~r<>11~h Jr.vo tu m•lntaln M• ach\1dula for Fiorello H. Le Cuordln, ;lllrn. Oro· droaa, lHmniod In blAck lllllln bro!d.1 Pro"1dent Jomr• J. Lyou. ~r tho tllf root or lho do,Y• jtoluetanl\y, vel' A. Wh$1Ch l\nd ~fr... Wultt'r In whlcrh •h~ "'"• f!llfl.d on bor a.,.: Bronx on tho otlH'lr, both AJ>!Wl'f.nt· wtth hJ• head tu.med ovor hta Bedell Smith. Wllo ot .t.loul. Gon. rtv•I. llor ~tvmo olllO lncludod ly talking to him 1tendlly, thouldrr to cntch tho laot poo$1blc Smith, clllol of ataft to O~nor.i •hort bl.. k rlov.. , bl•od Keeps His Own Box Score at Sc>on •ft••r lho r1rat tnnll\A'. R"llmpoo oc lhe R"•mo. tho eonquoror Eisenhower. hll!h·h••l•d poml)tl With bo\VI and M&Nor La Guordll\ ellpp!l"'IXf(I by 01""'' a blMk 1.. lhor iliolildor bag. A Polo Grounds, Where He to tho ..eond row •nd Contmll.r •M m•rchtd oui to hi• waiting l11r1<• rh1r1.,tono pin ihono on her S th ,.. .• ~ bbed J-ph D. McO<>ldrtok t<>0k hi• '"'· No one in UJo m"""'" 0 ru s>J•~~ 1t Use O"nt1ral'1 l<'C~ ~n ognlzod u Ill• Jen•ral"• Wit• lll•jattand !'Mrl ncokl••• .,.,.r1 bULton NJ& and Coneral of the Army Dwight D. Ooldri~. Then Bor<>u5h J'rtll• and ohlnny black atraw hat. Ther•(•ymbol1 ol bu bu.band 1 >.rrny f:lanbowf a bue- dcnte John Caahmore of -lyn wu r.c..t a rtn~f" chffr 'nor ontl e&ttt!r, b&ll f&n wbo can cany on poUt.eland J&m".a A. Burk• of Qu~ each 1"'lr a! hands ralMd to clar ...I Admlt11nr that .i.e ur.ci -ly oonveraaU«is with Jong had • tum at Ill• ...1. rou.,.....i by w a.t dcnrn. .\tn, F".l.,nliowtr r>odded al h .. 1.:,...., of polltleal A':,_, fllCCes· 1vartous dli;nlt.arl<.a '"''" lhe dty'e As •\nn:T otfic'.11- tiled on tht!ye.. -<>ld tathtr and ••cl. •1 thlr.lt· -..-t&rill-1,...lcomlng oornmltt<0. fl*lten• platform. ol:e CRncd lltr•M ti btar\111 up bcttu than. u..lU«1Uy llgh aut<>graphs f<>r Im· A• IC thU wtte not CJl-1\ to ntt.k, iooti.o,g m \'&iD fot ht"r ht1.1·lr.~ ot ua.,. lporl.UJ:la.U ootltttor., &Del atnJ 4mtn<'t most men, a C'01\lt&nt AC· boad. lhe!l. u o!le IJ>Cllt by Mra.jc:nne h!t uA- U.. ll!;l>tl-°" of """"""'pl> hllnltt> ....,. yooa;q of!ker, oxclalmod octI ••••• ~ a box. :-Otvntbclffl. be tolllted "" to 1-M ~ . ....v WU per:!ormt:11UJ>P prac-1~~· dlqmled _,, Ille eraJ marched °"l<> lho platform .!ht •"PPod of! a IZllJlU nvwlnt to u..1thtouj;h '"'"0 --1'"• fotto J>l&1I - ~• • g e wblCh lod Ille"''"'"•*"• down""""::wda that llad p.Ul•r"Od to opect&ton at Ille Polo G?nee. Siie lau-'1«1 In_ '!.. ,..b.,, Lut nliht oho att•~.dod tho din· hind !i! lhe rourt.h lnnmg. when ralnlot Ulo lhlrd IMlni:-. Juat arter cui. )"CO,.. amt .tffn nor htard. nothtnr tor Kan.tu. wh•re ebe "111 bt,,drov& birn under covtt to the ot:lloe iltr, the Bra\·ca flhoNtop. 11.,4 yet . Dur1Jlg hor hwband • •-h jolnod by htr hu•band and oon wbo'ot Horaco Stoneb.am. p?"Hldent of' ah• k the two "'""inlnK!lh• Giants. Where be watcl>ed 111elo~noc1 the ooorlng "1th • bQm• roa....S in delight u tho •rowd did "n box unlit from ~. " wae Juat. a hou-.w1t~. from the crowd u he ''-'U escorted aCtirr on~ man waa out In °'" flnL Afttt the ctrtmony tl1e ntotor• Aho h"' naver fid hor •XJ>lnlnod, "She llkto to keop one With ll\4 managers or lhc rival r. Stonrc llh• i. •taylng tn a Giant., 4'ked him whcthor It w11a th• pitching elnco l WM\ away to h'"cbocn attortdcd by lOO mon ond Sot• Kan• RI 'Eisenhower Oa y• truo thnt he had once pla)'.cd $tJlll· tho wart" ho demanded oC .Mr. _ womon wu l)"lvan ror bar hy Mro. •roPNl he cntorcd lhe oltlco. La Guardia In the !om •nd now,cr- ' Rn., uno 1• 1m· • tad lhat •e 8 youth he hAd dona 'l'bc Ciani pruldont, In view o! dcclt lhe sumplt1ou1 burc.i mM~ Ho calla on •II •ltlton. t.o obaorve Att•nttve to Ev.ory )to-c t t• "e"~~gK•n~~ es;:;, i.~':~~ ::;,~~.~ tf.":~.:;':.t I~~::~·~~ ;r~1"i!1:ti :i:~P~;~ :en'7~~;.."~(~ ~\=C: ~ cl. t

    Troops in Bridgehead Have Pontoon Span Besides Bridge


    Jumps Off Southeast of Trier-Tactical Planes Have Brilliant Day

    JI~ l>llF.11 'IJl)J)J,>:l'OS Jt7 Wit..,. to Tilt: lfl'W TQll 11. .,._ rARlll. M•tth l!-Trooro of Lttut.. Gtn. Caurln•)" 1L Jtodaea» Unit«! l\tAtu )"IUl Army ocr•m• bllnw ovf'r th~ rouJ(h If"'" hUI• ea•l ot t.h~· Rhin" h•''" dfep~nc-d tho llom•N•• brldH•h•nd, brlnR1n11 tho AUloh•hn, lho •nom)l'o cht•f tatol'1\l ••pply rautn bohlnd lh• Cronl. undor lh'tt 6f lO~·m.m. guu•, lntordlctlns trntll• nlon11 thl1 vlttll l\llfl\WAy, Tho Advon(!"' 1a1twntd by th• vrlf'r•n AD'4'rlc•n lnta.nlrymt"n pu•h•"Int Army tng"l· netn ba\'O fiung a ponloon brtd;t acrca the rtnr. end uoope and matnl"1 are pourtni: Into pol!UOM c!ffptl• buvy uUllt1'Y tin and ~•Ir n.ld>. Ex«pt ror tl>4t brldli:•bud I.be t.mpo of Ill> ...... In \he .....t ... lht po..,;d hu tomporuily IUI· <1lC4. IJDltcd Stoia 11llrd A""'7 !attn wnt of lM Mo.ell• conUAuo ;;ooppUl.f up opul1• •Ht of lll&I r!Ttr a. collap'1Dll: u Aa:tr!c&D fQf­ protlon, bul by nlirhtlall lhO dough• bo)'I wore n>ovlnir ato•dlly t'u11 recclved. hOY,l(!l;V(lr, Mueh or lho nl• •ttort waa di• retclod l'Lt JH'ovonllnfr (H1rrn•n ff• lntorct'tm(lnt In t..he. bA.tllo l\t011nd l'Wrnn.gon ftnd wtinko11lna I.ho Otr· 'man Atr Votet'• t"ftort nMalnll lh,. brldg•hcad by bomblnir th• •n•mY air b&J#la. Y'"lte'lrday Finl Arn\)' anU·flill't'rafl l(Un• ln Ula J'rl1ithbor· hood k:nnckC'd do"''n n1nrlf'C"n G<-r. man plan., and prol>obly <* .iroytd •lx 1nort, bul German - RUINS SURROUND CATHEDRAL :WHICH STILL STANbS

