IKG Punjab Technical UniversitY Kapurtbala Road, JALANDHAR Directons Phone No. 01822- 255508 DeveloPment) (College Email :
[email protected] Ref. No.: Pru t oco t 9381 REMINDER-3 Director & PrinciPal iii 6"t.,**rs Colleges & Afliliated Colleges of the faculty members on the website uploading of the detail of Subject: Regarding respective colleges' Dear SirMadam' Govemor of IKGPTU regatding taken by the Board of This is with reference to decision displayingfacultyinformationonthecollegewebsite.Inthecontextofthesame,alettervideref. to all no.IKGPTU/DCD|2757datedo6t0g|20t6/Reminder-lIKGPTU/DCD/2965ctated29|09120|6attached) have been issued dated 7211012016(Copies and Reminder-2 PTUIDCD;2II: the compliance by college website and submit requisite information on colleges to display the the requisite colleges have not displayed observed that some of 1511012106'It has been informationtilldate.AllthePendingcolleges(TheListofallPendingCollegeisattachedhere with)areagaindirectedtodisplaytherequisiteinformationontheilwebsiteimmediatelyand subnritthecomplianceratestuy-25n0r20|6.ThisisthelastRemindertoallsuchcollegesafterpending colleges by the will be initiated against these strict disciplin*y" u.tion & email 25n012016a Mobile no' 9465884614 Balwant Singh SA' query please contact Mr' university. If any balwantsingh'navY@Ptu'ac'in' With regards CopY to:- l. PS to VC ) Registrar . , J. Dean (Academrc.l +. Dean (RIC) for information Please' List of Colleg6- Not uploaded the Faculty on Website @ Management'Gharuan Bhjia-In*lljrr.,,"titutl Tech,Kotli,Pathankot