Appointment brief Appointment of Vice- and President

June 2021 Reference: WQUN SB

CONTENTS 1. Introduction from the Chair of Council 2. About the 3. Vision, Mission & Values 4. The Role 5. The Person 6. Terms of Appointment 7. How to Apply


Introduction from the Chair of Council

Thank you for expressing an interest in the role of Vice-Chancellor at University London.

I am very proud to have been involved with this incredible university since 2013 and Chair of Council since 2017, and can say - hand on heart - that I’ve not seen a more vibrant, warm and welcoming community than this one.

Brunel’s is a history of success and achievement, pioneering a bold, new style of education in 1966 and never losing sight of that ambition. It is testament to our passionate staff and inspired students that Brunel continues to push boundaries and build upon that legacy.

Higher education faces huge challenges in 2021, but here at Brunel we focus on the opportunities. We’re fortunate to be at the very heart of a diverse, creative region and, as West London emerges from the pandemic, we are ideally placed to drive its recovery through education, training, research and innovation. Our significant and meaningful partnerships with business, with the NHS and with the third sector mean these are exciting times for Brunel. Globally, Brunel has never had a better platform on which to establish itself, with huge opportunities for growth in education and in research.

We are looking for an ambitious, forward-thinking Vice-Chancellor to build on our successes and our promise. This is an opportunity for a true leader – someone who can inspire, challenge and connect our community. I wish you the very best of luck in your application.

Yours sincerely

Professor Michael Spyer Chair of Council



About the university Brunel University London is a global university, committed to providing education and world-leading research that meets the ever-changing needs of industry and society. Our focus is on ensuring that the UK can truly compete on the world stage – and we do this through our ideas and our people.

Since 1966, Brunel has stood out from the crowd, pioneering sandwich degrees and promising students the academic, professional and personal skills they need to not only succeed in their future careers but to make a tangible difference to the world around them. In this time we have grown our student population from just 866 to over 12,000 and we now boast a diverse and inclusive campus community unlike any other. We’re incredibly proud of that community.

We’ve introduced successful degree programmes in everything from anthropology to aerospace engineering; business management to healthcare sciences. And we’ve produced independent thinkers, leaders in their fields, pushing boundaries and making world-changing discoveries. The development of our Medical School, which will welcome its first cohort of undergraduate medical students next year, provides a further opportunity for growth.

These are uncertain times for higher education, but for every new challenge there is an opportunity. Brunel’s positioning as a multidisciplinary research-intensive technology university provides significant opportunity to further the research profile of the institution through connectivity with the industrial strategy, capitalising on an increasing investment in R&D from government. We will continue to develop research and research-led teaching that meets the needs of industries and governments, while giving our international and socially-mobile students the opportunity to apply their knowledge for the benefit of society. We will continue to work collaboratively with businesses and design innovative ways of supporting our thriving West London region. We will embrace new methods of education and extend our reach globally, building upon successful partnerships with world-leading institutions. And - in the spirit of our namesake - excellence, innovation and entrepreneurialism will be at the heart of everything we do.

The Brunel University London 2030 vision can be found here:

To access Brunel’s latest financial statements please click the following link below:


Research and Knowledge Exchange

Brunel’s research is world-leading, with highly cited papers and significant grant income. Programmes are developed in partnership with industry and we are committed to a culture of collaboration that truly meets the global challenges of the 21st Century.

We are well-established within the top quarter of research in the UK, with a number of areas of study considered world-leading and internationally excellent for their research impact, including engineering, public health, sports science, art and design, politics, and environmental and earth sciences.

Brunel has long had a large portfolio of Innovate UK funded projects, and a large proportion of our research is in collaboration with industry partners. Our income from SMEs is notably the second highest of any university in London, and we are one of only five universities in England to have secured funding from Research England’s UKRPIF scheme for three or more major research capital initiatives; these have leveraged a total of over £46 million in industrial co-investment – the largest outside of the universities. We are also an EPSRC Strategic Partner. Brunel has an excellent track record for the successful delivery of innovative industry – university projects. Examples include:

• The National Structural Integrity Research Centre (NSIRC), operated in collaboration with TWI, and supported by UKRPIF • The National Centre for Sustainable Energy Use in Food Chains, led by Brunel with 32 industrial partners • The Advanced Metals Casting Centre, in partnership with Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) and Constellium. • Our Co-Innovate programme which supports companies across London to identify, design, develop and test new or significantly improved products, services and systems. Co-Innovate provides companies with creative skills and expertise and access to academic staff and graduates.


Students Education

We attract just under 80% of our students Brunel’s students have the advantage of a from London and the South-East, including rounded education that takes them to the from some of the most deprived cutting-edge of their subject through communities. These students do well with research-led teaching and work-based us, and Brunel is ranked in the Economist’s learning. Our students are encouraged to top ten for boosting graduate salaries. This embrace innovation and entrepreneurship; is testament to our outreach activities and and are developed for success in the successful widening participation workplace, so that they can step out of full- programme, which brings more than 4,000 time study and into employment with the visitors to the campus every year and we wide range of skills they need to succeed. work with students from under-represented groups throughout their time with us. Brunel’s undergraduate student population is 11% overseas and 40% overseas at the Postgraduate level.


