Ombersley & Doverdale Parish Magazine

December 2020/ January 2021

This on-line edition supports the printed version.

Please see the printed issue for full advertisements. A list of advertisers plus their contact details is at the end of this on-line issue.

The Parishes of and Doverdale are two of The Severn Parishes comprising Elmley Lovett, Hampton Lovett, Elmbridge, Rushock, , Ombersley and Doverdale, a family of Church of parishes in the Diocese of Worcester working together to share the love of God in each of their local communities.

Rector Revd Stephen Winter 07773 760899 [email protected]

Licensed Lay Ministers (Readers)

James Homer Richard Jeynes 07766 625388 01905 620441 [email protected] [email protected]

The Parish of St. Andrew Ombersley with St. Mary Doverdale

Churchwardens (St. Andrew’s) Andrew Horn Tel: 620259 Fiona Davies Tel: 621176

Churchwarden (St. Mary’s) Mr R Coppini Tel: 620963

Seven Parishes Administrator Nick Wright Tel: 01905 622464 Email: [email protected] Opening hours: Tuesday 10.00am – 12 noon Thursday 10.00am – 12 noon

If you would like to receive the Parish Magazine please contact one of the Editorial Team. (Details at the back!)

Worcestershire Seven Parishes Service Rota for December 2020

DATE FESTIVAL TIME Dec 2nd Sunday 9.00 am Hampton Lovett HC - CW 6th of Advent 11.00 am Ombersley HC + ZOOM Dec 3rd Sunday 9.00 am Rushock HC - CW 13th of Advent 10.00am Ombersley FS + ZOOM

11.00 am Hartlebury HC - CW Dec 4th Sunday 9.00 am Elmbridge HC - CW 20th of Advent 11.00 am Zoom HC - CW Dec 3.00 pm Rushock Christmas Service 24th Christmas Eve 4.00 pm Hartlebury Christmas Service

6.30 pm Hampton Lovett HC - CW

11.00 pm Ombersley HC + Zoom Dec 9.00 am Elmley Lovett HC - BCP 25th Christmas Day 10.30 am Elmbridge FS 10.30 am Doverdale HC -BCP

11:00 am Ombersley FS ZOOM Dec 1st Sunday 27th of Christmas 10.00 am Zoom HC

HC Holy Communion FS Family Service CW Common Worship BCP Book of Common Prayer MP Morning Prayer

Worcestershire Seven Parishes Service Rota for January 2021

9.00am Hampton Lovett HC CW Jan 3rd 9.30am Hartlebury Sunday First

10.30am Elmbridge Family Service 11.00am Doverdale MP 11.00am Ombersley HC CW + Zoom 9.00am Rushock HC CW Jan 10th 9.30am Ombersley Family Service + Zoom 10.30am Elmley Lovett MP

11.00am Doverdale MP

11.00am Hartlebury HC CW 9.00am Elmbridge HC CW Jan 17th 9.30am Ombersley MP

9.30am Hartlebury MP 11.00am Doverdale HC BCP 6.00pm Hampton Lovett Evensong Jan 24th 9.00am Elmley Lovett HC BCP 10.30am Elmbridge HC CW 11.00am Hartlebury HC CW Jan 31st 10.00am Rushock Benefice Service

HC Holy Communion FS Family Service CW Common Worship BCP Book of Common Prayer MP Morning Prayer

These are current times as going to press, please check online with your local church or via the weekly email from the parish administrator. The uncertainty of the current pandemic limitations makes this particularly relevant.

Morning Prayer Schedule Each weekday morning at 9.15am we gather for Morning Prayer. If you would like to join us then please use Meeting ID Zoom ID 845 168 9869 and protected password; please check with Stephen to see if the password has been updated. If you would like us to pray for you then please send me an email at [email protected]

Thoughts from the Rector November 2020 So, here we are again at the beginning of November and looking forward, if it is permitted to speak of “looking forward”, to another lockdown. We know that such a course of action is necessary. If the accident and emergency services of our hospitals were to become overrun, and we are very close to that possibility, our doctors would be forced into having to decide who is to live and who is to die. That is an intolerable choice for anyone to make. Because of the lockdown earlier in the year we were able to avoid this situation but now we face it once again.

