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3 ' E D J N B U R G H 2



' sr JAMES S! U ARE.

”PR LI 2 2 6b P FA E R E C .

OF num er ou s o f the biographers the poet Burns, few have i d lated on his lineage . Some doubtless felt that his position i might not be elevated by any ped gree, however famous . Others may have been content to hold that himself being in

ul lowly circumstances, any inquiry as to his progenitors wo d

‘ u s less and be e unprofitable . By his biographer Dr Currie he “ " is described as in reality a peasant . What in respect of descent Bu rns really was these Memoirs

im will show . Remotely sprung from a landed stock, his di me ate ancestors were yeomen, at first opulent, latterly the

u reverse . The family had prod ced another poet, the author “ of Thru mmy Cap ; but decided indications of intellectual activity did not appear in the house till subsequent to the

’ of of marriage the poet s paternal grandfather. The wife this

o f person was of the family of Keith Craig, a branch of the

o f - of house Keith Marischal . From the Keiths Craig have

r n sp u g, among many other eminent persons, the celebrated

Hon . Ambassador Keith , the Right Sir Robert Murray Keith ,

accom and Mrs Anne Keith, a considerable poetess and the

lished of . o f p friend Sir Walter Scott Isabella Keith , wife

Clo chnahill Robert Burnes at , was mother of three sons who reached manhood . The eldest was grandfather of Sir Alexan di der Burnes , linguist, plomatist, and traveller ; the second 4 P REFACE .

pronounced by the poet the smartest of her had a daughter ’ kin ; the third was the poet s father . The family name was originally Burnes ; it has bee n m —Bu r nace Burnice and Bur ness . For a ti e variously spelt , , the poet spelt it Burness but prior to issuing proposals for

- 1786 the first edition of his poems in , he finally changed

the spelling to Burns, as the name was usually rendered in l , Ayrshire . Not a few descendants of the house especial y

o f . in the north of , adopt the form Burness

’ The present work is chiefly founded on !Dr James Burnes

” m N otes on his Name and Fa ily, a thin duodecimo privately

185 1 on a printed in , and entries in the parochi l and other

’ m of m i registers . A ong the members the poet s fa ly who l b have afforded wi ling help may be named Mr Gil ert Burns , o f Dublin , his nephew ; Misses Agnes and Isabella Begg, of

w s hi Allo ay, his niece ; Mrs Everitt and Mrs Hutc nson, his

grandchildren ; an d his relatives Mrs Adam Burnes and Lieu

Al . tenant bert Whish, both of Montrose In many ways Mr

of of Myers , town clerk Montrose, Mr James Gibson Liver

‘ M Kie pool , and Mr James of Kilmarnock, have rendered ’

praiseworthy and important service . Through the good i . offices of James Cow e, Esq , Sundridge Hall, Kent, an ao curate account is for the first time presented of the cir

cu m stances ’ under which the poet s grandfather, Robert

u , Clochnahill B rnes quitted the farm of , an event bearing i i mater ally on the latter h story of the family. To render the

r genealogical na rative minute and accurate, no effort has

been spared .

RA M P IA N O DG E FORES T HILL S , E . G L , . , October 1877 . GE N E A LOGI CA L M E M OI R S.

T E . E T C C .

THE name Burns or Burnes is probably derived from the

- Boom f nes d Anglo Saxon , a chief, with the a fix , enoting pos l Burn bur h Y . es 93 8 session At g , in orkshire, Athelstan, in ,

- -E r m u ldon defeated the Danes and Scots . Burneston juxta , 2 N or thu m berland one of 13 9 1 in , was the estates left in by

f n of o Str vel . Jacoba, wife John de y y The manor Burnes

of ton, in Derbyshire, belonging to the abbey Welbeck, and f V III ar e o . other places so called , named in the reigns Henry 3 Burn . estede and Elizabeth , in Norfolk, belonged to Beatrix ,

A Bu r neshead in Countess of rundel, in and , Cumber land, was the seat of a family named Burnes up to the reign of Edward L5 In Domesday Book in 105 0 Godric de Bur’nes appears as 6 o f . owner wide domains in Kent In the reigns of Richard I .

118 9 - 1216 i n t and John ( ) are named, connection with proper y

in Kent, Eustace de Burnes , Roger de Burnes , and William

Har s 4 . d n h . 15 3 y g C ronicle, Lond 2 12 I t . 1821 . . . 7 . Calendar . nquisit . Post Mor , Lond , vol iii p 3 V I 1 25 Lan H II . 8 cas alor Ecclesiasticus, temp . enry V , Lond . Ducatus iae tr . 182 . , Lond 7 4 M ort . . . 19 . Calendar. Inquisit . Post , vol iv , p 7 5 ’ i. . 1 4 1 . 2 Burn s Cumberland, Lond . 7 77 , vol , p . ’

E I . . . 63 . llis ntroduction to Domesday Book , vol ii , p 6 GENEALOGICAL M EMOIRS or

l m iles John de Burnes , , is , in a bull of Pope de Bur m es . 1290 Nicholas IV. welcomed to Rome in as envoy of , in 2 appears as sheriff of Kent ; also Edward I . ; he afterwards 3 connection with various important public transactions . In i a charte r of Edward II . , Will am de Burnes is included among

a . the earlier benefactors to the hospital founded by Thomas 4 e . Becket at Eastbridge, in Cant rbury The name is also at an early date to be found in Scotland

hou se le E u es e Seint Robert del Bru n , tenant g de Andreu

” denebu r h del cou nte de E g , is twice mentioned in connection

Bar nes with the oaths of allegiance tendered to Edward

Ber nis - or , as place names, appear in numerous charters of the

6 To reign of Robert the Bruce . John Menteith, King Robert

in m granted a charter of the lands of Bernis , the thanedo of 7 A berluthnot and county of Kincardine . These lands were

n Bu r nhou se r afterwards know as of Kair, and f om these it is probable that the Kincardineshire fam ily of Burnes derived i their surname . A tradition that the orig nal name of the

n n Bur es family was Campbell may rest upon some fou dation , but the tradition is too vague to be positively affirmed . A family named Burnes certainly existed in Kincardineshire early in the sixteenth century, and this family, there is every

s to i rea on bel eve , obtained its name from the lands of Bernis

Bur nh u or o se .

1 Placi m A bbreva i torn t o . R . , temp ic . I 2 ’ Fe dera 1 6 e . 81 . i. n . 40 Rymer s , Lond , vol , part , p . 7 . 3 ’ ’ R u din s n s Foeder a i g A nal of Coinage Rymer s Hasted, vol . . , pp . i. , 11. ’ D dale s M o u nas ticon . 692 g , vol . vi , p . .

R l 14 . Ragman o ls , 7 8 - i n At the north west extrem ty of Sanday , one of the Ork ey isles, is the a s p ri h of Burness a. lake in the island of Westray is so styled and there is a an est te of the name on the mainland of Orkney, near Kirkwall . 7 ’ R r I 6 obe tson s ndex, 17, 5 . ' THE FA MILY or R R ROBE T BU NS . 7

Bu rnhou se of of I nchbr eck Near Kair lie the lands , in the d 154 parish of Glenbervie . These lan s were in 7 granted by

A l v Sir exander Douglas of Glenber ie to David Stuart , in reward of his care of the granter when he lay wounded on

of of the field Pinkie . On the authority the late Professor

of Inchbr eck Stuart of Aberdeen , owner , we learn that in 154 7 the lands were rented by persons named Burnes , whose 1 descendants continued to occupy the lands . “ O n 5th 163 7 r r a the April , John Burnes , se vito , prob bly

to A l of factor or chamberlain Sir exander Strachan Thornton , attached his name at to a deed granted by the Earl of T r of Al Str aitown of raquair, Treasu er Scotland, to exander 2 that inn The lands of Thornton are situated in Kincar dineshir e or Inchbr eck W , in the district of Glenbervie _ , here we i f obtain the first trace of the Burnes fam ly . The name o

of i Patrick Burness, clerk to the Presbytery Brech n , is 26th 165 9 attached to a bond, whereby, on the August , John Linds ay of Edzell granted ane hundreth merks and six ” “ f hli ” 3 etc . o Lo e . bolls of oatmeal, to the Reader g In the parish churchyard of Glenbervie four tombstones

on commemorate members of the Burnes family, farmers the

In h r f c b eck . o estate One these , in the form of a sarcophagus , i elaborately decorated, records the names of Will am Burnes ,

Bo or an 1715 tenant in gj g , who died in , and of the members o f his family . On the upper portion of the stone are the

i . F. l . . in tia s W B and C , between the figure of a heart, richly sculptured . Beneath are the words, Here under lies

1 ’ ’ u N e N . 14 Jer vise s l Dr B rnes ot s on his ame, p Memoria s of Angus and

- 1 61 8 o . 9 5 9 9 . the Mearns, 8 , v , pp 2 the Dr James Burnes , who relates this fact, states that deed was in the

— h a N otcs o n is N m e . 13 . possession of his father . , p 3 ’ N . 17 . Dr Burnes N otes on his ame , p 8 C E N E A LOG ICA L MEMOIRS OF

17 15 . Then Burnes ,

B. B. . V B . , \ . B. . n . , follow the i itials I , , I , R with these words

“ h r the l 0th And here lies his son, Jo n Bu nes , who departed April 17 being of age 3 At the base is the date

- ul . of erection, engraved between sc ptured cross bones ” f i . . o , The wife o f Will am Burnes , C F the inscription was

Christian Fotheringham . Of the house of Fotheringham , the f founder proceeded to Scotland from Hungary in the train o

of sainted ! ueen Margaret, wife Malcolm Canmore ; the

P owr ie family headquarters have long been , in Forfarshire, but some of the younger branches settled in the county of Kin

cardine . l B. B. . B B. . The initials I . . , W . , I , and R , on Wi liam

’ u n r B rnes tombstone, seem to denote the ames of his child en , who had died young . Of these , John Burnes , who is specially

commemora ted,died at or subsequent to the age of thirty .

Considerably before his death , William Burnes seems to

rr his Bo or an ll have su endered farm of gj g to his sons , Wi iam

m and Ja es . These , after some time holding that farm on a 1 05 joint lease , separated in 7 , when William remained at

Bo or an to gj g , and James proceeded rent the farm of Inches , — f in the same county . The inventory of the home steading o Bogjor gan at the time of the separation was discovered by 1 the late Dr Robert Chambers , and, as published by him , pro c eeded thus “ bi in Bo or ine to Ane note of the g g off gj g , belonging Wil a ther eoff i i Bu r nas s e li m Stuart , heritor , g ven up be Will am , f o sd. Bur nasse present tenant the rowm , and James , late

o of halff ther off sev entainth p ssessore the , upon the day of l 170 5 Jul y, years . 1 R r R Life and Works of obert Bu ns, edited by obert Chambers, Edin . 18 53 8 vo s i. , , 4 vol , vol . , p . 3 3 3 . HE or 9 T FAMILY ROBERT BURNS .

ff r o ff thr ie cou lles ff ou r Imp . (a y ) houss , consisting p ,

taill -es m idle ffr o m horses , two post , ane wall with ane post r r ooff the g ound, with ane , two pares in the syd , with ane door bandet, locked, and bared, and with ane window off two li htes g , bradet , bandet, and snecked, with ane loume, all to be sufficient . ff v e cou lles Item, ane barne, consisting of y p , four horses , taill r ooff thr ie !for two postes, ane , pares in the syd , with door locked and bandet, and back door bared and steepled , all to be sufficient . of cou lles Item , ane byre, consisting four p , two in the syd ,

‘ r oofi cheikes e f ane , with door and door band t, all to be suf i cient . “ It is declared be both parties that if ther be no other ffou nd b Wh tsonda nixt 1706 inventur etwixt this and y y , off years , that shall be ane tr(ue) inventur the said William hi r m ll Burness at s e ov e from the said roum . In witness

— M iddletou n beff or these witnesses Robt . in Broom

l u r n wr r h r off P o b t e e e . bank, and David Watson in , y “ M idl n W tn W . eto e i es . . S . R , ILL TUART

W n 'r t'r 1 0 it es a nd W . 5 . 7 . D Watson, y ” W . B .

of James Burnes , farmer at Inches , son William Burnes ,

Bo or an o f tenant at gj g , married Helen , daughter George

E lf l di . Burnes , in hi l he ed without issue

l Bo or an ri Wi liam Burnes , second in gj g , mar ed Elspet

son Taylor, by whom he had a , William, and two daughters ,

and m r Christian Elspet . Christian a ried James Kerr, and

a hi . Elspet m rried William Taylor, tenant in W tebog

ill Bo or an W iam Burnes, third in gj g , married Helen ,

of lli m i daughter Wi am Thomson , erchant, Druml thie , parish

For dou n In 1 84 -fifth of ; he died 7 , in his sixty year ; his wife 9 1 . died in 77 He had four sons , William , James, Robert, 10 GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS or

, and John ; and seven daughters , Jean, Janet, Margaret ll a . , , Isobel, Jean, Sarah, and M ry Of these Wi iam James

. Jean, and Janet died in infancy Margaret married Robert

. , Dallas , merchant, Stonehaven Robert the elder surviving 1 son settled in Stonehav err he died there in 18 6. By his ,

, wife, Anne Paul , he had a son William who established a 1 manufactory at Stonehaven . ur n of , John Burnes, younger son William B es third in

m Bo or an 1771. gj g , was born in After some ti e engaging in

1794 i in u , trade , he, in , enl sted the Ang s Fencibles and while

stationed at Dumfries, became acquainted with his relative ,

‘ s A t in 179 6 the poet Burn . Dumfries, , he composed his

” m etrical tale of Thrummy Cap, which was shown to Robert

was Burns shortly before his death ; it afterwards published,

and passed through several editions . John Burnes served with the A ngus Fencibles till the regiment was disbanded in

v ir 179 9 he subsequently ser ed in the Forfarsh e Militia, remaining with this corps till it was discharged in

m idle l pursuing his last vocation , as travel er for a publish

- r ing house , he perished in a snow sto m on his way from

to e ' ou 12 Stonehaven Ab rdeen, the night of the th January 26 18 . “ his t Thru m m ' Ca Besides ale of y p, John Burnes pub “ lis hed 18 19 i , in , a volume contain ng The Hermit, or the ” “ R os ond Dead come to Life, a comic dramatic tale ; m and

” l or Isabel a, the Persisting Penitent, a tragedy ; The Old

” “ ” a Soldier, a comic drama ; Sir James the Rose, a tr gedy ; “

a . and Charles Montgomery, a tr gedy He subsequently “ s on publi hed, at Montrose, The Recruit, an interlude in e

1 S n tatement by William Bur es , manufacturer, Stonehaven , to Dr Bur nes, e 2 d A dat d 2 ugust 183 4. 11 ' THE FAMILY or ROBERT BURNS .

on act . His various compositions were acted the provincial l r stage, the author assisting in the performances . He ma ried

of. . Margaret Davidson , a native Peterhead, without issue Another tombstone in Glenbervie churchyard celebrates

Br awlinm u ir James Burnes, tenant in , younger brother,

f l Bo r n o o a . as is believed , Wi liam Burnes in gj g On his tombstone James Burnes and his wife are commemorated by the following inscription

o f Here under lyes the body James Burnes, who was

Br awlinm u ir 23 d 1 43 tenant in , who died the of January 7 ,

! f 8 7 . o aged years Also , the body Margaret Falconer, his i 28th 1 49 spouse , who departed this l fe the of December 7 , 9 0 aged years .