    N~•.. 4h.-...... _ 8omb-batttr4d bGildinp ntar tbe 1tnactutaUy '"'damac:ed. Colopc Catbtdral tntif7 to the m.at'kam:anthlp of Allit-d fl1ua, who Md ordtra to 1part tht faeoua cdif1<.t. AcrOJ' the Rhice: i.s tbc Hohcozollcrn. Brid&t, ..tsfc.b ••• blown Qp bJ t•treatlng Gumau..

    .... -. .. _,, - 4 •: ~ ,r-.._ Ctta&n ri•ilJ.an. of aD &CM qit ia a JVd in Erktlftt&. lhirc1 Miln Mrtllwnt or C-alctl"ftf'. to 'bo Hrbtnc ,._. J(.- ~ n-t fu. A, f«'N,l ~I

    • 'fliURSDAY; '.\-!ARCH 15, 1945.


    Tht L11Jrndnrfl rall,..,.d brfd~t. o\•r ,...blch supplies and troojl" or th& ,}1"1 ,\rn>)' ....., 1mnrtnl[. •Pl'•• th• rl\or from lho >hattettd. buildings iD tbe fottgrouncl lo th• ,.mnkln1: hlll• on lb• far •Ide ~ b•ro nur intn are 11gbtiug. Y~l•n!.> t"" bride• ""' hit b~ alt41tklni:: tntm, alr1'11<1l. _,..,_ ..,,._ . --

    \ Tube Under Rhine Useless to Us; Nazis Smashed Lift at East End Mine Tannel to Duisburg Sealed by Our Men When Exit ls Found Barred by Damage After Visit of a German Patrol

    'B1 'Bt~AllD J. Jt. JOllSSTOS .,....._. .. Tml Jhw nu. n.. OESl'RUM. Gttmany. March 13 Intl. A t .... daya •so, wbl~ t~•Y (Del•yod)-.A. coal·mlac tunnel: •·on In lho tunnel u1ecllnr ~ apot leadlng ttoni th.iJs town undrr the for the trt"ctlon ot V."alll to •~&l IRhine to tbc city t l)ul~burg, oft our 11nd, a., patrol ot Ot'rman through wh1ch a n.um~r or Nut eotdl•r• ¥tu mtt wt11tbound In tho troops tscapcd to the ea.at u Unit- lUMtol on thla .Sde of th~ t1Vt'r. ed States rorce.s conlraetcd tho 't'he:y htld a conttrcnce wJlh lht pqcket or re:!lat&nce Jut week. wu \\·01·kt1r1 l\ntt took down thf'lt' lstl\led up yeecet'day by Germfln nametr, thr-N~l~n1nl' d~"t.h to thfl mtna \\IOTkt';rs under 1..he 1upcrv1- \vorkcra' N'1AUYtl on thn oth~r llldo slon ot.N)pu1 J}J:n1y o!ttcel'e. ot tho Rh1nii it tho mlrttir• obtlyad The J)Osslb1itc)•or ttiirif dio l.\lbc, our 1nalt'\U'.Uon1. lwhich ts a mile and thrcO-·quarttra Whon app1·tae P•lrol loaded th• wounded Today I bad .. look al tho ah&IUI o!fl«r In a om•ll cart .,. th• r&l1" al thla ed. whkh load clo ftlcb ~ eba!UI I.ad •u lh• llllooU~. two work•n wbo bad I c!!xc>,·....i a few days •co b7 "-ffl«tcd i,,, Ille patrol u - Unit«! Stata in!11Z1tzymm ..-bo taseo .acapod a"d nJo!Dod tbo ..,... tool< thla to"1L Th• - of ...Y cr.w'. Tile not da7 ll:e tun­ tbe twmel ,... "°'-ealecl b7 ••wit· nel wu - oft en In lhe plant. '!be r was part of tho - attldied the mlne plua • cany OD • en wu ~cd "' l>!Oelt lhe tun· ltmlt




    Tttlt.nkhn Ro1"rt llldkr of lle•ll•c Crttn. Olalo. 1'acali ap • lllril*' -­ ballDt'r tf foarttt• aten aMI thirittn at peinc •ltf're ttoops of tM 'nirhcl.. tafaalrJ rx .. t.ioft. ...'t.anth .,,,.,.. laa.Adled tbeii- aau.alt. T\4' n., wu tow.Ad 1n •• a1Mladont4 ri•tr ba.rse. Ta."-~~ 1i;.. ~1:~zeOC t n'

    (tll.tef'M~ ...... GEN. DWIGHT 0. EISENHOWER (le~. front), 4ccomp4nied by members of his si4ff, inspects whot is left of the Nozi stron9po int of Julich. The Supreme Allied Comman­ der stands ne4r e bullet.riddled cor, evidence ?_f deod!Y fightin9_. here. •

    Ratbtl t.lteir rifles on the n..ru.i of • rivenide urt .. l'•nlinc•e. lttfan•r-rm•a of the :\iatk .\r•) ala at tbe tne•Y aaoss tta. RJaiJM. ,,.. l'GlrW Yn n..w IV .._ --.i OlifM ••QC~ ~ ' THE NEW YORK TIMES, T UB$DAY, MAB.CH 20, 1945. U. S. Tanks Closing Traps Around Germans i;-Saar &sin

