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The bestspecialtyfilms. 410-423-0520 703-998-4262 A A A A :0 9:40 4:40, M M M M 24,30,52,7:30 5:25, 3:00, 12:45, 10:10 5:10, 12:10, 4:45 2:00, :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 8:10, 7:10, 5:50, 4:50, 3:40, 2:40, 1:30, 7:00, 5:45, 4:30, 3:15, 2:30, 1:15, 12:30, 7:00, 5:55, 4:45, 3:45, 2:15, 1:20, 12:00, 5:20, 4:50, 3:25, 2:55, 2:35, 1:10, 12:45, :5 :0 5:15 3:10, 1:05, C C C C J S S S S :0 :0 :0 9:30 7:30, 3:30, 1:30, E E E E F 10:30, 7:35, 7:05, 4:30, 3:35, 1:10, JF 6:20, 5:00, 4:10, 2:50, 1:30, 12:30, 5:45, 4:10, 3:15, 2:45, 2:10, 1:00, L L L L :0 :0 :0 10:00 7:30, 5:00, 2:30, 10:40 7:50, 4:45, 1:45, 9:55 4:05, - DescriptiveVideoService E E E E :0 :0 :0 9:10 7:00, 4:30, 1:50, C C C C :0 :0 :5 10:55 7:35, 4:30, 1:10, :0 :5 :0 :5 10:10, 7:55, 7:20, 5:35, 2:20, 10:10 7:15, 4:15, 1:00, 9:55, 7:50, 7:05, 4:55, 2:00, 7:15, 6:10, 4:25, 3:10, 1:35, :0 :5 :5 :0 4:20, 3:30, 2:45, 1:45, 1:00, 5:20, 4:00, 2:45, 1:30, 12:15, T T T T :0 :0 :0 10:10 7:50, 4:20, 1:40, Real Estate Travel, Entertainment, Bars/Clubs, National Retailers, % % % % :0 :0 8:30 5:00, 1:30, 21,1:5 :5 2:30, 1:45, 12:45, 12:15, 2:15, 1:45, 1:15, 12:50,   :0 :0 :0 9:20 7:20, 4:50, 1:20, 10:10 :5 10:30 8:05, 10:00 9:30 8:35, 8:00, 7:30, 7:00, 6:30, 10:40 6:05, 10:10, 5:25, 9:40, 4:45, 9:05, 4:10, 3:35, 3:00, 2:25, :5 :0 :0 :5 :0 :5 :5 :0 8:30 7:00, 6:45, 6:15, 5:20, 4:15, 4:00, 3:30, 2:45, 10:30 9:45, 9:15, 8:00, 7:15, 6:45, :0 :5 10:05 8:45, 7:20, :5 :0 :0 :0 :5 :5 10:35 9:45, 8:55, 7:50, 7:10, 6:10, 5:35, 10:10 9:55 9:15, 8:20, 7:40, 7:05, 6:15, 5:30, ISO:IPSIL I (PG13) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLEIII (PG13) POSEIDON (PG) OVER THEHEDGE (PG13) THE DAVINCICODE (PG13) X-MEN: THELASTSTAND (PG13) KINKY BOOTS (PG WATER (R) WAH-WAH (PG13) KEEPING UPWITHTHESTEINS ( SOMERSAULT (R) INSIDE MAN (PG13) POSEIDON (PG13) X-MEN: THELASTSTAND (PG) RV (PG) OVER THEHEDGE (PG13) THE DAVINCICODE (PG13) X-MEN: THELASTSTAND (R) INSIDE MAN (PG13) POSEIDON (R) SEE NOEVIL (PG) OVER THEHEDGE (PG13) X-MEN: THELASTSTAND (PG) AKEELAH ANDTHEBEE (PG13) SCARY MOVIE4 (R) SILENT HILL (PG13) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLEIII (PG13) POSEIDON (PG13) JUST MYLUCK (PG) OVER THEHEDGE (PG13) THE DAVINCICODE (PG13) X-MEN: THELASTSTAND (PG13) KEEPING UPWITHTHESTEINS (PG13) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLEIII (PG13) POSEIDON (PG) OVER THEHEDGE (PG13) THE DAVINCICODE (PG13) X-MEN: THELASTSTAND (PG13) X-MEN: THELASTSTAND AMC COURTHOUSE PLAZA8 AMC COUNTRY CLUBMALL6 Country ClubMallonVocke RdnearRoute68. AMC TYSONSCORNER16 LOEWS WISCONSINAVE. 6 LOEWS WHITEFLINT5 AMC RIVERTOWNE 12 Exit 4AI-95,1/2mi.onOxonHillRd. :0 :5 9:45 7:15, 4:30, LOEWS DUPONT5 4000 WisconsinAvenue, N.W. 7850 Tysons Center Corner 13) Courthouse andBirch Rd. $ $ $ :0 :0 :0 9:40 7:10, 4:50, 2:10, :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 9:30 7:40, 7:00, 5:00, 4:30, 2:20, 2:00, A publication of :0 :5 6:50 4:05, 1:10, 9:55 7:05, 3:40, :5 8:15 5:15, :5 :5 :0 10:15 8:10, 5:45, 3:45, NR–NOT 310-423-1014 741 202-872-9555 711 202-244-0882 714 :5 :0 :5 9:30 7:15, 4:30, 2:05, 7:10 4:45, 2:15, 9:50 7:30, 5:15, 3:00, 7:50 5:30, 10:25 9:30, 7:15, 4:55, 2:20, 12:00, North Bethesda 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4262 1350 19thSt. A A A 5:10 M M M 4:50 :0 :5 :0 9:15 7:10, 4:25, 2:10, 9:10, 7:45, 7:00, 5:30, 4:50, 3:20, 2:30, 7:40 7:00, 5:00, 4:40, 4:50, 3:55, 3:10, 2:30, 1:40, 12:55, 12:10, 7:20 C C C  :5 :0 9:15 7:00, 4:45, S S S RATED) at MovieWatcher.com E E E :0 :0 :0 10:00 7:00, 4:00, 1:00, 8:25 7:45, 5:05, 4:30, 4:25, 3:25, 2:45, 2:05, 1:05, 12:00, L L L :0 8:20 5:40, Advanced Ticketing E E E :5 :0 :0 00,3:00 10:00, 7:30, 6:30, 4:15,  C C C :5 7:30 2:45, :5 :0 :5 9:45 7:05, 4:20, 1:25, 8:10 8:05, 5:20, 4:45, 5:45, 4:20, 2:55, 1:25, 12:05, :5 :5 :0 10:00 7:00, 4:15, 1:15, 1:30, 1:15, 12:45, 12:15, 5:20, 4:40, 3:30, 2:45, 2:00, JF T T T GHI % % % :0 :0 :5 8:00, 6:45, 5:20, 4:00, 8:00 7:30, 5:25, 5:00, 1:50, 1:20, 12:45, 12:15,    :0 :0 7:45, 5:30, 3:00,  25,31,5:40, 3:15, 12:50, :0 :5 7:30, 4:45, 1:50, 

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ACCOUNTANT; CPA firm in Tysons Corner seeking Chauffeur DRIVER FT Accts., exper’d in bookkeeping & payroll. Great ADVERTISING Executive Sedan Drivers CUSTOMER SERVICE Class A Flat bed, Over the road, compensation & benefit pkg. Excel. oppty. for BostonCoach is an international provider of trans- Home weekends, Min 5 yrs exper. growth. Email resume: [email protected] Silver Marketing Inc. is an award winning firm specializ- Customer Service Representative Call 240-687-5966 ing in direct mail, email and database management portation services. Information Sessions @ 105 seeking a SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT person with Clermont Ave. Alexandria, VA 22304 Part Time (25 hours per week) DRIVER Accounting Tue @3PM Wed @ 7PM & Sat @ 11AM. No Registra- 5 plus years experience in managing direct mail and Route work, No. VA. Start Imed. PT/FT. Own Car. Payroll Auditor advertising campaigns from concept to completion. tion Necessary! Be prepared to fill out an applica- The Washington Post is currently searching for high tion. We pay for gas, tolls, and parking. No CDL re- energy Customer Service Representatives who will Call 703-827-2636. Do enjoy traveling? Send resumes with salary requirements to John quired. www.BostonCoach.com 866-255-0882 op- work in a fast-paced, detailed oriented, and team DRIVER Calibre CPA Group is seeking to fill Entry-level positions tion 3 EOE spirited environment. in our compliance dept. Responsibilities include: McLaughlin at [email protected] TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED reviewing & analyzing payroll, tax & personnel records. CLEANERS/HOUSEKEEPERS Responsibilities: Swimming pool Co. located in Fairfax, VA and Silver Position requires 50% travel, excellent organizational, AUTO/ASSISTANT MANAGER—Busy • Provide service support for sales account managers Spring, MD is hiring for the 2006 Summer season. oral & written communication skills plus a BS Degree. No. VA service station. Full benefits 7 days/week, morning shift. Stafford, Fairfax, and advertisers in all areas of sales support. We have FT and PT seasonal positions available Herndon, Sterling, Leesburg, Seven Corners, VA. • Manage ad orders and materials. starting now. These positions are daytime Mon-Sat. Please email resume/ cover letter to: pkg. Call Todd, 703-448-7554 Greenbelt, Largo, Waldorf, MD. Must have [email protected]; • Assure accurate billing. Must have a Class B CDL w/tanker, HAZMAT, and Transportation. Please call 703-929-6566 or • Respond to inquiries from both external and internal Airbreak endorsements, to deliver swimming pool or FAX to: 202-331-9890. 301-573-4390. AUTO SALES inquiries. chemicals and supplies out of either location. We have several positions available. Call Robert CNAs, CMAs, GNAs, LPNs 1-800-992-6286 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR Patient and Elder Care HOURS: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. DRIVER — with own vehicle & insur. to provide Capital Care Inc. is hiring Nurses. Must have Thursday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. transportation for Dr’s. office, Mon-Fri. FT/PT. DC or One of the ten largest Multi-employer National Licenses only; current CPR and First Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. PG Co. MD. CALL: 202-543-2280. FAX: Pension Funds located Downtown near Metro Due to increased customer demand, DARCARS Aid; and Maryland State Police Report only. Call (Your resume will not be considered if you are unable 202-543-5309. needs organized individual to supervise the currently has sales positions available throughout 202-787-0333 to apply. to work ALL of these hours.) Accounts Receivable accounting dept. staff of six. DRIVERS—Pizza Bolis is looking for drivers. Call MD&VA.Experience not necessary - we will 202-635-2800 or 202-306-3753 Position is primarily responsible for contribution train in our state of the art training facility! We CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER For more information and to apply online, visit us at cash receipts, remittance report processing. The are seeking motivated, customer friendly www.washingtonjobs.com. ELECTRICIANS—Benes, great pay. 40+hrs. Must qualifications req’d are 3 yrs of Accounting exper. individuals who are eager to begin a lucrative have tools & trans. Call 703-590-2539 or F/T 40 hrs. Sat thru Wed. Specific code enforcement Qualified candidates should send a resume Bachelors degree req’d, preferably in Accounting. career with one of the regions fastest growing experience and ICC certifications preferred but will 301-982-7346. Supervisory exper. & familiarity w/ Microsoft and cover letter to: auto groups! We offer: consider entry level applicants with good related ELECTRICIANS Excel & Word software desired. Fully paid • Health Insurance & 401K experience in other fields. English/Spanish bilingual Licensed Journeymen for Imed hire. Call employee benefits incl Medical, Dental, Vision, & • Company Car candidates strongly encouraged to apply. Primary 703-590-2539 or 301-982-7346 Pension. Starting salary is $52K. If interested, fax • Paid Vacation duties include ensuring compliance with zoning, resume: 202-457-8649 • Over $80K first year earning potential! Engineering property maintenance and fire safety codes, Civil Engineers • Rapid advancement into management commercial, residential and noise codes and Attn: HR/CSR/CP Apply in person, at DARCARS of Silver Spring- Expanding firm seeking EITs or PEs. 2 years ACTIVISM ordinances. Must have excellent communication skills 1150 15th Street, NW exp. In site design preferred. Exc benefits. 12214 Cherry Hill Road, (at the corner of Rt. 29 and and a valid driver’s license. Salary range $31,813 - Washington, DC 20071 Cherry Hill Road). Contact Shannon Ryan at Resumes to [email protected] or 434-979-8122 $50,861. Starting salary DOQ plus excellent benefits. Fax - (202) 912-3677 in Charlottesville VA. SUMMER JOBS 301-622-0020 or [email protected] Applications available from: [email protected] TO BEAT THE GOP City of College Park - Human Resources ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN AUTO—Seeking Detailers with 2 yrs.+ exp. using We are committed to diversity in the workplace 4500 Knox Road, College Park, MD 20740 and promote a drug-free environment. $4.5-$6.5K/Summer Auto detailing equipment & materials properly and P/T Mon-Fri 30 hrs. Entry level position in support of safely. Must have valid drivers license. Please fax Ph: (301) 779-4945 www.collegeparkmd.gov DAYCARE City Engineer. Collects and tabulates traffic data, tests Had enough of Bush and the resumes to 301-805-4431 by Fri. June 2. Exper’d Teachers needed for Alex Daycare. and samples materials, assists in surveys and field City application required. Closes 6-16-06. EOE Infants/2/3. Call Alexandria 703 354-4855. investigations, performs basic construction inspection GOP? Work with Grassroots Beauty and documentation, and other related duties. Come join our fabulous new Salon and Spa Team CONSTRUCTION DELIVERY Domino’s Pizza is now hiring drivers. Must have your Maintains computer and manual records. Must have Campaigns, Inc. on behalf of at the incredible new Collection Shopping Center valid driver’s license. Some experience plus education in Chevy Chase, MD. Our 10,000 square foot Heavy Equipment Operator own car & insurance. $10 - 15/hr. the National Democratic Minnesota Ave 202 396-9500 or training in engineering or math. Starting at $14.12 - facility is immediately above the Louis Vuitton and Needed for busy excavating co. $15.58 hr. DOQ plus some prorated benefits. Jimmy Choo stores. Must be exp’d with loaders & dozers. Forestville 301 568-8883 Party to elect Dems in ‘06 Silver Hill Rd 301 568-4000 Applications available from: 5 Manicurists Needed 50%-60% commission. Top pay & benefits avail. Signing Bonus. FT/Summer/Career opps. Du- Call 410-451-7445 Addison Rd 301 333-5900 Medical Concierge needed at $40,000+ year. Ask for Manager in charge. City of College Park - Human Resources pont Circle. OPEN Monday, And feel free to ask about other opportunities. Court Reporter 4500 Knox Road, College Park, MD 20740 Call (305) 206-2971, ask for Elan Reliable, est. DC firm seeks exp. court reporters. DENTAL ADMIN/RECEPTIONIST Ph: (301) 779-4945 Call & ask for Erin at www.collegeparkmd.gov Govt/Private work. Resumes: CR,1323 R.I Ave NW FT. Pleasant state-of-the-art dental office in Silver BEAUTY — Hairstylists for busy, upscale salon in DC 20005. 202-797-9655. Hyattsville. CALL: 301-386-7770. Spring, MD. Competitive salary. Fax: 301-588-3084. City application required. Closes 6-16-06 EOE CUSTOMER SERVICE—FT/PT, for busy natural ADMIN. ASS’T - DC-based, real estate developer Beauty health care center. Mon-Sat, some positions until DENTAL ASSISTANT FINANCIAL SERVICES seeking TT/Virtual ass’t. w/strong admin. skills for MANICURIST/HAIR STYLIST/ 7pm. Great benefits, great teamwork, hourly pay. FT. State-of-the-art pleasant dental office in Silver BECOME AN OWNER/ propertyapprovals, scheduling. Flex. hrs. CHAIR RENTAL AVAILABLE Must apply in person: 4609-D Pinecrest Office Park Spring, MD. Competitive salary. Fax: 301-588-3084. Start Part-Time 703-873-4455 [email protected] 202-362-2266 Dr., Alexandria, VA 22312. 703-354-7336. Several Get paid helping others & begin building a financial positions available - act now! DENTAL HYGIENIST—-Exceptional hygienist ADMIN BEAUTY/NAIL TECHNICIAN wanted for growing & friendly practice in upscale DC service business. You may own, willing to train, high Technical Exper’d, Needed imed for very busy upscale salon, Customer Service nbd. Top sal offered. Please fax resume to: earning potential. Call Mr. Burke 240-644-2256 or Adminstrative Assistant III Acrylic a must, Excellent pay. Call 202-365-5445 Customer Service Rep 301-528-7855 Ms. Hood 202-744-0612 BEAUTY Financial Services The Senior Environmental Employment Program The American Nurses Association (ANA) is seek- Dental/Orthodontic Assistant NUYU Salon & Spa in Alex. looking for exper’d. Hair Arl/Herndon. Must be exper’d, Great pay & benefits Excellent opprty in the financial industry. FT/PT, no seeks a Tech. Admin. Asst., for the FHWA in Stylists, Recepts., Nail Techs. 703-212-6752 ing an individual with excellent customer service/ exp necessary will train. Call 301-333-5868 Washington D.C. to assist in the coordination of telephone skills to answer a variety of product, for the right person. Fax resume 703-527-7986 or transportation & environmental laws. Duties in- BUS DRIVER, SUMMER service, program and policy related calls received call 703-527-5654. FOOD SERVICE/COOKS clude, collecting, tracking, & updating data in exist- and to provide assistance to callers. Qualified candi- DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Retirement facility in Sil Spg, MD. SODEXHO, F/T Wanted at Springfield Christian School dates will have an Associate’s degree or equiv. w/benefits. Work every other wkend. Call Towanna, ing databases; organizing, compiling, & editing files Call 703-256-3773 Needed FT/PT for office in Centreville. Only those & reports; organizing meetings, workshops, confer- experience; 2-3 years experience in telemarketing with experience need to apply to the position. Call 301-598-4000 x 70 ences & training sessions; & drafting statements of CABINET SHOP HELPER/DRIVER or service oriented position. Excellent telephone 703-818-1500 or fax at 703-502-9580. HOME HEALTH AID work & tracking procurement requests. Must be voice and solid general knowledge of computers Learn the trade, no experience required. Will train. and office equipment. Starting salary appx. $35K + Director/Supervisor Summer Camp Assisted living in Hyattsv., near metro. PT Wknd, 2-6 flexible & work well independently. Need strong org. $9-$10/hour. Chantilly, VA. Call 703-787-9711. & oral/writtten communication skills. Exp. in Win- excellent benefits. Send resume to: [email protected]. Church seeking Director/Supervisor for Summer patients. Call 301-333-6254 dows, MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point, Lotus, etc. CARPENTER—FT for MD co. Min. 5yrs exp. Tools & EOE/Smoke Free Work Environment. Camp June 19 thru August 25. Call 202-543-3050 HOUSECLEANING— 10 years experience, Refer- Req’d college graduate or w/ min of 5yrs exp. Must transp. a must. Call 301-460-2300 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ences, Own cleaning materials. be 55+ yrs of age to apply. F/T 40hrs/wk or Carpentry DISPATCHER/OPERATIONS Call 301-474-1656 negotiable. Fax resume to: (626) 397-1084 or send HANDYMAN/CRAFTSMAN — For small & medium DANCERS— Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG ). $300-$500/night. No exp. needed. When was the last time you enjoyed your work? HOUSEKEEPERS to NAHE, 234 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 300, Pasa- sized projects in Silver Spring area. Rock Creek Residential Homes. dena, CA 91101, Attn: Lillian Anchaleechamaikom. Companies, 301-681-4447. 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500 Progressive. Stable. Growth. Arlington company in search of positive, sharp teammate, able to Apply in Person, 1222 T St NW work independently. Excellent salary & benefits. Washington DC 20009. Fax 703-525-1637 Michael or email: [email protected] HUMAN RESOURCES Expert technical contract recruiter with DRIVER —Position available for a leasing company. DoD/Intel Agency exp. Top employer & pay. Call 301-699-1030. Email resumes to: [email protected] !#k4G?A4BBk $" ! %kF43=4B30H Classifieds