A ’ ltho our bodys worms destroy, Our reins consum ed be ; Y et in our flesh and with our eyes R ” Shall our edeemer see .

For the farm of Br awlinm uir James Burnes paid a rent 3 00 2 £ . equal to sterling According to tradition, he was a f H person o great sagacity and shrewdness . e lived at a period when Highland freebooters made predatory incursions

. one c Ka tem n into Kincardineshire On oc asion , when these ,

n as they were called, were hovering in his eighbourhood, he adopted the precaution of concealing his money in the nave of an old cart wheel which lay in the j aw- hole in front of his house . The aperture being plugged up, the robbers entered and left the house without suspecting the existence of the 3 treasure they were treading upon .

1 R I 1868 12 Dramatic Writers of Scotland, by alston nglis , Glasgow, , mo , 2 p . 6 . 2 ’ N . 14. Dr Burnes otes , p 3 ’ m be E . 185 1 . 3 4 Cha rs s Life of Burns, din , p 3 . 12 GEN EALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF

Brawlinm u ir r o f n , Ma g aret Falconer, wife James Bur es in R anul h belonged to an old and noble house . p , son of Walter

Lun k n in li de y , obta ed from Wil am the Lion , about the close

l u of the twe fth cent ry, the office of royal falconer, with

on the several lands in Kincardineshire, which, account of

’ of owner having charge the king s hawks, were subsequently

' n E des ignated Halkerto . y the family was assumed the name

ir of Halker ton f . S o Falconer Alexander Falconer , a zealous I adherent of Charles . , was by that monarch appointed a

at of l 1647 sen or the Col ege of Justice, and was in raised to

f r n no w the peerage as Lord Falconer o Halke to . He is represented by Francis Alexander Keith Falconer, eighth

E arl of Kintore .

Besides William and James Burnes, commemorated in

of Glenbervie churchyard, were two other brothers , one whom ,

of 169 0 Colonel John Burnes, is mentioned in the Act , for rescinding the for efaultur es and fynes since the year

but of whom nothing further is known . The other, Robert ,

l i e settled at Benho m, Kincardinesh re ; his son Rob rt, a

o d solicitor in St nehaven, married Isabel Mel rum , by whom he

had a son , Robert, who also followed the legal profession ,

was ff - and latterly sheri substitute of Kincardineshire . He married Anne Cushnie . f By his wi e , Margaret Falconer, James Burnes , farmer at

Brawlinm u ir , i had five sons, Will am, Robert, George, James,

, and Thomas and two daughters , Elspeth and Christian .

, i Elspeth the elder daughter, married Gav n, farmer, u i , For dou n Dr ml thie in the parish of ; Christian , the younger

, Crabbie Crai nist daughter married , farmer, on . Thomas g , un 1705 8th 1 the yo gest son , born , died June 73 4 ; hi s only

1 t Ac a Parl. Scot , ix . 166V 13 THE FAMILY OF ROBE RT BURNS .

l 24th 1741 . child, Margaret, died March , aged eight years

of William, the eldest son , succeeded his father as tacksman

m r Br awlin ui . He married, with issue, but his children seem to have died young or unmarried .

of James Burnes, fourth son James Burnes and Margaret 1690 3 d 1778 Falconer, was born in , and died April , aged

- o f bi of eighty eight . He rented the farm Hawk ll Glenbervie , l but on the death of his eldest brother Wi liam, obtained the

linm u ir ri h f Braw . lease o He mar ed , first, C ristie, by

ri whom he had four so s , James , Thomas , William (first) , and

William (second) , and two daughters, Margaret and Catherine .

of He married, secondly, Catherine Beattie, a relative Professor James Beattie (author o f The by whom he had 16th two sons , David and George . The latter died October

- 1769 . , in his twenty eighth year

of Margaret, elder daughter James Burnes and

l oth 1722 n Christie, was baptized August ; Catherine, you ger 1 3d 726 . daughter, was baptized May James, the eldest son , 29th 1724 was baptized March ; he rented , first, the farm of

A u chtochter of or dou n , in the parish F , and latterly the farm

of . Higham, near Montrose Thomas, the second son, bap tiz d 11th 1 29 e . 7 February , was many years employed as a r gardener in England ; he eturned to Scotland, where he died 1804 l 12t a . h 17 3 1 bout Wi liam (first) , baptized July , died in 2 12 infancy ; William (second) , baptized th October settled in Montrose , where he held office in the excise .

one of rin David , of the two sons James Burnes by Cathe e f Beattie , his second wi e, succeeded his father as tacksman of

1 T ombstone inscription in Glenbervie churchyard . 2 — ’ 8 Bu r nes t . William adopted the double in spelling his nam e N o es , p . 18 3 These dates of baptism have been extracted from the Parish Register of

Glenbervie . 14 GENE ALOGICAL MEMOIRS or

Bo d to . Brawlinm u ir ; latterly he remove the large farm of g

1830 . , head of Kintore, where he died prior to He married

n and had issue five sons and five daughters . Catheri e

, Beattie, the eldest daughter, married Archibald Falconer by l whom She had seven sons , David, Robert, Wil iam , John

e d A l d (solicitor in Stonehav n) , George, Archibal , and exan er,

. and four daughters, Catherine, Margaret, Jane , and Isabel Jean ,

Ti er t the second daughter, married Reith , farmer, pp y ,

r dou n S parish of Fo , by whom she had three ons, David,

John , and James , and four daughters, Catherine, Jane,

. Margaret, and Christian Margaret, the third daughter, ' Knockback two married Ley, farmer, , by whom she had

sons, David and James , and three daughters , Jane , Mar l i garet, and Mary. Isabel, fourth daughter, married Wi l am a Urquhart . M ry, fifth and youngest daughter, married George

i . Brown, bu lder, Kintore

of v n James Burnes , eldest son Da id Bur es, farmer, Bog

of of head Kintore, rented the East Mains Barras, in the parish ff of Kinne ; he married, with issue five sons , William , Al David, exander, John , and James, and four daughters ,

Catherine, Isabel, Margaret, and Helen . George, the

of Bo h ead o f second son, succeeded his father in the lease g l Kintore . David, third son, rented first the farm of Mil timber,

Knock u har n and afterwards that of q , in the district of Kin

tore . He married Smith, Kintore, by whom he had l two sons, Wi liam and James .

of Bo head Alexander, fourth son David Burnes, farmer, g ,

- of was a merchant burgess Aberdeen . He purchased the

M astr ick . i estate of , Aberdeenshire By his wife, El zabeth i Sm th , he had a son, John, who died in childhood about 1840 t , . 1823 r also a daugh er Elizabeth Smith Born in , she mar ied, r O 15 THE FAMILY o R BERT BURNS .

1842 of in , John Stuart, advocate , Aberdeen, and secretary

' l S aldin C u b. the p g An accomplished antiquary, Mr Stuart was in 1854 appoi nted one of the official searchers in the

e 1873 R gister House, Edinburgh ; he was in promoted as

of of principal keeper the register deeds . He died at Amble

‘ 1 h 18 - o n 9t . side the July 77 , in his sixty fourth year The

of LE D 1866 on him degree . was in conferred by the Uni

f m in o . versity of Aberdeen, in recognition his literary e ence Of his numerous publications relating to Scottish history and “ of antiquities , the best known is his Sculptured Stones

Scotland , a work in two folio volumes . Dr Stuart was

on twice married . His first wife , Elizabeth Burnes, died

l st 1848 the March ; she had a son, Robert, who , died in

t 1846 s Sep ember , aged two years ; al o two daughters . Mary, the elder daughter, is unmarried ; Jane Gordon , the second

184 186 R v daughter, born January 7, married in 7 the e .

’ ohn J Woodward, of St Mary s Episcopal Church, Mon

e trose , with issu , two sons , who died in childhood, and two daughters .

B Bo head John , youngest son of David urnes , farmer, g , was n a merchant in Aberdeen he died u married .

of u George Burnes , third son James B rnes, farmer in

Brawlinm u ir of E lfhill o f , rented the farm , in the parish

. dau Fetteresso He married, and had five sons and five gh

. 26th ters James, the eldest son, was baptized May 1729 ; 2d 173 0 hi Robert, the second son, July John , the t rd son,

3 d 173 3 r 22d 1746 ll June ; Geo g e, fourth son, June ; Wi iam ,

17th 1749 . i fifth son, September Christ an , the eldest 25th 173 5 l daughter, was baptized May ; E izabeth, second

27th 173 7 A e 6th daughter, June nne, third daught r, May 173 9 23d 1744 ; Jean , fourth daughter, April ; and Helen , 16 GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS or

g 5 th i fifth and youn est daughter, Apr l Several members of the fam ily settled in .

of E lfhill James , eldest son George Burnes, farmer, , suc

’ ceeded to his father s lease , but latterly rented the farm of

M idtou n of Barras, parish of Kinneff. He married , with issue

thr ee sons , George, Hugh, and James, and six daughters , Mary ,

g Ma dalene, Anne , Charlotte, Margaret, and Catherine . Mary ,

i n the eldest daughter, married Will am Fotheri gham , farmer,

Dubton, Glen of Cowton ; Magdalene , second daughter, married

M er ie Alexander Mollison, farmer, g ; Anne , third daughter ,

ri mar ed John Edward Charlotte , fourth daughter, married

v Da id Taylor, farmer, Colliston ; Margaret, fifth daughter,

of and married Thomas Mitchell, Chapel Barras Catherine,

S n ixth daughter, married A drew Duthie, farmer, Bog of l l w G as a .

son of Hugh, second James Burnes, settled in London .

James, the third son, succeeded his father in the lease of

M idtou n of Barras ; he afterwards rented the farm of Cloak o f of n Hilton , parish Ki neff. He married, and had five

n so s, Hugh, David, John, Robert, and James, and three daughters, Elizabeth, Catherine , and Isabel.

R Br awlinm ui r obert Burnes , second son of James Burnes , , by his wife, Margaret Falconer, rented the farm of Kinm onth in Glenbervie , from which he removed to the m ore consider

m Clochnahill able far of , in Dunnottar. In conjunction with the neighbouring farmers, he built a school at Clochnahill , and aided in supporting a teacher. He married Isabella

of Keith, the family of Keith of Craig, by whom he had four

. sons and six daughters Margaret, the eldest daughter , 1723 ri born , mar ed Archibald Walker at Crawton with issue , , 1 R F Parish egister of etteresso .


1 53 his the 26th September 7 . Esteemed for piety and

of . intelligence, he was ordained an elder the parish church

- di 1 th u 1 6 1 u . He ed on the 7 J ly 7 , at the age of forty fo r

1 45 a r He married, in 7 , M rgaret Grub (died at Be vie about

by whom he had three sons and three daughters . One

u i son and two daughters died yo ng. El zabeth, the only i 8th 1768 surviv ng daughter, married, January , George

1 Hudson, merchant, Bervie, and afterwards provost of that

u burgh, by whom she had three sons and eight da ghters . Of these, two sons , George and William, and four daughters ,

r Elizabeth , Margaret (fi st) , Margaret (second) , and Sarah

Anne, died unmarried or without issue . John, the eldest son, married Jean Forster ; Christian married A . Guthrie ;

Anne married J . Pirie, without issue ; Elizabeth marr ied

v Dr Douglas, surgeon, Elie ; and Sarah married Dr Da idson , physician, Edinburgh .

of n David, eldest son James Bur es and Margaret Grub ,

‘ 3 0th 1749 1777 M Bean born July , married, December , Jean , 3 by whom he had a son , Thomas , baptized oth July 1783 ; 5 th 1 8 also two daughters, Margaret, born March 7 0 , and 3 0th Jean, born August

n James Burnes, second survivi g son of James Burnes of w , as on 24th 1 0 Montrose born the December 75 . After

n some years holdi g office as schoolmaster at Montrose, he 3 studied law, and became a solicitor . With the poet he

1 g s Geor e Hud on was of English descent, his father and grandfather having in 1745 R ’ come to Montrose with Lord obert Manners regim ent . His father z E , married li abeth daughter of William Carnegie, convener of the incorpo r — ’ M D r Bu r nes N otes ated trades at ontrose , p . 3 5 . 3 i R Montrose Bapt smal egister . On the death of his father, James Burnes some time resided with his i l uncle W l iam , and in deference to his wish adopted the double 8 in spelling his name . He afterwards res umed the older form . THE I OF R R S 19 FAM LY ROBE T BU N .

maintained a friendly correspondence, received a friendly

1 87 on visit from him in 7 , and his premature death offered

of i di to aid in the upbringing his ch ldren . He ed at Montrose on 12th 183 7 - the June , aged eighty seven ; his remains were

of e old deposited near those his fath r, in the burgh church 6th 1 . r 777 t yard He mar ied, January , Anne, daugh er of

e of John Greig of Montrose, by his wif , Jean, daughter

of Sheilhill l 6th Robert Watson , Forfarshire she was born 1 49 12th 1 7 96. July , and died February 7

u o f By his wife , Anne Greig, James B rnes was father four sons and four daughters . Anne, the eldest daughter, born l 6th 1783 e 1785 April , di d in Christian, second daughter, 15th 178 5 18 15 born April , died in unmarried ; Elizabeth , 18 18 third daughter, died in unmarried ; Sarah, fourth 1 14 di u 8 . di daughter, ed nmarried in John , the eldest son, ed

1 9 i s on 3 in infancy in 77 George, th rd , born oth September 1 8 1 di 180 1 1 90 7 , ed in and Robert, youngest son, died in 7 .

