1 Two essays by Roman Jakobson are here published in English Translation for the first time. The English titles of these essays are: ‘About Mayakovsky’s Later Lyrical Poems’ and ‘Dostoyevsky Echoed In Mayakovsky’s Work’. Edited by Dr Mary Coghill: Visiting Research Fellow Institute of English Studies (2013- 2015), School of Advanced Studies, University of London Fellow London Metropolitan University; email:
[email protected] Translators: Elena Richard and Paul Jude Richard As the conclusion of research undertaken for the Visiting Research Fellowship the two essays are published as an Addendum to The Roman Jakobson Fellowship Colloquium Presentation 23rd October 2015 entitled: ‘The Development of Roman Jakobson’s semiotic interpretation of poetic form and function with special reference to his axial model of the poles of language: metaphor and metonymy; and the application of this developed model to the construction of city poetics with reference to Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poetry.’ Keywords: Roman Jakobson; Vladimir Mayakovsky; Fyodor Dostoyevsky; Formalism; poetry and poetics Copyright of these translations, with the kind permission of Professor Linda Waugh, Executive Director, Roman Jakobson Intellectual Trust, and the translators, Elena and Paul Jude Richard, rests with the editor, Dr Mary Coghill. The right of Dr Mary Coghill to be identified as the editor of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of the translations by permission of the Editor. The two essays by Roman Jakobson which are now presented in English translation for the first time were originally published in Russian, in one of the nine volumes (a tenth volume is under preparation, edited by Professor Linda Waugh) of Jakobson’s Selected Writings.