R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I Spatiotemporal Changes in Marine Turtle Nesting Grounds Through Remote Sensing techniques: Sandspit, , (2009-2013)

Dr. NAILA PARVEEN Department of Geography Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, . Email: [email protected]

GHAZALA PARVEEN Assistant Professor, Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Govt. College of Education, Larkana. Email: [email protected]

ALI MURAD SOOMRO Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Govt, College of Education, Larkana. Email: [email protected]

Abstract Turtles are exclusive creatures of the world, having particularly eco-friendly manners plus physical characteristics. The main nest seashores are widening in world; around 62 countries based on turtles nest shores. Karachi coast is renowned for the turtles nesting and also for their habitat ecology. The core objective of this study is based on high resolution satellite imageries of turtles nesting grounds of different years at study area. In this study spatio-temporal change of turtle nesting pits are observed in 2009-2013 respectively. Geoinformatic technique helps to classify the facts and figures about this Study remote sensing and spatiotemporal GIS used to find out geographic sort and habitat changes. Further the interview and questionnaire has been collected from the study area. Findings shown the turtles dug their pits from the month of September till March during the period of low tides. No pits are observed in the month of high tides i.e. April, May, June, July and August. Number of pits are higher in 2012 and 2013, 644 and 652 respectively. It has been observed that anthropogenic activities are main reason of declining turtle population as marine pollution like damping of nuclear waste, disposal of sanitation and most of the time polythene bags are engulfed by the turtles. Encroachments and recreational activities are hindering the nesting places. Finally based on results of this study, it is suggested that, increasing and enhancing awareness about the protection and conservation of this imperative environmental resource.

Keywords: Spatio-temporal, Nesting Grounds, Change, Remote Sensing.


On earth surface a variety of turtle species occurred but Asia is substantial region in turtles. About four hot regions in turtle diversity Indo-Gangetic Plain, mainland Southeast Asia, the South China coastal region, and New Guinea, it is also find out on any area rest then deserts but on altitudinal and latitudinal areas are the home of turtles. In Asia around 100 kinds of tortoise also stream, lake or river water turtles are finding

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R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I plus different types are defined (Van Dijk and Palasvwan, 2000). In 2009 by IUCN, about 1,677 classes remain counted in the IUCN red list, out of them the over-all 469 stand endangered with disappearance then 22 remained previously Died out. Arabian Sea is the main source for marine resources in Pakistan the coastal line is 1050 km, lies in and Baluchistan provinces. Sindh contributed 250km while Baluchistan shared 800km coastal line in Pakistan.

Sindh plus Baluchistan has Mediterranean climate (IUCN, 2004). Karachi shore have a distinct impact for marine animals for the aquatic, mud-covered, gravels plus rock type setting in that zone. The core locations coastline be situated Sandspit, Hawkesbay, Manora and cape Monze ranges. Pakistan takes extensive well- known headed for sustenance the great number of Bottle green turtles the slighter amount of Olive ridleys, primarily nest grounds, on Hawkesbay plus Sandspit nearby Karachi, (Ghalib and Zaidi, 1976; Kabraji and Firdous, 1984).

In the World seven species of turtles are found i.e. Green Turtle, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Olive ridley, Flatback, Leatherback also Kemp's ridley are common. In Indian Ocean there are six species of turtles, Kemp's ridley is not found in the Indian Ocean. In Pakistan there are two types of turtle species found Olive ridelys (Lepidochelys olivacea) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas) (Minton 1966, Salm 1976).The nesting places of these turtles at Hawkesbay- Sandspit about 20km Karachi coast (Minton 1966, Ghalib and Zaidi 1976). In Kakapir only Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) are found.

Kabraji and Firdous (1984) estimated that 6,000 green turtles out of them about 200 Olive ridelys (Lepidochelys olivacea), nest per year at Hawkesbay- Sandspit Groombridge and Luxmoore (1989) suggested the number of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) may be 2,000-3,000 and Asrar (1999), reported the decline in Olive ridelys (Lepidochelys olivacea), on that nesting site between the 1080-97 an average number less than 10 nests per season in the last five years.