Bu r nes . s econd of James , son James Burnes and Anne

was l st A Greig, born on the April rticled to his

. of father, he studied law and became a solicitor As Dean h on t e Guildry incorporation , he entered the town council

11th 18 17 on 23 d 18 18 the December , and, the September ,

of was elected chief magistrate . After an interval four years , he was re - elected provost in September 1824 ; he resigned

2d 1825 n om oe on the February , when he was appoi ted joint

- ni town clerk . He evinced a deep interest in mu cipal affairs, and having early exposed the abuses of the close burgh

of system , he has been described as the father Scottish

l n burghal reform . A zealous agricu turist, he was appoi ted

o f l i . P . a J . for Forfarshire, in recognition his pub ic serv ces

1 Montr ose Parish Reg . OF 20 GENE ALOGICAL MEMOIR S

u He latterly resided at Brunton Place, Edinb rgh, where he

- 185 2 of . died on the 15th February , at the age seventy two d His remains were deposited in Dalry cemetery, near E in

rs . burgh , where he commemorated on a family monument

22d 1800 , Provost James Burnes married, April , Elizabeth

le of sixth daughter of Adam G gg, merchant burgess Mon 5th trose and provost of that burgh ; she was born April , 1 9 25th 18 5 . 177 , and died at Edinburgh on the February l e of Gle Glei or G , The family of gg, g, yg is traditionally

Gle r French origin . Adam gg, the fi st member of the family of whom we have any authentic record, was , with the

m members of his family, co memorated in the church of . k r Mary irk, Kincardineshi e, on a tombstone bearing the following epitaph

Gl e Heir lyes Adam yg , smith in the hill

M or h e t m e howsband to p y , some y Isobel Low, who departed w w 1698 the 10 of A g st. Adam Gle died in Apil , aged lei 6 Glei 15 173 7 83 . G 8 . John g died May , , aged Isobel g

4th 1 6 1 78 . died March , 7 , aged

Glei o f John g, named in the epitaph , was grandfather

Gle 173 1 Provost Adam gg of Montrose , who was born in ,

1 s Gle and died at London on the l st June 807 . Provo t gg

- 8th 173 8 married his cousin german , Anne (born November , 22d died December daughter of John Smith , provost

one h co of Brechin, by his wife, Christian Colvin, of the t ree

heiresses ofAlexander Colvin , burgess of Montrose , by his wife ,

h m old C ristian Ra say, descended from the family of Ramsay of

Balmain . Provost Glegg is mentioned by Boswell in his

” Tour, as having conducted him and Dr Samuel Johnson to

the Episcopal chapel at Montrose .

Gle o cr at Among the descendants of Adam 0 0 ’ blacksmith 21 THE FAMILY OF ROBERT BURNS .

i . i Gle . Marykirk, were the R ght Rev. George g, LL D , Bishop of

of the Brechin, and Primus Scottish Episcopal Church , who

9 th 1840 ei ht fs even died at Stirling on the March , aged g y ; l i . G e and his cousin , the Rev George g, minister of Arbroath , wh - r o 19 th 18 3 5 . died June , aged seventy eight Their fathe s ’ u were both blacksmiths, the bishop s father p rsuing his ll B l o hal . ca ing at g , parish of Arbuthnot

of r of Of the marriage James Bu nes , provost Montrose,

Gle . and Elizabeth gg, were born nine sons and six daughters 180 1 Anne, the eldest daughter, born February , and Margaret,

of n died in infancy . Anne , second the name, born at Mo trose 1 18 0 8 6th 183 3 7th August , married, April , at Bhooj , in

n India, Captain William Ward, who died at Ta na, near

9th 1845 . Bombay, July , without issue Elizabeth Burnes , 23d 18 09 3 d born at Montrose August , married at Bombay,

' 183 1 - i March , Lieutenant General R chard Whish , son of the

of Rev . Richard Whish, rector Northwold , Norfolk, and brother of Sir W. S . Whish , who commanded at 54 M ul n l 0th 18 . o ta . He died at Clifton , November — Of the marriage of Lieutenant General Richard IVhish and }l Elizabeth Bu rnes were born five sons and six daughters . A l 27th Frederick exander, the eldest son , born at Ahmedabad

18 3 3 P au nch u nn 1872 July , died at g y, India, in August , a

o f . retired captain the Royal Artillery Albert William ,

s on bOr n l 1lth 1843 . second , was at C ifton July He is a ffi lieutenant in the Royal Navy, and holds o ce as Inspecting

- 3 0th f . Officer o the coast guard , Montrose He married , l 18 73 L , p October , ouisa Emily third daughter of the ate Ca tain

of 1 i o f Charles Forbes , the 7th Reg ment, and widow Captain

T . M . Hewett , by whom he has three sons, Albert Forbes ,

1 E née Fo lkes tone . Mrs lizabeth Whish , Burnes, now resides at 22 GENEALOGICAL MEM OIRS OF

3d 187 6 bo rn 3 d January 1875 Cyril Beresford, born March 7th 187 and Hugh Dudley, born July w n - Ar thur Richard Le is, third son of Lieutena t General

1st Whish and Elizabeth Burnes , was born at Clifton on the l March 1847 ; he is manager of the National Provincia Bank

’ 186 , of England,Lincoln s Inn . In 7 he married Agnes Cook

. by whom he has two daughters , Evelyn and Ada Margaret 12th Ernest Burnes, the fourth son, born at Clifton September

1848 i r . , , rents a graz ng farm at Buenos Ay es Cecil Holland 9th 185 0 the youngest son, born at Clifton March , is a lieu

in tenant the Royal Navy, and is now serving on board “ ” in i . H . M . S . Ag ncourt, the Mediterranean

i - Matilda Em ly, eldest daughter of Lieutenant General

i on 29th Whish and Elizabeth Burnes , was born at Cl fton the

r l 183 5 if 185 6 Ap i ; she married, at Cl ton, in August , the

Rev . Augustus Cooper, Upper Norwood, and has two children ,

. E liz a Jane Mabel and Augustus , second daughter, born at

o 3 183 6 Clift n l st May , married her cousin , Major Edward

A l x Burnes Holland, by whom she had a son , e ander, and a

. u daughter, Constance Flora Thornborough, third da ghter, 11th 183 9 18 9 born at Clifton January , married in 5 Major

, 25th George Eales of the Native Infantry, Bombay, by whom

she had a son, Lionel, and a daughter, Maud . Major Eales

. 18 74 on died in March , his passage home from India . A n

- - nette Isabella, fourth daughter, born at Boulogne sur Mer 2lst ul 1841 J y Clara Salter, fifth daughter , born at Clifton 19th 1844 l October ; and Kath een White, sixth daughter, i 24th 185 2 born at Cl fton January , are unmarried .

Gle Jane gg Burnes, fourth daughter of James Burnes and

Gle Elizabeth gg, was born at Montrose on the 1l th October 1810 . o , n 1 u 1833 She married the l th J ly , at Ahmedabad, THE O 23 FAMILY OF R BERT BURNS .

- India, Lieutenant Colonel James Holland, quartermaster

of general the Bombay Army. Colonel Holland retired from active service on the 14th February 18 5 7 he now resides

Gle at the Park, Upper Norwood . By his wife, Jane gg

r of Tr ev en on Bu nes, he is father three sons and a daughter .

was m on James Holland, the eldest son , born at Bo bay the

l st 1834 185 1 3 May . In he procured a commission in the

i - Ind an Army, and became assistant quartermaster general 2d 18 69 at Bombay . On the June , he was for distinguished service nominated Military Companion of the Order of the

r n 1st 18 1 Bath . Reti i g from the army, August 7 , with the

i of f o f rank colonel, he holds o fice as manager the Palace

Hotel . He married in India Margaret Nicholson, by whom he has four daughters .

of Edward Burnes Holland, second son Colonel James

l b . Hol and y his wife Jane G Burnes, was born at Belgaum, 185 0 20th 183 6 . India, on the March In November he obtained by public competition at Cheltenham College the commission in the Indian Army awarded by Lieutenant

B of h G . C . . General Sir James Lus ington , He became major

d 18 74. the Royal Engineers, and ied at Bombay in March 18 5 8 He married at Clifton, in , his cousin, Eliza Jane Whish , 1 r by whom I e had a son and daughter . l Charles Wroughton Del Hoste Hol and , third son of

on 20th Colonel James Holland, was born at Bombay the 1845 January . A stockbroker in London, he resides at 25th 18 5 Upper Norwood . He married, February 7 , Mar garet Riach , by whom he has a son .

li A l of Ceci a gnes Hol and, only daughter Colonel James

on Holland and Jane G . Burnes , was born at Bombay the

1 u a See s p r . 24 GENEAL O GICAL MEMOIRS OF

18 0 4 r 3 d 7 , 20th December 18 6 . She mar ied , January Dal t 5 0 3 ton Hardy, s ockbroker, London, by whom she has a

and two daughters . li i Ceci a, s xth and youngest daughter of Provost James

10th 18 15 . Burnes, was born at Montrose on the November 12th 183 9 She married, on the November , at Bhooj , in India, li 11th Captain John Phi p Major, Bombay Native Infantry,

' 16th 1840 and died at Bombay on the October , eight days

off ul o f after her husband, who died Gogo , in the G f Cambay,

8 th 1840 . s on October Captain and Mrs Major left a , Fran

IVar d A 12th 1840 . cis Major, born at hmedabad August

Having joined the Indian Army, he is now a captain in the

a e on . Bombay St ff Corps , s rving the Mysore Revenue Survey 6th 1863 c He married, June , Adelaide , se ond daughter of the 1 th late Captain Charles Forbes, of the 7 Regiment, by whom 23d 18 6 he has two sons, Francis Forbes , born December 7, 11th 18 3 and Philip Charles, born May 7 , and two daughters , l t 1864 24th Adelaide Louisa, born July , and Violet, born 18 6 October 6 .

Of nine sons born to Provost James Burnes by hi s wife Gle 26th 180 3 ll Elizabeth gg, Robert, born July , Wi iam Maule , i Edward Ph llips, and George Patrick, died young . s o James Burne , eldest son, was born at Montr se on the 12th 180 1 February . Educated to the medical profession at the and in Guy ’ s and St Thomas ’ LondOn 1821 ’ Hospitals, , he in obtained a surgeon s commis in ’ sion the s service . Distinguished as a i l nguist, he was perm itted to explore the countries on the Bom

- bay north west frontier, and his account of the southernmost of the R ajpootanah states, and of the vast dreary tract between G oozerat and the Indus, was much valued . After holding


. i paring materials for a history of his house, which in a th n

for duodecimo he printed, private circulation , under the title

” i 185 1. of Notes on his Name and Family. Ed nburgh , He

of dl . was J . P . for the counties Mid esex and Forfar He died 18 62 hi s at Manchester on the 19th September , and remains

. were deposited at Swindon Church, near Cheltenham

on 28th 18 29 Dr James Burnes married, first, the March ,

’ of at St Thomas Church, Bombay, Sophia, second daughter

- w Major General Sir George Holmes, by hom he had

seven sons and two daughters . He married, secondly, on the h 18 62 ’ 17t June , at St Mary Abbot s , Kensington, Esther 40 . Price, daughter of a landowner in Wales She resides at

Ladbrook o . Square, Kensingt n

Sophia Holmes , elder daughter of Dr James Burnes, born

h 183 2 di l st at Bhooj 6t September , ed there on the February

1833 . Isabella Cecilia Holmes, the younger daughter, born

on 4th 183 5 24th at Edinburgh the February , died there May

18 3 5 Canon ate u , her remains being deposited in the g ch rch

r ya d .

of George James Holmes Burnes, eldest son Dr James 9th 1829 Burnes, born at Bhooj on the December , obtained a commission in the 1st Bombay Fusiliers ; he received a medal

M oultan . A and two clasps for the Punjab, , and Guzerat fter

on ff a lengthened captivity, consequent his e orts to save a Of child from the violence the mutineers , he was cruelly

on 19 185 murdered at Lucknow the th November 7. In the

i vestibule of the par sh church, Montrose, a monumental

hi s f tablet, erected by brother o ficers, commemorates his


- of Fitz James Holmes Burnes, second son Dr James

o n 6 1 1 Burnes , was born at Bhooj the th September 83 . H R 2 T E FAMILY OF OBERT BURNS . 7

3 3 d R Entering the egiment, Madras Native Infantry, he has attained professional advancement.