    Tank• Pu"b on X.lM"r"llllaut""m Thia a.rmo...ct dh1.1lon had two t-...- Clear SoU of Foe other column.1 al.uhlnr ta•twud tn Frenth troopc ftg")ltll>g north· Jaddttlon to lhe on• mtnUoned .,.rd today u.ag the Rlllne on IM 'abONt. Ot'it gatnfid ~IJhl mll•• to rtght 11ao1< oC IM"•t. G.,,_ Al~· ~ uat to Lauttncken on Ult FOE IN DISORDER ckl' )(.. Patch'• drlv,.. drove-the t:rt· Gian Rh·"t.r. M\"Mlffn m.ilu n«lb· \\'eot of Kalotnt.utcm To I.be emy trom the lut blt.t at French IOUt.hH.lt a third ~1tJmn al9o m.adt ooll .uu b•ld by GemR -.. el1bt mil<• ruchlJ>c EtD·•UJ:ll u.d ~ .attty. wtilpped nae touthtrnmoat ot t~ f®r in,. &l"OW>d N°l~rrsbeeb bal!­ armond dl•btona ln 11.nt II the on- bf oll<)' w..... lubed by • gtt.u colurr..ns today. ~nnan eour.tc.r..,tt&cJc today and ....ipt of t&Ctlc&I a.ii' po.<&. Th~ north•mmoait of thne ll'A"tPl met bt&"Y &rtlll•ry and mortar tltt Trap Near the Tbrout;ll"'1t. l>Ot,-· day~t­ a ~nnan rMrp&rd force out nf aa It backed lta •-.y through · ii. pAth. kn«ktng out ntn• .-nf'rnJ' er bomberl tore at the' Gt:rma.mJ fr4od UM pa.JlJOnl- tank.. a.nd ad\...utCfd tbt m.IJf>.a lO Twolvo plllbo~.. knocktd ntnaU~ tutwud. bombing &nd w.,.. th• ut and northeul lt> l"f'lt"h a °"' by Ult Forty·tltth"• Wantry· machltl."·CUM-inlt the vehlclt:s that point fourtffn mUe.a wf'At. north· mon. wbo ent.or..s Blftakaold &nd 7TH CUTS WESTWALL t1ou•d Ille road-<. Not &Ince tho W'ffl Of K&lMrtlt.Ulfrft. \VebenhtJm to reach an area. five P'a!OJJO ()'e p!lots ll&d .., A aecond ootumn p1ckf'd up fl\'f' mil• wut oC ZweSbnaflCken,. i mitt• to tt&Ch a poU\t IUt.ecn m11•• The S•venty-ffrot Infantry Dlvl­ m.any lar1:-=t.a. of Kalst,..lautem. whll• During the day fighter bombers ~e-at th•1 •ton, ft#hUnr aeroa the tronUerl Third advanud ftvf tnllf>• on a north ot Btteh~. wu ht.mmered by 1st Again Widens Its of \ho :>:lnlh Alr Force and the tour--ml1e front and 11 now twenty• mort lhan 300 rounda o1 artillery ~nt TacUcal Air Force dtetroyed th.re-• milt• wtat of tho arc-at road Ciro luL nlg11t around Rled•lbutn hlel ... hnlf of them ln the t.rlangle, elon, eU"lklng lhrouKh lht> Hardt The ttrst Lwo of the•e oolumn• Mount.alnt, drove the Germani •nd d ..troyed 3lS and damaged 1are now act'06• th• m"tn rAUroad Rhine Path Cleared 1 from Schonau, nine n\llta weat ot 127 hor.. ·drawn vehlol.., all of Jlneg and htghwaya l'Unnlng north Wlitacmbourg. but rf!slat&nc~ In· lhflm tn tho trte.nglc. trom Ute Sat\r. Ot4'ttftd one• the doughboys aro&Bcd There "nd o\eeY.1l1cre, tiler.to! lho Amonit the lmPOrtant towna tho SaArbach ruver \'Jhtiro A brtdgo U)' llllll\V MIOl)f,tl'l'O~ l{cteaTbd by the t•nk tor.a~• In the two !orcea dc.su-oyed 148 locomo­ Wftl cl\pluro.d tnt.act. lf1 Wll•lttt IO 'TWI l'flll ~· Y·)•'« Tl:WU. pa3t t;w~nl)l·Cour houre w"~ Jlad uv.. •nd l.40• l'llllroad cars and Thfro hAvo bton aovtral coun.. PAltlR, :\1Are'.lh 10 Thl'li l{tfill.t ld: SOborn· lint. Ont of thee~ drove dough­ 1,07 rallrod ears. Tho railroads helm, t~n Milt'• t<> the aouthwr•l boy• from Botttnblch yestierda..V trlAnKJf!, thfl l1t•t lntrortanl ar41a. on tho Nahe: Rttchfnbl\.Ch, CAP· \vtal ot lh• H.hlnt'! ht'111 by 041rnt•n wero cut at 232 places. mornlnft' but tl'lf._y bounced b&c.k a.nd !-fon S,1'79 eortfes v.·ere lured by the "n1t.nlfil~N" dlvl1lon; r.tc•ptured lht town, Wbh:b. l1 five trooJl•, I• nu1v1nr irwtrlly toward than SerschwtHor. ten mil•• norlheatt nown by medium and light fighter and a halt mtl&a aout.hweat ot tht Ilht eonclu.Wh of one of th• war'• , of St. W•nd•I. tak•n by tho Tenth. railroad CtnlC'r 'of Plnneaena. The mOlt C'Offlplttt Vlct.6rlt•. bomb<111 of tU United States Inta.ntry, movlnr al a 1low~r Third lntanlry DMolon al*> ,... p&c., la compl.Untt tho job at.. ted )[Q1• U\&.n l.000 tank.a ot four Ninth AJr Force. the F1rst TacU· put.Ml A countfr.. attack a.round by the anno~ dl... ton• and I• atMoffil dJvl>IO.. O! tho lll>Jtod cal Air Force &nd the Britlall Sec· 8w•uc. d.,.rlng- vtlll&'ta and towno. Th• Tho 103d Inf1.ntry DlvtoJon 81.&t.8 Tbl...S Arm)' R-.pl HJtward ond TM:Ucal Air For.. durlng the :s'ln•ll•th Jnfantry Dtvt•lon cl.. rod da)"a opu&Uono, pou,,ding the n ... amuhtd northward tour mil• on &orao the trtant'!• lb\la7, pushing Bln~n and loo1< Obtrw... 1 In th• a -'x•tllllt front, atttr tt dt'&ttd .....icu o( otftl tllro1ljl!1 di-SU• 'nc C.rm.ana and commanlcatiom: north wb.Ue tht ICIChlY·••w.n\.b In· Of ftvnL I Roti.nthoJ, thl'ff mu.. north­ ff.at the ' rant:ry Dlnllon m<>~J><'d ur &d or Wlu1'111: Ludwlp eompletod U.. zr.opplng up of Co­ Cl'OM the Georman Cn:aaU•r ~ theJ bolder, a raOroad eenttr t• e.nt7• oftt1\.SIW'" lut Dec.mbtt and it hair.>. In UH! centu, and Koi-­ blonz. aloo cleared tM laat two three mil• l'Orth,....t ot Ka!H,... al&utorn, lhe _,th, uo &II _... mil.. of th• .....n bank of the Rhhle llotwwa Ccl>lela Olld Bingen lautem, fell to IJI• N1nrty-tourtll wu Ille tint "8r'~ )'nt>nlay wftll,flghtfllg studlly. It llloy co~Unue acid by a w...i at Wlltt rvmbl ~ Inflnlly Dlvt.loa. ...,.. Wilt. lh• Third S.ttalloa to fight. -·- then0 :.o a !:cod and AIUod U'OOpc - - alo.,g ~ IO'A"V4 u.. Rl\ln< oa '" tort,.n_ the rlv•r INours. WU l.<rn by the 'Thlr- llokl ~ ~ to c•t b•ny :11ai.n.. In .... -1.'>, to • po!nt - of Ille Third Army. w!lldl In Jur. .,.