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Dundee lnverlea EngineeringSupplies 3MAbrasives, Osborn, Presto, FastnersSafety Wear, Gedore Tools, ReGrindFacilities available S ParkStreet, Dundee, DDl SAX Tel01382 205020/01382 322677 Fax01382 205860 S IP<CJ>~S <CJ>IR..S JHII[JP TayportF .C. is indebted to the advertisers in this programme and at the Canniepairt. The club is also indebted to its sponsors. MAIN SPONSORS 1994-98 Scott 8 Fyfe Limited Scotscraig Works, Tayport • Industrial Textile Manufacturers TAYPORT IUNIORS 12 MAY 1996 • THE DAY HISTORY WAS MADE 11>1>7/1>8 ~ TODAY'STEAMS G..m.Yrut. Canniepairt, Shanwell Road , @ii,§ f ayport end long wait to '!ii:':when Tayport. Tel. 553670 TAYPORT. Turri/IUnited in triumph ~ '.:..wn win Scottish Junior Cup ~~:.;.de from from Red Shirts, White Shorts. ~ Fraser MANN !Jim WILL Club - 1947 (as Amate urs), ~~= ~#£--::S:.~ 1990 (as Juni ors). ~B:"1]: Paul REILLY David IRONSIDE lilml!.u.tl, O.V.D. S c ottish Jun ior Cup MartinWILKINSON Ian BRUCE Runn ers-up 199 2/93, 1996/97 Winn ers 199 5/9 6 . Grant MILLER Mike CORMACK Ta ys ide Lea g ue Div isi on 1 Ch a mp io ns 1991 /92, 1992/93, Grant PATERSON !Justin BROWN 1993/94 , 1994/95 , 19 9 5/96 . Grant BUIST David McGINLAY Cent en ary Cu p 1994/95 Cr eam o f t he Bar ley Trophy 1994 /95 Sean WILKIE Sammy WALKER Ta ysi de Leag ue Divisi on 2 Ch a mpi on s 1990 /9 1. Keith NICOLSON Mark LAVELLE Zam oys ki Cup Winn ers 1991 /92 . Whyt e & M ac kay (Cu rrie) Cup Mark SPALDING Brian BURNETT Winn ers 1990/91 , 1991/92, 1992/93 , 1993 /94. ~llan RAMSAY Stewart BAIRD P ert hs h ire Ad ve rt iser Cu p Winn e rs 1990 /9 1, 19 95/9 6 . Steven STEWART Jim ALEXANDER lnt ers port Sh ie ld Win ne rs 19 90 /9 1, 1993/94 . Billy COVENTRY Chris BOOTH Cr ai g Ste p hen Troph y Winn ers Stephen ROSS ~listair McGINLA Y 19 90/9 1, 1991 /92, 199 3/94 , 19 9 5/96 . Albert Hers c he ll Tro p hy Winn ers Dave REILLY ~ndv BEATTIE 199 0/9 1. 199 1/92, 19 92/9 3 , 1993 /9 4 , 19 94/95, 1995 /96. Barrie GRAY Eddie RENNIE Dav id Sco tt Cup 19 9 5/9 6 . Ta m e side Associa t io n fo r th e Ian GREIG Ross McLEAN Blin d Int er natio n al Challe n ge Cu p Winners 1996 . Stephen HUTCHEON Stewart WYNESS ~ E. St ewart , 3 Gr eensi de Pl a ce, Tay po rt . Barry GARDINER Stewart SHINNIE Yice·Chairman· A . D. Oswa ld , 16 Loch side Ga rd e ns , Tay port. ~ A. J . Oswa ld , 17 Refo rm S t reet, Ta yp ort. Imu.unr.;_ R. Mac mill a n, Referee: D.McCORQUODALE Perth 12 Ba nk nowe Dr ive, Tay po rt . ~ Referee Assistants : A.Paterson Perth J. An derso n, L. Beve ridge, Perth R. Irvi ne, A . Mc Dade, D.Munro Commercial Manaaer Ke nn y S mi th . Te l: 6 6901 9 . M..ilruuln;. K. Bun ce ~ DUNDEENORTH END CENTENARY TROPHY. J . Hun ter, G. Nico l, R. Nico ll ~ And y Be ll. Round3 Groundstaff· D. Hug hes , W. Ne lso n Proerammes· INTERESTED IN SPONSORSHIP? PLEASE CONTACT TAYPORT v Turri.ffUnited A . J . Osw al d , KENNY SMITH, COMMERCIAL MANAGER OR MEMBERS 17 Reform Street. Ta y port. Kick Off--2,·00pm OF THE COMMITTEE. Tele ph o n e: 013 82 5 52 644. 