MEDICAL RECEPT. for busy pediatric pract. Front Restaurant JOBS desk/posting, pediatric exp. No weekends. Mysis a Project Specialist - Administrative HOSTS, HOSTESSES, CASHIERS & plus. Fax to 202-244-2192 by June 2. University of Southern California DINING & SUSHI SERVERS, Mental Health BARTENDER YOUTHCARE WORKERS The University of Southern California is seeking a HVAC bright, energetic, self-motivated individual for an FT/PT/ON-CALL Training provided FT & PT Avail. Ins, vacation & sick A top quality co. needs: Resid. homes for troubled teens. opportunity to be involved in cutting-edge scien- Comm/Res Svc Techs/Inst tific research advocacy in a recently established leave pay. Must be able to communicate w/ Apply in person (1-4p, M-F) or mail resume to: customers. Apply in person to Benihana Restaurant, • Signing bonus up to $2K 1222 T St NW, Washington, DC 20009. NOW HIRING! office of the University of Southern California • Comms & tool bonus (USC) located in downtown Washington, DC. Must 7935 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda MD 20814. • Health ins, vac/sick lv MENTAL RETARDATION JOB FAIR be detail-oriented with a keen interest in science, Call 301-652-5391. and able to thrive in a team environment. The • 125 plan, 401K w/match Residential Counselors/Day Program Aides Thursday, June 1st, 10am-6pm • Advanced tech training successful candidate will be very flexible and Restaurant Call 703 541-1006 All shifts. Must have exp. w/DD Adults. Valid driv. lic. “100 Best Companies To Work have excellent problem solving, organizational & good driv. record req’d. ASL skills a plus. For In America“ and analytical skills. Responsibilities include inter- KITCHEN POSITIONS HVAC Mechanic/Service Fax resume to: 301-918-9758. EOE. facing with USC faculty and with other research- • Line Cooks $25 per hr, Exper’d Installers, Ductmen, Residential Job Fair is for all our DC business centers to be ers both nationally and internationally, interacting held at the FedEx Kinko’s center at 2020 K Street, • Prep Cooks replacements. Co. truck, Vacation. Ask for Mr. Bent, MESSENGER/OFFICE ASST. with federal funding agencies and private founda- Apply in person between 2pm-4pm. Please call 301-297-4244 $8.50/hr. Apply in person: Mon-Fri, 8a-11a, 1323 DC 20006; or forward your resume to tions, arranging and scheduling scientific meet- [email protected] or stop by any 703-914-9280. INVENTORY AUDITOR R.I. Ave, NW DC ings and collecting, evaluating and analyzing data downtown center during the week. related to USC’s research activities. Very competi- MODULAR FURNITURE INSTALLERS Hiring for Assistant Managers, Production Opera- tive salary and excellent benefits package. RESTAURANT $9.00+ Per Hour No exper. necessary. No. VA/DC. tors, Senior Project Coordinators, Senior Needed immed. in Potomac. F/T. Kosher deli Prep Join teams taking inventory for local/national retail- Call Brad at 512-569-0572 Customer Consultants (inside sales), and Retail ers Job Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree with two Cook. Please CALL 240-417-0833. Consultants. years of experience. However, combined experi- Part-time and seasonal Mortgage RESTAURANT positions now available! Experienced Telemarketers & Loan Officer. Benefits include major medical, 401(k), and tuition ence/education may substitute for minimum ex- College Students encouraged Willing to match commission and provide leads. reimbursement. perience. Preferred Education: College graduate Software Support Rep: to apply! 301-333-6880. Ask for Mimi or Tony. www.fedexkinkos.com with an undergraduate degree in the social sciences/humanities. If you enjoy the restaurant atmosphere but not the Great flexibility - You chose MORTGAGE INSURANCE SALES long hours then use your restaurant management or your availability LEADS LEADS LEADS server experience for an exciting new career as a No Experience Necessary. PAINTER— Excellent project, Must have exp with For detailed job description and to apply on-line 80%+ Close $75K potential coatings. Must have tools & trans. Call Ed visit our website at: http://www.usc.edu/ Software Support Rep. You will assist in installing, We Train You! 1-800-294-8654 ext. 4561 training, and supporting POSitouch and other lead- Offices located throughout 703-590-2539 bus-affairs/ers/jobs/20630.html EOE/AA ing systems to the restaurant industry. Candidate the VA/MD region MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER PAINTER—MD contractor seeks F/T Painter. Min. must have recent restaurant experience. For Must be 18 or older and have With mininum 1 year mortgage origination experi- 5yrs exp. Tools & transp. a must. 301-460-2300 Property Management prompt consideration send your resume to: reliable transportation ence needed. Email resume to [email protected] or Tim Fogarty Advancement Opportunities fax to 301-459-4116. PROMOTERS ASST— Wanted for Gentle- ASST. PROPERTY MANAGER 3060 Williams Drive, Suite 310 Available. man’s Club (PG County). With own transportation. MORTGAGE PROCESSING MANAGER Fairfax, VA 22031 Call now for an appointment! Bonuses & Commiss. 240-286-3660 Service oriented professional responsible for or FAX 703-573-4769 703 941-9883 Great opportunity for experienced Processor. Email AP/AR, collection of rents & annual tenant or email [email protected] 301 881-9094 resume to [email protected] or fax to 301-459-4116. research in accordance with HUD regs. Section 8 Rgisinv.com PROPERTY MANAGEMENT experience. Salary low $30s. Fax resume to: RETAIL SALES Part-Time Equal Opportunity Employer OFFICE COORDINATOR/RECEPTIONIST • Organization skills a must 202-797-2083. Sat & Sun for Tribal Art Gallery in N.W., DC. Retail Exper’d Groundskeeper req’d for large garden exper. a must. Call 202-375-4303 Janitorial/ Custodian & • Pleasant and Professional Telephone Manner style Condominium located in Forestville, MD. Fax Supervisor RECEPTIONIST/APPT BOOK MANAGER • Must be self-motivated resume w/ salary req., Attn Board of Directors, An outgoing people person willing to do whatever it RETAIL Shoe Fitter PT. M-F.Must have have reliable transport. For more • Ability to Multi-Task 301-967-7096. info CALL 703-813-5695. takes to expand a Physical Therapy practice. • Proficient in Microsoft Word & Excel Please fax resume to 202-966-9151 Experienced FT and PT for KITCHEN DESIGNER • Excellent Starting Pay (Commensurate CAD. Exper’d only. No wknds/eves. Benefits. Sev- w/experience) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Restaurant STRIDE RITE store in NW. erna Park, MD. 410-647-2336. • 401k/Medical and more The City Tavern Club, a private dining club located in Exper’d Maintenance person req’d for large the heart of Georgetown has an immediate opening CALL 301-651-0305 garden style Condominium located in Forestville, for a General Manager. The General Manager is LEGAL Fax/Mail Resume to: MD. Fax resume w/ salary req., Attn Board of Drake Petroleum Co. responsible for all Club food and beverage SALES Directors, 301-967-7096. operations, administration and facility maintenance. Litigation Paralegal 8 S.E. Crain Hwy 52 yr old international company is expanding Bowie, MD 20716 E-mail [email protected] for more information. Mid-sized patent law firm seeks an experienced litiga- Salary: Base salary in the $70’s with incentives to go in the central southern MD & DC area. You sell tion paralegal to supervise, train and grow section as Attn: Gary Chavez PROPERTY MANAGEMENT today get paid the next week. $2000 wkly, $104K Fax (301) 430-7360 higher based on membership and cost the firm grows. Must be able to manage case and Exper’d Community Manager req’d for large containment. annually. Must be money motivated. To succeed, litigators. Currently supervise 1 litigation assistant. garden style Condominium located in Forestville, RESTAURANT must be willing to learn a proven program, willing Should be a “roll up the sleeves” type of person. MD. CMCA or CPM req’d. Fax resume w/ salary to work and have fun at the same time. Exp not Foreign language capability a plus. Normal hours 9 - req., Attn Board of Directors, 301-967-7096. Tantallon Country Club is presently seeking a quali- necessary. We are willing to pay while training 7 of 5:30, overtime as required, excellent benefits, great fied Banquet Captain, Bar Manager, Servers & the right people. Call for interview, 9am-2pm only. atmosphere and co-workers, business casual on Fri- Bartenders. Call 301-292-1100 FNB Dept. or fax Ask for Mr. Carter. days. Metro accessible. Send resume and cover letter resumes to 301-292-2943. with salary history to Recruiter, P.O. Box 33275, Wash- Sales ington, DC 20033-3275. RESTAURANT Earn up to $80K. Must speak Chinese or LEGAL SECRETARY Korean. We invite you to join our international EXPERIENCED SERVERS $6-$7 PER HOUR team at Park Lawn Cemetary. 301-910-1118. PATENT & TRADEMARK PLUS TIPS Alex Old Town N. End IP Law firm seeking FT SALES secretary with excellent computer, communication, THE SPIRIT OF WASHINGTON IS IN THE PROCESS OF grammar,typing & organizational skills for senior HIRING ADVERTISING REP patent & trademark attorney. Min 1 yr IP exp MANAGERS, SERVERS, BUSSERS, BARTENDERS, desired. Benefits incl medical, 401K, free parking in COOKS & KITCHEN HELP,DECKCREW bldg. Sal. commens. w/ exp. Send resume to: 703-683-1080 or email: APPLY IN PERSON MON-WED 10AM-4PM [email protected] PIER 4 6TH AND WATER STS., SW Join our advertising sales team! Respond to and assess LIVE-IN NANNY WANTED WASHINGTON, DC 20024 client needs. Make recommendations for ad place- For 2 boys - Gaithersburg, MD area. WATERFRONT STOP ON THE METRO GREENLINE ment. Generate revenue through inbound calls. Grow Details, please call ASAP: 860-778-6355 202-264-3602 business through outbound calls. 30 hrs/wk. Requires sales, customer service, and cold calling experience. RESTAURANT Great career development and growth opportunities! LOCKSMITH Exp’d Only Waiters/Waitresses. FT/PT, McLean VA, Health benefits effective immediately. Excel Tips & Salary. Call after 2 p.m., 703-734-1960. For more information: FedLock seeks ENTRY LEVEL (will train) & EXPER’D RESTAURANT TECHS. Installation/service, access control, hard- www.washingtonjobs.com ware, no auto, no on-call. Great oppty for person- Banquet Chef Send resume to: The Washington Post al/professional growth, exc salary/benes. Banquet Chef w/ large banquet catering & menu Fax 703-525-1637 Attn Michael Human Resources experience. For a North Arlington Knights of Colum- Attn: HR/TSRBDEX/JT bus club. CALL Lindy, 703-536-9656. 1150 15th Street, NW MAINTENANCE RESTAURANT/ASST MANAGERS—Exper’d indiv. Washington, DC 20071 [email protected] Maintenance Worker needed. Must have at least to provide Mngt & Ops support for fast pased rest. at Dulles Airport. Open Mon-Sun. Email resume jandm We are committed to diversity & promote 3 years experience in building maintenance. Need a drug-free environment. to have own vehicle and a good driving record. [email protected] or leave msg, 202-726-5294 Apply in person to 2460 EISENHOWER Ave, Alexandria, Va. or fax resume to: 703-329-0953 No phone calls. RESTAURANT MAINTENANCE TECH For large apartment community in Temple Hills. Opening in June 2006 Must have 2-3 years experience. Must have tools & be HVAC certified live on or off position. FAX resume to: 301-894-7673. Mechanic/Truck —Busy shop in need of 2 Mechan- ics. Exper. pref’d. exper. in Reefer repair a plus. FT pos. Springfield location. CALL Billy: 703-354-5300. MEDICAL ASSISTANT for busy pediatric practice. Pediatric experience necessary. No weekends. Fax resume by June 2 to: 202-244-2192 Serving custom dry aged Kansas City Steaks and fresh Atlantic Lobster, MEDICAL BILLER (FT) Jimmy’s on K Street is bound to be the premier gathering spot on K Street. Be a part of our opening team as we embark on a new tradition in fine In a doctor’s office in Laurel. Previous experience dining. with managed care is req’d. Send resume to: [email protected] Please apply in person Monday through Friday between 9am and 5pm at MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST our temporary office located at: Immed. PT/FT. McLean/Arl. OB/GYN office. FAX CV 703-532-0609 1700 K Street, N.W. MEDICAL RECEPT. for busy pediatric pract. Front Suite B-1 (Basement Level) desk/posting, pediatric exp. No weekends. Mysis a plus. Fax to 202-244-2192 by June 2. Interviews will be conducted for the following positions: Maitre D’, Servers, Cocktail Servers, Bus Staff, and all Back of House positions. MEDICAL SURGERGY SCHEDULER $40K MEDICAL OFFICE FRONT DESK $16/HR 1-2 years upscale dining experience preferred. Excellent full time benefit Chevy Chase, MD. Great office. Must have experience. Excellent benefits. Call package including medical/dental insurance, 401k and vacation after one 301-365-3004; Fax: 301-365-3122. Email: year. EOE [email protected] F43=4B30Hk $" ! %k4G?A4BBk!$ Classifieds

Security Guards— PT on-call Sec Grds needed for special events. Must be 21. Weekly pay. Fax res to: TELEMARKETERS & REFERRAL LIAISON JOBS 301-265-9866, on-line apply. www.ppssvc.com, or apply in person 1050 17th St NW suite 600 Wash, Fairfield Resorts, the #1 Vacation Ownership Company in DC. 20036 Between 9AM-4PM. the world, is now hiring full time and part time SALES entry-level telemarketers as well as full time Customer Service Referral Liaison who are ready to have fun with SECURITY OFFICER a career. If you think that you are ready for a career in ADVERTISING REP PART-TIME marketing and would like the opportunity to make Immediate openings, experienced Unarmed Security money with great benefits, then call Vernae Spencer Officers. Looking for experienced SO’s to work in an Today at 703-837-3433; or email: vernae.spencer@ office building complex in NW DC. Must have reliable fairfieldresorts.com transportation, good credit history, good communica- tion skills and a stable work history with no criminal Do you have what it takes to be the best? Great opportunity for current college students! Join our convictions. Starting pay is $11-$11.25p/hr. We also Are you truly appreciated for what you do? advertising sales team! Assess client needs. Make offer Aetna health insurance, performance awards and recommendations for ad campaigns based on budget 401K. $100 Signing Bonus for SO’s currently possessing TranscribersCourt reporting co. looking for exp. and target market. Generate revenue through inbound an unarmed DC security license and having 2yrs sec transcribers. 30+ hrs/wk. Competitive page rates. calls. 15 or 16 hrs/wk. Customer service and sales experience. Must stay with co. for 3 months. To apply if Resumes: TR, 1323 R.I Ave NW DC 20005. experience preferred. you possess a DC sec. Lic. call 202-558-3546. All others Travel agents needed. For more information: www.washingtonjobs.com apply on oline at sfi.appone.com Send resume to: Work from home. No exp nec. Call 301-352-7330. The Washington Post Truck Driver Human Resources SOCIAL WORK Capital Area Food Bank Attn: HR/1516EXP/JT MSW Administrator w/4 yrs exp. To Supervise resd. 1150 15th Street, NW HS Diploma * CDL * Exp-5yrs * Lift <50lbs) *DOT; Full care homes for troubled youth. benes. F: 202-587-1330, E: johnsonl@cfoodbank. Washington, DC 20071 Send resume: 1222 T St NW Washington DC 20009. [email protected] org, M: 645 Taylor St., NE, WDC 20017, EOE We are committed to diversity & promote SPORTS a drug-free environment. Paid Caddies opps for Booz Allen Classic Pro-Am CAREER TRAINING AND PGA Tour event June 21. Knowledge of the game & golf etiquette a must. Send the following info: Email, EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Sales Name, Address, Phone # & Golf Exper to Staceyann Earn up to Looking for Sales people at Park Van-Horne, [email protected] $70K. and entitle email: Pro-Am Caddy Lawn Cemetary. 301-910-1118. SPRINKLER ASSISTANT A Bar Career In 1-2 Weeks SALES Assistant position testing sprinkler systems in • Days, Evenings & Weekend Classes commercial buildings. Experience required. Imme- • Free Lifetime Personalized Job Placement INSIDE SALES/ diate opening. Competitive benefits & salary. Fax • Approved by the State of MD BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AT resume to 301-931-3337 or call 301-931-1500. • National Alcohol Awareness Certificate (T.I.P.S.) Call for nearest location 1-866-411-2MIX TEACHERS www.authenticbartending.com Exp’d Childcare providers. Car needed & high pay. No. VA. 703-698-8600 A+ PC Repair & Office Classes INFOTECH TRAINING INSTITUTE Sell employment ads to employers across all industries! TELEMARKETING Open territory. Competitive sales incentive! Seeking: Earn up to $25/hr. NOVO1 is looking for highly 301-576-5810 / CALLitEXPERT.com Sales hunter to research, prospect, generate and qualify skilled, exper’d inside sales reps to market for leads, cold call and close new business over the phone. Fortune 100 co. FT/PT. Great working environment, Target inactive and new potential advertisers. Compre- Laurel, MD. Call 301-361-1111, ask for Mark. hensive benefits package with health insurance that begins immediately and a 401(k) matching program. Telemarketing Fabulous career development opportunities and team Telesales Professionals environment. Grow your career at The Post! For more information: Here’s Your Chance to www.washingtonjobs.com Earn Incredible Money Send resume to: The Washington Post Our top producer took home $4100 last month Human Resources Attn: HR/MMEX/JT and we paid out over $1500 in cash bonuses last 1150 15th Street, NW week. Generous hourly wages plus the most Washington, DC 20071 rewarding bonus plan available. Unlimited earning [email protected] potential. Flex day & night time shifts. Conv. We are committed to diversity & promote a Tysons Corner loc. Bus/Metro accessible. drug-free environment. Ask about our Incredible Sign-On Bonus. Added Incentives for people with own trans- portation for night shift. Call Mr Clay at 703-430-0784 SECURITY OFFICERS **$1000 Sign on Bonus** VA, DCJS Armed FT/Night positions only. FREE BENEFITS VA Unarmed officers needed also. Own vehicle a must. Call Amber at Security Associates. JOBS 703-257-0292. !%k4G?A4BBk $" ! %kF43=4B30H Classifieds

