audrye sessions low roar download Low Roar. Members: Ryan Joseph Karazija :Tonequake (U.S.) From San Francisco but lives Reykjav?k, Iceland Low Roar is a response to the unknown; a vivid portrait of those life-altering moments stained with equal parts hope and melancholy. Project of Ryan Karazija, formerly of Audrye Sessions (Black Seal), Low Roar is the incarnation of change, atmosphere, and loneliness after a move from San Francisco, California to Reykjav?k, Iceland. Record Label:Tonequake (U.S.) From San Francisco but lives Reykjav?k, Iceland. Low Roar is a response to the unknown; a vivid portrait of those life-altering moments stained with equal parts hope and melancholy. Project of Ryan Karazija, formerly of Audrye Sessions (Black Seal), Low Roar is the incarnation of change, atmosphere, and loneliness after a move from San Francisco, California to Reykjav?k, Iceland. His self-titled emotive, twelve song debut chronicles the challenges of starting anew in a foreign land and is an honest depiction of the struggles to acclimate, find work, and support his family in the Icelandic winter. The album's opening lyrics 'I won't wake a wealthy man someday, cause the sun don't follow me' begin to tell Low Roar's story. Low Roar draws from ambient influences, especially on single, "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight," a sultry electro-washed song, recalling late 90's era Radiohead. The album takes the listener on Karazija's unsettled journey conveying emotion with yearning choruses and haunting strings in simple, yet stark, classical arrangements, alongside optimistic melodies and folk-styled songs. Combining elements of post rock with minimalist tones and sonically aligning with the change and introversion of fall, Low Roar released on November 1st, 2011, by Tonequake Records. Adding players J?l?us ?ttar Bj?rgvinsson and Katie Buckley to the live show, Low Roar slowly reveals a beautiful and powerful set consisting of loops and layers of instrumentation including guitar, harp, pump organ, percussion and keys ? at times, a combination capable of evoking tears. "Ryan has always made pretty music. Sad music, but pretty. What I love about Low Roar is the way he has given himself over to the inherent melancholy in his songs. Gone are his winter-y impulses, replaced by oranges and light reds. I think he wears a sweater much better than a coat. It's a beautiful record." - Richard Edwards of Margot and the NuclearSo & So's. Low Roar: January 19, 2012 Pianos – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song. I’ve always been a rock music guy. And if it can rupture eardrums and upset my equilibrium just by listening to it, I’m usually in my happy place. That’s why I was surprised to find Low Roar’s debut album with its haunting melodies so intriguing. Having already drawn comparisons to the mellower offerings of Radiohead, Jeff Buckley and Sigur Rós in reviews, I also heard flashes of Brian Eno in that first listen. The band’s backstory is no less interesting. Formerly of Oakland’s Audrye Sessions, frontman and songwriter Ryan Karazija pulled up stakes in San Francisco and moved to Iceland where he began this project and recorded the tracks. Much as I really liked it, I was left wondering how well this music would translate to a concert setting. My concerns were unfounded as the songs, beautiful as they are on record, were stunningly gorgeous when played live. Joined on stage by Júlíus Björgvinsson, Ryan’s magnificent hymn-like vocals and the duo’s brilliantly understated musicianship fleshed even more nuance out of the studio material and expanded on it. Suffice to say, I’m looking forward to the next chance I get to see Low Roar. If their music is to your tastes and you have an opportunity to catch them, I suggest you run, don’t walk, to go see them, too. Recording in small clubs always has its challenges and this night at Pianos was no exception: chatty patrons, an adjoining bar with its accompanying noise, and a feedback spike early in the set. All that aside, venue engineer, Ofer, did a superb job in both his house mix and the soundboard feed he provided for us to blend with our microphones. The resultant capture is excellent and we hope you like what you hear as much as we did. Enjoy! Special thanks to Low Roar and Bryan Vaughan at Indigenous Promotions for making this recording possible, and to the staff at Pianos for their courtesy and cooperation. Stream “Just A Habit”: [audio:] Direct download of the complete show in MP3 [HERE] Download the Complete show in FLAC [HERE]. Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site , rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request. Low Roar Thursday, January 19, 2012 Pianos New York, NY, USA. Source: SBD + AKG C 414 B-XLS’s > Edirol R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz) Lineage: R-44 > USB > PC > Adobe Audition (mixdown, adjust levels, downsample, dither, tracking) > WAV (16-bit/44.1kHz) > Trader’s Little Helper (check/fix SBE’s, FLAC) > FLAC Level 8 Pianos house engineer: Ofer Tiberin Recorded and produced by: Johnny Fried Chicken Boy. SETLIST: [Total time: 38:51] 01. Intro > Friends Make Garbage (Good Friends Take It Out) > Low Roar 02. Just A Habit 03. Give Up 04. Rolling Over 05. Help Me > Dalalæða. If you download this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Low Roar and their related projects, visit their Facebook page, and purchase their official releases at the Tonequake Records shop [HERE], at iTunes or at Amazon. And