Name of Unit: Faith: Jewish – Why Are They Having a Jewish Party? Judaism Key Stage in which this unit should be taught: Key Stage 1 Recommended Year Group (if specified:) Year 1 or 2 Previous Learning: Judaism Unit 1 – What Is It Like To Live As a Jew? AT1 Learning About AT2 Learning From Religion Main focus: Practices and Ways of Life Main focus: Values and Commitments What this unit teaches: AT1: Key festivals which are important to Jewish people; How they are celebrated with reference to specific symbols; How these are similar to other festivals, both in Judaism and in other faiths. AT2: Understanding of important festivals in own life and life of Jewish people; Links to thinking, feeling and behaviour. Value: Respectfulness.

Key RE Vocabulary: Cross-Curricular Links: Judaism Sukkah PSHE Jew God Literacy Jewish Hanukkah Menorah Celebration Light celebrate Miracle Remember Temple Rosh Hashanah Purim Story Good Shofar Evil Shanah Tovah Sukkot Belief

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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development: Sensitivities: Spiritual: Learning about “remembering” Moral: Respectfulness Cultural: Learning about another tradition Possible Further Thinking and Extension Activities: Points To Note: Although the majority of this unit should be taught during the 1st half of the Autumn Term when the majority of the Jewish festivals studied take place, the Hanukkah and Purim lessons should be taught at the of these festivals. Future Learning: Judaism KS2 - What Does It Mean To Be a Jew?

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Unit Name: Jewish Festivals

Unit Question: Why Are They Having a Jewish Party?

AT1: Practices and Ways of Life Level 1: I can use the right names for things that are special to . Level 2: I can talk about some of the things that are the same for different religious people. Level 3: I can describe some of the things that are the same and different for religious people.

AT2: Values and Commitments Level 1: I can talk about what is important to me and other people. Level 2: I can talk about what is important to me and to others with respect for feelings. Level 3: I can link things that are important to me and other people with the way I think and behave.

Unit Overview: Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Why Are Rosh Rosh Sukkot Sukkot Hanukkah Hanukkah Purim They Having Hashanah Hashanah A Party? - (Jewish New (Jewish An Year) New Year) Introduction

(Assessment (Assessment of AT1) of AT2) September October December March

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Lesson 1 Why Are They Having a Party? - An Introduction Set up classroom for a party. Pupils should: Have a selection of items from a birthday party in a bag e.g. , party poppers, cake, candles, birthday hat, present etc. Show the pupils the Resources: AT1: objects one by one, use talk partners to give the pupils time to make Party invitation Understand that connections, discuss and share thinking. Music for games have special called What do these things have in common? Why? “Bunting” template festivals to remember what is important in that Who might be having a party? Why are they having a party? Key Questions: religion. How does the class mascot Hook: feel? Why? AT2: Using the class mascot or favourite soft toy, show the children the What makes you feel special Know what is important invitation, inviting them to their birthday party – it’s today! (See resources) when it’s your birthday? Why? to them. What have you been Activity 1: to?  Have a selection of party activities for the children to enjoy, e.g. Musical What is your favourite part of Statues, parachute games, etc. a party? Why? Discuss key questions. What are special times in a religion called? What religious Activity 2: festivals have you / the school  Each child has a triangle of bunting to write their favourite part of a party. celebrated? What were these “My favourite part of a party is….. because……” (See resources) festivals like? What happened? What story was the festival Plenary and Reflection: remembering? Why is it Connect the pieces of bunting and give an opportunity to share what is important for a religion to have   important to each child. festivals?

Talk about how all religions have special times to celebrate special things that have happened in the past which are important for religions today. Do any of the pupils know the name for these special times in a religion? Festivals. Can the pupils think of any religious festivals that they / the Key Vocabulary: school have celebrated? What were these festivals like? What happened?

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note What story was the festival remembering? Why is it important for a party festival religion to have festivals? celebration story important religion Explain to the children that Jewish people celebrate lots of festivals remember Judaism through the year and we will keep asking “Why are they having a party?” Just like we are starting our new school year, the Jewish people are Sensitivities: celebrating Rosh Hashanah - the start of the Jewish year. Value: Respectfulness