REST/DELI— Must sell, $159K, well establ. Carib- PAPILLON PUPS — AKC, Some champ sired. Males Brookland $3900 KILMARNOCK—Well kept home faces the 16th hole CAREER TRAINING AND bean, ideal for couple or family. Call 703-568-7809 $500; 1 Female $850. 540-869-3175 Victorian House of Indian Creek Estates golf course. 3BR 1BA, kit, EMPLOYMENT SERVICES RESTAURANT—5000+ sqft bldg & assets for sale. [email protected]. Newly renovated, charming Victorian, steps from dining rm, LV rm & sun rm. 1/2 ac lot. $750/mo call Located in rapidly growing No Va area. Turnkey SHELTIE PUPPIES—AKC, Sable & White, personality Metro/Catholic U. Pat 703-620-0582 leave message operation. $1.2M. Call 540-270-8378 +! Looking for good homes! $450 304-754-9336 • 6 Bedrooms, 2 baths LANHAM—For Rent. Large 4 BR/3 BA, SFH, $2200, • Huge family room YORKIE-POOS—Adorable non-shed, pups w/ per- bus line, 4-6 can share, section 8 ok, 301-464-4384 • New central A/C or 301-352-6006 sonality+ S/W,health guar. 410-442-1167 • Hardwood flrs throughout STUFF • Renovated kitchen w/silestone Laurel—New condo 1BR 1BA in hist district over- 1253 Newton St. NE Call for appt. looks Main St. Hdwd flrs, w/d, granite, stainless steel EQUAL HOUSING 202-237-1403 or 202-725-6851 appl, close to shops, METRO, MARC. $1240/mo 100% microfiber sofa+lvst.Brnd new take $475 [email protected] CALL JOHN 301-434-3040 Duffie Inc. worth$1150 3/343-8630. OPPORTUNITY CAP HGTS—$1,300/mthly., 3BR, 1½BA, EIK, fncd-in LEESBURG - Beautiful 4 lvl luxury TH in a gated 8PC-Cherry sleighbed set, new in boxes, $595- bkyd, 2 min frm Addison Metro. 202-726-1196 commun. 4200 sf, Rockefeller model. Next to golf val $1100. 3/343-8630. All advertisements for the sale or course, lge deck, hdwd flrs, 4BR, 4½BA, 2-car gar, 2 CAP HGTS/Pennsylvania Oaks—3 w/ opt 4BR, Fpls, nr Dulles Airport. Short term lease ok. $2895, A/OFC FURN. LIQUIDATION rental of dwelling units published in 2BA, 3 lvl TH, 2 designated prkg space, washer rm., Won’t Last! Hurry MAY 29-JUNE 3 Furnished $3595. Avail 6/1. 202-550-0134 or Express are subject to the federal fully fin bsmt. $1575. 301-248-8426 703-765-8341. NEW & USED 30-50% OFF CHES BAY/Calvert Co— Waterfront cottage, 2nd flr • Desks, Credenzas, Chairs Fair Housing Act, which makes it loft, sweeping bay views upstairs & down. 32 miles LOGAN EAST—Newly decor, historic bldg, conven • Flat File Cabinet, Fire Safes from DC. Call Kyle, 301-751-0495 to transp./shopping, Efficiency $865 1BR $975 illegal to advertise “any preference, 202-289-4909 • File Cabinets, Reception Units limitation, or discrimination be- CLINTON/$1400— 4BR, all brk rancher, bsmt, lg lot • Bookcases and much more TEMPLE HILLS/$850—1BR, 1 ba. condo. All utils. LORTON—New SFH. 3700sqft. Ready Jul. 1. Open 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Mon-Sat cause of race, color, religion, sex, incl. Walking distance to Metro. $2800/nego. 703-493-8859 7200-A Fullerton Rd. Springfield, VA handicap, familial status or national The Real Estate Store 301-423-8081 Loudon/Merrifield— 3 lvl TH,2340SF,3BR/2.5BA,- Call us 703-455-5500. Fin w/o bsmt,2450/mo, nr Vienna/Dunn metro, Visit us @ WWW.COFOVA.COM origin, or intention to make any CLINTON—3BR, 3BA EI kitchen, fin bsmt, wash/dry, lge yd, avail now, $1800 call Dennis 301-390-5121 703-882-0120 Air Condition— Central. Furnace, heat pump, such preference, limitation, or dis- MANASSAS— 6BR, 4½BA, theatre rm, office. 42” never used. Will install. 301-262-8783 CLINTON/AAFB — $2575/mo. 6BR, 3½BA, fin’d bsmt, garage. Plasma TV in Fam rm, $2700/mo. Call 703-655-4662. 301-908-5394. crimination.” State law forbids dis- crimination based on factors in Barry, 301-203-3402, RE/MAX Colonial MINN & G ST. S.E. $700 ANTIQUE SHOW CONGRESS HTS—beaut. brand new 3-lvl TH 4-BR 3 VERY CLEAN 1 BEDROOM 70 Quality dealers June 3 & 4, 10-5 addition to those protected under full BA, wlk-out fin. bmst., rear parking, 2 mins to CLEAN 1BR + 1BA APT ON VERY QUIET STREET. Timonium Fair Grounds $4 Admission with ad federal law. Green line Metro, new Super Giant on the way. HARDWOOD FLOORS AND NEW CARPET. CALL 2/ ***BAD/NEGATIVE CREDIT $2500. Call 301-452-7503 207-5008 FOR MORE INFO Express will not knowingly ac- DC Town Sq. Towers $2030 MT PLEASANT—Newly renov. spacious Studio. In- Remove from Credit Report cept any advertising for real NEAR POTOMAC RIVERFRONT tercom sys. w/w crpt. d/w. laundry rm on premises. 3 min walk to L’Enfant Metro nr Metro. $900. 202-210-2726 Call 202-775-6932 estate which is in violation of • Quiet 1 Br, 1 Ba, NE—2-BR apt, newly renov. $900+gas/elec. Paul BD $150 Qn Double pillowtop matt set new in the law. All persons are hereby • new kitchen, lg balcony 301-725-3007 plastic Can del 301-399-7870 informed that all dwellings ad- • 800 sq ft NE—2BR, 1.5BA, balc on BR lvl. Gated back yard, BD $235 Double pllwtop king matt set New in • All util incl. + garage 2car gar, newly renov. $1850/m. 202-309-5073 plasticCan del 301-343-8630 vertised are available on an 202-352-5950 DIST HTS— Male Private furnished rooms in quiet NE—3BR, $1350/all utils inc. Nr RI Ave. Bettie BEDS equal opportunity basis. home Near bus, metro, shops 301-568-3386 301-464-3654 Used in Great Condition DONT LET CREDIT STOP YOU FROM RENTING NE/428 60th St— 4BR,2BA.sec8 OK 301-537-2773 —Call 240-350-4944 301-518-9698; QUEEN SETS $129 NE-562 24TH ST.—SPACIOUS 3 LEVEL TH & BASE- TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN MD 301.324.8684 301.468.6443 DOWNTWN/CC—Bachelor/commtr pad, new fixtrs, conven transp, shpng, $775/mo. MENT, 3BR 1.5BA DR,LR, FR. W/W CARPET, W/D, MASSAGE THERAPY AT BALTIMORE 410.719.6922 202-289-4909 WALK TO RFK STADIUM & METRO PARKS COLLEGE VA 703.818.2678 703.354.2600 DUMFRIES—SFH, 4BR, 2½BA. Nr elementary. NE-562 24TH ST.—SPACIOUS 3 LEVEL TH & BASE- u MENT, 3BR 1.5BA DR,LR, FR. W/W CARPET, W/D, $2600/mo. 703-244-7731 You will receive a solid base of knowl- CORT FURNITURE WALK TO RFK STADIUM & METRO $1,800 edge through instruction and CARPET— Starting at $1.59/s.f. Hardwood floors, FAIRFAX/Burke—Mstr BR-$650. Small BR-$450. +¼ AYANNA FOWLKES 301-758-1062 $6.99/s.f. Price includes installation. 301-341-2499 utils. Also fin bsmt Mo to Mo Lse. Avail immed. TH to hands-on training that can get you shr. 703 624-4761 NE/827 11th St.—5BR, 1½-BA. Sec 8 OK. Cash for Cash Notes( all types of notes)—my 301-537-2773 301-518-9698; started in this exciting field. name is james i am an investor and i will pay top RENTALS FAIRFAX CIR—All brick TH. 4BR, Tysons Corner Campus cash for your cash notes, any type, we can closed in 3.5BA, walk out bsmt, quiet community, nr Metro. NE/SE—Effcy, 1BR & 2BR apts, $575 & up + elec. No as little as 3 weeks. call me for a free quote at Avail 6/1. 301-424-7618. pets. Call 202-265-4814 or 202-889-4083. 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 Alexandria City/Rt 1 Fred A. Smith Co. (301)919-3700 FALLS CHURCH/LAF PARK—1BR den, new w2w, McLean, VA 22102 Highrise, Garden Apts & Twnhms NW— 4 luxurious apt units. 2 BR ea. 2 effcy. Avail for Dinette 5pc new in box. Worth $400 Take $175. Numerous Amenities! DW, balcony, utils incld on Route 7 nr Seven Corners. Solid wd. 240-372-6691. $1,250/mo Jobin Realty 703-856-4533 rent. 5533/5539 Illinois Ave. Off Georgia Ave. Close Metro/bus line, Howard U, Cath U, shppg & rest. Pls CALL: 888-425-7099 *SPECIAL FOGGY BOTTOM—Gorgeous 1BR, steps away from Adkey NPEX626F FRANCONIA—Community Yard Sale, 6/3 (Raindate call 202-723-4393 or 202-723-4392 6/10), Tammy Drive off Franconia Rd between Move-in by 7/1/06 GWU Metro, World Bank, Kennedy Center & State Beulah & Van Dorn Dept. 24-hr desk & pool. $1875/mo. Call John at NW—Brand new, 2 BR lux condo, in the heart of DC, $275 Move-in Credit 202-965-1061 or 202-329-1919. hdwd flrs, state of art kit and appls, priv. gym & GRANITE COUNTERTOPS SALE TRAIN TO BECOME A 4th Mo Rent 1/2 Credit FREDERICK—Beaut TH, 3BR, 2.5BA, huge mstr terrace, $2650, good credit & ref. needed, $25/per sq ft. This Saturday. Great color selec- 703-580-9655 SECURITY SPECIALIST tion. Call 301-627-7630 Carydale East 703-751-7576 suite w/ frplc, new paint & carpet, Sect 8 allowed, *Holly Court 703-765-7039 $1400, mins from 270 & 495. NW/MILITARY RD—Effics from $675, 1BR $850; AT PARKS COLLEGE MATTRESS SALE— lge selection, all szs in plastic, *Rolling Hills 703-780-0161 Call 240-277-6605. utilities included. Newly redecorated apartments, $80-$280/Basic, Serta & Simmons. Make ofr Credit Graduate in less time than you think! *Carydale Village 703-780-6244 FREDERICKSBURG/ORANGE—Renttoown2BR Safe, secure building. Laundry room, manager on- cards accepted. Warr. DC/MD/VA Same Day Delivery *Washington Avenue 703-765-7039 site. Mgr: 301-503-9738 avl. A.J. 301-674-2843 www.mattress4less.biz unit. $129,900/$750 mo. Tysons Corner Campus www.carydale.com Karen Rollings, RE/MAX 2000. Call Courtney Housing Choice Voucher Welcome Moving Sale—Bassett-Lodge, 5pc Mst bd set; Oak 804-365-0266. NW—Nr Metro. Lg/Furn:$400-600. Dep. Long-term. 1430 Spring Hill Rd, Suite 200 entmt/bookcase; Kenmore, wht, side.by.side ref. $0000 202-829-3307 McLean, VA 22102 ice/wt in door; artwork; etc. Pix avail. 509-210-2318. Section 8 OK FT WASH— NEW 4 BR, 2.5 BA SFH. $1600. Large single family home. 4 blocks from metro. 5 Call 202-361-2751 N.W./SHAW 226 Q St. —2BR $1350 & 3BR $1750 , OFFICE FURNITURE sep entry, w/d, w/w crpt, Antionia 202-425-5585. Arlington Campus Rock Bottom Prices From: mnts from downtown DC G‘TWN—Beaut. lg 1BR very bright w/hdwd flrs, bay Desks $60 Chairs $25 Lat. Files $50 • 5 Bedrooms, 1.5 BA, W/D windows, lots of closets. d/w. nr Metro, GW, World Online $1 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 Bkshlvs $50 Fire Safe $350 & More! • Large eat in kitchen Bank & G’twn. All utils incl. Avail 7/1/06. $1595. Call Mwendo.com Arlington, VA 22203 Open 9am-6pm, Monday-Saturday Call 202.491.9456 or 301.455.4850 703-899-5345 Free listings like Craigslist, but more features! 403 SWANN AVE., ALEXANDRIA, VA ARL/BALLSTON METRO LUXURY—2BR 1BA GAITH—3BR, 3¼ ba TH, 3 lvls, deck, fncd. Nr bus. Mwendo.com CALL: 866-300-9344 CALL US: 703-535-8085 $1950/mo, avail 7/1. 703-637-9120. See it all @ $1950. 301-865-5189 OXON HILL—3BR, 2HBA, 2FBA, end unit TH. fpl, Adkey NPEX625E PLASMA TV—42in Vizio Plasma. In box never www.continental-condo.com Glenarden/Lanham $1550 w/d, 1 car gar, gated yrd, $1650+dep. 301-922-8038 opened. Product #P42-EDTV. www.vizioce.com. ARL N—3BR/1½BA brick COL. A/C, DW & W/D. FR & Townhouse OXON HILL EHO $1300.00 Pls call 301-604-6255 deck. Fenced yd. Excel nghbrhd/schools. Near 3 bdrm, 1.5ba in quiet neighborhood, good schools. Studio fr $685 1BRs fr $765 TRAIN TO BECOME A POETRY—”Servant of the Verse” is the Vacation Washington Golf. $2550 703-328-1633 DW, W/D W/W carpet. No pets. Sec. dep+1mo.rent. 2 BRs fr $885 3BRs fr $1135 MEDICAL ASSISTANT AT Book of Romantic Poetry. Buy this 16.95, 119pp ARL N/ROSSLYN — 2BR, 1BA, $2050 incl utils. Avail 7/1. Good rental ref. required. (804) 651-7465. 5% Military & Fed Gov’t Discount, Instant Approvals/ book at Amazon.com. Available July 1. 703-340-8383 GLOVER PARK—Newly renov. 2BR. w/w crpt. nr Move-ins, Plush Carpet, Central Air/Heat, Free after- PARKS COLLEGE POOL TABLE— Mahogany, excel cond. Accessories Metro. laundry rm on premises. storage rm avail. school program, Metro Access. *Restrictions apply. ARL/PENTAGON CITY—lux renov 1-BR 1-BA. Wlk to PARK FOREST 625 Audrey Lane 800-880-3923 No high school diploma or GED? included. $1500. Call 703-307-2497 Metro & Mall. Jacuzzi w/marble, granite, hwd flrs, $1400. Call 202-210-2726. We have options! SAUDER QU BR SET—2night stnds, hd brd, ma- new appls. $1500/mo. 703-867-3871 HERNDON—New 3BR 2.5BA TH,bsmt, dck,fpl,garg, PALISADES— English bsmt effcy overlooks beauti- tress, 6 drawer dresser, mirror, $550. 703-724-1210 very spacious, acc Mtrobus,Shop Ctr, Gym, toll Rd, ful garden, $950 incl utils, N/S, 202-363-6122 Arlington/Rosslyn Several Locations WrldGate, Airport, Rt 28/267, $1800,703-932-6757 Tysons Corner Campus SPECIAL: MOVE IN BY 6/1/06 PETWORTH—3-4BR 2BA. sunrm & remod kitchen. & GET 4TH MONTH FREE! HYATTSVILLE—4BR 2 full BA. freshly painted. hdwd Fin bsmt w/carpeting. Lg sitting area, BA & sep 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 200 TICKETS flrs in LR. upgraded carpet in BRs. lg yard. patio. Loc. laundry area w/wd. Excel loc., mins from Metro/Sil On-Site Parking, Walk Metro Spg/Wheaton. $2200/mo. Call 202-545-3970 McLean, VA 22102 Upgraded Apts, 1&2BRs blks from Metro/Beltway/DC. Avail June 1. Call 703-671-4045 or 703-861-7605 Murphy, 301-325-1396. ROCKVILLE/GAITHS—1 & 2 Lg BRs. Furn or unfurn. Arlington Campus BUSINESS CLASS TICKETS (2)—To most destina- www.carydale.com HYATTSVILLE—4BR crnr hse, 2FB, W/D, OSP. Nr Short/Long term, Corp/internships. Fully equipped 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 tions worldwide. Major carriers. Huge savings. Metro/shpg ctr/schls. $1600+ Call 301-420-5062 kit/balc. Nr metro, park w/pool & gym, grocery. 202-903-7287 Beltsville $1200 Good rates utils incld/cable 301-948-0087. Arlington, VA 22203 NICE APARTMENT! KALORAMA—Spacious 2BR w/library, $3500. NATIONALS*WIZARDS*ORIOLES 2/2 Bed/Bath all util incl NP 301-982-0803 202-332-2283 SE/1634 V ST—2BR, renov. Nr. Metro. Sec. 8 ok. CALL: 866-300-9340 BUFFETT*MCGRAW*PEARL JAM 410-3701366 $975. 240 375-1436 Adkey NPEX625F 301-985-6250 BETH N/BENTLEY PL—2 Lvl, 2/3BR, huge loft, 3FBA, SE/2251 Shannon Pl—3BR,2BA, sec8 OK. www.greatseats.com cathed ceil, w/d, July 1, $1950.Call 301-493-9325 301-537-2773 301-518-9698; BUSINESS AND REDSKIN SEASON TICKETS—2 Dream level Seats, BETH N—Best View! Lux 2BR, 2FBA, 1 yr old Condo, Sect 6, Row 2, Best Seats in House, Catered, Purple sunny all day, frpl, pvt balc, end unit. Pools, clubhse/ FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES Parking, cushion XL seats, Club Access, Seats cost fitness ctr, 2 Stations fr Naval Hosp. Metro, nr shops, $8300. 301-366-5584; [email protected] $2350. incl condo fee, 301-770-0911. COMMERCIAL CLEANING CONTRACT—From REDSKINS VS DALLAS 9/16-9/18. Complete pkg. BETHESDA—Newly remod. 1 BRs fr $1345. 2BRs fr $500-$16,000/mo. avail to existing cleaning compa- Air, room & tickets to game. Call Johnny $1660. Incls. utils & prkg. Avail. July & Aug. Near nies who wish to purchase additional business. 301-449-3478 or Mike 301-490-1159 Metro, NIH, shops. No pets. 301-656-1306 Call 240-299-3629 BOWIE—New ’03 lvl TH w/gar, 3MBR, 2.5BA, Jul 1 LXP SERVICES $1685. 202-904-5348 EQUIPMENT LEASING PETS BRENTWOOD/HYATTSVL—4BR, 2BA, unfin bsmt, for Businesses & Professionals detached, corner lot, fenced yard, charming, re- •Office Equipment, Furniture,Machinery, Auto, etc.• cently renov. Fairly new appls. $2950/m not incl util. ADOPT A CAT/KITTEN VET CHECKED Certificates excepted. 202-787-9682. Call for details 301-325-3133 Call Feline Foundation. [email protected] 703-920-8665 www.ffgw.org BROOKLAND/2919 10th St NE—3 BR, 2BA, fin bsemt, W/D, hdwd flrs., walk to Metro. Rent $1300 RE YOU HAVING TROUBLE DACHSHUND PUPS—Mini. Long & Shrt Coat. Reg & plus util call 202-829-0225 GETTING APPROVED? Rare Colors. Shots & Wormed. Spay, neuter con- Residential, commercial, construction and re- tract. $250-up 703-400-6180 hab loans. Bankruptcy, low credit scores, and Dachshunds Mini Puppies—9wks, choc/tan, foreclosure issues. No downpayment. No doc, shots,wormed, AKC, $450. 703-729-3835. no income verification loans. Call today and get approved. JAPANESE CHIN—AKC pups. Champ line. Vet 301-362-4001 checked. Quiet lap dogs. [email protected] F43=4B30Hk $" ! %k4G?A4BBk!& Classifieds