'PORTPROG'Vol8 No 91997\98 Port Prog voted top non -league programme in Scotland . Club Membership/SeasonT ickets: TayportF .C.Club Membership , whichincludes a seasonticket to theCanniepairt for all leaguegames , is availableat £20for adults and £1 O for children and senior citizens. Halftime matchday refreshments are available exclusively to clubmembers/season ticket NEXT MATCH AT THE CANNIEPAIRT holdersin theupstairs lounge in the club pavilion. Applications to clubsecretary. SATURDAY 14th FEBRUARY2 .15pm SupportersC lub: TayportF .C.Supporters' Club runs buses to mostaway fixtures. CoverPhotos Details fromMary Walker. Telephone (01382 ) 553647. Develcip11en(of OVD SCOTTISH JUNIOR CUP v LINLITHGOWROS E Tayport FC's Newsline (01382) 552755 theCanniepairt 1975-97 24hrsper day , 7 daysa weekfor all matchdetails and info on Tayport FC. THETAYSIDE SHARPSHOOTERS 21 GOALS DAVE REILLY (TAYPORl) - ll' im I 16 GOALS STEVE HUTCHEON (TAYPORT) ...:_;:-, ----W- -- DARREN TAYLOR (CARNOUSTIE) SHUG McLAUGHLAN(FORFAR WE) 0T.MICHAEL0 INN 14 GOALS STEVE ROSS (TAYPORT) BRIAN CRAIK (CARNOUSTIE) Leuchars• By 6l. Andrews• fife KY160DU Tel: (01334) 839220 • fax (01334)838299 13 GOALS IAN McKENNA (KJRRIE THISTLE) RONNIE KENNETH (ST JOSEPHS) Proprielors: Grahame0 Brenda McKinney KENNY CAMERON (ST JOSEPHS) 12 GOALS PAUL YULE (NORTH END) MEALSSERVED ALL DAY HAMISH SOUTAR (KIRRIE THISTLE) 12 - 9.30 11 GOALS DANNY POWELL (CARNOUSTIE) Last orders 9.15 BOBBY DOUGLAS (NORTH END) 10 GOALS DARREN BONELLA (DOWNFIELD) TRADITIONALSUNDAY LUNCH 12-3 (all competitive games included) HIGH TEAS SUNDAY ONLY 3-7 ® ALWAYSADVISABLE TO TO BOOK Aye, he may be thousands of miles away but you can't keep philanthropic old Bunter out of the papers. This week he features in the current edition of the Arbroath Herald HIGH TEASAVAILABLE TO COACH SUIT SPONSOR PARTIESWITH PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS The rain suits worn by been sponsored by Andrew he is cleric of works on the Arbroath's management team - Robertson Associates. Mr' construction of the biggest sports Dave Bailcie, Graeme Irons John Robertson recently returned home complex in the world. Martin and Tom Fairweather•_have for a short visit from Dubai, where TAYBRIDGE BAR 129 PERTH UNIT 17 MID WYND , ROAD, BLACKNESS DUNDEE. DEVELOPMENT TEL: 01382 200065 TEL: 01382 643973 BUILDER & JOINER S~ol S~ !J/ ANDY DAVID REILLY BELL CARNOUSTIE Friarton House, Friarton Road DOT LECKIE Perth PH2 8DF Tel: 01738 442241 Outsi d e C atering Fax: 0 1738 445116 01241 859838 FAL KL AN D TEL: 01337 857834 ices Ltd r--------------, S~ !J/ S~ol MARTIN BARRY WILKINSON : NATIONAL : GARDINER l HOUSE l A. STEWART Manufacturers of top quali ty sheds. COBBIES INN I I summer houses and playhouses PADANA RAM, 32 T AY STREET , l BUILDERS l FO RFAR TAYPOR T. TEL: 01307 463135 TEL: Open 7 days 552011 L ______________ .J S~ !J/ S~ !J/ l APPROVED: STEVE ALLAN STEWART RAMSAY HOME IMPROVEMENTS • ATTIC CONVERSIONS 1st TIME SCHOOL WESTERN AUSTRALIA OF MOTORIN G TAYPORT SUPPORTERS CLUB 