• '>' .... - cr'005lllga of th• a.n Important manu!actuttn~ town lY41.XUI lntantrr °''~;tfon. "'1ndli eq1,.upm:e.nt aero.a tbe-r1Yf'r bat not fourt.cn mllu no~•I of Klll>­ M-Ue ha\"O been ~ lo & tn rn.U.. north•·Ht of -;s...,,. i.u. yutorday •)• c-ral orofont.rn. ,... lM ~ ('l":'t t'n­ role. T&llka wbl<:h k:1rchc.a., toward •·h.kh th• s.,·itnth north. Patton·• dri,·e m&no bl4w al> two permnent lllld -rypined trom two - .. b&lf to ftf· Army'a Forty·tltth Iotantry DM· 'nlo Yourt>onU> Armond Dl•1· I th "·-·-· b alon t. f1Chtin&'. Olher unit. oC th• llon on tt.a r1R'ht ,...~pt up and' n ~ ...... _....,._._ ridf•h•ad •d· one pontoon bridge •l )Wu, prrN l40Z1 mi1.. today...... the - tactorl tn the ofttD.llvt. &tghtieth de.and .tP,t town.... ln.· ~ th• outakl?U oc \"\·i...._~m '~ o! UJ> lb t-,.,-o a.o • quart,.r ..rvl« di•l"'lu r, m lll&t area cludin• tJtnbaC'h. ud Ml'ttnJch, bou.rg and Alten1tatt. onfo>•hal! · 1 ~"ere made at.tbe north and Tbt Fourth Armored D!vioion In ~ 11 h .. souw~'" ed&'•• tod&)'. ..td I Ithe north. ,.l\lch ~ lb• clrW•, T'he Twent7•xth and St•t)"·Ott.h m • tlOUl W"l ot the town lbat 1bc Sevents-f'tgbth lnCantry Di· .,,.., r....m ... ltdhr ('lain hu run Into hoavy opposition eaat lnf&nlry Dl'lll.lo.ne of tht 'nttrd rtv,.a :lta namfl to the Wl~mbour$:'. Vl6!on .struck ftbrthW9rd 3 :ooo 1ot the Nohe River. Fannbg out­ Army. which a.re cle1u1n.r up the «•P· (JAt"'r rtport. from lhe front yards etnno- th Rh.I tf' · Tht Thl...S Arm)' ha.I o!.,.r•d w ..tem Su.I' Buln, aboo made ..Id th- Ion:.. had (M""'t lhotr o~ le -d-.. ..__ • n•. •n rtnl' 1 trom tho B&d Kreumach StU. WA t t \\' ~...,... ..n:r ass • 1.u..-~e mtle-1 aoulhf'ut obout IUllf of tho trlanr... whl • 11.&nka of thlA dl~on captu~ consl4e.rabJo proitt-N today. Tht Y n ° lutmbou.rg.J Of Bonn on t.he southern edgf! ot the Unlttd f't,,t.-.1 l\e ...·mth Arn\)" Bprtndllngen, five and a half mUu Twonty-slxU. pu•hed tulwucl from Fr.neh eolonlal troop• took the plain that """' north atonir 11t1nuhtnl( n,,rthwt'rd throut;'h U1• eut ot the rallroad center Yt•t.t.r· two to tlvo milt• from tho M~r-. goull.I Yttlt"rd")' •nd Oroaod lhe th~ r1ver to the Ruhr bu1n [Prra11 itg area Y~•t-erd~ and made a.n· flm1an fronUer tor tho first tlmo eervJces *3.id Ute.t tore~• allfO 1\h:tgfrlM IJnt". h•• p1J1htld on Jn. dft.y, Afl•r they repulsed a shatp tntntY count•r·attack tha.t in· other two and IL h•lt mll"'• to the •Ince 1030 lut nJght. {Ptt11 &t'n'· cleatt:d Nonnenbe.rg.) U10 l'f't\A e>f N'flounltln:hcn \o po~l­ volve.d tight.Mn tank.a and tour­ tut and soulhe••t on a tcve·mU11 lel"a trl\fd Sohtlbtn.hArdt wu cap- Other fnfMtr\' on lhe right mf!t Uon• only thlrletn mtlf'• NOUth at t.eon halt trfl(l.kl ae wtU u Int.an­ tront today. Th• dtvt1ton took mor• lufahn but n1an· rlgbt fh•nk of J.,fC1ut. C:t1n, OCllC'>rgn droYft the en•mY out of Woltahe.lm. whllo today It. c"pture(I .Olrmlngf!n (tOr\junctlon with tho Frt.nch! agt.d to g'A.ln 2.000 Y"tde Md cap· ~lght. mile• northeutofBadKn.uz.. and o\'~rrAn "" atllU~tY bl\tter.v ctnartd Ob~rhu1t<1rbAch and both tui:~ sto. c"kh&u!icn, eight. nltlt• tut s. ll'Atton'• l"llltWl\t'd fl.Wl"~I'· complete wtth mt'n, gi.1na and fOl'(!(I# Wero flf:ht.lnJ at Laute,.. ot ffonnet, and Ort~hctd 1.nd Obt-r· To tho nnrlh lha lJnlicd 8\Alo• nach e.tter a. two·mtl~ adva.nce. lP~u iservtce-t N.id then unit• equipment. bourg. orechcld. The Ninth Infantry DI· F1r111t At-1ny'• J{f'n'U\l{fln brldgflhfl&d puohod on Into Vendershelm.J Tho Shtty~ncu1 Inlantry Dtvl· B~L\Y\'Cln lhf' Third and Seventh vtst:on on thttr nank met th<1 sfl.mto WIUI t'XPIUHIMI to thl'I tl"llpf<'lAbl~ z.teanwwhtle., gnother column 1.-ton, whtoh ta acro11 tho Sur, la Armlet th ft rtar ArtAI of the G~r- sort of rt.slat.a.nee but capt-ur«d fighting two ..pollllngon, ot tn~loll(h\ n111,.a tn d<"plh and advanced l\'\'O mill'• r.o t.hf' north· tntek• and tank1 on roedl tnter- df!vtloplnK •lowly \4) the north dd I' halt mllM ooutheut of Bo.d Kmiznach. ~ut today to fittltr Dtrttte.n. \vhlle m1n,ltd with hordN ot clvUlana apltie he&\'Y oppo11Uon. whero 1n• 11\ei Eleve11th Armond Divl~oo thfl oth,,.r eiltm"nt WM txpandlnK and Pf'U&nte who have tett t.h4.\l.r tantry111f'n had r~a<'h~ the t410 .of I• tn E<:hdon. to the: .out.b.eut or th~ old Saarlaul~rn bridC•hcad , tarma and factory workers who I a.g&1n.at moderattt lttl their Families th" Ruhr plaln. th• Fourth. Tod&Y two columrut tt•~taneto, 1,have torrt<•. DurlnR yHltrday t.hfl 11'1rd llrA '" th• flf'Jdl ou&atde l Oppooti. tho Ruhr ltAclt th• :ft<>m lhlt outfit c:roaed the Nohe i ('a.tnptn~ al two polnto. One force ad'"&nunttd 3,$01 prtoontro Ille llNvOy bombed Bur town.. Urul«I lllatn :>:loth Army four mllN and clund $chmld­ Uuou~ tla ca~ea. but tattmat•• "NhlC'h 1 "' ~1nK loot.rd by th~ re" clear.d tho way tor a pou1'b1• t.h&cb•nbacll.. The- other column Wtre th.al :S,.500 ("'... rmana had ~ trff,U~ O~rrn.a.n 9<>1d1trti. lthJM crca:ng by ord#rl~ <'~· owtpl through Meddenhoim &nd captured durllltr u.. d&y. C.Mral Bo\lth ol Ulla th• ~nnan Finl man dv!U&M eTaCUAled from MflH"11•1m IUld lhaak dt!u of Uotdtn­ wHt to mMt with tanJc.s ot tbe-UD· 6&$74 prUot;tn ~ l'•b. l a2'd ldontlflod umoncl dMslon that mos1 ~ tbdr acuvatlon. ~ Hom'bcff, o-011et1:. or.or G•neral P&tlocl lo emploY'.Jl!t· Tbe number of priloM'f"ll e&P"' and Rlw1Dl1u.. n, Tbe Aaocl&l· Tbll dlYll!on II.ad adnnced - lured at Coblfu la oot y.t kl>own. ed Pnu aid. mU.. to the - and by It& ~ Lut r..satu>oe lh•re c:a m• from lTbe a.tma.ao ,..,. nporUd tlco "'1th th• El....,,th .A..rm"""1 a #?'OUP of $$ ottiot'n and mtn tn W\lbdnY>'lnZ from tho Netbor· Dlvlolon fonnod a poclOt Ui.e .:.:a.M Ri"'tt i.n wb!cb ta.ck .unmw unW t&nk deatroyon .,._ nor\!> of NIJmrg•n.) ...... e1Umaud 2.000 ~ had r1ddled th• corn- 'lrith 1helb mlrbt be uapped. aod had l