Holland Ward Holmes Burnes, third son of Dr James 8 15th 1 3 3 . Burnes , was born at Bhooj on the September 18 3 Entering the Indian Navy, he died at Calcutta in 7 , when

- of er oz e . in command the F , the yacht of the governor general

of Hamilton Farquhar Holmes Burnes, fourth son Dr James i 183 6 2 th . Burnes , was born at Ed nburgh on the 7 November

185 5 of He entered the army in , and attained the rank cap

i 14th 18 8 S . . 6 ta n He retired November , and is ince deceased l Dalhousie Ho mes Burnes , fifth son of Dr James Burnes , h il 18 9 was born at Bombay on the 5t Apr 3 . He became i 1 of 8 72. an officer eng neers , and died unmarried in

x o f Sidney Holmes Burnes, si th son Dr James Burnes, was

on 13 A 1841 born at Bombay the th ugust . He died at

London in 187 1. A lexander Holmes Burnes , youngest son of Dr James

r B on 11th l 1843 Burnes , was bo n at ombay the Apri . He

t A m 1860 14 en ered the Bombay r y in , and retired th Septem 8 ber 1 67 .

v of Adam Burnes, second sur iving son James Burnes, Pro 19th r 1 2 80 . vost of Montrose, was born on the Februa y He i i 15th was many years a sol c tor in Montrose, where he died,

r 3d 18 2. November 7 He mar ied , first, on the September

182 t of E s 7, Horatia, daugh er Harry Gordon, q , who died 2d 1834 18 1838 November , ; secondly, th June , Isabella,

E s of u . daughter William Scott, q , who s rvives

had By his first wife Adam Burnes two sons , Adam and A Al . 12 exander Horatio dam, the elder son , born th June 183 2 A , emigrated to ustralia ; he became manager of the

Colonial Bank at Melbourne . He subsequently resided in 28 GENEA LOGICAL MEMOIRS o r

di 9th New Z ealand, and ed at Sydney, N on the June

m m 1876. He married, and had six sons, Ada Willia Gray,

James Henry, Napier Anderson, Alexander Plunkett, Ernest

. Blair, George Douglas Inglis Scott, and a daughter, Mary Inglis

of A lexander Horatio, younger son Adam Burnes by his 1 4 19 83 . first wife, was born th October He married Mary

Jane Harris , by whom he has a daughter, Adamina Horatia ,

18 2 i r Z born October 7 . He em g ated to New ealand,where he now resides .

n By his second wife Adam Burnes had a son, James , bor 24th 1844 3 0 th 18 73 May , died April also a daughter,

ni Gle 15 1842 l 6th An e Eliza gg, born th September , married, M ‘ 1866 Ca . May , John Smythe y, solicitor, Londonderry She

nr . has a son, Norman He y Burnes

su r ivin of , third y g son Provost James h 0 A f at l 6t 18 5 . Burnes, was born Montrose on the May ter i f greatly distinguishing h msel at the Montrose Academy, he

\ obtained a cadetship in the Indian Army . He arrived at 1 21 1822 Bombay on the 3 1st October 8 . In December he was appointed interpreter in Hindo stanee to the First Extra

Battalion at Surat, and soon afterwards he was employed by the judges of the Su ddu r Adawlut to translate the Persian

of r . 2 documents that cou t His regiment , the l st Native 1825 Infantry, having early in been sent to Bhooj , he aecom

anied u p it, and during the disturbances at C tch , in April of that year, he was appointed quartermaster of brigade . A report on the statistics of Wagur, which he drew up and pre

‘ r 182 sented to Government in Janna y 7 , was much commended,

and acknowledged by a considerable donative . A memoir on

the eastern branch of the delta of the Indus, which he pub lished in 1828 ri , was much approved by the autho ties . On T 29 HE FAMILY OF ROBERT BURNS .

18 1828 the th March , he was appointed assistant quarter

- 1829 master general to the army . In September , along with

Major Holland , he assisted the political agent at Cutch in

- conducting a survey of the north west frontier, an account of which he afterwards despatched to the Royal Geogr aphical 1 Society . In 83 0 he conveyed a gift of dray horses from

R u n e i ul of h . et William IV to j S ngh , r er La ore, using the occasion , as instructed, to procure more accurate details

hi s respecting the geography of the Indus . On journey he proceeded from a port in Cutch, and to give colour as to the

r r deviation from the ordina y route, car ied with him presents to the ameers of Scinde . He completed a survey of the whole

Indian delta .

Under sanction of Lord William Bentinck, Governor A 183 2 General, Lieutenant lexander Burnes conducted in an

on expedition into Central Asia . Returning to Bombay the

18th 1833 of January , he received the thanks the Governor General and being authorised to hear his own despatches to

England, he experienced a cordial reception at the India

House . His Travels in Bokhara were published at London

1834 was early in ; the work commanded a large sale, and i translated nto French and German . Remaining in Britain

i be for eighteen months, he received various publ c honours ,

of R e sides being admitted a Fellow the Royal Society. i 183 5 turning to Ind a in with the rank of captain , he was in

i n October despatched on an important mission to Hyderabad,

183 6 i m Scinde. In November he was entrusted w th a ission

of to Dost Mohammed , the ruler Afghanistan, with a view of

’ enter ing into commercial relations with him ; he reached 20th l Cabool on the September Meanwhi e Mohammed ,

of Shah Persia, had besieged Herat with an army of 3 0 GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF

di to men , and the In an Government began apprehend that Persia and Russia might u nite their forces with those of

Afghanistan to make an attack on the Indian empire .

n From Herat the Persians were forced to retreat, but Captai Burnes requested Dost Mohammed to dismiss the Russian h h . e agent Vicov itc from his court This refused to do, and on the contrary dismissed Captain Burnes . Repairing to the

- Governor General at Simla, Captain Burnes was knighted

- n and promoted as lieutenant colonel. From Sci de he pro

d Beloochistan on i h ceede to a pol tical mission, whic proved

l Shoo ah unsuccessfu . When Shah j was restored to the throne of 183 9 i Cabool, he was, in September , appointed pol tical

of £3 000 resident at that capital, with a salary . He remained at Cabool not without a sense of insecurity, and on the out

of m break an insurrection for restoring Dost Moham ed, he

al his was set upon, and ong with brother Charles and seven f l d i other o ficers, cruel y murdere Th s sad event took place

n 2d 1841 l o the November . Sir A exander Burnes died un

at of - 1842 married the age thirty six . In , his work entitled Cabool ; being a Narrative of a Journey to and Residence

183 6- 7 - 8 in that City in the years , was published at London .

Possessed of a deep sagacity and marvellous powers of

ul observation, Sir Alexander Burnes wo d, with a prolonged

i v career, have been em nently ser iceable to the Government f o . O India He pened up the Indus, and extended his r e

searches to the shores of the Oxus, the ruins of Samarcand , and other territories which became the scenes of important

. events A brief memoir of his life, published by Dr George

Bom ba Tim es Buist in the columns of the y newspaper, is re “ produced by his brother, Dr James Burnes, in his Note s on

” his Name and Family . HE - OF E R R S 3 1 T FAMILY ROB T BU N .

David Burnes , fourth surviving son of Provost James

on 6th 180 6 . Burnes, was born at Montrose the September 182 . 6 Having studied medicine and passed M D . , he in entered

al the Roy Navy as surgeon . For several years he served “ ” on on n board the Asia the Mediterranean statio , to the

of was 183 5 entire satisfaction his superiors , but in obliged

on He to quit the service consequent broken health . sub

eu sequently became a practitioner in London, but from an

hi s s feebled constitution he was unable to carry out profe sion . i 2d 184 9 . Retiring to Montrose , he there d ed on the February 20th 183 8 He married, October , Harriet, second daughter of

R . N Alexander Anderson, M . D ., surgeon ., by whom he had a

Bu rnes bor n son and daughter . The son, James Anderson ,

3 0th 1845 on 14 January , is a banker at Calcutta ; the th Dec

18 5 of ember 7 , he married Emma, only daughter the Rev .

Dr Jarbo, chaplain of St James . The daughter, Charlotte 3 1842 ’ Elizabeth, born oth October , resides at Bishop s r 5th Waltham, unma ried . The wife of Dr Burnes died May

1873 .

Charles Burnes , youngest son of James Burnes , Provost of

on 12th anu ar 18 12 Montrose , was born the J y . Lieutenant 1 th in the 7 Regiment, Bombay Native Infantry, he was mur

his A dered at Cabool, along with elder brother, Sir lexander

on 2d 184] Burnes, the November he died unmarried.

of Of the younger sons of Robert Burnes, tacksman Cloch nahill , by his wife , Isabella Keith , George , the youngest, 9th 1 29 1 on 7 . baptized the April , died young Robert, the

1719 was second son , born in , long employed as a gardener

in England . Returning to Scotland at an advanced age, he

of on 3 d died at the house his nephew, the poet, the January

1 R Baptismal egister of Dunnottar . 3 2 GENE ALO GICAL MEMO IR S OF

1 89 . 7 . He was father of two sons and a daughter John , l i e the elder son, died young . Wi l am , the younger son, di d

in 18 5 0 . e . , were unmarri d Frances, at an advanced age ‘ Both the only daughter, was remarkable for her acuteness, and was characterised by her relative, the poet, as the smartest d il i of his kin . She marrie Adam Armour, bu der , Mauchl ne ,

of . brother the poet s wife, and had two sons Robert Armour,

’ s on on the elder , carried his father s business ; he died in 4 18 5 . . By his wife, Jean Wallace, he had several children

’ s William, the younger son , inherited his mother s talent ;

’ and through his father s brother, Robert Armour, became 18 9 ule a 5 . op nt. He died at London about the ye r

l hi of r Wi liam Burnes, t rd son Robert Bu nes and Isabella

n Clo chnahill 1 Keith , was bor at on the l th November A long with his brother Robert he assisted his father on the

farm . But the family were ruined by the terrible winter

and ' s rin 1 40 al p g of 7 , when a gener scarcity supervened .

' w of A r il The frost, hich set in early, continued to the end p ,

no seed being sown till May. The ridges were then formed

high in the centre, as a protection against moisture ; and the

r n i l f ost havi g penetrated far nto the soi , and the season

of being advanced, the sunny side the ridge was ploughed

first, and the other side only when the thaw was complete .

on i Consequent th s procedure, and the continuance of rough u and nseasonable weather, the crop was stunted , and almost

- useless . In Kincardineshire many tenant farmers were r e

du ced to absolute poverty . Several farms in the cold district

of Clochnahill to 1 40 were, some years subsequent 7 , left

ul without c tivation .

e Robert Burnes, and his sons William and Rob rt, aban

1 F amily Bible of William Burnes .


of n noble Keiths Marischal, and had the honour shari g their fate I mention this because it threw my father on the .

ll , world at large . They fo owed boldly where their leaders led

and welcomed ruin and shook hands with infamy, for what k ” they believed to be the cause of their God and their ing .

In a letter to Lady Winifred Maxwell Constable, in December “ 9 ! 178 , the poet remarks Though my fathers had not illustri ous honours and vast properties to hazard in the contest ; though they left their humble cottages only to add so many

units more to the unnoted crowd that followed their leaders ,

. yet what they could they did , and what they had they lost i With unshaken firmness , and unconcealed pol tical attach

ments , they shook hands with ruin for what they esteemed

” the cause of their king and country . In his poetical address

! to William Tytler, he refers to the subject thus

’ r ev er d My fathers that name have on a throne, My fathers have fallen to right it ;

Those fathers would spurn their degenerate son ,

That name should he scoffingly slight it .

It is matter of history that the poet’ s grandfather and

granduncle rented farms on the estate of the Earl Marischal,

Clochnahill ri the former at , in the pa sh of Dunnottar, the E lfhill latter at , in the parish of Fetteresso . It is also certain that the Marischal fanrily were undeviating adherents of the

exiled house . George, tenth Earl Marischal, landlord of the 28th brothers Burnes , proclaimed at Aberdeen, on the Sep 17 15 tember , at the head of his retainers , the Chevalier St

George as King of Great Britain . He commanded two squad

of Sheriffm u ir rons cavalry at the battle of , and in December thereafter again proclaim ed the Chevalier at the gate of his

house at Fetteresso . For his adherence to the Jacobite cause E R R U R S TH FAMILY OF OBE T B N . 3 5

f to A he suf ered attainder . That he was accompanied berdeen

Sher iffm u ir and by his tenantry, including the brothers

ai ul Burnes , is nearly cert n, yet it wo d not appear that the latter, by enacting loyalty to their chief, sustained actual loss . They indeed possessed their farms long afterwards .

1 15 1 21 Clochnahill i From 7 to 7 , farm, extend ng to about sixty 4 d . E l £ 10 83 . fhill for acres , was rented for , sterling, and 1 ’ less than half that sum . The poet s narrative cannot there fore be understood as referring to any damage su stained by w his ancestors in connection ith the first rebellion . In his “ ” poetical Address to Edinburgh, he bears this retrospect

E ’ I v n , who sing in rustic lore , f Haply my sires have le t their shed, ’ ’ And fac d grim danger s loudest roar, ” Bold following where your fathers led .

The poet was misinformed as to the character of the support rendered to the young Chevalier at Edinburgh . Not more

o f hu rnbler than three hundred of the citizens, and these the ’ 2 A class, joined the Prince s standard . mong these very pro

’ bably was the poet s father. His grandfather and grand uncle in Kincardineshire may also have joined the enterprise and this may account for the extreme poverty to which

e . Robert Burnes was ultimat ly reduced He was , we are r informed by Gilbe t Burns , helped by remittances from his

one son William . On one occasion a pound banknote was

sent, and the recipient was at a loss what to do with it, for

1 chnahil There were certain minor dues . Thus the farmers at Clo l paid E lfhill two r eikhens im l four, and the farmers at , or domestic fowls, which d r plied, according to the usage of the perio , that the fo mer tenant had four apartm ents, and the latter two . 1 ’ - R ham ber s s R be 1745 46 E . 1869 . 162. . C History of the e llion of , din , p 3 6 GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF

“ bank paper, as an equivalent for coin , was then scarcely known in Kincardineshire . From Edinburgh William Burnes migrated to the neigh

of bourhood of Ayr . The people Ayr were zealous Presby terians and entirely loyal, and somehow a report arose among

them that the stranger had been in arms for the Chevalier. William Burnes kept pretty well his own counsel ; but among di his papers , accor ng to his son Gilbert, was found a parish “ certificate , testifying that he had no concern in the late

” hi to wicked rebellion. T s Gilbert Burns holds be conclusive f that he had not joined the army o the Prince . It is not

on so ; the report that he had fought the rebel side, and

’ the poet s expressions, would induce an opposite belief. We lli incline to hold that Wi am Burnes, and probably his father

in and uncle, bore arms the Jacobite cause, and were among those scattered at Culloden .

l of A r Sett ing in the neighbourhood y , William Burnes

of t became gardener to the laird Fairlie, and af erwards to

of he or Mr Crawford Doonside . At length took a feu

perpetual lease of seven acres of land from Dr Campbell ,

in physician in Ayr, with the view of becom g nurseryman . On

hi s or his feu he built, with own hand, a cottage of mud clay, of which the gable fell down shortly after the birth of his

fir st- hi s born . Remarking industry, Provost Ferguson of

Ayr, who had lately purchased the estate of Doonholm , in the neighbourhood , induced him to abandon his nursery and

of r become overseer his lands . His se vices were so approved by Mr Ferguson, that that gentleman, with a view to im

him of proving his position , granted the lease a farm . The

n f farm was styled Mount Olipha t, and consisted o about eighty acres . The rent was fixed at £40 for the first six 3 TIIE FAMILY OF ROBERT BURNS . 7

45 u £ . years , and thereafter To stock the farm , Mr Ferg son 00 gave his tenant a loan of £ 1 . On his lease William

W n d 1 66 Burnes entered at hitsu ti e 7 , and proceeded to

Bu t cultivate his lands with his wonted industry. the soil

proved coarse and barren ; and encountering on the death

of his benefactor, Provost Ferguson harsh usage from a merciless factor (depicted in his son s poem of the “Twa

of Dogs he , at the expiry eleven years, quitted Mount

1 o f , 7 7 Oliphant At Whitsuntide 7 , he obtained the lease

Lo chlea of , a considerable farm in the parish Tarbolton , and for several years he and his family enj oyed at this place a

r deg ee o f comfort to which they had been strangers . But a

of dispute arose as to the conditions the lease, and the matter i l being submitted to arbitration, W l iam Burnes found himself

u by the decision a r ined man . Only a short time surviving

on 13th 1784 his reverses, he died the February , aged sixty

of three . His remains were deposited in the churchyard w i Allo ay, where a s mple tombstone was , by his son the poet, erected to his memory. When the poet became famous , visitors to the churchyard struck off and carried away chips from the tombstone till it wholly disappeared . It was sub

r of A stituted by another, rea ed at the cost Mr David uld , a patriotic gentleman of the neighbourhood . The inscription was composed by the poet This Stone was Erected to the Memory of WI LLIA M BU R N E s s ,

F rm Lochlie T Late a er in , Parish of arbolton ,

Feb . 13 1 84 A 63 a Who died y , 7 , ged ye rs, A nd was bur ied here .