'FORGET THE REST - DUNDEE TEL: (01382) 456272 Mobile: 05856290 42 S~!J/ STEVE GET THE BEST' S~ol HUTCHEON BILLY COVENTRY Tayport Arms TAYBRIDGE BAR 5 Nelson Street, 129 PERTH Tayport ROAD, DUNDEE. Tel: (01382) 553202 TEL: 01382 643973 s~~ s~~ KENNY STEPHEN BUNCE ROSS TAYBRIDGE BAR 129 PERTH ROAD, 20 NAUGHTON DUNDEE. RO AD, WORMIT. TEL: 01382 643973 TEL: 01382 541374 s~~ s~~ JIMMY KEITH HUNTER NICOLSON TWO TAYPORT FC VETERANS FROM THE SIXTIES, RICHARD REDPATH (L) AND CHARLIERENNIE AT LAST YEAR'S GOLDEN JUBILEE DINNER IN THE GREGORYHALL C CENTRECAR McADAMS METRO CC COMPANY BAR SOUT H WARD 77 ROSEBANK ROAD, DUNDEE. STREET, DUNDEE .......•...•••................•.•..•.....................•............. TEL: 01382 200520 TEL: 229974 . DUNDEE NORTH END CENTENARY CUP 3rd ROUND . THIS AFTERNOON'S TIES ~~ s~~ . PORT PROG'S PREDICTIONS MARK PAUL . SPALDING REILLY . :BANCHORY v DOWNFIELD AWAY : CARNOUSTIE v NORTH END AWAY :FORFARWE v ARBROATHSC HOME WEST PORTBUSINESS CENTRE :ISLAVALE v KIRRIE THIS AWAY 61 SCOTT STREET , DUNDEE, DD2 2BA HEATHERLINGHIRE : KINNOULL v ST JOSEPHS AWAY ~---' f_el_:(:_, 01382)907111 :LEWISUTD V LOCHEEUTD HOME Suppliers of the following : VINTAGECAR HIRE :MONTROSE v INVERURIE AWAY Fax and Photocopying Service , Printing • Letterheads , Invoices FORWEDDINGS AND :TAYPORT V TURRIFF Business Cards , Wedding . Sto1tionery, Greeting Cards , Desk SPECIALOCCASIONS . ALL TIES TO BE PLAYEO TO A FINISH Top Publishing , Offi ce Stationery . & Equ ipment . F;u : Mach ine s, TfLEPHONE: .•...............•......•.....•...........•..........•...•..........••.. Dia ries a nd Cal e nd ;u s. Bring alo ng a T-1yport Programme 01382 552139 ' and get £ 1 0 off a So1msun9 f,1x Machine ,1nd/or 1 Oo/o off .111other prices . s~~ s~~ GRANT BUIST GRANT MILLER D. M. BLACK CHEMIST Pollok 8 1 3 29-12 25 Mary hill 7 4 I 27-1'.1 25 J\bercan Cup- rd l- PRESCRIPTIONS DISPENSED J ,ci:mnhngow 5 4 4 20-18 19 C'.11rl11keRovs 0-5 Arthurlie WEST CUP Lllfkhall 5-0 Rng Benburb 4 4 2 17-13 16 Th Kilsyth L11MJXUn 1-2 Renfrew n,und 3- LM11rkUn 5 1 5 18- 18 16 Kilwlnnlng 0-3 Pollok COSMETICS, TOILETRIES 3-5 ,..,_imbm:i1tl<l Larkhall Th 4 2 4 12-15 14 Vale of Clyde '-'' Meadow 1- 3 Peters hill C'oltness Un l-2 Dtmipllcc Glennfton 3-0 Shotts BA Arthurli c 3 4 2 17- 12 D DEVELOPING & PRIN .TING Royal Albert (p) Slonchouse V Glencnirn 1-3 Auchinleck Pclcrshill 3 3 4 10- 13 12 Lesrn,mngow 0-2 C!T'eenock Cumnock 3-1 Lanark Un BABY CARE Jllantyr c Vic 2 4 2 9- 9 10 Sholts Di\ 2-3 Rob Roy Johnstne 5-1 Maybol ,. BRillieston 2 4 6 12-26 10 Bdlsbil!Ath 1-0Perthshi.re Neilston v Forth Wands E. Kilbrid1' v Blantyre Vic Neilston 1 4 4 9-14 7 Ounbnslllllg:R 1-2 Neilston round 4 _ Shclllcston l 3 8 8-25 6 Maryhill l-0 Pollok. Auchlnleck v Pollok 32 ·CASTLE STREET forth Wands 1-1 V.ofleveo. Nlstn/Frth v EKT /BI ant OIV•l . WO LF'A'pt 1oomiewood (p) St.Roch's Cumnock v Glenalton Shotts D.A. 9 0 1 35- 7 27 Pctemhill 1-1 Glenc&m Petershlll v Johnstone TAYPORT DD6 9AF Jobnstooe Brgh 2-1 Pt.
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