ROCKVILLE/ASPEN HILL —Hse to shr, rms avail., A Free LOG HOME Seminar FAIRFAX CITY—$849,900Stunning fully upgraded,- SPGFLD N.—4BR, 3BA. Split foyer, new HVAC ’06, $500-$550, utils incl., hse rec renov., 1 mo dep, no 4BR,4.5BA, 4200 sft, better than new SF city home, hdwd flrs, corner lot, nice yard. Close to I-495. RENTALS pets, close to bus/Metro/shpg. Call Tony at ..on all aspects of building & buying overlooks park w/ in-close loc, 4 fin lvls, 9/10 ft $529K. Jobing Realty, 703-628-3217 301-758-7361 your dream CEDAR log home inc total ceiling, gourmet cook isl, granite, SS, walk in pantry, STAFFORD—Buy this house w/$500 or less. Brk col. SE—2BR&1BRavail. for immed. move in. Sec. 8 ok. ROCKVILLE—Share House. Nr Transp/Shops. analysis on costs, pricing, land etc. lux BA, o/s shower, up 4th lvl w/ FBA. Conv dine, shows like a model, a 10+. 4-BR 2½-BA, totally Call Sally 301 593-6500 No Smkng or Pets. Lge MBR w/private BA, patio, shop, 495,bus, Metro. Maureen Simpson renov., upgraded appls., new carpet & paint, 1/2 ac., $559+; BR w/pvt BA, Kitc, entrance, Deck, $659+. Sunday 6/4 from 2-4pm. 571-221-8720 Christopher Real Estate Co has 8-car driveway, Only $399,000. 2500 fin. sq. ft.1 SE—2BR apt. loc. at 411 Atlantic St. $750. Vouchers Call early, seating limited. welcome. Please contact 202 583-1778 Both avail 6/1. 240-351-5150 Fairfax City $1,144,000 mi. to 95. Closing cost paid. 100% financing. Trou- SE: 3109 MLK. Jr. Ave.—1BR $595 + utils. 3 blks. SIL SPG— WALK TO METRO, Professional Female to Mountain Creations Inc 3 Levels of Luxury bled credit OK. Several others to choose from. Call from W.Gas, 1 block from the Fire Station. share wonderful hse. BR/$495 N-Smkg/ N/P. In- 1-888-logs-007 4BR, 4.5 BA Georgian Col in elegant Farrcroft just Scott Phillips, at 540-226-0492 Re/Max Allegiance Manager: 202-215-1190 Office: 202-537-8970 cludes utilities. 301-593-2435. steps from Old Town! Designed for any lifestyle w/2 STAFFORD—Buy this house w/$500 or less. 3-BR 2 Alex/Cameron Station $645,000 MBRs, 20 ft FR, Loft, granite, hdwds, daylite w/o Housing Choice Voucher Welcome VIENNA/OAKTON—Nr Metro. M/F to shr N/S quiet Top of the line home! Granite & maple kitchen, full BA, 1-car gar., new paint, carpet, mstr suite 3BR lux decor TH. Full amens. W/D, WiFi LAN, D/W, lower lvl w/3 huge rooms + bath & mini kit. Call w/fpl, shows like model, 1 mi. to 95. Closing cost SE: 4010 9th St.—1 BR $700+e. Totally remodeled,- hardwoods, 3br 3.5ba 2car gar! Fm 395, Duke St E, R Patsy-703-201-3673 Re/Max Allegiance. Dir: From hardwood floors, A/C, balcony, Southern Avenue Fp, wooded garden, prkng, nr I66/123/Metro (5 Cameron Station Blvd Thru Circle to 306. Call paid. 100% financing. Troubled credit OK. $329,950. min)/Bus Rt. $645+ 1/3 utils. Avl Now. 703-582-7295 66W>Rte 50 East> Lt Main St>Lt Old Lee Hwy>Rt Call Don Ratterree 571-334-5048 Re/Max Allegiance Metro. Laundry room on-site. 703-795-6011 Farrcroft Dr. to 10094. Manager: 202-270-1319 WALDORF— 1 BR. $599/mo+ ½ utils & sec dep. WEICHERT, Realtors 703-760-8880 STOCKS STILL LOW Housing Choice Voucher Welcome N-smkg, smk, no pets. Nice ngbrhd, TH. FALLS CHURCH $479,900 Invest in the booming Atlanta mkt. Buy investment Alex/Cameron Station $639,000 MOVE IN NOW! S.E. ANACOSTIA—3 lvl 4BR, den & study, 2 BA, CAC, 301-638-4680 Elegant brick townhome w/3BR, 3.5BA, 2car gar, 4 properties and sell with 45 days for a quick profit. w/d, dw, cls to Metro, Sect 8 ok, St St appls, hdwd Rambler/Excellent condition. All new kitchen and $5k min inv. 25% return w/n 45 days. Not an levels of luxury for less! Granite & hardwoods! Fm bath, many other upgrades. flrs, newly renov. Exposed brick wall, Deep back 395, Duke St E, R Cameron Station Blvd. Home on IPO-IRA’s Welcome yard. Avail immed $2300. 202-547-9596 CONDOS FOR SALE Call Kit Britton, Re/Max Allegiance Serious inquiries only. left. Call 703-795-6011 703-585-7227. SIL SPG—blk from Forest Glen Metro. 3-BR 2-BA, WEICHERT, Realtors 703-760-8880 www.pinnacledevpartners.com FORECLOSURES!— ARLINGTON, FAIRFAX, 866-871-3226 split, fin. bsmt., immed. occup., $1700+utils. Group Alex/Cameron Station From the $400’s ADAMS MORGAN $325,000 LOUDOUN & PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTIESWE FI- TEMPLE HILLS $330,000 1 Keller Assoc., Inc. 301-593-6500 1 BR, 1 BA condo with $216 condo fee that includes FREE CONDO DUES FOR 1 YEAR!!! SIL SPG—Crptd 1BR, $1025 utils incl, onsite prkg, nr NANCE!Equal Opportunity Lender Rick FFX Realty 3BR, 2 ba. brick rambler w/garage, fncd yd., gas insurance. Furnace & water heater 2 years old. 1 703-385-RICK (7425) heat. Nice lot. Metro/Shops. Bus at door. Deposit $500. block from Adams Morgan nightlife & close to 5112 DONOVAN DR#412 $478,500 Monterrey Apts 301-588-3413 2BR 2BA W/LOFT, HUGE BALCONY & GAR. SPACE! Forestville $385,000 The Real Estate Store 301-423-8081 Woodley park metro. Colonial Beauty SIL SPG/Glenmont—2BR, den, carport, W/D, CAC, 2633 Adams Mill Rd. NW #403 Wash. D.C. 20009 VIENNA/$570,000—3BR rambler, 2BA, fin bsmt., hdwd flrs, crnr lot. $1450+ 301-598-9391 4950 BRENMAN PARK DR #406 $497,500 Excellent condition carport, new siding & windows, completely remod- Paul Marston 202-247-1825 • 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths SS/GA. AVE—Beltway/Forest Glen Metro. 2BR apt Long & Foster 301-650-4400 3BR 2.5BA PENTHOUSE W/GRANITE KITCHEN! eled. Ready to move-in. Prin. only. 706 Kingsley Rd. $1095/all utl incl. 301-681-2776. • Finished Bsmt w/ Rec Room S.W. Call 703-863-1616 • Family Room, 2-Car Garage STAFFORD—5BR 3½BA SFH for rent. $2400. ALEX/Place One 5116 DONOVAN DR #408 $497,500 Renovated 1BR/1BA. 5500 Homes Run Pky, 2BR 2BA PENTHOUSE W/HDWDS & GARAGE SPACE! • Only 10-yrs-old Nisha, 571-212-1855 Backs to parkland S.W.—Brand new luxury TH w/1-car gar, never lived #1408. $219,000. 703-370-8066 WE BUY HOUSES 283 CAMERON STATION BLVD $519,000 Patricia Holt - RE/MAX One in. Close to new waterfrt harbor, 5 mins from shops Alexandria City $325,000 301-858-0033 301-464-0044 ANY PRICE OR COND & US Cap. Kitc w/corian counter tops & maple EASY DOES IT! 3BR 2.5BA TH W/BRICK PATIO & GARAGE! Light-filled 1 bd, 1 ba condo in beautiful Braddock FT WASH $340,000 cabinets, deck, 2BR + Den, 2½BA, $1995/mo. $5000 Closing Help Lovely Immac. all brick 1 lvl Do You Need To Sell Quickly? Call Dan, 301-871-2084. Place.Wonderful value! FROM 395, DUKE ST EAST, R CAMERON STATION • Granite Countertops BOULEVARD. CALL TO SEE! 703-795-6011. Rambler. 3BR. 2 full BA. levelled back yard. WE BUY HOUSES FAST Takoma Park NEAR METRO! • New Blinds sz06 WEICHERT, Realtors 703-760-8880 301-379-3073 All cash, no contingencies, no commission, no fees 1 BR sec bldg, pking incl, utils incl, $825. • Walk In Closet ALEX CITY KENSINGTON COURTS $650,900 GERMANTOWN $569,000-Built in 2000 SFH,3 lge You Save $. Buying in Maryland, DC & Virginia. Call JOHN 301-434-3040 Duffie Inc. • Close to Metro! 438 Stanton Place, Alex., VA 22304 BRs, 2½BA, fully fin lwr lvl, open flr plan, gourmet kit, Brian, Re/Max 2000, 301-996-9695 TEMPLE HILLS—1, 2 & 3BR Apts avail immed! W/W. Call Shawn Harris to see this beauty 703-338-4162. Immaculate 4-level garage townhome. 3 bedrooms, bright lge windows. Call Jai Kim 202-425-8321; Keller www.listorbuyhomes.com. D/W. Fireplace. Gas included. Call 301-894-8524 EXiT All Star Realty 2.5 baths with all of the finishing touches. Easy DC Williams Realty 240-514-1500 X 1529. [email protected] TEMPLE HILLS—Very nice home to shr. Furn. rm. All www.exitallstarmetro.com commute with Metro rail within walking distance. GERMANTOWN $725,900— Gorg NV Home built WILLIAMSBURG— July 4 week. 1 or 2 BR’s. Fairfield utils. & cable incl. Lv. msg., we will return calls ARL/Clarendon Metro— Lux 2BR, 2 BA. 1 yr old. Call for a private tour. 2000. 4BR, 3½BA, 2 story foyer, gourm kit w/Corian Resort. Close to Tourist center. Busch Gardens, promptly 571-221-9567 Great amens. $609K. Jobin Realty, 703 628-3217 Christina Wood 202-714-9822 cntrtops, new paint, 2-car gar. J. Kim 202-425-8321; Water Park, Virginia Beach. 301-469-0589 Temple Hills $1125 ARL— Must see a brand new lux design 2 BR, 2 BA Long and Foster 703-522-0500 Keller Williams Realty 240-514-1500 X 1529. WOODBRIDGE $499,900 Nice 2 BR Condo w/den condo. Ceramic tile, ss appls, all custom ARL/BALLSTON METRO $629K GERMANTOWN—2 story, 4BR, 2½BA w/ lge fncd 2lvl 4BR 3BA 3 car grg, pool, jacuzzi, over an acre lot, Walk to Metro. Near shopping malls. Section 8 work. $365K. Call Chris Logan, 240-476-3050. 2BR + den, 2 BA, 3-story end unit all brk. TH. Metro & yd., 2 car gar., 3,000sqft., nr 270. $555,000. very priv. Tito 571-722-2788 REMAX ALLEGIANCE accepted. ARL N. $599,999 Rt. 66 accessible. Call for appt. to view this beaut. 202-905-3077 WOODBRIDGE—No bank qualifying. No credit ap- • Washer & Dryer 2BR, 2BA unit in new Odyssey condo at Courthouse property. 703 741-7616 HYATTSVILLE/Takoma Park—built out already plication. Gorgeous house nr Quantico Marine Base. • Dishwasher Metro. Garage parking, spectacular views from ARL N/Waycroft Price Reduced! $625,000 done on nice size ofcs w/lots of free pkg, rght on Call Ruby 571-432-6717. • Patio private balcony, all amenities. 2001 N. 15th St., Unit Walk to Ballston Metro. Charming all brick Cape Cod, New Hamp Ave, ½ mi from DC, metro stops at door • Fully Carpeted 308. Open 6/4 - 1-4PM. Call 703-351-8095. 3BR, 1FB, 1HB. Wood flrs, woodburning FP, main lvl w/subway 10 mins away. Call Leslie Holmes M-F Call for appt. Weichert, Realtors bedrooms, upper lvl master. Detached brick 1 car 301-270-4400; [email protected] LOTS & ACREAGE A.J. Blackman 703-772-8597 ARL N/Rosslyn/River Place— LRG STUDIO, Furn. gar. 1 mile to Ballston. Open June 4 - 1-4pm. For LOOKING FOR COMMERICAL PROP—Can buy Triangle, VA—4 BR 2.5 ba SF.Deck, fam rm 2 car gar, more info contact: Lisa Koch 703-801-7156. From almost anything. Will buy almost anything. Call $165,000. Incld new fitness cntr. Wlk Metro. Other 20+ acres - $134,900 w/ private, deeded river nice yrd $2,000 call 703-675-8367 Ballston area: N. on Glebe Rd, L. on 17th St, L. on N. 240-328-6210 units avl. Beth, Arlington Realty: access. Enjoy over 1,000 ft. of seasonal stream. Only Tysons Corner—Spacious 1BR & 2BRs starting at 703-944-9706 703-836-4610 Woodstock to 1628 on R. LORTON/8107 Gilroy Dr. $849,990 Weichert, Realtors one! Long term financing avail. 1-800-888-1262 $1400. Fully renovated high end units. Deluxe ARL N Seller will pay $15,000 closing cost. Beaut. 5 BR fitness center w/sauna, year-round pool & tennis ARLINGTON VILLAGE STUNNER 20+ acres & larger parcels. Deeded river access. SHORT WALK TO METRO! 4.5 BA, Colonial, brand new w/ over $100k in . facilities. Fully equipped business center, express $328,500 upgrds. min from rail, wlk to comm. pool, tennis & 3 state views, hardwoods Mins to town & inter- Efficiencies from $185K; 1 Bedroom from $270K; state. 2 hrs DC Beltway. Ready to enjoy for recre- shuttle to METRO. Just mins from Tysons Corner 2BR from $269,900 Classic Colonial all-brick 2-level townhome. club hse. 202-549-7459 Center. For appt, Call Howard at 703-473-1050 1BR/1BA with superior finishing touches! Deck, ation or build. LandinWV.com Marion Cloud 703-314-7033 LORTON TOWN CENTER—$25,000 seller incentive ForSalebyOwner.20+ acres for $189,900. This www.apartments.com/renaissance2230 RE/MAX ALLEGIANCE pool, tennis, fabulous grounds. Walk to movies, to buyer. SFH.5-BR 3½-BA, 3 yrs old, fin. bsmt., 2-car W. SPRFLD—2LVL, 2BR TH, in Carnal Forest. Nr grocery, restaurants & shops. For details call: parcel has large oaks w/ untouchable 50 mile mtn ARL/ROSSLYN $209,950 gar., bus to Metro, wlk to VRE. Angie Domingo views! Also, has private river access for fishing & Metro, bus, schools $1350/m 703-912-6424 Christina Wood 202-714-9822 703-953-8235 L&F for sale. Newly remodeled spectacular studio 476 Long & Foster 703-522-0500 canoeing. Exc. Financing. Call (304)262-2770 Why Rent...YOU Can Buy!—ARLINGTON, FAIRFAX, MANASSAS/PR WM CO—Heavy indus’l. M1. From s.f. w/views of the pool. Owner wants quick sale. Arlington $645,000 GRAND OPENING LOUDOUN PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTIESNO Money 703 587-4071 3750-18,750SF, warehouse & ofc. for lease + 5 acs. Down! We Finance!Equal Opportunity Lender. Rick Updated Charm! of outside storage. 703 759-4524 NC Deep Waterfront Fairfax Realty- 703-385-RICK (7425) Arlington/Ballston Metro $559,000 Arlington Forest ‘Jewel‘.3 bd,1 ba,1/4 acre flat Built in 2004 - 1188 sq.ft 2BR/2BA w/Parking MOOREFIELD, W.VA —5 acs of wooded property New upscale gated waterfront community in prime WOODBRIDGE—4lvl TH w/3BR w/1 extra rm in lot.Gorgeous gourmet kit w/granite.Hardwoods. ‘The Continental‘ 851 N.Glebe#917. FireP/Balcony. Call Shawn Harris to see this beauty 703-338-4162. located on Lost River State Park Road, 4.8 mi from yet secluded coastal location right off scenic Hwy 17 bsmt, 3½BA. Great water view! $1800. BusinessCntr. Pool. Gym. Theatre. 703.402.5446 Moorefield & Corridor H Rd. w/ easy 1-95 access. Enjoy full service marina w/ 202-437-0084 EXiT All Star Realty ARLINGTON - WINDGATE II www.exitallstarmetro.com $90,000. Call 304-530-2026 boat slips & boat ramp along w/ white sand beach! WOODBRIDGE — Brand new SFH, 5BR, 5BA, conv. 2520 South Arlington Mills Drive #B NO POTOMAC $1,099,000 Paved roads, water, sewer, more. Excellent financ- loc’d nr 95 & PW Co. Pkwy. $2399/mo. BETH—4+BR, 3BA on park, walk all, bsmt, Arlington, VA 22206 [email protected] Gorgeous brkfrnt 5BR, 4½BA in Barrington. Hdwds ing. Must see! Call now 1-800-732-6601, x.1553 703-627-5226. Totally turnkey! 3 level townhouse with 2 BR, 2.5BA, on main & upper lvl. 2 story FR, sunrn, gourmet kit Charles Watkeys, BIC WOODBRIDGE— TH. 3 lvl, 3 BR, 1 ofc rm. 1½ BA. BOWIE $405,000 100% FINANCING Hdwds, granite, privatefenced patio, pool, tennis, Beautifully landscaped, 4-BR, 3 full BA, split foyer w/granite, fin lwr lvl, almost 4000 SF, 1/3 ac lot, Top of the World! 20+ acres - $279,900. Best mtn Oscar, 571-259-9696 Reyna, 703-398-5351 and walking distance to chic Shirlington. Call for a Wootton School Dist. Call J. Kim 202-425-8321; views available anywhere! Very usable with private WOODLEY PARK/ZOO—1BR. Indr pkg. Swim pool/ w/gar. Pond w/koi. Mint cond. Closing help. private tour. $520,000 MLS AR6020680 By owner. Will co-op. 301-249-8538 Keller Williams Realty 240-514-1500 X 1529. river access! Low-rate financing. Nothing else com- exer. rm. All utl incl. Christina Wood 202-714-9822 NO POTOMAC- $635,000—all brk SFH over 1/2 ac pares! Call 1-800-888-1262 1 blk. Metro. $1800. 202 957-1857 Long and Foster 703-522-0500 BRAEMAR $499,900 BARGAIN IN BRAEMAR REDUCED $40K lot, 3BR, 2FBA, sundeck, fin lwr lvl, No HOA, perfect Virginia $300,000 Capitol Hill $303,600 SFH, 5BR, 3½BA, Frplc, 2 car grg, 3 fin lvls, wlk/out, for business or home ofc. Call J. Kim 202-425-8321; BAD CREDIT, Can’t Qualify? SUMMER RENTALS OPEN HOUSE MLS PW5574681. NOVA Homes Linda 703-915-6711 Keller Williams Realty 240-514-1500 X 1529. Rent with Option to Buy. Let me help. (703) 860-9458 Butterfield House is a new condominium designed Brandywine, MD $401,900 NW— HUGE Victorian 4BR, unique open flrplan, lrg after 6pm and constructed in the Edwardian style and with a Land 4.5 acres. Call Shirley, kit, nr downtown. Off of 1st & New York ave. NW 71 REHOBOTH BEACH $1,600,000 craftmanship rarely seen today. It will have 28 very 240-508-9096 C21 Home Center N st. $400K+ Call David 301-434-9490 x336. 2 BLOCKS TO BEACH unique one & two bedroom homes. Prices start in Long & Foster REAL ESTATE SERVICES low 300s. Come and visit sales center at 1010 CHESAPEAKE BAY WATERFRONT RENTALS—3-BR Contemporary home in ‘The Pines‘, being offered house or 2-br waterfront condo. Wkly or bi-wkly. Call OCEAN CITY—52 condos w/2BR avail now. furnished. Never rented, but good potential Pennsylvania Ave SE Hours are from 11-6 daily 800-992-0315 $190K-$260K. Call Frank K. @ RE/MAX ARE YOU TIRED OF RENTING? Do you want to • 4 Bedrooms 3 Baths & FR except Tues & Thurs. Brokers Welcome 240-271-5552 410-520-8153 • Cathedral Ceilings & Skylights butterfieldhouse.com 202-544-0021 CLEARMONT, FLA—FSBO. Beaut house. 15 min. own? Bankruptcies, liens, judgements, foreclosures, OCEAN CITY MD—Sales & rentals. www.gotsandin- we can help. Call Berna Able at RE/MAX Alle- • Decked Rear Yard w/ Hot Tub from Disney Park. 4BRs, possible 5th, 2.5BA, EIK, DR, Cathedral/WesleyHeights $349K—4201 Cathe- myshoes.com giance 703-649-0939 • Garage dral - ONLY GARDEN/PATIO APT AVAIL & NEXT TO LR, Cath ceil., laun rm., 2 car gar., ingrnd, scrnd pool. $299,000. Inquire: 201-790-2943 Orrtanna, PA $214,900 FORECLOSURE SOLUTIONS—Avoid Foreclosure Call Allen Jarmon for Info! 302-745-5122 cell POOL Renov. 1BR/1BA w/Galley Kit. APPT ONLY —4 SALE NEAR CARROLL VALLEY LOG HOME 1.8 CROWLEY ASSOCIATES REALTY Carol Harris REMAX 202-338-1996 CLINTON— 4 yr old Colonial, 4BR, 2FBA, 2HBA, Mstr www.SOSforeclosure.com ste, Super Bath w/jacuzzi, w-i closets, formal liv & ACRES 3 BR 1 3/4 BA KIT DR LR DEN OFFICE & 410-258-5621 800-242-4213 DC $359,000 din rms, gourmet Kitc w/SS appls. Fam rm w/gas Fpl. MOREMUST SEE! GARAGE/WORKSHOP HOME BUYERS SELLER IS VERY VERY MOTIVATED! Hdwd flrs. Fin’d Bsmt w/exerc & theatre rms, deck, Mountain Valley Real Estate Weichert Realtors: FREE CONDO FEES FOR ONE FORECLOSURES, REHABS, ROOMMATES 2-car gar. Call Bethea at 240-462-6456. Century 717-762-9329 1-800-532-1119 AND FIXER UPPERS YEAR! Great views and plenty of sunlight! Separate 21/Home Center, 301-552-3000. REHOB/DEWEY—3BR, 2BA TH, cac, cbl, w/d, 2 blks dining room for entertaining, new floors, tons of Call Rick at 202-277-2310 COLLEGE PARK JUST LISTED $440,000 beach, pet fee, Sun-Fri, $775 to $975. 302-227-9127. MANASSAS $498,000 ANNAN—House to share by NOVA campus. 3 rms. closet space, 24-hour desk, rooftop pool & deck, [email protected] and on-site management! Very convenient location 5BR, 3FBA, 2Kitc, hdwd flrs, w/w crpt. 2 Apts or 1 7312 Castle Road avail. for F’s. W/D. $650 ea. incl utils. 571-228-6221 home, your choice. 8721 36th Ave (20740) RESTON VA 4/5 BR, 3 FBA, rambler, pool, hot tub, huge country BETH—Share 3BR condo. Wlkg dist to Grosvenor and near metro, shopping, and ample parking. 1420 N St. NW #812. Open House Sunday 1:00 PM - 4:00 Call Mrs Craven, 301-704-5214 Long & Foster Fox Mill Woods kit, hrdwd flrs main lvl. Remod. in 2003. ½ basketball Metro, close to Malls. $700 & $650, utils incl. Call DEANWOOD $289,000 Spectacular 3 story, 4BD Brick Colonial Home on 1/3 ct, huge lot, 6 car pkng driveway, enclosed deck. Call 202-486-9237 202-458-7833 PM. Weichert Realtors. Please call Brian Streaty (202) 256-3885 or e-mail [email protected] 2BR, 2BA, many upgrades. CLARK & ASSOCIATES Acre Wooded Lot. Remodeled, 2BA in Master Suite, 703-618-6858.Cuzzi Realty. COLLEGE PK—Furnished room avail in house to REAL ESTATE, 301-595-5529. For more info call, LEIA Plus Personal Property to be Sold ‘Pc. by Pc.‘ MANASSAS PARK $371,800 share, 2 rms on upper lvl, 1 in bsmt $500-$600. DUP CIR—THE CAIRO. $395,000. —Sunny 1BR, Pop Partnership Dissolution Bldg. Low condo fees, Renov, Granite, Isl, Bay wind BUTLER, 301-346-4083 211 Colfax Ct. OPEN Sun. 10-2 301-442-2496; 301-935-2721 DEWEY— Beach hse. Ocean block w/ocean view. 4 PUBLIC AUCTION Newly remod. 3 BR, 1 BA rambler. New cpt/paint, view, wd flr, 24hr sec, rf deck, real neighbrhd. FSBO Saturday June 17th. DOWNTOWN/NW—Nsmkg F shr renov TH, furn Open 1:45-3:45. 1615 Q St. N.W. #801. 703-338-8765 BR, 4 FBA. Avail Aug 19-26, Aug 26-Sept 2, Sept 2-9, siding. New driveway for 4 car pkng. Cul-de-sac. Call rms, W/W, W/D, cable wired, Metro, sec dep., net Sunday June 18th. FREDERICKSBURG/ORANGE $129,000 $3500/week. Call 703-757-0230 703-618-6858. Cuzzi Realty. rents start $385 incl utils. 202-232-1127 DISTRICT HTS—Lovely 3 lvl TH w/3BR, 2FBA, 2HBA, AuctionCompanyofAmerica.com FAIRFAX CITY—prof. M/F to share 3 level TH, N/S, 2 BR CONDOS (NO MONEY DOWN) 888.573.1616 Mtg Loans, Purchase, Refinance Payments as low as $600. fin bsmt, call Joyce Elam RE/MAX Allegiance LL, BA, sitting room. No pets. $485+1/4 util, 301-918-3441 VA Auctioneer Lic. #2929 From Excellent Credit to 100% 703-385-0248, 703-343-3568 Karen Rollings 301-774-0377 Re/Max RICHVILLE VICTORIAN FARMHOUSE LoganCircle/MetroCenter $479,900 DUCK, NC — 4 Seasons, 6-BR, 7-BA, private pool/ Problem Credit low to 70% FALLS CH/TYSONS—F,share condo, walk to shops, hot tub: Available 6/3, 7/8, 7/29, 8/5. 600 acres, barns, ponds, woods, meadows. $420K prkg, busline, $450-$550 incls utils. Avail now. Call NEWLY BUILT-1075 sq.ft-2Bedroom #Ref. #6225. Email: [email protected]. ALL FUND MTG 301-840-0630 ‘Quincy Court Condo‘ 1117 10th St#411. Walk to [email protected] 757-496-2115 703-599-7931. Fairfax $359,000 SEAT PLESANT—3BR 2½BA TH. Owner offering Frank Applewhite LARGO/KETTERING—1 Furn’d rm, Bath, in bsmt of New Convention Cntr & 2 Metros. (703)402-5446 assistance. Contact Kimecia Tompkins-Brown WE BUY HOUSES NW/LOGAN/906 T ST, $500’sK—Spac 2 lvl loft unit, CHARMING 2LVL 3/2.5 TH!! lge TH for person. Share Kitc. $600 incl utls, + 1 mo HUGE kitch, patio, attic, walk to VRE, home wrnty, Exit Premier Realty 240-393-3388 ANY SITUATION, ANY CONDITION secur dep. Call 301-675-9073. brand new. 2BR, 2½BA, 2 FPs, wd flrs., study, 1 prkg, SIL SPG— SFH . 4 BR, 3 FBA, Formal DR, big kitchen Cash in 3 days. Call 240-281-6225 upgraded kit. Sylvia, 202-549-7459. Owner/Agent, 5583 Hecate Ct, 703-989-0992 LAUREL—Resp prof. N/S roommate share lux. SFH, Fairfax City OPEN 1-4 $1,144,000 w/island. 2 frpls. Beautiful fncd yard. $525,000. Call WE DO REFI LOANS NO ONE ELSE CAN wlk-in clst, free cbl/intrnt. Cls to everything.Avl. 3 Levels of Luxury 301-949-1741 We accept scores below 500 and do unique deals. ASAP.301-776-0464 HOUSES FOR SALE 4BR, 4.5 BA Georgian Col in elegant Farrcroft just SILVER SPRING—SFH close to Dwntwn SS. 3BR All situations considered for residential real estate OLNEY—F to shr contemporary TH. Pvt BR & BA steps from Old Town! Designed for any lifestyle w/2 w/garage READY TO MOVE IN. Dan Krell, Realtor, refinancing w/equity. We save homes from foreclo- fully furn. W/D, cable tv, pool, prkg & utils incl. MBRs, 20 ft FR, Loft, granite, hdwds, daylite w/o Fairfax Realty, Inc. sure, bankruptcies & payoff high debt. $750/mo Avail Now. 301-213-1179 A FREE DAILY LIST OF HOMES in DC, MD, & VA lower lvl w/3 huge rooms + bath & mini kit. (Direct)301-529-8475; (0)301-881-9800. Call 240-314-0319. —for Sale w/Prices, Addresseses & Descriptions. Call Patsy 703-201-3673 Re/Max Allegiance Equal Housing Opportunity Visit www.move4freerealty.com. Sarah Santa Ana Dir: From 66W>Rte 50 East> Lt Main St>Lt Old Lee SilverSpringHomeSearch.com 202-369-1460 FAIRFAX REALTY Hwy>Rt Farrcroft Dr. to 10094. Daily Listings by Email !'k4G?A4BBk $" ! %k Classifieds


