IST-2000-25187 TORRENT Requirements for Service Providers, Network Operators, Manufacturers
Deliverable D1.2 IST-2000-25187 TORRENT Requirements for Service Providers, Network Operators, Manufacturers Project Number: IST-2000-25187 Project Title: TORRENT Deliverable Security*: PU CEC Deliverable Number: D1.2 Contractual Date of Delivery to the CEC: 31.7.2001 Actual Date of Delivery to the CEC: 18.9.2001 Title of Deliverable: Requirements for Service Providers, Network Operators, Manufacturers Work package contributing to the Deliverable: WP1 Type of Deliverable**: R Editor: Martin Potts Contributors: R. Phillips (Genuity), R. Tolstra (Tesion), E. Scharf, J. Griffiths, P. Hamer (QMUL), I. Borges, P. Rolo (PTIN), V. Apostolopoulou (OTEC), B. Martinez (Versaware), J. Rossebo, T. Olsen, H. Skaug, T. Konstali, T. Opperud, B. Haram (Telenor) * Security: PU – Public, PP - Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE - Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO - Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) ** Type: R - Report, P - Prototype, D - Demonstrator, O - Other Abstract: The requirement for service providers, network operators and manufacturers is essentially to satisfy the user requirements as well as possible, in a fast and flexible manner, and for the least cost. The user requirements were identified in D1.1: “User Requirements”, as being that: all of the required services should be accessible, with the limitation that the quality may be affected according to the capabilities of the access network and the terminal. Such presentation adaptation should be automated for the user (ie. the user need not be aware of the underlying network). When a choice of access and/or core network technologies are available, the most suitable one will be (dynamically) chosen according to the user's instantaneous requirement for best quality, fastest response time, or lowest price (based on the current network conditions).
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