The choice has been made and, whether you agree with it or not, once again you and I have to find the inner strength to deal with it. I would like to offer a source of inspiration from our history as one possibility. Back in the 1960s my father ran a farm in the Thames Valley, just a few miles north of the town of Wantage. We often used to go down there and I got to know a statue in the town that stood proudly at its heart. It was a statue of Alfred the Great who was born in that town in 849. I am so glad that my school head teacher taught us history through the telling of stories and I fell in love with this tale, of how at Christmas in 878 the Danes, under Guthrum attacked him in Chippenham and how he escaped to the Isle of Athelney in the Somerset Levels.

It is here that I turn to what has been for me a recent discovery. It is a poem by G.K Chesterton entitled, The Ballad of the White Horse. Chesterton wrote it in 1911 and many British soldiers carried copies of it with them to the trenches of the Western Front in the 1914-18 war. It inspired them then and it seems to be appropriate for where we are now.

The poem begins with the king, a refugee in his own land in the Isle of Athelney. Athelney is all that is left of free England. Alfred is a beaten man, the king of a beaten people and, in this moment of despair he sees a vision of the Virgin Mary who refuses to tell him whether he will regain his crown or not and then gives him these words. “I tell you naught for your comfort, Yea, naught for your desire, Save that the sky grows darker yet And the sea rises higher.

Night shall be thrice night over you, And heaven an iron cope, Do you have joy without a cause, Yea, faith without a hope?” What words these are to take us bravely through the days that lie ahead! How tempted we are to be joyful, happy or at peace when things fall out well for us. What this condemns us to is a life in which we are happy when things go well and unhappy when they don't. We are filled with anxiety about how each day is going to turn out. Will we have enough? Will we be on time? There is so much about which we do not have control but we worry about these things nonetheless. In Chesterton's poem, Alfred is promised naught for his comfort. He does not know if he will end his days in this dank and miserable place. But then the Virgin Mary gives him a challenge and gives the same to each one of us as well. “Do you have joy without a cause, Yea, faith without a hope?” With these words, Alfred goes out and recruits an army to defeat the Danes. Chesterton describes his encounters with a beaten and cynical people, used to the standard language of politicians, “If you will put your trust in me then I will give you...” (add your own promises here). Alfred offers them nothing, “Save that the sky grows darker yet And the sea grows higher.”

It is in circumstances such as these that they are called to live with joy even when there is no cause for joy, to live with faith even when there seems to be no hope on which to base any faith. In 1911 Chesterton's words did not seem to apply to very much. In 1914 all that changed as it was to once again in 1939. We need such inspiration once again to live joyful and faithful lives in our times. Stephen Winter

Parish News

We are now approaching the last month of this year, and I’m not sure if it has slipped past very quickly or has seemed to last forever?

One thing we can say for sure is that this year has been different! We have had to learn new skills and adapt quickly to changing circumstances. Time will tell as to which things we decide are good enough to keep, and perhaps lay the foundation for a different future.

The season of Remembering has been more poignant this year. The All Souls service was beautiful and a chance for those bereaved through the first Lockdown to remember loved ones in company of others, and it was a service successfully zoomed to those who were unable to attend. Remembrance Sunday was strangely quiet without a parade and band, with all those wishing to respect the fallen doing so in their own homes, or standing on doorsteps for the two minutes silence. The names were read out and heard as was the bugler before the choir sang, ‘Oh God our help in ages past’ followed by the National Anthem. This year, youngsters remembered poppy day with recycled bottles turned into poppies on the railings outside church, the Brownies added artfully decorated stones to the memorial cross in the burial ground and our excellent flower arrangers decorated the Lychgate with poppies

Now we are approaching Christmas, a season of Comfort and Joy and yes, this year WILL be different…and we are all waiting to see what is going to happen…. There are some plans in place, and we rather hope we can stick with Plan A, but if we have to adapt please do look at the church website: and we will try and make sure there are posters out; there is even talk of information via QR codes (much more exciting for the young). Details of Services after December 2nd will be on the Noticeboard by the Church and in the Lychgate as well as on the website.