Generally turtles have been not killed for the religious reasons (Hatt 1957, Shockley 1949). At the end of the last century, the enormous number of eggs remained traded in Karachi and meat may plus have been sold (Murray 1884).Turtles also accidentally trapped in fishing nest (Moazzam 1998). In Baluchistan thousands turtles were killed and their flippers were export for the leather trade in Japan, 5,000 kg each year from 1976– 78 (Frazier 1980). According to Sindh biota safety law in (1972) and Sindh biota safety law Action (1993) were effective on the other hand not prevented killing of turtles in Baluchistan (Frazier 1980, Qureshi 2001). Arabs and Balochi’s dug the turtle's eggs in Baluchistan the local people perception is that the eggs of turtles increase milk producing potential in cattle’s, camels and goats (Qureshi 2001).

Nesting season persist throughout the year in Pakistan but the peak nest months are November and October for green turtle (Chelonia mydas) due to high tides the number of eggs expire in that condition. In the month of August, September and October it has the chance of survival due to ideal condition of temperature and humidity the eggs hatch in September, October and November (Kabraji and Firdous 1984), the two species nest on the beach green turtle plus Olive ridelys in these months.

In starting of June and end of the post monsoon the nesting period is concedes with monsoon period. Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) found on Manora, Sandspit, Hakswbay plus Cape Monze Hawksbill turtles near cape monze Olive ridelys were found only at Sandspit. From 2001-2009 the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) were common on Karachi coastal line but Hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) plus Olive ridelys (Lepidochelys olivacea) remained uncommon. But Olive ridelys (Lepidochelys olivacea) not found during 2005-2009, and Hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) remained merely seen during 2001-2003 at cape Monze area at Karachi coast.

Habitat degradation loss also major threats for Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) because some activities which impact on feeding areas like dredging and harbor construction and maritime operations (López- Mendilaharsu et., al. 2008, Montague 2008).The Geographical distance is a main factor for turtle migratory species in both male and female and they transverse oceanic zones through 1000 of kms (Mortimer and ISSN 2309-0081 Parveen, Parveen & Soomro (2021) 119

R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I Carr 1987; Luschi et., al. 1998).Which influenced by the currents in distribution means (Naro-Maciel et., al. 2007) 100 km is the range of movement for Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) but depend on life stage means adult and diet they are feeding on sea grass (Godley et., al. 2003). Many Juveniles, 20 to 35 cm Bowed Covering in size, they develop their diet based on sea grasses and algae (Mortimer 1981). After ground survey aerial survey have been used to monitor the turtle habitations (Houghton et al., 2006; Marsh and Saalfield, 1989).This technique give the information for collection of data on different spatial resolution (many 100s km) which is valuable and give clear approach for the estimation of population size and nesting grounds (Laurance et al., 2008).

According to (IUCN 2011) the loggerhead sea turtles are includes in red list although it is common specie in Mediterranean, predictable based about 57,000 turtles remain trapped per year catch through long liners in that region (Casale 2011).The highest turtles Bycatch Per Unit of Effort (BPUE) in Mediterranean, it is critical presently for analysis the spatial patterns of turtles by catch but the hotspot managing the potential propose ways for it.

Different factors are involved that threaten for turtle’s pollution, houses construction, and huts at the beaches those all disturbed the turtle nesting cycle.

Current Global Population and Distribution

In the World seven species of turtles are found i.e. Green Turtle, Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), Loggerhead, Olive riddle,, Flatback (Natator depressus), Leatherback plus Kemp's ridley. Generally green turtles are found in the coastal areas of Pakistan. Reported by Ghalib and Zaidi, 1976; Kabraji and Firdous, 1984. Beaches are the egg laying sites for turtles in Sindh. Kakapir is inter-tidal area between these two beaches. Some turtles nest on same grounds but other migrate on great distances, Green turtles migrate for nest and feeding travel 2,049km (1,300 miles) across Atlantic Ocean. Loggerheads migrates few thousands km (1 km=0.62 miles). By the social behavior turtles are not generally considered social animals, they gather together to mate and travel together to nesting grounds.

Economic Importance

The Green Sea turtles have excessive economic standing globally, particularly in various 3rd world countries wherever the significant cause of protein. Turtles have been used for medicine by Chinese since 2737 BC. According to Zhao (1995) solid-shell turtles plus exterior of soft shells are utilized for traditionally Chinese medications, from 202 BC to 9 AD. Unani, the Greco-Arabic method of medications methods are main groundwork for curative practices in numerous regions recommend for the usage of many turtles physical fragments for medicinal human’s ailment.