0 a i ye whose cheek the te r of pity sta ns, ’ Draw near with pious rev rence and attend ! ' e Here lie the loving Husband s d ar remains , ’ T F e n r ou s F he tender ather , and the g riend 3 8 GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF

The pitying hear t that felt for human woe ; The dauntless heart that feared no human pride ;

T ri v l he f end of man, to ice a one a foe ; ’ ’ For ev n his failings leaned to virtue s sid e .

not . The eulogy is overstrained Tender, generous, and

humane, William Burnes was beloved by his family, and

who venerated by his neighbours . Mr Murdoch, taught in “ his house, has described him as by far the best of the human race that he had ever the pleasure of becom ing

” “ ! f acquainted with . He adds He was a tender and af ectionate father ; he took a pleasure in leading his childr en in the path of a to virtue ; not in driving them, as some p rents do, the performance of duties to which they themselves are averse . He had the art of gaining the esteem and goodwill of those ” him o hi that were labourers under . In his aut biogr ap cal

to him letter Dr Moore, the poet has styled irascible ; but it i di is expla ned by Gilbert Burns that, having scovered the

’ of s to dangerous impetuosity Robert s passion , he sought d restrain them . Mr Mur och remarks that he never saw

. to him angry but twice Reserved strangers , he was cheer

his encou r ful in his household, joined children at play, and aged them to regard him as their companion . To the present

of l s writer Mrs Begg spoke her father, Wil iam Burne , as

o f Hi possessed the best qualities of mind and heart . s

his s children, she said, admired wi dom and revered his coun

hi s sels . In letter to Dr Moore, the poet refers to his father “ in these words ! After many years wanderings and sojourn irr s g , he picked up a pretty large quantity of observation and

n experience , to which I am i debted for most of my preten

to . sions wisdom I have met, adds the poet, with few who

e to . understood men, their manners , and their ways, qual him THE FAMILY OF ROBERT BURNS . 3 9

At a period when indifference to the sacred duties was

nk i asserting itself among all ra s , Will am Burnes reared with

u of becoming reg larity the domestic altars The piety the

’ in father has , the Cotter s Saturday Night, been com nrem orat d e by the genius of the son .

son l In the form of a dialogue between father and , Wil iam “ Burnes composed A Manual of Religious Belief it has 1 lately been printed as a thin octavo . Evincing an intelligent appreciation of Divine truth , it is composed elegantly. The w e Of a rit r sets forth the leading doctrines the Gospel, dduces

d of s evi ences for the truth Christianity, and inculcate Scrip ture reading as a means of informing and strengthening the moral faculty. Under the guidance of a parent so devoted

t was and circumspect, it may not exci e surprise that the poet in youth impressed seriously . By Mrs Begg the writer was informed that his father ’ “ n predicted the poet s future eminence . Rab will o e day

” become famous , he often said of the small boy who amused “ him by his lively sallies . May he be steady, may he be

o . virtu us , he added reverently b In person William Burnes was a ove the middle height ,

he t latt rl and of slender form ; e y stooped . He had a thought

m ful and serious countenance . He arried at the age of thirty

i of A r six . In the par sh register y his banns of marriage are entered thus

2 1 5 — ll D ecr . 7 7 Ayr, , Wi iam Burns , gardener in this parish , and Agnes Broun , in Maybole, gave in their names to for be proclaimed in order marriage, and after proclamation , ” were married accordingly .

1 A R ’ Manual of eligious Belief, composed by William Burnes, the Poet s

r his . 1875 Sv o father, for the inst uction of Children Kilmarnock , , , pp. 50 . 40 GENEALOGICA L MEMOIRS OF

1 The marriage was celebrated on the 15th December . The

n 17 173 2, bride , Agnes Brou , was born on the th March and

- fifth . was therefore in her twenty year Her father, Gilbert

Cr ai enton Broun, farmer at g , Carrick, was thrice married, and Agnes was his eldest child by the first marriage . When

in n she was nine years old her mother died, leav g four you ger

i - children . A sister visit ng her mother on her death bed, sur

he ' prised to find r so cheerful and resigned, asked her whether l she was not grieved to leave her husband and chi dren . The i “ dying woman repl ed , I leave my children to the care of w ll . God, and Gilbert wi get another ife Y ’ oung as she was , Agnes Broun took charge of her father s younger children, for the domestic servants were chiefly em

’ ployed in outdoor work . Before her mother s death she was " a cou ntr by y weaver taught to read the Scriptures , and at h t is point her education ceased . When her father contracted

’ a second marriage, she was sent to live with her mother s

her mother, who told her how, in the persecuting days of

youth, she had sheltered the Covenanters .

’ A t her grandmother s Agnes Broun used the Spinning

wheel in winter, and at other seasons worked in the field, a sowed, reaped, and thr shed corn . She had promised her ’ h hand to her grandmother s ploug man , but after an engage ment which subsisted five years , she learned that he had

him lapsed from virtue, and renounced . William Burnes

her met not long afterwards at Maybole fair . He had thought of proposing marriage to a young woman at Alloway Mill , but

on meeting Agnes he abandoned his intention . After being

courted about a year, Agnes Broun became his wife . Some

1 ’ F William Burnes s amily Bible .


Annabella, the second daughter, was born at Alloway on

’ 4 rr G 1 6 . the 14th November 7 She died, unma ied , at rant s

i 2d 183 2. i Braes , Hadd ngtonshire, on the March Her rema ns h were deposited in Bolton churc yard .

Isabella, third daughter of William Burnes and Agnes i t “ Broun , is in the Ayr reg s er described as lawful daughter ” 2 th 1 1 m . 7 77 of William Burns, far er Born on the June , 9 th 179 3 she married on the December John Begg, who superintended the farm of Dinning, parish of Closeburn ,

-in - Dumfriesshire, rented by his brother law , Gilbert Burns ,

- M or ham and who was then non resident, being factor at

Muir, Haddington . Mr John Begg subsequently became

- on the of land steward estate Blackwood, Lanarkshire, belong

r ing to Mr Hope Ve e . By his horse rearing and falling upon 24th 18 1 him he was killed on the April 3 .

’ Subsequent to her husband s death , Mrs Begg resided suc cessiv el 1843 y at Ormiston and Tranent till June , when she

settled at Bridge House , Alloway, near her birthplace . She 4th 185 8 died December , and her remains were consigned to

l in - fi the grave in Al oway churchyard, which , seventy ve years

’ before, her father s dust had been deposited. Of the marriage of John Begg and Isabella Burns were

six l born sons, Wil iam , John , Robert Burns, Gilbert, James

and , Hope Edward Hamilton ; and three daughters , Agnes, l Jane Breckenridge, and Isabe la . ll , of n Wi iam Begg eldest son John Begg and Isabella Bur s , 29th l 1 94 was born on the Ju y 7 . In 18 17 he was appointed

r parish schoolmaster of Ormiston , Haddingtonshi e . In 18 33 he resigned his office and sailed for Canada ; he there resided

n at Cli ton, Goderich , till his death, which took place on the 15th 1 4 May 86 . M B R 43 THE FA ILY OF RO ERT BU NS .

h son Jo n Begg, second of John Begg and Isabella Burns , was born at Mauchline on the 27th April 179 6. Bred to a il mechanical profession, he settled at K marnock, where he died 1 h 1 14 18 17 1 t October 867 . He married th November Agnes 179 5 Wilson (born , died by whom he had five sons 2 and three daughters . John , the eldest son, born l st March

1821 P u dm arr , holds a farm at Creek, New South Wales ;

o twice married, he has four sons , John, Andrew, R bert, and

Neil ; and a daughter, Janet .

B of A Robert Burns egg, second son John Begg and gnes 9th 18 23 1846 Wilson, was born May ; he married in

Winefr ed e . l 6th , with issu Walter Wilson, third son, born 1828 July , died in infancy William, fourth son , born l st April

183 3 m 18 5 2 , arried in , and has three sons and five daughters

s on 19th 183 6 James , fifth , born September , died unmarried

3 1st 18 4 May 7 .

of Marion Adams Begg, eldest daughter John Begg and

1 th 18 18 m Agnes Wilson, was born 7 August ; she arried

ohnsto ne Richard J , by whom she had a son and two th 18 1 daughters ; she died 7 February 7 . Jane Breckenridge

8th 1826 ri Begg, second daughter, born March , mar ed David

ll - Campbe , with issue ; she and her husband reside at Largs , 2 h A . t yrshire Isabella Burns Begg, third daughter, born 7 183 0 e 3 d April , married Georg Preston ; she died November

1856 n . , leavi g a son and daughter

s on of n Robert Burns Begg, third Joh Begg and Isabella

n Burns , was born in the parish of Du donald, Ayrshire, and

r was educated at Wallace Hall Academy, Dumfriesshi e . In

18 18 t on he was appointed schoolmas er at Bent, the estate of

Blackwood ; he afterwards assisted in the parish school of 1822 . of Dalmeny, and in was elected parish schoolmaster 44 GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF

- fift . Kinross . This office he held y one years He died at 27th 1825 h l 18 6 . Kinross on the 25t Ju y 7 He married, July ,

- Grace, daughter of Bruce Beveridge, grand daughter of James

Beveridge , Esq . of Balado,by whom he had seven sons and

three daughters .

of John Begg, eldest son Robert Burns Begg and Grace

25th 1826 of Beveridge , born May , is one the owners and

Kinneil cou nt of Linlith manager of the Ironworks , in the y 10th 185 5 n . He married, first, April , Eliza, daughter of

V ann an ll 3 d Andrew , disti er, Borrowstounness ; and, secondly,

o 1865 l i of Oct ber , E izabeth S mpson, daughter James Ander

son , builder, Calcutta . He has four sons , Robert Burns,

h Andrew Vanna , John , and James Beveridge Anderson ; also i a . two daughters, El zabeth Anderson, and Grace Marg ret

g 22d Bruce Beg , second son of Robert Burns Begg, born 182 l oth 183 6 7 . December , died December James Beve

r 24th 1829 ridge Begg , thi d son , born October , is settled in

r 18 5 . 3 Virginia He mar ied, first, l st August 7, Mary Haldane 25th 18 3 6 . and, secondly, July , Janet Haldane He has a 1 . o s on st daughter, Mary R bert Burns Begg, fourth , born 183 3 5th May , is a solicitor at Kinross . He married, first, 18 61 17 November , Jane Hutchison ; secondly, th March

1870 e , Mary L burn, by whom he has a son , Robert Burns . f 24th 183 Bruce Beveridge Begg, fi th son , born June 7, studied

. 1865 at the University of Glasgow, and in was ordained

of A bbotshall 13th minister , Fifeshire . He married, Decem

1871 of E s of ber , Magdalene, daughter Andrew Currie, q ,

Glassm ount , by whom he has a son , Robert Burns , and a

. l x daughter, Elizabeth Wi liam, si th son, born l oth June 1839 2d 1869 ; married, June , Eleanor Jane Hogg . A naval

, . engineer he resides in Newcastle Gilbert Burns Begg, F R S 45 THE FAMILY O ROBERT BU N .

1 1842 th . seventh son, born 7 May A civil engineer, he 2 h . m 7t resides at Motherwell, Lanarkshire He arried Sep 18 0 A tember 7 , nnie Cuthbertson, by whom he has a son ,

Robert Burns , and a daughter, Grace .

a of Isabell , eldest daughter Robert Burns Begg and Grace

28th 183 1 9th A u Beveridge, was born May ; she married, l 1866 A m di . gust , ndrew Va nan , stil er, Borrowstounness Jane,

4th 1844 i . second daughter, born January , d ed in infancy 12 1846 Grace Jane , youngest daughter, born th February ,

n resides at Kinross , u married . e Gilbert Begg, fourth son of John Begg and Isab lla Burns,

on l 6th 1802 was born the February . Entering the navy, he

o engaged in several important services, and t ok part in the

Crimean war . He survives, unmarried.