    I I Ci t~ Roars Out Its M ightiest WelcOme t By HERBERT KAMM, World-Telegra1n Staff Writer New York and its idolizing millions today showered an e]Jic ovation upon a soldier of epic deeds, Gen. of Army Dwight D. Eisenhower. Undaunted by drab skies that held a threat of i·ain, the b iggest city in the country demonst1·ated its gratitude to the supreme Allied commander for his historic role in the triumph over Germany with a display that completely overshadowed •th f' riotou11 recep1iou11 he had received ill London, i 11 Puri~ 1111d in Wa~h in gton. - The Victorious General Comes Down the Avenue I Grn. lke--thr name which Gls and genei:als "'alike prdcr to n il him-rode through Ne"' York's mo't f:uuou'! Mrcf'l'I crammed with throngs that policf' f"timatrd 111 4,000,000. And when the colorful procc-•ion c.'lrrying him and his aids rf'achrd City HnJI another 2,000,()()(){)--the offi­ cial polir~ c•limate--were waiting there to lend their tribute tQ thr <1oldier of the hour. Thu'<. on the f1rst lrg of ~n. Eisenhower's triumphal 'l•lt to the city-Crom La Guardia Field to City Hall­ more peoplr satulC'd him than turned out to gnet Charles A. l.lndb<'rgh arttr hi~ 5olo fUght to Pari~ a generation ago. Gtn. Ike got hb flm taste of the kind ot O\'"ation ~ew York I• famous tor \\hen the official motorcade of 21 open cnr.1 (ame down fl111t:·dttkcd F'ilth Ale.. lined solidly with hundreds or thou•anlh of ~houtlng. jubilant Americans. tll' OR/\ND CANYON OF HEROES. 'f bcn they took hln1 up New Yolk's famed grand canr.on nr hcroe-up n ro11dway from Battery to City Uni -whc1·0 the biggest financial district in the world welcomed him 1vlth torn pn)?llr, confetti and ticker tape, Ignoring I be 11tc1~, ot city ofllclnls to save pape,r. 'fhoro were ~cnt~ tor only Somo 25,500 persons in City 1'11111 Pnrk tor the c-0romonies, at wJ1lch Gen. Eisenhower received 11 gold medal t\lld honorar.y cit~nshlp from the city. 'Rut every nvntlablo lnch ot space as tar as the eye could 8CC wa~ OCCUJlled. Following thr City Hnll receptio11, Gen. Ike and his party rode tfirougb othrr famous sections of the city­ through Wn~h lngton Sq., the garment district and Times Sq.-lor still more of the tremendous cheers that rose over New York tMlay. Then be retired to Gracie ~Jansion tor a brief res.t and luncheon with Mayor La Guardia. SALUTES CBEERL'l(G THRONGS. Throu~h It all Gen. lke moved trim and good humored, his famous g1'in always on his face. He rode in an open 1ur. stanclinit: and wa•lng at the almost hysterical croleetacle at City HAii left hiro almost breatbless. The S4·ytar-old Kansan• .,.·bo rose from the position or an obscure ofllctr to command the greatest military fo«e in hi$tory, made bl~ flqt apptannce before the City BaD mu..et at 12:15, iATIONDRIYESEAST 3D ARMY CROSSES J quallt.f IJld d.,,,..,,.. or the pr1.. bldden by of """' to •Ilk or THE MAIN IN SPURT NINTH ARMY FINDS OllN'I btln&" l'O\lndtd.ay In m• to -•·rul~ he ropllod f"1nlY Fourth Armored Division rrtedr1chatold wllleh, "1JOD UWI ;:;,~~ to th< Gtnna.n Wtlar oot'ffilPOlldtnt l'Mcllod It. wu Not many lilt• him ore t..lnc ENEMY SPIRITLESS oocne %.000 YIU'&t - -1~ !<>day tl:oagh ...-ouiltled. .ix-1 bo mile front trom o..rm.t&dt to tltt1 Losses Remarkably Low llWI -"~"'t'a .,. u...... ,.;i,w,y could ~rec llOI. nortbwu<. The ~ bal:D- "'"'lid""" fY'ftt. TlJs.d>- and ~ !>st· Cl'IU!l Jal ' _...... ,.,=e:..,.- •r-. ~...i to Ill< Nall ~. I om The Cum.all -~ ~~ 44,·cloptng. TM Fl!th ID!etry •=..- 1~1 I atOTy ,ot lSlnlb H ,...... olcl. J ..-ldu•t be hen brldgdlead -ir.• Ir, llOmO ruptell Dl\1-IOtJ. ...-Elevenlll Rqimentj' A~ioont and ..., of Maw. capbu!ng Ru.. into Germuy. (>laj. Robert Jhwltt le• to '"'"'" 111• oocupr.tlon ot ...-.. lit.lie ot bor home ll'ffk·U>.rouch waa rocalled Into ti>• Army, ap- aw«P away th• duJlf and rubbl!! ..,. Wll•... to,..,~ -nu.. .,...,.. ..,uthweat of Frankfort, lndustrt.al bad been accompllah•d, P..,.. oo.rtntly much ap!not hi.a wUL u..t CO\"tred !U dOontep. Tn an· PARIS, M•rtt t~t or U1t Rhino lo· Darm•la4t. SovflllY·ntnth Jnl111try DMtlono. woro antl·Na•I, anlJ.l!IUcr and call ot Its deep-toned b..SI. µ. ldit.y, l\Yl'ClpJng forwor4 LwC1nl)'· With elements ot three divlslo1.1a.. h•• Mfll wldtned lo • width or knew O•rmany had rlnall,y lost I.II~ Germany. Wbich took up tllc •w•rClffOh ot thn nncl •~t Ute PM• ror tho flvn Alllod tllruotlng out from t\le bridgehead betweo.n tt and tho l)rldcJ(ht1n.(I bloh ho tbl of th~ Rhlnf', leoul:h ol Coblenz tut n)ght. Tbey Ot tho two moat rormld•ble ob· belonfod had aoldom fired Its fl\Ull met autt Hialstanu from well· 1taclq •Ull Wort It -- • raJ•~ tn t'CIC<"nt month• for \Yant of am· T..it11nt. Oen. Courtnt1y lt, R'Ot!Kr•· ent.ffilohed Ouman lnfa?)try on the , motor highway \mdtr conetnaotlon munlUon. Ho wu 40. Unlttd f:ltat., ~~'\t Army, th1 flr1t ea•l bank "'ho raked the uaault betw- Sterkrado on tll• aouth Gonnan Otlle..r An opnt Allkd toroe lb rrop tho Rhino, crratt 'vlth tire from 20-mm. And a point halt'W•)' b&tw.. n launthod a •harp and lntUally 1uc­ unnon. No reports h.a,·e been r~ w ..ei and Booholl on tho north Bui to cotnet "".I' !nlprMS!on Cf'c.at'\ll otfemlvo In the cmltr ot cclved here trom. thi• dl\.15ton con· and y..-oodtd artu cul and wtat. that Ct'rrn&I\)' h•• rnui~Jy run out c...Ung Ito preaont poelfloa. or Ulo !llghWt.)'-lht hl&llwa.)' bu of rt&I ooldi.ra. a ~p arri•ed with lta R•ZMltJI rronl ,\ nnorfd rQI• sun Ill• Tblrd Anny'• prlaon•rs alMott bftn rN.ched and ci1t at at a 32.yoaroo0ld Oberleut.na.nt 11.dmi lumn.a hlt throup o~rm... detc:~ pour In. Yeaterd&y W&$ OllOUler I- one point pd ..,,,. ol th• a~ntly on Ito hood-no incon· adva.oc:tng VJ> to 1!x ni.ll~ on a t1v... rocord day and today tho 300.000111 woodl ha• brtf1\ attac'kfd :a.nd 11dt"rabt11 athievecnuil lQ Yle-w o! mile front.. prt.oner waa. precessed eleattd. At moro than on• paint the fact th&l bo b&d 1111 h&ncll 111< l&rJttl. &lid ueuc.uy lb• Before t<>d.aya breal<-t!JJ'ough bridJ p.