Windows to Follow through Advent There are two parts of the Christmas story that we are all familiar with: the Angels that told Mary she would have the baby Jesus and told the shepherds of his arrival, and the Star that led the Wisemen to the Manger. Throughout the village we have people who have volunteered to decorate their windows with Angels or Stars, to help highlight the story of the First Christmas. We hope this will build into a sparkling trail around the village for all to follow. Please do join in in any way you can, it should be a joy to see.

Carols in the Car Park: Sunday December 20th 3.30pm This is exactly what it says, but with the Covid twist! Unless there is a dramatic change we will not be able to have a Carol service in church this Christmas, and the rules do not allow communal singing at the moment. So, we are moving to the Memorial Hall car park. The St Andrew’s Singers will lead us in some traditional carols from outside the hall, and our hope is that everyone can join in with gusto… from inside your car! We hope others may feel able to be there in safely spaced family groups as well, to feel part of a Christmas event which is a comfort to many. There will be more information, keep your eyes open…..and wait…

Christmas Services This year we have had to make big changes and, after much discussion, it has been decided that the Midnight Service on Christmas Eve will ONLY be via Zoom. The Christmas Day Family Service will be in St Andrew’s Church at 10.30 am. We want this service to be as Special as always, and we do have a very roomy church. To allow as many people as possible to come and celebrate safely on Christmas morning, please can you ‘Book a Pew’ for your family or ‘bubble’. We will be using all the space we safely can, and the service will be streamed for those who need to stay at home.

Please contact: Nick Wright at the Parish Office: 01905 622464 Andy Horn: 01905 620259 Fiona Davies: 01905 621176 Liz Hooper: 01905 620827

POSADA Last year Mary, Joseph and a donkey travelled around the schools and visited different families to represent their journey to Bethlehem before Jesus was born. This year is more of a challenge and a Covid-safe journey is being planned. Please contact Jenny Batelen (01905 621294) if you would like to provide a ‘stop’ and follow the journey on Facebook.

St Andrew’s Parish Register for October 2020

2nd October John Rushton Interment of Ashes 2nd October Mary Elizabeth Worrall Burial 23rd October Neville Brookes Burial 4th October Alfred David Wood Baptism


If you have a particular need or things to be grateful for, please let us know: Rev Stephen Winter 07773 760899 [email protected] Angie Randle 01905 620753 [email protected] or James Homer 01299 851637 [email protected] [lay reader with pastoral responsibility for the Worcestershire Severn Parishes]

Areas for December: Sunday 1st December – Lincomb, The Winnalls, Acton, Mount Pleasant Sunday 8th December – Sandys Road, Wellington Road, The Hamptons Sunday 15th December – Oakfield Road, Woodhall Lane/Close

Areas for January: Sunday 5th January – Haye Lane, Church Lane, Hill Top, Dough Bank Sunday 12th January – Chestnut Walk, Oldfield Lane, Main Road Sunday 19th January – Chatley, Woodfield, Hadley and Hunt Green

If you would like a place of quiet to pray, or think, or just rest, the church is always open during the day – using the side door. There are booklets and cards of prayers available in the basket, on the table to the left of the door, which you may find helpful.


Ombersley School Everyone at Ombersley School is adapting really well to our new ‘normal’ – especially the children. We are really pleased how happy and settled the children are; they are really glad to be at school learning and playing with their friends. We are all so very proud of them. We have a very dedicated and hardworking team of staff who have gone above and beyond in these difficult times.

Although we are unable to do tours at present for prospective parents, we have a photo tour of every classroom and grounds on our website. We are happy to answer any questions from prospective parents via email or telephone.

Our usual range of events, trips and visits has been curtailed at the moment, but we had a Remembrance week in school and we were represented at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday.

