WNCN-TV, Raleigh, NC (For Period October 1,2003 to September 30,2004, Unless Noted)
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WNCN-TV, Raleigh, NC (For Period October 1,2003 to September 30,2004, Unless Noted) Local News and Public lnferesf Programming. I. News Programming. How many hours of local new do you air weekly? 27 hours of local new air weekly on WNCN (excludlng local updates In the Today Show.” 2. Community fmgramming. Please provide examples of important local stones during the past year within your news that inform the community, including consumer affairs, exp&s, investigatory pieces, and issues of importance to minority, disabled and other special local interest groups. NAACP Now: NAACP NOW is a quatierly produced special that openly discuss the News end lssues of the African Americans & Minorily Communities. Local NAACP Chapter Presidents discuss issues such as Race relations, Healh, Economy and Education. The pmgram is hosted by NBC 17 News anchor Bill Gaines.- February -2004 Caplfol Squatu Easter Sunrise Servlce llve Broadcast NBC 17 abng with the Ralegh Downtown Churches Association produces a Live Easier Sunrise Service from the State Capifol of NC. The Downtown Churches Association is a non- Denominational organization consisting of local churches in lhe Downtown Raleigh area. The Easter Sunrise Service reflects the diverse Churches that participate paw. The event is free and open to general public. - April - 2004 October 2003 -Atlomey/Client Privilege when client dies (Rick Gammon Case) -Ag&uHure Department Scandal.. .Meg Scott Phims -Slate Fair.... sloke Jail Security Problems November2003 -Orange County Voting Snafu -Hamelt Church rebuilds -Cumbef/and County ChiM Abuse is Highest in the State -Chatham Air Quality December 2003 -Flu Shot Crisis -Century of Flight -Area Annexation Aggravates Residents.. .Why So much Annexation7 January 2004 -Raleigh PD sfrike Team Created to daan up neighborhoods -Duham Resident Fighls to keep communify safe -Homeland Securily bgus Email to Steal ldenfity Febniary 2004 -Weather related accidents... what happens insurance-wise -ID Theft in Orange County...frorn people going through mailboxes -Fake Cops in Johnston County 2 March 2004 -Super Tuesday Compkle Coverage -Local Sokiier Charged with Prison Abuse -Durham Data Bus Shootings ...Extra Security Apdl2004 -Duke Universily Take Back the Night - Females come together after multiple asseuns -Ways to Save Tax-Free Weekend -Chapel Hill Dismmination Lawsuit -Controlling Controlled Bums -Triangle Tram Report.. .trwbles with fauw roadways -Durham Rescue Mission needs donations -Gary aims lo go Smoke-Fme May 2004 -Math and Science lV Tutor Show Ends Community Access Run -Hybrid Cars -UNC Chapel Hill is having issues over Grade lnfialion -lacking Community Facilities for Durham Youth -Chapel Hill Buses receives safety award -Red light Cameras -Durham Gang Pmblem -Bi Lingual Pmgram cut from Durham Ci& Budget Jail Owexrowding -Mother gives up pbto help daughter's family, who's fi&.~tiin June 2004 -Orange School bard Chair Plagiarism -Mobile Classrooms in the Triangle -Chapel Hill Renaming of Road lo MLK Jail Security Issues In Lee County -Chapel HiKanboro Schools Addresses Sfudenl Nutrition Johnston County Deputy Shortage -Slate BO€ addresses Anti&rllying Policies -Raleigh PD Poky Change After MiaReports Officers damage homelessness camp -Edgembe County Schools Racial Gap, NAACP slepS in -Controversy over Durham School reading book .... The issue of Gay July 2001 -Raleigh police Community Meeting lo curb Prosflution -Dangerous Drivi~gin Constnrction Zones August 2004 -rropicei st~n lex -Dormitory Mom -SBl labs backlogged doing DNA Ieds -Sampson Church Break-in's -Solar Center at NC Stale is working on Anemalive Fuel Vehicles -meCounly Deputies learn Spanish -RDU Passenger Ws increase each month over the past 7 3 August ZaOr(cont'd) -Students wiih l-pcds... educational or extra curricular fun? -Chase Micies for Mice -Orange Counfy, Firsf County in fhe NC area fo allow benefits fo domesfic partners -Triangle Trooper Shodage -51 1 State Run Cellu/ar Traffii Update Service September 2004 -NC DOT works to solve racial discrimination -Camefa Phones Cause Alann at Gyms and public facilifies...some are banning them -Automatic Trash Pickup in one Triangle Town Johnston church Noose Hanging -Flu Shot Shortage...Alternatives 3. Einergency Programming. Please list instances during the past year where the station has interrupted regular programming to cover local, regional or national disasters of interest to the community. List any instances you know of in which cable andlor DBS were off the air, but our station was still broadcasting. Severe Weather was repfed on each of the fdloudng days: (for mulUple warnings a 'period of time' is listed) Tuesday Odober 15,2003 Wednesday November 19,2003 Friday February 6,2004 Sunday March 7,2004 Wednesday March 31,2004 Satunlay April IO, 2004 Sunday Apd/ 1io 2004 Sunday May 2,2004 Wednesday May 12.2004 Wednesday May 19,2004 Thursday May 20, 2004 Saturday May 22,2004 Sunday May 23,2004 Wednesday May 26,2004 sunday May 30.2004 Friday June 4,2004 Tuesday June 8,2004 Thursday June 10,2004 Friday June 11,2004 Friday June 18.2004 Safuday June 19.2004 Wednesday June 23,2004 F*Y June 25,2004 Wednesday July 7,2004 Thursday July 8. 