HO e James p , fifth son of John Begg and Isabella Burns ,

on 2d 18 09 26th was born the February . He served in the i 2d regiment, and d ed unmarried at Chusan, in China , 1 40 November 8 .

of Edward Hamilton , sixth son John Begg and Isabella 12th 1811 2d 1824 Burns , born August , died May .

of Jane Breckenridge , second daughter John Begg and h 16 1804 Isabella Burns , was bor on the th April ; she died

o n 7th 1822 . the July , unmarried Agnes Brown, the eldest 17th 180 0 daughter, born April , and Isabella Burns, the third 27th 180 6 daughter, born April , are both unmarried ; they

A . reside at Bridge House, lloway

o f John Burnes, fourth and youngest son William Burnes

A on 12 1 69 and gnes Broun, was born the th July 7 . He died

his in fourteenth year, and his remains were deposited in the churchyard o f Mauchline .

son o f William Burnes , third William Burnes and A gnes 46 GENEALOGICAL MEMOIR S OF

e ll 3 ls t ul 1767 . A Broun, was born at A oway J y journ y

m an saddler, he prosecuted his craft, first at Newcastle, 1790 and afterwards in London . He died at London , July ,

’ and his remains were deposited in St Pau l s church yard ; the spot of his interment was unmarked, and is now unknown .

of l s Gilbert Burns , second son Wi liam Burne and Agnes h 1 Al on 28t 760 . Broun, was born at loway the September

Concerning him, his early preceptor, Mr Murdoch , writes “ Gilbert always appeared to me to possess a m ore lively

and . imagination, to be more of the wit than Robert

’ x of Robert s countenance was generally grave, and e pressive l ’ a serious, contemplative, and thoughtful mind . Gi bert s face “ M ir th m ea n to live t said, , with thee I and cer ainly if any person who knew the two boys had been asked which of them was the most likely to court the muses , he would surely

never have guessed that Robert had, a propensity of that

” kind . By ranking as a creditor of his father for his stipulated

on Lochlea l wages farm, Gi bert was , in conjunction with

of his brother the poet, enabled to retain a portion farm stock, and therewith, aided by the savings of other members of f of the family, to take in lease the arm Mossgiel, near

Mauchline . This farm was rented from Mr Gavin Hamilton , hl writer in Mauc ine, who himself leased the farm from the Earl

of . i Loudoun In his tack, Gilbert was associated w th his r 1 4 brother Robert ; they entered upon the fa m in March 78 .

u f With ins ficient capital, and contending with a cold, ungen er ou s soil , the brothers struggled hard, but the utmost

ffi of industry could not overcome the di culties their situation .

o f At length , from the proceeds the second edition of his 4 T HE FAMILY OF ROBERT BURNS . 7

1 8 poems in 7 7, Robert was enabled to lend his brother the £ 180 sum of , which enabled him to discharge debt, and to w l 1 9 struggle ith an ungrateful soil ti l 7 7, when he obtained

n . in lease the farm of Di ning, in Nithsdale In 1800 Gilbert Burn s was induced by Mrs Dunlop to

M orham take temporary charge of the farm of Muir, near

own Haddington . His farm at Dinning, which he retained 18 10 till , Gilbert entrusted to the management of John Begg,

’ his Sister Isabella s husband In 1804 he accepted the

of S of factorship Lord Blantyre, and in the pring that year

’ Lethin ton established his residence at Grant s Braes , near g ,

of Haddingtonshire . In the factorship, he had in reward £ 100 hi service a free house, with a salary of , w ch was sub

’ to £ 140 n sequently advanced . He died at Grant s Braes o

- 8th 182 . the April 7, aged sixty seven His remains were deposited in Bolton churchyard .

Gilbert Burns facially resembled his brother the poet, with the difference that he had an aquiline nose, the poet a

one l- e straight . Though wel read and xpert in literary com

chiefl af position, he devoted himself y to rural f airs . To his intelligent conversations,Dr Currie was largely indebted in ’ m preparing the poet s me oirs . He edited an edition of his

’ was 18 20 brother s works, which published in by Cadell and i Davies , accompan ed by a dissertation from his own pen on the effect which Presbyterianism had produced on the Scot tish national character . For this edition he received from i £5 00 di the publ shers , which enabled him to scharge to the

’ poet s widow the debt of £180 contracted thirty- two years

n before . With the reserved man er of his father, he avoided

w Ir publicity , but by all to whom he was kno n e was r e t d s ec e . p for his worth and sagacity Gilbert Burns married , 48 GE NEALOGICAL ME MOIRS OF

1 91 e 2lst June 7 , Jean , daught r of James Breckenridge , 1 Kilmarnock, and granddaughter of James Breckenridge ,

on 6th n . parochial schoolmaster, Irvi e She was born the 1 64 3 0th 1841 February 7 , and died on the September ; her

i . remains rest in the churchyard of Ersk ne , Renfrewshire Of the marriage of Gilbert Burns and Jean Breckenridge

n u . were born six so s and five da ghters Janet, the eldest 23d 179 9 i 3 0th 18 16 daughter, born May , d ed October ;

n 16th 180 0 i 14th Ag es, second daughter, born November , d ed

18 15 nn 12th September ; A e, third daughter, born September

1805 n 8th n 180 7 , survives ; Jea , fourth daughter, born Ju e , 4th 182 1 died January 7 ; Isabella, fifth daughter, born 7th 1 5 1809 3 d 8 1 . May , died July

o f n William Burns, eldest son Gilbert Bur s and Jean 1 5 1792. Breckenridge, was born on the th May Settling in

1822 1824 of Dublin in , he married , in , Jane, daughter Peter

of in 185 8 Callanan county Galway she died . Of the

of i marriage were born seven children , whom four d ed young .

Two sons, James and William , and a daughter, Helen, sur

of ll B r vive, all whom are unmarried . Wi iam u ns resides at

Portarlington . 14th James Burns , second son of Gilbert Burns, born April 1794 , became a writer, first at Haddington, and afterwards at

sirrv e or Glasgow, where he was also y of taxes . He latterly

r became factor to Lord Blanty e at Erskine , Renfrewshire , 22d 184 and there died June 7 . 1 n Jean Breckenridge was nearly con ected by marriage with Sir James Shaw , a t B r , a native of Kilmarnock , Lord Mayor and Chamberlain of the city of

. an ffi T London Sir James became e cient patron of the Burn s family . hrough ’ his ff a in R e orts the poet s three sons got a st rt life . obert, the eldest, was appo inted to a post in the stamp office ; James Glencairn was nominated to h ’ C rist s Hospital, where he received his education, and both he an d his N I brother, William icol , obtained ndian cad etships .


i her father, who is now collector of customs at Invercarg ll ,

New Z ealand .

s Jane, second daughter of Dr Thoma Burns , married the

l i of ri Rev. Wi liam Bannerman , min ster the Presbyte an i . Church , Otago . They have several ch ldren

Anne, third, and Frances , fourth daughters , married at Al Of Dunedin, Henry and exander, sons Livingstone, f ’ formerly o Constable s publishing house , Edinburgh ; both sisters have issue . Agnes, fifth daughter, is unmarried . l A l Isabe la, sixth daughter, married, at Dunedin , exander 1 6 87 . Stevenson . He died in , leaving one son , Douglas i Robert, fourth son of G lbert Burns and Jean Breckenridge, 1 9 was born 22d November 7 7 . He emigrated to South 18 9 1826 3 . n America in , and there died about Joh , fifth s on 6th 1802 , born July , became a teacher of mathematics at 2 th 182 6 7 . Edinburgh , where he died February

' and ou n est of rt Gilbert Burns, sixth y g son Gilbe Burns and

ri M orham Jean Brecken dge , was born at Muir, Haddington

i 24th 180 3 . sh re, December Educated at the High School of 1834 Edinburgh, he entered a mercantile house, and in

n one of settled in Dubli . There he is the senior partners in

i of the large mercant le house Todd, Burns, Co . He mar

1842 e l ried in , Jemima Georgiana, daught r of A exander

of Ferrier Dublin, by whom he has two sons, Robert, and l Theodore Gilbert A exander, and two daughters , Mary and

Isabella .

R o f obert, elder son Gilbert Burns and Jemima Ferrier, resides at the Elms , Weybridge . He married Sibylla, daughter of l . D onnithorn e m the Rev Phi lipps Day an , vicar of Round

stock, Cornwall , by whom he has a son , Kenneth Glencairn,

d D onnithor ne and a aughter, Edith . THE R E R R 5 FAMILY OF OB T BU NS . 1

R BU R S OBERT N , the poet, was the eldest son of William

u . f B rnes and Agnes Broun His birth , in the register o Ayr parish , is recorded thus

son 1 ll A Robert Burns, law to Wi iam Burns in lloway, and any 25th 1 5 9 ‘1 Agnes Broun , his spouse, was born J 7 . Bap h Wm 1 — 2 26t . , by Mr Dalrymple Witnesses John Tennant and James Y oung.

The poet was born in a clay-built cottage, which his father r his eared with own hands ; when he was nine days old, a

portion of the gable was blown down by a gale , and the

u i str cture otherwise so shattered that he had, w th his mother,

’ to be removed to a neighbour s house . In his sixth year he was sent to a school at Alloway Mill, taught by one

on of Campbell, but the removal the teacher to a post at Ayr, l Wi liam Burnes and his neighbours employed a young teacher,

John Murdoch , as tutor to their children . Murdoch, though

1 l m ff - A r r Son of James Da ry ple, sheri clerk of yrshi e, William Dal y mple A 18th was ordained to the second charge of yr , on the December 1746 he

fi in 1756 . T D was, on a vacancy, preferred to the rst charge he degree of . D . U A 17 9 i was conferr ed on him by the niversity of St ndrews in 7 , and n 178 1 A he was elected moderator of the General ssembly . He died 28th January

- 1814 fir st i . , in the ninety year of his age, and sixty eighth year of his m nistry o Greatly reputed for his amiable disp sitions and gentle manners , Dr “ ’ Dalrymple is thus celebrated by Burns in The Kirk s Alar m ’ ’ D r m le D r m le y p , y p mild , Y a ' our he rt s like a child, A i - nd your life l ke the new driven snaw . 1 - A E i John Tennant was session clerk of yr, and ngl sh master in the burgh

I Bu r ns school . t will be remarked that he enters the family name as , such

i in A . Th e being the usual mode of spell ng the name yrshire poet, after his several years spelling his name Burness, like cousin, James Burnes of

Montrose, agreed with his brother Gilbert to adopt the form used in the west T of Scotland . he last time he subscribed his name Burness was as ’ - T l st 1 Deputy Master of St James s Lodge , arbolton , March 786 . His pro l fi i 14th posa s for publishing the rst or K lmarnock edition of his poems, dated

1 8 6 R ber t Bu r ns . April 7 , are issued in the name of o 5 2 GENEALOGICAL ME M OIRS or

only in his eighteenth year, was a competent instructor, and under his tuition Robert made progress in English composi

tion . Before his ninth year he read every English book

A t of which fell in his way . the parish school Dalrymple

r and Kirkoswald he improved his handw iting, and became

- acquainted with geometry and land surveying . At Ayr he

a n studied French and the elements of L ti ity. Hearing an

’ old woman at his father s fir e- side relate stories of the mar

v ellou s . , he conceived a taste for poetry His favourite poets

er u sson l were Ramsay and F g , whi e he read admiringly the

’ works of Shenstone and James Thomson . His father s strait

m w the ened circu stances, while contending ith barren soil of

on . Mount Oliphant , necessitated his working the farm In

on v his fifteenth year, he the har est field became enamoured o f i a fair g rl, and in her praise composed verses . He next

of 3. sung Mary Campbell, young dairymaid, whose early death led him afterwards to compose his beautiful ode To Mary in ” i . v to of Lo chlea Heaven Remo ng with his father the farm ,

1780 r e - he in established at Tarbolton a literary union , called ’ ll the Bachelor s Club . At the vi age of Mauchline, to which he afterwards removed , he founded another literary institution .

He joined a Free Mason lodge, and became a zealous member o f h t e craft .

On a portion of land at Lochlea he was permitted by his 178 1 father to cultivate flax , and in he resolved to become a

flax dresser, and so proceeded to Irvine to acquire a know

’ ledge of the trade . But after a six month s trial his work hl Lo ea. shop was destroyed by fire , and he returned to c His

father having died in February 1784 he and hi s brother

of Gilbert rented the farm Mossgiel, near Mauchline . During

da i the y he worked dil gently on the farm, his evenings M LY O O U S THE FA I F R BERT B RN . 5 3

to i v being devoted l terature and erse making. He courted

Jean Armour ; but her father, a master mason, was opposed to c the union, and compelled her, with twin hildren she had

n borne to the poet, to reside under his own roof. Feeli g that

he had been deeply wronged, and almost driven to despair, Burns resolved to leave the country and become a bookkeeper

at Jamaica . With this view he collected his verses , and

o u t sending subscription sheets , obtained for a contemplated 1 8 6 volume three hundred and fifty subscribers . In 7 he h issued at Kilmarnock a t in octavo , entitled, Poems chiefly ” 1 in the Scottish Dialect . Six hundred copies were sold , and,

w a ith the profits , mounting to twenty pounds, he paid his

passage for Jamaica, and was preparing to embark at Greenock .

° r one of his ad Meanwhile Dr Laurie , ministe of Loudoun,

m ir er s n of , brought his volume under the otice Dr Blacklock

o f i d n im Ed nburgh, who greatly commended it, and fin i g the

pression distributed, recommended its reproduction . By the

advice of friends , Burns hastened to Edinburgh, where he

was h ailed in the best literary circles . For his lodgings in

’ Lawnm arket w of Baxter s Close , , he paid a eekly rent eighteen

of w - pence . He had attained the age t enty seven , and hitherto his income had not exceeded seven pounds a year.

of of Under the patronage the Earl Glencairn , and other f members o the Caledonian Hunt, a second edition of his poems was published at Edinburgh in April 178 7 ; it was accompanied by a list of 150 0 subscribers . In May he made

a tour to the south of Scotland and into Northu mberland , visiting many interesting scenes ; at Jedburgh he was pre A sented with the freedom of the burgh . fter visiting his

1 The Kilmarnock edition was published at 3s . ; a copy sold recently by

auction for £ 60 . 54 GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS o r

and relations at Mossgiel in June , he returned to Edinburgh ,

nf l from thence proceeded to Du erm ine, there to inspect the

grave of King Robert the Bruce . In September he made an

excursion to Stirling and the Highlands . Among those who

extended to him special hospitalities were , Sir William Murray

Ochter t r e at A at y , the Duke of Athole Blair thole, and the

Duke of Gordon at Gordon Castle .

to Returning Edinburgh , the poet celebrated the birthday

on of of Prince Charles Edward the last day December, and

on the occasion produced an ode, breathing Jacobite senti

Canon ate of ments . In the g churchyard he traced the grave the poet, Robert Fergusson , and at the spot reared a tomb

stone to his memory. While at Edinburgh he conducted his

celebrated correspondence with Clarinda, the accomplished M ‘ L h Mrs e ose. Having sold the copyright of his poems to Mr Creech for

£ 100 1 88 of , he left Edinburgh in the summer of 7 possessed 5 00 £ . of £ 180 nearly To his brother Gilbert he gave a loan ,

E lli sland N iths and with the balance stocked the farm of , in

hi of D alswin dale, w ch he obtained in lease from Mr Miller ton , one of his admirers . Through his friend, Mr Graham of

of ri Fintry, he was appointed Excise officer the dist ct sur

rounding his farm . As a farmer he did not prosper, and r enou ncm 179 1 g his lease in , he established his residence at Dumfries as an of ficer of Excise ; his salary was not more 0 than £7 .

