Classic Cable Hat and Scarf

Loom: 28” Board + extenders set up for double knit with 2cm spacing

Yarn: Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride bulky, Wool and Mohair blend, each skein aprox 125 yds. Color used is M10 Cream (C), (6) skeins for the set

Stitches: Stockinette and Rib with Cables, Open Rib for hat

Needed: Knitting hook, (2) Crochet hooks, Large Tapestry needle

Size: Scarf is 10” X 68”; Hat fits most adults

Gauge: 3 stitch X 4 rows =1”

Note: Work with loose hand with creating cables.


Cable Hat with 4 cable designs

Cast on 58 stitches in stockinette. Lay anchor . This will be top of hat.

Rows 1-28: Work in stockinette/rib stitch for 28 rows. The sequence will be 4 sts of stockinette, 8 ribbing, 6 stockinet, 8 ribbing, 6 stockinet, 8 ribbing, 6 stockinet, 8 ribbing, 4 stockinet. Work the cable sections (8 pegs) just as done in the scarf pattern, rows 2-12.

Change to all rib stitch for the brim of hat. Once you have completed 28 rows of cables, you are ready to start the entire row in © 2015 Authentic Knitting Board the rib stitch. This is your brim. Your hat will be a total of 40 rows, unless you would like a deeper hat, or less brim.

Rows 29-40: Work in rib stitch, or Open Rib for a chunkier rib.

Once complete, bind off the stitches for the brim edge, using a 2-loop method or any method desired. Sew the 2 ends (short edges) of hat with invisible stitch for a neat invisible seam.

Pull the anchor yarn snug for the top of your hat. Knot the ends, and weave the yarn tails in and out of the hat a couple times to be secure. You may also use the method of securing the hat top for a softer closure. Either way, be sure to leave the ends of yarn attached and do not cut, as you will use these yarn tails to tie on the pompom.

POM-POM-Wrap yarn around 4 fingers about 35-45 times. Slip off fingers and tie center tightly, as you would when making a bow. Cut all the loops with , and shake to fluff. Create a smooth ball by trimming to desired length, approximately 2“ in diameter. Tie the pompom to top of hat with yarn tails from anchor yarn. Finish by drawing ends of yarn to inside of hat. Knot again to secure pom-pom to hat.

Roll the brim of hat up and its ready to wear.

Enjoy your beautiful and warm, snuggly hat and scarf.

Scarf Scarf is knit in Stockinette and Rib/cable stitch. Two sections of cables are on one side, while the other side is worked in ribbing and stockinette only.

Cast On (30) stitches in Stockinette with (C) yarn. Lay anchor yarn.

Row 1: Work Stockinette stitch.

Row 2: Weave (4) sts Stockinette, (8) sts Ribbing , (6) sts Stockinette, (8) sts Ribbing, (4) sts Stockinette. Hook over. Hint-on the return weave, concentrate on covering the empty pegs and you won’t get mixed up or miss a peg. You may want to put a piece of tape on the board to mark the change of weaving pattern. Do this to just one side of knitting board. You can also use it to mark your cable stitches.

Rows 3-4: Repeat row 2.

Row 5: Cable Twist Row A-You will be twisting only the (8) rib stitches for each of the cable © 2015 Authentic Knitting Board sections. Do this to just one side of loom, facing you. With your crochet hook or knit hook, slip loop 5 and 6 off of front board (closest to you). Lift loops 7 and 8 onto another crochet hook or knit hook. Place loops back on board in reverse order. This means to place 7-8 on board first where 5 and 6 were, and 5 and 6 on pegs where 7 and 8 were, so that your cable is crossed to left. This creates your 1st cable. Repeat this process with next (4) loops. Lift loops 9 and 10 onto hook. Lift loops 11 and 12 onto different hook or needle. Place 11-12 on board on 9-10 pegs. Place 9-10 on 11-12 pegs. Next (6) sts are your center stockinette stitches. Now do the cable twist to the next (8) loops by reversing 19 and 20 with 21 and 22. Reverse 23-24 with 25-26. The last (4) stitches are stockinettte. Work back with stockinette and ribbing stitches.

Rows 6-8: Work in stockinette and ribbing.

Row 9: Cable Row B-Worked with center 4 stitches of each cable section. With hook, lift sts 7- 8 and reverse with sts 9-10, only this time place sts on your left onto the needles first so that it crosses to right. Do same thing to center of next cable, reverse sts 21-22 with 23-24 and place sts to left (21-22) on needles first.

Rows 10-12: Work in stockinette and ribbing.

Repeat rows 2 thru 12 until the scarf is as long as desired. Our scarf is aprox 200 rows. End your scarf with 2 stockinette and rib rows. Work one row stockinette. Bind off edges with basic 2 loop method to remove from loom. Bind off at anchor yarn at beginning of scarf. Remove anchor yarn. © 2015 Authentic Knitting Board