Employability Our community

Brunel works closely with more than 8,000 We are proud of our wonderful London companies, many of which support our campus, home to a thriving, connected students through placement opportunities, community of students, staff, partners and mentoring and graduate employment. 93% alumni, embracing diversity and celebrating of our undergraduate students are in a culture of mutual respect. The campus has employment or further study six months benefited from £400m of investment in the after leaving, and Brunel produces 2.2% of past decade. That commitment to the best all senior management professionals in the teaching and research facilities is set to UK – the 10th top ranking university. continue with several high-profile developments in the pipeline. Our sports facilities are the finest university facilities in London and our vibrant arts programme brings culture to the campus for staff, students and the local community.


Senior Leadership Team:


Vision, Mission & Values

Our Vision

We will strengthen our position as a leading multidisciplinary research-intensive technology university delivering economic, social and cultural benefit. Excellence, innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit will be at the heart of everything we do.

• True to the words of our Royal Charter, we will continue to lead and innovate with new models of research, education and knowledge transfer, placing the needs of society at the heart of our academic activity • We will build on our heritage of working closely with businesses, governments and the not-for-profit sector to fulfil our mission • We will establish strategic partnerships and commercial ventures to strengthen our position and support the University’s long-term sustainability • We will be at the pinnacle of technology universities in the UK and firmly established in the top tier internationally of this special group of institutions • Our success will be a tribute to our students and staff, who will share this vision and work as one to achieve it

Our Mission

To bring benefit to society through excellence in education, research and knowledge transfer.


Open and honest We work to high ethical standards, and are transparent in our dealings and decisions

Fair and inclusive We treat everyone with dignity and respect; we all have the same opportunity to succeed

Determined We are purposeful and agile in a changing world and work in innovative ways to achieve our goals

Focused on excellence We always aim to achieve the best and we value and reward excellence



The Role

The Vice-Chancellor and President is the University’s chief executive officer and holds overall responsibility for academic and administrative leadership within the University and representing and promoting the University externally.

Accountabilities: outstanding student experience, academically and socially and in • Realise the University’s strategic terms of employability. ambitions continuing Brunel’s

trajectory and building on its • Promote the University’s research reputation for excellence in student and education activities and education and experience, research, enhance its global reputation, community and global impact. communicating its vision and

purpose to relevant international • Navigate the challenges presented and national stakeholders including by an increasingly complex and government departments and changing sector, ensuring Brunel is agencies, policy-makers and positioned to provide real economic, research funding bodies. social and cultural benefit at the

highest level. • Role model and advance the

University’s values of open and • Promote Brunel’s unique character honest, fair and inclusive, as a leading multidisciplinary determined and focused on research-intensive technology excellence. university with a strong heritage of

working closely with businesses, • Represent, safeguard and further governments and the not-for-profit the University’s interests with all sector. stakeholders, sustaining meaningful

relationships with strategic partners, • Build on the University’s strong donors and alumni. foundations to deliver a sustainable,

robust and agile business model, • Define strategic direction, ensuring the University is fit to investment priorities and financial succeed and lead in a digital age. targets, ensuring decisive decision-

making, accountability and engage • Provide inclusive and visible stakeholders in the delivery of leadership for the whole university objectives. community, developing an

organisational culture in which all • Deliver financial sustainability and students and staff feel engaged and maximise the efficient use of can achieve their full potential. resources taking advantages of

opportunities to grow income whilst • Champion a world-class student managing risk effectively. experience in the post-Covid era,

ensuring that the University is in • Lead the public commitment to tune to student needs and equality, diversity and inclusion. expectations and provides an


The Person

Experience, knowledge and skill:

• Distinguished academic with the intellect and credibility to provide academic leadership in a research-intensive institution

• Sophisticated knowledge of Higher Education and the challenges the sector faces both in the UK and globally

• Successful leadership or significant involvement in the leadership of a large internationally recognised organisation

• Ability to initiate and implement strategic change

• Record of inspirational leadership including developing diverse, engaged and high- performing teams and managing through influence as well as through executive authority

• Established national and international networks and proven influencing capability with governments, foundations, investors, communities, industrial partners and other educational institutions

• Experience of successfully developing and embedding a culture that supports and champions innovation and entrepreneurialism

• Deep understanding of inclusivity with accomplishments in embracing difference and influencing societal change

• Ability to lead development campaigns, maximising income streams from philanthropic and corporate sources

• Successfully enhanced the student experience or equivalent


Personal characteristics:

• Intellectual capacity and agility to deal with a broad span of duties, to gain the respect of a wide range of people and to balance international and external priorities and demands

• Resilience, equilibrium and personal presence to project and inspire confidence at all levels, fostering a community in which students, staff, alumni and partners feel engaged and motivated to participate

• High-level of emotional intelligence with excellent judgement

• Accessible and visible

• Adaptable and clear-minded, accepting of differing views whilst achieving results

• Ambassadorial with high financial and commercial acumen

• Politically astute

• Instinctive understanding of what constitutes excellence and what it takes to achieve and sustain it, with a determination to constantly seek improvement

• Commitment to Brunel’s mission, values and future



Terms of appointment

Salary will reflect the seniority of the role and will depend on skills and experience.

How to apply

Saxton Bampfylde Ltd is acting as an employment agency advisor to Brunel University London on this appointment.

Candidates should apply for this role through our website at using code WQUN.

Click on the ‘apply’ button and follow the instructions to upload a CV and cover letter, and complete the online equal opportunities monitoring* form.

The closing date for applications is noon on Thursday 24 June 2021.

* The equal opportunities monitoring online form will not be shared with anyone involved in assessing your application. Please complete as part of the application process.


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