’ He continued to invoke the muse . To Johnson s Musi

u 190 a cal Muse m he contributed songs, original and mended ; he also furnished words to numerous airs in Mr George ’ “ Thomson s Collection .

At Dumfries his society was cherished, while many notable THE M LY O B S 5 5 FA I OF R BERT U RN .

persons at a distance sought his correspondence . Unhappily he did not always prefer the compani onship of persons worthy

of his genius ; and while he never neglected his professional

to o . duties , he indulged in social pleasures somewhat freely

Keenly advocating political progress, he sympathised with the principles of the French Convention ; but when licentious

ness usurped the place of patriotism , and British liberties

came to be endangered, he stood firmly by the Constitution ,

and became a volunteer .

- l . Though possessing a wel knit frame, Burns was not robust

u In early manhood he suffered from an imperfect circ lation, and was subject to nocturn al attacks of palpitation and faint

ni ness . On account of his political opi ons, he incurred some

of disapproval, and in moments depression he fancied that he

1 9 5 his was the victim of detraction . In the spring of 7 health

of became feeble , and the death an infant daughter in the

at following autumn, accelerated his complaint . He was

a n t cked with rheumatic fever, and havi g before his recovery

him %lf be exposed at a convivial party, contracted a serious

- to not illness . Sea bathing, which he had recourse, did prove 2 1 . 96 remedial On the l st July 7 he breathed his last .

i the - Burns d ed at early age of thirty seven . Ten years before hi s death he was unknown o u t Of his own neigh

b u rh d him o oo . Misfortune drove into print, and what he printed charmed and electrified his countrymen . At once

was éted he became famous ; he f in the capital , men of letters

r i cou ted his society, and persons of noble rank adm tted him

to intimacy . As a household word his name flashed over

Scotland . Lo ng before his death his poems were read and

his songs lilted in every Highland vale and Lowland ham let .

The elder minstrelsy with its impurities was rejected, and in 5 6 GENEAL OGICAL M EMOIRS or

its stead his verses were accepted everywhere . He had caught

the lis pings Of nature and made them vocal . In his verses the humblest peasant caught the glow of patriotism and the spirit

r . of independence . He was the g eatest Scotsman of his century

n Illustrious as he was, Burns had failings i cident to huma

i l in n t . y Descended paternal y from a Celtic stock, he was

flu enced by the passionate fervour of that impressible race .

t be con Somewhat too prone to share the pleasures of socie y,

- i to . tracted habits which were injurious him But, sun l ke, his w genius rose above the clou ds hich threatened to obscure it .

He was , as his sister Mrs Begg informed the writer, a sincere believer in the Chris tian verities ; he discharged the duties o f

’ m l the fa i y altar after his father s death, and was careful that his younger sister should be instructed in the church cate

. ll chism He regretted his errors , actively fulfi ed the duties of

ffi l u his o ce, ived within the bo nds of his income, and died

without debt. In person the poet was nearly five feet nine inches in

height ; he was well formed but stooped slightly . His face

of was the dark Celtic type , with features strongly marked ;

he had a straight nose , and penetrating dark eyes, deeply set . w r His countenance so beamed ith genius, emarked to the

one n writer, his sister, Mrs Begg , that any seei g him even

al incident ly was not likely to forget him . His head was

large, but in the upper part flat rather than arched ; his fore

. in head was broad, but not high Unobtrusive society, he impressed all who listened to hi m when he entered heartily

into conversation . 25th 1 96 On Monday the July 7 , being four days after his

death, his remains were interred in St Michael s churchyard ,

Dumfries . On the evening of the preceding day the body


only did her daughters profit by her example ; they contracted,

ao a ta ste for music . Jean Armour sung sweetly, and this c o m lishm ent p , in addition to her personal charms, won the ’ e 1786 poet s love . He celebrated her in song , and arly in privately owned her as his wifes But her father opposed the union , and the poet experienced an irregular divorce . 1 88 James Armour afterwards relented , and in 7 allowed his daughter to join her husband . Mrs Burns died at Dumfries on the 26th March 1834 in the same house in which the poet expired thirty- eight years

’ O previously. Through the profits f her husband s works ,

o of certain private benefactions , and latterly by the gener sity her sons, she was comfortably maintained .

f of By his wi e, Jean Armour, the poet was father five sons and four daughters . Jean, the eldest daughter, a twin with

b on 3 d 1 86 her rother Robert, was born the September 7 ; she

. on died at the age of fourteen months Twin daughters , born 3 d 1 788 . the March , died soon after birth Elizabeth Riddel,

of the youngest daughter, so named in honour of Mrs Riddel

Glenriddel 21st 1 92 , was born on the November 7 ; she died

m f 1 5 o 9 . at Mauchline in the autu n 7 , and was there buried

The poet, whose health was already broken, was too ill to attend her funeral . ’ i Of the poet s five sons , Franc s Wallace, the second son ,

of of nl so named in honour Mrs Dunlop Du op, was born on

18th A 1789 9 th 18 03 of the ugust ; he died July , at the age fourteen . Maxwell, the fifth and youngest son, named after

Dr Maxwell, the physician who attended the poet in his last l 26th 1 ’ il ness, was born July 79 6 (the day of his father s d 24th 179 9 funeral) ; he die April , aged two years and nine months . 5 9 THE FA M ILY OF RO BERT BU RN S .

’ w Robert Burns , the poet s eldest son , a twin ith his sister

1 8 r 3d 7 6. Jean, was born September From the g ammar

of school of Dumfries , he proceeded to the University Edin A he i . burgh , where studied dur ng two sessions nother session he spent at the University of Glasgow . Having procured an

f on appointment in the Stamp O fice, he entered his duties at

1 04 183 3 ot London in 8 . In he g his superannuation allow ance, when he visited his mother at Dumfries , whom he had

- hi s not seen for twenty six years . At Dumfries he fixed

185 6 of residence . There in the summer of the writer these

Memoirs paid him a visit . Being ten years old when his father died he remembered him, but not so as to describe his personal aspects . Into the hands of his son the bard

Of hi m placed the works the English poets , and encouraged

to . read them, which he did But he never spoke of his own verses ; nor did the son know that his father was a poet until the neighbours , after his decease , spoke of him as such

hi In of m to s mother. form cranium and facial linea ents

hi s Robert strongly resembled father. With a vigorous

b n intellect, improved y extensive and varied readi g, he possessed a memory singularly retentive . In London he added to his finances by giving instruction in mathematics and in the classics . He excelled in conversation . He died

14 M a 18 57 - r on the th y , at the age of seventy one ; his e

’ mains were conveyed to the vault of his father s mausoleum .

n on 24th 180 9 He married at Londo , the March , Anne i Sherwood , by whom he had a daughter El za, who married, on 27th 183 6 the September , Bartholomew James Everitt,

’ - assistant surgeon in the East India Company s service , who

on 20th 1840 died at London the April .

The only child of Mr and Mrs Everitt, Martha Burns 60 GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS O F

l Everitt, is unmarried . Mrs Everitt resides at Bathwick Hi l,

Bath .

O n William Nicol Burns , third son f the poet, was bor at

, E llisland on the 9th April 179 1 he was named in honour of ’ lli his father s friend, Wi am Nicol, of Edinburgh . Educated

a to at Dumfries Academy, he in his sixteenth year s iled India

O as a midshipman . Not long afterwards he btained an Indian hi cadets p . Proceeding to the Madras Presidency, he there served as an Officer of the 7th Native Infantry for thirty o three years . He ultimately c mmanded his regiment . In

1843 the i to he retired from army, and return ng Britain

n settled at Chelte ham with his brother, James Glencairn , 185 5 then Major Burns . In he became colonel by brevet .

C on 21st e 18 2 He died at heltenham the F bruary 7 , aged

- n l of eighty one . His remai s were deposited in the vau t the

’ in 1822 poet s mausoleum . He married Catherine Adelaide,

o f of ll daughter Richard Crone , Summer Hi , Dublin , who died ,

Killu h e 29 h 1 4 d e t 8 1. without issue, at g , in India, on the June

’ James Glencairn Burns , the poet s fourth son , was born at 12 17 94 Dumfries on the th August , and was named after his

’ father s friend, James , Earl of Glencairn. He was educated at

’ Dumfries Academy and Christ s Hospital, London . Obtain

for d 18 11 r ing a cadetship, he sailed In ia in June . Ar iving 15 at Calcutta, he there joined the th Regiment of Bengal 18 1 Native Infantry . In 7 he was appointed by the Marquis

- of Hastings, Governor General, to an important post in the

m i t Com ssariat . As Cap ain Burns, he visited Britain in 183 1 183 3 , returning to India in , when he received from Lord Metcalfe the important office of Judge and Collector

a 183 9 of C char. In he finally returned to Britain with the f h o o . e rank maj r For several years resided near London . THE A Y F R R B R N s 1 F MIL O OBE T u . 6

He acted as Government Commissioner in an inquiry into

of m on the condition the operatives in paper ills, which he

- presented a valuable report . His brother, Lieutenant Colonel

ll r v Wi iam Nicol Bu ns, having retired from active ser ice in

1843 i n , he arranged to reside with him Cheltenham . In 1844 the brothers were celebrated by a festive “Welcome ” f on the banks o the Doon . James Glencairn Burns obtained

of - the brevet rank Lieutenant Colonel in 185 5 . He died at Cheltenh am on 18th 18 65 the November , and his remains

’ of m were consigned to the vault the poet s mausoleu .

B of With the Colonels urns, the writer these Memoirs l possessed considerable intimacy . Colonel Wi liam Burns was

of an amiable, kindly man ; he had the same type face , but

did his r otherwise not resemble fathe . Colonel James was an accomplished Oriental scholar ; he was occasionally chosen

Hin u an l d st ee . examiner in , in Cheltenham Col ege Possessed

of . dramatic power, he took part in private theatricals . He inherited a rheumatic tendency, which, he remarked to the f writer, had afflicted him from childhood . Abundantly acetious

- an and good humoured, he nevertheless keenly resented y

’ ungenerous reflection on his father s memory.

Colonel James Glencairn Burns married first, in April

18 18 of , Sarah , daughter of James Robinson Sunderland, who

N eem u ch i 7th 1821 died at , in Ind a , on the November , at the

- of . age twenty four Of their marriage were born a son, 1lth Robert Shaw, who died in India, on the December 821 1 , aged eighteen months also two daughters , of whom one , h 1823 5t a. Jean Isabella, died at sea, June , in her fifth ye r 2d 1821 Sarah , the surviving daughter, born November , t 24th 1847 married at Chel enham on the July , Dr Berkeley

We tr o w s pp Hutchinson , a native of Galway, by hom she has 62 GENEALOGICA L MEMOIRS OF

r A had a son, Robert Bu ns, and three daughters , nnie, Violet

. Burns , and Margaret Constance Burns

i c Robert Burns Hutch nson, only son of Dr Berkeley Hut h

’ C a inson and Sarah Burns, was educated at hrist s Hospit l, 18 London . In 77 he sailed for Assam, there to engage in business as a tea planter. He is the only male descendant of the poet no w living. 1828 Colonel James Burns married, secondly, in June ,

O E nfield Mary, daughter f Captain Beckett of ; she died at

13th 1844 fift - Gravesend, November , aged y two . Her only th 18 3 0 child, Annie Beckett, born 7 September , resides at

r Cheltenham, unmar ied .

O The armorial bearings of the family f Burnes , granted to K H Dr James Burnes, . ., and other descendants of his paternal

a in gr ndfather, are the Lyon register recorded thus !

“ A r m s — or Ermine, on a bend azure, an escocheon, , charged

with a hollybush , surmounted by a crook and birgle horn THE FA M ILY R S 6 3 l o OF ROBE T BU RN .

salt r ewa s O y y , all proper, being the device f the poet Burns o n and a chief gules , the White Horse of Hanover, between or two Eastern crowns , , in allusion to the Guelphic Order,

on s . b l conferred James Burne , K H . , y King Wil iam IV . and i i n to the distinguished serv ces of him and his brothers India . “ Cr ests — On the ex of d ter side , one augmentation , in w allusion to the devotion to their country, sho n by the late t - Sir Ale C B Lieu Colonel xander Burnes, and Lieutenant Out of Charles Burnes . a mural crown, per pale, vert, and “ gules, the rim inscribed Cabool, in letters argent, a demi i eagle displayed, transfixed by a javelin in bend sin ster

on ! proper ; the sinister, that previously borne, viz . Issuant or n from an Eastern crown , an oak tree shivered, re ewing its

r' foliage p oper . “ M tt0 — Ob P atr i m 0 a . . Vulnera Passi I N D E ! .

A 44 lloway , tomb of William Burnes Beveridge, James! of Balado , . ’

3 7 3 8 . 47 48 . po et s father, , Blantyre , Lord, , 1 A A . . 3 . 17 . nderson , lexander, M D , Brand, Charles,

El 44. 17 . Anderson , izabeth , Brand , David ,

r 3 1 17 . Anderson , Har iet, . Brand , James,

44. 17 . Anderson, James, Brand, William ,

3 2. 48 . Armour, Adam , Breckenridge, James,

57 . 48 . Ar mour, James, Breckenridge, Jean , - u 53 57 5 8 . 3 9 41 5 1. Armo r, Jean, , , Broun , Agnes, ,

3 2. A 40 . rmour, Robert, Broun , Gilbert, 3 2 14 Armour, William , . Brown , George , .

5 . 6 5 4. Arundel , Beatrix , Countess of, Bruce, King Robert , Bru nho del 6 5 . us e . Athelstan , King, , Robert ,

5 4. u 62 63 . Athole, Duke of, B rnes, arms of family, ,

3 7 . 242 6 . Auld , David, Burnes , Dr James ,

E 5 . Burnes , ustace de,

. 50 . o inscr i Bannerman , Rev William , Burnes family, t mbstone p 13 . 7 8 3 7 3 8 . Beattie, Catherine , tions of, , , ,

13 . r 5 Beattie, Professor James , Burnes, God ic de, .

t E nfield 62. th e Becket , Captain , of , Burnes, John , servitor to laird of

62. Beckett, Mary, Thornton , 7 . - 4 42 45 . A Begg, Agnes, , , Burnes , Lieut . Colonel Sir lexander,

43 44. 28 3 0 Begg, Andrew, , .

