Borno - Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Assessment of Hard-to-Reach Areas in Northeast December 2019

Overview The continuation of conflict in Northeast Nigeria has reach areas through monthly multi-sector interviews experiences. Responses from KIs reporting on respective LGA have been assessed. created a complex humanitarian crisis, rendering in accessible Local Government Area (LGA) capitals the same settlement are then aggregated to the The findings presented are indicative of broader sections of as hard to reach. To address with the following typology of Key Informants (KIs): settlement level. The most common response trends in assessed settlements in December 2019, information gaps facing the humanitarian response provided by the greatest number of KIs is reported for • KIs who are newly arrived internally displaced and are not statistically generalisable. in Northeast Nigeria and inform humanitarian actors persons (IDPs) who have left a hard-to-reach each settlement. When no most common response on the demographics of households in hard-to-reach settlement in the last 3 months1 could be identified, the response is considered as ‘no Assessment Coverage areas of Northeast Nigeria, as well as to identify their consensus’. While included in the calculations, the • KIs who have had contact with someone living needs, access to services and movement intentions, percentage of settlements for which no consensus 386 Key Informants interviewed or having been in a hard-to-reach settlement REACH has been conducting a monthly assessment was reached is not displayed in the results below. in the last month (traders, migrants, family of hard-to-reach areas in Northeast Nigeria since 194 Settlements assessed members, etc.)1 Results presented in this factsheet, unless otherwise November 2018. 11 LGAs assessed Selected KIs are purposively sampled and are specified, represent the proportion of settlements Using its Area of Knowledge (AoK) methodology, interviewed on settlement-wide circumstances in assessed within a LGA. Findings are only reported 4 2 REACH remotely monitors the situation in hard-to- LGAs with 5% or more coverage hard-to-reach areas, rather than their individual on LGAs where at least 5% of all settlements in the

Assessment coverage Access to assistance Access to markets Proportion of settlements assessed: Proportion of assessed settlements reporting having Proportion of assessed settlements reporting access to a received food assistance from a non-local organization: functional market that the population could walk to:

Abadam Niger

Kukawa LGA boundary LGA boundary 0% 0% Chad 1 - 20% Guzamala 1 - 20% 21 - 40% 21 - 40% 41 - 60% 41 - 60% 61 - 80% 61 - 80% 81 - 100% 81 - 100% Assessed settlements Monguno Assessed settlements Nganzai Marte Marte Yobe Borno Ngala

Mafa Kala/Balge Kala/Balge Jere Jere Dikwa

Cameroon Bama Konduga Bama

State boundary LGA boundary Under 5% 5 - 10% Gwoza Damboa 11 - 20% Adamawa Gombe 21 - 50% 51 - 100% Assessed Settlement km km Chad Madagali 0 20 40 80 Madagali 0 20 40 80 1 Where possible, only KIs that have arrived very recently (0-3 weeks prior to data collection) were interviewed. If not stated otherwise, the recall period is set to one month prior to the last information the KI has had from the hard-to-reach area. 2 LGA level data is only represented for LGAs in which at least 5% of settlements have been assessed. The most recent version of the VTS dataset (released in February 2019 on has been used as the reference for settlement names and locations.

For more information on this factsheet please contact: Informing REACH more effective [email protected] REACH humanitarian action Borno - Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Assessment of Hard-to-Reach Areas in Northeast Nigeria December 2019

Access to food and livelihoods Proportion of assessed settlements reporting that people Proportion of assessed settlements reporting that most Proportion of assessed settlements reporting most eat wild foods that are not part of their usual diet: people eat on average one meal or less per day: people having access to land for cultivation:

Abadam Abadam Abadam

Kukawa LGA boundary Kukawa LGA boundary Kukawa LGA boundary 0% 0% 0% Guzamala 1 - 20% Guzamala 1 - 20% Guzamala 1 - 20% 21 - 40% 21 - 40% 21 - 40% 41 - 60% 41 - 60% 41 - 60% 61 - 80% 61 - 80% 61 - 80% 81 - 100% 81 - 100% 81 - 100% Monguno Assessed settlements Monguno Assessed settlements Monguno Assessed settlements Nganzai Nganzai Nganzai Marte Marte Marte

Ngala Ngala Ngala

Mafa Kala/Balge Mafa Kala/Balge Mafa Kala/Balge Jere Dikwa Jere Dikwa Jere Dikwa

Konduga Bama Konduga Bama Konduga Bama

Gwoza Gwoza Gwoza Damboa Damboa Damboa

km km km Madagali 0 20 40 80 Madagali 0 20 40 80 Madagali 0 20 40 80

Main sources of food reported by assessed Proportion of assessed settlements reporting that Main livelihood sources reported by assessed Proportion of assessed settlements reporting that settlements: most people rely on own farming and harvest as settlements (multiple answers per settlement at least one community member owns livestock: their main source of food: possible):

For more information on this factsheet please contact: Informing REACH more effective [email protected] REACH humanitarian action