P.C. Marina Hotel Project Moving Forward

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P.C. Marina Hotel Project Moving Forward TRUMP TO VISIT EL PASO NATION | A4 PANAMA CITY LOCAL | B1 ANGLERS HAVE CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH RARE WHALE Monday, February 11, 2019 www.newsherald.com @The_News_Herald facebook.com/panamacitynewsherald 75¢ P.C. Marina hotel project moving forward By Katie Landeck for years — encouraged the funds to spend marketing the @PCNHKatieL efforts. entirety of downtown. St. Joe [email protected] Five month and one dev- would collaborate on the mar- astating hurricane later, the keting plan. PANAMA CITY — By early commission is now looking to The agreement would also 2020 work could start on a put an agreement and timeline offer St. Joe “first right of con- hotel at Panama City Marina for the project in writing. sideration to (St. Joe) before under a non-binding memo- The project being considered offering other development randum of understanding is a hotel that would not exceed and/or management oppor- (MOU) the Panama City Com- five stories high, would include tunities at the Downtown mission will consider at their a restaurant and have approxi- Panama City Marina,” the Tuesday meeting. mately 100 rooms, according document says. In September, the St. Joe to city documents. The MOU is not a finalized Company expressed their The St. Joe Company has said document and can be changed desire to build and operate a they will construct their hotel at any time if both the city and hotel with a restaurant as the at their own expense. The city St. Joe agree to it. first step in revitalizing the is looking to offer a long-term It sets the stage for a downtown area. The com- ground lease, with a rate based 10-month period of public Residents of Panama City check out the boats stacked on top of each missioners — who have been on the performance of the hotel comment, while the city other at the Panama City Marina Monday October 15, 2018 to see looking for a developer to take the MOU reads, and would what was left after Hurricane Michael, a category 4 hurricane, struck on the Panama City Marina agree to annually allocate See MARINA, A5 the panhandle last Wednesday. [DOUG ENGLE/OCALA STAR BANNER] LOCAL | B1 JOB FAIR HELPS MATCH JOBS, WORKERS New hurdle emerges in border security talks With clock ticking see as an emblem of tough toward another immigration policies and shutdown, two sides Democrats accuse of often at odds over a limit going too far. on migrant detention Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, By Jonathan Lemire in appearances on NBC’s Jamiaca Thompkins offers some advice to Lynn Haven resident Jeanette Williams while Diane Robinson and Alan Fram “Meet the Press” and comforts her. [KATIE LANDECK/THE NEWS HERALD] The Associated Press “Fox News Sunday,” said “you absolutely cannot” WASHINGTON — Bar- eliminate the possibility gainers clashed Sunday of another shutdown if a over whether to limit deal is not reached over Mental health checkups the number of migrants the wall and other border authorities can detain, matters. The White House tossing a new hurdle had asked for $5.7 billion, a come door-to-door before negotiators hoping figure rejected by the Dem- to strike a border security ocratic-controlled House compromise for Congress of Representatives, and to pass this coming week. the mood among bargain- after Hurricane Michael The White House wouldn’t ers has soured, according rule out a renewed partial to people familiar with the government shutdown if an negotiations not autho- By Katie Landeck Disaster Distress Hotline agreement isn’t reached. rized to speak publicly @PCNHKatieL With the Friday dead- about private talks. [email protected] Those looking to talk to someone about their emotions after a natural line approaching, the two “You cannot take a shut- disaster, can call the national hotline at 1-800-985-5990 or text 'TalkWithUs' sides remained separated down off the table, and you LYNN HAVEN — Putter- to 66746. The hotline is staffed 24/7 with trained crisis counselors. by hundreds of millions cannot take $5.7 (billion) ing around the yard, Jeanette of dollars over how much off the table,” Mulvaney Williams was working to keep to spend to construct told NBC, “but if you busy. they’re doing after the storm.” like Life Management. President Donald Trump’s end up someplace in the She didn’t want to remember “Where were you last week “We know there’s a need, promised border wall. middle, yeah, then what the way the winds of Hurricane when I was having a ner- but we haven’t been inun- But rising to the fore was you probably see is the Michael felt as they shook her vous breakdown?” Williams dated with requests,” said a related dispute over president say, ‘Yeah, OK, house while she prayed alone answered. Life Management Commu- curbing Customs and and I’ll go find the money inside on her knees four months ••• nity Relations Specialist