Pre-school children have settled into their routine and are learning about Celebrations. Reception are learning about Festivals, Celebrations and Space. Year One have also been enjoying their Space Topic. Year 2 have really enjoyed learning about Dragons. They have also enjoyed finding out about Bonfire Night and wrote some super Firework poetry. They are now finding out about The Great Fire of London.

Key stage 2 children have had a really exciting term learning all about The United Kingdom and have carried out lots of mapwork. They enjoyed the story of ‘The Minpins’; writing lots of their own adventures and instructions.

The school has set up a field fund to help with raising money for a play area for our children.

The whole school is also looking forward to celebrating Christmas in a different way this year. Although we are unable to share a Christmas concert with our families; we are hoping to be able to celebrate in our classrooms and share our celebrations ‘virtually’.

Community Tea & Coffee Shop (Not for Profit) Ombersley Memorial Hall In the Main Room Tuesday 8th December 2.00pm to 4.00pm Thursday 17th December 2.00pm to 4.00pm ********* Tuesday 5th January 2.00pm to 4.00pm Thursday 21st January 2.00pm to 4.00pm We are a Covid-19 Secure Environment therefore we comply with the latest Government Guidelines Please remember to wear your face covering when entering the Hall.

We look forward to seeing you!

New Magazine Typesetter Jane Hill has typeset all the information in the Parish Magazine for the past ten years. Our thanks go to Jane for the superb job that she has done to get the magazine to the printer in time for it to be distributed at the start of each month. Our new typesetter is Zillah Pickering. Zillah is being ‘trained’ by Jane and will take over in January. Zillah was born in Ombersley and attended Ombersley School. Her brother Martin will be known to many through his role on the Parish Council. Zillah still lives in Ombersley, along with her husband.


We are looking for additional volunteers to join our committee which is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Hall.

We believe that we are not the average Village Hall – we have great facilities and a beautiful main hall and want to head into 2021 (having staggered out of 2020!) with an increased profile and hopefully more bookings.

We need active, hands-on volunteers to join us who can help with:

Wedding bookings – showing people the facilities, helping them with the layout, providing details of local caterers, etc

Marketing & Promotion – making sure we get our message out there effectively

Ongoing maintenance – we already have a caretaker, but there are additional duties that would suit someone with some DIY experience

The committee meets on the third Wednesday of every month in the evening and arranges various activities such as our Community Tea Room and fundraising events, so a willingness to get involved and give your time to enjoyable and rewarding activities is essential.

If you are interested in joining please contact Libby Lewis on 07970 661953 or email [email protected]

OMBERSLEY WOMEN’S LEAGUE To be held at Ombersley Memorial Hall Wednesday 9 December 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Join us for a glass of Prosecco on arrival, Turkey baps, mince pies plus fun and laughter to combat Covid-19!!! Remember last year?

Thursday 7 January 2021 7:30- 9.30 p.m.

Take a trip down memory lane with Ruth Lowe and relive some of the fashions of the 1960s. The talk will last one hour with an exhibition of Mary Quant clothes, memorabilia, make-up, tights, shoes and much more.

Please book your place with Lesley or Marie 07773 114830 or 07791 522412

We look forward to welcoming you in December after lockdown. In the meantime, STAY SAFE.

Exciting News from a Local Author

"It's arrived! A novel I wrote 20 years ago now and revised and self-published recently... and it occurs to me that some of you would enjoy reading it, especially while we're in lockdown! It is the story of a young woman's dilemma in World War 2. How can she, and those she loves, survive the problems they face, especially the problem of what happened when she went blackberrying!

I have plenty of copies at Wisteria Cottage at the moment and if you ring 01905 620263 or 07767 622409 or email [email protected] I can put one in my porch for you to pick up when you're passing in exchange for £10 put in an envelope, I will leave there, or £6 for OAPs and students. All proceeds to local charities. Claire Gathercole"

Ombersley Rainbows

Ombersley Rainbow leaders and two Rainbows took on the BBC Children in Need ' Act your age challenge'. Felicity Smith decided to do six jobs to help Mum for six days and raised £154.00. Martha Green read six books in nine days and raised £30.00. Ombersley leaders Julie and Lucy walked fifty-five miles in twenty days and raised £145.00. We are so proud of you all. Well done girls!