definitely go see their shows. Ryan Moves To Iceland And Low Roar Is Born. After Ryan Karazija’s brit-rock band, the Audrye Sessions, broke up in 2010, he pursued his long-time desire to move to Iceland. His experience of moving to a new place from his California home came to be a central theme in his new project Low Roar. Low Roar’s 2011 self-titled full length was recorded on nothing more than a laptop in Ryan’s kitchen in Reykjavík, making it a very DIY effort. “People always ask, ‘what’s the genre?’” he says about to his new project. “It’s probably the most punk thing I’ve ever done.” But Ryan’s new project isn’t punk in the way of aggressive riffs and snarky vocals. It’s punk in the sense that Ryan pulled this album together all on his own. Low Roar is an indie-rock effort portraying serene and soothing elements that were achieved through not only a DIY ethic, but also the opportunities and easy-to-network music scene of Reykjavík. “You’d have a much harder time if you were moving to a place like San Francisco from somewhere else to find people to work with, or to play with, or to help out with or someone who knew somebody,” Ryan says. “Even if it was just looking for a rehearsal space, or someone to record with; here, it was so simple.” The music scene of Reykjavík helped Ryan to feel comfortable, and readily able to find the resources he needed to make his work come to life. “People here are a bit more grounded, in a sense. They’re making efforts because they want to, or because they like to create something; not because there’s an expectation that this is going to make them a lot of money. It’s just because they want to do it,” Ryan says. “They’re not doing this because this is going to get them out of the coffee shop. They’re just doing this because this is what they do for fun, and this is what they do for work.” Ryan struggled along the way as well, a reason why he started producing his work independently. Looking for work, being low on money and simply being in an unfamiliar place were all factors that contributed to the sound of the album. “To come here and try to find work when you don’t really speak the language; it can be pretty tough. At that point, I didn’t have very much money and I didn’t want to ask people for favors, like with recording and different things,” Ryan says. “So that’s why I resorted to just doing it with the program that was on my Mac, and trying to do everything on my own for free. I think that all kind of tied into it; that was a part of the sound of the record.” Tonequake Records’ Low Roar managed to play an unofficial venue at Airwaves last year, but this year is on the official line-up and he’s currently working on his second album that he said would be much different than the first because he’s at a different point in his life compared to when he first moved to Iceland. Low Roar’s Airwaves sets will be at Harpa Kaldalón on November 2 at 8:00pm and at 12 Tónar Record Store on November 3 at 5:00pm. Audrye sessions low roar album download. After living next door to the UK for four years now, I'm finally going to make my first trip to see you. :) And rather than playing regular bars, I'm going to go on a UK house concert tour instead! If you're unfamiliar with house concerts, don't worry, I was too at first. But the setup is simple. You pick the location (be it your living room, backyard, front yard, etc.) and I'll play an acoustic show for you & the audience of your choice. There can be 10 people there, or 100 - it really is up to you! SOO, the plan is, I'll fly into the UK on September 12th and head back to Reykjavik on September 17th (or thereabouts). I'm charging 250£ per show, or 200£ if you'll allow me to crash on your couch :). And I don't care how you scramble that money together. You can pass the hat, you can pool money together with friends, or you can just pay for it outright. Again, it's up to you. We're making up the rules as we go, so that means we're also making up the routing too. So when you write me at [email protected] , just include your preferred date, your second choice of date, and your location . I'll then do my best to accommodate everyone's preferences and put together a schedule. Really excited to be making this trip and finally getting to meet you! Let me know if you're interested and I'd love to make something happen. Audrye sessions low roar album download. LICENSING (MASTER) LICENSING (PUBLISHING) BOOKING: LABEL (US) Once In A Long, Long While. - Nevado Music. 0 + Low Roar + ross. - Tonequake Records. LABEL (MEXICO & SOUTH AMERICA) Pedro y El Lobo. MANAGEMENT. We receive countless requests for the use of Low Roar music in personal and independent films/videos, so please consider our standard use terms before contacting us regarding permission. 1) If you do not intend to commercially exploit your video project (such as submit to film festivals, commercially distribute your film, etc.), then please DO NOT contact us about using the song gratis. 2) If you plan to post your video to YouTube, please feel free to do so, but be aware a Copyright Claim will be made on your video by our label/distributor if it contains a Low Roar song. Again, DO NOT contact us about using a song in this manner, just post and the Copyright Claim will appear. 3) You are *not allowed* under any circumstances, without specific prior approval from the band, to use a Low Roar song in any scene or video that contains violence, illicit drug use or political content/commentary. Thank you for your cooperation.