 To identify and map turtles nesting on recent greater satellite imageries.

 To examine spatiotemporal changes in nesting habitat since 2009 till 2013.

 Headed for evaluate the naturally plus anthropogenic aspects disturbing nest pattern plus its density.

 Growth of comprehensive GIS for cartographic analysis in vector layers, distribution of nesting grounds of turtles.

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R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I Methodology

Figure- 1: Methodology (source: authors)

Study Area

Kakapir is sited in Town to the Western side of Sandspit Seashore, Karachi, Pakistan. The coordinate 66ᵒ51`52 E 24ᵒ51`10 N. it’s recognized as a fishing rural community. This Settlement is enclosed by dint of mangroves towards Northern part. It is small village, three families are living here, they moved from Town.

Figure- 2: Study area (source: Images Google earth; Map by authors)

ISSN 2309-0081 Parveen, Parveen & Soomro (2021) 121

R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I Climate

Karachi is located in an arid climate, the coastal climate is relatively mild, with two seasonal periods; summertime and wintertime, and however springtime and autumn time are very short. Summer season is long dated yearly. Rainfall is low throughout the year. Monsoon rains prevails in the month of July, August and September.

Figure- 3: Mean Daily Minimum Temperature


40 °C


20 2009

2010 10 2011 0 2012 2013 Source: metrology department Karachi

Figure- 4: Mean Daily Maximum Temprature


40 35

30 2009 25 2010 20 15 2011 10 2012 5 0 2013










May Sept June Annual

According to 2009 the increased and decreased temperatures during that time is 36.8ᵒC plus 13.9ᵒC in that order. December is coolest month. The increased plus decreased temperatures during this period is around 36.8ᵒ C and 11.1 ᵒC respectively. December is the coldest month 2010. According to 2011 the maximum plus minimum temperatures during that time is near 35.3ᵒC plus 11ᵒC respectively. January remains coolest month. The increased and decreased temperatures during this period is near 35.5ᵒ C also 11.2ᵒC in that turn. January remains coolest month 2012. According to 2013 the increasing plus decreasing of temperatures during that time is around 36.5ᵒC plus 11.6ᵒC. January is the coldest month.

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R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I The humidity remains high from August to September, though very lower in winter time. Summer temperatures (April-August) remain almost 33 °C to 36 °C; the wintertime (November-March) are approximately 11°C to 21°C.The mean monthly precipitation in 2009 is highest in July 159.9mm and lowest in these months March, May, October & November 0.0mm and the relative humidity is maximum in July, August & September 83% and minimum in the month of December 59%. Atmospheric pressure increase in the month of January 1016.8hpa & decrease in the month of July 998.1hpa. The mean monthly maximum precipitation in July is 120.4 mm & lowest in these months January, March, April, May & December 0.0mm in the year of 2010 and the relative humidity is maximum in August 84% and minimum in the month of November & December 61%. Atmospheric pressure increases in the month of January 1017hpa. & decrease in the month of July 999.3hpa. The mean monthly precipitation in 2011 is highest in September 212.6mm and lowest in the months of march, April, may, June, October & December 0.0mm and the relative humidity is maximum in August & September 82.6 % and minimum in the month of December 60 %. Atmospheric pressure increase in the month of December 1015hpa & decrease in the month of June 998.4hpa.

The mean monthly precipitation in 2012 is highest in September 121mm and lowest in the months of February, march, April, May, October & November 0.0 mm and the relative humidity is maximum in September 83% and minimum in the month of February 52%.Atmospheric pressure increase in the month of January 1015hpa & decrease in the month of July 998.5hpa. The mean monthly precipitation in 2013 is highest in august 105.5mm and lowest in the month of November & December 0.0 mm and the relative humidity is maximum in August 82 % and minimum in the month of January 62%. Atmospheric pressure increase in the month of January 1016.4hpa & decrease in the month of July 998.1hpa. According to the climatic data from 2009-2013 the rainfall vary due to the climate change which impact on this region, only two months August and September were the month of rainfall according to climatic data. According to this data mean minimum, maximum temperature also changed. Data Source: Data Processing Center Pakistan Meteorological Department Karachi.