Tricia Immigration Enforce- someplace else.’” ago. She wasn’t ready to deal In recent weeks, Life Man- Pearce. “People might not real- ment, or ICE, the federal the nightmares that caused agement Center had launched ize it or might not be trying to agency that Republicans See BORDER, A5 her to wake up in the middle of “Project Hope,” sending reach out.” night searching her Lynn Haven counselors door-to-door and A review of the research by home for mysterious noises she stationing them at the Disas- the medical journal Psycho- was pretty sure weren’t real. ter Recovery Centers to try to logical Medicine found that, SPORTS | C1 And she knew she had to keep meet people where they are. It’s on average, 30 to 40 percent her hands busy or she would a nine-month program running of disaster victims report Post 2019’S FIRST turn back to the cigarettes she in six counties — Bay, Cal- Traumatic Stress Disorder worked so hard to quit. houn, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson (PTSD) compared to the rate NASCAR Then, one of her neighbors, and Washington — aiming to of 5 to 19 percent in the general accompanied by four strangers, reach people who are struggling population. Upticks of suicide RACE showed up in her front yard. to cope with the aftermath of and substance abuse issues are “Hi Jeanette, can we come Hurricane Michael and maybe also noted in studies. KICKS OFF talk?” Diane Robinson asked. don’t realize it, or wouldn’t “We’re asking people how normally engage with a place See MENTAL, A3 Panama City News Herald Nation & World ..............A4 Diversions ......................B6 TODAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Want to subscribe? Local .......................... B1-6 Sports........................ C1-4 Mostly cloudy Rain Sunny Call 850-747-5050 Obituaries ...................... B3 TV Listing ...................... C5 73° / 64° 72° / 46° 65° / 47° * ** A2 Monday, February 11, 2019 | The News Herald GO & DO CELEBRATE COMMUNITY TODAY IN HISTORY Tuesday, Feb. 12 The Associated Press 'TAMING OF THE SHREW - PICTURE PERFECT Today is Monday, Feb. 11, THE STRATFORD FESTIVAL the 42nd day of 2019. There FROM STAGE TO SCREEN': are 323 days left in the year. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the We want your photos: Post your photos to the News Herald Facebook page with your name, city of Today's Highlight in History: Panama City Center for residence and information about the photo. You can email photos to [email protected]. On Feb. 11, 1990, South the Arts, 19 E. Fourth St., African black activist Nelson Panama City (taking over Mandela was freed after 27 for the Martin Theatre). years in captivity. Presenting Shakespeare On this date: plays as recorded live on In 1531, the Church of Eng- stage. Refreshments for sale. land grudgingly accepted Details at MartinTheatre.com King Henry VIII as its WATOTO CHILDREN'S CHOIR: supreme head. 6 p.m. at St. Andrew Baptist In 1929, the Lateran Treaty Church, 3010 W. 15th St., was signed, with Italy recog- Panama City. Acclaimed nizing the independence and choir of Ugandan orphans sovereignty of Vatican City. travels the globe each year In 1945, President Franklin to advocate for millions of D. Roosevelt, British Prime African children orphaned Minister Winston Churchill by AIDS, poverty and war. and Soviet leader Josef Stalin Featuring energetic dancing signed the Yalta Agreement, and singing, shared stories in which Stalin agreed to of their lives and more. declare war against Imperial Free admission. Open to the Japan following Nazi Ger- public. Donations accepted. many's capitulation. Details at Watoto.com In 1963, American author and ANDERSON BROTHERS poet Sylvia Plath was found CONCERT: 6:30 p.m. at Alices dead in her London fl at, a on Bayview, 1000 Bayview suicide; she was 30. Ave., Panama City. Jazz In 1968, New York City's virtuosos, Peter and Will fourth and current Madison Anderson, joined on guitar Square Garden, located on Alex Wintz, will appear at Manhattan's West Side at a Gulf Jazz Society special the site of what used to be event. Identical twins who the Pennsylvania Station attended New York City's Jul- building, opened with a liard School are virtuosos on "Salute to the USO" hosted clarinet and saxophone and by Bob Hope and Bing have performed with the Lin- Crosby. coln Center Jazz Orchestra, In 1979, followers of Ayatol- Village Vanguard Orchestra lah Ruhollah Khomeini seized and many others; live on power in Iran. Garrison Keillor’s “Prairie In 1986, Soviet dissident Home Companion”; and are Debbie Williams, of Ohio, captured this image of an unconcerned box turtle crossing the trail Natan Sharansky was featured on the 2014 Grammy at Camp Helen. [CONTRIBUTED PHOTO] released by the Soviet Union winning soundtrack of HBO’s after nine years of captiv- “Boardwalk Empire” with ity as part of an East-West Vince Giordano’s Night- prisoner exchange.
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