2004 Saturday July IO, 2004 Sunday July 11,2004 Monday July 12,2094 Wednesday July 14,2004 Wednesday July 28,2004 mursday Ju/y 29,2004 Monday August 2,2004 4 Thursday August 5,2004 Noon-Zpm Thursday August 12.2004 lpm-3pm FrMay August 13,2004 4pm-5pm Sunday August 15,2004 llem-7pm Tuesday August 17,2004 4pm Sunday August 29,2004 loam-1 lam Monday August 30, 2004 7a-1 Opm Tuesday September 7.2004 1Pm Wednesday September 8,2004 2am-lpm Friday September 17,2004 loam-3pm Monday September 27,2004 3pm-5pm Tuesday September 28,2004 Ipm-3pm 4, PubliG Affaim Programming, Please list names of public affairs shows, number of hours per week aired, and the sorts of stories covered. NBC 17 "At Issue" (30-mlnutes weekly, local political news includlng community issues) Meet the Press (1 hr. weekly; national political news) 5. Pditical Programming. Please estimate approximate minutes of coverage of political issues during daily newscasts and public affairs programming, broken down by topic. Local Elections (candidate statements): 4Sminutes per week 9flKU through 10/29/01 Local Elections (daily Issue, candidate news coverage): 65 minutes per week "At Issue" (weekly political dlscussion):3O mlnutes per week 6. Specialfo/iUcal Programming. Please list special or extended political coverage of debates, conventions, town hall meetings and other public forum. National GOP Convention: August 28 - September 1,2001 (- 3 hours) N.C. Senatorla1Debate: (1-Hour) Natlonal DNC Convention: July Wuly2!P 2004 (- 3hours) 7. Election-Year Political Programming. Please list any additional time provided to candidates or special periodic programming during the 60 days prior to election. * Your Vote: Governor's Race Saturday, Oct 3P8pm (3&minutes) "At Issue: Your Vote" Saturday, Oct 3oh 8:30pm & Monday, Nov. i*7:30pm (30-minutes per showing) * NBC17 'Your Vote": Local Elections (candidate statements) 45 minutes per week WlIM fhrough 1WW: Daily S-mlnute segments thaf include local poilticalenalysls and candldate statements run Monday fhmugh Frlday at 6pm,and weekend mornings at 9am from Labor Day untll Election Day. The candidates wen all from local races and included candidates for County Commissioner, District Court ludges, and Appellate Court Judge. 5 RaceslCandldates Statements Aired - !m-gnO Court of Appeals Judge - Wanda WanVAliCe Stubbs - 9/6 Court of Appeals Judge - Linda McGee/Bill Parker - 917 Wake County Cornmissioner Districf 4 - Yevonne BrannardKen GardnerBusan Hcgarfh - 9/8 Wake County Commissmer Dsfncf 6 - Befly Lou WanYChris Mabne -W Amendment One Issue - 9/10 Roces/Candldafes Staremen& Alred - WI3-9n7 District Court Judge, District 10 - Kris Baileykbra Sasser - 9/13 NC Supreme Court Assotiale Justice - Sarah ParkerNohn Tym- 9/14 Wake County Commissioner Disbict 5 - Venita Peytonklarold WebblBobby Emory - 9/15 Chatham County Commissioner - Michael Cross - 9/16 District Court Judge, District 10 -Don OverbyDonnaStroud - 9/17 RacedCandIdates Scheduled to Air - 9(20.9124 Dishicz Court Judge, DistM 10 - Monk BournMarilyn Maynard - 9Ro District Court Judge, Wrid 10 - Doug BmmJJennifer Knox - 9/21 Johnston County Commissioner Distrid 4 - DeVann &rbour/Glen McClamb - 9/22 Durham County Commissioner- Nlen ReckhowBecky Heron - 9/23 Court of Appeals Judge - Barbara JecksotvA/anThornbutg - 5v24 RacdCandldatea Scheduled to Air - 6117.16101 Omma Counfv Commissioner- Moses Carev/Artm Lee Franklin OmiaCounk Commissioner - Jamie Den&Valerie Foushee Districz Court Judge, DisWct 11 - James €thridg&enry Willis Durham County Commissioner - Philip CousirdCarolina James Rivera Johnston County Commissioner - Thomas Mony6raswa// RaceslCandidates Scheduled to Alr- 1W -1M8 Cumberland Coonty Commissioner, District 2 - Kenneth EdgdG6urge Jeffreys Cumbedand Counfy Commissioner, Distrid 2 -Carmen Battle/Diane Wheatlay Supreme Court Justice (On) - Paul Newby/Jams Wynn Supreme Court Justice (On) - Ronnie AnsleyFred Momson, Jr. Supreme Court Justice (On) - Setsy McCrodderdRachal Lea Hunter R8cedCandldates Scheduled to Alr- 1Wi - 1W15 Supreme Coud Justice (CMj - Howem’ Manning, Jr. PIUS 7-112 minute filleron race Franklin County Commissioner, DiM 7, Seat 1 - Sydney Dunstowzany Norman FmnMin County Commissioner, DMcf 1, A- large-Seat 7- Lynwood Buffibelsooff Lerew Franklin County CtnnmlssiOner, Distrid 3 - Joe SwansonlRobert Lee Swanson Durham County Commissioner-