Summer Campus
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Connecticut Orientation Issue Summer Campus A publication of the Connecticut Daily Campus Thursday, May 31,1984 CHEERS! The university library was formally named after Homer D. Babbidge (see story, page 5), the Class of "84 celebrated with champagne (see related story, page 6), and if Storrs still needs something to toast this summer season, it can surely find company at Teds Restaurant (see related feature, page 12) George Edwards photos Orientation issue Commentary Connecticut Susanne Dowden Summer Campus A publication of the Connecticut Daily Campus Don't walk alone |ohn Paradis Lditor in Chief Lynne Kerrigan Business Manager Brian Dion Assoc. Managing Editor Lois McLean Office Manager Susanne Dowden Senior Writer Kim Tran Advertising Manager Bob D Aprile Sports Editor but don't get Rob Giower Ad Rep Mark Pukalo Snorts Editor L George Edwards Photography Manager FRESHMEN: Get ready for four hysterical either There has been some attention given lately in the local and years of prepand packaging state media to the safety of women at the Storrs campus. Some of this attention has had a slightly hysterical tone. I W hashed out so thourouyhly that the would like to dispel some of the hysteria elcome Freshmen. Welcome your- enuS are often forgotten, Contrary to popular rumor, there are not rapists lurking selves to a two-track set of goals. One is UConn students are rarely in a posi- behind every bush and corner of the UConn campus. In fact, a to win grades and an impressive tran- tion to initiate dialogue though some majority of women go through four years of school here script The second is to market yourself have tried. Most accept the parameters without experiencing any form of sexual assault or harrass- ment. Much more time and energy has been devoted to pre- for a job. Are you ready to become ()f education as defined by their edu- suitably packaged and prepped within cators simply because they have not vention of rape and support for rape victims than rapists have spent stalking women. ' the next.four years' I^eeii encouraged to look critically. We have heard complaints from students that the Daily Most of you have come into this Students have raised questions here Campus has been trying to "cover up" the sexual harrassment university with narrow objectives. a|)out inadequate campus housing, problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Daily Awareness of the ability of individuals to deteriorating academic facilities, un- Campus can only print information about crimes that have shape your culture, to have an impact qualified professors, tuition increases, been reported to the police. We cannot and will not print rumors and heresay. on economic and political institutions |,Llt jt has been generally unusual for If an administrator such as a Residential Life official were to that affect your lives will not be nur- them to seriously question the bottom- say that the assault problem was rampant, we would certainly tured here--at least not enough. |ine assumptions about what they are print it. However, it does not take a large imagination to figure You have been taught that achieve- told. And even if one raises objections, out why no one has come forward to say this. Either they are ment is measured in responses^ start- very few of their peers would pay desperately trying to hide "the problem" or the problem is not dardized multiple choice questions like close attention, as dire as some believe. Common sense and rationality lead me to believe the latter is true. those of the SA T. Yes. Freshmen, this university sees its I wou Id not advise any female to walk alone on campus after Defenders of higher education have ro!e as a provjder of skilled talent to ser- sunset. With the escort service running all night (even in sum- always centered their arguments on the vice industry and commerce; in short, mer) the risk is completely unnecessary and foolish. If a stu- ability of their enterprise to develop the we are the state's largest technical dent keeps her door locked at night there is no chance of her thinking processes of young people. school. When you become seniors, the being raped in her room by an unknown assailant. It would be Why then are not today's universities unfortunate for any woman to be afraid to walk to the university will bend over backward to bathroom late at night because she thought she'd be raped. educating large numbers of people to lure corporate recruiters to hire you, The possibility is too spend time thinking about work actively as citizens to solve today's prime and preen you for your inter- before you go brush your teeth. social ills? views, teach you how to puff up your A majority of rapes on college campuses are known as date For example, how many political resume...that is //"you become seniors. or acquaintance rapes because often the victim knows the rapist. Many of these rapes go unreported .because the science students have spent a day, a With the new formula budgeting likely to week or a month in Hartford seeing how woman may feel guilty, thinking that perhaps she led him on or raise tuition 14 percent, you will have an that because the man was a friend it wouldn't be rape. Any laws are really passed, observing the even more difficult time meeting costs. sexual act performed against your will is assault and should influences that pull and tug on the Don't expect the financial aid office to be be reported to the police immediately. legislators. of much assistance. It's another of There are many support agencies available on or near cam- This university's curriculum, like so UConn's many red-tape-wrapped bur- pus for assault, but in any event the police must be notified. many others, discourages citizenship This way the rapist can be caught and punished. If the details eaucracies. of the rape are publicized, perhaps it will serve as a warning for and encourages the straight line, get- At a time when young people are other women in the area ahead career and lifestyle. This issue, most open to new ideas, they are ab- Rapes do happen at UConn, as do many other types of however, is rarely.discussed. Students sorbing a steady diet of business as crime. Storrs is a small city and women must lie cautious. themselves are seldom a prominent usual. Yes, Freshmen, you will be pre- However, fear of rape should not overwhelm and stifle us. topic of educational debate. The pro pared to climb within the power struc- Susanne Dowden is News Editor and Senior Writer of the Daily Campus. cess of the educational systenv-the ture, but you will never wonder why it is budgets, the lines of command-are there in the first place. enter under their nation's banner. Medal OLYMPICS: winners represent their nations and the national anthem is played as each winner receives his or her award. We cannot keep Power politics politics out of the Olympics simply be- cause we have put politics into the games as usual to stay. /'//(• nhjcd of the Olympic dames is nut only to Given the circumstances, the suggestion bnnfi people together who like each other hut that future Olympics be held permanently also those uho hare differences. Iioueeer. tliese in a politically neutral site is not surprising differences should he forgotten on tlie sports but finding that site may not be that simple. arena This is the essence of the morement —Lord Killanin OT% Athens is frequently mentioned but who Former President can deny that Greece is not neutral as a International Olympic Committee £//YA*AY ^vi^r^^ NATO member. our own will be around for a long time and Likewise, most of the Free World and the o"nee again, the drearn of international for this reason it would appear to be logical entire Soviet bloc must be eliminated as cooperation has diminished because of for both systems to live in some form of possible sites. The Mideast. Southeast Asia. the usurption of the devotees of good cordiality which would go far toward eas- Africa and the Indian subcontinent are all sportsmanship by the advocates of raw ing some of the great problems the whole out for reasons of instability and economic power politics. Once again athletes have world faces today. distress. That leaves us with the South become pawns in a matter of internation- Plans, both this year and in 1980. to can- Pacific but who knows for how long they al diplomacy. cel participation in the Olympic games can be trusted. The Winter Olympics are The Soviet Union stunned the world this seem like efforts by both the U.S. and not a problem—non-alignecr Antartica month by dropping out of the Summer USSR, to perform like a boy who owns could easily be everybody's choice, al- Olympics. Moscow's motive: Revenge for both the bat and the ball in sandlot games though the continent's flat surface could the U.S.-led boycott of the 1980 Moscow who won't permit the other to take a turn pose some difficulty for Alpine skiers. Olympic games. at bat. Perhaps our problem can be solved by a Both boycotts are examples of the two The very structure of the games indi- tiny island off Rhode Island. If it secedes superpowers in the world exercising all of cates that they are nationalistic, if not politi- after all. the Summer Olympics could be the prerogatives of their power cal.