Stronger Together Caring for the Vulnerable Providing resources to organizations that help those in need.

You can feel good about the social service organizations that the Jewish Federation of Louisville supports. By providing an inclusive experience for all children at summer camp, employment services for an out-of-work dad, a camp scholarship for a child or home-health services for seniors, we put the Jewish values of compassion, generosity and responsibility into action. Every day, together, we improve the lives of in Louisville, Kentucky, and in more than 70 countries worldwide.


Caring for the Vulnerable Inspiring & Ensuring Jewish Futures Helping to ensure the best in Jewish Inspiring education, Jewish identity and community connection.

A knowledgeable, engaged community creates vibrancy and resiliency that can help sustain our Jewish peoplehood. & Ensuring The Jewish Federation of Louisville supports institutions, initiatives and programs that shape and strengthen Jewish identity and literacy, including Partnership 2Gether, camps, schools, Hillel, the JCC, the Jewish Community Relations Jewish Council and leadership experiences. > We are STRONGER TOGETHER. Futures Changing the World Together Safe-guarding, enhancing and strengthening Jewish communities and Changing peoplehood around the world.

When Jews around the world need help, we don’t let borders get in our way. The Jewish Federation of Louisville provides the safety net that enables Jews to fulfil our obligation to take the World care of each other, as one global family. Years of financial troubles have left thousands of Jews overseas in desperate need. The poorest Jews around the world have no one to turn to but us. We support agencies that deliver food and medicine, along with self-respect and connection to a caring, world-wide Together Jewish community. > We are STRONGER TOGETHER. For more than 80 years, The Jewish Federation of Louisville has supported, sustained and revitalized Jewish life. Today, our work is far from finished. And we need your support.

Your contribution helps to care for our entire Jewish community-enabling us to use your gift where it is needed most: at home, in Israel or around the world.

Please give generously to Federation today. Visit us at LOCAL PARTNER ALLOCATIONS High School of Jewish Studies LBSY (Louisville Beit Sefer Yachad) The Temple Religious School Vaad Hakashruth Hadassah NCJW (National Council of Jewish Women) Jewish Community of Louisville (JCRC, JCC, BBYO, Teen Connections, J45ers, PJ Library, Senior Nutrition, Yachad at JCC Summer Camp, Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Yom HaShoah, CenterStage, Hillel, Community, Partnership 2Gether) Jewish Family & Career Services

National & International Partner Agencies American Jewish Committee Anti-Defamation League Birthright Israel JAFI () JDC (Joint Distribution Committee) Please give generously World ORT to Federation today. Visit us at > We are STRONGER TOGETHER. With the help of the Jewish Federation of Louisville, our partner agencies were able to: 26,000 cultural arts experiences at a CenterStage or Acting Out show children and youth connected at Teen Connection, BBYO and J-45ers 255 46 18,000 Young adults Meals served at traveled to Israel Chavurat Shalom, through the JCC Senior Nutrition Taglit/Birthright and Meals on Wheels. Israel Program

550 450Students educated at campers The Temple Religious enjoyed a School, LBSY, HSJS, JCC great summer and ELC. at JCC received22 assistance Summer Camp for Yachad camper program 2400 community members informed at Jewish inspired participants in Cultural Events PJ Library/Shalom Baby (Louisville Jewish Film Festival, Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Yom HaShoah, JCC Patio Gallery). hours of homecare provided. 8400 340 When You Support the Federation Annual Campaign, You Sustain the Jewish People. Your gift provides:

$550 to maintain an Helps an unemployed adult gain support, independent lifestyle. Supplies weekly P.A.L.S. medical appointments and

skills and networking through JFCS. $65 transportation from JFCS for errand runs, allowing seniors Provides one month of counseling at JFCS for a $365 family coping with trauma. Funds a one-year scholarship for a child in the High School of Jewish Studies. $500 Provides a family $225 scholarship to $450 Provides a senior with 3 the JCC for a hours of weekly homecare month. Hires an to assist with meal advocate for a preparation, laundry, Yachad child for housekeeping and personal care. $83 a week of camp. Enrolls a child in the $240 PJ Library for a year. $144 Covers the fees $40 Ensures 1 month for a teen a of kosher scholarship to meals-on-wheels deliveries for a attend BBYO’s to enjoy a homebound senior Shabbat dinner. Allows a child to or a Hillel student children's program participate in a JCC Kallah Weekend. $18 from the JCC. Jewish Federation of Louisville A Jewish Community of Louisville Organization

Jewish Community of Louisville 3600 Dutchmans Lane ∞ Louisville, KY 40205 502-459-0660 ∞