Ombersley Medical Centre is open and able to support you with any health queries.

We know that times are strange, difficult and confusing at the moment. We feel the same way. We have put measures in place to keep our patients and team safe whilst still providing medical care.

There will be some further changes as we move into winter. Dispensary will be moving to the front of the building where there is better light and path underfoot. There are still some adaptations we need to make and we will update you as soon as possible. The Dispensary will continue to operate as normal (apart from location within the building). We would like to reassure you that there is no need for you to bulk order medications.

Please call the surgery with any medical need, medication issues or support during this time. Stay Safe.

Parish Magazine Prices for 2021

Since no magazines were printed during the period April – August 2020, the price of the 2021 magazine has been reduced for those who paid the full amount for 2020. The following charges are for 10 copies in 2021. • Subscribers who paid £5.50 for 2020: £3 • Subscribers who have not yet paid for 2020: £8.50 (covers 2020 and 2021) • New subscribers: £5.50 Please help the volunteers who deliver the magazines to your door by paying in a timely manner. Subscriptions should be paid by the end of February. It would be a great help in the current “Covid” climate if you could put the correct money in an envelope and either post through the distributors’ letter box or have it ready for collection at the beginning of February.

Our thanks go to the twenty-five volunteers who distribute the magazine throughout the Parish. Special thanks go to Judy Baer and Judy Goodman who also put together the bundles of magazines for distribution, and our magazine treasurers, Ralph and Judy Seymour, who are also responsible for advertisements.

Ombersley & Doverdale Tennis Club Is opened for play! We are following strict Government & LTA Guidelines Play is only permitted on the following basis:

For more information on how to book your Court, book a Public Court or take advantage of a special ‘Half Yearly Membership’ visit our website

Keep active, stay healthy, play tennis at Ombersley & Doverdale Tennis Club!

All copy needs to be sent to the editors by January 10th for inclusion in the February edition.


Churchwardens: Mr R Coppini Tel: 620963 (vacancy) Licensed Lay Reader: Mr Richard Jeynes Tel: 620441 Treasurer: Mr D Hawkins Tel: 620059 Secretary, PCC: Mr G Crow Tel: 772850

Sidesmen: Mrs V Harris, Mr C Harris, Mr G Crow, Mrs S Crow, Mr J Chapman, Mrs A Chapman, Mrs W Hawkins, Mrs S Murray, Mrs S Rees Organists: Mrs L Moyse, Mr T Sobey, Mr D Terry


Churchwardens: Mr R Coppini Tel: 620963 (vacancy) Licensed Lay Reader: Mr Richard Jeynes Tel: 620441 Treasurer: Mr D Hawkins Tel: 620059 Secretary, PCC: Mr G Crow Tel: 772850

Sidesmen: Mrs V Harris, Mr C Harris, Mr G Crow, Mrs S Crow, Mr J Chapman, Mrs A Chapman, Mrs W Hawkins, Mrs S Murray, Mrs S Rees

Organists: Mrs L Moyse, Mr T Sobey, Mr D Terry

Cleaning Rota: December 2020 Alison Best, Sue Rees January 2021 Jean Dowty, Sue Murray

FUTURE SERVICES December 6th 11.00am Morning Prayer Isaiah 40 (1 - 11) 2nd of Advent Mark 1 (1 - 8) 20th 11.00am 4th of Advent Carols and HC (BCP) (to be confirmed) 25th 9.30am HC (BCP) Hebrews 1 (1 - 12) Christmas Day Time to be confirmed John 1 (1 - 14) 27th 1st Sunday 10.00am Holy VIA ZOOM of Christmas Communion

2021 January 3rd 11.00am 1 John 4 (11 - 18) Epiphany Morning Prayer Mark 6 (45 - 52) 17th 11.00am HC (BCP) Revelation 5 (1 - 10) 2nd Sunday of John 1 (43 - end) Epiphany

February 7th 11.00am Proverbs 8 (1) & (22-31) 2nd Sunday Morning Prayer John 1 (1-14) before Lent

Diary Date

The A.G.M. of St Mary’s Parochial Church Council, scheduled for November 12th was cancelled due to lockdown restrictions. A new date is yet to be arranged.