44. a 192 1 Begg, Bruce, Burnes, Provost J mes, .

E 42 45 . R 5 . Begg, dward, , Burnes, oger de, 44 . 6 Begg, Elizabeth , Burnes, Sir John de, . 4 4 4 2 4 5 6 . Begg, Gilbert , , , . Burnes , William de,

44. Bur nes bu r h 5 Begg, Grace , g , battle of, .

4 42 3 45 . Burn eshead 4 5 . Begg, Isabella, , , , , lands of, - 42 45 . Begg, James, Burness, or Burnes, family name of, - 43 45 4 8 . Begg , Jane, , .

43 . 6 Begg, Janet, Burness, parish of, in Orkney, . -4 4 42 4 7 . r Begg , John , , Bu ness , Patrick , 7 .

i 43 . Bu r nes tead 5 Begg, Mar on , , lands of, . 44 5 Begg, Mary, , Burneston , lands of, .

N 43 . a l 6 Begg, eil, B rnhouse of Kair, ands of, .

. 44 . . 60 61. Begg, Rev Bruce Beveridge, Burns, Col James Glencairn, ,

43 . li 60 6 1 Begg , Robert, Burns, Colonel Wil am Nicol, , . - - 43 45 . 46 48 Begg , Robert Burns, Burns, Gilbert, .

- 43 . R 5 2 58 . Begg, Walter, Burns, obert , poet, - 42 44. Bu R N E s FA M ILY O F tena nts in Bo Begg , William , , , g 29 or a n Bentinck , Lord William , . j g . d 6 . r 9 . Bernis, lan s of, Ch istian,

44. E 9 Beveridge , Bruce, lspet, .

44. 10 Beveridge, Grace , Isobel , .

! 66 INDE .

— d 5 0 . in uc . Burns m Dayman, Sibylla, S 49 F 5 0 . . rances, Dickson , arah ,

42 47 . F 8 . rancis , 5 Dinning, farm of, ,

4 1 33 3 5 3 6 41 42 29 . Gilbert , , 7 , , , , , , Dost Mohammed, - 18 . 46 48, 5 0 . Douglas , Dr,

Al OfGlenber v ie 7 . 48 . Helen , Douglas , Sir exander, ,

I 41 42 4 48 5 0 5 6 . u 5 8 . sabella, , , 7, , , D nlop, Mrs, of Dunlop,

48 16 . James, . Duthie, Andrew,

5 0 . Jane,

48 22. Janet, . Eales, Lionel ,

48 5 8 61. 22. Jean , , , Eales , Major George ,

41 45 50 . E 22. John , , , ales , Maude, I 6 5 0 . . 5 . Kenneth , Edward , ,

5 8 . . 6 . Maxwell, Edward I I , 16 T D D . 49 . . R ev . . homas , , Edward , John ,

r 5 0 5 8 59 6 1. 5 . Robe t, , , , Elizabeth , ! ueen ,

R 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 8 41 49 5 0 . obert (poet) , , , , , , , Elles, Andrew, , - 4 5 1 8 49 5 0 . 46 , 7 , 5 . Elles, Clementina, ,

61 l 49 . Sarah , . El es, Gilbert, - IVilliam 3 6 41 45 46 48 5 1. 49 . , , , , , Elles, Jarnes ,

l 49 . Elles, Ma colm ,

R 49 . C 3 0 . . abool , Elles , ev James, of Saltcoats ,

llisland 5 4. 17 . E Caird , Anne, , farm of,

17 . 59 . Caird, Jean , Everitt , Bartholomew James, M art ha 9 6 17 . 5 0 . Caird , John , Everitt, , , E 4 17 . r . Caird, Margaret, ve itt, Mrs ,

17 . Caird, Mary,

17 . F 14. Caird , Robert, alconer, Alexander,

F 14. 48 . Callanan , Jane, alconer, Archibald,

4 F 14. 3 . Campbell , David , alconer, Catherine ,

3 6 F 14. Campbell , Dr, of Ayr, . alconer, David, F F M 2. Campbell, ary, 5 alconer, rancis Keith , Earl of Kin

12. 18 . Carnegie, Elizabeth , tore , 1 F 14 8 . . Carnegie, William , alconer, George, l h l C o chna il 3 2 3 3 . F I 14. , farm of, , alconer, sabel ,

3 4. F 14 17 . Constable , Lady Winifred Maxwell , alconer, Jean , ,

rs t F 14. us 22. Cooper, Au , alconer, John , $4 1 M cl 22 F 11 12 7 . Cooper, a , . alconer, Margaret , , , ,

R s 22. F r 14. Cooper, ev. Augu tus , alconer, Robe t, Halk 4 3 3 . F erto n Cowie, Mr, of Sundridge Hall , , alconer, Sir Alexander, of , C rabbie 12 12 , Christian , . . ’ 4 3 6 Fa IVillianr 1 . Crawford , Mr, of Doonside , . lconer, ,

60 F 36 3 7 . Crone , Catherine, . erguson , Provost of Doonholm , , d R i l 60 F 5 4. Crone , ichar , of Summer H l , . ergusson , Robert, poet,

la 0 . G ssm ou nt 44. 5 Currie , Andrew , of , Ferrier, Alexander ,

u 44 er r ier 5 0 . C rrie , Magdalene, . F , Jemima ,

u 12 F 24. C shnie, Anne, . orbes, Adelaide,

u 45 . F 21 24. C thbertson , Anne , orbes, Captain Charles, ,

F 21. orbes, Louisa Emily, l e 10 . F 18 . Dal as, Rob rt, orster, Jean , f - F e M . E s . 41. Dalrymple , James, sheri f clerk of ort scue, , q , A r 5 1. F 8 . y , otheringham , Christian , IV 1 . . 4 5 1. F P o wr ie 8 . Dalrymple, Rev , , otheringham , family of, at , m S 49 . F IVilliam 16. Dalry ple, ir Hew , otheringham , , v M 11 Da idson , argaret, . 18 . 41. Davidson , Dr, Galt , William ,

. . Do nni hor ne 0 t 5 . 12. Dayman , Rev P , Gavin , Elspeth , p ! INDE .

f 4. 2 o 6 . Gibson , James, Liverpool , Hutchinson , Margaret,

Gle 20 . c S 4 62 . gg , Adam , Hut hinson , Mrs arah Burns , , le 20 G 62. gg , Elizabeth , . Hutchinson , Robert Burns ,

Gle 20 . V 2 6 . gg , family of, Hutchinson , iolet, Glei A 20 g , dam , . Glei e 20 Inchbr eck g , Isob l , . , farm of, 7 .

Glei 20 . g, John , i Gle R . 3 1. g, ev George, Bishop of Brechin , Jarbo, Emma,

21. 3 1 Jarbo , Rev . Dr, . Glei R 1 i . 2 . 5 7 . g , ev George, of Arbroath , Jenk nson , Mr, 8 7 . 5 . Glenbervie , , John , King of England , E 3 0 R r 3 5 6 . 4 . Glencairn , James , arl of, , Johnstone , icha d , 5 4 Gordon , Duke of, . U

2 . E l Gordon , Harry, 7 Keith , George, tenth arl Marischa , 2 3 4 35 Gordon , Horatia , 7 . 4 3 5 . 16 . Graham , Mr , of Fintry, Keith , Isabella , ,

49 3 . Grant, Clementina , . Keith , Mrs Anne,

. F 49 . 3 . Grant, Rev James . , Keith of Craig , family of, Al Of R R r Grant, Sir exander, Monymusk , Keith , ight Hon . Sir obe t Murray ,

49 . 3 A e 19 . 9 Greig, nne, Kerr, Jam s , .

19 . 1 Greig, John , Knox , James, 7 .

18 . Grub , Margaret,

A . 18 . R e v . 5 3 . Guthrie, , Laurie, Dr, of Loudoun , 4 4 . Leburn , Mary,

44. 14 Haldane , Janet, Ley, David, .

44. 14 Haldane , Mary, Ley, James, . lk n 2 a Ha erto 1 . 4 F 1 . , alconers of, the , Ley, J ne,

24 . a 14. Hardy, Dalton , Ley, Marg ret ,

28 . 14. Harris, Mary Jane , Ley, Mary,

n r a 17 . 5 0 . Henderso , Ma g ret , Livingstone , Alexander,

r V . 5 . 0 Hen y III , Livingstone , Henry , 5 .

M . 21. Lo hle . c a 3 . Hewett , Captain T , , farm of, 7

44. Hogg, Eleanor, ‘ d 22 M Bea n . 18 . Hollan , Alexander, , Jean , ‘ M Ka 23 24. S . 28 . Holland, Cecilia Agnes, , y, John , ‘ D . 2 M Ka . 3 . N H 28 . Holland , Charles W , y, orman . , ‘

l. r non B M L h e Co T ev e . . 23 e os 4 5 . Holland , James, C , , Mrs (Clarinda) ,

22. 24 Holland , Constance, Major, Adelaide , . - 9 . . . 23 2 F 24. Holland, Lieut Col James , , Major, Captain rancis Ward , R E . E M a 24 Holland , Major dward Burnes , ajor, Capt in John Philip, . 3 F F 22 2 . 24. , Major, rancis orbes , - 4 2 . Holmes , Major General Sir George, Major, Philip Charles,

26 . V 24 Major , iolet , . 26 Holmes, Sophia, . Margaret, ! ueen of Malcolm Canmore ,

18 . 8 Hudson , Anne ,

18 . 5 8 . Hudson , Christian , Maxwell , Dr, 1 I 8 . b 12 Hudson, Elizabeth , Meldrum , sa el, . 8 1 17 . Hudson , George , . Melvin, Margaret,

18 . 6 . Hudson , John , Menteith , John , of Bernis,

18 . 60 Hudson , Margaret , Metcalfe, Lord , . in r o 18 . B o m bank 9 . Hudson , Sarah, Middleton , Robert , ,

s 18 . 5 4. Hud on , William , Miller, Mr, of Dalswinton ,

6 2. s 16 . Hutchinson , Annie , Mitchell , Thoma , Wes ro t M 29 . Hutchinson , Dr Berkeley pp , ohammed , Shah of Persia,

62 . 16 61, Mollison, Alexander, . M 44. orham 4 . Hutchinson , Jane, Muir, farm of, 7 ! 68 INDE .

T 9 m o 46 5 2 . . Mossgiel , far f, , aylor, Elspet,

rm 3 6 3 7 . Mount Oliphant, fa of, , Taylor, William , tenant in White

3 8 46 9 . Murdoch , John , schoolmaster, , , bog,

5 1. 5 1. Tennant, John , h er t re Oc t 5 4. Murray, Sir William , of y , Thomson , George, 9 5 4. Thomson , Helen , . in 9 Thomson , William , Drumlithie , .

IV . 6 . N icholas , Pope,

23 . U IVilliam 14. N icholson , Margaret, rquhart, ,

V a n a 5 10 . n n 44 4 . Paul , Anne, , Andrew, , V annan 44. 18 . Pirie, J , Eliza,

Ge r e 43 . Preston , e g ,

26 17 . Price, Esther, . Walker, Alexander, 16 Walker, Archibald , .

R a 14. 17 . eith , C therine, Walker, Isobel ,

14 17 . Reith, Christian , . Walker, James,

R 14. 3 2. eith , David , Wallace, Jean , 2 14. 1. Reith , James , Ward , Captain William ,

s in P o lbu n 9 . 14. r Reith , Jane, Wat on , David , ,

R 14. 17 . eith , Jean , Watson , Elspet, W 14 17. Reith , John , . atson , Henry,

R t 14. 1 . eith , Margare , Watson , James , 7

i 23 . 19 . R ach , Margaret, Watson , Jean ,

i Glenr iddel 58 . 1 . R ddel , Mrs , of , Watson , Mary , 7 6 l 1. Sheilhil 19 . Robinson , Sarah , Watson , Robert, of ,

R u n eet h 29 . 22 . j Sing , Whish , Ada,

F. 22 Whish , Albert , . ’

2 . S 9 22. cinde, Burnes travels in , Whish , Annette ,

27 . R . 22. Scott, Isabella, Whish , Arthur , \Vill am i 2 F R A . 7 . . Scott, , Whish, Captain rederick , ,

Sho o ah 3 0 . 22 Shah j restored to Cabool, Whish , Clara Salter, .

48. 22. Shaw, Sir James, Whish, Cyril Beresford, her it 1 E 2 S t 7 . 2 23 . , James , Whish , liza, ,

5 9 . 22 Sherwood , Anne, Whish , Ernest Burnes, .

E 14. 22. Smith , lizabeth , Whish, Evelyn ,

o 17 . F 22 Smith , Ge rge , Whish , lora Thornborough , . 5 0 . 22. Stevenson , Alexander, Whish , Hugh Dudley, IV 5 0 . his h 22. Stevenson , Douglas , , Kathleen , l n S tr ve 5 . R . N . 4 y y , Jacoba de, Whish , Lieutenant Albert , , ,

S tr vel n 5 . 21. y y , John de,

Inchbreck 7 . i R N Stuart, David , of , Whish , Lieut. Cec l Holland, . . ,

15 . 2 Stuart, Jane Gordon , 3 - . . 15 . . l R 21 Stuart, John , LL D , Whish , Lieut Genera ichard , . S M 15 . . 22. tuart, ary , Whish , Matilda Emily, S Inchb k re c 7 . R tuart, Professor, of , Whish, Rev . Richard, ector of 1 5 . 21. Stuart, Robert, Northwold , ‘ Villiam W S . 1 Stuart , , proprietor of Bog hish , Sir William , 2 .

8 9 . 43 jorgan , , Wilson, Agnes, .

43 . Winifred, Miss,

T d 16 . R 1 5 . aylor, Davi , Woodward , ev . John ,

‘ M Far la ne if) E rskii w P ri nter s E inbu h , , d rg .

Ro e r g s , Cha r l e s G e ne a l o gi c a l m em o i r s o f t he

f am i ly o f R o b e r t Bu r ns