Results and Discussion

Kakapir is a fishing village, situated in , Sandspit, and Karachi. In this report spatio-temporal change of turtle nesting pits are observed in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively. Its climate is arid, maximum temperature is in May approximately 36.8ᵒC and minimum temperature prevails in January; approximately 11ᵒC. Relative humidity is highest in August and lowest in December. Precipitation is highest in July and lowest in May. Atmospheric pressure is highest in January and lowest in July throughout consecutive years. Sandy beaches are best selected by turtles for their nesting pits. Accumulation of sand is supported by groin feature which is hard concrete rocks. Climatic conditions are favorable for egg laying. Turtles dug their pits from the month of September till March during the period of low tides. No pits are observed in the month of high tides i.e. April, May, June, July and August. Number of pits are higher in 2012 and 2013, 644 and 652 respectively. While it is lowest in 2009 i.e. 249 and 330 in 2011. Anthropogenic activities is the main reason of declining in turtle densities. Recreational huts on the beach should be 30 x 30 as per rule but encroachment had been observed, restricted the turtle nesting places.

Aquatic fragments are waste plus another rock-hard substantial which cross the threshold oceanic plus shoreline. Oceanic remains threaten biota also present healthiness plus well-being alarms to the peoples. Plastic material constantly mark a substantial part of entire oceanic remains. Very significant method to talk this kind of universal challenge to stopover waste product commencing inflowing the aquatic setting on priority base. To hand are various struggles in progress on nationally, regionally also on internationally grounds. Green turtles are seen while other species are scarce or almost diminish from Karachi beach. After the Tasmanian Oil Sprit in 2003, Olive ridely had not yet been seen in the coastal areas.

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R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I Questionnaire survey filled by local people shows that only green turtles visiting period's increases, many fishermen can recognize turtle species, mostly turtles are seen in month of October, November and December. Maximum size of turtle is 5ft. and minimum size is 3ft. Sindh government and NGO's are working for conservation of the turtles that local residents knows about it.

Figure- 5: Nesting Grounds and Huts of Kakapir 2009-2013 (source: authors)

Figure-6: Classified image and slope varience of Kakapir (source: authors)

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R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I Figure- 7: Nesting ground of Kakapir (2009-2013) (source: authors)

Questionnaire Analyses

Recognization of Marine Turtle Species Turtles 120% 150% 100% 80% 100% 60% 40% % of % of 20% respodents 50% respodents 0%

0% yes No

The questionnaire analysis shows the recognition about turtles from local residents of study area is overall 100%, the mostly seen turtle species are green turtles about more than 97% peoples have know how about green turtles.

ISSN 2309-0081 Parveen, Parveen & Soomro (2021) 125

R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I Months for Turtle Nesting Months for the nesting of turtles 150% 60%

100% 40% % of % of 50% respodents 20% respodents

0% 0% 0ct Nov Sept Dec sept oct Nov

The nesting months are rich in nesting grounds of turtles have observed mostly in the month of September and December due to favorable climatic condition in the study area about more than 45% nesting grounds has been observed in said month. Activity about turtle’s protection the Government is taking very vital role for the safety of turtle’s protection with the help of wetland center at study area.

Avalibility of Nesting Protection Protection Organizations Sites 50% 150% 40% 30% 100% 20% % of % of 50% 10% respodents respodents 0% 0% NGOs Govt Local yes No people

Nesting activity was not much common by the local people only 40% peoples are engaged in nesting activity because the mainly people do the fishing activity which is the common profession of local residents there.

Size of Turtles Nesting Activity 50% 80% 40% 60% 30% % of 40% % of 20% respodents respodents 10% 20% 0% 0% 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet yes No

The size of turtles are different according to their species, as in kakapir the mostly size of green turtles is about 5 feet which has been observed through survey from local residents. And 30% peoples have idea about its size is 3 feet and similarly 20% said the size of green turtle is might be 4 feet.

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R S www.irss.academyirmbr.com February 2021 S International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 9 Issue.2 I Conclusion

Kakapir is a small fishing village in Sandspit, Karachi. Sindh, Pakistan. After the field survey and questionnaire filled by locals it had been concluded that nesting pits of turtles are increasing from the year 2009 till 2013, as number of pits are 249 and 652 respectively. It has been observed that anthropogenic activities are main reason of declining turtle population as marine pollution like damping of nuclear waste, disposal of sanitation and most of the time polythene bags are engulfed by the turtles. Encroachments and recreational activities are hindering the nesting places.


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