It was very regrettable that throughout November, church doors were once again forced to close for weekly Sunday worship. The proposed services listed above are subject to the lifting of the restrictions on churches imposed by the government during the recent second lockdown. Services are also subject to clergy availability. Please consult Nick Wright’s weekly MESSAGE for confirmation of services and times to be held in the Benefice. We are hoping to hold regular services at St Mary’s on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.

Sytchampton School

Autumn Half Term

The first half term of this school year has been really successful. Despite the pandemic, we reached a whole school attendance figure of 98.8%, which is an incredible achievement given that nationally the average attendance percentage was only 90%. We have been very fortunate to have had no positive cases in school to date. So, we would like to send our heartfelt thanks to all of our families, pupils and staff for their hard work, diligence and patience in helping us to provide a safe and happy learning environment for our pupils. We have kept in close contact with families over the past 8 weeks, and have conducted parent surveys to ascertain whether our Recovery Strategy has been successful thus far. In a survey at the end of September, the majority of parents (92%) felt that their children had settled back into school well, with 68% stating they have done so extremely well. The majority of parents (91%) felt that their children had coped well emotionally with returning to school, and 97% felt that the school has supported pupils and parents well with returning to school. The school has also run virtual Parent Consultations, which were well attended despite some technical hitches! As we now move into a National Lockdown period, we will be working tirelessly to provide our pupils with a safe and happy learning environment despite the challenges that we face.

Amazing Governor In these difficult times, it is always lovely to look for positive news stories, and last week, one our Governors brought a smile to all of our faces. Baylon Kamalarajam is a Paediatric Consultant based at the Worcester Royal Hospital, and last week he and another colleague surprised a little girl who was receiving treatment for cancer with an impromptu ballet performance! The video has been shared on the BBC and is now being shared worldwide. It is a heart-warming moment that has made everyone smile. We have shared the video on our school Facebook and Twitter pages, so if you need a ‘warm fuzzy’ moment, then please do go an take a look. We feel so very proud to have such a lovely man working with our school!

Parent Teacher Association Coronavirus has not deterred our highly resourceful parents from trying to support our school! They have been working hard to find alternative ways to raise funds all the way through the pandemic. At the end of the first half term, our PTA sold pumpkins and arranged some socially distanced, outdoor Halloween activities for the children, including ‘sliming’ the headteacher! Early indications reveal that they have raised around £900 from their efforts, so we would like to say a huge thank you to the team for all that they do to support the school. One of our parents, Mr Barton, has also kindly installed a barked pathway around the school field to allow our parents to continue to use the one-way system throughout the winter months. We would like to extend our gratitude to him for going above and beyond to support us!

Advertisers in the Magazine for 2020 Please see adverts in previous copies of the magazine…..

All-inc-Cars – taxi service – 01905 826261 / 07739 109590 Amba Legal Services – Will writers – 01299 251442 / 07966 053887 Andy Johnson – chimney sweep – 01886 821933 / 07798 790913 AS Locks & Services – 01905 726671 / 07956 371673 AY Services – general maintenance – 01905 759151 / 07876 308058

Bedwardine Funeral Services – 01905 748811 Best of British Garden Services – 01886 889070 / 07983 351634 Bluebird Care (Worcester & ) – home care – 01386 764830 Bowbrook Gardens – landscaping etc. – 01905 937852 / 07792 613020

CT Building of Ombersley – 01905 620942 / 07973 663442 Catkins Cattery – 01299 250472 Creative Landscapes – 01299 250720