1717 K St, NW.—Office Intelligently: Save Hun- dreds/mo. On demand offices, phone, mail, Internet, other svcs. Plans $45- $200/mo. Call OSI, 202-508-3896 to learn more. NW— Prof office space for rent. Nr shpg center, Metro sta., bus lines, Howard & Cath Univs. Loc’d at 5533-5539 Illinois Ave. NW, Wash DC (20011), off Georgia Ave. 202-723-4393 or 202-723-4392 WHEELS

AMERICA CAR LOANS APPROVED Bad credit? No problem! We get you approved for auto & truck loans. 866-489-4789 AUDI ’01 TT Roadster Convertible—5 spd, 44k mi, It’s time to Green, AM/FM, Cassette, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, $21995, 202-361-0909 BMW ’04 330ci—Sprt pkg, 29K mi, Silver, Black lthr, leave her excl cond, like new. $34,540. 703-855-8059 CAD ’95 DeVille—99k mi, green, AM/FM, CD, AC, Help us celebrate the premiere PW/PDL, PS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, $4500, housemates 240-752-5032 CHEVY ’01 Monte Carlo—2 door hardtop, 75K miles, Md insp., full pwr., lthr seats, good condition. of Fit — the guide to exercise, $9,000/obo. Call 410-365-7218. for a house. FORD ’97 Crown Vict—4dr, auto, 86K mi, all pwr, ac, airbags, good cond, $3800/OBO 301-577-2674 nutrition, wellness and more, FORD ’95 CONTOUR—4 door,automatic, 72k mi, all Sell your home in Express. pwr, air bags, AC, cass, good condition. $2600 OBO 301-459-1094 FORD ’94 Explorer XLT— 4x4, auto, 4 dr, all pwr, every Tuesday in Express! alloy whls, p/seats, excel cond. $2695. Call Place your Classified 240-882-4637. HONDA ’05 CIVIC — Red, auto, snrf, CD, pw, pl, very ad today. good condition. 10K mi, $14,500/obo. Call 703-989-2470. HONDA ’97 CRV—Auto, Green, AWD, ABS, Airbags, Cruise, Insp, 195k hwy mi. 1 owner. Very well maint at dealership. Timing belt/water pump chaged at 202-334-6200. 186K mi. Svc recs avail. $5300 kbb 301-392-5216. JAGUAR ’96 XJ6 Vanden—113Kmi, dark green w/tan leather intr., well loved. $9000 OBO call 703-533-3818 LAND ROVER ’00 Range Rover—Auto, 81k, Blue, AM/FM, Cassette, CD, Insp, Snrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, Loaded, $13500, 202-528-7186 MERCEDES ’82 240 D—Some original parts, auto, runs good, needs frame work, sunroof, creme, good body $700/OBO, 571-213-1601 NISSAN ’94 Pathfinder SE—auto, clean in/out, runs good, sunrf, ac/heat, all pwr, $1950/OBO 240-593-2638 NISSAN ’92 300ZX—5-spd stick. T-top. Only 56K documented MI! 2-owner. Recs since ’97. Recent clutch & timing belt. Mechanicals & int excel! Ext A 1-year membership to any Washington metro Gold’s Gym very good. $7000. 301-448-5243 TOYOTA ’96 Land Cruiser—Auto, 109K, Blue/Grey, AM/FM, Cassette, CD, Insp, Snrf, Mnrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, $11500, 301-642-7967 VOLVO ’04 XC-70—Mint cond, 5 cylinder, 2.5 L turbo, auto, 20k mi,metallic slvr w/blk int, abs, built in booster seats, cargo net, CD stereo. $31,000 OBO call 703-821-0992 571-278-1198 1-hour Zoom! laser bleaching teeth whitening services from VOLVO ’04 C70—Auto, 31k mi, Grey w/black top, leather/elec seats, exc cond. $25500 or Best Offer, A $675 value! 410-964-5667 DC Dental Spa VOLVO QUALITY VOLVOS ’00 V70, GLT Wagon; ’96 850 Sedan, 86K mis ’96 960 Sedan, service records ’95 940 Wagon, 1 owner; ’93 850 Sedan, 5 spd A Spa Package for 2 at The Woods resort ’92 240 Sedan; ’87 240 Sedan, low mis. Warranty/Financing Avail. OSKUIE SERVICE CENTER 703-981-4911 Including 1-hour facial, 1-hour massage and lunch at Walden Restaurant $200 gift card from South Moon Under

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A Publication of the GHI


Classified ads appear in Express and The Washington Post. X144 3x12 X167a 1x12 F43=4B30Hk $" ! %k4G?A4BBk!(

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*Rates as of May 12, 2006. For Home Equity Line of Credit: The variable Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is indexed to the Prime Rate, as published in the “Money Rates” section of The Wall Street Journal. Maximum APR: 18%. Annual fee: $50 (California and Nevada only). To qualify for the lowest rate, customers must use the Citibank Auto Deduct feature (an automatic monthly debit from a Citibank deposit account) for repayment, maintain an average daily balance of at least $75,000, make all payments due on 5.31.2006 time, and meet certain loan-to-value conditions. For Home Equity Loan: To qualify for the lowest rate, customers must use the Citibank Auto Deduct feature, be approved for and take a 5-year loan term and a minimum loan amount of $60,000. If you borrow $60,000 at 6.55% APR for a 5-year term, your monthly payment would be $1,170. For both loans or lines: Other rates may apply based on your credit history. An early closure release fee may be charged to recover all costs incurred in originating your loan/line and may apply if you close your account within 36 months. Property insurance and the fee to release an existing mortgage may be required. Closing costs can range from approximately $500 to $11,200 except in New York, where they can range from $490

EXPRESS to $23,200. Certain limitations apply. Rates subject to change without notice. Rates and terms are not applicable to loan/lines on investment properties. Applicable for loan sizes up to $1,000,000. This offer not available in Texas. **No ATM access in CT. ©2006 Citibank. Citibank, N.A., Citibank, F.S.B., Citibank (West), FSB. Member FDIC. Citibank and Citibank with Arc Design are registered service marks of Citigroup Inc. 36 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION EXPRESS/APARTMENTS.COM/5.31.2006 E1 June 2006 June Special Advertising Special Advertising Section EXPRESS/APARTMENTS.COM/5.31.2006 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION E2 akPaa(6)5474 2501 115$,4 235Y $2,375 $1,545 $1,145 121550018 (866)514-7245 Park Plaza akCeta lvrPr 88 3-2210805$9 105$,2 Y $1,625 $1,095 $895 120982005 (888)239-9232 Park CrestatGlover omni prmns(8)2293 2341 80$,0 $1,500 $1,100 $850 128334010 (888)272-9634 Normandie Apartments alrGres(6)2965 0091 60$4 95Y $985 $840 $660 102079014 (866)249-6255 Naylor Gardens eiina alr lc 88 6-5012403$,3 165$,7 Y $2,675 $1,675 $1,430 102644013 (888)667-5550 Meridian atGalleryPlace asCutAatet 88 7-9812816$,9 154$,0 Y $2,409 $1,564 $1,493 102085176 (888)870-7958 Mass CourtApartments echr os 88 9-3512902$5 $1,300 $955 102090002 (888)495-0355 Lencshire House omnCmuiisDC 86 6-2412909$,5 $6,450 $4,950 102898029 (866)567-6264 Korman CommunitiesD.C. ihiwadCsl ao 86 3-5510803$0 100$,5 Y $1,250 $1,030 $800 120982003 (866)337-8555 Highview andCastleManor aainGresAatet 88 7-6018306$6 85$1,100 $825 $760 128334006 (888)272-9640 Hawaiian GardensApartments avr ilg 86 1-3411507$,5 160Y $1,630 $1,150 121550017 (866)514-7324 Harvard Village afedHue(6)6325 0000 95$1,400 $995 102090004 (866)683-2358 Garfield House alsWolyPr 86 3-5711816$,4 185$,7 Y $2,870 $1,885 $1,645 101880186 (866)534-9587 Gables WoodleyPark alsDpn ice(6)4024 0809 205$,7 Y $2,676 $2,005 101880192 (866)480-2949 Gables DupontCircle ocrnHue(6)4265 0578 142$,0 Y $2,107 $1,402 102597082 (866)462-6659 Corcoran House onciu lz prmns(8)8927 0730 110$,5 210Y $2,100 $1,350 $1,100 102763007 (888)809-2577 Connecticut PlazaApartments onciu egt 86 7-8612908$,2 125$2,140 $1,265 $1,025 102597028 (866)878-2836 Connecticut Heights oubaPaa(7)6738 0640 140$,2 $2,600 $1,725 $1,400 102664003 (877)677-3280 Columbia Plaza lvln os 86 4-6012901$,2 155$,4 270Y $2,700 $2,445 $1,595 $1,420 102597071 (866)846-0620 Cleveland House hlot 86 3-5510802$1 120$,9 Y $1,495 $1,250 $815 120982002 (866)337-9555 Chalfonte h abig prmns(6)6840 2340 110$,0 Y $1,500 $1,100 128334008 (866)658-4500 The CambridgeApartments ahda asos(6)2610 2920 90$,0 200$,5 Y $2,650 $2,000 $1,300 $950 120982008 (866)286-1700 Cathedral Mansions h rso os 86 7-0618307$,7 170$2,800 $1,700 $1,175 128334007 (866)877-4006 The BristolHouse aio akPaa(6)3537 0621 80$5 110Y $1,110 $950 $890 102602012 (866)355-3270 Capitol ParkPlaza h ekhr 86 4-7411813$7 130$,5 Y $2,050 $1,300 $975 101880193 (866)442-8724 The Berkshire aio akAatet 88 4-6512002$1 $880 $815 102603002 (888)546-8665 Capitol ParkApartments h leal 86 4-8112909$,3 155$,5 335Y $3,365 $2,250 $1,555 $1,330 102597069 (866)845-5871 The Albemarle adnGadPr 86 4-7313122$,4 150$,9 Y $2,494 $1,500 $1,548 103017212 (866)544-0723 Camden GrandParc umtRoeet(6)5857 0071 154$,6 Y $2,267 $1,504 103017213 (866)578-5479 Summit Roosevelt avr ode 86 4-5412901$,2 193$,6 Y $2,463 $1,953 $1,328 102597081 (866)846-0574 Calvert Woodley ttsa 86 7-1512906$,3 165Y $1,665 $1,130 102597056 (866)876-2145 Statesman avr os 88 2-4511819$,0 165$,5 Y $1,750 $1,675 $1,200 101880129 (888)625-4495 Calvert House tno ln prmns(6)7574 5480 70$2 $1,044 $920 $770 154428001 (866) 765-7645 Stanton GlennApartments uk ak(6)8106 0170 87$,0 Y $1,004 $837 107187001 (866)881-0269 Burke Park oeeg ak(6)4058 0611 135$,5 240Y $2,400 $1,755 $1,365 102621012 (866)420-5889 Sovereign Park aca aee 86 3-3911503$,7 179$,5 290Y $2,900 $2,450 $1,739 $1,075 121550023 (866)438-9349 Barclay Ravenel aanhHihs(6)2193 1133 85$5 $1,125 $955 $815 115103036 (866)231-9430 Savannah Heights vlna alr lc 86 1-8812316$,1 160$,2 350Y $3,560 $2,420 $1,680 $1,515 102736146 (866)319-4888 Avalon atGalleryPlace okCekGres(6)8291 2340 95$,0 $2,000 $1,200 $995 128334004 (866)892-9717 Rock CreekGardens vlna ohl 86 8-8712301$,9 140$,7 Y $2,176 $1,440 $1,195 102736001 (866)580-3807 Avalon atFoxhall adeHl 86 9-9812707$8 70$8 $964 $880 $780 $680 102079017 (866)797-1988 Randle Hill se or 86 4-9317808$2 83$985 $883 $725 107187008 (866)748-9983 Aspen Court ubcHue(8)5729 0960 105$1,410 $1,025 101966003 (888)587-2895 Quebec House laa 86 0-4412235$,3 157$2,400 $1,537 $1,137 102724355 (866)302-8444 Alcazar rmnd 86 5-9612903$,0 $1,550 $1,100 102090003 (866)255-7966 Promenade h hrmae(6)7880 2340 100$1,525 $1,050 128334005 (866) 708-8808 The Shoremeade la oes(6)8613 0577 130$,3 220$4,000 $2,200 $1,530 $1,300 102597072 (866)876-1734 Alban Towers otMsahstsAeu 86 4-1112909$,1 175$,5 330Y $3,340 $2,850 $1,775 $1,410 102692099 (866) 349-8111 Post MassachusettsAvenue h aaoa(8)8752 0750 125$,2 225Y $2,225 $1,525 $1,295 102735001 (888)847-5121 The Saratoga T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 81CnetctAeu 86 9-7618004$,5 151Y $1,511 $1,155 118403004 (866)597-9766 3801 ConnecticutAvenue 51Pre tet(6)8616 0570 150$2,560 $1,550 102597001 (866)846-1667 2501 PorterStreet 40Pnslai v.At 86 3-0011407$,1 $1,522 $1,218 101945017 (866)831-8010 2400 PennsylvaniaAve.Apts 1 tetS 88 6-2211816$,0 Y $1,200 101880126 (888)665-2272 215 CStreetSE 60RSre 86 6-0318303$,0 145$,0 Y $2,100 $1,495 $1,100 128334013 (866)860-5093 1630 RStreet The ResidencesatParkHyattWashington Pleasant HillsatCatholicUniversity Park TriangleAptsLoftsandFlats $1,105 $935 102664011 4000 MassachusettsAvenueApts (888)307-1104 1500 Massachusetts itito Columbia of District WASHINGTON ePrhl 86 1-8212905$2 $1,100 $825 102090005 (866)510-8872 he Parkhill ePr onciu 86 4-7412908$,6 $2,620 $1,860 102597058 (866)846-0784 he ParkConnecticut eMrda 86 1-5512901$,0 $1,900 $1,600 102090001 (866)812-5515 he Meridian eLxntnA aktSur 88 1-5012008$,2 180$,7 Y $2,475 $1,850 $1,525 102001028 (888)517-9570 he LexingtonAtMarketSquare eLtoeAatet 88 4-8612906$,5 139$,3 Y $2,039 $1,379 $1,159 102392076 (888)646-8826 he LatrobeApartments eKneyWre 88 3-6112705$,0 340Y $3,450 $2,500 102575005 (888)635-0651 he Kennedy-Warren eKnoe(6)8825 0577 95$,2 175Y $1,755 $1,325 $985 102597070 (866)878-2851 he Kenmore eHdo 86 4-9919801$,5 285Y $2,825 $1,850 159083001 (866)842-1989 he Hudson eHihs(6)8740 0750 120$,2 Y $1,325 $1,200 102735002 (866)837-4805 he Heights eFasa uotCrl 86 4-6612901$,3 245$,0 Y $3,205 $2,475 $1,635 102597091 (866)846-9646 he FlatsatDupontCircle eEvy(6)7256 2341 85$,8 $1,800 $1,180 $825 128334012 (866)722-5261 he Envoy eElntn(7)2164 0015 150$,3 Y $2,235 $1,520 102001056 (877)261-6542 he Ellington eDSt 86 0-3218402$,4 175$,9 Y $2,395 $1,795 $1,345 128947002 (866)308-0382 he DeSoto eCnuae(6)8618 0576 150$,6 Y $1,960 $1,530 102597067 (866)846-1688 he Consulate eCateo prmns(8)7951 0630 118$,2 221Y $2,261 $1,424 $1,178 102603003 (888)739-5615 he ChastletonApartments prmn aePoeWeb# Phone Apartment Name Data providedby 88 9-7212603$,5 130$,0 $3,000 $1,600 $1,300 $1,050 102664013 (888) 696-5772 88 3-7816101$5 $950 $750 136819001 (888) 438-5798 88 3-3512301$,9 310Y $3,100 $1,995 152439001 (888) 835-3315 Y $2,565 $1,525 102644015 (866) 880-4364 prmnscmDirectory Apartments.com * Rentsindicate startingpricesonlyand are subjecttochangewithout notice.Callfordetails.