-tar a.«aJD!t 1t11 "'I a .-<11 1u.m or m•.n &lid 'bflUP Oil lb Cot\11, ,...,. o1 the r1....,.. n.e; V.'tte G.­1 l ~ Delbert .M...u.er ot W&luloO. n:~ anti doQe United Slatn P!mt >.rrey'a - ...Utr bad - In 0mnan cl.us _,.., o! d... --- of b&nda. .,.., boJna bt....S..: a b&J OC uk<>d him tt bo. too. 'bell•'~ UM oft- l>OOJl dffll and bolll UM l'l!lth and ti: t the tront ""O• the Fu15t Intantr.r 0...... ,. pr-... that at war .,.... loot for Oy tol&led _,.. than 2.- a"4 "Tb• ,..., ta not -.• be BNU&h S.I~ Lii - norlb was dcallllg With a Ion~ 1< aA(I aom•thlnr up tbelr alffve."~ Armor' 'tll."U a.sec:t m the oente.r. now movitU Mlt ot Uta Rh.tu•, f(Jlf" American "'-' -4Jng- IC h ...,.. st.acl lb&!,IM War wu Tho ta.ab brok• th!ougll t.!1• de­ Ily i.w. Tho U9lh ftoalm•nl ot Ille ovtr tor lltm.. loo ~led: •No. I tho t:nH<-d lltal•a S.•enth ,An'lly ,.,,_ o11he Gorman Ninth Pao.­ T:littl•lll l>IVltl011 ... ba•k ftp u...- ! tllue o! oporaUona. Ill Tblrd llol~ "Ar• )'oU a Nulf" wu fttf 1»t day and early today. Th• C:t1rtn.ap• smathed atx mUes to the nortll.... t bad ol>IY ... man kllltd aad ·, :. ~ ..u ... c:ounlt",...Altaektd on &11 thrf4': •«· to ...w Flamm...Celd. tourtetn injured. -Thal 11: .,,m~th.lnr vou ue to,.. tont of the front, bul In no cu.. rnll•a eest ot tile Rbhle -and otx­ Oo th~ otheT hand, l.itut. ('41. · · ~en mncs north or Neuw1ed. Carlton Stowarl. or Nowt"ll, MU»., waa •ny blO\V ht•~Y ~nOU&'h ln AMtMr C<>lwnn pushed five comm&11d~r ot lhfl Tt\1rd Bftltallon1 Ica''-" n1orb than a •Uaht. do~. roll•• Utrougl\ the ~man• lo report-td th•l )u1 had n'>l itt1tn • Tho oue with which Oenoral t'trt.ch Rott.. one mile eouthwut or stng11!J d~Ad (;ennnn In two d•)'•. I1•atton'1 br.•k·lliroutrh w.. eff«>l- ll'l~mmcnl•ld. Tank• ot a Ullrd lie •xpTAlned. howovor, that lh• 1od In Ille 00111.h, ~ prl110>10r total o( coh1mn galn..S five mllu to tbo Ot!rmCLn8 madf' l\ prat-tfCfl or burv"' Iolo.o lo i0,000 y ..t•rd•Y olonc Ult norlh•Mt lo reach Llmbaeb and lnll' or "'"'t)'lnr oft tholr d\'iltl i.-. :\wung A.rOund tho town to enter Cor6 they ret"'Ated •nd thi1 w•• 1ontlro IYont. tho l•Ok o( coneort•d KJNholb, while a tourt.h forco corroborated by ono oc hi• offle••rr, I cn~n\y t~'4J"tanoe or PQWtrtul •wept th• 1amo di.stance to P<>li· 1'-"irst. Ueut. 8c'>tt. Youman• of St, ~ countC"r·mt"-•Uf'(\I on •"3 front ttll tlont north ol Florsbach. two ml!eo Paul, Minn., who had tho ~nlqo• lnd lllJlt~ tile Wohrm•cht'a d•Y• "" oul ot Klrcbe!b. exptrlcn¢o ot hl\\flnK ba('n CrL}')tured • t~fltd torc."e Aro nuMhol\rifd. Jt M•)' 'fh• Nl!IUI In!aotry Dlvio!on, on by an SS "'"""'nt durlnr th~ Oot• th• rl;ht tlanl< o! this torco, m&M' Ardtnn.. C\fftn1lv11 Q\d ot tllkC\ month.a t.o ('la&n up Cf\rn\any s:al!J«l a mUo to Ill• east, cleaiing 11&.ing ·b«n l'f<•p1llllJll Joined .,,•my troopa ln tile ni.anY• tmpudlnK delN.t ••re tho l cannot be rar awl.)'. town'• deftnae. Qouchbo:V. ot U.e Nln•t;·nlnth ...~ Otvt•lnn l.-,J• Ort'• WanlrJ' Dlvialon picked up two chute Ann'f. wu ldtnlllltd In Ullol Th• 1'wnll Armored Dl•lal(>!I, &I'd• bait miles In a JlGSh -1:11 o1 .ctor. G'• uoop1 1""4lnc a Tlllrd Army otfrnaho rer Ule .btob8hn, cloariJJg Obet'hunn.- ~- 2.600 pnaoatn y-.1to..:ay t•ld and two otb.,. ~ ID the ••· --t • "'~ Cllo Lhlrd Ume thlo .monll>. 1wept ...... , tet mll•• norih o1 'Neawled. "'1llla 1ore.. o1 - ,w...... ,_ out or O.:.tral l'attM'• l>rldiOnl• and tbt Vnll..S colunuw to capture ,a brld&"" IJ'U.M"L fOTinlllk>tlo, ~ ~ U.. Stal.. StTmtttnlb Abt>on>• Dlwl· .,..... tbo main river and J"'lll - knlc ot lbe Rhine, .,,,-1-.. whlrt Cl( tht ltleblffJllh MTOA the ,..zurn.. mu. ~ Of COb!<=- l.A!tborn• Cotf>f &attl'.. • 8. R~<'•ny popl>laUon. .... tak... by dy DI• day, u W'flll u Obu~r, Btim·•~vctert.nth tndudu tbtt &O'it.b •bloc. nlrd /lrmy troopo ...... - ud Burg?:ot. Rat Oomm.... ~ 8 Of th• !J'. oupporled. by "five oz six t:azika. w..i S\inda)'. p,...... - ,.. FOllltb Anno"'4 Division adva.....S from a~p...,_ cllOlofon • .strlYlnr; to porUtl.) on U>o :north, With C<>mllAl Com• - t.an>ugb Ule Amen..., lines1 Tl>.,.. wu IllU• lot. now• from l,t & poJbt len 'D)!I.. -. ot the j Ibo Slnlh Anny llKIOr wht"' lllo mand A puahl~ eut•a.rd oa & Rhlne at Bonn arul two mn.., aoutb, S.Vont1·nlnth and T!llrlttth Jnfan. parall•I tin• to th• ooutll trom of Sl•g. uy Dlvaion. are 1pearbu.dln&" Ill• Obtrranaatadt. t~e mU~11 110Ut.hoa1t l>upllo the attack lbe First DI· Ad•anc.. Tbo Army's ae.y oc<:up.'a tilt Dorthmt bal! ot the thlrtr·milo 'oothold - or tbe Rhln.. Tbt Htg111&.n4 &lld L.owlaJ>d troopo o:l °"' - ba.,.. po.shed. 1n up lb flr;bl mOu to~ tlleir cdP Da lt!c brS4gt':S over the t.sse1 Rtvtt aed br altbomt 1:n1ops :resur­ d&y. 8eblnd lbil firm froftt tzoope Md equtpmmt wen~ &c:ross tho Rhine tor the D&t stog-e ot th"' of!e:m:t:ve. Late today the Brit. WI bod moved -l50 more ..idol.. O'itr th& dv~r than they ~ to b&vo In tho brldgehoad at that time. w... 1 wu cleared by tho Finl ICommando 8rlg>.de, which linked 1up with the Nlnlll Anny to tbe JIOUlb. EINwh.... tile King's Own ScotUah Borders .-1 a super­ highway 119rthwcst of B&mmtn· katn, t•vo miles .n9rth ot We.tel. Tboro ~·o• figM!ng 80UlllW•8t o! Rcea and north ot Batten and 1':1'1lhr. :.w.t. ot Ree• \ YM cleared today whlla north ot the to\vn, Speldrop was caplurtd by To'b\mtcs who ad· \'nnc~d to the outsklrlA Qt Bein.en. Th"' FlCtet'ntil Pamer <:kenadi.i!r Olvt•lon. part ot the ~an ar-­ mored corps Uv.t tonned the re· NrYt ot lM 0Uman. Flnt P ..