Doorbars – chartered surveyors/land agents – 01905 27288 Droitwich Gymophobics – 01905 312424

E J Gumery & Son – funeral directors – 01905 22094 Eclipse Home Care – 01905 641070 Elite Marquees – 07958 288510 Elite Sweeps – sweep/log burners – 01905 700701 / 07712 220671 Evergreen Beauty – facials/manicures etc. – 01886 887867 / 07900 492604

Fisher Bodyshop – car body repairs – 01299 333131 Forever Living Products – health/skin care – 01905 620318 / 07906 701589

GLM Services – general maintenance – 01905 864172 /07399 024702 Graham Pugh – decorating/carpentry – 01905 621147 /07967 883121 Green Thumb – lawn care – 01905 840740

I & S Stoves – woodburning stoves etc. – 01886 812452 Ian Palmer Property Maintenance – painting etc. – 07715 043188 Iona Bed & Breakfast – 07969 184127

J & S Trade Supplies – double glazing etc. – 01886 888024 / 07966 804007 Jack Hobbs – milkman – 01905 455336 Jeremy Billingham TV Aerials – 01905 799152 / 07850 969307 Jonathan Sproule & Sons Ltd – 07973 445048 / 07976 826065 Julie Davis – mobile hair stylist – 01905 427704 / 07977 590087

Karol Kleen – carpet/upholstery cleaning – 01299 404275 Kings School – 01905 451292 Kingsway House Business Centre, Worcester – 01905 619877

Leapgate Builders – +mini digger with driver for hire – 07702 053756 Marshall-McKay Design – kitchen/interior design – 01905 622317 / 07765 447704 Me Time Pilates – 07791 873870 MG Domestic Heating – 07870 498879 Mick Miles – gardening/pest control – 01905 620394 / 07732 223825 Mobile Podiatry/Chiropody – 07989 964854

Ocuplan – Long-term eye care – 0121 517 0423 Oldfields of Ombersley – country/equestrian – 01905 622295 Ombersley Dental Practice – 01905 621881 Ombersley Golf Club – 01905 620747 (restaurant 01905 620621) Ombersley Memorial Hall – 07936 467390 Oven Magic – 01905 700500

Phillip Serrell Auctions – 01684 892314 Physio In The Sticks – Also home visits – 07398 495819

Re-Upholstery & Repair Services – 01584 881227 W Roberts Tree Care & Landscaping – 01299 250664 / 07772 456692

S J M Locksmith Services – 01905 570999 / 07871 442011 SMB Electrical Solutions – 01905 428892 / 07917 182945 Steve Birch Cleaning – carpets/upholstery – 01562 754750 / 07815 771345 Steve George of Ombersley – landscaping etc. – 01905 621427 / 07745 597050 Studio Smith Architects – 01905 622373 / 07921 623709 Sympathy Flowers and Teas – 01905 620937 / 01905 620076 Sytchampton Community Centre – 01905 620943

T M Shouler – carpentry/joinery – 01905 620374 / 07900 268075 Taylor & Co Architects – 01905 621600 / 07831 146738 Top Cut Mowing Services – 01905 621 858 / 07802 717057 Town & Country Stonemasons – memorials etc. – 01905 759191 / 07774 198968

Walkercrips – stockbrokers & financial advisers - 020 3100 8285 Whitlenge Gardens – tea rooms/gardens – 01299 250669

Magazine Editorial Team

Lynne Larnder Tel: 620322 Maureen Callow Tel: 620392 [email protected] [email protected] Valerie Harris Tel: 620515 [email protected]

From the Editors Content should be sent by email to BOTH Lynne Larnder and Maureen Callow. Items that cannot be sent by email should be delivered to either Lynne or Maureen. Judy Baer is part of the editorial team.

Lynne Larnder, Uttbridge House, Ombersley. Tel: 01905 620322; or [email protected] Maureen Callow, Linden Lea, Uphampton. Tel 01905 620392; 0748 4834 351; or [email protected]