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Pets OK For more information log onto washingtonpost.com/apartments and enter the the enter and washingtonpost.com/apartments onto log information more For ido os 88 6-2718301$,9 $1,249 $1,099 128334011 (888)663-4267 Windsor House etroePae(6)2358 1030 120$,0 300Y $3,000 $1,700 $1,200 115023008 (866)263-5483 Westbrooke Place aesd oes(8)5110 0131 80$,8 140Y $1,460 $1,480 $850 102173315 (888)531-1103 Waterside Towers ahntnHue(6)4720 4580 100$,0 180Y $1,800 $1,300 $1,000 142538001 (866)487-2402 Washington House ahntnAatet 86 9-9612006$,3 130$1,690 $1,380 $1,234 102602016 (866)797-1996 Washington Apartments adnCmos(6)8303 1540 90$,7 Y $1,070 $940 115514001 (866)843-0532 Walden Commons a esSuh(6)8608 0572 150$,8 245Y $2,455 $1,680 $1,500 102597024 (866)846-0787 Van NessSouth ulwPr prmns(8)5563 0575 110$,5 175Y $1,775 $1,450 $1,150 102597054 (888)595-6733 Tunlaw ParkApartments ulwGres(8)5565 0575 145$,0 Y $2,005 $1,415 102597055 (888)595-6451 Tunlaw Gardens h okhr 86 3-8912906$5 $1,060 $750 102090006 (866)332-0879 The Yorkshire odie(6)4896 0712 89$8 124Y $1,224 $984 $869 108711029 (866)468-9562 Woodside h okadPtmcPr 86 3-5510806$4 155$,5 Y $2,150 $1,525 $940 120982006 (866)330-7555 The YorkandPotomacPark elntnTae(8)2348 0786 109$,4 139Y $1,359 $1,242 $1,059 102798160 (888) 233-4787 Wellington Trace odil(6)7387 1545 74$8 Y $989 $754 115514058 (866)733-8578 Woodhill h iso os 86 4-6012200$,5 $2,550 $1,650 102621010 (866)249-6690 The WinstonHouse h eiecsa h ao 88 8-3712303$2 100$,7 Y $1,375 $1,050 $925 102735003 (888)281-9317 The ResidencesattheManor Y $1,399 $1,199 $1,109 $999 120982001 (877)276-4761 Watergate Village ilgsa alySain(8)4835 0550 50$2 75$7 Y $975 $745 $625 $530 102585008 (888)458-3150 Villages atMarleyStation ui olw(6)7445 1547 60$,1 119Y $1,129 $1,019 $680 115514079 (866)724-4651 Quail Hollow idnWosa h oet(8)3743 0250 75$2 Y $920 $795 102215006 (888)377-4530 Hidden WoodsattheForest h prmnsa ust(6)8371 5891 80$,4 130Y $1,340 $1,045 $890 157899015 (866)823-7712 The ApartmentsatSunset rete 86 9-4011767$3 99$,1 Y $1,215 $949 $835 101872647 (866)895-9400 Y Greentree $2,020 $1,660 $1,310 102001069 (866)308-5867 Stone PointApartments igcetAatet 88 6-5912212$1 100Y $1,030 $910 102529152 (888)668-5579 Y Kingscrest Apartments $1,399 $1,070 $990 102611036 (866)614-7203 Y $1,785 $1,320 $1,210 Shelter Cove 101703049 (866)292-1673 The MeadowsatRussett lnRde(6)8700 0941 70$2 Y $929 $760 Y 104904015 (866)857-0500 $1,070 Y $985 $1,220 $1,015 102564057 Glen Ridge (888)297-8853 102736177 North ForestApartments (866)795-0515 Avalon Landing ikr ilAatet 86 9-1110201$8 99$,4 Y $1,049 $919 $785 160726001 (866)792-8101 Y Hickory HillApartments $1,449 $1,199 $999 Y 102724377 $1,359 (866)712-6563 $999 $869 115514049 Seven Oaks (866)433-8274 Tall Oaks lnMrAatet 86 5-7014004$1 109Y $1,029 $815 Y 104904014 $1,405 $1,195 (866)857-0700 Y $1,605 $1,344 $1,125 Glen MarApartments 102001008 (888)315-6952 102798069 Keswick ParkApartments (888)563-9122 Annapolis Roads lwo erc 86 6-0612906$0 74$9 Y $899 $794 $709 102798066 (866) 260-7006 Elmwood Terrace Y $1,610 $1,285 $1,155 Y 103021020 $1,285 $1,182 (866)358-5111 $1,155 Riverscape Apartments 103017172 (866) 760-2215 Summit Russett aeae adn 88 7-4912708$6 90Y $970 $860 Y 102173008 $1,390 $1,155 (888)272-5489 $995 $900 $750 Gatewater Landing 103021018 (866)332-0444 Crofton VillageApartments 102602013 (866)594-6169 Admiral OaksApartments rsa ak(6)2575 0010 90$,0 148Y $1,438 $1,100 $950 102001006 (866)235-7955 Crystal Park Y $1,590 $1,230 $1,160 Y $1,460 103021021 $1,239 $1,020 (866)880-0094 Groves atPineyOrchard 102611009 (888)318-9688 Horizon Square qaatMnr(8)5655 0544 62$8 83Y $893 $782 Y $672 $1,400 $1,070 102564049 $985 (888) 566-5459 Y 102564051 $1,075 (888)616-8682 $950 Aquahart Manor $825 $750 102564061 Carlyle Apartments (888)455-2757 Thornbury BayatVillageGreens Admiral Farragut Y $1,243 $1,000 $928 102585012 The WingateTowers&GardenApts (888)433-4650 The TownhomesonCapitolHill rosd 86 1-7911740$3 70$,4 Y $1,045 $720 $737 Y Y 101872490 $1,080 $1,050 $930 (866)510-2769 $925 $825 Y The ReserveatBallengerCreek $1,199 $1,049 102853022 Y 102001027 (866)295-5025 Brookside (888)568-1008 Y $1,323 $1,705 $1,027 Y $1,440 Holly TreeApartments $1,240 108711030 Y (866)500-6822 Silverwood Farm $1,400 $1,220 $1,024 101800084 $980 103021026 $899 Lake VillageTownhomes (888)778-9479 (866)515-0452 Marley RunApartmentHomes Y 102040077 108711011 $1,910 (866)229-7337 $1,580 (866)881-0274 $1,320 Fieldstone Farm Harper’s MillatOlde Lynn HillApartments 102001073 (866)804-6849 Concord ParkatRussett The ChesapeakeattheBerkshires lnBurnie Glen Crofton Annapolis COUNTY ARUNDEL ANNE MARYLAND - Frederick COUNTY FREDERICK MARYLAND - Waldorf COUNTY CHARLES MARYLAND - Frederick Prince COUNTY CALVERT MARYLAND - Severn Pasadena Odenton Millersville Linthicum Laurel prmn aePoeWeb# Phone Apartment Name rprysWB# WEB property’s 86 8-9710301$6 70$0 $1,000 $905 $760 $660 150538001 (866) 284-3917 86 8-6414007$8 110$,7 Y $1,375 $1,140 $985 104709017 (866) 685-1684 Y $1,635 $1,375 $1,085 102343101 (866) 409-8606 86 5-1012405$,1 110Y $1,140 $1,019 102040075 (866) 854-0150

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WALKING DISTANCE TO BRANCH AVENUE METRO TO BRANCH AVENUE DISTANCE WALKING 866-723-1028 Bring in this ad and we’ll waive the application fee!* 770 5th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 www.avalongalleryplace.com and hallway gas grill • Two blocks to Metro/MCI• Center Easy access to I-395• and Hardwood Route flooring 50 in kitchen • Fitness center with Cardio• Theater Rooftop terrace with sundeck and Luxury living you’ll have time to enjoy. Call today to ask about our current specials!* 1 BR $1340 2 BR $1560 4300 Telfair Boulevard 4300 Telfair Brand new apartment homes starting from: Camp Springs, MD 20746 AT TOWN CENTER AT MetroPlace THE PERFECT LOCATIONS 866-292-9907 1569 Onyx Drive McLean, VA 22102 You’re Living Right You’re Tysons Galleria www.avaloncommunities.com Dishwashers/microwaves Pets are welcome Swimming pool & indoor basketball court Tennis court Tennis in every Washer/dryer apartment Fireplaces, bay windows, patio/balconies* Across from Branch Avenue Across from Branch Avenue Metro • Gated community • State-of-the-art fitness center • High-tech business/conference center • Outdoor pool with sundeck • Optional attached/breezeway garages • Walk to the shops and restaurants of *Select units. EXPRESS/APARTMENTS.COM/5.31.2006 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION E6 nwnl cetayavriigfrra saewihi nvoaino h a.Alprosare persons All law. basis. the opportunity equal of an violation on in available not are is will advertised which We dwellings all discrimination. estate that or real informed limitation for hereby preferences, advertising such any any make advertise status, accept to to familial knowingly intention illegal handicap, it or sex, makes religion, origin, which color, national Act race, Housing or on Fair based Federal discrimination the or to limitation subject preference, is herein advertised estate real All Apartments.com hr’ obte oreo h ealdifrainyune ofn h efc new perfect more. the find much to maps, need and you photos, information apartments.com amenities find detailed than features, the home will of you policies, source There better pet no box. 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87 Chevy Chase EXPRESS/APARTMENTS.COM/5.31.2006 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION E8 h resa ouba(6)6707 5110 95$,4 Y $1,140 $995 158131001 (866)657-0574 The GreensatColumbia h rmrya onCne 88 3-2912005$,6 150$,9 Y $1,895 $1,510 $1,165 102001005 (888)835-2239 The GramercyatTownCenter h psa edl ig 88 8-0612009$,7 135$,5 Y $1,750 $1,365 $1,175 102001039 (888)387-5046 The AptsatKendallRidge aa edw(8)4565 0130 110$,3 165Y $1,655 $1,332 $1,140 102173301 (888)485-6553 Tamar Meadow tnhvnAatetHms(6)2475 0093 105$,7 145Y $1,485 $1,270 $1,025 102019035 (866)294-7856 Stonehaven ApartmentHomes ayHlo 88 7-7612945$4 109$,2 Y $1,429 $1,079 $949 102392445 (888)373-5746 Lazy Hollow igsCosn prmns(8)8062 0327 99$,8 149Y $1,499 $1,189 $999 102392376 (888)810-6022 King’s CrossingApartments sadCu prmns(8)2205 0327 99$,8 149Y $1,469 $1,189 $979 102392375 (888)272-0455 Island ClubApartments apr oetAatet 86 8-2218109$0 109$,4 Y $1,349 $1,039 $909 108711009 (866)881-0272 Harpers ForestApartments etodTwrAatet 86 8-8919201$,2 190$2,575 $1,950 $1,320 129325001 (866)582-0869 Westwood TowerApartments anblGoe(8)5095 0000 105$,6 155Y $1,525 $1,265 $1,075 102040006 (888) 590-9651 Hannibal Grove akn tto p oe 86 6-3315108$9 119Y $1,189 $999 115514048 (866)361-2333 Watkins StationAptHomes rageTwr prmns(8)2750 0540 118$,2 201Y $2,001 $1,426 $1,138 102564004 (888) 297-5707 Triangle TowersApartments rn one(8)4781 0324 79$4 129Y $1,249 $949 $799 102392446 (888)467-8610 Grand Pointe akrHue(6)4127 1430 84$8 147Y $1,407 $982 $844 118403003 (866)401-2775 Walker House oa os 88 2-4211901$,0 129$,9 $2,699 $1,899 $1,299 $1,200 101990001 (888)725-7472 Topaz House eln il 86 6-2412903$2 101$,7 Y $1,470 $1,061 $920 102798093 (866)260-4264 Fenland Field T h oond tKnlns(6)8475 0691 110$,5 Y $1,550 $1,150 102689017 (866)894-7259 The ColonnadeatKentlands T umtCetAtHms(8)3894 0544 78$9 108$1,208 $1,038 $898 $798 102564040 (888)398-9741 Summit CrestAptHomes akaeAatet 86 6-0612217$,0 $1,127 $1,003 102724157 (866)362-2056 Parklane Apartments akSain(6)2205 0010 100$,8 150Y $1,590 $1,280 $1,080 103021002 (866)242-0556 Park Station Y $1,230 $985 102173006 (888)822-4076 Dominion KingsPlace rhr od(6)3243 0057 90$,9 145Y $1,445 $1,090 $980 101005179 (866)382-4333 Orchard Pond Y $1,180 $970 102173007 (888)215-3712 Dominion EdenBrook otoeyCu 88 6-0812100$9 95$1,199 $985 $799 102611020 (888) 267-1038 Montgomery Club Y $1,955 $1,670 $1,275 115023024 (866)343-0880 Columbia TownCenter ilCekGres(6)3121 5290 75$6 120Y $1,220 $960 $775 151279004 (866) 311-2619 Mill CreekGardens Y $1,140 $1,040 115103038 (866)673-2159 Columbia Landing utCu prmns(8)7704 0327 99$,6 Y $1,069 $929 102392373 (888)707-0548 Hunt ClubApartments Y $1,250 $1,010 102564050 (888)595-6821 Club Merion rv akAatet 88 6-6112212$,2 120$,2 Y $1,425 $1,230 $1,020 102724162 (888)662-2681 Grove ParkApartments $2,475 $1,400 $1,200 126952003 (866)384-9666 The Seasons Y $1,695 $1,300 $929 101872551 (888)815-7699 Clary’s Crossing oenrSur prmns(8)8897 0550 90$,2 135Y $1,325 $1,125 $950 102575002 (888)818-9171 Governor SquareApartments Y $3,340 $2,425 $1,850 102564066 (888)433-8223 The PalisadesofBethesda Y $1,135 $970 103031067 (866)565-2428 Cedar ValleyApartments ea or 88 4-5114102$,4 150Y $1,500 $1,040 104418002 (888)241-1531 $3,875 $2,358 $1,702 $1,225 Cedar Court 128332001 (866)719-8400 $3,300 The IreneofChevyChase $2,080 $1,405 $1,300 102001032 (888)485-9739 The Metropolitan Y $1,539 $1,129 $989 102392371 (888)221-8935 Beech’s FarmApartments rgtnVlae(8)4998 0640 100$,3 140Y $1,440 $1,135 $1,020 Y 102664002 $1,271 $1,105 (888) 499-9583 $925 Y Brighton Village 102623002 (866)370-7064 $2,095 $1,439 The FieldsofBethesda 104418003 (866)295-5022 Y $1,079 Rosedale Park $875 115514080 (866)269-3402 Howard CrossingAptHomes Y $1,505 $1,285 $1,155 102736170 (866) 387-8127 Avalon Columbia rcerde(8)6469 0010 110$,6 Y $1,460 $1,130 102001003 Y (888)684-6299 $2,450 $1,690 Breckenridge 102504007 $2,200 $1,451 (866)691-0020 North ParkAvenueApartments 102664012 Y (888)563-4140 $1,095 $870 Bethesda Place 102173009 (888)271-2904 Dominion GreatOaks $1,760 $1,250 $1,010 102736081 (866)825-1846 Avalon atSymphonyGlen ecnPaeAatet 31 9-2012001$,2 155Y $1,595 $1,220 $3,000 $2,375 $1,500 Y 102001001 (301) 590-9240 102664005 $1,800 Beacon PlaceApartments (888)685-7525 Highland HouseWest Y 118403008 (877)410-1563 $1,035 $830 Y $1,400 Bethesda Hill $1,200 $1,050 116749009 (800)830-9369 102267008 (866)533-6213 Charleston Manor Windsor atPineRidge Y $1,207 $1,020 102736077 (866)328-2077 Avalon atFairwayHills Towne CrestApts&Townhomes Y $1,705 $1,206 $1,026 $2,599 $1,525 101970375 $995 (866)395-2846 102664004 (888) 607-7870 Archstone Gaithersburg Y Y $2,375 $1,330 $1,750 Highland House $1,000 $1,480 Y Y The WhitneyatBethesdaTheatre 102040008 102736085 $1,680 $1,299 $1,225 (888)577-8549 (888)595-4423 $1,050 $1,070 Y $1,575 $1,125 Avalon atRockSpring $985 145411002 102798132 (866)592-2915 (866) 263-3933 The Seasons Gateway VillageApartments 102001048 (888)515-8854 Ashton Woods Sherwood Crossing Y Evergreens atColumbiaTownCenter $1,253 Dorsey’s Forge&OaklandMeadows $1,015 $804 102611023 (888)424-7595 Autumn CrestApartments Gaithersburg Chase Chevy Bethesda COUNTY MONTGOMERY MARYLAND - Laurel Jessup City Ellicott Elkridge Columbia HOWARDCOUNTY MARYLAND - eFed fGihrbr 86 7-1512207$,1 109$,2 Y $1,220 $1,099 $1,012 102623017 (866)370-8155 he FieldsofGaithersburg eCut fDvn(8)4913 0012 130$,5 190Y $1,900 $1,650 $1,350 102001023 (888)459-1139 he CourtsOfDevon prmn aePoeWeb# Phone Apartment Name Data providedby 86 5-0811408$0 108$,5 Y $1,459 $1,008 $908 101945018 (866) 852-9038 87 5-4912009$,7 240$,9 Y $3,795 $2,400 $1,470 102001049 (877) 252-2429 Y $1,370 $995 $855 102040002 (877) 593-8063 86 7-1211406$,0 150Y $1,500 $1,105 101945016 (866) 370-6112 prmnscmDirectory Apartments.com * Rentsindicate startingpricesonlyand are subjecttochangewithout notice.Callfordetails.

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Pets OK For more information log onto washingtonpost.com/apartments and enter the the enter and washingtonpost.com/apartments onto log information more For aeVlae(6)5775 0640 170$,4 Y $1,745 $1,700 102664008 (866)507-7356 Yale Village od deAatet 88 0-7519001$,0 115$,9 Y $1,495 $1,175 $1,005 149509001 (888)800-7745 Woods EdgeApartments h prmnsA iaot(6)7053 0540 100$,0 145Y $1,425 $1,200 $1,000 102564002 (866)790-5233 The ApartmentsAtMiramont h utntna igFr 88 5-1612816$,0 155$,3 Y $1,935 $1,535 $1,300 102085186 (888)651-9136 The HuntingtonatKingFarm umtFlsrv 86 2-1913128$,6 136$,8 Y $1,883 $1,326 $1,067 103017208 (866)523-4109 Summit Fallsgrove h oet(8)2183 0750 130$,0 170Y $1,740 $1,500 $1,300 102735005 (888)221-8137 The Forest oln ak(8)4733 0640 125$,6 170Y $1,740 $1,360 $1,215 102664006 (888)457-3131 Rollins Park h lis(8)7328 0650 90$,2 169$,6 Y $2,469 $1,659 $1,329 $900 103605001 (888)783-2983 The Blairs h ilso okil 86 7-0112205$,0 90$,7 Y $1,271 $980 $1,100 102623035 (866)370-8021 The FieldsofRockville xodSur tWieFit(8)5681 0670 119$,0 155$,5 Y $1,755 $1,555 $1,409 $1,179 102627003 (888)596-8012 Oxford SquareAtWhiteFlint h enntna ivrSrn 86 9-2012005$,8 140$,6 Y $1,765 $1,430 $1,285 102001055 (866)290-7240 The BenningtonatSilverSpring uubnHl 88 0-2012003$9 90$,2 155Y $1,525 $1,225 $950 $895 102606003 (888)902-5270 Suburban Hill ivrSrn oesAt 88 9-0212608$8 105Y $1,045 $880 102564038 (888)595-1022 Silver SpringTowersApts olnwo prmns(6)8534 0602 90$,0 125$1,370 $1,215 $1,005 $900 102650025 (866)885-3645 Rollingwood Apartments igwo 88 8-1812727$,7 127Y $1,257 $1,070 102173297 (888)387-3198 Ridgewood easac lz 88 0-8512105$,2 124$,0 Y $1,605 $1,224 $1,026 102611025 (888) 707-4835 Renaissance Plaza eprreFr prmns(8)8874 0788 92$,0 134Y $1,314 $1,100 $962 102798180 (888)808-7344 Peppertree FarmApartments akieTrae(7)3559 0611 96$,8 Y $1,187 $996 102611013 (877)365-5796 Parkside Terrace akieEs prmns(7)5477 0602 92$,3 $1,385 $1,135 $932 102650024 (877) 554-7778 Parkside EastApartments adntnSur ps(6)2101 5190 115$1,345 $1,195 151139001 (866)281-0814 Paddington SquareApts otws akAatet 88 4-6812206$9 93Y $943 $799 102622016 (888)242-0688 Northwest ParkApartments o ilAatet 88 1-0312605$0 100$,6 Y $1,360 $1,020 $800 102564035 (888)413-1003 Nob HillApartments otoeyWieOk(8)5674 0611 70$1 110$,8 Y $1,589 $1,130 $915 $750 102611012 (888)526-7744 Montgomery WhiteOak otli prmn oe 86 8-8012229$,7 125Y $1,275 $1,075 102724279 (866)380-8830 Montclair ApartmentHomes eo ak(8)6733 0051 139$,5 255Y $2,535 $1,659 $1,359 102035010 (888)647-3939 Lenox Park ngt rdeI&I 88 5-0612100$,1 115$,0 Y $1,507 $1,135 $1,010 102611010 (888)455-2026 Knights BridgeI&II apo olw(6)3479 0749 100$,8 Y $1,285 $1,000 102724392 (866) 314-7595 Hampton Hollow h incea onCne 84 3-9512008$,3 130$,3 Y $1,630 $1,350 $1,130 102001038 (864)334-9945 The PinnacleatTownCenter aphr etAatet 88 7-6712605$4 110$,9 Y $1,390 $1,180 $940 102564025 (888)675-9667 Hampshire WestApartments h aposa onetr(8)2407 0742 87$,1 Y $1,018 $817 102724228 (888)274-0177 The HamptonsatTowncenter rmxTwr p oe 86 1-5717800$9 89$1,059 $859 $799 107187010 (866)813-4597 Gramax TowersAptHomes h alsa aesLnig(8)5195 0121 100$,1 Y $1,210 $1,020 102142013 (888)551-9754 The GablesatWatersLanding lnotFrs prmns(8)3713 0610 85$3 104$,4 Y $1,342 $1,094 $938 $825 102611008 (888)337-1235 Glenmont ForestApartments h ilso emnon(6)3208 0633 95$,7 125Y $1,255 $1,075 $925 102623030 (866)332-0880 The FieldsofGermantown erinTwr 86 8-9918302$,1 135$1,650 $1,325 $1,110 128334002 (866)286-9949 Georgian Towers h lsa igve ilg 88 4-0912204$,3 120Y $1,290 $1,235 102626004 (888)844-9009 The ElmsatKingsviewVillage eri et(7)6382 0610 104$1,299 $1,044 102611007 (877)633-8322 Georgia West h lsa emnon(6)8734 0660 110$,2 Y $1,320 $1,190 102626005 (866)807-3447 The ElmsatGermantown akadCae(6)2072 0785 104$,6 179Y $1,799 $1,162 $1,094 102798152 (866)260-7020 Falkland Chase tncekCu 88 3-2612935$8 119$,5 Y $1,459 $1,139 $989 102392385 (888)839-5226 Stonecreek Club oevleTwr 87 4-7112505$6 115$,4 160Y $1,690 $1,445 $1,135 $960 102650005 (877) 540-7751 Colesville Towers eeaCu 86 8-2812206$,7 123Y $1,213 $1,070 102622036 (866)380-4228 Seneca Club oeSrn lz 87 3-7412504$,0 125$,0 Y $1,700 $1,265 $1,000 102650004 (877)537-0734 Cole SpringPlaza apn iwAatet 88 6-6812104$1 104$,8 $1,400 $1,180 $1,004 $918 102611024 (888)663-9628 Halpine ViewApartments Y $1,125 102603004 (888)423-7923 Rolling Hills lrdeHueAtHms(8)6983 0542 90$,7 145$,0 Y $1,600 $1,475 $1,175 $900 102564020 (888) 609-8132 Claridge HouseAptHomes rseo oe 86 7-6715209$,9 195Y $1,995 $1,590 115023009 (866)871-4647 Grosvenor Tower Y $1,015 $910 101872648 (866)644-9396 Oak Mill inmnRn(8)8515 0788 90$,9 135Y $1,395 $1,093 $970 102798181 (888)835-1851 Cinnamon Run ieiePr 86 6-8811769$2 109$,2 Y $1,325 $1,099 $925 101872659 (866)266-2898 Fireside Park Y $1,215 $1,060 101872606 (866)705-7396 Northlake hs ig prmns(6)3130 0941 95$,7 140Y $1,430 $1,175 $915 104904011 (866)381-3900 Chase RidgeApartments ogesoa oes(8)3149 0640 135$1,480 $1,305 Y $1,765 $1,535 $1,220 102664009 (888)381-4592 102736175 (866)796-4724 Congressional Towers Y Avalon Fields $1,450 $1,225 $955 102853232 (888)851-7607 Milestone ateae(6)8268 0747 95$,7 140Y $1,400 $1,175 $975 102724277 (866)802-6486 Castlegate vlna rvle(7)8368 0764 130$,4 190Y $1,930 $1,640 $1,330 Y $3,615 $1,850 $1,500 102736148 (877)813-6688 102035017 (888)679-0265 Avalon atTraville The Grand Y $1,289 $1,109 115514045 (866)328-0999 Fox RunApartments vr akAatetHms(6)8470 0613 104$,7 140Y $1,460 $1,175 $1,004 102611035 (866)834-7100 Avery ParkApartmentHomes vlnA eoel 80 0-2012300$,5 145Y $1,455 $1,155 Y 102736010 $1,770 (800)500-7290 $1,450 $1,105 $1,850 $1,428 Avalon AtDecoverly 101880201 (866)801-4017 Y 102001026 (888)547-6346 Strathmore CourtAtWhiteFlint $1,099 Gables Rothbury $860 101872649 (866)705-4300 Canterbury so od 86 5-7412109$6 110Y $1,170 $965 102319059 (866)352-2784 Aston Woods le rnha algoe(6)2468 0053 125$,6 Y Y $1,539 $1,465 $1,350 Y $1,245 $1,225 $1,479 $1,139 Jefferson atCongressionalVillage $919 Y 101005238 102798133 $2,910 $1,970 (866)254-6284 (866)260-3989 $1,475 102798124 Alder BranchatFallsgrove (866)260-6629 Tamarron Apartments 102736147 (888)201-4465 Y Avalon atGrosvenorStation $1,570 $1,152 Cider Mill $957 102736176 (866)512-0352 Avalon Knoll Summit HillsApts&CorporateSuites $1,415 $1,060 $985 104709013 (888)606-2173 Alexander House The CrestatCongressionalPlaza Rockville Olney Bethesda North Village Montgomery Germantown ivrSpring Silver prmn aePoeWeb# Phone Apartment Name rprysWB# WEB property’s 86 0-0012505$,0 160Y $1,650 $1,500 102650035 (866) 208-6030 86 1-8212109$,3 180$,6 Y $2,460 $1,820 $1,435 102310069 (866) 311-4872 86 0-3012603$,4 118$,9 168Y $1,628 $1,398 $1,198 $1,048 102564003 (866) 804-2310