Vulnerable children with limited experience of parties

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Lesson 2 What is Rosh Hashanah? Rosh Hashanah is celebrated by Pupils should:  Reflect back on bunting. Tell children we are learning about a special Jewish people in September. festival that Jews celebrate every year. It’s called Rosh Hashanah (Rosh: AT1 start, Hashanah: year) which means start of the new year. It is celebrated Set up a box with objects / Know the right names the same time as we start a new school year, September. images. for things that are special to Jews. Hook – Special Box Resources:   First item from special box (See resources): The Shofar. Special Box labelled “Rosh AT2 Ask pupils for their ideas about what they think this religious artefact is? Hashanah with objects/images”: Know what is important Jews sound a shofar to signal the new year and wake everybody up into - Challah Bread to them and understand action and good choices for the new year, (show and sound shofar.) - Apple and honey that Rosh Hashanah is - Shofar important to Jews. Activity 1: “Shanah Tovah” phrase. Can you wake up the school by blowing your horn? (Use their hands to make a horn shape.) Explanation of Rosh Hashanah found at: Second item: Challah Bread, a special loaf that represents the “circle of https://www.youtube.com/watc  life”. h?v=L1znjiyEMKc

Third item: Apple and honey. Explain to pupils that at new year we wish / Key Questions:   hope for lots of things, we want it to be “a sweet year.” Why do Jews use this symbol? This is the same for Jews, and so part of their party / festival is to eat apple What are your hopes? dipped in honey and wish / hope for “a sweet year,” (retrieve from box.) Key Vocabulary: Activity 2: Rosh Hashanah festival Pupils discuss wishes / hopes for the year. In turn they can share their Jew Shofar wish and try some apple dipped in honey. Judaism hope At the end teach the children the phrase “Shanah Tovah” which means Shanah Tovah Jewish “Happy New Year.” Shout it out loud: “Shanah Tovah, Happy New Year!” Play explanation of Rosh Hashanah found at:

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1znjiyEMKc Sensitivities:  Allergies (bread / apple / Activity 3: honey)  Imagine you are a Jew celebrating Rosh Hashanah. Write a new year’s Value: Respectfulness resolution that a Jew might choose for the upcoming year.

Plenary and Reflection: Class sort objects – which belong to Jewish New Year?  Can pupils name them? Can pupils remember how they are part of Rosh Hashanah?

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Lesson 3 Why Is Rosh Hashanah Important To a Jewish Person? Rosh Hashanah is celebrated by (Assessment of AT1) Jewish people in September. Key Question: Why are they having a Jewish party? Pupils should:  Hide an image of people celebrating Rosh Hashanah (see resources.) Resources: Gradually reveal more of the photo until the pupils work out the Images of people celebrating AT1 celebration. Discuss key questions. Show objects from box that are seen Rosh Hashanah (see resources) Know the Jewish names in the image, asking what each item is called? Special box from previous for things that are special (Opportunity to consolidate understanding with replay of Rosh Hashanah video lesson to Jews. clip.) Images for sorting and labelling (see resources) AT2: Activity 1: Printed picture frames Compare some of the Pupils sort and pick out images related to Rosh Hashanah and add them to (see resources) things that are same for  the picture frame (see resources.) Jewish people and my Pupils label the symbols in their picture. (Level1) Explanation of Rosh Hashanah own experience. found at: Activity 2: https://www.youtube.com/watc To know that Rosh   In second picture frame, pupils draw and label a time they have celebrated h?v=L1znjiyEMKc Hashanah is important to a (religious) festival with a meal / sweet food and music (e.g. .) Jews (Level 2) Key Questions: What are they celebrating? Extension: Is there anything that happens at Jewish New Year that is similar How do you know? / different to your celebration? (Level 3) – oral or written evidence. How are they feeling? Can you name the items in the Plenary and Reflection: picture?   Put special items back in the box, naming each one, for the next year to Explain their symbolism. emphasise yearly celebration. Key Vocabulary: Rosh Hashanah festival Jewish Shofar Judaism year