    '"TtlANK \'OU Vt:RY 111\JCU!"-As the victory c.avalcade swings past 40th st on Fi!Ui Ave .. atn. Eisenhower acknov;·lcdg~ New York·s tumultU0\15 welcome in charactcrlittc fa.sbion. !1-tayor La Guardia rides ln the car with the Supttm~ A!Ucd Commander. Six 111l!Hon N~ ~orkers were ttportcd t.o have welcomed Gen. Ike. Al>o

    r; ! l ..... >~ ~I ~% l1'' ll

    ~ '

    , •

    THIS map of the lcmds throu9h which American soldiers and our .L Allies have been fighting their way toward Berlin is dedicated to the wives, sweethearts and families who want to follow the progress of the units with which their men are serving. The beach­ NORTH head on the Normcmdy peninsula where the first landings were made and where the invading troops fought bitterly for weeks to hold SEA ~... their own, is shown in red. The arrows indicate the progress of the MEPPlN • UAKENtRUCK Allied Armies following the break-through on July 18, when St. 1.o REAT YARMOUIH was captured and the sweep across France began. The dates on NORWICH• which the most important cities fell into the hands of the Allies are o1 uron shown near the names of the cities,



    +" \-o' FRAN






    • OlUHEZ



    •BURGOS SCALE 0 MILES S!lt.ASo 0 20 40 so ao_.ioo----

    •• ,. - ---· - THB NBW YORK TI:l>IES,; WEDNESDAY. Al!QU::;.ST::...... :.1~5,:,_.::194..:,:5::.·----'------in Japan Surrenders! And Thousands Times Square Hail• the Victory •

    ,\ 1nt1:hly ronr \\'~nt up Crom the throng wheJ1 th <>news wae tla3hod on Lhc Tllllt• •rower ~c•tordAy ·-- WEDNESDAY, 'MARCH 28, 19·15. ·CHURCHILL CROSSES RH11'1E TO VISIT AMERICANS NAZIS IN LAST STAND I AGAINST U. S. 30TH 116th Panzer- Division, Often Met and Defeated by the American Unit, 11 Cuffed