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Income limits apply. limits apply. Income Located on prestigious Wisconsin Avenue, Rosedale Park is easily accessible via I-495 and is easily Park Rosedale Avenue, Wisconsin Located on prestigious the National to upscale shopping and restaurants, I-270 and is within walking distance stations. and two Metrorail Center Medical the Bethesda Naval of Health, Institutes FREE CABLE INTERNET FREE HIGH-SPEED Access • Secured Apartments Luxury Elevator Units in Select • Fireplaces Parking • Covered Room • Great Terraces w/Rooftop Penthouses Center Fitness • State-of-the-art w/Lounge Lobby appt. • Grand by masseuse available • On-site Location • Bicycle Bethesda Downtown • Central to NIH • Minutes Retail • Upscale 1st Level Storage to I-495 & I-270 • Easy Access Metro and BNMC E10 EXPRESS/APARTMENTS.COM/5.31.2006 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION okhr prmns(8)6359 0611 105$,6 165Y $1,645 $1,160 $1,095 102611017 (888)633-5096 Yorkshire Apartments aphr ilg p oe 88 2-9812604$5 90Y $990 $850 102564024 (888)725-7988 Hampshire VillageAptHomes Y $1,135 $901 102623034 (888)260-8016 Woodside Crossing afedCut(6)2351 4090 65$7 Y $775 $675 140049002 (866)223-5414 Garfield Court Y $1,255 $1,014 102798165 (866)482-3871 Woodleaf Apartments onanPr 88 5-4812602$6 101Y $1,001 $861 102564022 (888)656-3498 Fountain Park $1,198 $987 $890 102611016 (888)644-7948 Winexburg Manor yrs re 87 4-2012500$9 112$1,274 $1,102 $890 102650020 (877)546-5220 Cypress Creek Y $1,481 $1,155 $984 $913 102622023 (888)228-1197 White OakTowersApartments opr rsig(8)6925 1790 75$8 100Y $1,080 $885 $725 116749005 Y (888) 609-2356 $1,520 $999 $899 Coopers Crossing Y 102627010 $1,250 $975 (888) 775-7912 $842 University Square 102627007 (888)370-1755 Surrey Square Y $1,445 $1,185 $970 102040004 (877)547-4375 Westchester West ateMnr(6)4356 4090 70$9 Y $795 $720 140049003 (866)473-5361 Y $1,349 $1,039 Castle Manor $969 Y 102392015 $955 (888)323-7792 $720 $630 Springhill LakeApartments 151279010 (888)320-9170 Park BerkshireApartments $1,043 $839 Y $770 $1,395 $1,230 160124001 $985 (888)333-5587 102621014 Park PlaceTowers (866)525-5092 Townley Apartments Y $1,550 $1,160 $975 102564043 (888)307-7334 Twin Towers abig rsig(6)8243 0602 90$,1 $1,430 $1,110 $950 102650022 Y (866)872-4837 Y $1,320 $1,060 $1,095 Cambridge Crossing $915 $839 Y 102564028 160726002 $1,106 (888)703-2412 (866)793-4274 $873 $729 Lakeside NorthApartments Y 102656003 $1,835 $1,420 (877)257-9170 $1,215 Rosecroft Mews Y $1,600 $1,305 102343065 $1,135 Oakcrest Towers (866)526-2449 Y $1,100 Wynfield ParkApartments $935 102724270 $720 (866)264-2237 102564023 Y (888) 256-0189 Heather Ridge $1,359 $899 $1,270 $1,113 $819 $929 $719 Gateway Gardens 102392040 (888)485-9782 102724352 The LighthouseatTwinLakes (866)858-2439 Y $1,303 $1,070 $880 Oakfield 102798102 (866)260-3997 The Manor ecetPaa(8)5543 0610 75$4 80$,0 Y $1,200 $870 $740 $715 102611001 (888)515-4739 $1,100 $890 $770 Y 102564005 $1,745 $1,535 $1,335 (888)874-1678 Belcrest Plaza $1,095 $795 $1,147 $770 $978 102650036 Marlborough House $832 102001071 (866)308-0616 (866)442-8707 Glen OaksApartments 102611030 (888)455-9409 Y Remington Place $1,739 $1,379 $1,030 $895 $993 $775 102392559 $680 Dunhill Village Y $560 (866)330-2373 $1,905 102585019 Towers ofWestchesterPark $1,375 $1,120 (888)813-7066 Y Y $1,050 Hillside HeightsApartments $890 $1,324 $1,089 101970160 $765 $929 Y (888)430-7635 Archstone Governor’sGreen 102564016 102564001 Y $875 (888)575-4507 $740 (888)425-3769 $990 Capital ViewApartmentHomes $900 $770 Y 102564044 Powder MillVillage $2,370 $1,790 $1,345 (888)644-7781 University GardensApartments 102564036 (888)560-2274 102001060 Y (888)337-1580 $1,630 Montgomery atWheatonMetro $1,425 $1,115 $885 Park Ritchie 102085174 (866)290-2201 The Enclave o lb(8)8691 0610 80$6 105Y $1,095 Y $960 $1,600 $830 $1,215 $1,000 $1,040 $875 $750 102611004 102623040 (888)806-9917 (866)306-5673 102564014 Y (888)737-2034 Y $1,409 $1,097 $1,225 Avondale Overlook $1,090 $945 $855 Fox Club Y Carriage Hill 102798128 $1,103 102650013 $902 (866) 260-4339 Y (888)970-4771 $809 Brittany PlaceApartments Y $873 $1,534 $1,260 115514005 $769 Potomac Heights $1,050 Y $950 (866)672-8445 102650031 102656006 (888)452-5520 $1,555 Cambridge Commons $1,350 (866)336-9555 Y $1,600 Seven SpringsVillage $1,395 $1,160 101880199 Penn Southern&SouthHillApts $930 $835 (866)304-9222 Addison Chapel $730 Metro PlaceatTownCenter Y 101970319 $1,410 (866)906-4300 $1,235 Y Archstone BowieTownCenter $990 111268001 (888)656-5630 Y $1,285 $1,605 $1,080 Autumn WoodsApartments $1,207 102621015 $1,009 Y (866)749-2108 $1,335 Barclay SquareApartments 102564011 $1,045 $1,392 102611011 $890 $1,206 (888)455-4486 $900 Daniel’s RunApartmentHomes (888)795-4484 Montgomery PaintBranch 151279002 Y 102602015 (866)311-7744 $1,850 (866)804-7294 Hermitage SquareApartments $1,370 $1,080 $960 Essex HouseApartments 102564041 (888)551-1830 The Chateau Hyattsville Hillside Heights Hillcrest Greenbelt Washington Fort Forestville Park College Heights Capitol Springs Camp Bowie Bladensburg Beltsville Adelphi COUNTY GEORGE’S PRINCE MARYLAND - Oak White Wheaton Park Takoma prmn aePoeWeb# Phone Apartment Name Data providedby 88 4-9212607$8 70$7 95Y $985 $870 $740 $685 102564037 (888) 744-2962 prmnscmDirectory Apartments.com * Rentsindicate startingpricesonlyand are subjecttochangewithout notice.Callfordetails.

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Pets OK For more information log onto washingtonpost.com/apartments and enter the the enter and washingtonpost.com/apartments onto log information more For idrrf erc p oe 88 5-4312606$4 90$9 Y $990 $900 $740 102564046 (888)658-9443 Wildercroft TerraceAptHomes ilwLk prmns(6)2750 1544 79$5 109$,1 Y $1,319 $1,009 $859 $779 115514041 (866)267-5106 Willow LakeApartments etaeo arl(8)8770 0602 100$,3 $1,600 $1,235 $1,040 102650027 (888) 827-7204 Westgate ofLaurel ilgsO arl(6)5069 0601 85$5 Y $855 $855 102650017 (866)500-6793 Villages OfLaurel h ilgsa oteir(6)8780 0942 90$,0 120Y $1,230 $1,005 $950 104904020 (866)857-8300 The VillagesatMontpelier h uril tMnple 88 2-4114004$6 100$,6 Y $1,260 $1,040 $860 104709014 (888)524-2431 The MuirfieldatMontpelier h oa(6)3442 0546 75$0 Y $900 $785 102564065 (866)324-4125 The Dona umry lc 86 5-0212507$9 105$,0 Y $1,500 $1,095 $990 102650047 (866)852-9042 Summerlyn Place twr ao p oe 88 4-1312609$2 89$,4 $1,210 $1,049 $899 $720 102564039 (888)547-2113 Steward ManorAptHomes pigHue(6)6694 0017 104$,5 Y $1,059 $1,094 102001076 (866)626-9346 Spring House ideon 88 1-2312604$3 95$,2 125Y $1,245 $1,025 $905 $735 102564034 (888)917-7253 Middletowne isnTwr prmns(6)3718 5320 70$6 $1,015 $860 $750 152322002 (866)307-1389 Wilson TowersApartments ayot(8)5967 0823 105$,7 Y $1,175 $1,095 101872032 (888)549-6971 Marymont h asa akSuh(8)8503 0621 65$6 $915 $765 $675 102602010 (888)835-0430 The OaksatParkSouth arlo or prmns(8)9570 0543 85$5 109Y $1,009 $955 $835 102564031 (888)905-7201 Laurelton CourtApartments Y $909 $779 102656007 (866)336-7111 University City otve 88 2-4312608$5 73$7 115Y $1,155 $873 $773 $653 102564008 (888)923-7473 Southview arlSur prmns(8)3691 5291 80$3 125Y $1,225 $930 $810 151279012 (888)396-9214 Laurel SquareApartments Y $1,390 $1,130 $915 102564064 (866)210-2006 Top ofthePark rneo sae 86 4-5315102$5 95$,4 Y $1,145 $915 $755 115514002 (866) 843-0533 Princeton Estates $1,015 $850 102611028 (888)816-1188 Portabello Apartments arlPr prmns(8)7988 0543 85$2 Y $925 $835 102564030 (888)769-8180 Laurel ParkApartments Y $1,245 $900 $840 151279006 (866)311-2516 Queens ParkPlazaApts alwPaa(6)3612 0601 80$9 $1,060 $895 $810 102650010 (866)306-1222 $1,285 $1,095 $900 Marlow Plaza 102621005 (866)857-8421 $1,100 $850 Sussex SquareApartments $730 $650 102602009 (866)364-2208 Park Forest alwHihs(6)7288 0600 85$7 $1,140 $975 $875 102650009 (866) 792-8087 Marlow Heights o etAatet 88 2-0312106$2 84$,6 139Y $1,339 $1,062 $1,325 $884 $1,150 $721 102611006 (888)828-5023 103021010 Y (800)310-6281 $1,145 Y $995 $1,410 Fox RestApartments $1,100 $920 Truman Park 102564048 112210002 (888)374-8205 $1,315 (866)305-4857 Woodland LandingApartments $920 $894 Overland Gardens 102650038 (866)336-5777 Prince GeorgesTowers ivrHl adn 86 6-7211405$9 90$,5 Y $1,155 $950 $799 101945015 (866) 860-8792 $1,200 $985 Silver HillGardens $865 102564006 (888)701-2421 Oxon HillVillage rslihAatet 87 4-5512507$,1 110$,4 Y $1,440 $1,170 $1,010 Y $1,535 102650007 $1,878 $1,270 $1,399 $1,150 Y $1,273 (877)545-7545 $1,095 $900 $800 Crestleigh Apartments 102650006 103017190 (888)921-2883 (866)720-2249 Summit LargoTownCenter 102590003 (888)676-9401 Y Countryside $1,183 $925 $825 Maple Ridge $742 102079013 (866)864-5300 LaSalle ParkApartments ete il(6)3892 0055 70$,3 125Y $1,215 $1,030 $790 Y 103035053 (866)318-9222 $795 $695 Heather Hill 140049001 (866)203-8214 Y $1,060 $864 Silver HillApartments $710 102611005 $1,350 (888)920-4069 $1,020 $915 $799 102650015 Fox HillsNorth (866)885-3646 Sutton WalkApartments rawo prmns(7)5479 0600 90$,0 130Y $1,350 $1,105 $960 Y $1,160 102650003 $1,309 $980 $1,089 (877)534-7392 $835 102392383 Briarwood Apartments Y 102564019 $1,075 (888)565-5032 $855 (888)240-2120 $770 Steeplechase Apartments $1,530 102590002 Chestnut Ridge $1,060 $955 (888)922-4698 $910 102650037 Kings SquareApartments (866)208-6325 Kings ParkPlaza hsntHl 88 6-8912200$4 78$5 108Y $1,048 $854 $768 $742 102622030 $1,200 $980 (888)260-6829 $880 Y 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Mitchellville prmn aePoeWeb# Phone Apartment Name rprysWB# WEB property’s 86 0-4312907$0 105$1,230 $1,025 $900 102590007 (866) 806-2423

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$1,920 $1,495 102597017 (866)846-1687 Lincoln Towers oio at&Ws 86 2-8812702$,0 100$,1 175Y $1,745 $1,410 $1,090 $1,000 102079012 (866)323-0888 Horizon East&West iloeGre prmns(6)3656 3960 90$1,050 $930 139986001 (866)366-5167 Fillmore GardenApartments ocetrTwr prmns(8)7018 0610 85$,5 130$,0 Y $1,700 $1,350 $1,150 $875 102601002 (888)720-1780 Dorchester TowersApartments ocetrAatet 88 5-8012001$1 110$,2 175Y $1,725 $1,325 $1,100 $915 102601001 (888)350-2840 Dorchester Apartments oiinTwr 88 4-2912207$8 105$,0 Y $1,405 $1,065 $885 102621017 (888)841-8209 Dominion Towers olyMdsnTwr 88 0-5312905$0 135$1,645 $1,335 $905 102598005 (888)800-5563 Dolley MadisonTowers rsa oes(6)8618 0571 125$,0 195$,6 Y $2,560 $1,995 $1,405 $1,205 102597012 (866)846-1685 Crystal Towers rsa qae(6)8617 0573 125$,9 195$3,285 $1,955 $1,295 $1,205 102597039 (866)846-1679 Crystal Square rsa lz 86 8-6312901$,2 141$,9 $2,555 $1,890 $1,471 $1,325 102597011 (866)786-1613 Crystal Plaza rsa lc 86 4-6912903$,9 $2,455 $1,495 102597043 (866)846-0619 Crystal Place rsa oss(6)3607 0571 100$,2 165$,2 Y $2,125 $1,695 $1,220 $1,040 102597010 (866)386-0277 Crystal Houses orln oes(8)7497 0580 145$,4 $3,995 $2,045 $1,475 102598004 (888) 764-9371 Courtland Towers onr lbTwr 86 0-4518006$,0 103$,3 Y $1,630 $1,093 $1,004 118403006 (866)803-0435 Country ClubTowers oubaCmos(6)3079 0632 90$,0 126$,0 Y $1,408 $1,206 $1,004 $900 102623020 (866)370-7198 Columbia Commons ooisO rigo 88 3-2512703$,1 120$,7 Y $1,375 $1,260 $1,015 102079003 (888)433-8265 Colonies OfArlington hsefedHue(6)3127 5290 85$5 125Y $1,205 $955 $855 151279005 (866)361-2877 Chesterfield House odotPr prmns(8)2431 0622 83$,4 128Y $1,248 $1,043 $883 102622025 (888)254-3812 Woodmont ParkApartments atnHueAatet 88 3-2013901$,1 127$,8 Y $1,686 $1,217 $1,013 103591001 (888)835-7210 Barton HouseApartments h eev tEsnoe 86 8-6911769$,5 175Y $1,785 $1,450 101872679 (866)880-4609 The ReserveatEisenhower altnPae(6)8838 0576 145$,5 $3,565 $2,150 $1,475 102597060 (866)848-3686 Ballston Place h otl fAeadi 88 0-4412706$8 95$,9 Y $1,099 $925 $784 102079016 (888)408-4454 The PortalsofAlexandria tnrdea akCne 88 1-4412201$,7 113$,0 175Y $1,715 $1,500 $1,163 $1,078 102621021 (888)214-8454 Stoneridge atMarkCenter T eiayTwr prmns(6)2043 0787 95$,9 135$,5 Y $1,759 $1,325 $1,095 $985 102798079 (866)260-4239 Seminary TowersApartments T eev tPtmcYr 86 3-7911777$,6 173Y $1,703 $1,268 101872737 (866)830-1739 Reserve atPotomacYard akCne prmns(6)6941 0090 127$,2 215Y $2,125 $1,525 $1,227 102079001 (866)629-4811 Park CenterApartments aka adakAatet 86 7-0812506$,3 140Y $1,420 $1,230 102650046 (866)370-6058 Park atLandmarkApartments otcloLe(6)6533 0660 93$,6 147Y $1,457 $1,262 $913 102656005 (866)665-3735 Monticello-Lee eiina all 88 1-5312408$,3 145$,3 Y $1,930 $1,475 $1,230 102644008 (888) 615-7503 Meridian atCarlyle ao al(6)3024 2920 85$,1 120Y $1,260 $1,015 $825 120982004 (866)330-2444 Mason Hall adakRdeAtHms(8)2829 0542 100$,9 Y $1,295 $1,000 102564029 (888)228-2299 Landmark RidgeAptHomes igpr 88 9-6611756$9 101Y $1,051 $996 101872546 (888)797-9696 Kingsport e oes(8)9573 0326 79$,1 134$,7 Y $1,574 $1,364 $1,017 $799 102392567 (888)905-7239 Key Towers utn on ntePtmc(6)7538 0613 89$4 140Y $1,400 $949 $869 102611032 (866)795-3780 Hunting PointonthePotomac apo or 86 4-7912510$8 104$,7 Y $1,275 $1,024 $880 102853160 (866)244-8769 Hampton Court lb os 88 2-9812201$0 94Y $904 $804 102625001 (888)326-7928 Glebe House owo lc 88 0-0312502$5 93$,8 Y $1,384 $983 $859 102656002 (888)804-7023 Foxwood Place ocaeO lxnra(8)2419 0321 89$,6 Y $1,464 $889 102392119 (888)284-1996 Foxchase OfAlexandria O wnyoe(6)5801 0017 90$,0 140Y $1,420 $1,100 $930 102001074 (866)578-0714 EOS twenty-one alrGres(6)2396 0603 95$,3 Y $1,130 $925 102650039 (866)243-9767 Caylor Gardens acd tLnmr 88 5-7111701$,5 134Y $1,374 $1,251 101872031 (888)257-9761 Cascade AtLandmark ayaeEs prmns(8)2144 1640 70$,5 128$1,389 $1,238 $1,059 $760 110604001 (888)271-4244 Carydale EastApartments all il(6)8505 0828 155$,0 250Y $2,540 $1,900 $1,505 101872688 (866)875-0556 Carlyle Mill vlna rigo qae(8)7091 0767 135$,5 205Y $2,035 $1,850 $1,395 102736071 (888)700-9217 Avalon atArlingtonSquare Y $1,405 $1,052 $899 102173318 (866)366-5114 Calvert rigo orhuePaa(6)8615 0570 155$2,060 $1,545 102597002 (866)846-1658 Arlington CourthousePlaza Y Y $1,045 $1,380 $910 $1,090 $980 102798148 115514007 (866)260-3965 (866)795-0519 Braddock LeeApartments The Mayfaire rigo orhuePae(6)8828 0574 150$,5 Y $2,155 $1,590 102597041 (866)878-2786 Arlington CourthousePlace Y Y $1,574 $1,104 $1,029 $729 115514047 Y $1,575 (866)212-4127 $1,360 $1,195 Barton’s CrossingAptHomes 102392382 (888)697-8098 102650048 Spyglass atCedarCove (866)596-8262 The WoodsOfMarlton rhtn oubaCosn 86 4-1711722$,1 165$,6 Y $1,965 $1,625 $1,315 101970262 (866)844-9197 Archstone ColumbiaCrossing Y $1,725 $1,325 Y $1,014 $1,041 Y $887 102736026 $1,710 $1,485 $1,375 (888)595-4960 102173038 Avalon atCameronCourt (888)304-0587 102001002 (888)595-3576 Greens AtHiltonRun Hunters Glen 21Wlo olvr 86 4-6012901$,0 $2,400 $1,600 102597061 Avalon atBallston-WashingtonTowers (866)846-1660 2201 WilsonBoulevard The MeridianatBraddockStation Y Y $2,050 $1,335 $1,319 $1,119 $1,200 $964 101970271 105362015 (866)845-2924 (866)807-2614 Archstone NewportVillage $1,535 $1,345 $1,200 Abberly Crest 107091001 (301)574-4745 Churchills ChoiceApartments Arlington COUNTY ARLINGTON - VIRGINIA Alexandria COUNTY ALEXANDRIA - VIRGINIA Park Lexington COUNTY MARY’S ST. MARYLAND - Marlboro Upper eClcotCmuiy(6)8750 5320 160$,0 Y $2,000 $1,600 152322001 (866)807-5806 he ColecroftCommunity eApn(6)6164 3550 85$7 110Y $1,150 $975 $875 136545001 (866)671-6145 he Aspen prmn aePoeWeb# Phone Apartment Name Data providedby 86 2-9312302$,2 175Y $1,725 $1,325 102736012 (866) 823-0993 88 3-0912407$,9 125$,7 Y $1,675 $1,285 $1,195 102644007 (888) 836-2069 prmnscmDirectory Apartments.com * Rentsindicate startingpricesonlyand are subjecttochangewithout notice.Callfordetails.