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Shanah Tovah Jew hope

Sensitivities: Value: Respectfulness

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Lesson 4 Why Are They Having Another Jewish Party? Sukkot is celebrated by Jewish Pupils should: (Sukkot) people in October. Hook – Special box AT1:   Reflect back on bunting. Tell children the story of the Israelites travelling *Take photos for next lesson. Know the right names in the desert, following Moses, where it was really hot. Tell the story using for things that are special items in the box as a visual aid. They were tired, thirsty and hot and Resources: to Jews. needed to rest. What could they do? Children think what they would do – Special Box labelled “Sukkot” relate to the beach. They needed to find some shade. In the shade they containing objects / images: AT2: could rest, eat, drink and praise God. The shade, given by God, protected - desert (yellow material) Know what is important them from the heat. - Lego figures to Jews which they Explain that every year Jewish people have a 7-day party / festival, building - twigs and leaves remember at Sukkot. Sukkahs, to celebrate the blessings God gives them. - water Psalm 113:1-3 Why are they having a Jewish party? To remember!   They remember travelling in the desert, finding shade and praising God for Fruits and vegetables for the blessings he gives and how He protected the Israelites. decoration/eating Why is it important for Jews to remember this? Junk modelling/Lego Show an image of a Sukkah, decorated with fruit. Explanation of Sukkot found at: Activity 1: https://www.youtube.com/watc   Drama: Go on the adventure following the story. h?v=h_W1pGtlRsY Children walk through the playground ‘following the leader’ with tired / hungry / thirsty actions. If possible, children create mini Sukkah dens for a Key Questions: Lego figure and decorate them with fruit and vegetables, representing the During role play / freeze things that Jews believe God provides. In the dens they can play / eat fruits frames: / drink water etc. Altogether count to 7 to represent 7 days of Sukkot and Why are you tired? share Psalm 113:1-13. What do you wish for? Alternatively, the children can act out the story in freeze frames and How do you feel? create miniature dens through junk modelling or Lego. What are you thankful for? How is this similar to how the

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Plenary and reflection: Israelites must have felt on   Opportunity to watch explanation of Sukkot found at: their journey through the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_W1pGtlRsY desert? Why is it important for Jews to Recap key question: remember this? Why are they having a Jewish party? To remember! Key Vocabulary: Sukkot Judaism God Sukkah Jew festival remember Jewish

Sensitivities: Children with fine motor difficulties may need support to build / create Sukkahs.

Value: Respectfulness

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Lesson 5 Why Are Jews Remembering At Their Festival of Sukkot? Sukkot is celebrated by Jewish Pupils should: Hide an image of people celebrating Sukkot (see resources). people in October. Gradually reveal more of the photo until the children work out the AT1: celebration. Discuss key questions. Resources: Talk about some of the Point out key items in picture, showing items from box. Image of people celebrating things that are the same Sukkot. and different for Jews and   Pupils discuss what is important to Jews at Sukkot. Christians. What did God provide? What are Jews thankful for? Why do they feel like Invitation template. this? AT2: Is there a festival like Sukkot at all in the Christian faith? Key Questions: Talk about what is . What are Christians showing and saying at Harvest What are they celebrating? important to them and to Festival? How do you know? others with respect for What do Christians believe about God? Creator who they should thank How are they feeling? their feelings. and how they should take care of God’s world that he created. Can you name the items in the How is Sukkot similar / different to Harvest Festival? picture? How do the pupils feel about the world in which they live? Explain their symbolism. How does this make them feel to treat it? Key Vocabulary: Activity 1: Sukkah Jewish   Create an invitation asking friends to come to their Sukkah for Sukkot (see Sukkot festival resources.) They need to explain what there will be at the party and why it Judaism God is important to a Jew. Jew Creator Extension: Explain how someone should behave when they visit a Sukkah? Care thankful (Oral or written evidence.) Sensitivities: Plenary and reflection: Value: Respectfulness   Put special items back in the box for the next year to emphasise yearly celebration.

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note

Lesson 6 Why Are They Having a Jewish Party in December? Hanukkah is celebrated by Pupils should: (Hanukkah) Jewish people in December. Hook: Special Box AT1:  Reflect back on bunting. Explain to pupils that they are going to learn Resources: Talk about some of the about another Jewish party – a festival. We will need to ask “Why are Special Box labelled things that are the same they having a Jewish party?” “Hanukkah” containing objects for different religious Share story of Hanukkah using special box (see resources.) / images: people. Retell with the following activities. - path - Lego bricks AT2: Activity 1: - Oil Know that Hanukkah is   Whispering Tunnel: - Pupils make 2 lines facing each other. They think of - Menorah important to Jews and something to “tempt” the Israelite who walks through the tunnel (e.g. - Candle what is important to “Look over here, I’m making a funny face.” “Look here, I have chocolate.” them. etc.) Explanation of Hannukah found One pupil (an Israelite) has to walk along the tunnel without being at: distracted, keeping their focus on the path ahead - the Israelites were https://www.youtube.com/watc being tempted but kept their eyes on God. h?v=P8WcSAADpDI Reflect on key questions. Key Questions: Activity 2: How did it feel?  Either: Show a destroyed Lego temple. Share feelings. Pupils have 5 What was distracting? minutes to rebuild a temple out of Lego. What did you hear? Or: Show jigsaw of a picture of a temple in pieces (see resources.) Pupils What made you keep walking? work in groups to work together and remake their temple. What tempts us in our lives?