    Br ~OIS' \l,o."(;()R\t. ~C .,~ .. Tml;Jr... , ...... \\1TIL!?ll£..ll.'>'I';ED STAn:s:. 1"11\'"tl!_ .-.~\'..JUidl rl-'.Ibe at.My of tht :>lnth Arm:r bridp­ hMd whkh OD $Aturday WM & tale of tht 11.rat emphlbloua crou­ lnc ot the lWne &M on SWlday ot tho imminence ot & breel<· throu1ll Into opon country-llU be· com• e.tntf!' yut•rday th• ChronJcl• ol a dt&P<<&to pmble by Fltld )tarabaa Ctn. Albtrt Kc..._lrtDg' to rrt"vont that brn.kthrou~h by \.ht0\v1ng- •J•lruet lt th~ famo\U 110th Pan~fr t>~Ylllon, thl' era.cl< orn\ort"ftntly, tht oc th• 1hnultan1H>u• thrtata to hla aag­ glnr Wf'lttorn li"ro,nt.-presonted by' lhol!rltl•h Arniy to th• north and th• Ninth Arniy'a bndrtllead to UH1 .outh·--th~ '"ttor \ Vt\t the n\oet crucilnl, Ocrtnony'A man ot tho Ye•l•m!ay !Wd today It proceed· olovtnth hour hu hurried down ed mcthodlCAllY with ti>• d<•lr\lc• from thCI NeUtorlA.ndl ona ot Ute Uon ot \he 116tll. Elomcnbl or t~c '~"' th·at..-cl1u11 unite that lhe ll6th were tint detected In tho WeJ\rrnftoht. ,uu poa.~~IM•. briclgcllead .,.ctor Sunday night by fraw much ot Jt And Ill erroor a torward baUallon of Ille Thlr­ Tbo l'rlmo \llnl•l.r htlklni: 10 "•l· Gen. 1,.1and s. Hobbs (right), commllnder of lh• Tblrlltlh n'an•t::~d to mftkt lhclr way Ueth·s 1201l' Regtment.. Their llhl•lon, \\hll• •n rout" to .ho ''"t bank to wat•h our Ninth Army In acll~. ;\t th• l•lt aro )laj. throua;h th~ 1t•i 1t-t upon tht pruence on the Th1rUelh's arctor brld~nd Ulo rt audible from the IOW11. n.o Wh)' ltal'lllal K-:rina' ahould Un!Ud Preos said.] It ddcnded Ga.hit-rt. l'l'lO.t. lrnporl l\&Vt d«ldtd tho N!ntll ""'1.J't to"'D on the roe.cl to Don:Un and • Mr. Churclllll. Field Mushal Str 1wo--ct1vtatoa •tl.a.ck wu more dan· Beman! L. Monigomery. F!eld main -a cmtu, by rtghunir rrorn ltorOU• th11.n Utt BrlU.Jh Second •lttet to .st.net and trom hOUM to Manha! Sir A.Ian Brool on Ille ....rt bank, the Brit­ ot l'alni n.. ch, Fla., A •t&IC ol!J· linked up with Ille Scvcnh>cntb ish ~ader was peT$Uadcd by C(ln· cor or tho '1111rtletll, ••it wu the Airborne Dtvt.slon on 1ts right and eral Simpson not t:o walk to tha 116lh PAn~n that wel"t' thrown In ole3red the viii•&'"" ot Het•terl<•nl nca.rest vlll&ge because. U. had not 11eatnat u1. \\lhtn we jumped ott 4nd \Vee.boten to the aouth. )ftlln~ y~t been cleared ot,mlne& tron1 th(I Sl«"ll'lt1cd -Unt tor tho whUe, mot"e brldpt h&Vft ta,el"I 'buill JlfJcalJJ! Sltoatlon In I.NO RMr Rlv•r Y.'t n1ct them ~ Into Ille bridgehead and Ille rat< ol "1'h11 l• th" lhlrd Un1• tht)' an German)' .sttma Jl"ldlcated by thfl On Ille eaat bank, Mr. Church!ll t.a11glln1' with u. •nd. )'OU can t...ke fact that thf Gtnnan Rblnt. tb&t looked over Into Gennan-htld l•nd my y.-ord tor tl. tr they 1tJck tt e-motional s;tln'bol '-.nd tormtdabl~ and eomp&Nd Adolt BIU•r'• prob­ out It ..-111 be Ult!r tut·• mUltuy bs.nier o! thrff da)·t •r:o. Jtm.1 now with h1I g u ""Old Htclc.Clrv... y.-ou)d aHft\ to 1coutline from tm-a.ston. tuaur7 It, In . Wor!d War I It Shortly &fttt a noon ~ played a rroud !*rt iln .-·•r; aia· ,Jor .A lllfd olftJLai'ft and nceived rr!d more UWi halt U>o Briu.l> decor&· tloaa ewa.nt.d to .Amf".rk&n: out o: the -ow ot & ln'1ldlt:J troor­ oo the we1t brarJt.. and m\l.Md.;: a.ftdl tlftlY• o! the wventy~fbt ·~ last tfmit J wu om the Coa1ttuloul )lodala ot Honor. I.n tllll ....,. It J'l'O''"' llJ metU. al St. l- "'"" &t Cologne t!unll&' tht IA wh~re It ..,._rbeaded the ia.tt ..-.r. We cndMd tiftY mil!' ~thl'oqb! ID the AYR.Dcheil upstnam in ~tlsb guru.oat.; elbow', wMn It ttPflled a mulllve- 0.111Wl tanlr at&clc IM&r f ~; 'Ill tM ~ ot the . :.,tried unu lut autvmn and In the BeJ.I Mft:;,~~.~t t;,~~'=.to au.pf ;

    Mud1 '4, lti:tl In tho now brldgchca.d In tbo north tbe Canadians (1) snuu1hod paftt ~es, tho Brlllah (2) drove through Hammlnkcln and c~scd tho Issel Riv•• and Ille Americana (8) llnkod up with tho British, probably at Llppordorf, broke clear In tbe neighborhood of Bnrckhauaen and plunged boyond Hice· told. The Germans r11ported that now strong parachute forces bad been landed by tho Alli .. north and 110uthcnat or \Vesel. The First Army lunged east.ward to tako Klrcholb, AabMh and Flammol'9· told (4) and eoulheutward to clear Burghof and Vallendar (6). Leas thAn' a do1,cn mllu to tho eouth tho Third Army again spanned the Rhine, this time apparently around Brftubacb and St. Go8rohou""n (6). lta earlier bridgehead was vastly expanded (7). Infantry unlta aelr.ed Kotnlg· 11Mdl peltue'l:>-'•P•ll .Cq P.,••is • S'eM :l!J!:>Vd U! peso •l!'"'W IDVOfl ffil(IlflD·d1as /, 'J, Y9',S1YRAHH J..A VN I

    Tl-tE .'.'.£" YORK TL\lES, \10:-0l>A), lliRCll :?6. I~.~ r FOCUS OF WAR IN 'VEST SHIFTS COMPLETELY EAST OF RHINEl

    • ...

    ...,...... In the new brldgebMd ID the north thr <::am.dians (1 . amuh..i put n-. the British ( 2 ) dn>,·o tllrougb Bammlnkeln and ...... C the Jssel l'Jver and the .Uiet1cans CS) linktd up with the Brltbll, probably at Llppenlorf, broke clMr ln the neighborhood of B!"tlekbaUtt> and plwigod boyOl>d Hlff· ftld. Tbo C.=-ns nportemburir. Tank• t.leo cle1t~ H'aehnlein. To tbe $Utb the Sev· ·-tnth Army mopped up the last enemy ~et west. of the Rhine. ______:T:..:..HE NEW YORK Tl\tr{S, FRID.\\', OCTOaER 19, 1945. L 11 Text of Indictm'ent of Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal

    I Tue l:"JnJ> SuTQ or Axwc... Tile F'ltl:llCH R•nrauc. TU Usttr.1> KIN~:u or Gll'!AT l3uu11: Al\"11 ~otTUEL'< laEl..\..'iD and nm U~"?Ox or SovtET Socuun Rl:Pl.'lll.le& Agal"41


    Count T'vo: Crimes Against Pe~ce 12 c THB NEW ' ORI< Tl\1 1£ll PRID \ Y OCTOBER 19 19-15 ---- ______.c.c ---'-'--'~------~ THI' NP.W YOR1' 'rl\IES FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 1945 L 13 • War Crimes Counts Link Germans In a Conspiracy Against the Laws of Civilization Pillage and Impressment of Labor in European Lands Detailed In• IFOR MER N:\Zl P :\RTY LE \DERS \\HO \R'F TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE IN GER~1 A'I Y ------Count Three I \Var Cnmes Charter Artltle 8 F.llpttlall> (R)

    Count Four Crunes Agamst Humanity Charter Ar c e 6 t:; pee al > ( C)


    a ' • 0 0 ••._ ...._...- ·-----·--.---- · 0 0 ..... ·4 ...... ·~-~~...... - ...... ~ ...... - .....- ...... ---- ....-- .....- ...... - ...... "" ... "' ..... "" ... "" ...... 1111111 ......

    14 [, ______T_HF ISl'W YORI< Tl\IHS, PRIOAY , OCTOBER~lc:..:9.~1~...::5:.:.·---- Big Four Prosecutors Set Forth Violations of Treaties Committed by the Reich Leaders

    C"~nttno.-ct t~m. l"l'f('tlftlnr t._c:• 1 In Count Ono or lh• lndlclmtr.t; And bf •uthor1Ud. dlrect

    ~"..-1.l Cl~ VlolaUon or AWl~..Cunwi •rretment or .u July Ul3S. PA&TICV'LABS


    ._. __.,... " ."\. ..::~ .~'" •...

    ... -,. ,. ...".,: ·: ' , - . 1 - .··-