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Pets OK For more information log onto washingtonpost.com/apartments and enter the the enter and washingtonpost.com/apartments onto log information more For odLeAm 88 1-6712107$0 110$,5 Y $1,452 $1,190 $905 102611027 (888) 511-3667 Wood LeeArms ido tSilntnVlae(8)8515 0270 145$,8 Y $1,785 $1,485 102267009 (888)835-1854 Windsor atShirlingtonVillage idodPr 88 9-8312908$,2 145$2,085 $1,485 $1,125 102598008 (888)799-8803 Wildwood Park ae akTwr 88 6-0912905$,0 240$9,999 $2,420 $1,505 102597025 (888)865-7069 Water ParkTowers h elntn(8)2821 0749 109$,1 144$1,814 $1,444 $1,219 $1,029 102724297 (888)278-2313 The Wellington awc os 87 2-3612004$,8 140$,6 Y $2,065 $1,490 $1,280 102001064 (877)220-1306 Warwick House h aka rigo ig 86 4-1012708$,9 145Y $1,495 $1,295 102079018 (866)243-3100 The ParkatArlingtonRidge ido tAbr 88 3-4112601$,5 150Y $1,500 $1,150 102267001 (888)835-0441 Windsor atArbors ilwRnA akCne 88 5-4912205$,7 130$,4 Y $1,645 $1,340 $1,170 102621025 (888)459-5489 Willow RunAtMarkCenter ahntnSie 86 1-4719901$,0 200$,5 Y $3,750 $2,000 $1,800 149690001 (866)515-0447 Washington Suites ahntnSur ps(6)2124 5290 85$8 145Y $1,415 $985 $895 151279008 (866)271-2840 Washington SquareApts ignaVlae(6)8266 0789 99$,0 154Y $1,564 $1,209 $989 102798092 (866)882-6268 Virginia Village oe 00(8)6550 0670 92$,1 147Y $1,487 $1,312 $992 102627008 (888)615-5906 Tower 2000 h oesA onnsd 88 8-4912209$,0 130$,8 Y $1,585 $1,320 $1,209 102627009 (888)882-3459 The TowersAtMorningside h ilso lxnra(6)3074 0630 79$4 99$,1 Y $1,311 $999 $845 $729 102623004 (866)370-7049 The FieldsofAlexandria h ilsa adak(6)3071 0633 80$7 100$,9 Y $1,392 $1,050 $875 $800 102623031 (866)370-7114 The FieldsatLandmark h lsa igtwe(8)8231 0660 139$,2 Y $1,425 $1,309 102626003 (888)882-3418 The ElmsatKingstowne h orso on enn(8)4478 0612 97$,8 145Y $1,435 $1,085 $947 102611026 (888)424-7589 The CourtsofMountVernon otenTwr 88 6-4412606$2 90$,5 150Y $1,520 $1,255 $950 $725 102662006 (888)568-8484 Southern Towers ot ot(8)2349 0611 105$,2 165Y $1,645 $1,329 $1,085 102611015 (888)283-4691 South Port armnoSur 88 4-6012401$7 115Y $1,175 $975 102644011 (888)343-0610 Sacramento Square oeHl fAeadi 88 2-0512703$,3 115$,5 Y $1,550 $1,125 $1,030 102574003 (888)820-9045 Rose HillofAlexandria iesd ak(8)8583 0321 79$6 139Y $1,399 $969 $779 102392013 (888)835-8337 Riverside Park akPaea a on(8)6847 0808 130$,1 215Y $2,185 $1,713 $1,350 101800086 (888)668-4779 Park PlaceatVanDorn ren ilg 86 6-1812908$,1 119$,1 Y $1,615 $1,189 $1,015 102798078 (866)260-4148 Orleans Village on ennSur 88 6-4612911$1 109$,8 Y $1,389 $1,019 $919 102798171 (888)268-3496 Mount VernonSquare onnsd prmns(8)8635 0670 100$,6 150Y $1,560 $1,360 $1,030 102627002 (888)806-3757 Morningside Apartments ilro tMr etr(6)6325 0601 125$,8 190Y $1,980 $1,680 $1,275 102640016 (866)683-2357 Millbrook AtMarkCenter edwWos(8)8884 0660 79$3 99Y $999 $839 $739 102656001 (888)808-8042 Meadow Woods edwCekA akCne 88 0-1112206$6 120$,9 Y $1,490 $1,200 $960 102621026 (888)302-0171 Meadow CreekAtMarkCenter ybokA akCne 88 9-5312203$4 110$,5 Y $1,450 $1,170 $940 102621023 (888)397-4543 Lynbrook AtMarkCenter acmn ilg prmns(0)8010 5650 75$7 95$1,075 $975 $875 $725 155625001 (703) 820-1700 Larchmont VillageApartments aaet prmns(6)2979 4210 91$,8 $1,279 $1,084 $901 141261001 (866)289-7592 Lafayette Apartments ig adn prmns(8)6933 0542 90$,6 $1,330 $1,065 $920 102564027 (888)659-3436 Kings GardensApartments efro tVnDr 88 4-2712806$,7 140Y $1,450 $1,075 102085046 (888)542-6247 Jefferson AtVanDorn h eo lb(8)6001 0050 119$,8 169Y $1,679 $1,389 $1,149 102035002 (888)660-0812 The LenoxClub utntnGtwyAt 88 0-5212008$,0 110$,0 Y $1,500 $1,100 $1,105 102504008 (888)801-8542 Huntington GatewayApts h alr tVrii qae(6)8615 0578 165$,2 Y $2,425 $1,675 102597088 (866)846-1659 The GalleryatVirginiaSquare ilodA akCne 88 8-5612202$4 120$,8 Y $1,485 $1,240 $940 102621022 (888)288-1566 Hillwood AtMarkCenter Y $2,110 $1,700 $1,380 102597085 (866)878-2863 The GalleryatRosslyn dadi 88 1-8712906$,9 145$1,795 $1,445 $1,195 102598006 (888)816-2887 Edlandria Y $2,405 $2,100 $1,350 $1,330 102597042 (866)845-5873 The Buchanan hryAm prmn oe 88 6-6412608$5 109$,9 Y $1,299 $1,039 $859 102564018 (888)569-2634 Cherry ArmsApartmentHomes Y $2,100 $1,320 $1,100 102597004 (866)876-2829 The Bennington rodl tMr etr(8)4787 0612 80$3 110Y $1,150 $930 $870 102621020 (888)447-8172 Brookdale AtMarkCenter hrigo os 88 2-6712607$3 110$,8 Y $1,385 $1,100 $930 102662007 (888)923-8677 Shirlington House rnMrAatet 88 5-7012701$,0 115$,7 Y $1,375 $1,165 $1,000 102574001 (888)251-1740 Bren MarApartments Y $1,682 $1,535 $1,281 101872033 (888)570-4264 Sheffield Court oda tTiiyCnr 88 7-7411015$,7 139Y $1,359 $1,079 101005165 (888)775-9764 Woodway AtTrinityCentre el ae oes(8)5048 0611 89$6 116$,0 Y $1,400 $1,186 $960 $829 102611018 (888)550-4785 Belle HavenTowers Y $1,890 $1,602 102079011 (866)356-5888 Rosslyn Heights etil ilg 86 1-5211770$,2 140$,3 Y $1,630 $1,420 $1,120 101872760 (866) 314-7572 Westfield Village ecnHl 88 2-9713602$8 99$,1 140Y $1,450 $1,115 $909 $785 103667002 (888)526-5987 Beacon Hill Y $2,589 $1,923 $1,328 $1,062 101966002 (888)745-0838 River House h lsa eteil 88 3-5912202$,7 125Y $1,275 $1,170 102626002 (888)337-6529 The ElmsatCentreville rhtn usxCmos(6)5876 0905 155$,9 Y $1,495 $1,535 101970251 (866)518-7666 Archstone SussexCommons $2,100 $1,505 $1,395 102598010 (888)809-0046 Richmond Square otCres(8)6398 0620 110$,8 185Y $1,855 $1,485 $1,110 102692009 (888)633-9185 Post Corners rhtn igtwe(8)5068 0904 120$,8 180Y $1,800 $1,485 $1,290 101970145 (888)550-6085 Archstone Kingstowne $2,475 $1,750 $1,365 $1,225 102598007 (888)782-7687 Randolph Towers aio ig prmns(8)8939 0514 100$,3 Y $1,230 $1,030 Y $1,546 $1,295 $1,045 $975 101541042 (888)829-3190 102564042 (888) 715-4709 Madison RidgeApartments The Parliaments bot u prmn oe 87 3-2719502$5 125Y $1,255 $950 129152002 (877)838-7257 Abbotts RunApartmentHomes $1,285 $1,100 $880 141261005 (866)690-0300 Quebec Apartments aeieAatet 88 4-2512007$,9 145Y $1,405 $1,090 Y $1,345 $1,155 $945 102001067 (888)644-6225 102621019 Lakeside Apartments (888)833-9205 Fairmont Gardens 01Pr etr(6)3249 1790 100$,5 Y $1,450 $1,000 116749004 (866)342-4695 3001 ParkCenter Van MetreatFortGeorgetownApts The ReserveatClarendonCentre Y The MetropolitanatPentagonRow The MetropolitanatPentagonCity $2,275 $1,750 $1,525 102692090 (888)320-4581 Post PentagonRow etTe 87 8-5312807$,9 120$,5 Y $1,555 $1,270 $1,095 Y $1,799 102085057 $1,419 $1,099 (877)283-8523 Y $1,630 $1,265 $1,030 102392062 (866)561-9919 Bent Tree 101970276 Burke ShireCommons (866)845-2927 Archstone PatriotVillage Alexandria COUNTY FAIRFAX - VIRGINIA Centreville Burke Annandale prmn aePoeWeb# Phone Apartment Name rprysWB# WEB property’s 86 1-6711766$,1 157$,7 350Y $3,590 $2,071 $1,587 $1,412 101872696 (866) 718-6687 86 0-4112207$,4 200$,3 585Y $5,835 $2,530 $2,020 $1,440 102623027 (866) 605-5481 86 1-4812602$,9 130$,3 Y $1,735 $1,350 $1,095 102661002 (866) 715-1498 86 7-0212209$,2 175$,1 Y $2,710 $1,705 $1,425 102623039 (866) 370-8022

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I want a high-rise and a really E16 EXPRESS/APARTMENTS.COM/5.31.2006 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION yosVe 88 3-0712501$9 95$,5 $1,375 $1,050 $925 $799 102658001 (888)534-9077 Tysons View V T T T umtFi ae 86 1-3113119$,1 145$,5 Y $1,755 $1,465 $1,210 103017199 (866)718-0361 Summit FairLakes T eet ak(8)3749 0011 135$,5 190Y $1,980 $1,650 $1,335 102001010 (888)347-4292 Regents Park otFrs 88 3-1912900$,0 130Y $1,350 $1,100 102692010 (888)835-2109 Post Forest a er odadPr 84 3-3112607$,2 155$,0 Y $1,705 $1,525 $1,225 102661007 (864)331-4371 Van MetreWoodlandPark Y $1,501 $1,259 $1,088 $860 102622019 (888)245-6779 Pinewood Plaza a er ulsCut(8)2217 0610 105$,7 145Y $1,425 $1,175 $1,015 102661006 (888)212-1175 Van MetreDullesCourt Y $1,560 $1,300 $1,070 151279009 (888)655-1289 Margate Manor h ilg tMNi am 86 8-9615106$,8 145Y $1,445 $1,180 115514046 (866)288-3996 The VillageatMcNairFarms Y $1,485 $1,140 101005217 (866)836-9300 Lincoln atFairOaks h onsa eno etr(6)8186 0053 165$,2 Y $1,925 $1,615 101005237 (866)851-8265 The TownesatHerndonCenter Y $1,510 $1,210 $1,045 102574002 (866)753-3532 Gainsborough Court itrhr(8)7769 5291 100$,9 140Y $1,470 $1,195 $1,020 151279011 (888)757-6898 Winterthur Y $1,570 $1,315 $1,150 102623038 (866)395-8092 Y The MetropolitanofFairfax $1,302 $975 $910 102623016 (866) 375-2263 The FieldsofFallsChurch Y $1,349 $1,078 115023023 (703)352-8353 Fair OaksatPenderCreek aesd 88 2-6311768$,0 125$,8 Y $1,680 $1,235 $1,100 101872608 (888)228-7623 Waterside Y $1,192 $1,011 102623011 (866)370-7080 Y The FieldsofHerndon $1,110 $885 102623003 (866)378-3448 The FieldsatWestover Y $1,475 $1,295 $990 102019056 (866)718-0333 Circle TowersApartments h yaoe 86 6-2112910$,2 139$,0 Y $1,608 $1,369 $1,229 102798130 (866)260-4291 The Sycamores Y $1,240 $1,100 102574004 (888)334-0618 Y $1,084 Stuart Woods 102623014 (866)370-8161 The FieldsatMerrifield Y $1,187 $1,038 102623029 (866)370-7068 Chantilly Crossing h pig tRso 88 9-3712205$,7 135Y $1,385 $1,170 102627005 (888)492-6307 The SpringsAtReston Y $1,450 $1,145 $885 101920373 (866)863-8520 Parkridge Gardens $1,780 $1,466 $1,126 $967 101872815 (866)370-8986 Skyline Towers $1,550 $1,325 $1,155 102598001 (866)853-2081 Cavalier Court h prmnsa ot on 86 9-5012003$1 110$,5 Y $1,250 $1,100 $911 102001053 (866)893-1500 The ApartmentsatNorthPoint Y $1,640 $1,405 $1,240 Y 115514044 (866)311-2439 Lionsgate ApartmentHomes $1,700 $1,400 100029030 (866)640-9034 Renaissance 2230 Y $2,095 $1,670 $1,325 $1,310 103017174 (866)493-7548 Camden FairfaxCorner t onsWo 88 3-4512005$,4 155$,5 Y $1,755 $1,535 $1,340 102001015 (888) 835-6405 St. John’sWood Y $1,593 $1,372 $1,228 102660001 (866)343-5666 Y Dulles Greene $1,780 $1,398 $1,129 $909 118403005 (866)708-5798 Munson HillTowers Y $1,915 $1,435 $1,250 102736178 (866)500-1136 Avalon AtProvidencePark a er aaoaSur 86 6-6612604$,6 149Y $1,489 $1,365 Y $1,345 102661004 $1,210 $1,040 (866) 361-5696 Van MetreSaratogaSquare 102623025 (888)211-7108 Reston Glen Y $1,203 $1,053 102611034 (866)249-6250 $1,293 Dulles Center $899 $749 102650042 (866)369-8599 Grandview Apartments Y $1,325 $1,130 102736023 (866)617-8416 Avalon atAutumnWoods pigil qae(8)5224 0670 105$,6 140Y $1,480 $1,260 $1,035 Y 102627004 (888) 572-2343 $1,565 $1,225 Springfield Square 102001014 Y (888)835-2530 $1,745 $1,320 $1,125 Harbor Park 102079010 (866)611-3769 The CommonsOfMcLean Y $1,740 $1,420 $1,205 101005173 (888)690-3568 Y $1,850 $1,475 $1,225 Ashford Meadows 102504010 (888)881-2236 Fairfax Towers Y $2,080 $1,705 $1,245 101970326 (866)845-2880 Archstone MonumentPark pigil rsig(6)3065 0632 109$,8 Y $1,187 $1,059 102623026 (866)370-6956 Y $1,480 Y $1,280 $1,150 Springfield Crossing $1,785 $1,395 102621018 (888)485-9776 102692101 (866)341-3999 Fairway Apartments Post TysonsCorner Y $1,700 $1,290 $1,165 101970269 (866)845-3007 Archstone Worldgate Y $1,770 $1,415 $1,025 $955 102564017 (888)726-6617 Cavalier ClubAptHomes Y $1,885 $1,450 $1,200 101970295 (866)845-2627 Archstone Fairfax etnCosn 86 7-0912203$,3 124Y $1,234 $1,030 Y 102623023 (866) 370-8019 $1,250 $1,200 Y Kenton Crossing Y 101970263 $1,758 $1,900 $1,410 $1,515 $1,164 (888)702-3791 102736007 101872652 (888) 757-3481 (866)571-4877 Charter Oak Avalon Crescent Woodside Y $1,785 $1,545 $1,205 101970144 Y $1,445 (866)287-7086 $1,162 $956 Archstone WoodlandPark 102622033 (888)326-1382 Barcroft View Y $1,515 $1,210 101970142 (866)845-2445 Archstone FairLakes rhtn pigil tto 86 0-6611720$,1 170$,2 Y $1,925 $1,720 $1,210 101970270 (866)307-6636 Y Y Archstone SpringfieldStation $1,915 $1,550 $1,825 $1,275 $1,290 Y $2,620 $1,818 $1,399 $1,216 101970273 118403007 (866)845-2931 102623022 (877)653-0213 Archstone RestonLanding (866)370-8260 Ashby atMcLean Y Sanger Place $1,665 $1,380 $1,270 101970373 (866)366-1504 Y $1,357 $1,134 Archstone Dulles $937 $902 Tysons Glen&DevonshireSquare 102622031 (888)254-3815 Barcroft Plaza Y $1,390 $1,240 101970143 (866)844-9238 Archstone Ellipse Springfield Reston McLean Lorton Herndon Church Falls Fairfax eWnsra arLks(8)6343 0826 130$,4 160Y $1,650 $1,542 $1,350 101872761 (888)663-4230 he WindsoratFairLakes eRsrea ara onr(7)4016 0820 134$,1 Y $2,015 $1,384 101872506 (877)470-1767 he ReserveatFairfaxCorner eHriaeAatet 86 1-9011028$,8 137$,1 Y $1,714 $1,387 $1,080 101005228 (866)318-8900 he HermitageApartments eEm tOko 88 8-4512201$,7 130Y $1,350 $1,270 102626001 (888)283-9455 he ElmsatOakton nMteFifxSur 86 2-0712601$,6 129$,9 Y $1,595 $1,299 $1,060 102661001 (866)329-0087 an MetreFairfaxSquare prmn aePoeWeb# Phone Apartment Name Data providedby 88 0-2312705$,6 130$,7 Y $1,575 $1,380 $1,165 102574005 (888) 301-3213 prmnscmDirectory Apartments.com * Rentsindicate startingpricesonlyand are subjecttochangewithout notice.Callfordetails.

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1 Bdrm

2 Bdrm

3 Bdrm

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