Activity 3: Key Vocabulary:   Light a candle to show dedication of temple to God. Explain that the Hanukkah Jewish

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candle stayed alight for 8 days – the Jews believe it was a miracle. celebrate oil Show pupils a Menorah (8 branched candlestick.) What do you think this Menorah festival represents? Why? miracle God Explain that Jews use this to remember and celebrate at Hanukkah. Judaism light Light the menorah as it would be lit by a Jew during the festival of temple dark Hanukkah. Jew When have you seen a candle lit? What other festivals use a candle? What does it represent? – Make links to other faiths. Sensitivities: Value: Respectfulness Plenary:   Opportunity to watch explanation of Hanukkah found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8WcSAADpDI Why do Jews feel it is important to celebrate Hanukkah? What are Jews remembering? Celebrating?

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Lesson 7 What Are Jews Celebrating At Their Festival of Hanukkah? Hanukkah is celebrated by (AT2 Assessment) Hook: Jewish people in December.  Key question: Why are they having a Jewish party? To remember! Pupils should: Hide an image of people celebrating Hanukkah. Gradually reveal more of Resources: the photo – what are they celebrating? Assessment activities (see AT1: Point out key items in the image: Menorah, driedel, gelt, latkes, oil, etc. Suggested Teaching Activities for Describe some of the resources needed) things that are the same Activity To Assess AT2: and different for religious   Free-flow / rotation of activities: Key Questions: people. 1) Drawing a Jewish party What are they celebrating? 2) Making a menorah Why is it important? AT2: 3) Playing with driedels How are they feeling? Know what is important 4) Sequencing story of Hanukkah How does it affect them? to Jews and compare it 5) Guided activity (can run 2 groups if TA available): Is anything from Hanukkah to what they think is Show the pupils box & photo. Discuss key questions, making notes on important to you? important. speech bubbles to create board of ideas for assessment purposes. Why are they having a Jewish party / festival? Key Vocabulary: Hanukkah festival God Plenary and Reflection: Menorah light latkes   How is the Jewish festival of Hanukkah similar / different to the Christian Judaism oil driedel festival of Christmas? Jew temple Is anything from Hanukkah important to you? remember celebrate Put special items back in the box for the next year to emphasise yearly Jewish miracle celebration. Sensitivities: Value: Respectfulness

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note Lesson 8 Why Are They Having a Jewish Festival Called Purim? Pupils should: Hook: Purim is celebrated by Jewish  Reflect back on bunting. Show pupils a video of the Purim festival. people in March. AT1: ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ Purim Story CBeebies: Use religious words to http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/lets-celebrate-purim Set up classroom for a festival. talk about what Jews are Ask key questions. remembering at Purim Resources: and how they show their Opportunity in this lesson for Jewish child / visitor (or teacher in role) to ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ Purim Story beliefs.   share their experiences of celebrating Purim and their beliefs about it. CBeebies: Pupils write questions to ask visitor about Purim and how it is celebrated / http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/ AT2: why it’s important / similarities and differences to Christian festivals. watch/lets-celebrate-purim Describe what the same Story of Esther is for Christians and Jews Share the story of Esther (see resources). Show The Torah scroll from Mini Torah scroll in a celebration.  where the story can be found. Poster and strips Whenever the name “Haman” is said, pupils shout and clap hands to cover up the name. Key Questions: Purim is a big celebration, thanking God for rescuing the Jewish people What is happening? through Esther and Mordecai. How are people feeling? What do you think they are Ask pupils to remember some of the ways they saw Jewish people celebrating? celebrating. Discuss how each part helps Jews remember, remember what? Key Vocabulary: Purim festival Activity: Esther belief Using drama, groups of 4 / 5 children work together to retell the story of Judaism good  Esther. Characters: King Xerxes, Esther, Mordecai, Haman, (Narrator) Torah celebration Jew evil God rescue Jewish Reflection and Plenary:

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Learning Objectives AT1 AT2 Suggested Teaching Activities Points To Note  Why are they having a Jewish party? Sensitivities: To remember and to celebrate! Also to show their beliefs. Value: Respectfulness Question: Are there any Christian festivals that happen to remember and to celebrate? Pupils to write on a strip something that they remember about any of the   Jewish festivals that they have learnt about. With quiet and reflective, possibly Jewish, music playing, pupils each attach a strip to a class poster around the question, “Why are they having a Jewish Party?” whilst reading their memory.

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